HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport of Public Examiner on the Financial Affairs of the Village of Brooklyn Center-1945 F�raed.ned b�: C. T� Tndahl �EPl3RT t��' PUR�IC �MI1�RR �rn �thha BT�AN+GIAL AFFAIRS of '�ZLIA6rT 0�' �KLY�i C1�NT�R H��p3n Courtty �'ear Snded Iaa�oe�aab+er 31y 194�5 �amin�t3on m�ds Juns 18�, 19�ib l�ur�u�mt to rsq��et af Qillags Courit�il s� pr�rvid�d 9'or in Id�.�ea�c,ta Stat�ute�e 19�1 3+�ct#on 215.2U M ��I�� Ptib11C Hcat�iAer� 3aint Psul Yinneaota Y�,11.age ot Hroaklyn Centsr 3"ab�.er ot Cxont�n�„ ?�5+�:'�� �l8�4 �a�►�,�s �m�l Ft�a�r�,�,.��. 1-r► 5 C+��►t�ned 8�,�±e.g,�h'� �hibd� A 6 3 r^� cf Tta�ei��,,,�d UI.�r'�r�e�ne�, �chi:blt H 7 Uz�coll�ted �chibit C 8 �tir�t�.� Sch�d�� S�atemeant c�t �te�red 3pe�cia�1 As�ea�ment.� SabsduZe 1 9' �te"linq��t Sperc3.� A��e�an�nta� �ch�dule 1� �ccoun#a�r P�ya1,�.e :��h�c�a lm 3 11 Cle�s�i�'icat�.on crf ;�e�.p►t�t Scah�duls d� 1�-13 dl�ar�3.fit��t�nn of T�isb�+ea�ent� Scahedule 5 ].4+-16 �"S�� Im�pc�s�d �ard' R�itted Ct�arr�.e� T. C��noe� Ju�ticea of the P+M�c�r Stsh�rc#i7.e 6 2? 1�eoe�9.pt� a►rad R�mi.tt��s �i3.ldi.n� Ir�pe�tv� �3.11s�' Fum�rlc� �Chedule 7 ].�3 8�ldi�ng Inarp�stor R. ��r schedul�r 19 ��rabl+� Fal.aai�.o��, Ta�c L�►�,ee�, a�nd �at�s S�h�dt�l.e 51 Bal�� �ar�d Dep�s�to�r Ir��ur�na�e Schec�l.e 10 21 q�`fi�� ai. B�md� 3ah�d�.s 3l 22 �nauranc• �e�hechils �2 23 gillage of }�ooklyn Center Co�nen� d Recoffanendations Thi� report on the exami.natian of th� financi�l. affaire of th� V311age of �ooklyn Cer�ter� Hannepin County, made pursuant to requeat oP the Village Council aa provided for i.n Minnesota Statutea 1941� Section 215.20� covera the y�ar eaded December 31 1945. F"3.nanci Canditi.o,�, Th� finen�fal. condition ot the Villsge on December 31� 1945 ia presented in the Combined Bal.ance 3heet� �xhibit A. 4en�ra �nd Sp�ai.a�,,.N�°ti'...�enug, Funds T'he General and Special Rese�ue Funds are maintained for governmental activities. "1'he available aurplua in the Ge�eral.� Street and Bridge� and Poor P'unds on D�cember 31, 1945 consieta oi' current asset�o Ierie ].i.abilitiea� s swamazy o�' which taken fmm ESchibit A i� �s �ollo�v� s Street and G er Bri. dg Poor Current Asaets e Treasur�r�a caah balance 228.98 597.18 1,322.72 Accounts r�ceivable 2.00 Noqemiaer 1945 ta�c s�ttlermant aue �rom coun�� i,2so.�9 �.9.oa 419.26 Deposit �rith suburban He�u�ep9.a County r�elief Baard 75• 00 Total Current Aaaete 1,58b.47 221.84 1,741.98 LesB Liabil.i ties s Accaunt� payable 227'� 127. 7�f0 Av�i.lable �urpltut 9� 1� �:.�1 i The amownt of delinc3uer►t te�xea receivabl• from the lervies of 1944 and prior yeara amounting t� �786.57 wg� furn3shed Uy the Cotmty Auditor and is not included i.n the Poro- go3.tig s�atement� but i� consi.dered ae un�vailable surplus as� shrnm by the ComMned Balance Sheet� Exhibit A. Village of &rooklyn Gcnter FinanciaL Gondition (Continued) Sp,ecial �ase�sm�nt Fu�d The �'inancia]. condition of the Special Assesament Fund on December 31� 1945 as pre�ented in the fallcrMing ata�e�ent i� taken fmm thm Combined Balance 3heet� E�Chi.bdt Aj Asaets s Trea.surer�e caah balanc. 3,340 A.aseasment� receivable Current 6Q.55 D�ferred 49.33 �elinquent 14g.85 Nav�anber 1945 t�uc aett,lement due from County �,`otsl A�seta �..�6im'd.� Surplu�t Availabl.e 3,719.� Unav�3.].abls 2 8. �t�. gp,era�tiona A state�emt ot �enditures from a11 funds during the y�ear ended Decem.ber 31� 1945, classified by functione� 3s ahown �s Sahedule 5 gnd is a�nemarised aa follouas Year Ex�d�d Dec�� x�1 Increase l�t �t Decrease Current k�qiene��: E�enera7. govertzment 2, 596.11 2�741.80 245.bb Public saPety 2,357 1�685.36 fti1.90 FIighways 2,114.12 2, 673.9'1 55��.85 Sanitation and w�sts removal 5g'7.75 587.75 Chariti� 755.3g F�7o. br7 84.71 oth�r 6�.� 60 Total Current Expenae 7,887.75 8,419.75 :32.0� Special A�aessme�t Improvements 378.25 37�i.25 Capi tal Outl.ay 56�. 00 30, 00 5�, 00 Tot.al E'�cpencl�tures ��i ��d,� Ren�nuea placed in all t'unds �ere from the follawing sources� and are aunm►arized from Scheaule 4, as folloxss Ye�ar Ended Deaemb x 13„_ Inareass 191�,5 1�! Dec rea9 e R�renues General. t.ax� 599.0�4 7� 633.86 965.1g Special as$easments 1,705.14 2�013.12 3�7.9� I�.c+�n�e� arid penaits g95.17 355.75 539.42 Village of Brooklyn Center Q�erationa� �Continued� Year F�ded Dec F�1 Tncrea�e 194,� ��l�, Decreass ��renueaa (Contirnied) �lnes ,e�nd �'orfeita 403.()0 194.10 2Q8.90 4t,h�r gc�v�rnm�rntal agenc3.es 88.92 4�•81 44.11 Sex�rj.ce charges for current serv— iceffi 105.00 36.50 68.50 otn�r �6.5q 56.50 2bta1 Re�renn�e 1Q�2?8.14 l T_,,,axa,,,�.• Valuatioaa,� Ta�c Le�vies, �nd Ra�t�a Taxalxle vr�].ue►tiona� tax lavies� �nd ratea as reported by the County Auditor fpr �Ch� year� 1945 �nd 1.9/�lo are presemted a� Sehedule 9. The taaea epread on the taa list� by the Covnty Auditor for the qears esided Dece�ber 31� 1945 �nd 1944 were aa follo�sa Ye�i��ded D�ce;��x '�1 i.,�i Reve�n� 4� 025. 52 4� 009.12 Road �nd �3ridge 3, 01.9.14 3, 030.15 Poor 5 1, 538.38 �otal� ��l� g 7�� Sui�.din� BU,�ctor 'Etti3di.ng pex�.te w�re iffisued and f�� collected by the Build3.ng Ine�ector during the year �nded December 31� 1945 a� aho�m in Schedules 7�nd 8. Feea collected aAd ram�ttancee to the �ill�gs Tresaurer for the years ended D��mber 31, 19�+5 a�nd ].9�4 and caa�peria�on fo3].o� s :Yesr F yled Dece� �r Inctrease 191� l�l� I�ec re,� Balance Jmnuarg� 1 ].5.50 3.50 12.OQ F��� for perr�.ta i��ued '�0l�00 2 00 172� �a�a7. 319.50 135.50 g 1�t�.00 Re�ndtted to Vi1,l,ags Treasurer 317.50 120� 1. 0 B�.lanc• ��c�am.ber 31. .�.Q� �15�h'g A],l fe� collecteci for the Vi11ag� �hould be remitted to the Village Treaaurer P�mF�-Y• V311�ge Of Brociclyu Gent92� &�n�i, 4Sf'3.�ais�. 'tx�z�ds c�n fil+s �rar� Inxk�i.tted to� �natioa atid 3t was �c►t.sd 'h�at� t�ey �o�atrsir� as aacpiration +�at�r iu ],.3.�n aP rmw3r�g �'crr the �te�a ot o�fies. �`h�r �'r�a�uareer#� 'bcnd �ars r�at tou�� on �,3.a� and nat �ut�3.tt►ed fior ea�a�rinat�.on. I� e�hdul.d be l+�a�ted ancl px�ap+�rlg �'3.1�d w3th t�hf �'�.11ag� �I.e�c. �k �a�,;:�,�,.�.,.l�t�d ,�s a�" J�n+� 18� 19d�b t�hs b�I.�czs a� ci�po�l.� at ths Ca�d�n Fark �tat,t �k aa4d t,�e� ��uri grcwided �err� as tQ'�.].a+�r� t +�ea�ars�l checakiag ucaom�� 6,9fi6.71 �t���� F+�r� D�w��.t� Ian�a,rara.cs Corpar�t�,e�n 5. t�' �1s�a�r '��ure� ia re��ana�de�d t�h�� t�he '��.11ags tawads i.n t�s d�rsit�tr3r a��ura�.d bt 11�71� gr�r�zt�c3 b�r :9.��ty �ar��r' bom+�,, rar b,� da�praaitory eallateerel as aut�horl.:ed by �.n�:�a��ta �t.�1�t�,� ���i.e�► 118.E1�. Sept+�nb�r 18 194b Pub1�.a �aer. 3 �c�� c�� s�onz� pr��is�t3.v� Ye�r F�tdmd Doa�am,ber 31 1'9�43 �"e�r�t E�Cpix►Mi "�'3.�.�r� �+aun�3�.t �i. Z�unu� Pra��.d�a� 194b A�91, �iag� 't�ws t� 194? �'3].+r+� �+�r�a� Tra�� 194b �c►� 7�c��rca�t 'tr+�s�wr 1'9�"3� Psv�. H. �es� t�3.er�c 1947 �g,eu�r� �e�' 19�r7 �3.Se �'ilsn+� ��+�►s�o:� 19�r7 �a�l.terr P��t+er �e�es��r� 1947 C&ar1+�r T'. �+�ark�r �'nsfi�.c+r +�f tb� Fraae 194? E. t�a�sks �urt�ia�r c�� th+r Psuas 19�6 R��+ar�,1, Qi].berfiaeQ�a lt�rshs'�. 19fib �ber� +Ca�l�daa� +Gaa�ta�hts 194b �:+r�r�n�d. J��rr�.1 1"t., 194� Appr�Sn�ed ltr� C�uncil Apr�. 11� 1'9��► VILLAGE c}F �ORLYN CIIdTER E� E�I T A Combi.ned Halans* Shest December 31, 1945 F�nd� aeneral 3treet and Special Fixed Tc�ta7. aea�era�. 8rid�s Poor Ass�smeat Aseeta Aasats Treaeurer�a ca�h t�al.az�ce �ghit�it B 4,294.53 2�.98 5�'l.l.� 1,322.72 3,34o. Account,s Re�cei.vabls Scheci�al.e 2.00 2.0� T�ces xece3.vable ma�ibd.t c 786.57 455.ob 2�15.59 �a.5.9a Asaeasment,e� Receiv�kala: �urrent Schec�le 1 b0.55 �.55 Deferred Schedule 1 49.33 49.33 �elinquent Schec�ul� 2 14�.85 14g.g5 Ihie fro�a Hennepin Covnty Hovember 1945, tax aettl�ea�t 2� 898. Cai�. l, 284.49 819.02 419. 26 379.8? Suburt�an Ha�nepin County RelieY Board Guarantee depo8it 75.00 75.� Fixed Aasets: I,and 300.00 300.Ot) 3ua.ldir�g 900.00 900.00 �5,L�A 3. 205.04 �t.a1. aa:ets iz o z o' �..v..r�3� 40 Liabilit3.� and Suxvlus Aacounta papable Sehedula 3 362.09 227.k0 127.69 7.00 Surpluss Availa�b].e 6, 908.08 1, 3 59. 0►1 94.15 1, 734.98 3, 719. 88 tTnavailahle 1,045.30 455.06 215.59 115.92 25g.73 Imrested in fixed asset� 4,,.405.00 4.405.00 Total Liat�d.litd.es aad Surplua 12 20. Ol �857�90 �..��8.� l�Od�.�.Q I VII�I'.�AGF OF °RO�KLYN C'ii;NT�R F,XHI RI T B Swamar_r,ot Receipte and D�abur��e�nts Y�ar �d�d Deoe�aber 31� 1945 C1erk� s i�nd Clerk�s Trea�urer�a Balanae Diaburse- Balance January 1� R�ceipte �aente December 31� F�uids 1945 Schedule 4 Total Schedule 5 1945 ���r� 453.17 5,700.1,A 5, 2G.7.23 5, 01�.25 226.98 S treet and Bri dge 503.76 2� 983.70 2� (rl9.94 2� b77.12 5�'.16 Poor �1t,.. 5'1 1, 463.53 2, 078.10 755.38 1, 3 z2.7z Special Assessmettt 1,�6� 87 1.705.14 3„�40.01 3�340.U1 Totals �R 1�''� 1�2.71i�28� g! r0 7 Total tc� F.�h3t�3.t A 29 i 'VILLAf�� C3F ��30�YI� C�Afi'1� �CHI T C ��ted Ta'�. ��ao.ber 3'1� 19�45 Stwrva� ar�d I �r'w�i` �+rr�Si1�T� iiiYt �!'�����.�..�it 29� 1'��S 453.9� �12.1� 1b�.35 81.1�3. 19b� 19�,. 98. �9. �b4 3�4. �'S �.4. t'� 1�►� ��.4� 41.45 �.49 2t1.4�8 19�, x9� 4?. b7.5� �.9t�� pr�.o� �.9�. �.Q.�. �t�. `�ota'�, t���.�.MSt�Bd T�Lt�1F ��i� �w....�i�i�f�i �r�..�i�iii �.....��iii g S t� �.$��s, ��J�l�'� �ar�d ���,�,�e �t �c��► 3�., 2�� �'b� t�t'ar�w� �l�.�te� �rr�3.�:� �ef+�x�d ';�rav �aic�.��� �nt��� '�a '��11 t�C+�at 1 �3�'�►' �r�d �t' �ia► �3ea�b�� t�.�.i.r� �e�� ���t„ 53rd �v�+� i �b.6�► �4 �r�3. �a 6B 1�3.� 1.5� c�i3�azg �'re��� ��►�a�r�- ��rd SS�. A��� 3'�.'� 2.�Q �.►.3� �.t.ng �.d� A�+e�,ti, �3"�sd t� ��th ���uae� 1 5�.� 5.6� �.6� 6�. b� 3C�85 5. I t�'i�� 5�r� �e�e 1 ��da9.����H��,crld� Avenu� 1� �+�1.09 �.59 �3.� �..9� 1'�.?� II #�...M�� �3� c �.n�.� P.[7.�L�4E t��' �?E7KZYI� C�NT� 3chedule ��uent ��+���1 A�t�eatar� ".l"1lSi"' �Rt�lt� ��S@b�F �.��ih� �l�,f.IIC�11�'II'� �8t'�1.�1"�f' �.��t�' g� C'i+�x'��.�lll�. �Z1 f ,�i.��,�,� �►'tar�. 1�,392.16 �l�.ee��t3.o� b�r C�auxa�` ��inqixea� 7I3ac�►r 31,� 19+�� 1�• Q5 Gertif�.�d. ia 194.5 �,t,�.�' Tcrt.�. Cu�rre�,t �nd I�e�.9.n�e�� �p+�aia1 A�rs��m+�n�lt VII,t�4�E �F �?Ct�CU'Y� �IIJTE� �hsd�.,i� a�4ltlA'w�"Ee Dec�bex► 32, 194� Aanaux�►� Q+�e�'�, G�+t3�1 �f12'8�1f!• �iO� lldille�-T3avia �o. 26.75 R. �urp�r 9.7� Cc►11�tQr oi" Inter�►a�l �v+�us 12.�0 Rc�ber'� +�a�il.�nde� S.,3d Rc�bert �ahlande� 87.5� R��+�'[,�, Q�.lber�o� �►L$ '��e�l t�eral ltind tr�t �ua z�i.���.� �'vr�he�n �ta�teat Pt�er �c+. 1.0E� ch�ram �lcwod �o. 5.75 Br�kl� �e�f� Harc�r� C+�. 13.74 �Z11Y�.� �..�tr',� C13.ffo�d �i� �db�r� R�aber� �a�].+�d�r �s�'. ��t �a H�rnnne�p3�x� Covpa,ty�, �aa�rd a� Paor b.� °uturbe� �s�na,�im Reli.et Bc�ard �4� �'+a�al Pao� �tu�d '�,s� `�►t1�,1 �tst�wptt�ll �?ag1►b21� a_ VILLAGE OF B�(3QKLYN C�TTER Sahedule 4 Cl�a�,fia�ti.on of Receipts Years Ended Dacember 31� 1945 end 1944 and Cor�parieon Year Ended Decemb�r 31 Increaae 1545 1941a Dec reas e (�ean�, aral F�and Taxes s Real snd p�rsonsl property 4�237.00 3�946.72 290.28 ?dortgag• regietry tax 108.49 109.16 .67 Maneq and credite 4.7'7 4.77 Tnterest �d penaltie� 1�..74 50.29 5.55 Totat Taue� 4,390.23 /ti„110.94 279.2� Licena�� and Pez�mj.ta: Noninto�.eating m�l.t lic�or or�-aale 50.00 5�.00 OYf-ssle 16.67 15.00 1.67 Qar�age 1.00 1.00 c�.garette 16a. oo s3. o0 79. o0 Ib 346. �0 86.75 259. 25 Building perndte 317.50 120.00 197.50 ]�a.nc e 2 04 2. 00 Tota]. Liaenses and Pexa�i.t,� 895.1? ,�55.75 539.42 Fines and Forfeits: Ju�tice of the Peaas E. d. aatzke 94. 0� �4. C+0 Charle�a T. ae�nosky 403.00 100.10 302.90 Tot�l F3.nes and Forfeitae 40,�.00 194.10 208.90 S�rrvi.ce Charges for Current 3�rvices: E1ec t3.Qn filing Peee g.04 12. 00 3 4. a0 Sa1,� of Vi11ag� msp 1.00 1.Q0 ��otal 5�rviae Char�ea for Current 5ervices 9.00 12.00 3.0� Others Refund on permit 3 3.40 3.00 To tal Qer�era'1 F�uid Q a l b'' �Q�'�b Street a�d Hrl.d�e Y�n, d Taxes: fteal s�d pert�onal property 2, g34.20 2. 259.36 574. B4 Service Charges Yor Current Servloest Snrn► r�moval 87.00 13.00 74.00 arading 6.00 4.00 2.00 Moving b�zilding 3.Q0 7.50 4.50 Total Servi.c� Charges for Currer�t 5ez�riCes 96, OQ 24. 50 71.50 u_ �c VILLA(�E OF BADQKI.YN CIId'I'�� Schedul,p�! Receints (Continued) Year��ded Deaember 7alcreaae 1 19t�,�/ ��ecr�ase Street and �idge Fun„� (Continued} Ot�hers Refund of inaur�nee premivm 3.50 3.50 Sa1� of old snowplaA 50•00 50.OQ TotalO�her 53.50 53 Total Street and Bridge Fumd 2 8� 28 S ��,6�9� Poor �nd T�uces: �tea1 and personal property 1�374•b1 1�263.56 111.05 3tate reli�f si.d 88�,� 44. gl 41�.1�,. Tot�]. POar I�und �..��3 5,,,�, ecia?�, Aasessment Func� Speefa�l As�eeaementss Col3ected by Vi11ag� 180.70 140.62 40.08 Collected by Gounty 1�24.44 1�2� 348.06 Tatal Sp�cial Asseasment Fund 0] ,1� 07.� Zb ta]. Rec ed.p t� to F�d�.i.l�. t B �1 ,g� i VILLAG� (?F fil�OOKI,YN CE�1T��t Sehedul.e Classif3�astion oi Disbur� m x Years Ended Decer�ber 3].� i945 ana a944 and Cor�pari,son Y ar ded Ascem r Increas• 1 'Jec reas� C�enera�. Fun� aeneral aove�ti Preaidezzt snd �rust,�es Salaries President 255.00 240.00 15.00 `Prus te�s 585.00 540. UO 45. 00 Printing and publiahin,g 11.65 54.55 42.90 Hall re�t 52.50 32.50 20.00 Tota7. Preaide�t and Tru�teee 904.15 867�0 37.10 Juatica of the Peace Suppl3.es and expenae 25.00 25.00 Hall rent 2�0 2.50 Total Juatice ot the Peace 27� 27� �'1.ec �ions s�za�es ana. ws�es 39.00 135.00 96.00 ;'�upp7.ie8 a21d sXperl�� 2 5•00 19� 5�' 4 Tota1 F..�ectione 00 15� 90�Q Finanae Fillage� Clerk salary 5i5.00 500.00 z5.00 Spacial clerk hire 27.50 27.50 Supp]3es arid expens� 50.75 50.25 .50 Tnsuranes 91.84 10.00 81.84 Preparing Yillage mape� 40.10 40.10 Ibg tags 12 l� 12.15 Total Village Clerk 73 37.34 560.25 177.0� Tr�asurer 5ia].axy 200.00 200.00 Preraium on bvnd 25.00 25.00 Insuranoe 10.00 10.0� B�e ehargee 2'otal Tra�asurer 225.15 235.00 R.� Tct�l Finance �26 ?95, 2Z 167, 2G. ��eeaaor Salari.�e A�se��or 405.04 510.00 103.00 Clerical 50.00 50.00 S�zppli �e 2 �t Total As�e�sor 4�8�Q0 1�� 32.C� VII.LAG OP' B�JOKI.YN C�dTER S� �dule sbursement_g.,(Gontinued) Yea.r �d�d Deaember �1 Increase 19L.� 1944 Jec reas e Gen�ral I�urzd aen�ral Gavernmen�s (Continued) flther F.acpeaae (�eneral (�overnrnent Past-audtt 187. 50 189.75 2• 25 w V:�.��_P_�,;l9 �lttAT'Y1��� �''9N 1 97.75 1 •7 lbttal Ot,her bcpenss Gerteral Governmen� 1� 2 �s �btal Qreneral (3overnmesit 2.596.1_4. 2�7_,/t1..gQ 14S•b4 Public S�fetyt Police Prot�ctior► Salar]. ee 1, 599.76 i, �l.i. sb 3g7.90 �ileaga 573.C�0 4o1.z5 171.75 f�iilciing Insgecztor� e fees 149.00 62.25 8d.75 Scale site rentel 10.00 10.00 Dag Rennel for public pound 2„�Q Total Public safetp a.357.26 1, 685.36 671.90 9 a�ni tation and �aste Rea�val s �leed inmpecticm 7� 7�, Cap3.tt�7. Autlays Gen�z�1. goverruaent �esk 0.00 'iO�,QQ Oth�rs �crrkznen�e compen8at�.on gnauranae 33.�5 58.20 24.35 Reftznd o�' license and perndt 6.00 2.�IJ 4.00 Contr9.bution� Henne�pin County Agricultural Soci.ety 25� 2�OQ Total Other f�l� 60� 1�6,� Total aeazeral Fund 018 2�f �2� 3tre,et �d Bridr�� F�d HigtYways s Streets and all�ys maintensnce ?'��ages 1a�or 1, 30�'/. 04 1, 292. 54 ]�4.. 59 Supplies and �rasteris3.s 24..15 75.g� 51.b5 Equipmerrt expen�e z76.39 780.59 50l,..20 �ilin� streets �il and appl3c�tion 85.18 378.25 293.47 Graval 200.45 2�•45 �nox rempval l�bor 3• �0 3. Insurance on equipment 4.00 7�.95 '�1.95 Tool shed �xp�.ae lights 7.2.00 12.00 Gas� oil and gresse 202.99 202.99 VTLZ,F.G� OF ��OKLYN C?:'N`rFR Sche�;;le 5 Dist�ursementa (Cantinned) Year Ended Decem�er 3�. Increaae 1�,4� 1944 n�crease Street and Brid�e Fund Hi�;hways s (Continu�d) atr,er Advertising for Md� 1.92 3.84 1.92 S treet �ign 5'.00 00 Total Aighw� 2.17,4 2�,E�73.97 559 Sanitation and �aate R�awval: �eed Fradication Cuttin� �reeds 2fi• 00 20� pp Sewer Sy�tem Cleaning aervice 492•75 �.42.�5 �ct�7. Sanitation �d Waat� Re�oval 51�.75 ����75 Cagitel Ou.t1 ays Ne�r snrnrplrn► and li�hts 563.00 563.00 'I"otal Str�et �8 Brid�e Fvnd 6�'� 18 Pcvr �'un� Chariti�: Sal�ry Re7.ief A�aini�tratOr I50.00 150.00 I?irect ftelief' He�nnepin Count� bpsrd of poor 101.50 111.00 4.50 Ho epi talisation 4.00 Op Clothirig 3]..].la. 31.14 Suburban H�nnepin County Relief Board 499.g6 37g.� 121.35 To�a1. Poor Fhnd ��?5� �..�t S�ecial Assea�ment Fvnd Oi13ng Street� 7� 2 To ta1. I?ia bure� �rnen ts to �'�xhib�.t B ���g' ''0 F ��.?R�O� 37„� .��,r. I a� B�o�� c�r� �b�� t�l�a�.e� f��pua�►�.v �'u�tiese ut th4,,,�� ,Fim,�, T�ao�;ed and &,�ait�� Yaas �d+�d 1��mb�er 31 1945 F�l�e t�raa�i.tt�l �fi�a►�'y 1�, 1'�4�� 7.t�Ct �'i.n+rer �poa+ed a�ad a�1�.+e�t+�d �.�,,�,Q 19�2aa�a +�aLle�t�on�c R�d,�t,ed t+d Fi,33.e��r t�eaar�'1�' pe�c' x�z�Lpt�s VS'LL�QrE tf�` ��tI,Z� C�� ��,3�.? �A'�� �'rr;�,,,,Pm�ar,� �l�,#�.�.� �ra `Y+� Ue�ae�b�r 33., 19�►5 Be�1.a�e d�r�r 1,� 19t� 3.5Q R�eitt,,�c� V3.��ug�r t�eenarar, �*a,r 19� B�►1a��t� �ec�aaber �1� 194� a� V'�LLAG� t��' �'�f?C1KI,'�T ��'i�R 5 1 H�r�i.�.dina 2z�� tar J,� Ft. lEur� �:�l.�te a�l �.�t+�a� 3a�r �nd�sd De�+e�b�r �1�, 3.945 Ba,1�n�a w�re�a3.�t,ee1 Jea�uary 1� 19�►� 13.5Ef P�rm�.�s i.�e�e�c3� i�t�b�trar �S? 'to 9"7S� 3.r�cslueiv�t �°e� aal�.ec ted �l�rzae� ,ymd �a21�t�,an�r �i.rrrrti.��Yi �r�n�at �d. tt�ed "�ill+��e �re�aursr �,,,,,.,�r'� v���r�� c�a�� Scheclule i Q �i �,&�1�6�41� ���QQ �.l��h Pe�r�wz� b5�777.++�3�0 6 '�a,�i�L�s.� TcM�a�, `�c ,�d� b�' Au�;i,;�r`. I��dad �aa 19�4 194� C+�llee ti bi�r �.0 R�cv�nuar 4, Ot�9.].2 4�5.5� Rm�cd �d b�3.dg� 3y t�3►Q.1� 3, v19.14 Pc�or �s�$ �dt�. ��7a� #�:�3 ��vv�� �.6 8. �iad �►d trr3.c�� 6.3 6.6 �a�,�� �►�a ��'1..�... �z,�c�� 3ah+�da1�Q �,���,�t� a�nd �osit�r�r �na�ara�e Jmn� 18�, 19�G6 C�ds� �ta� IIa9���.�t9��' Ba�3.an�e 3.n ge�usrral aa�ca���, �he+akix�g 6�466.7�. �e�e�Ityt F'�d�►r�. 1��rpca�t3�t Z�s�ana• Cc�rpe�rat,#.cn �t 5s�►.t� 3�igp�at�d as Fil].a�+� cte�positosy �anumary 2 19k� B o�.,s���►�� I I I o�ri�ial: Hox� �wstwr 3�., 194"� I I �t��� Ik►t� o�' &�nd �ase o�' �ure� Ha� �.ra� F�.led li;l�„ E. Hu�q.ue�st �r� �vt �nr�tlat�t� tor e�o3.nat3.o�st P�ul H. �!��3c�.� C�.+�c �.QO '�ce�mber �1� 19�� 8,�r�tord Aacz�.dea�� sRd I���j �rF�►� 1�s�rber 31� 194b �1ex�c f�atr�e �Ir��.�te �t Fear��► :i�.c� �eaeabsr 1�, 194� �t'�rdt Acte�id+m� a�td 2md+�on�.�q �p+� 3'�e�ber 3I, 1947 C1erk crcrnar� Charl� t���� +�'��s of t�� Pe��r �t�4'K� D�ae�n�►r Lt ].945 H�'�•t'ard A��1d�t� a�d ZZr.►d+a�.t�' ��P' �e�cb�rr �l 194� C�,��r c►�' G�u� Ru�s�e�. t3i�bertec�� �hul 5�3.44 ?3e�ea�b�r► �1� 1944 ���t's�rd �cid�r►� �ad ty C�,as�` I�eo+e�b+�r 31�, 19�5 Claar& �bert A. Ga�h3.as�d� t�t�t�„s �#.4Q l'�eaber �1� 19�1► 8artfard! 1l�aidan� and T�clesmn�.'�r C�mp�xqr T�+�ber 31� 1945 t�.+ea�k E. J. ��t�ke J��ur�MS+�r '�e�be� 31„ 1945 8ar��!°.`c+r�dl .A�cid�st ,�ad �d�m��y t� T�e�ber 31, 194� Cc►ua� Avudifi�� I I I I I vxr���� c�� ����?r��t r,�t�?� s,,�►eav.7,e ��c �"pxMa�r �emt�er 31� 194� �'s.r� and �.�8! ]��china�ry ,�crd Taa�l l�hrrd 7aD. t� 3a3. t�i &sdily Propt�r� �'ir� �eft� �n 'n 1ri�stc'ra �tar �qui�t: �'c�rd ',t�p �ara�cl�� 1� fi��n,� 19�'1' �i4/2t� 0�. Of1 S, a0Q.00 �c taxs'�. oal�k Catea^�3�.�.�' 'Practor�, 29�'� 60E�.Q�1 C��h+�rt '��ark�t+�a� u Cc>m�►�safi�;.c+� J