HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-104 CCR Member Ryan intrc�duced the toll��win�, resolution and moved its adoption: RI?SOLU"1'1ON NO. 2021-10�1 RESOI,U'I'ION IUEN"I'I�YING THE NEI:D I�OR L(VA13LE COMMUNITIF,S [)EMONS"I�RA"I'1ON nCCnI1N"f' l�[1Nn1NG nNI� �UTIIORI"I,ING nl'P[,I('n�l'1ON I�O(t GRnN"I' I�l1N[)S WI II�.RI�:nS thr C'ity ot� 13rooklyn Ccntcr. Minncsota is a participant in thc l,ivablc C��►nmui�ities Act's I,ocal H��usii�g Inccntives /�ccount Pro�ram for 2021 as determined by the Metropolitan Council, and is thcretorr cli�ible to apply for I,ivablc Communitics Demanstration Accoimt funds; and WHI�,RI��.nS thc City has identilied a prop��sed project (or projects) within the City that mects the Demonstration nccount's puiposes and criteria and is consistent with and promotes the purposes oC the Metropolitan Liv�ible Communities Act and the policics ol� the Metro�olitan Council's adopted metropolitan development �uide; and W[1{?RI�,AS thc City has the institutional, mana�,crial and tinancial capability to enstu�c adequate project adminisU�ation; and W]{},(ZI�,nS lhc City ccrti�ies that it will comply with all applicablc laws and re�ulations as stated in the grant agrecment; and WI II�,RE;�1S thr City a�rccs to act as legal spoi�sor t��r the project(s) contained in thc grant application(s) submitted on September 27, 2021; ai�d W}I};Rt;nS the City acknowled�cs Livable Communities Demonstration nccount �rants are intended t�� fund pr��jccts or project components that can serve as models, examples or pr��totypes 1or develoE�ment or redevclopment projects elsewhere in the region, and therefore represents that the pr��posed project(s) or key components ot� the }�roposed project(s) can be replicatcd in ��thcr mctr��politan-arca cc�mmunitics; and WHI:RI?AS onl}� a limited am��unt of �rant fundin� is availablc through thc Metr��politan Cow�cil's I,ivable Commw�ities �)emonstration nccount during each fundin� cycle and the Metropolitan C'ouncil has determined it is appropriate to allocate those scarce �,rant funds only to eli�ible projccts that would not occur without the availability ��f� [)emonstration nccount �rant tundin�. � NOW 'I�!IF,R1�,1�ORE I31: I'I� RE?SOI,VF,I� that. attcr a�pr��priatc examination and duc considcration, the �ovcrning body of thc City: Finds that it is in the best intrrests ot� thc City's dc:velc�E�ment �oals and prioritics for the prop��sed project or projects to ��ccur at these narticular sites and at this particular time. RI?SOLU"I�ION NO. 2021-104 1=ii�ds tl�at thc projcct componcnts ti�r which l,ivablc ('ommunitics [)cmonstration �lccount � fiinding is s��u�ht: will not occur solely through �rivate or other��ublic investmcnt within the reasonably � t��reseeable tiiture; ai�d � will occur within thrcc ycars attcr a �rant award only if I,ivable Communities �'I Demonstrati��n Accoimt fundin� is made available tor this pro,iect at this time. � Represe��ts that the City has undertaken reasonable and good faith efforts to procure �� fui�din� for thc project c�mponcnts tor which I,ivablc Communities I)cmonstration Account fimdin� is s��ught but was n��t able to tind or secure from other sources tiindin� that is necessary tor pro.jecl component completion within threc years and st�itcs that this represcntati��n is bascd on thc t��llowin� reas��nti and supportin� facts: List project or projects ap�lied for here: Project Name �mount IZe��uested Wai��stad Comm��ns $1,400,000 Opportunity Sitc — I'hase I $2,000,000 Authurires its City Mana�cr to submit on bchalt� ��f thc C`ity an apE�lication or aE�plications 1or Metropolitan Council Livable Coi��munities [)emc�nstiation Account grant funds 1or the project comp��nent(s) idei�tilied in the application(s), and to cxccute such a�recments as may be necessary t�� implemcnt the projcct(s) ��n bchalf��f thc City�. Scpt�:mb�r 13, 2O21 l �� f)ate \ Mayc�r A�I��I'I�,S"1�: �"141i Citv C'lerk "l�he m��tic�n ti�r thc adopti�>n uf the (��regoin�; resolution was dtily seco��ded by member I;Iliott ancl uE�on vote bein� taken thereon, the following v�ted in favor thereot�: [3Liticr, F.,lli��tt, Gravcs, Lawrcnce-Andcrson, Ryan and the following v��tcd a�ainst the same: None whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adc�pted.