HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 05-03 CCP SpecialCouncil Special M eeting
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May 3, 2021
1.Call to Order - 5 p.m.
The City Council requests that attendees turn off cell phones and pagers during the meeting. A
copy of the full City C ounc il packet is available to the public . The packet ring binder is loc ated at
the entrance of the council chambers.
2.Roll Call
3.Item M oved from April 26, 2021 M eeting
A.Performance Review of Acting City M anager
C ouncil Special Meeng
DAT E:5/3/2021
TO :C ity C ouncil
F R O M:C urt Boganey, City Manager
T H R O U G H :N/A
BY:D r. Reginald Edw ards , A c)ng C ity M anager
S U B J E C T:Performance Review of A c)ng City Manager
B ackground:
A pril 13, the C ity C ouncil appointed me as the A c)ng City Manager.
W henever a s taff member w ork s outside of his/her classifica)on for any s ignificant )me the pay is adjus ted
to meet the new res pons ibili)es of that clas s being w orked by the individual. C las s ifica)ons are based upon
criteria s uch as work du)es, res pons ibili)es , experience and exper)se. I n the event an employee w orking
at a clas s of less res pons ibili)es (i.e. s uper visor or team lead) is promoted to a clas s of greater
res pons ibili)es (i.e. manager or dir ector ) then the employee is paid in accordance to the greater
res pons ibili)es being carried out.
A s A c)ng C ity Manager, I have had the opportunity to meet almos t the en)r e staff either v irtually or in-
pers on. I n lis tening to s taff, I believe one of the more cri)cal meas ur es needed at this )me is stability and
predictability. The termina)on of the former C ity Manager and Police C hief has had a destabiliz ing effect
among s taff. I n addi)on, s taff con)nue to work during a unprecedented pandemic (C O V I D -1 9 ) and
uns e@ling )me.
The ability to mov e C ity forw ard with its strategic prior i)es , aide in city transforma)on ris ing out of the
current crisis, s tabiliz ing opera)ons pos t C O V I D -1 9 and pres en)ng a sens e of s ecurity to the founda)on on
w hich s taff w ork, I propose appointment to the pos i)on of C ity M anager.
The mos t recent City Manager annual pay for the City w as approximately $150,000. T his would s erv e as
the bas is for bi-weekly pay for the A c)ng C ity M anager.
Wages for the C ity Manager, if appointed w ould be bas ed upon a contract agreement (s ee a@ached 3-year
D escrip)on U pload D ate Type
C ontract 4/29/2021 Backup M aterial
299098v1 CLL BR291-4
City Manager Employment Agreement
THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is
made and entered into by and between the City of Brooklyn Center, a Minnesota municipal
corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “City”) and Reginald M. Edwards (hereinafter referred
to as the “Manager”) as of the first Monday of the month of May, 2021 through the first Monday
of the Month of May, 2024 (three years).
WHEREAS, the City wishes to engage the services of the Manager as a professional
employee; and
WHEREAS, the parties wish to set forth the terms and conditions of their relationship in
this contract in order to assure the requisite flexibility to enable the Manager to function as the
City’s chief administrative official; and
WHEREAS, the nature of the Manager’s position requires continued professional
training and attendance at meetings during evenings and other non-traditional work times.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth in this
agreement, City and Manager agree as follows:
Section 1. Employment. Manager shall be employed by the City as City Manager
commencing on the first Monday of the month of May 2021 through the first Monday of the
Month of May 2024 (three years).
Section 2 Duties. The duties of the Manager’s position shall be as set forth in the City’s
Charter and ordinances and such other duties which are consistent therewith as may be assigned
from time to time by the City Council.
Section 3. Discharge of Duties. Manager shall be paid a salary as a professional
employee and shall not be paid overtime for hours in excess of 40 hours per week and similarly
shall be able to be absent in consideration of extraordinary time expenditures. The discharge of
Manager’s duties requires work outside the normal work day for meetings and projects. To that
end, the Manager will work flexible hours as is necessary to Manager to discharge the duties of
his position.
Section 4. Evaluation. Manager shall be evaluated on the performance of his duties in
May of 2022 and at least annually thereafter by the City Council as a whole. Such evaluation
shall be based on the written goals established by the City Council and the general duties set
forth in Section 2 of this Agreement.
Section 5. Participation in Employee Benefits.
A) Health Insurance. The City shall provide health insurance coverage for the
Manager in the same fashion as it provides health insurance for non-union
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B) Life Insurance. The City shall provide life insurance coverage for the Manager in
the same fashion as it provides life insurance for non-union employees.
C) Except as otherwise specified within this Agreement, Manager shall receive or be
eligible to participate in any other benefits provided for non-union employees
Section 6. Vacation and Holidays. Manager shall accrue days of vacation on the first
day of each month equal to an annual rate of 20 days per year. Manager may accrue vacation to a
maximum accumulation of 200 hours. Manager shall not be required to use vacation leave except
for a whole day’s absence from performing Manager’s duties. The Manager may, at Manager’s
discretion take ½ day increments of vacation leave for an absence from the performance of
Manager’s duties.
Upon leaving the City’s employ, for whatever reason, the Manager shall be entitled to
payment for all accrued and unused vacation leave at the Manager’s then current rate of
Manager shall also have the same paid holidays off from work as the City’s non -union
Section 7. Sick Leave. Manager shall accrue days of sick leave at the same rate as other
non-union employees.
Upon leaving the City’s employ, for whatever reason, the Manager shall be entitled to
payment for all unused sick leave in accordance with the provision of the City’s personnel code
applicable to non-union employees.
Section 8. Compensation.
A) Initial Salary. The Manager’s initial salary at the commencement of this contract
shall be $162,000 per year. Such salary shall be paid at the intervals customarily
used for other city employees.
B) Salary Increases. The Manager’s salary shall be considered at the same time as
and commensurate with the salary increases for other non-union employees of the
City. Any changes in the Manager’s salary shall be pursuant to the written
agreement of the Manager and the City.
C) Personal Auto Usage. Manager shall be provided with a city owned vehicle for
traveling to and from work. Manager shall be reimbursed for personal automobile
use for trips, meetings, work, and other use related to his employment at the rate
consistent with Internal Revenue Service regulations.
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D) Professional Membership Dues and Professional Subscriptions. The City will
pay the cost of membership in the International City/County Management
Association, the Minnesota City/County Management Association, and like
organizations and subscriptions to professional journals and publications.
E) Participation in Professional Training/Development. The City will pay the cost
of the Manager’s participation and attendance at the ICMA Annual Conference or
similar national training opportunity, MCMA Annual conference, League of
Minnesota Cities Annual Conference and miscellaneous professional training
programs offered within the State of Minnesota.
Section 10. Expenses Incurred in Performing Duties. The City shall reimburse or
directly pay for actual expenses reasonably incurred by the Manager that are directly related to
performing Manager’s duties including lodging following late or early City business. The parties
contemplate that the Manager will incur expenses for travel, attendance at meetings, etc. The
Manager will be reimbursed for use of the Manager’s personal car at the current IRS rate.
Section 11. Retirement Benefits. The City shall pay the employer’s portion of the
Minnesota Public Employment Retirement Association contribution on Manager’s salary. The
Manager shall, in addition to the retirement benefits provided above, be allowed to participate, at
Manager’s own expense, in IRS approved deferred compensation plans offered through the City.
Section 12. Discontinuance of Employment Relationship. The Manager shall be
removable by the City Council at will subject only to the limitations imposed by the City
Charter. Understanding that the Manager serves as the chief administrative official for the City
and Manager’s employment status can be affected by political influences that are independent of
job performance, the parties wish to make arrangements that reflect the realities of the
marketplace and are necessary to recruit qualified persons. The parties wish to assure flexibility
for the council, while providing for the ability of the Manager to perform Manager’s duties
without undue concern for Manager’s financial security should the need arise to seek new
employment. Therefore, the parties have made concessions and the Manager, as part of
Manager’s compensation agreement has made concessions in the amount of salary and other
forms of compensation in return for the covenants contained in this section 12 relating to the
discontinuance of the employment relationship.
A) Manager shall give the City 30 days ’ notice prior to discontinuing Manager’s
employment, where there has been no event constituting an involuntary separation
as hereinafter set forth.
B) In the event an “involuntary separation” occurs, the Manager may choose to resign
prior to the effective date of any formal action by the City to terminate Manager’s
C) Definitions. For purposes of this Agreement the term “involuntary separation”
shall mean a formal request adopted at a public meeting by the City Council that
the Manager resign or an action adopted by the City Council terminating this
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Agreement. The term “involuntary separation” shall also mean the resignation of
the Manager within 30 days of the effective occurrence of any of the following:
1. A change in the form of government at the City due to the adoption,
amendment or repeal of a home rule charter, election to adopt or repeal a
particular statutory form of government (other than for a Plan B statutory
form of government), or an ordinance/resolution changing the City’s
organizational structure that diminishes or reassigns the Manager’s
2. A fundamental change in the duties and authority of the Manager adopted
by the City Council, by special or general election, or by referendum or
initiative such that the City of Brooklyn Center’s status as a council -
manager plan city is changed by ICMA to some status other than a council-
manager form of government.
D) Payment upon Involuntary Separation. In the event of an involuntary separation,
whether through a resignation or resolution/motion terminating the Agreement, the
Manager shall be entitled to the following:
1. Payment of all accrued vacation and sick leave at its full value at the
Manager’s current rate of pay.
2. Payment by the City of the full cost of family health insurance, at level of
coverage in effect just prior to the involuntary separation for a period of 9
full months from the date such involuntary separation becomes effective. In
addition, the Manager shall be entitled, at Manager’s own cost to continue
participation in the City’s group insurance plans for at least 18 months after
the City is no longer required to make full payment of premiums for
Manager’s insurance coverage, provided the City’s group insurance plan
authorizes such continued participation.
3. Severance Payment. The Manager shall receive the following severance
a) Nine (9) months salary computed at ½ the Manager’s gross annual
4. Time of payment. All payments due under this section shall be paid by
noon on the day after the separation becomes effective.
5. If the Manager is terminated by the City Council for substantiated and
proven malfeasance in office, or intentional misconduct, the City shall have
no obligation to provide payment and benefits listed in paragraph D) 1
through D) 3 of this section. Intentional misconduct is defined as
substantiated and proven sexual, racial or other unlawful harassment,
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distribution of pornography, or acts of physical violence in the work place.
“Intentional misconduct” and “malfeasance” as used in this paragraph do
not include poor performance or neglect of duties.
E) Payment Upon Voluntary Termination. Upon the Manager’s voluntary
termination of employment, he shall be entitled to full payment by the next
following pay period of:
1. Payment of all accrued vacation and sick leave at its full value at the
Manager’s current rate of pay.
2. Payment of all wages for days worked since the last payroll period prior to
F) Nothing herein shall be deemed a waiver of any rights or claims that either party
may have beyond the compensation due in the normal course of the separation of
the Manager from the City’s employ.
Section 13. Term. This Agreement shall be for an indefinite term until terminated by
one or both of the parties as set forth in this Agreement.
Section 14. Indemnification. The City shall defend and indemnify the Manager
pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 466.07 and 465.76. The City shall also defend and hold harmless
and indemnify the Manager from all torts, civil damages, penalties, fines, provided the Manager
was acting in the performance of Manager’s duties.
Section 15. Merger. This Agreement supersedes all prior oral or written
communications between the parties.
Section 16. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
between the parties with respect to the employment relationship between the City and the
Manager and the parties agree that there were no inducements or representations leading to the
execution of this Agreement except as herein contained.
Section 17. Severability. In case any one or more of the provisions of this Agreement
shall be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability
of the remaining provisions contained in this Agreement will not in any way be affected or
impaired thereby.
Section 18. Governing Law. This Agreement will be construed and interpreted in
accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota.
Section 19. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in two or
more counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, but all of which together will be
constitute one and the same instrument.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and
year first written above.
Michael Elliott Reginald M. Edwards
Its Mayor