HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport of Public Examiner on the Financial Affairs of the Village of Brooklyn Center-1941 ,E�mined bys G. ti�. Andsrson REPQR� OF PUBLIC �INER on th�e FIIVANC�AL A�AIT�S c�� �'i�.l.age c�f BraekZ�m Center Hsnnepin County Year Ended December 3� 194Y. E�t�.on ma�.d� �arah 6�, �.9G2 p�r�usnt t� �c�.est of the �illage C+�unc�.l grov.I.d�d far in 3�d'a�on �a Mi.nnesota St,�.tutes, 1944 Supplemez�t� Seat3.on 3286-2. Qpe��.t3.n�; und,�r R,ev�.�ed 3.�� 194�� Chapter 9. J. T. L�T4L�AIS� Public Ez�n�r� St. F'aul� Minn. �il1��e �f Br�oklyn C��ter s 2abl� af Coa�tent� Refe�'ence Can�aesnts �.nd �sccam�nendat3.on� 1-6 B�].ance She�� F�i.bit A Current �z-�t�, ��13.nqu�t SpeCial Asses,�nts S�hedule A-1 8 Deferred �pecial l��ses��m�nts Sehedule A-2 9 Account� P�:yabl� Scheduie A-3 10 {��iers Outst�.rig Schedul� A-4 1�. Sp�.cia�. Improvement �'�rrants Out��ar�i.ng Schedule .A-5 12 Suz��.r� of K��te�.pts. �sburs�n.e��ts, and Bal�nee� �xhibit B 13 Cla��.�'S.cation vf Receig�s 5ch�dule B-7. 1-4�-15 C1a�sifieation of I}i�bur��ents Schedule �3-2 16-1g ��se�ssed valuat,�.�,� T� Levies� and Rates �9 Justices c�f t�h� P�a.ce Exhibit C 20 Unealle�t,�d F3z��s 5chedule C-1 2�. B� B�,l.anc� �nd F'+ede�l Dep4si�G Zn�uraric� 22 flffieer� afx'i.Gi.�.l B�ncis,�„�,,,and Salar3.e� 23 Tnsur�nee� �4 Vi].lage af Brook3yn Cen�r Gc�anrnente �ra�d Ra�a�nmendations Thi� r� cart �n �n �aminatic�n o� the► �3xa�a.nC�.oai aff�ir� di the �tillage of P Braolt2yn Clenter� made pu��uan� �c� re�queat �sf f.h� V33yage Cauncil as provided for in 3 b�ta.s�n�� �i.�so�t�. St��Zt�s �g� �PPls�,en�, S�etion 3�gEa-2� covers the y�ear ended Iae��mber 3�s �'3.na��ci.a�. C�di.t�on The f�ncial cc�nd�.:�i.c�n Qf the V`3.3.3.ag� ern I7�c��mb�r �l, lql ia shoRn in the �c� Sheet,, E�Ch3.b3.� A. 1�+hi�.� �parat� fund� have not been m�3iatrsiined a�sets liabil.itiss, aad surpli�.� �.n thh�.� �t�t,e��� have be�n arranged uttder the �'al.lovp3.ng h�ading�s t3��r�1 S��ial. a�se��m.ent� G�neral, fix�ed a�sete Genera3. inci�btedne��s C�sneral The �urplv.� avs�.lable for g�neral purpv�es i� �'7f�t).92, uhi.oh aon�ists a� curren� a�sets, less 1i�bil.i.ties fc�11.<rrrst Current a��et�t C�sh b73.Q2 �.cc�un;t� re�sivable �1.00 T�ue fr�m �lavember 1'q�. t�c esett�le,�n�nt 2� 794.4Z �pecial d�pas�.��a 6/�..QO �atal. eurrent as�e�s 162.t,1,� Les� liabilitie�s Ac�o�nt� �yable 761.1.6 4rd.er� out�tanding 2.'700.06 Tot�,l. �3.t�bil.ities 3 �ux�p].u� av�31ab1� December 31, 19�. �0,�� Th3.� �uxplus t.�a� lsvy csf 5�•0�} vated by �hs Councii on Septenber 1,�, 191�.1.�, axand r��eipt� from 1.i.a�nses, fines, and �undsy scntrc�s �rS.l1 pro�i.de fux��s frc�a �hich gover�aen�;,al �xpenditur�s are to be pa3.d in 1942. 1_ Vi.3.7.aga� af Hrooklyn C�nter �nc�.�tl Cand9.tian Co�tiriu�id) ��aia]. .�«e�eas�nt� pka Jant��.zy l� lg4'1 tk� balano� payai�.� on �°pecial wa�Crants issued to fi— nanc�: iaipravem�n�s in pric�r y�+�rs �aas �9��.24.7.4, Faymen�s dux�3.ng the yaar �unc�unted te► �].�775.ta7,l�avin� ur�aaid on TJeoemb�r 31� 19&1 �7,64g Ass�ets appli�able to fi.he pa�ent Qf the �r�ants� �rer�, cn I3�cember 31, 1941, as f+�llox�t A�ssss�nents at�2l�cted by Cci�,nty� Treasurer due frc�m Co�nty i�n Novez�b�r �.91►1. 't� �ettleme�nt 1, 066.89 A�����n�nt� oertified tc+ ��►unty in 191,1 far collection ta�.'h.h ta�e� 2�1�82.g5 Asses�ent� on r�.�h anlleet.3.4n h�.� been def+�rr�+� to �tur� ye�ars 1.�, 220.17 Tc�al �.,�t�b� Dea3.inquent aa�se�s�mer�ts frc�m amount�s cert3.f3.ed in 19t�4 and pMor 3rear�� not included in �he for�going, elnr�unt�d tm �3�4�5.72. C#�n�ral F��eat! A�set� Valua�Gion� tata►�,ing �4��7�.U0 c�n fixed a�sets are e�tfmaat�s a� �oks o.f account a� maintained do nr�t shcrw �:11 ite�n�. Qen���.7. Ir�d.ebtedtu��� �arrant 3.s�.z�d in 193g fc�r �1,4(�Q.UO bearf.ng 3.nt�res�E at fi�a per ceaat, �e�ld �cr ti�s �amden Pa�€ �tate Ba.nk tc► prc�vide fux►da for �aor re3�.ef, �wa� unFaia en I�eaemla�ex �1, x91 ,E,�erativn� Th� eur,�ent �xp�nditure� in the year endsd Deccmbe�r 31.� 2��. far $ov�ar�nen ta,�. �per�a.ti�n� eacelu��v� af Spec�.al As�es�ne�t� rere as follo�ues C�urxent �naes /9� /GI�_ l �ner�tl ,�c��rernm�nt ���r.�9 ���,s�-;S� 2�131.47 �U��.�.� 19C8.�18�i3Y .�a.+� S3G.o�a 1 4 R.�Q 2� a"�'r•� H�.�hr� /I��'l.�� j9'r�.!.�,� _a_._ y78�.3�"" 2 6 43 41 �anit�a,tion ana wa�te� remov� 1�U.Q0 CY�r3.�i.e� tiSsd'�'� s°s��.�t .�,s•�>. �c 2,gb5.32 �Ci.ae�llar�e��a� ].32.5Q Inter��t paym�nt� 727.g7 fiatal. 1� Vi17:a�e o£ Brooklyn �enter fl,,,pez�a�.tian� ��ont3.rcu�dj Debt red�mption wa� fo�.l.av�st (��n$r�.1. ablig�.tio� aree7.3.ef band, issued �fonember �5, 193� 1�,00�.Q0 Special �nprQV�sment ararrant� 1.775.07 To�]. 2, `�75.(}7 Curren� reve�u� re�3�ved by th� ��.]�1.age ta m�et th� abov�e ex�enditure� �ollo�s R�v��u� Yrcxu fi�x�s 9,44'7.� t3t�h�r �.i.�cel�.aneau� revr�n�ue 3.3t�8.,,� Tc,tsl Revernze 12.356.2� Cc�lZectic��,�s �rarn �pecia7. a�sesamsnt� �hi.ch w�ere also used t"or general pur- po�e� r�ere s� fallc��s Bg Vi.3lage T��ceurear 321.5� By' �unty ���ur�r 2.:U7�,1� Tot�l T�ac Lev.v 2he t� le�y fc�r all pu.�p+�ses as e�etended by tYua County Auditar in 1941 co2l.�et3b�.e �.n ths y�ar i942 ir� o�e amount �t th� rate o� 22.5 sn3.11.s. Separate lev�.e� s2iould be ,r�ad� ��llt��s The G3.11�� �vuna3.1. is �:uthcrr3.z�t3 by 1 Ti�ascrn' e M3.nne�c►ta Statut+�� 192`7� ,,���ot�on 1225 to a�a,nual].y c�tex�..n� by �e�olution trhe a�ount a�' corparat,�on �taxxes to be a�s�s�e�d, ,�.i.ah �hall x�ot e��ce�d t�r+a p�r o�nt (2C3 mi.l.le) t►P th� aes�aeed va7.zzation af the prQpe�rty �bl� in the vi�l.a�e. Far po+�r reli�f gurpo�a� in Gaunt3.es havin� ths Tow� �y+�t,em th� V�llage Cauneil suthc3r3.�ed by 1�da��n'� �.nn��ot� St�tutes 1g27� Sec'��ar► 3188 t�r ].evy t,� a� �ha�. �eem ne�te��,�. �.�bursemen�� �or poc>r rea.i.ef �ho� in Schedule B-2 und�r th� heading vf Chaxitie�,, a�ac�uated to �2 There is due �from the Federal (�overnment s apecial depo�i� of �5b9.((�3, 1eav3.ng a net e�cpenditur� o�e �a,39� fvr tti�a y�ear ended Deae�- ber 31., I.941. '�o pxroduce th3.s amc�u,nt fxaom property ta�s,� a rate df �lightly o�+er V3.1.1age Qf BraQklyn C�nter ��a z�� c�nt�,►u�a> �ix m3.�3.� an tl�s a�se�ssed v�.lu�tic�n nf the fi�b1� property for 19�,,1 �ould have� been n�ce��a�y. Fcrr tl� eonstructian, m�intenanee, �aad repair af s�z�eet� and bridge�e �n vil7.�.ge� havl.ng an s�as�ssed v�:l.u��ion qf` x�ea�. axid personal. property of les+� than �St�O th� V311�ge Cc�racil may a+�ae�s �..I.l property ather than money a�ru� credita a,t a rat� aot �Gc eaceed. �te�n mi11�. The� dfst�r�e.�ent� �f�r puz�pas+� a� �horo�n 3n 5chedule �2 in the year �nded De��mb�� 31� 1941 tc�taled �2,643./�3.. �hc�n t�ax levies are made for �e�arat�e purpose�, �1znd� sh�uld be ��tabliaihad f�rr each purp�rse. �'c�r the leeie� �nt�.on�d in th� �or�gQing, b+�h C1erk and 2reaai3rer s�auld k�ep eep�rat� f'�z�s ir� t�Ze�.r recards a� fvlZow�x t�en:eral Ii��v�nue I�nd Pc��rr �urid S�res�t� and Br3.dge� Fund A futtd �'ar speci�l a�����aezztm �nd 1.�nprav��ments f�nanaed �Gherefrom ,�hauld als+� e�s'ta.blish�d. Cc�2lecticane far�am �il7.a�� Ckfficer� 2h� '�:i.�,11�.g� ha� b��n r�i.rnbursed during th� y�eea�.r e�cami.nt�d far a�unt� du� from V�1].��e Of,t^i.c�r� as �hc,n�m �.n the z�port can a privr �s�unir��.tion� ae� folla�s I�icsen�e� F. I�e 10.50 +l'ustice fine E. J. V3.].andre �.f� Prenu.t�n r�n band�s 1�. C. P�ter� Cl.erk 15.€� J. Vi].aredre�, Just3.ce c�f the Peaee 20.00 A. R. I�l�on�, �Tia�tiae of the Peace 2Q.OQ ,L. E. �,33.ndqu:i.�t� Ju�t3.ce af the P�aee S.�Q Rc�y �brxi, A�.r�hal 20.tX3 .R�bert �.hland�r, Adarshal l�.C� Ru��ell G3.lber�tson, �r�hal 5.4a �d. 0. �i��s .�,�s��sc�r S.Ut� Tota�. i�.a���a� F��em,t of Qrder� Qrd.er� aut�tandf.ng a� s�hp� in �"ehediale �-4 �tr� dr��n ott the Ts�easurer in A�. V'illage of` Brr�oklyn Genter Pa�ent pf t?rcl�r� Ccnt3.�u�d) t12� �e�rs �,937,� 193� S�id 1��.� "IM�11t�I1 h&.d �lO'� b�eTl C�1.1Cd f0� paym�nt ar z�deemed by �l '�Ct �@J�IRb4'I' Fc�r th� year �xa�►i.ncd, the G3�rk issued orders ir� amount o� �1�907.41, �11 �a� which �re pa3.d by the �re�surs� in th� year I947. szaept order numbered 196 for �6,70. �her� :fl�x�.ds ar� �srailab7.e fvr pa�n.ent of ox�.er�, the T�r�sux�r �ehould Yirst red�em those autsfi,ancl�.z��� befc�re p�ying eurrent vbli�ationa. Trea�rsr�s Hcnd Th� �res�iur+�r's band aowr 3.n :force �as originally �rritten fc,r the perr�..ad be- ginx�ing January 1., �.�39 �nd. end3.Yag Dec�ber l, 1940 3.� the amount of �.1,000.(�}. An endor��m�nt d�.ted I�aem�r 191�(3 l�a.s b�en �ttaahed inar�a�i.ng the eu.rety' a liabil- i.ty to �2 S�.Q�. 63.nc� 1��+�ttber I,, ].94t7 rene�aa.1 cer�a.ficetes have b��n issued an- nua]1�r by' ,�he �.r�t� rtcmcp�ny cc�ntinuir�g �h� bond in farce. �t is reQ�mmsnd�ed that nero� bc�nd be lix�nishad try the Treasurer for eseh ����f� �r' ��!�t,. of af�iee. Th� b�nd �hcauld rmt� evn�.in claus� e�apt�.ng the suretg company �S'"+� from liaba.lity in c��� of bank �a�3Sure. Bci�.l.c�3.n� Tn��ctar The �u3.lrl�,ig Tn�pec�r receiv�e f,if"'�y per cent S�) of building pex�n.i.t fee� cs�llec�+�d b h3.� gn' accords�nce �d.th mot3on pa.�sed hy the Gillage Ct�ur�Cil en Aug�.s� 10, Y 19�0. Sectior� 3�. o� Urdinance NQ. 23 kru�ve� as the Building Code, et�..tes that�the �fees tA be p�aid to �im sha].l b� detexmi.ned by the Cc,uncil �.t the t�.r�rt meeting in �anuary �f ea�h p�ssp�. No mentic>n wd.s zn�de in the minutes of th� proeeed:tng� af the f'irat mee�ting �.n �anuar� 19l�- a� �rr t�he ec�mp�e���.tion to be paid to the BuiZdi�g Inspector. r V��e +pf f�oi��,�m Giu�t�sr ��t�„��a� �,n �fi�ar� �c3�r �tr� �z� f� ,�t�aer a� fi►1�► ,�a�e �ar �ie y�r �+o�am� ,�1�, �.94�.. c�+ r,yr �#��t v� t3sus►s and oaet� of a1Z du�t��a� i� �`�pr�w�e►: �ilenr�e �co►�.2;�ot�3 Ja�uer,�r l�, 1Q41 5�s� �i�►� i^s�d 1�90E�«�'4 �tatb� caoer�t '�a� 1�,9�'7.3�3 �ta �.��d 1,�'��►3� ��a��' ��t�a .r.,�S:t� +a� ui�c�.]�oat� 3Y�, 1'�bl Ik'�u`� esv�ttar �"c�r �ah c�r t1� �us�3aw►� u� sk�cF� is� �.bi� C. ...�.�:R T'h� �re��� t"are�� ueNerd ��rr i�Zin,� �ash a�e ao� �bared by t�+ p�r�.rt�r� �+or t�y i� t,� �amlt e�' t�ue Y��r 2�e��eSp'� �n �.p,"��trs �r�d b,� par�.z�tt�� eho�ld �e u�ecl �`e�r a�2 e�at�h iv�d, c�e �p�r ��r �"ea� aa�ra f'�r �ha �e�er�ur� as� c� t'or t�he Glaexfc Q�..;D �.g� i3. 23, 19� P� L��d.t�r. �IL�3�� BkOUKLY�t CENTER EI�ff�3IT A Balance Sheet Dece�ber 31, 3941 Speci.al. Genera7. General Tatal General Asses�ent� F3.�ed .�ssets zndebtedness As�et� Treasurer�s cash bal.ance 673•02 6 73.Q� H. �3. Olson, balance Qn rabies vacaine 51.00 51:.00 Taxes receivak�le a94� and prior y�ars 88b.b1� 88b.61� Speci�l ass�s�nents ree�ivablez Curr�snt Sch�d�I.e Ar-1 2 2 D�I3nquen� 194� prior ye�r� ��h�du].e �7. 2, 435.72 7., 43�.72 TT�eef�rred Sched�le Ar2 4, 220.17 22�.17 Fu.t�,ds �i.th ather �ov�rnmental unitss F�enn�pin Co�tn'ty, �Tovmmber 294�. t�ax �ettl�nent 3, �61.31. 2�'794.42 1, 06fi.6g �burb�n H�nnepin Caunty Re].ief Board guarante� d�p�sit 75.4f? 75.t}d Federal goverrunent, Surplus ��c►dities I Ccrmm3,.tte�., speei�l deposit 5�9.(�0 569,aC3 F'ixed asset�s L�,r�d 3U(?.QU 3�.C� I Bu.ilcli.ng 9flE3.40 g�p,pp I, Equipment 3,� 1"75,00 3 175.00� Amount to be prov3.ded for general indebt�dn�ss 1�0()t).00 1.f300.�J0 Tota�. Assets 19. 5 9,2p�5.b� Z o LiabiZitie� and Surplus Accounts gayable Sch�aule A�-3 76I.4b 761.L,6 Orders outsta.nding Schedule Ar-4 2� 7a0.Q6 2, 7(30.06 ftelief �arrant payable i�sued 1938, 5� 1.,4E70.00 1 Sp�cisl 3.irprov�ement �rr�,nt� psyable Schedule A-5 7�649.07 7�649.�7 Surpluss A�ailable 821:76 70t?.92 120.84 Unavailable 2,322.�6 8g6.64 3,435.72 Invested in fixed aaset� 4,�375.00 y� 4 fiota.l, 3�3.abi3.�.ties �nd Surplus 1�629�1 ��Og C� �....,,,,...�a�� 1� V.LLLAGE Or' BROUKLYN C�NTER Sahedule A-1 Current and Delinquent Special AsseSSrrients Year Ended December 31 191,.]. Assessments Collections Delinquent Certified for Assessments keceiva.ble by County Assessments Collection by Receivable Improvements Jan. 1, 194.1 Treasurer Ad,iustments Dec. 31, 194]. Villa�e Clerk Dec. 31, 1941 Oilin° 270.49 192.20 78.29 4� 217.73 296.02 S3dewa.lk� curb� and gutter 560.01 36g.49 191.52 3�7.4g 499•� Grading and opening stxeets 447.87 172.71 13g.�3 137.07 273.55 410.62 Storm sequer 7.,008.85 518,66 25.94� 516.13 916.67 1,432.g� Drainage ditch 3fy9.61 20g.90 160.71 333.41 494.Z2 Storm drain 9�2.48 550.4�3 352.00 434.01 786.01 Totals 3 ,,�9� 1 2, �al?"•.1� 1 �-LZ 2 8,4 2.�5 �.,Qlg...�3 �LLAGE OF BROOKLYN CENTLR Schedule A,-2 Deferred Special Assessments Year Ended December 31, lg/.1. Deferred Collected Certified to lleferred ATumber Assessments As�essment Interest by Village County Audit� Assess.�nents Improvements of Years Jan. l. 1941 Spread Spread Total Treasurer Schec�ule A-1 Adiustrnents Dec. 31, 1941 Sidewalk, curb, and gutter, 53rd Avenue 3 4� 290.10 17.3� a 3�7.4g 3�7.4g Grading and opening streets, 53rd Avenue 3 57.41 57.41 �;A 57.41 Gradir�; and openin� streets� Humboldt Addition 3 57.25 3.62 b0.g7 57.83 3•04 Storm drain, County Road #130 5 1,224.RQ 66.21 1,;Zy1.11 121.50 434.01 735.60 Street grading, Colfax Avenue 5 42�.'76 25.65 454.41 132•g4 321.57 Street gradi:�g, Ilupont Avenue 5 139.l.8 8.1,.7. 147.89 43.2� 104.61 Street grading, Linden Shores 3 70.56 4.32 74.gg 39.60 35.28 Drainage ditch, Shingle Creek 5 1,075,29 64.52 1,139.g1 333.4�. 806./�0 Storm sewer, Bryant Avenue North 5 2,881.94 177.47 3,�59.41 916.67 73•97 2,216.71 Oilin�;, Emerson Avenue 1 g4.35 4.�5 �9.20 89.20 Oiling, 53rd Avenue 1 121.3g 7.15 12g.53 1;z8.53 Totals 6 .,2�5.62 5•_7� 37� 6 8 �.�.00 a� 121, 50 2 u�a 13. �2 4.220.1`�, i� VIL�AG�' UF BROO:�LYN C:E:i�iT�R Schedule .A�..3 A�eau�� �'a�a.ble De��her �1, 1941 G��a�g�a '�hc�ap$�n �.1.50 C. .�e�er 4.9� ft, i,. Pe�gi,11Y 81. �1 Al��c Ha�irke 5t�.].8 �!1! �iiCi[l� i �G J �Z'S. ,�.TiX18 �X' �.:��g� �'innea�aol.i.s Ircrn �ttcyre� 19.b7 �.�.].�r Da.ei� Cc>mpany 14.43 �ior'thern States P�w�er C�. �.Q? Rur�tl Fter�nepin Caunty aurplua �cx�dity Ccurusittee �9.46 Jeara 2�u h R, x. A��si er 4.6�c) C1�nc� I�gb�erg 6.75 S,, Nc��t Cam,�ny 3,15 Camcte�rt P`arls State 8a�.�k 34.25 1IG�iee].er I,umber .8ridge and SuPP�Y ���9' 2�0.40 Rr�ber� C�hl.and�r 5�..10 Ru�sell. Gilbert�on b7.55 �.r• ��-�3�' .�C��I` �},"J '��9� �}T'. �'4�.23�'.T' �QY1$QTl �r(j(} Camaen zr��urane� A�en�y a5.po suiaurban Hennepin Cc�u�ty Re3.�.+ef Baard 105.67 Th� Q���o Pr��es �.10 M�.�.1e r Pum�rlo 16.88 �'at�.�. �,..,..,.,,,..,,?6� v.�L�� a� �aox�n� ��r�t Sahecbule A.-4 Ortier� O�tt�t�„n�.n� D�+e�nb�r 31 1941 Yeaar xssued �ber .�Amount 1937 51 �p 3.,, �7a+0� 1939 16�, 1, �23.36 1941 196 6.70 `�.'t�t�l V1:LI,At�: t�l� �t�JKLYIv CE�'��'�R Sch�dule Ar5 Sxt!l��a,I �ffiAZ'O'�SA@A'I'o �IfBY`;'�112't8 f,hhxt�t,and�.ng U�t��r 31, 191�1 Year Pur�c� �e �iumber 1939 Curb3ng 201 347.53 Starm dra::in,a�e 323 540.00 324 54�.00 3z5 540.00 l,6zo.cm lgt�0 Tk�dging�, dr�.in anc� �rading l51 1,136.31 I5� 3,Y36.31 1�3 1,�3b.31 154 ].36. �1 155 1�, Z36.30 5� bf33.5l� Tota]. �D VILLAGE aF BROOKLYN CENTER EXHI�iIT B I i S�u►uqarv of Reo�ipts. Aisbursemerits, and Ba].ancee Year Ended December 31, lgll Cle�c s balanc e Ja.nuary l, 19/+1 g33.72 Receipts Sehedule B-1 14 Total 11,655.44 Jisbur�ements Schedule �-2 13 C1erk s balance December 31, 1941 5� 2, 027.04 Ord�re outstanding Schedule Ar-4 2,70�.Ob Treasurer� s balance December 31� 19L,.1. 67�3.0�2 Y�L�.G� a�' k�t�IfLX�i C�I�iT:r� Sehedule 8-1 Claa�s3.ficsafi,3�.on of Recei� Year �ndeel I�cember 31� l9/�,7. 1 (�e�neral Ta�e� Rea1 �sta�e 7j599.08 Per�sonal pr�p�rty 113.7g �n�terest �nd penal.t�.es c�n t,aaces 71.67 b�ar�g��e re�i.stry 187.5? �n�y and �r�dits �9.g'1 �ar 15.69 t31d a�� pe�t�ian .22 Tc+t�,l Taxes 9�4`l.�g S�eaial ��e�a�nents Calleat�d bg Vill�.get �torm dr� 121.5Q �c�11e�t�d by �caunt�x 031:iz�B 192.20 S�.d��11c, curb, and gu�t�r 3b¢3.49 Q�raairig ana opening �treet� 17a.71 S�orm a���rer�a 518.66 Dra�.ge cli.tch 24�.9� S'�c�n�n. dr�3.n 550,l,� 'To�a1 �peci�l. �1�a��sm.ent� 2 L3.eens� �nd Pr�a�m.i.� Noninto3ci.a�atirzg m�,i� ].3.c�bra 1Q(3.U0 tJt'f-�e�l� ��.(34 Dance Y�11 �2.OU Bui.l.ding p�rmit�s 374.35 Fir��r&s 10.Q0 Bal.ancs chie tx�rrm i�. Lane an licenr�es 10.�Q �'pt� Licen�es and Perm3ts 556.� Fines and Fc>rfeit� �a.�t3.cs�� of the Peace� A. R. Ne7,�4n 747.95 ,J. Vil�ridre 3.Q0 Z�anard I3ndcgziat 1.127.20 �`Qta1. F�.nes and Forfe��.�� 1 VILL�GE f3�' BROQKZ�J CENTEft Schedule B-1 Reeeipts (Cantinued) R+e�enue Fram t?th�r A�:nciea� Sfi.,a.te ci�ax�tt� license I10.74 �t�te reli�f a�.d 501.1� Tot�l Revenu� FrQm Other #�g�n�ies 621.83 Serviee Char�e� Far Currant Serv3ces G�n�ral ��verxm�ent: Electitsn fil.ing €�e� 8.OQ Fli.�hv�y�4 5now re�mnva�. 37.fJ0 Gr�ding 24, 4(3 Rsimbu.rsed far eq�.pment �xpense ll ga Rennc►vin� stw�p He�lth� Reirnbt�rscs�ent for vacc3n� 3f?.00 ��tal �rvice Gh�rg�� for Current S�rvl.ces LtI� Sale �x�.d Com.taen��.tic�� far Lass of Prop�acties Ss.].e c�f truck and trailer� 4,5�,00 Clther ��ei�ts Reimbursezn�nts rea�atved. Prem3.um on band� 9il�ag� Clerk 15.04 Jizstic�s ef the Pea�e 45.W �arstzal.� 4tJ.00 �.sse�sc�r 5.00 Tot�l CTther �c�3.p�s 105.0� Total R.eceipts to ExY�ibit B l�9.�.6 r VI i,LAC��: OF BFtQt7K�,YN CENTER Schedule B-2 C�Sr�sit"���.tion af Di�rbur�ement� Xear �d�d �ecember 31, 1941 General C�€�vernment Vil]:age� Cc�une�].a 5a1ar3.e s Dt. F. Lan�, Pres3.dent 24�.00 Nil�s Je�s�n, T�ru�tee 1E30.00 S�.g Edlin�, Tr��tee 180.00 P. J. Th:�m.p�nn, Txu�tee 3�0.00 I'u�hl3shin� c�rdinana�s 18.O1? H�aL1 rent 78.5C) Jtz��i�es c�f th� Peac� s Prem3:u� cn bcand Levnard L9.ridquist 5.00 Supplies 9.45 Hall �az�t 5Y.54 �:].e�tim�t�r Salar3.ea �8.80 Supp7,.3.e� �nd +�ap�ns� 17.Q0 Fi�e�a�ce: Vi].7�►�� C].erk Salary C. P�t�r 4SO.Q0 �atra aleark hi,re �peciai ae�s��s�nents 65.� Pre�ni.t�n on band 5.�0 �tatiQn�ry t�nd �atppli� 47.05 ;Post�ge 7.60 Inswranae 10.(� Tr�a�surer S�3.ary A. E. Burqu��st 1.5�.40 Prc��3.wxt on bbnsi �S•t� �uppli�� 9.E'� Znsc�r�c� 1�.00 ���ese�ar 5�.ary E, d. �i1�d.z°e 125.40 �a�rr V3.11.a�ge attarney £ee� �.39.17 `�o�al C�eneraZ Gavernment 2 131.tY1 Public uaf�t.v_ Pvlic� protec�t3r�na Salary of �ar�hala Rc�be�'t C�hi].�de�r b34•�+ Re��s�11 Gilbert�an b].2.21 �ti.�.�age Robert Cal�].andex 3R7.�32 Ru�s�ll G�.2.bertson 376.Sd� Fremium �n bond Fht�sell Gilber�t�on 5.0(3 f� v�L��� a� B�ooxz�xnr c�rrr� scr�a�� s.a Di�bu.rsement� {Continued) �xb7.ie Safet� Gcrntint�ed) Bu�.lcii.ng ir��geat�.an Insp�c�Gs�r' f�e� 170.25 �PPl.i.es 5.b0 Publia aaal� sit� r�n't,�l 10.00 To� Pt�blie Safe�Gy H�.�h�,va Stre�ts and �„Leys maintenanCes �abor 1 5upplie� and m�ter�.al.s 117.�4 Egui�n.ent �xp����s 6�8.35 S�re�t o�.l�.r�:gs I��mbold�t �v�r�u�e �az�th 164, 58 bn�rscrr� �.v�rute �ox°th 53rd tv 55�h 1Z1.11. 53rc3 �.v+�nue Nar�h Lyrx�l� tx+ Humboldt 20'7.38 Snov� zrer�nav�1 �.a.bor �8.66✓ InsurPnce� T��1 a�ied 43.94 Equip�ent '7�.46 E�.ect�cal ��rv�.ce lo.00 ��y, �v+el�, �nd prca�3.1�s �G'7.00 Tof�a3. Highw�.y� 2�6../.�.. Sa�.t+�t�on �nd ���te �ov�.1 Weed eradieation 1�0.00 �harit3.�� �a:Lary relis� �hn3:.nistratc�r �OO.OtJ U9.r��t rel3.e� tc� cl3.�nts«: Ren�, ,38.4CJ Fc�ac� 16.3� �a�pita3.3,zatic�� 35.05 Meclical �erv�.ee and dr�zg� 11,35 5�tnzrba� Fi�nnepin County I�Ii+ef Bosrd 1, 795.99 �.ural Hennep� Ccrea.n�3� Surplu� Cc�aoditi.es Cammittse Pc�rt�.on revol�rin�; :�1.ind for �aod �t�mp plan 5b�9.00 flther expen�e 2].9. �8 `�otal Char3tie�s 2 �i.sce2l�eou� �`orkmen e� ec�pens�ztiQn insurana� �9. �0 Ibnation Fiennepin Cc�ur�tg F�.ir 2�„�0 T�tter3.rig bua:l�ti.n bc�ard� 1�.00 T�ta1 Mi.se�ell�,nerau� 132.50 VT Ll'�.G.E �7F t�R�UI�LYN GENTER u�h�du1G I'r�.' T�1.sbursements Cantinued) Intere st Fa;:vm,ent# �n��re�t ran general cablig�ti�n re1.3.ef bc>nd� 54.OU Interest; �pc��eia1. �rz�srovem+�nt �.rrant� 4��� 53 Rel�:ef �a►rrants 13.6.1,6 �qui.pmaent 135�18 T�t�.1 Int,er��t 1'ay�nents 7�'1�.6'7 D�bt R�derat�tidr� G�ner�1. c►b19.gation ar�3.i:ef bc�nds 1�Q00.00 Spea3.a1. �LzngrQr�em,�nt� ��rant�s Cu�bitag 5.�7 ��v� dr��.xas�ge 1.080.00 T�tal Uebt �e�d�apt3.nn 2�. �7�•07 'Total D3.s�irsements to Extil.bit B ��.6�82� V.CLLth.�E 0�' Bf��OKL� C�N'.C�R A�rsess�. '�alu�.tion�s fiax Leviea and R�.t�a I�►�?-�=.,:.. �94� �s �vrreefiWed 1941 A�r�sessed Val�atic�n�s v �t��1 3d6, 54�.W 33fl'734.00 �S, 9'y. o� FeP.�Ui'13�1 ti�755wE7� la� ;�65.(,�0 7Ei 3�`f�.': Total G 6 351, 2q8.C�0 377,R99.C►q I�ney and c redi.te 871�.f� 60�95.J0 1�QW�.i C5.L�4����Qr4I\/ ��7Gfa .7� `1'�.X Z.6"V'�.Q�I ��+821d�lt� �3'Y �1tid:L'�ql' ����a�a �.94a 144�. Collec�ibl.� irY 1941 �.9/� l��nue �s�� ��.x R�.te� bv M3.11$ Re�rnx� VILLA.�E OF �t?QKLYtd CEN'T�R EXi� B�T C ��tice� 01' th� Peace Statement of FSne� and Ca�t� Y��r �ded 1��ember 3�., 1941 .Tustiee e� �'otal E.��► Vl].atadre A. R. �'�].sfln L.E.Lindquiat Balane� January 1�, �.9/.�.a L��collee�ed �irie� 5�.� 3+Q0 55.34 Addx �'3.n�s �pos�d qiJ.�.��e w�����s 1 732.(7Q I�1.� G+c�n�y aa��a 3�.• 31.�4 Const,�bl� ec��t� 32.�35 11.65 21.20 Tatml 1�,997.39 3,OQ �30.1� 1�;20 �duc�ts R�sni�ted tcr F31].��� Tre�enz�r 1, 878.3.� 3.00 ?47.9 5� 1,127.20 Ccaunty Trea�urer 3a.24 31.�4 5�spen�3.ons 2�. f1� 22.� To�,al Dsduction� 1�931.�, 3.f7� 801� 1 Balanc� Ae�embcr 31, �94.�.s Un€�r�llectead fines Sch�c3u1� C-1 "Q" ,,,��e� VIT.��GE OF BRC�KLYN C�iI�1TEFt Sehedu2e C-1 ,Jtzstice� af the Peace� tlncn�.l.e�ted Fit1e� A�ee�b�r 31� 1941 du�t�.ce A. R. N�l�vna Peter Ct�h�n Sept. 28� 1947. 4.00 �iahaa�l Kr�ectw3a� Nov�. 3.94�. 7.0(3 Eraie��t A. LaTh�w� Nc��. 194� 9•OQ �alter J. I�,ir�ier �oY. 14, 1q43. '�.�30 Robert �[c�insey �ao. 5 1941 2.00 29.00 dusti�� L3.ndqui�att 4�il�rt �d. Ha.rtlace �ic�v, 2�, 1.941 1�.00 �c,n�so �ec. �7, i�43. aa.c�o 37.00 6 �a���:1. �'n�dlle�'�e�. Fira�s �...��.,_._6:_,.� VILI.t�� OF BROOKLYN CENT�.R Bank Balanc�s a�d �'sdr�raZ Denc�eit T.a��.r�nce �et��ber 31, 1q41. 17epos3.tor�r C,amden Par)s 5t�.t� Bank �i.nneapal3s B�1.anae c�n d,�p�s�.t �673.{3� Sea�.rity Irisu�a.nc��e in Federa7. �Je,pr��x Insuranee Carparat3.on Amc�un� r�P securl.ty $S,OCX3.Ot3 �at� c�f ae�ignatian �aruza�y 2, 3�41 Balance on <�posit �a.rch b,, 19G2 �2,3g9.37 sA� VII�LAG� OF BR{�t)KI�� CENTER Q�ff"�..c��°�. t?ff�.cia1 �3onds. a�nd S�Iaries Year Ended December 31�, 194�. O.fficers Term E;xpires Salar�r Of�ic�.a1 Ilcnds �1ame Tit1� De�einb�r ";,�,,,,,,1 Pa3�.d Amoutat Suretv Co�apanv or k'ersonal. Sutre�3�e� I�te Exniration Fi.].ed �Vith Y. F. 7ra�e Pre�ic�nt 1941 24fl Sig Edling Trus�e� 3.941 3.��,00 Ni1e� Jensen Truste«s 1942 i80.4p P. J. Tht�mpson Trus�e 1943 �3�.� G. Pet�r G1�rk �94� 45a.tx3 500.00 HartPord Aecident and Indemnity Campany Jan. 6, 1941 I3ec. 31, 1�1�,22 Clerk A. E. Burque�t Treasurer 19/�2 1�C?.�0 2, 50�.OU The F°�:delity arruii Casual�y Compar�Y, A1ew York Feb. 2g,1�40 Dec. 1, 19t,A G].erk J. ifi3.7.�ndre .�ssess4r I942 125.0� �QO.t3t� Charle� Gsno�ky SaU.t�? �pr. 3CJ,1941 D�c. 31, 1942 County Auditor �I.11er Ptim.�rla g�.04 H. �iel�ctn Ju��.3.ce of the Peaee 1941 Fee ba�3.� 540.00? The �'ide].ity and CasualtY C�nAanY New Yax•k I�SC. 23,193� Dea. 31, 3941 �:lerk of ll3.s- trict Gourt L,�pnard Lindquist Justices of the Peace �94a F'ee ba�is 50[).�0 Hartford Aceident �nd Indemnity Compan,y Jan. 6� 1941. ,I3�ae. 31, lqt�2 Cl�rk o£ I7is- t�iet Court Robert Cah].and�r Constabl.e 194�. 634.14 500.00 Hartfdrd Accident and Indemnity Cnmpany Dec. �4 Dee. 3� �.9�,3 Clerk Russell Gilber�tson Canstable 19� 612.21 504,Oa Hartford Acc3deni: arld �nd�nity G�pany Jan. 6� 1941 Dec. 31� 191,,� Cierk Bond ha� renewal cert�f3.cate �.tt,ached i cc►v�ring period Dece�nber 1, I9�. to Dec�mbe� l, 19G.2 I VI:LLAGE aF BR.40KLYN CETd'�ER ;Cns�z�a.rx�� Dee�mber 3Z, 1,9�.1 Fire B�zildin� Gvnten�� ��h�.n�ry ctnd �t«a�. �P�ed '7C�3.00 300.00 Fire �ind�torm �heft Q�h3.cl�s� x935 �e��z�ill�.r.r tracterr 650.CX3 65Q.o0 �.937 �c�rd to� c�p ta�zelt �.V. A«q. A.V. �ther� �'orkm�n ac�mp�n�atian Ct�binati.Qn robbe�y