HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 Edition 38 May n 1 o MR. w o IF C1 BROo T ® N CENTER /REPORT* MANAGER'S MAY, 1983 NO. 38 Annual Bike, City Will Provide Own Equipment Sale Animal Control Services Tuesday, May 3 e transport b week weekend, awaiting y MAPSI The annual Brooklyn Center surplus On April 1, the City made a change employees. Hquipment and bike auction will be held in its animal control program. Previously, on Tuesday, May 3 at 6 p.m. at the the City had used on a contract basis Under the new program, City Code Brooklyn Center City Garage, 2501 69th Enforcement Officers are now respons- ible for the services provide by MAPSI, and will Avenue North. picking up stray dogs and other switch by using Code Enforcement Offi- animals. The CEO's will transport the Interested persons can view the avail- cers to provide animal control services. impounded animals to the Funk Animal able equipment one hour prior to the Since MAPSI is headquartered outside Hospital in Brooklyn Park for kenneling start of the auction. The sale will of the City, the old contract service and care services. include property confiscated by the created problems when animals, await- Police Department, some surplus office ing transportation to MAPSI, had to be In order to retrieve the impounded equipment and bicycles. kept in the Police Department garage, animal, the owner should now come which did not provide the proper space directly to the Brooklyn Center Police or facilities for kenneling animals. Department, prior to retrieving their pet Rabies Also, MAPSI was closed at night and from impound at the Funk Animal • on weekends which often required Po- Hospital. Vaccination officers being assigned to take care With the new program, the City feels of the basic needs of impounded ani- that impounded animals will be better June 5 mals, including feeding, watering and a cared for, and their retrieval by the certain amount of exercise. It was not owner will be simpler since the task of The City of Brooklyn Center will unsual to have as many as three to four paying the impound fees, fines and conduct its Tenth Annual Rabies Vac- dogs, cats and other animals housed in necessary licensing will be taken care of cination Clinic on Saturday, May 14, the Police Department garage over a at a single location. from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Brooklyn Center Garage, 6844 Shingle Creek Parkway. City Does Not Endorse The clinic will be conducted by a qualified veterinarian, and is open to all Door -to -Door Sales Brooklyn Center residents who wish to bring their pets for vaccination. The cost for a vaccination is 85, and From time to time, various organiza- solicitation. all animals must be leashed. Cat owners tions involved in door to door canvassing, Clearly, the City does not and can- are encouraged to bring their pets for y g soliciting or sales, contact the City of not endorse an organization involved in the rabies vaccination, and it is suggest Brooklyn Center requesting information door -to -door canvassing or soliciting, on policies regarding d group door -to -door can- unless the or individual is an agent ed that cats be brought in a box or a vassing or solicitation. g p g similar enclosure, of the City of Brooklyn Center. Some organizations or groups, in- The City does not have a specific Dog licenses will also be on sale, how- Y P cluding business and non - profit organiza- local ordinance dealing with this matter. ever, residents are reminded that if they 9 tions have requested letters from the However, before an g are coming just to purchase a license, y groups ps be rn solic- City stating that the organization has iting or canvassing, they are requested to proof o . rabies vaccination is required. met all of the City's ordinance require register with the City's Police Depart- ments for canvassing or soliciting. ment. The group also provides the Police *Citizen inquiries and requests may In the past, when the City has pro- with the names, addresses and phone be directed at the City Administra- vided this acknowledgement in writing, numbers of persons responsible for the tion. If there is any question regard- some of the groups have used the letter organization, and also the names of ing a service that we are authorized as an endorsement of the group by the persons actually conducting the solicita- to perform, please call us at City. Consequently, the City does not tions. Additionally, they also indicate to 561.5440. provide any written confirmation of any the Police the dates and times their organization or groups door -to -door group will be in the community. 2 E Boar New Photos Of Property Will Convene June 6 WM Be Taken Residents are advised that appraisers, The Brooklyn Center City Council is registered, the Board will conduct an using City of Brooklyn Center cars, will will meet on Monday, June 6 at 7 p.m. investigation and review evidence pre- be out this spring updating their list of at the City Hall, 6301 Shingle Creek sented by the complainant, to assure the property within the community. Parkway to act as the Board of Equali- proper evaluation of the property by It is expected that approximately zation in order to review current prop- the assessor. 4,000 new photographs will be taken by erty valuations. If the value is found to be excessive, the appraisers for their updated files. During the meeting, the Council will it may be reduced accordingly, however, review the values placed against all tax- if the value is too low, the Board has the Be Kind Don't able property within the community. power to increase the value. �1� Taxpayers may appear at the meet- For additional information or ques- Feed Ducks ing for the purpose of reviewing, with tions concerning the meeting and the the Board, the valuations placed upon duties of the Board of Equalization, This is the season to be kind to our their particular property. If a complaint please contact the City Hall at 561 -5440. feathered friends — especially the ducks and geese who tend to make themselves Recycle! C all at home in some o f the ity's parks. However, should not be en- couraged to feed the birds, since they are better left to forage for themselves, For Directory according to Roger Johnson, Regional Wildlife Supervisor for the Department Newspapers, pop cans, milk cartons, in landfills. Everyone has recyclable of Natural Resources (DNR). ketchup bottles and junk mail join the items around the house, empty cans, "They don't need people's help, " potato peels, coffee grounds and orange bottles, food jars, extra clothes hangers, stated Johnson, and went on to say that rinds in too many trash cans. Some of metal scraps, or generally "Junk" that feeding them is also taming them, mak- these items can and should be recycled. accumulates taking space. ing them easy prey for dogs and cats. Last year, each Twin Cities resi- Many conveniently located recycling Ducks and geese are basically messy, dent generated about 6.8 pounds of centers are available, and in some cases and by feeding them the flocks, after a trash per day, which amounts to more you may even be paid for some of the period of time, become too large. They than 2.5 million tons of solid waste each items. The number of centers and ser- become a nuisance and a cost to tax - year for the region. Most of the waste is vices is increasing to accomodate a grow- payers since eventually they have to be trucked to the Region's 11 sanitary ing demand. relocated, not to mention the cost of landfills which are rapidly becoming To obtain a directory listing all of the cleaning up. filled. recycling centers in your area, please In other words, the DNR recom- Recycling, or reusing waste materials, contact the Metropolitan Council's Pub- mends to enjoy the wildlife as it was is an alternative to tossing all solid lic Information Office at 291 -6464, and meant to be . . . wild. Don't try to wastes into the trash and burying them request a copy of Recycle It! make pets of them. Mid -Year Homestead Ap Must Be Made Prior To June 1 the time of the application. electric company. These companies furn- The mid -year homestead provides ish the letters upon request. opportunities forthose who ur- The homeowner will receives home persons p stead card by mail from the City on or Once the homestead classification is chased homes in the community after obtained, the owner will receive a card January 1, and before June 1. about May 30. This card must be signed on or about January 1 of each year to To be eligible for a mid -year home- and returned to the City by Wednesday, renew the homestead status. stead credit, you must actually own and June 15. Owners seeking to qualify for a mid - occupy your home as of June 1. To Anyone applying for this credit after year homestead credit must make appli- establish residency for homestead pur- June 1 must supply utility letters as cation to the Assessor's Office at the poses, it is necessary to bring a copy of proof of occupancy. The City requires Brooklyn Center City Hall, 6301 Shingle the instrument transferring the title of one letter from the telephone company, Creek Parkway, prior to Wednesday, the property to you to the City Hall at and one letter from either the gas or June 1. 3 Construction Projects For 1983 Following are general descriptions of provements on Humboldt Avenue be- building and storage yard, and associated proposed construction projects during tween 69th and 70th Avenues, including: landscaping improvements of 69th Ave - 1983. The projects have been initiated • Turn lanes and through lanes to re- nue and Dupont Avenue. Financing in response to petitions from property lieve traffic congestion, through use of Public Utilities and Cap - owners or developers; by inclusion in • Xerxes Avenue overlay from C.S.A.H. ital Projects fund. the City's 5 -Year Municipal State Aid 10 to Shingle Creek Parkway. • Lions Park Tennis Court. Provides program or Capital Improvement pro- Financing through use of Municipal for completion of the Lions Park tennis gram; or represent projects funded by State Aid funds and special assessment courts. Financing through the Parks and state and /or federal grants. levies. Recreation General Fund Budget. • Well at Camden and 72nd Avenues. • Brooklyn Center Elderly Housing. • Golf Course plan development. City This project provides for construction Construction of utilities and street im- is continuing its cooperative effort with of a new 2.3 million - gallon - per -day well. provements adjacent to and construction the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Financing through Public Utilities funds. of utilities within the development site, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to • Well at Dupont and 69th Avenues. located on "old" T.H. 100 right -of -way secure necessary permits for the develop - Provides for replacement of the well's and the Guilford Outlots north of North ment of Lions Park West as a golf course. 13 -year old pump and 23 -year oil motor, Lilac Drive and south of 1 -94. Financing No construction is planned for 1983. and improvements to the chlorine chem- through tax increment funding. • Traffic Studies. Engineering Depart - ical feed system. Financing through Pub- • Pedestrian /Bikeway Bridge over T.H. ment will take traffic counts on all lic Utilities funds. 100 and sidewalk through Brookdale Municipal State Aid (M.S.A.) routes and • Water Main Reconditioning, Neigh- area. Includes construction of a bridge other major routes in 1983. Special borhood bounded by 1 -94, the west cor- over T.H. 100, and construction of side- emphasis will be placed on the 69th porate limits, 61st and Noble Avenues. walk through the Brookdale area from Avenue - France Avenue intersection to Provides for study of existing water the T.H. 100 bridge to Shingle Creek determine the need for traffic signal main in the neighborhood to determine Parkway. Financing through use of Fed- installations in conjunction with geo- extent of corrosion in system, which has eral Aid Urban funds and local Municipal metric improvements. resulted in reports of red or black water, State Aid Street funds. • Neighborhood development — 67th taste and odor. Correction of this pro- • Municipal Garage improvements. In- to 69th Avenues west of T.H. 252. City blem will require that the corroded ternal improvements to the existing staff has had a preliminary meeting with water mains either be relined with ce- garage at 6844 Shingle Creek Parkway the property owners from 67th to 69th ment lining, or replaced. to provide for joint facility use by the Avenues between Aldrich Avenue and • Water Main at various locations. Con- Street, Park and Utilities Departments. T.H. 252 whose properties are affected struction of a 16 -inch trunk water main Construction of an unheated storage by the T.H. 252 improvement. Addition - in 63rd Avenue, from Beard Avenue to building and perimeter fencing. Comple- al meetings will be held to attempt to Brooklyn Boulevard. Construction of tion of yard paving and bin construction. develop a redevelopment plan for this water main in 51st Avenue, in response Removal of old maintenance annex area. to a petition for improvement. Financing through levy of special assessments and use of Public Utilities funds. • Lift Station improvements. Installa- tion of radio alarm telemetry units and City of Brooklyn Center emergency power transfer switching in seven of the City's nine lift stations CITY COUNCIL (work has been completed in two sta tions). Financing through Public Utili- Dean Nyquist ........................ ..........................Mayor Bill Hawes .......................... .....................Councilman ties funds. • 65th Avenue /Freeway Boulevard Util- Gene Lhotka ............... ............................... Councilman ity Analysis. Provides for study of the Celia Scott .............. ............................... Councilwoman sanitary sewer system in the North Rich Theis ................ ............................... Councilman Industrial Park to determine appropriate ""' system service to the still undeveloped Gerald Splinter ............ ............................... City Manager districts. • Water Main /Force Main Corrosion SERVICE DIRECTORY Protection. Provides for study of water Emergency Numbers (24 Hours) mains and sanitary sewer force mains at POLICE - FIRE ................ ............................... 911 selected locations where aggressive soil City Hall Offices .............. ............................... 561 -5440 conditions are causing pipe corrosion. (Monday - Friday -8 A.M. to 5 P.M.) Several main breaks have occurred with- Community Center ............ ............................... 561 -5448 in the past two years, with considerable potential for additional problems. This CITY OFFICES is a study for the feasibility of cathodic 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway protection systems. Brooklyn Center, Minnesota 55430 • Street improvements. Geometric im- 4 Diverse Park Facilities Available In Co mmunit y Brooklyn Center's Park system, which and depend on plants. communities. has been undergoing rapid development Work in the area at 61st and Major The trail will eventually proceed during the last three years, provides a included dredging, cleaning out under- northerly through Brooklyn Park, then wide variety of recreational outlets for brush, planting, construction of a black- westerly for the Coon Rapids dam to its residents. Improvements provide for top walkway, a parking area, fencing, Elm Creek Reserve, and to proposed passive as well as active recreation, and and the installation of a pump to main- regional parks at Weaver, Fish and Eagle includes facilities for everything from tain the water level at two ponds. Lakes in Maple Grove. The trail con - athletics to nature study. Improvements in the Palmer Lake tinues southerly to Medicine Lake, Community residents can enjoy an area are scheduled to be completed by through Golden Valley, and connects to exercise trail, constructed near the Com- June 1, and include both bituminous and the Minneapolis system at Theodore munity Center, with costs donated by wood chip trails, observation areas, Wirth park. Then along Victory Memor- Farmers & Mechanics Savings Bank. dredging of ponds for nesting sights and ial Drive to the Camden area, and north - The exercise course, "Health Beat siltation basins, lighted parking facilities, erly along Shingle Creek into Brooklyn 20 ", is a complete physical fitness pro- benches, signs, toilet facilities, and land- Center. gram for fun or serious outdoor exercise scaped planting. Because of the trailway "s ideal loca- containing two loops, with exercise in- Consisting of more than 200 acres, tion and planned development, the Pal - formation provided at each station, in- the Palmer Lake area possesses unique mer Lake Nature Center, Central Park, cluding procedures for a proper start to natural characteristics which provide a and the Community Center become an an exercise session. habitat for many types of plant, animal extension of what each has to offer. A Each station provides three different and aquatic life forms. pleasant 10- minute walk, or a five -min- exercise levels for individual physical Residents can also enjoy the trail ute bike ride away from City traffic per - ability. The trail begins and ends at the system, featuring a separate path for mits safe and leisurely travel between north end of the park, and allows the biking and walking. This trailway in these large, well planned recreation areas. individual to take advantage of the Brooklyn Center is a connecting link in Entire families can enjoy all the bene- sauna, exercise room, and swimming a regional trail corridor in Northwest fits of more than 250 acres of park, pool in the Center. Hennepin County, consisting of approxi- from active participation to passive The Brooklyn Center Arboretum was mately 38 miles of trail through six relaxation. a vacant eight -acre site of scrub and re- fuse, which is now complete with ponds, a trail system and observation areas. Certain Park Activities The arboretum includes some 155 varieties of flowers, trees and shrubs for residents to enjoy. Residents can learn Limited, Not Allowed plant names, how to tend them, how to make new plants, along with learning about all the animal forms that associate Certain activities are limited, and can operate a motorized vehicle in any regulated by law, at parks located with- park or open space within the com- in the community. Some of the regula- munity. The exception is those areas Park Dedication tions are as follows: designated as roadways or parking areas, CURFEW — No one is allowed in any or upon trails specifically designated by Ceremonies Are park and recreation facilities, unless the City for use by certain vehicles. engaged in City business, between the ILLEGAL TO DAMAGE, REMOVE Sunday, June 12 hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., when such PROPERTY — It is obviously illegal to parks or facilities are posted by sign destroy or damage in any way any pro - Park dedication ceremonies are plan- noting the curfew hours. perty or facilities in parks or open ned for Sunday, June 12 in Central Park, NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES — spaces. Also not allowed is cutting, mu- and will be part of the Earle Brown Days No one can bring into any park or pos- tilation or removal of any tree, plant, celebration. sess, display or use intoxicating liquors, flower, shrub, rock, soil, sand, fence, Dedication events include an old fash- nor non - intoxicating malt liquors unless benches, tables or any other property or ioned band concert and a "Picnic in the a permit has been issued by the Director facilities. Park ", with music by the newly reorgan- of Parks and Recreation. Such permits WILD LIFE — Hunting, trapping, ized Brooklyn Community Band, Start- will be limited to duly organized non- killing, harming, or maliciously frighten- ing at 6 p.m. profit local civic organizations, opera- ing any wild life consisting of animals, Dedication ceremonies will begin at ting under a constitution and by -laws, reptiles, or birds is punishable by law. 7 p.m. with a speaker and recognition of and which have been in existence for at Any person violating the provisions honored guests. At 8 p.m. a Chautauqua least one year. of the ordinance, upon conviction, could program will get underway, featuring NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES — No be punished by a fine not to exceed highlights of Minnesota history, followed person, unless engaged in City business $500, and by imprisonment not to by a fireworks display. or specifically authorized by the City, exceed 90 days. 5 i 1983 SUMMER BROCHURE Z � 1 Adult Activities ,J CHILDCARE SERVICE The "PLAY- CORNER" will be provided for parents attending morning CODE & LOCATION classes on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:15 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. or where otherwise noted in class descriptions. Swimmers may take advantage of BCHS . . Brooklyn Center High School this service for the Adults open swim period from 12:15 p.m. — 1:00 p.m. 6500 Humboldt Ave. No. on these two days. Children must be checked in by 12:15 p.m. in order for NVJH . . . . North View Jr. High the Play- Corner to remain open. The minimum age is 6 months. The cost is 69th & Zane 60c per child, per hour for each child through kindergarten. For additional CC . . Community Center information call 561 -5448. 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Park AQUA EXERCISE Bellvue . . . . . . . . . . .55th & Aldrich Exercise in the water for better health and a trimmer figure. You do not Brooklane . . . 65th & Brooklyn Blvd. need to be a swimmer or get your hair wet. Enjoy a pleasant and relaxing East Palmer . . . . 71st & Oliver experience through this unique approach to exercise with music. Some Evergreen . . . . . . . 72nd & Bryant AEROBICS will also be included. Registration Fee $10.00/8 Sessions. Firehouse. . . . 65th & Bryant Classes 50 min. Instructor Donna Powers. Freeway . . 67th & Beard # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION Garden City . . . . . . . . 63rd & Brooklyn Dr. 1 Wed. June 8 12:00 p.m. CC Grandview . . 59th & Humboldt Happy Hollow . . . . . . . . . 50th & Abbott AQUA EXERCISE — EVENINGS Kylawn . . . . . . . . . . . 61st & Kyle Exercise in the water for better health and a trimmer figure. You do not Lions . . . . . . . 55th & Russell need to be a swimmer or get your hair wet. Enjoy a pleasant and relaxing Northport . . 55th & Sailor Lane Orchard Lane 65th & Orchard experience through this unique approach to exercise with music. Some Riverdale . . . Dallas Road & Riverdale Road AEROBICS will also be included. Class # 3 is also open to teens, a terrific West Palmer . . . . . . .71st & Palmer Lake Circle way for both mom and daughter to have some fun together! Registration Willow Lane 69th &Orchard Fee $6.25/5 Sessions. Classes 50 min. Instructor Lisa Lubrecht. S School # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION Earle Brown . . . . . . .5900 Humboldt Ave. No. 2 Tues. June 7 6:30 p.m. NVJH Evergreen . . . . 7020 Dupont Ave. No. 3 Tues. June 7 7:30 p.m. NVJH Fair Oaks . . . . . . . . 5600 65th Ave. No. 4 Thurs. June 9 6:00 p.m. NVJH Garden City . 3501 65th Ave. No. DANCING FIT Northport . . . . . . . . 5421 Brooklyn Blvd. Fit your exercise to music, for a fun way to shape up and relieve the stress Palmer Lake . . .7300 West Palmer Lake Drive and strain of everyday living. No dance background necessary. A great class Willow Lane . . . . 7020 Perry Ave. No. for people who have never exercised before or for anyone who has tribd aerobics and because of age, weight or medical reasons would like a modi- fied class. Improve your figure and firmness with Jazz exercise. Childcare LUNCH BUNCH AEROBICS — NEW available for day classes. Registration Fee $8.75/7 Sessions. Classes 50 min. Wanted: Nearby employees! We invite you to make the most of your lunch Instructor Bev Wilson, # 5, 7 Kathy Krause, # 6. break. This class is a fitness program that offers complete and effective # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION conditioning for muscles, heart and lungs. Aerobic movement and exercise 5 Tues. June 7 10:30 a.m. CC to music will be taught. Locker room and shower facilities available. Take 6 Tues. June 7 7:15 p.m. NVJH advantage of the pool, juice and snack bar at an additional fee. Registration 7 Tues. July 26 10:30 a.m. CC Fee $10.00/8 Sessions. Classes 30 min. Instructor Bev Wilson. # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION WOMEN'S EXERCISE & AEROBIC DANCE 22 Tues. & Thurs. June 7 11:30 a.m. CC The class is fun, challenging and includes AEROBIC movements in dance 23 Tues. & Thurs. June 7 Noon CC combinations. This class is a physical fitness program that offers complete 24 Tues. & Thurs. July 5 11 :30 a.m. CC and effective conditioning for muscles, heart and lungs. It's a combination 25 Tues. & Thurs. July 5 Noon CC of dancing for the fun of it, and dancing for more ENERGY EVERYDAY! No dance background necessary. Childcare available for morning classes. FITNESS FOR MOTHER- —NEW Fitness experts encourage participants to register for 2 days per week if possible. Registration Fee $8.75/7 Sessions. Classes 50 mins. Instructor A class simple enough for safety but challenging enough to improve your Lisa Lubrecht, # 8 Bev Wilson, # 10 — 13, 16 — 19 Cindy Lindgren, flexibility, strength and stamina. You will learn exercises to encourage the #9, 14 — 15, 20— 21. correct use of your body as it slowly changes. Keep fit for a healthier # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION delivery and easier comeback. Please check with your doctor and bring a 8 Mon. June 6 7:30 p.m. NVJH written OK to the first session. Childcare available for day classes. Regis - 9 Mon, June 6 8:30 p.m. NVJH tration Fee $8.75/7 Sessions. Classes 50 min. Instructor Bev Wilson. 10 Tues. June 7 9:30 a.m. CC # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 11 Tues. June 7 5:30 p.m. CC 26 Tues. June 7 7:30 p.m. CC 12 Tues. June 7 6:30 p.m. CC 27 Thurs. June 9 10:30 a.m. CC 13 Thurs. June 9 9:30 a.m. CC 28 Tues. July 26 7:30 p.m. CC 14 Thurs. June 9 6:00 p.m. CC 29 Thurs. July 28 10:30 a.m. CC 15 Thurs. June 9 7:00 p.m. CC 16 Tues. July 26 9:30 a.m. CC 17 Tues. July 26 5:30 p.m. CC SENIOR AQUA EXERCISE 18 Tues. July 26 6:30 p.m. CC A fun and healthy class for both men and women 62 years and older. You 19 Thurs. July 28 9:30 a.m. CC do not need to be a swimmer or get your hair wet. New participants please 20 Thurs. July 28 6:00 .m. CC p furnish doctor's name and number when registering. Registration Fee 21 Thurs. July 28 7:00 p.m. CC $5.00/8 Sessions. Classes 50 min. Instructor Donna Powers. CLASS ATTENDANCE IS LIMITED TO PARTICIPANTS ONLY — it DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION SORRY, NO CHILDREN OBSERVING. 30 Mon. June 6 12:00 p.m. CC 6 Adult Activities, Continued FITNESS AND COMPANY — NEW LAB & FIRING PRIVILEGES Getting into shape doesn't have to be boring, lonely and drudgery. Enjoy Open to persons who completed a Pottery Class at the Community Center the outdoors, the fresh air and good health with others who want to have a or have previous experience and are familiar with equipment. Lab may be good time too. This coed class will focus around the Shingle Creek outdoor used on an unlimited basis other than class times and have pieces fired in exercise trail. The course will appeal and provide helpful exercises for the 7 week period. The lab program is designed for individuals who want to individuals at almost any level of ability and strength. Subjects to be dis- work independently. Clay may be purchased at the Community Center. cussed are jogging techniques, correct shoes, remedies for minor ailments Arrange your own time to work in the lab during the 7 weeks, no instruc- associated with exercise, monitoring heart rate and fitness progression tests. tion. Registration Fee $18.00/7 weeks. Registration Fee $10.50/7 Sessions. Classes60 min. Instructor Chris Kaupp. At BEGINS TIME LOCATION # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 39 June 21 To be arranged CC 31 Mon. & Wed. June 13 6:00 p.m. CC 40 August 9 To be arranged CC 32 Mon. & Wed. June 13 7:00 p.m. CC MAGIC ART — OIL PAINTING 33 Mon. & Wed. July 11 6:00 p.m. CC Oil painting made easy! Anyone with a desire to paint can, with the Magic 34 Mon. & Wed. July 11 7:00 p.m. CC Art Method. Beginners to Intermediate hobby artists will learn how to use large brushes and a unique palette knife to COMPLETE a fine oil painting POTTERY SAMPLER — NEW in this 4 hour workshop. The instructor is an accredited Magic Art instruc- Have you ever wanted to try pottery but didn't know if you'd like it? for from California who teaches the William Alexander Technique as seen Here's your chance, come try your skill at hand building and wheel throw- on Channel 2. Supplies furnished axcept for frame. Bring clean paint rags ing a pot! Sample pots made will be fired and glazed for each participant. to class. Paintings for each workshop on display. BECAUSE OF MAT - Bring a work shirt to class, all other supplies furnished. Registration Fee ERIALS PURCHASED FOR THIS CLASS, REFUND REQUESTS MUST $5.00/1 Session. Classes 3 hours. Instructor Karen Haberle. BE MADE NO LATER THAN TWO WEEKS BEFORE WORKSHOP. # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION Registration Fee $20.00/1 Session. Class 4 hours. Instructor Carol Reile. 35 Tues. August 9 9:00 a.m. CC # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 36 Tues. August 9 6:30 p.m. CC 4 1 Wed. June 15 6:00 p.m. CC 37 Wed. August 10 6:30 p.m. CC 42 Wed. July 13 6:00 p.m. CC 43 Wed. August 3 6:00 p.m. CC POTTERY 44 Wed. August 24 6:00 p.m. CC The class is designed to teach the basic skills of wheel throwing and hand ADULT TENNIS LESSONS building. The Community Center offers a unique opportunity to practice Beginning and Intermediate Lessons for adults. Intermediate students must your new skills by including in the registration fee clay for projects, un- have had previous lessons and be familiar with basic swings, serves and limited studio practice time and firing fees. Bring a work shirt to the 1st etiquette. Classes meet twice a week for 4 weeks and are 1 hour. Bring your class. Please allow about $6.00 for purchasing of tools. Registration Fee own racquet, balls are furnished. Registration Fee $14.00/8 Lessons. $28.00/7 Sessions. Classes 3 hours. Instructor Karen Haberle. Instructor Peter Martin. # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION BEGINNING INSTRUCTION 38 Tues. June 21 6:30 p.m. CC # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 45 Mon. & Wed. June 13 6:00 p.m. BCHS HORSESHOE LEAGUE 46 Mon. & Wed. June 13 8:00 P.M. BCHS 47 Mon. & Wed. July 11 9:00 a.m. Willow Lane -P Are you a recreational horseshoe player? Why not join a league and play 48 Mon. & Wed. July 11 10:15 a.m. Evergreen -P once a week with a number of players. Join the Brooklyn Center 48A Mon. & Wed. July 11 7:00 p.m. BCHS Horseshoe League. The League is open to anyone 16 years and older. INTERMEDIATE INSTRUCTION Participants will play a round robin schedule. Call Parks and Recreation 49 Mon. & Wed. June 13 7:00 p.m. BCHS office 561 -5448. or watch Post newspaper for meeting date.Minimum of 50 Mon. & Wed. July 11 6:00 p.m. BCHS 8 required to form a League. Cost to be determined after organizational WINDSURFING LESSONS —NEW meeting. League will play on Thursday — 6:30 — 9:00 at Grandview Park. See Special Activities for description. Teen Activities SUMMER FUN! School's Out! But there's nothing to do! The Brooklyn Center Parks & Recreation Department has the cure! This summer we are offering some IiK exciting trips and classes just for teens. Any 6th grader entering 7th grade in the Fall is eligible to register for any of these teen activities, except where otherwise noted. Registration for all trips is limited and on a first -come, first -serve basis. No refunds will be issued unless trip is cancelled APPLE RIVER FLOAT /WATERSLIDE by the Parks and Recreation Department. Have a great time cruising down the Apple River located in Somerset, VALLEYFAIR Wisconsin. Then experience the newest water thrill around, a multiflume Join us at Valleyfair for an exciting evening of fun! Attractions include the waterslide. It's wet, slick, fast and fun! Students should bring a bag lunch. "Log Flume ", "Enterprise" and the popular "Roller Coaster ". Bus leaves Tennis shoes are recommended. Bus leaves North View at 9:15 a.m. and North View at 3:30 p.m. and the Community Center at 3:15 p.m. Returns the Community Center at 9:30 a.m. Returns approximately 4:15 p.m. approximately 11:15 p.m. Registration Fee of $10.50 includes ticket, Registration fee of $8.50 includes tube rental, 1 ride down waterslide, transportation and supervision. Deadline to register is Sunday, June 19, transportation and supervision. Deadline to register is Sunday, July 10, space permitting space permitting. # DAY TRIP DAY LOCATION # DAY TRIP DAY LOCATION 51 Wed. June 22 Valleyfair 53 Wed. July 13 Apple River SPORTS DAY — NEW WILD MOUNTAIN ALPINE SLIDE Racquetball! Tennis! Walleyball! Teens 13 — 16, join us for a great day of Exciting! Exhilarating! Challenging! Enjoy your ride to the top of the fun at Brookpark Tennis and Racquet Club. In addition, everyone can use mountain, get in your sled and off you go. Alpine Slide ... It's a mountain the exercise room and track facilities. Registration fee includes use of of fun. Wild Mountain is located in Taylors Falls. Bus leaves North View at racquets, balls, beverage and all sports listed above. Students may bring a 4:30 p.m. and the Community Center at 4:45. Returns approximately bag lunch or purchase at snack bar. Meet at Brookpark. Registration dead 9:30 p.m. Deadline to register is Monday, July 18, space permitting. line is Monday, June 27, space permitting. Registration Fee $4.50/1 Registration fee $8.25 includes 2 hours of Alpine Rides, transportation and Session. Class 4 hours. supervision. # DAY DATE TIME LOCATION # DAY TRIP DAY LOCATION 52 Thurs. July 7 10:00 a.m. Brookpark 54 Wed. July 20 Wild Mountain 7 Teen Activities, Continued GOLF LESSONS Golf instruction for junior high students. Lessons will include golf rules, AQUA EXERCISE etiquette and physical skills. There will be a small additional expense if the A unique approach to exercise, both Jazz- Exercise and Aerobics will be class goes to a driving range. Registration Fee $15.00/6 Sessions. Classes included. You do not need to be a swimmer or get your hair wet. Open to 1% hours. teens and adults, a terrific way for both you and mom to have some fun. # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION Registration Fee $6.25/5 Sessions. Classes 50 min. Instructor Lisa Lubrecht. 65 Tues. June 14 1:00 P.M. Brookland Par -3 # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 66 Thurs. June 16 1:00 P.M. Brookland Par -3 3 Tues. June 7 7:30 p.m. NVJH TEEN AEROBICS This unique class for teens is a combination of dance steps, aerobic and jazz exercise. No dance background necessary. Some steps learned can be 1 used at teen dances. In this class get fit, learn the latest dance steps and have fun. Registration Fee $8.75/7 Sessions. Classes 50 min. Instructor Lisa Lubrecht. # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION • 55 Thurs. June 16 7:00p.m. NVJH GYMNASTIC CAMP FOR GIRLS — NEW • For girls in grades 7 and up of any skill level who have an interest in developing their gymnastic skills. Emphasis will be placed on developing TEEN GOLF LEAGUE student's strengths, flexibility and coordination. Tumbling and apparatus Golf leagues are fun and encourage enjoyment of play rather than competi- fundamentals on all gymnastic equipment will be introduced according to tion. A great way to meet new people. Registration for the golf leagues are participant's ability. Ballet will be included. Registration Fee $14.00/6 taken at the Brookland Par 3 Golf Course only and deadline is June 10. Sessions. Classes 2 hours. Registration Fee $2.75. Length of time 1Yz hours. # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 56 Mon. & Wed. June 13 12:30 p.m. NVJH Tues. June 14 11:00 a.m. Brookland Par -3 57 Tues. & Thurs. July 12 12:30 p.m. NVJH TENNIS LESSONS MODELING — NEW Teens in 7th — 8th grade may register for Kids Tennis Lessons — See For girls 11 years of age and older who are interested in learning about description under Children's Activities. modeling, hair care and styling, skin care, colors for self improvement and self- esteem. Class will be highlighted with a fashion show by the girls for their friends and family. Class meets once a week for 6 weeks. Registration Teens in 9th grade and up may register for Adult Tennis Lessons — See Fee $7.50 /6 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Instructor Lisa Lubrecht. description under Adult Activities. # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 58 Mon. June 13 6:30 p.m. NVJH WINDSURFING LESSONS —NEW For students entering 7th grade and up. See Special Activities for POTTERY description. See Adult Activities for description. Open to Senior High Teens. WEDNESDAY NIGHT FEVER MAGIC ART — OIL PAINTING A social recreation program for mentally handicapped young adults and See Adult Activities for description. Open to Senior High Teens. adults ages 16 +. The program includes a variety of activities including out- door cooking, games, & dances. It's Fun! Begins Wednesday, June 22 — August 24 from 7 — 9 p.m. at Brooklyn Center Community Center. Cost is SUMMER PHYSICAL FITNESS CLASS $12.50. Contant Kris, 545 -6767. 9th — 12th GRADES — ALL COMMUNITIES WELCOME This physical Fitness Class, intended for both males and females entering grades 9 — 12 in the fall of 1983, will include flexibility and agility work, BOWLING LEAGUE — New this summer! For mentally handicapped conditioning sessions, weight training, and competitive team games. The use adults, 16 years and older. Thursday, May 26 — August 25 from 7 — 9 p.m. of open weights and machines will be stressed, with programs constructed at Carriage House on Highway 12. Weekly fee of $1.85 includes shoes, ball for each individual participant. Class will meet Monday through Friday for and 2 games. Celebrate the fun with a bowling banquet at the end of the 8 weeks at Park Center High School, which houses one of the state's finest season. Contact Kris, 545 -6767. weight training facilities. Registration Fee $40.00/8 weeks. $30.00/4 weeks. Classes 2 hours. Instructors: Tim Hermann and Roger Stelljes, members of the Park Center coaching staff. SPORTS NIGHT # DAY DATES TIME LOCATION An outdoor game night for mentally handicapped young adults, Tuesday, 59 Mon. — Fri. June 13 — August 5 8:00 a.m. PCHS June 21 -- August 23 at Fred Sims Park in New Hope, 7 — 8:30 p.m. 60 Mon. — Fri. June 13 — August 5 10:30 a.m. PCHS Registration fee and information, contact Kris, 545 -6767. 61 Mon. — Fri. June 13 — July 8 8:00 a.m. PCHS 62 Mon. — Fri. June 13 — July 8 10:30 a.m. PCHS 63 Mon. — Fri. July 8 — August 5 8:00 a.m. PCHS 64 Mon. — Fri. July 8 —August 5 10:30 a.m. PCHS C TM I I • ! • T1{ r Life. Be in It • Y C) C- 'R]'Lir EL t 1 Cmya'M 8 Children's Activities WHEN REGISTERING, USE THE CHILD'S GRADE AS OF FALL 83. GAMES! GAMES! GAMES! — NEW GYMNASTIC CAMP — NEW For boys and girls who have completed kindergarten through third grade. For both boys and girls in grades 1 — 6 of any skill level who have an inter - The program is designed to provide play experiences through games for the est in developing basic and advanced gymnastic skills. Emphasis will be benefit and enjoyment of everyone involved. Some games will require tradi- placed on developing student's strengths, flexibility and coordination tional sports skills, some with brain power through strategy and others through various exercises and selected activities. Tumbling and apparatus requiring a sense of humor, acting talent or other forms of creative play. fundamentals on all gymnastic equipment will be introduced according to No one has to worry about being a super star; challenge is emphasized participant's ability. Ballet for the girl gymnast will be included. Students rather than competition. Come join the fun, all you need is a smile and may register for more than one session. Classes meet twice a week for 3 lot's of energy! Registration Fee $8.00/7 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. weeks. Registration Fee $14.00/6 Sessions. Classes 2 hours. Instructors # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION Lisa Lubrecht, Denise Schleusner and Ken Schmidt. 68 Mon. June 13 9:30 a.m. Orchard -P # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 69 Tues. June 14 1:00 p.m. West Palmer -P 87 Mon. & Wed. June 13 10:00 a.m. NVJH 70 Wed. June 15 9:30 a.m. Brooklane -P 88 Tues. & Thurs. June 14 12:30 p.m. NVJH "KIDS" — INTRODUCTION TO SOCCER 89 Tues. & Thurs. July 12 10:30 a.m. NVJH For boys and girls who have completed kindergarten through third grade. POM POM GIRLS This instructional program is designed for children to have fun while learn- A fun cheerleading class designed just for girls in grades 1 — 6. Girls will ing the fundamentals of soccer. Some interpark scrimmages will be played. learn some of the basic cheers, warm -up exercises and the do's and don'ts A special parent night demonstration will be held during the program. Each of being a good cheerleader. Girls will also learn a specially designed rou- "Kid" will receive a T- Shirt! Register for the park location nearest your tine, just like the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. The session will end with home. Registration Fee $11.00/7 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. an evening performance at the Park. Fee includes a pair of pom pours. # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION Classes meet twice a week for 3 weeks. Registration Fee $6.00/6 Sessions. 71 Mon. & Wed. June 13 10:50 a.m. Brooklane -P Classes 1 hour. Instructor Lisa Lubrecht. 72 Tues. & Thurs. June 14 9:30 a.m. Firehouse -P # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 73 Tues. & Thurs. June 14 10:50 a.m. East Palmer -P 90 Mon. & Wed. June 13 12:45 p.m. West Palmer -P "KIDS" — INTRODUCTION TO SOFTBALL 91 Mon. & Wed. June 13 2:00 p.m. Kylawn-P 92 Mon. & Wed. July 11 1:00 p.m. Garden City -P For both boys and girls who have completed kindergarten through third BALLET grade. This instructional program is designed for children to have FUN while LEARNING good sportsmanship, team work, and the fundamentals For students in grades 1 — 6 who have had little or no previous ballet dance of Softball. Each "Kid" will receive their very own Softball T- Shirt! training. Class emphasizes body placement, posture, ballet positions and During the season, some interpark games will be played. The last week will basic combinations. Classes meet twice a week for 3 weeks. Registration be highlighted b a Fee $6.00 /6 Sessions. Classes 45 min. Instructor Donna Powers. y parent softball night. Register for the park location # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION nearest your home. Registration Fee $11.00/7 weeks. Classes 1 hour. # Mon. &Wed. June 13 TIME a.m. Northport # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 93 74 Mon. & Wed. June 13 9:30 a.m. Evergreen -P DANCE AND ACROBATICS — NEW 75 Mon. & Wed. June 13 10:50 a.m. Evergreen -P This course will offer fundamentals of dance in the areas of ballet and jazz, 76 Tues. & Thurs. June 14 9:30 a.m. Kylawn -P combined with the rhythmic movements of acrobatics. Course is designed 77 Tues. & Thurs. June 14 10:50 a.m. Northport -P to create interest in dance, acrobatics and rhythm through the development KID'S TENNIS LESSONS of body style. Acrobatic movements such as leaps, cartwheels and back- bends will be introduced according to student's ability. For grades 1 — 6. Beginning and Intermediate Tennis lessons for children in grades 3 and up. Classes meet twice a week for 3 weeks. Registration Fee $6.00/6 Sessions. Students will be divided and matched with others of the same ability. Classes 45 min. Instructor Lisa Lubrecht. Classes meet twice a week for 4 weeks. Bring your own racquet, balls are # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION furnished. Registration Fee $14.00/8 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Instructor 94 Tues. & Thurs. June 14 9:30 a.m. Evergreens -S Peter Martin. # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 95 Tues. &Thurs. July 12 2:35 p.m. Palmer Lake -S 78 Mon. & Wed. June 13 9:00 a.m. Northport -P CREATIVE DANCE & JAZZ — NEW 79 Mon. & Wed. June 13 10:15 a.m. Kylawn -P Here is an opportunity for children to enjoy the freedom of creative ex- 80 Mon. & Wed. June 13 11:30 a.m. Willow Lane -P pression combined with modern jazz body movements. For grades 1 — 6. 81 Mon. & Wed. June 13 12:45 p.m. West Palmer -P Classes meet twice a week for 3 weeks. Registration Fee $6.00/6 Sessions. 82 Mon. & Wed. June 13 5:00 p.m. BCHS Classes 45 min. Instructor Donna Powers, #s 96, 98 Lisa Lubrecht, 83 Mon. & Wed. July 11 11:15 a.m. Evergreen -P #s 97, 99. 84 Mon. & Wed. July 11 4:00 p.m. BCHS # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 85 Mon. & Wed. July 11 5:00 p.m. BCHS 96 Mon. & Wed. June 13 10:00 a.m. Northport -S CHEERLEADING CAMP —NEW 97 Tues. & Thurs. June 14 11:10 a.m. Evergreen -S 98 Tues. & Thurs. July 12 10:20 a.m. Willow Lane -S Students will learn many new skills including jumps, splits, and exercises, 99 Tues. & Thurs. Jul 12 1 :45 July p.m. Palmer Lake -S good showmanship and cheers such as yells, songs and chants. The concepts DANCIN', DANCIN', DANCIN'— NEW of co- ordination, balance, rhythm, dedication and spirit will be introduced. Cheerleaders will host a special evening performance. Fee includes a pair of A new class designed to broaden your child's cultural horizons. The child - plastic streamer pom poms and cheerleading handbook. Classes meet twice ren will be instructed in one type of dance each time. By the end of the a week for 3 weeks. Registration Fee $11.00/6 Sessions. Classes 1 hour, session students will have been exposed to ballet, jazz, creative, modern, 15 min. Instructor Lisa Lubrecht, former Park Center Cheerleader. tap and an ethnic folk dance. For grades 1 — 6. Classes meet twice a week it DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION for 3 weeks. Registration Fee $6.00/6 Sessions. Classes 45 min. Instructor 86 Mon. & Wed. July 11 2:15 p.m. Willow Lane -P Donna Powers. # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 100 Tues. & Thurs. July 12 9:30 a.m. Willow Lane -S SMURFING AROUND — NEW Come and join in the fun of exercising with smurfs and other lovable characters. The program will provide children ages 5 — 8 the opportunity to use up their energy while developing muscle control. Basic tumbling skills will be introduced. Classes meet once a week for 6 weeks. Registration Fee $7.00/6 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Instructor Kathy Anderson. # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 101 Wed. June 15 10:30 a.m. Fair Oaks 102 Wed. June 15 5:30 p.m. NVJH 9 Children's Activities, Continued KIDS IN THE KITCHEN CRAFT CLUBHOUSE This class is designed to show children (grades 1 — 6) how to help them- Fun for the Crafty Crew! A new idea each time including plaster casting, selves in the kitchen. They will be taught the 4 basic food groups, table basket weaving, clothespin crafts, string art and nature crafts. Class is avail - manners, proper handling of appliances and utensils, and planning and pre- able for children in 1st — 6th grade. Classes meet twice a week for 3 weeks. paring simple but nutritious meals and snacks. Students will be able to eat Registration Fee $11.00/6 Sessions. Classes 1% hours. Instructor Donna the efforts of their hard work. Classes are 2 hours, twice a week for 3 weeks. Powers, certified teacher. Registration Fee $15.00 includes instruction and supplies. Please bring an # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION apron to first class. Everyone will receive an all new "Kids In The Kitchen 111 Mon. & Wed. July 11 1 :30 p.m. Brooklane -P Cookbook ". Instructor Donna Powers, certified teacher. ART IN THE PARK # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION Have you ever wished you could do something unique that doesn't look like 103 Tues. & Thurs. June 14 10:00 a.m. NVJH what everyone else does. Here's a chance to use your creative abilities in a 104 Mon. & Wed. July 11 9:30 a.m. NVJH relaxed informal environment to experiment in the areas of arts and crafts. You will have the opportunity to work with pottery clay, paint, copper tooling, burlap, soft sculpture and more. No matter what your talents are, this class will provide you with an enjoyable art experience. For 1st — 6th _ grade. Classes meet twice a week for 3 weeks. Registration Fee $11.00/6 Sessions. Classes 1% hours. Instructor Donna Powers, certified teacher. + ��? At DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 112 Mon. & Wed. June 13 1:30 p.m. Willow Lane -P �_V TAKING NOTES — NEW Discover your musical talents while having fun. Students in grades 1 — 6 will learn note values, time signatures, music games, reading notes and the \ 1 art of making musical instruments. Classes meet once a week for 6 weeks. S Registration Fee $7.00/6 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Instructor Kathy i Anderson. # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 113 Wed. June 15 9:30 a.m. Fair Oaks FUN WITH COOKING SERIES — NEW 114 Wed. June 15 7:30 p.m. NVJH A unique cooking experience for children in grades 1 — 6. Each class is MR MAGIC — NEW designed to introduce participants to a different cooking area. Students Abracadabra ... It's Magic! Learn to entertain your friends and family by may register for one or all of the workshops. For each session children performing simple magic tricks. The basic skills of illusion and wonderment should bring an apron and an appropriate box or container to carry their will be taught. Participants will host a magic show at the Park the last week. goodies home in. Registration Fee $5.00 each session or $15.00 for all four U's 117, 118 for grades 1 — 3 and Xs 115, 116 for grades 4 — 6. Classes meet sessions. Instructor Donna Powers, certified teacher and State Fair winner once a week for 6 weeks. Registration Fee $6.50/6 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. of many cooking ribbons. Instructor Brian Swerine. A STICKY SITUATION # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION Have fun learning to make your favorite candy treats including taffy 115 Mon. June 13 1:00 P.M. Northport -P pulling, carmel corn animals and peanut brittle. Children will follow the 116 Mon. June 13 2:15 p.m. Firehouse -P process of candy- making from picking out the proper ingredients, to read- 117 Wed. June 15 1:00 P.M. Kylawn -P ing a candy thermometer and forming the final product. Registration Fee 118 Wed. June 15 2:15 p.m. Firehouse -P $5.00/1 Session. Class 2 hours. MODELING — NEW # DAY DATE TIME LOCATION See Teen Activities for description. For girls 11 years of age and older. 105 Tues. June 14 1:00P.m. NVJH SUMMER PLAYCENTERS LOAFING AROUND The Summer Playcenters will run two days a week from 1 :00 — 3:00 p.m. Learn the art of bread making in this fun and informative class. Breads Children will enjoy the summer as they experience activities in crafts, using yeast and quick breads (without yeast) will be made. Students will environmental appreciation, nature, games, special events and sports. "punch," "knead," and "pat" the dough into a delicious golden loaf! Bring Each two week session is designed to offer children an enjoyable program 2 bread wrappers to class so you can take some home to share with your under the supervision of trained leaders. The Playcenter activities are family. Registration Fee $5.00/1 Session. Class 2 hours. different each session, so a child can participate in one or more sessions # DAY DATE TIME LOCATION throughout the summer. Registration Fee $5.00 for 2 weeks, per child. 106 Tues. June 28 1:00 P.M. NVJH if you register for all three sessions the fee is $12.00. IN A JAM # DAY LOCATION See how homemade jelly and jam is made. Students will learn the process 119 Mon. & Wed. Grandview -P of sterilizing the jars, making jam and jelly and safely preserving it. Partici- 120 Mon. & Wed. Orchard Lane -P pants will each take home one jar of jelly and one jar of jam. Registration 121 Tues. & Thurs. Evergreen -P Fee $5.00/1 Session. Class 2% hours. 122 Tues. & Thurs. Northport -P # DAY DATE TIME LOCATION Session A — EXPANDING YOUR HORIZONS 107 Tues. July 12 1:00 P.M. NVJH Weeks of June 13 — 20 — Ever made a UFO, heard your heart beat, played ALL ABOUT CAKES parachute games, done aerobic exercise, or played new games? These are Make a cake (from scratch, of course!) and then use your imagination to just a few of the highlights of "Expanding Your Horizons Days" which decorate it into a scrumptious creation. Learn the secrets of successful includes Space Day and Wellness Week. Come join in the fun, with these cake making and how to frost and decorate it in a variety of different new and fantastic activities and watch YOUR horizons grow. ways. You will be able to take your cake home to share with your family Session B — TURN OF THE CENTURY and friends. Registration Fee $5.00/1 Session. Class 2 hours. Weeks of June 27 & July 5 — (Mon. July 4 closed. Grandview and Orchard ff DAY DATE TIME LOCATION Lane will meet Wed. & Fri, this week.) Experience some of America's 108 Tues. July 26 1:00 P.M. NVJH favorite activities during this era from the past. During All American Week, JEWELRY MAKING WORKSHOP — NEW play old- fashioned games like marbles & hopscotch and celebrate the 4th Boys and girls in grades 1 — 6 will learn about rocks and gems and how of July -1983 style with a flashy bike rodeo. The second week will feature they are transformed from their "raw" stage into a finished piece of Lumberjack Day with Paul Bunyan favorites and a special afternoon of tire jewelry. See how an actual rock tumbler and diamond rock saw work. activities. Each child will be able to complete 2 projects of his /her choice. (examples: Session C — CRAZY DAZE necklace, keychain, pin, pendant, ring, bracelet.) Registration Fee $4.00/1 Weeks o July 11 & 18 — The Summer Playcenter finale — "Crazy Daze" Session. Class 2 hours. Instructor Donna Powers, certified teacher. celebrating Halloween, Winter Frolics, the 50's and Hawaii Day. A # DAY DATE TIME LOCATION snowball fight in the summer, hula hoop contest, candy hunt, and a bubble 109 Tues. June 21 1:00 P.M. Brooklane -P blowing contest; sound CRAZY? They are CRAZY, exciting and great fun! 110 Tues. July 19 1:00 p.m. Orchard Lane -P Be a part of these last two weeks of nonstop craziness!! 10 Children's Activities, Continued FRIDAY FROLICS DAY CAMP Various special events and trips provide elementary children (minimum age An all new experience awaits kids in 1st — 6th rade. Da Cam is entering 1st grade in the fall) the Opportunity to broaden their interests, 9 pis design ts ed to offer campers a structured program with a group p their own age. learn new skills, and most importantly, have a good time. Registration for trips is limited; so sign up early. Children are supervised by the 1983 Campers will participate in camp cooking, crafts, nature, trailblazing, summer recreation staff. No refunds will be issued unless activity or trip is Indianlore, rock polishing, games, and songs. Children will be under the cancelled by the Parks and Recreation Department. The bus will pick up at supervision of the 1983 summer recreation staff. A Naturalist and an Arts Grandview, Evergreen, Northport, Orchard Lane, West Palmer and Willow & Crafts Instructor will conduct special programs. On Monday and Tues- Lane Parks for all trips providing there is a minimum of 6 children. day, special emphasis will be placed on local Brooklyn Center resources FORT SNELLING including the Palmer Lake Nature area, Arboretum and the Preserve. A Join us in re- living history with a tour of the "Old Fort ". Special attrac- visit to the new Coon Rapids Dam is planned for Wednesday. Here children tions include demonstrations in bread making, soap making, candle making will walk across the bridge connecting Coon Rapids with Brooklyn Park, and cannon drills. Children should bring a bag lunch; Beverage will be pro- study river creatures, fish and much more. The highlight of the afternoon vided. Bus pickups begin at Parks at 9:00 a.m. and return approximately includes the annual camp cookout and special Day Camp ceremony. 1:30 p.m. Registration fee of $3.00 includes tour, beverage, transportation Children should and supervision. Deadline to register is Wednesday June 15 space Pack a bag lunch on August 1st & 2nd. (Lunch will be permitting. provided on August 3.) Beverage will be provided all 3 days. Bus pick ups #�— DAY TRIP DATE LOCATION at Grandview, Northport, Evergreen, West Palmer and Willow Lane Parks 123 Fri. June 17 Fort Snelling begin at 8:30 a.m. and return approximately 3:15 p.m. each day. (Pick up POOL PARTY must have minimum of 6.) Deadline to register is July 22, Registration Fee $14.00/3 days. s pace permitting. Splish, Splash! It's a fish; it's aseal — no, it's a pool party at the Com- # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION munity Center for kids! Join us for an afternoon of fun, including swim- ming, pool games, patio games, special contests and a cookout on the patio Mon., Tues. Palmer Lake, of hot dogs, chips and beverage. Activity will be supervised by pool life- 128 & Wed. August 1 8:30 a.m. Arboretum, guards and the 1983 summer recreation staff. Registration deadline is Coon Rapids Dam Wednesday, June 22. Advanced registration is necessary. Pool Party runs KID'S KAPPERS from 1 — 330 p.m. (note: bus service will not be provided.) Students may Join Julie on Thursday s scheduled, for a fun stay after pool party for open swim. Parents should arrange in advance y program brought to the with children the time they will pick them up, parks from the library. The activities are designed for elementary age boys # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION and girls. There is no charge, but see what materials to bring from home. 124 Fri, June 24 1:00 P.M. CC Sessions approximately 45 minutes. CEDAR LAKE FARM Drawing Fun — Thursday, June 16 & July 14 Children will pportunity to feed and an o pet baby farm animals, enjoy et Learn to draw dinosaurs, animals, people or monsters! Bring a pencil, 9 a pontoon boat ride on the lake and ride a real pony. Children should bring markers or crayons. a bag lunch; beverage will be provided. Bus pick ups begin at parks at It's Magic — Thursday, June 23 & July 21 9:00 a.m. and return approximately 2:00 p.m. Registration fee of $7.00 A fun introduction to magic. You will learn how to do simple magic tricks. includes pony ride, pontoon ride, transportation, beverage, supervision and Robots — Thursday, June 30 &July 28 educational visit with farm animals. Deadline to register is Wednesday, June 29 space in g. Cedar Lake Farmis locate in New Prague. Make your very own robot! Bring some junk you think might make a neat DA TRIP DATE LOCATION monster and small wheels from old toys if you have them. 125 Fri. July 1 Cedar Lake Farm Dough Art — Thursday, July 7 & August 4 CHIMERA THEATRE — PRESENTS ROBIN HOOD Make your own dough and then create your own creatures. Bring 1 large Thrill to the action - packed adventures of England's most famous outlaw container salt, 2 c flour and plastic bag. and his Merry Men in their fight against tyranny. The performance will be June 16, 23 3 , 30 &July 7 at the following locations: shown at the Harriet Island Pavillion in St. Paul. Children should bring a Bellvue 9:30 a.m. Happy Hollow 12:45 p.m. bag lunch; beverage will be provided. Bus pickups begin at Parks at 11 :00 Lions 11:00 a.m. Kylawn 2:15 p.m. a.m. and return approximately 3:30 p.m. Registration fee of $5.00 includes July 14, 21, 28 & August 4 at the following locations: ticket, beverage, transportation and supervision. Deadline to register is West Palmer 9:30 a.m. Riverdale 12:30 p.m. Monday, June 27, space permitting. East Palmer 10:45 a.m. Firehouse 2:00 p.m. DAY TRIF DATE LOCATION 126 Fri. July 15 Harriet Island Pavillion AUGUST ADVENTURES AMTRACK RIDE TO RED WING /MINNESOTA ZOO For mentally handicapped children 6 — 15 years. The program will meet on All aboard! To Red Wing Minnesota. Children will ride the exciting Tuesday and Thursday in August from 10:00 a.m. — Noon. Parents may Amtrack Train to Red Wing where the bus will be waiting at the Depot to register their child by the week or for the entire month. Each week will whisk us off to the Minnesota Zoo in Apple Valley. At the Zoo, we'll see have a different theme with activities and special events planned. Call over 100 species of Minnesota wildlife the lush indoor jungle and the Kris Orluck, 545 -6767 for specific information. enchanting Beluga Whales! Children may bring a bag lunch or buy at the Zoo refreshment stand. (Trip is on, rain or shine.) Bus pick ups begin at SUMMER ENRICHMENT AND RECREATION PROGRAM parks at 6:15 a.m. and return approximately 3:15 p.m. Registration fee of $10.25 includes train ride, zoo admission, transportation and supervision. This new program is co sponsored by the District # 279 Community Educa- Deadline to register is Monday, June 20, space permitting, tion and Services Department and the Parks and Recreation Departments DAY TRI DA E LOCATION of Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Maple Grove and Osseo. 127 Fri. July 22 Red Wing /MN Zoo Students currently enrolled in K — 6th grade are eligible to participate. The _ program meets from 9:00 a.m. — noon each day, Monday through Thurs - day for 2 weeks. Students will be attending one classroom enrichment 06 Im mini -class and one physical activity mini -class everyday. (9:00 — 10:25 and ®' 10:35 — 12:00 noon). This will result in participation in 16 different activi- ties over the 8 -day period. Students need not register for specific classes -one registration for the entire 8 -day program is all that is required. Activities will include: Golf, Fitness Aerobics, Archery, Floor Hockey, -ti Flag Football, Track and Field, Orienteering and New Games, Creative VIKING FOOTBALL DAY Writing, Cooking, Science, Water Color, Computer, Keep Me In Stitches Let's all go to the Viking Training Camp at Mankato State College. See all and Nature and Music (Students will work the Computers twice.) your favorites, Coach Bud Grant, Tommy Kramer, Matt Blair and many more. The trip is tentatively scheduled for the second week in August. Re gistration Deadline is Friday, May 20, space permitting. Registration Fee Detailed information regarding this trip will be available around June 1. $24.00/8 days without bus transportation — $34.00/8 days with bus Please call the Parks and Recreation Office at 561 -5448 after this date. transportation. SPORTS NIGHT DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION handic Mon. — Thurs. June 20 9:00 a.m. Brooklyn Jr. For mentally pped children 7 years and up. Join the group for an Mon. — Thurs. July 11 9:00 a.m. Osseo Jr. outdoor game night held at Fred Sims Park, New Hope. We will meet on Tuesdays, June 21 — August 23 from 7 — 8:30 p.m. Call Kris Orluck, FOR REGISTRATION FORMS AND INFORMATION, CONTACT: 545 -6767 for information. Community Education & Services — 425 -4131 Ext. 573. 11 Pre- School Activities PUPPET PLAYHOUSE 83' WEE WOODSMEN DAY CAMP — NEW The traveling Puppet Playhouse returns for another enteraining season at Wee Woodsmen is a one day session of day camp for pre - school children each PARK listed, except where noted below. The season begins the week ages 3 — 6 and parent. This will be a unique opportunity for you and of June 20 and runs through July 29. (No show July 4). Small children your child to explore our enviroment together. Many fun nature - oriented must be accompained by an adult or older responsible child. activities are planned including a scavenger hunt, songs, games, hiking, and MONDAY cooking. Participants will receive a letter with more details following regis- East Palmer — 10:00 a.m. tration. Cost includes activities, snack and beverage. Wee Woodsmen & West Palmer — 11:00 a.m. parent bring their own lunch. Registration fee $4.00 for parent and child. Willow Lane — Noon If for some reason the parent is unable to attend, leaders will be available Garden City -S — 1:00 P.M. to share the day with your child. Registration fee $6.50 for child only. TUESDAY Class 3'/2 hours. Evergreen — 9:30 a.m. # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION Riverdale — 10:30 a.m. 142 Thurs. August 4 9:30 a.m. Palmer Lake Area r Firehouse — 11:30 a.m. TINY TOT RHYTHM MAKERS —NEW Brookdale Lib. — 12:30 p.m. It's a fun way to experience music and rhythm. Introduce your child to WEDNESDAY the World of MUSICwith basic rhythm, sounds, pitch, musical instruments, Freeway — 9:30 a.m. dynamics and singing songs. Classes meet once a week for 6 weeks. Regis - Kylawn — 10: 30 a.m. tration Fee $7.00/6 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Instructor Kathy Anderson. Northport — 11:30 a.m. # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION Happy Hollow — 12:30 p.m. 143 Wed. June 15 11:35 a.m. Fair Oaks THURSDAY 144 Wed. June 15 6:30 p.m. NVJH Orchard Lane — 9:30 a.m. Lions — 10: 30 a.m. RHYTHMS & TUMBLING Grandview — 11:30 a.m. For pre - school boys and girls. Minimum age is 4 years old by January 1, Bellvue — 12:30 p.m. 1984. Beginning tumbling stunts, rhythms and patterns for coordination PRE- SCHOOL SUMMER will be taught. Registration Fee $6.00/6 Sessions. Classes 45 min. The program is geared for pre- kindergarten children 3%2 — 5 years old. Instructor Donna Powers, # 145 Lisa Lubrecht, # 146, 147. play, projects will be Outdoor activities, music, creative la , stories and art Classes meet twice a week for 3 weeks # TIME taught by our certified teacher Mrs. Malmin. Choose one of the Locations 145 Mon. &Wed. June DAY BEGINS T N 13 10:45 IME a.m. Northport LOCATION 5 weeks. Classes 2 hours. listed. Classes are limited. (No classes July 4 — 7). Registration Fee $18.00/ 14 Tues. &Thurs. July 12 1:00 p.m. Palmer Lake -S # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION Classes meet once a week for 6 weeks 129 Mon. & Wed. June 13 9:30 a.m. Garden City -S 147 Mon. June 13 5:45 p.m. NVJH 130 Tues. & Thurs. June 14 9:30 a.m. Palmer Lake -S 131 Tues. & Thurs. June 14 1:00 p.m. Willow Lane -S TINY TOT TAP & BALLET TEENIROMPERS For pre - schoolboys and girls. Minimum age is 4 years old by January 1, A special program just for your little ones! Minimum age is 31/2 years by 1984. Children will have an opportunity to participate in beginning ballet June 1983. Pre-schoolers will have fun with crafts, games, finger plays and movements and simple tap steps. Classes meet twice a week for 3 weeks. songs. Teenirompers meet twice a week. (No class on Monday, July 4) Registration Fee $6.00/6 Sessions. Classes 45 min. Instructor Lisa Lubrecht, Registration Fee $7.00/7 weeks. Classes 1 hour. It 148 Donna Powers. # 149. At DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 132 Mon. & Wed. June 13 9:30 a.m. Evergreen -P 148 Tues. & Thurs. June 14 10:20 a.m. Evergreen -S 133 Mon. & Wed. June 13 10:50 a.m. Evergreen -P 149 Tues. & Thurs. July 12 11:10 a.m. Willow Lane -S 134 Mon. & Wed. June 13 9:30 a.m. Orchard Lane -P PRE-SCHOOL FOR FALL 135 Mon. & Wed. June 13 10:50 a.m. Orchard Lane -P 136 Tues. & Thurs. June 14 9:30 a.m. Kylawn -P For children 31/2 — 5 years of age. The program emphasizes group socializa- 137 Tues. & Thurs. June 14 10:50 a.m. Northport -P tion, music, art, creative dramatics, science and community awareness. 138 Tues. & Thurs. June 14 9:30 a.m. Firehouse -P Your child will learn numbers, colors, games stressing coordination, finger 139 Tues. & Thurs. June 14 10:50 a.m. East Palmer -P plays and stories will be read. Field trips and parent programs are also part 140 Tues. & Thurs. June 14 10:50 a.m. Earle Brown -S of our program. Registration accepted for f beginning the week of WIGGLES AND GIGGLES June 13. All classes are at the Community Center beginning the week of September 13th, for 12 weeks. The fee is for the 12 week session. 1 nstruc- An exercise class for parent and child (ages 2 — 5). Some exercises, a for Mrs. Malmin, certified teacher. little dancing, stunts, tricks, and most of all wiggling and giggling and lots # DAY TIME FEE of fun for everyone! Wear loose- fitting clothes and a smile! Registration 150 Fri. 9:30 — 11:30 a.m. $28.00 Fee of $7.00 includes both parent and child for 7 weeks. Classes 40 min. 151 Fri. 12:30 — 2:30 p.m. 28.00 Instructor Kathy Krause. 152 Tues. & Thurs. 9:00 — 10:30 a.m. 42.00 # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 153 Tues. & Thurs. 10:45 — 12:15 p.m. 42.00 141 Tues. June 7 6:30 p.m. NVJH 154 Tues. & Thurs. 1:00 — 3:00 p.m. 55.00 Special Activities FAMILY FARE tion of certificates of participation. The perfect place and time for families Families will want to take advantage of special trips offered at group dis- to have a picnic! The event will be held at Brooklyn Center High School, counts. Trips are offered jointly by the Parks and Recreation Departments 6500 Humboldt Ave. N. Pack a family picnic and bring the whole family, of Brooklyn Center, Crystal, Brooklyn Park, Golden Valley, New Hope, even the little ones for this great family day. Plymouth, Maple Grove and Robbinsdale. Registration taken on a first - come basis. Sorry, NO phone reservations, lap sitters or refunds. Send all AMTRACK — JUNE 24 money and registrations to New Hope Recreation. 4401 Xylon Ave. N., We invite you and the family to come along on this very special train trip New Hope 55428, 533 -1521. Friday, June 24. Trip includes bus transportation to depot from the area, round trip Amtrack ride, site seeing tour of Duluth via bus, entrance to HERSHEY'S NATIONAL TRACK & FIELD EVENT — JUNE 18 Glensheen Mansion. Meals on your own. Bus pick up 6:30 a.m. and returns This event is for the beginner, both boys and girls between the ages 9 — 14 approximately 10:30 p.m. Deadline Mid -May. Pick up flyer at the Com- years. It is designed to promote participation, friendship, sportmanship munity Center. and physical fitness. Events include dashes, relays, standing long jump and softball throw. Participation could qualify individuals to be eligible for the TWINS GAME — AUGUST 4 State meet Saturday, July 9. (Expenses and transportation for finalists to See the Minnesota Twins and the Oakland A's" at the Metrodome. Bus pick the State and National meet will be the responsibility of the parents). up 6:45 p.m. Brooklyn Center Community Center. Registration fee of Pre - registration is necessary no later than June 10th. Fee $1.00 per child. $8,25 includes staff escort, reserved seating and transportation. Deadline The events will begin at 9:00 a.m. June 18 and will conclude with presenta- to register July 1, space permitting. Tickets distributed on the bus. 12 WINDSURFING LESSONS — NEW THE BIRTH OF A BOOK Learn the exciting sport of Windsurfing! Instruction will include how to You are invited to the birth of an exciting book "History of the Earle put the rig together, basics about wind direction, balance exercises on the Brown Farm," on May 19, 7:30 p.m. at the Brooklyn Center Community board and free windsurfing. Students completing this 3 hour course should Center. Members of the Brooklyn Historical Society have been working on be able to sail in average wind conditions. Registration fee includes lesson the book for over two years. The evening will include "A Day in the Life of by certified instructors and windsurfing equipment rental. Lessons will be the Earle Brown Farm" presented by Leone Howe, one of the authors, held on upper Twin Lake. (Entrance on 53rd Ave. & E. Twin Lake Blvd.) who will portray her mother, Florence Wadsworth, housekeeper at the Everyone is invited to a free demonstration at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, farmhouse for 14 years. Co- authors are Jane Hallberg and Mary Jane May, 21 at Shingle Creek behind the Community Center. Registration Fee Gustafson. Autographed copies of the book will be on sale and people 30.00 1 Session. Class 3 hours. interviewed for the book will be introduced. Earle Brown artifacts and # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION photographs will be displayed. 155 Sat. June 4 9:00 a.m. Twin Lake BROOKDALE COMMUNITY LIBRARY 156 Sat. June 11 9:00 a.m. Twin Lake The Library is located at 6125 Shingle Creek Parkway. Summer hours will 157 Sat. June 18 9:00 a.m. Twin Lake be in effect from May 28 — Sept. 5. 158 Sat. June 18 12:30 p.m. Twin Lake Monday — Wednesday — 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 159 Sat. July 9 9:00 a.m. Twin Lake Thursday — 12:00 p.m. 5: 0 p p.m. 160 Sat. July 9 12:30 p.m. Twin Lake Friday r fe e q es 5:00 p.m. 161 Sat. July 16 9:00 a.m. Twin Lake Information and reference questions may be called into the library at 162 Sat. July 23 9:00 a.m. Twin Lake 566 -8300. Circulation questions and renewals will be handled by calling ADULTS ONLY — RATED RF* 566 -2034. Rated RF (real fun) is a program for young adults 18 +. You are invited to Brookdale library has a large circulation collection of books, magazines, participate in outings and events planned for you by the Recreation Depart- records, 8mm films and other Audio Visual Software. '' /z VHS tapes, 16 mm ments of Brooklyn Center, Crystal, Brooklyn Park, Golden Valley, New films, and framed art prints also circulate, but fees are charged. Hope, Plymouth, Maple Grove and Robbinsdale. If you would like to help plan, have any ideas, or would like to be on the mailing list call Kathy at Everyweek at 1:30 p.m. an elementary age children's program will be 561 -5448. EVENING AT THE OLD LOG offered at no charge. See films, magicians, theater, live animals and more. Call for the weekly program information. Storytime for 3 — 5 years on Join us for an entertaining evening at the theater and see the delightful Tuesday or Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. There is no charge but registration comedy "NoSex Please, We're British ". Bus pick up will begin at 7:00 p.m. is required. In addition the Brooklyn Center Parks and Recreation Depart - at Brooklyn Park City Hall — 5800 85th Ave. N. Registration fee of $9.00 ment, Puppet Playhouse will make a weekly visit beginning June 22 at Per person includes ticket, transportation and staff escort. Reservation 12:30 p.m. Deadline: Friday, June 3. INDIANHEAD COUNTRY, APOSTLE ISLANDS, BAYFIELD BROOKLYN CENTER WOMEN'S CLUB A delightful adventure awaits you on our weekend get -away to the 4 -star The Brooklyn Center Women's Club meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month rated Telemark Lodge located in the heart of beautiful northern Wisconsin. from September through May at 1:00 p.m. Meetings are held in the Social Price $99.50 each is based on double occupancy and includes deluxe Hall of the Community Center, 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway. The Club motorcoach, escort, coffee, rolls, tax, gratuity, ferry cost, lunch, tour, promotes social, cultural and civic activities and all women over 21 are overnight lodging, champagne brunch, LaPointe, Madeline Island and His- eligible for membership and invited to visit. Day tours are sponsored torland, Hayward and dinner at the Cook's Shanty. Single supplement is monthly. For information about the Club or Tours you may call 535 -1404 available, $15.00 extra. Call for detailed information. Depart 7:15 a.m., or 535 -4569. Sept. 17 and return 10:00 p.m., Sept. 18. Deadline July 25. SENIOR ADULT ACTIVITIES HOLIDAY BAZAAR SENIOR HAPPENINGS The 12th Annual Holiday Bazaar will be on Saturday, November 5th at Is a monthly newsletter sponsored by the Brooklyn Center Parks and the Brooklyn Center Community Center. If you are a crafter and would Recreation Department. The "Senior Happenings" tells activities going on like to rent a table, call the Parks and Recreation Department the first at the clubs, in the community and outings offered. If you don't receive week in May to have registration information sent to you. one now give Kathy a call at 561 -5448. SOCIAL CLUBS BROOKLYN COMMUNITY BAND Two social clubs are sponsored by the Brooklyn Center Parks and Recrea- The Brooklyn Community Band is sponsored by the communities of tion Department. The Leisure Time Club meets Wednesdays throughout Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park. The band meets on an average of once the year from Noon — 3:00 p.m. at the Brooklyn Center Community per week September through July, with the month of August off. The Center. There are no dues or club requirements to belong. The Brooklyn group performs for civic functions in the communities of Brooklyn Center Twins Club meets the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month. Sept. — June at and Brooklyn Park and provides several outdoor concerts in the months Earle Brown School, 7 — 9:30 p.m. Membership dues are $1.50 annually of June and July. December performances normally include shopping per person. Any person 60 years of age or older may join. If married, only centers and rest homes. 1 spouse must meet the age requirements. Membership in the group is open to post high school adults who have a SR. AQUA EXERCISE sincere interest in playing their instrument and performing with the group. See Adult Section for description. Membership is not restricted to residents of Brooklyn Center or Brooklyn SWIMMING POOL Park. Although the band numbers about 60, all sections are open for poten- tial new members. Senior Memberships are available for Brooklyn Center residents 62 years old and over, at a special rate of $5.00 for 3 months. Application may be made at the Community Center desk. Non - resident seniors may swim for Individuals wishing to join the band or obtain additional information may $1,00 per time which is '/2 the regular adult admission rate. The discount contact the Recreation Departments of Brooklyn Center, 561 -5448, applies Saturday and Sunday during swimming hours effective June — Brooklyn Park, 425 -4517 or President of the band, Jim Stumpfa, 537 -5240. August. Membership and single admission entitles a person to use the swimming pool, exercise room and sauna during recreation or "open" SUMMER CONCERT SCHEDULE periods. June 10 — Friday Concert — Earle Brown Farm — 7:00 p.m. COMMUNITY CENTER BLOOD PRESSURE June 12 — Sunday Concert — Brooklyn Center Central Park — 6:00 — Screening is done by Red Cross volunteer nurses on the last Wednesday of 7:00 p.m. the month from 11 :30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Every Thursday screening is con - June 16 — Thursday Concert /Picnic — Robbinsdale Band — Sanborn Park, ducted at CEAP. Call 566 -9600 for schedule. Picnic 6:00 p.m. Concert 7:30 — 8:30 p.m. T.A.P. June 23 — Thursday Concert — Brooklyn Park Tater Daze — 7:00 — Telephone Assistance Program for elderly and handicapped who live alone. 8:00 p.m. The program has helped several persons with immediate needs, in some June 27 — Monday Concert — Jones Harrison Home, — 7:30 — 8:30 p.m. cases Emergency situations. If you are interested in the program for your - July 11 — Monday Concert — Park Center High School — 7:30 — 8:30 p.m. self or a friend, contact a TAP clerk 535 -2225. We really care about our July 15 — Friday Concert — Lake Harriet — 7:30 p.m. participants! Sponsored by Brooklyn Center Police Department. July 25 — Monday Concert — St.Theresa Nursing Home — 7:30 — 8:30 p.m. COMMUNITY TRIPSTERS FAMILY FESTIVAL IN THE PARK Community Tripsters is a program for people age 55 years and older who enjoy getting away once a month on day or overnight trips. Activities will Pack up the whole family, a picnic and join in the fun on Thursday July 28 include tours, fishing trips, attending stage productions, ball games and the starting at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. This special event will like. If you are interested in such activities and meeting new friends from create a festive air with live entertainment, games, swimming plus much, the surrounding area please call and ask to receive the information. much more. Pre - registration is required. Details will be available at a later date. Watch for information in the Post or call the Parks and Recreation HELP WANTED Department at 561 -5448 around June 1. Don't miss this evening of Family Recreation classes and activities will be organized according to your needs Fun. and interests. If you have a program suggestion or possess a proven skill # DAY DATE TIME LOCATION you can lead or teach, let us know. Call 561 -5448 and ask for Sue or 163 Thurs. July 28 6:00 p.m. CC Kathy. 13 Swim Activities ADULT SWIM LESSONS Beginner thru Swimmer level instruction for adult and high school age. a _ Here is an opportunity to learn to swim or brush up on your strokes. Classes meet Monday thru Friday for 2 weeks and are 40 min. Registration Fee $20.00/10 Lessons. Community Center: (# 181, 12:20 p.m.) A — June 13 — June 24 C — July 11 —July 22 E — August 8 — August 19 Swim registration starts at 9:00 A.M. on Saturday, May 21, 1983. All North View Jr. High School: Meets Monday & Wednesday (# 182, 8:20 other class registrations begin at 1:00 P.M. (Numbers given out 1 hour p.m.) $16.00/7 Lesson mini - session. before registering). WHEN REGISTERING FOR SWIM LESSONS, PLEASE F — June 13 — July 6 GIVE US# PLUS LETTER OR SESSIONS. SWIM CLASSES WILL NOT BE HELD ON JULY 4 SENIOR ADULT SWIMMING LESSONS American Red Cross swim lessons for men and women ages 62 years and PARENT & TOT SWIM LESSONS older. Here is a chance to brush up on skills you have already learned, Lessons in water adjustment for children ages 2 and 3. One parent must experience new skills or start right from the very beginning. We also have accompany the child in the water, preferably the same parent each time. room for "Super Chickens." Classes meet Monday thru Friday for 2 weeks Classes meet Monday thru Friday for 2 weeks and % hr. Registration Fee and are 40 minutes in length. Registration Fee $20.00/10 Lessons. $14.00/10 Lessons. Community Center: (# 183, 12:20 p.m.) Community Cent (# 164, 8:50 a.m.) B — June 27 — July 8 A — June 13 — June 24 D — July 25 — August 5 C — July 11 — July PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS E — August st 8 — August 19 Community Center: 1# 165, 9:25 a.m.) Private lessons are available at the Community Center and North View B — June 27 — July 8 Jr. High for a fee of $8.00 /half hour. Call the Community Center for D — July 25 — August 5 further information. North View Jr. High School: W 166, 12:45 p.m.) SWIM LESSONS /HEARING IMPAIRED A — June 13 — June 24 Red Cross swim instruction by a qualified interpreter /swim instructor for B — June 27 — July 8 boys and girls ages 6 — 15. Beginner thru Swimmer levels will be North View Jr. High School: Meets Monday & Wednesday offered. Classes meet Monday thru Friday for 2 weeks and are ' / 3 hour in (A 167, 6:00 p.m.) $10.00/7 Lesson mini - session. length. Registration Fee $14.00/10 Lessons. F — June 13 — July 6 Community Center: (# 184, 11:10 a.m.) (# 185, 11:45 a.m.) PRESCHOOL SWIM LESSONS B — June 27 — July 8 Swimming instruction for 4 and 5 year olds. Parents do not accompany the ADAPTIVE SWIM LESSONS child in the water. The following lesson levels are taught: Water Adjust- Swimming lessons for children and adults of all ages who are physically for 2 weeks and are /2 hr. Registration Fee $14.00!10 Lessons. Beginner, Advanced Beginner. Classes are taught Monday thru Friday and /or mentally disabled. Classes meet Monday thru Friday for 2 weeks for 2 Community Center: (# 168, 9:25 a.m.) and are '% hour. Classes are taught on a one to one ratio. Registration Fee A — June 13 — June 24 $14.00/10 Lessons. B — June 27 — July 8 Community Center: l# 186, 8:50 a.m.) C — July 11 —July 22 B — June 27 — July 8 D — July 25 — August 5 D — July 25 — August 5 E — August 8 — August 19 DIVING North View Jr. High School: (# 169, 12:45 p.m.) Beginning lessons on the 1 and 3 meter springboard for children and adults A — June 13 — June 24 who are intermediate or better swimmers. Classes meet Monday thru Fri - B — June 27 — July 8 day for 2 weeks,are % hour in length. Registration Fee $14.00/10 Lessons. North View Jr. High School: Meets Monday & Wednesday Community Center: 1# 187, 8:50 a.m.) (# 170, 6:00 p.m.) (# 171, 6:35 p.m.) $10.00/7 Lesson mini - session. B — June 27 — July 8 F — June 13 — July 6 D — July 25 — August 5 CHILD SWIM LESSONS BASIC RESCUE AND WATER SAFETY Red Cross Beginning through Swimmers instruction for boys and girls ages This course replaces Junior Lifesaving. A Red Cross course for persons /ages 6 and older. Classes meet Monday thru Friday for 2 weeks and are % hour 11 and older. Skills in self rescue, extensions and artificial respiration will in length. Classes have an average ratio of 5 students/ instructor. Registra- be taught. Students must pass a preliminary swimming test and must tion Fee $14.00/10 Lessons. attend every class. Absences will not be made up. Classes will meet Monday Community Center: (# 172, 10:00 a.m.) (# 173, 10:35 a.m.) thru Friday for 2 weeks. Classes are 1 hour. Registration Fee $18.50/10 W 174, 11:10 a.m.) (# 175, 11:45 a.m.) Lessons. North View Jr. High School: ( #176, 1:20 p.m.) (# 177, 1:55 p.m.) Community Center: (# 188, 9:00 a.m.) (# 178, 2:30 p.m.) A — June 13 — June 24 Sessions A & B Only. C — July 11 —July 22 A — June 24 — July 8 B — June 27 — July 8 C — July 11 — July 22 ADVANCED LIFESAVING COURSE D — July 25 — August 5 A Red Cross course for persons age 15 and older. Students must be able to E — August 8 — August 19 tread water, surface dive, and swim 500 continuous yards. Students must North View Evening Lessons: Meets Monday & Wednesday (# 179, 7:10 attend every class and absences will not be made up. CPR and Multi -Media P.m.) (# 180, 7:45 p.m.) $10.00/7 Lesson mini - session. First Aid are required and will be an included part of the course. Class F — June 13 — July 6 meets Sunday for 10 weeks with some additional hours to be arranged. Registration Fee $35.00/10 Lessons includes all materials needed. Classes ADULT SUPER CHICKEN are 3 hours. For those persons, high school age and up, who have a real fear of water. Community Center: (# 189, 6:00 p.m.) Here is an opportunity to overcome that fear and learn to enjoy the sport. June 19 — August 28 Registration Fee $20.00/10 Lessons. Same sessions and times as Adult Workshop Days: Saturday, July 16 & August 6 — 9:00 a.m. — Community Lessons. Center. 14 Swim Activities, Continued BASIC SCUBA COURSE Brooklyn Center This class is designed for adults interested in underwater diving. Must be able to swim 220 yards of any stroke, swim under water for 20 yards, and Community Center float or tread water for 15 minutes. Each person must provide their own mask, fins and snorkel. Other equipment will be provided. Class is 4 hours and will meet once a week. Course fee also includes seven hours of open water dives. On completion of the course an internationally recognized certification card will be awarded. Instructor from Smith Diving. Registra- tion Fee $80.00/5 Weeks. Community Center: (A 190, 4:00 p.m.) 6301 SHINGLE CREEK PARKWAY June 12 —July 17 (class will not be held July 3) BROOKLYN CENTER, MN 55430 . 561 -5448 OPEN SWIM SCHEDULE — EFFECTIVE JUNE 13 MON- WED -FRI 1 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. SCUBA OPEN SWIM — Begins June 16 (Adults only 12:15 to 1 P.M.) TUES -THURS A special time to practice for persons with scuba equipment only. Designed 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. for those taking scuba instruction as well as any other interested persons. (Adults only 12:15 to 1 P.M. and 9 to 10:30 P.M.) Cost .752 per time. Thursdays — 8:30 — 10:00 p.m. North View Jr. High. SAT — 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. NORTH VIEW OPEN SWIM SUN — 1 P.M. to 6 P.M. Monday — Friday 3:00 — 4:00 p.m. • Children under 1st grade must be accompanied by an adult in the June 13 — July 8 building at all times. Thursday — 7:00 — 8:30 p.m. • The wading pool is open to children ONLY when supervised by a parent. June 16 — July 7 • HOURS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. COST: 50c Per Swim LIFE, BE IN IT AND SWIM EXERCISE ROOM AND SAUNA Can you swim 10 miles? You may want to take advantage of this opportun- MON THRU FRI: 9 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. ity. All you need to do is obtain a card and fill it out on your own. Start by TUES & THURS: Adults only 9 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. SAT: 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. swimming % mile at a time. Earn a Red Cross certificate and patch. Mark SUN: 1 P.M. to 6 P.M. your card after each time you swim. Begin today! Any questions about "Life, Be In It and Swim" contact Gayle at 561 -5448. • The use of the EXERCISE ROOM is limited to 15 years and older. • The SAUNA is limited to 18 years and older. WOMEN'S CONDITIONING AND PHYSICAL FITNESS • The Pool, Exercise Room, and Sauna may close early at the discretion Physical conditioning to look and feel better. The weight training machine of the management. and flexibility program provide a well- rounded fitness program. The class is tailored to individual needs providing you with the information needed COMMUNITY CENTER MEMBERSHIP RATES to set up and pace workout for future use. This program emphasizes condi- Memberships entitle the member to the use of the Swimming Pool, tioning, endurance, and years of healthy living. Class meets Tuesday & Thursday for 5 weeks in the Community Center Exercise Room. Registra- Exercise Room and Sauna during recreational or "open" periods. Member - tion Fee $18.00/5 weeks. Child care provided. ships are sold on a 3 month, 6 month or yearly basis. Cut off date is the # DAY BEGINS TIME LOCATION 15th of the month. Children included in family memberships are limited to 191 Tues. & Thurs. June 14 8:30 a.m. CC those children through age 20 who reside at home. 3 Months 6 Months One Year BROOKLYN SWIM CLUB FAMILY $50.00 $85.00 $140.00 All boys and girls age 6 and up through college are invited to join the INDIVIDUAL $28.00 $47.00 $ 80.00 Brooklyn Swim Club, the local Minnesota U.S. Swimming Club, for com- SENIOR ADULT — 3 month membership for Brooklyn Center residents petitive swimming, sponsored by Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park 62 years & older — $5.00. Parks and Recreation Departments. The Swim Club offers a wide ranging Single Admission rate for Senior Adults resident or non - resident 62 years program for individuals for all levels of ability in competitive swimming. & older. Sat. 1 — 9 p.m. & Sun. 1 — 6 p.m. — $1.00. For further information call 561 -5448 ext. 171. A free 2 week trial period is offered to any interested swimmer who has never tried GENERAL ADMISSION competitive swimming. Adults (18 & older) $2.00 Youth (15 thru 17) $1.50 SPECIAL MONTHLY POOL ATTRACTIONS Children (5 thru 14) $1.25 June 4, 1983 — Life, Be In It and Swim — Swim for half price — Hours 1:00 — 4:00 p.m. — Community Center. GAME ROOM Jun 24, 1983 — It's A Pool Party — at the Community Center — Hours OPEN DAILY: Pinball, Billiards, Foosball, Viedo Games 1:00 — 3:30 p.m. — Swimming, pool games, patio games, contest and a cookout on the patio — Join us for the fun! August 17, 1983 — A Back to School Special — Swim for reduced prices all day! The Pool, Exercise Room and Sauna will be closed on Friday evening, June 17, all day and evening on June 18 and 19 for a swim meet. The Watch for further information distributed by the Parks and Recreation public is welcome to watch this statewide meet, free of charge. Department. CHILDCARE SERVICE HOLIDAY HOURS The "PLAY- CORNER" will be provided for parents attending morning Monday —May 30 — 1 -6 P.M. classes at the Community Center on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:15 a.m. Monday — July 4 — 1 -6 P.M. — 1 :00 p.m. or where otherwise noted in class descriptions. Swimmers may take advantage of this service for the Adults open swim period from 12:15 p.m. — 1:00 p.m. on these two days. Children must be checked in by 12:15 p.m. in order for the Play Corner to remain open. The minimum age is 6 months. The cost is 60c per child, per hour for each child through kindergarten. For additional information call 561 -5448. 15 C' Bulk Rate B ROOKLYN U.S. Postage 6301 SHINGLE CREEK PARKWAY PAID 3 C ENTER BROOKLYN CENTER, MINNESOTA 55430 Mpls. Mn. Permit No. 2170 TO: BROOKLYN CENTER REGISTRATION INFORMATION PARKS AND RECREATION 1. All registration must be made at the Park and Recreation office in the ADVISORY COMMISSION Community Center beginning 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 21 (Swim registration is separate — see box). The Parks and Recreation Commission meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each — Registrations made by mail will not be accepted before May 23. month, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers. This Commission advises the City No Phone registrations. Council on the Parks and Recreation Program in Brooklyn Center. 2. On opening day of registration, Saturday, May 21, a person may sign Bud Sorenson, Chairperson Dale Bloomstrand Vicki Denissen Harry Bradford up for himself of his immediate family ONLY. After this date, you may Jacuelyn Albright Dave Skeels Mike Streitz register for as many people as you wish. 3. The Parks and Recreation office in the Community Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. — 10:30 p.m.; Saturday, THE BROOKLYN CENTER 1:00 p.m. — 9:00 p.m., Sunday, 1:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 4. Where Classes are limited, registration will be on the first come -first Dedicated to the Citizens of Brooklyn Center that they may share in the serve basis. Persons are not considered registered until the fee has been God given right to beauty, to sunshine, to tranquility; and to the end that paid. The Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to cancel each may herein find the laughter of childhood, the acceptance of youth, classes or activities when an insufficient number of people sign up. the fulfillment of adult life, and the companionship of old age, through a S. Instructor will not be permitted to accept registration at the activity healthy, satisfying use of leisure time. location. Eugene H. Hagel — Director of Parks and Recreation Henry Davis — Superintendent of Parks 6. Should you find it necessary to transfer sessions or class times, this may Arnie Mavis — Superintendent of Recreation be done if an opening exists by paying a 50¢ transfer fee per class. All Kathy Flesher — Program Supervisor transfers must be done in person at the Community Center. Susan LaCrosse — Program Supervisor Gayle Gardner — Aquatic Supervisor 7. Request for refunds must be received at least 24 hours before the second class session, however, there will be a $3.00 service charge on any refund before the first class begins and a $4.00 service charge be- REGISTRATION CARDS ARE FOR MAIL USE ONLY. fore the second class begins. Refund policy except where noted in class description. WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BEFORE MONDAY, MAY 23 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 8. Persons who register for an activity where capacity enrollment has already been reached . . . will go on a waiting list. Additional classes may be formed if there are sufficient requests and if space and com- NAME petent instruction is available. (Last) (First) 9. Senior Citizens, 62 years and over, who are residents of Brooklyn Center may enjoy all activity classes at % the registration fee. This ADDRESS does not apply to supplies or special Senior Classes which are at a (Zip) special rate. 10. Check schedule for beginning date of each class. (Phone) (Work Phone) 11. Sorry, no trip refunds, unless cancelled by the Parks & Recreation Dept. ACTIVITY 12. Class attendance is limited to participants. Spectators not allowed (Location) except with permission. This includes children. For further information call 561 -5448. CLASS It TIME Swim registration for Swimming Lessons which are to be conducted at the Community Center Pool and Northview Jr. High will be held Saturday, May 21, starting at 9:00 a.m. at the COMMUNITY CENTER. Mail registra- CLASS DAY AMOUNT tions will not be accepted for Swimming Lessons. 16 LOGO CONTEST Brooklyn Center Mediation Project The Brooklyn Center Mediation Project Advisory Board offers a cash prize of $50.00. Contest Rules are as follows: 1. Contestants must be Brooklyn Center residents. 2. Contestants may submit as many entries as they wish. 3. Entries must be individually submitted in a black medium on 8 1/2 x 11 white paper. 4. All entries must have contestant's name, address and telephone number on the back of the entry. 5. All entries must be sent to Logo Contest, P.O. Box 29603, Brooklyn Center, MN 55429. 6. All entries must be received by October 4, 1983. 7. Entries will be judged by a panel selected by the Brooklyn Center Mediation Project Advisory Board. 8. Entries will be judged on such items as skill, creativeness, imagination and applicability. 9. The judges reserve the right to accept or reject all entries. All decisions are final. Entries become the property of the Brooklyn Center Mediation Project. RESOLVING DISPUTES IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE INVOLVED Fran watched, feeling her anger rise, as once again the neighbor's children and dog traipsed across her lawn, cutting a path to their own yard. "Why don't they have any respect for others property? "she th ought. "Neither their parents nor these kids seem to understand that I don't like picking up the trash they drop on their way across my lawn. And I've scolded the children and told the parents several times," she grumbled. "Anyway, what are these kids doing using my lawn as a sidewalk when the street is only 3 feet away? Maybe I ought to do something to let these people know I mean business!" she said out loud. Fran is angry and frustrated. She knows she has to do something. Call the police? Sue her neighbors in court? Lawyers are costly and the courts are slow. What's left for Fran to do? The situation could have involved a tenant, who decided to withhold rent until repairs were made to the apartment. The tenant has been told eviction would result if rent wasn't paid, whether repairs were made or not. The tenant feels this is unfair. The landlord feels the tenant is unreasonable. And what should the owner of an animal do when the veterinarian misdiagnosed the animal's condition, jeopardizing the life of the animal, and then received a bill for it? Is the owner responsible for the bill? Should the veterinarian expect full payment? If you find yourself in an unresolvable situation, consider MEDIATION. If you know of someone struggling to find a solution to an aggravating problem, do the person a favor. Suggest MEDIATION to them! Fran, the tenant and the animal owner could have contacted the Brooklyn Center Mediation Project for help in resolving their problems. When they called the Mediation Project, they would have found a friendly and very helpful staff person who would discuss the situation with them and explain the mediation process to them. If Fran decided to try using mediation, a staff person at the Mediation Project would write or call Fran's neighbors, explain that a complaint has been received, provide information about mediation and invite the party to mediate. Before too long, Fran and her neighbors might be sitting down with a third -party mediator to begin working through the problem. The mediator would help Fran and neighbors become aware of what the problems were on both sides and encourage the partiestoairtheir opinions. The parties then begin working onasolution both can live with. Fran and her neighbors can develop respect for each other and feel satisfied to have worked towards resolving their problems. Mediation has worked already for some of your Brooklyn Center neighbors! Mediation is working today across the nation. This service is available free of charge to any Brooklyn Center resident who needs and wants it. The process is simple and relatively quick in achieving results. The Brooklyn Center Mediation Project can be reached between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, by calling 341 -2828. Call for more information! COMMUNITY IDUCATION AUTOMOBILE BASICS FOR WOMEN - Virgil Mannie Basic automobile information and introduction to mechanical maintance. 1983 14 sessions $16.00 Rm.60 Wed. Sept. 28 7 -9pm BCHS SEW FOR SNOW - JoAnn Krause BEGINNERS G UID E TO 35MM PHOTOGRAPHY Sew your own outerwear garments. Con- Pat Nau struction techniques will be demon - if you've never used a 35mm camera strated on jackets, pants, slippers, or are confused by all the buttons mittens, ski bags and boot bags. Learn & gadgets - this class is for you. methods used by the Industry for that The very basics - loading film, more professional appearing garment. aperatures, F stops, types of film. SCHOOL DISTRICT Z86 Creative techniques will be shown to Students must have a 35mm SLR camera make the most of your basic patterns. with adjustable lense. Lecture and demonstration in class, 3 sessions $7.00 Rm.37 all sewing done at home. Booklet and Tues. Sept. 27 7 -9pm BCHS materials available to purchase in class. Tips will be given on constr- BEGINNING TYPING - Mery Amsden LHOM E MAKING J ucting insulated shades making them Learn keyboard & basic typing from scratch. techniques for personal use or B MICROWAVE - Cynthia Gillinghan 1 session $8.00 Staff Lounge background for employment. If you have a microwave oven or hope Sat. Dec. 3 9am -4pm BCHS 8 session $20.00 Rm.06 to have one, come and learn more about Tues. Sept. 27 7 -9pm BCHS cooking with this fascinating appliance. SEW LIKE A PRO - JoAnn Krause Lectures and demonstrations will be Learn sewing tips taken from the ap- FILE . DON'T PILE! Pat Dorff given on a variety of foods as well as parel industry on how to cut hours A simple & unique filing.system is hints and tips for everyday meal pre- off the time spent in sewing at home presented. It is useful for those paration. A food fee of $6.00 will be & achieve more professional appearing who clip & save ideas, articles,pat- collected the night of the first class. garments. The complete construction of terns, poems, quotes, notes, recipes 4 sessions $13.00 Rm.44 blouses, blazers, jackets, vests, skirts & spend months trying to find them Tues. Sept. 27 7- 9:30pm BCHS & pants will be demonstrated. Speed again. Through participation class tailoring. Lining & simple zipper ap- members become acquainted with the CAKE DECORATING, BEGINNING - plications plus redesigning of patterns system, then apply the technique to Carol Corcoran for today's fashions. Demonstration & their personal needs with individual Learn to make flowers, borders, sugar lecture in class, sewing is done at direction from the instructor. All molds and clown figures. Create beau- home. Bring paper & pencil for taking registrations must include a self - tiful cakes for friends & family. notes or booklet will be available.to addressed stamped envelope to receive Students provide their own cakes & purchase - $4.00. Many samples will necessary information for the class. frosting(four cakes total.) Students be shown. You may bring a bag lunch. 2 sessions $15.00 Rm.35 also provide their own decorating 1 session $8.00 Staff Lounge Thurs. Nov. 3 7- 9:30pm BCHS equipment which will be explained Sat. Oct. 15 9am -4pm BCHS in the first class. FRESH START - Norm Coone 8 sessions $18.00 Rm.44 1 4HOLE WHEAT BREAD - Carol Moen Want to quit smoking? The American Weds. Sept. 28 7 -9pm BCHS Learn a very basic whole wheat bread Cancer Society is offering a new method with suggestions for other program to help you quit... forever. COOKIES FOR HOLIDAY ENTERTAINING - varieties. You will work with the dough It's called Fresh Start. A program Carol Moen and take home a mini loaf. designed to meet the individual Pizzelles, Butterhorns and Mini 1 session $3.00 Rm.44 smokers needs. Cheese cakes will be demonstrated. Thurs. Oct. 27 7- 9:30pm BCHS 4 sessions $15.00 /single These easy to make cookies are an Tues. & Thurs. $25.00 /couple Rm.37 attractive and tasty addition to WOK COOKING - Tomako Drake Sept. 27 7 -9pm BCHS your holiday tray. Demonstration of Wok Cooking for del- 1 session $3.00 Rm.44 icious, inexpensive & quick meals. Will FROM MANUSCRIPT TO MARKET: HOW TO Tues. Nov. 29 7- 9:30pm BCHS include Egg Roll, Tempura and Sweet Sour PUBLISH IT YOURSELF: - Rowena Pope Pork. A $6.00 food fee payable to instr- If you have an unpublished manuscript LEFSE LOVERS UNITE - Carol Moen uctor. hidden away in a desk drawer, now This delicious Scandinavian treat will 4 sessions $10.00 Kitchen is the time to consider publishing be demonstrated for you; then each r�on. Sept. 26 7 -9pm BCHS it yourself. (Not to be confused class member will roll and prepare with vanity publishers.) Course will their own lefse. Men & women welcome. cover (in a practical step -by -step 1 session $2.50 Rm.44 FGE NIERALINTERESTJ . o utline) editing, proofreading, de- Mon. Oct. 4 7 -9pm BCHS AEROBICS IN MOTION - Mary Rowshanaee sign, layout, text, paper & cover, This exercise class is designed for men choosing photos and /or illustrations, MINOR HAND ALTERATIONS - Y. Wegscheid and women. Easy to follow routines will typesetting, printing, binding, acqui- We will cover basic hand sewing lead- help build stamina, muscle tone and sition of copy right and ideas. ing to minor hand alterations, button strength. Please bring a small carpet Resource book. holes, hemming, shorten sleeves, nar- or towel. 2 sessions $8.00 Rm.40 row ties etc. First session requires 12 sessions (2 per week) Mon. Oct. 17 7 -9pm BCHS students to bring scissor, ripper, or Tues. & Thurs. $24.00 Cafeteria small pocket knife, thimble, small Sept. 27 -Nov. 3 7:30- 8:30pm ruler, needles & pins. $4.50 will be Nov. 8-Dec. 15 BCHS required for swatch of felt, wax chalk, buttons, elbow patches, shoulder pads, ARE YOU LIVING BY CHOICE OR BY CHANCE? supplied by instructor. North Memorial Medical Center, Dr. Edwards AFTER- SCHOOL CLASSES 10 sessions $28.00 Rm.46 Health is more than not being sick. Tra- FOR EARLE BROWN STUDENTS Mon. Sept. 26 7- 9:30pm BCHS ditionally, health has been viewed as being without symptoms of disease. Well- Watch for fall Community Education MINOR MACHINE ALTERATIONS - Y. Wegscheid ness & health promotion are new concepts after - school classes for Earle Brown We will cover basic seams leading to enhancing health & well - being. Course students & parents. Classes offered minor machine alterations, zipper will motivate in the direction of a are computers, sketching, sports col - replacement, new pockets 1 � pockets, greater potential building strength to lectors club & a canning workshop. waist, seat crutch, etc. First session resist disease & enjoy life. It is the A new twist is an after - school jazz requirements are scissor, ripper or small things we do that impact the exercise class for moms on Mondays! pocket knife, small ruler, pins, thimble. greatest on our health. A brochure will Information about these classes can $4.50 will be required for swatch of be handed out containing health hazard be found in the Recreation Department felt zipper, wax chalk, and threads sup- appraisal tests, life stress scale tests, brochure & fliers sent home with Earle plied by instructor. appraisals & nutrition. Brown Students. Look for the upcoming 10 sessions $28.50 Rm.46 1 session $2.00 Rm.42 classes which are in the planning: Tues. Sept. 27 7- 9:30pm BCHS Tues. Oct. 11 7:30pm BCHS student newspaper, cake decorating,ect. HEART HEALTHY LIFESTYLES PROGRAM - ARTS AND PADDED PICTURE FRAMES - Harriger & Hennepin County Health Department Lundquist Designed to help identify & assess Learn to make your own padded picture HO BBIES your heart disease risk. A personali- frames to give as a gift or match zed assessment that includes body and CALLI - BEGINNING - M. Beverage your decor in any room. Bring 2yd. blood chemistry measurements will be Italic Calligraphy. The Ita W ay plain or small print fabric (no adminstered. Diet, weight control, t o B Handwriting Fred Eager knits, plaids or large prints) lyd. fitness exercise, stress, anxiety & will be used as a text. Please bring coordinating eyelet 2" wide lace, quitting smoking will be outlined. it of the first class along with a thread, ruler, pins, scissors, exacto Program consists of 2 parts: Asses- non - Calligraphy nylon tip pen. Supplies knife, towel to protect table & sing Current Risk & Risk Reduction will cost between $13- $18.00, depend- 6 snap clothes pins (if you have.) Education. All information is confi- ing on pen choice. Supplies will be $2.00 material fee for additional dential & results will be interpreted discussed the first night of class. material. Basic sewing skills. to you. Registration fee includes all 6 sessions $13.50 Rm.40 1 session $3.00 Rm.46 tests, educational session manual & Thurs. Sept. 29 7 -9pm BCHS Thurs. Oct. 20 6:30- 9:30pm BCHS a quarterly newsletter. 2 sessions CALICO WREA - Harriger & Lundquist WOODEN TOYMAKING - Richard Nyquist Weds. Oct. 19 $6.50 Park Center Complete a calico wreath for either Wooden Toymaking - Select a pro- & Nov. 16 7- 9:30pm High School seasonal or use year around depending ject from the instructor's collec- on fabric selected. Bring yard stick, tion or bring your own idea to con - KNOW YOUR 35MILLIMETER CAMERA - glue, tape measure, scissors, pins, struct using basic woodworking Pat Nau a yard of 45" wide calico fabric, handouts and machines. Learn a variety of techniques help- matching thread, a yard of 2" wide 6 sessions $14.00 Rm.52 ful in operating your 35mm camera. grograin or satin ribbon coordinating Mon. Sept. 26 7 -9pm BCHS Indoor & outdoor lighting, composition with fabric, a marking pen or pencil REGISTRATION proper exposure, lenses, film, hints or chalk. Material fee of $5.00 pay- & shortcuts. A lab tour is planned. able to instructor(silk flowers, lace, Bring sample photos to first class. styro foam form, etc.) Basic machine Registration information for Brooklyn Students should have some understand- sewing skills necessary. Center Dist. X6286 Community Education ing about their 35mm camera. 1 session $3.00 Rm.46 classes can be completed in two ways. 6 sessions $14.00 Rm.37 Thurs. Oct. 13 6:30- 9:30pm BCHS Tues. Oct. 18 7 -9pm BCHS 1.) Fill out & mail brochure regis- 3 CH RISTMA S ORNAMENTS - Harriger & LOSING W FOR GOOD - M. Rolando - Lundquist tration form with fee included. for each desired A registered dietician will teach you You will make 3 specialized Christ- Deparate form g c eating our e class. to change y habits. Private mas ornaments to decorate the tree. 2.) Personally come to the Community weekly weigh-ins will provide feedback Bring scissors, pins & glue. Material y g p Education office, Brooklyn Center in a very supportive group atmosphere. fee is $5.00 High School, between Brooklyn and 8 sessions $22.00 Rm.35 I session $3.00 Rm.46 m BCHS 4:OOpm Wed. Nov. 16 6:30 -9:30 Weds. Sept. 28 7- 8:30pm BCHS p PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY - Pat Nau FANCY SWEATS - Donna Walseth Pre- registration is required for all Class will cover taking natural, Dress up your sweatshirts with easy classes. Classes will be filled on a first -come, first -serve basis. Mail comfortable portraits of people. & inexpensive appliques, pockets, registration & fee (checks only) to Learn outdoor & indoor portraiture, placket necklines, etc. Construct Brooklyn Center School District electornic flash, outdoor & window your own in this 1 night class. Bring unity Education Office lighting, natural posing & use of 1 navy sweatshirt, scissors, pins, & Community Avenue North filters to enhance portraits. Bring white thread to class. Applique kits Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 sample photos to 1st class. Students will be distributed for a cost of Make checks payable to: should have a good understanding $8.00. Appliqued patterns for women Brooklyn Center High School of a 35mm Cent camera. & children will also be distributed. District Cent 5 sessions $12.00 Rm.42 1 session $3.00 Rm.46 Thurs. Sept. 29 7 -9pm BCHS Thurs. Oct. 6 6:30- 9:30pm BCHS If you are not notified by phone, you PRE - RETIREMENT SEMINARS - W. Grace FRAGRANT PO - Bev Clayson registration has been processed. The Cornerstone for your successful Fun with collecting petals, herbs, Registration c los es Sept ember 21. retirement is to throw away your spices, and citrus peels. Using WH CAN ENR Unless specified, rose colored glasses - face the simple recipes, you can learn to classes are open to all interested reality. This seminar will help you make dry potpourri for herbal baths persons with no age restrictions. face that reality. Subject matter soapsm pomanders & sachets. These Regular K -12 students are encouraged to include: Wills & probate, housing dried petals collected from the to enroll. Families are welcome and options, financial planning, social garden & field combined with oils are encourage to participate in security , career change & health. & special extracts create a very activities. 6 sessions $20.00 Rm.43 personal fragrance. Bring a note - Tues. Sept. 27 7 -9pm BCHS book and pen. No refunds will be made after the 1 session $2.50 Rm.35 first class session. THE LAW YOU SHOULD KNOW - S. Beseres Mon. Oct. 24 7 -9pm BCHS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THere are urban areas of the law that everyone should have a basic knowledge. NORWEGIAN ROSE - Cleone Tang COMMUNITY SCHOOL REGISTRATION These areas of the law will sooner or Learn to point this Norwegian Folk later touch you, your family or Art using oil paints on painted - -- friends. During the law class period, surfaces. Simple designs will be (Name) we will discuss Will, Trusts, and taught with one project done over Estates, Family Law, Insurance & the a wood item of you choice. For be- (Address) Court System. ginners and those with some exper- 4 sessions $2.50 Rm.31 ience in Rosemaling. 6 sessions $13.00 Rm.35 (Home Phone) (Bus. Phone) (Zip) THINNING YOUR THIGHS AND SLIMMING Mon. Sept. 26 7 -9pm BCHS YOUR HIPS - Marcus Rolando (Name of Course) Finally an answer to the two most OLD FASHIONE G PERENNIAL - common problem body area! Exercise - Beverly Clayson -- $ to pop music while thinning and Plan the perennial border with a (Meeting Day & Date) (Fee) toning you hips and legs. Bring a succession of bloom from April to - - towel or mat and wear exercise cloth- October. Fresh cut bouquets form COMMUNITY SCHOOL REGISTRATION ing. If you thought there was no long season combinations. Snapshots -_ solution to these problem areas, & notes on Personality of a Pere- (Name) you will be astonished at the re- nnial. WHEN: To awaken & cover:to sults in only 8 weeks!! divide & five a haircut. WHERE: - - 8 sessions $18.00 Cafeteria Arranging with the sun. Flower lovers (Address) Mon. Sept. 26 6:30 -7:30 BCHS bring a notebook and a pen. or 7:30- 8:30pm 3 sessions $7.50 Rm.33 (Home Phone) (Bus. Phone) (Zip) Mon. Sept. 26 7 -9pm BCHS COMMUNITY USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Applications for permit to use (Name of Course) FOR GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT school district facilities may COMMUNITY EDUCATION CALL: $ be obtained through Community 561 -8460 (Meeting Day & Date) (Fee) Education office. Jim Norwick Director of Community Education