HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 12-09 CCP SpecialCouncil Special M eeting V I RT UA L meeting being conducted by electronic means in accordance with Minnesota S tatutes, section 13D.021 P ublic portion available for connection via telephone Dial: 1-312-626- 6799 Meeting I D: 85104249337# Passcode: 834984# December 9, 2021 AGE NDA 1.Call to Order The City Council requests that attendees turn off cell phones and pagers during the meeting. A copy of the full City C ounc il packet is available to the public . The packet ring binder is loc ated at the entrance of the council chambers. 2.Roll Call 3.Action Items A.Emergency Ordianance Regarding M ask M andate F ace Coverings - Motion to approve an ordinance renewing the Mask Mandate in city buildings in the City of Brooklyn Center 4.Adjourn C ouncil Special Meeng DAT E:12/9/2021 TO :C ity C ouncil F R O M:D r. Reggie Edwards, City Manager T H R O U G H :N/A BY:D r. Reginald Edw ards , C ity M anager S U B J E C T:Emergency O rdianance Regarding Mas k M andate Face Coverings B ackground: At the A ugust 9, 2021, C ity C ouncil mee.ng, the C ity C ouncil approved Emergency O rdinance 2021-01; A n Emergency O rdinance Requiring the U s e of Face Coverings in P ublic Buildings w ithin the C ity. The emergency ordinance had a dura.on .meline of sixty-one (61) days and w as renew ed at the S eptember 27, 2021 City Council M ee.ng for a renewal beginning O ctober 9, 2021. A gain, this had a dura.on .meline of s ixty-one (61) days and the deadline for this w as D ecember 7, 2021. Tonight before you is an ordinance renew ing the ordinance for mas k mandates. The dura.on for this ordinance is again s ixty-one (61) days w ith an expira.on date of February 8, 2022. S trategic Priories and Values: S afe, S ecure, S table C ommunity AT TA C H M E N TS : D escrip.on U pload D ate Type O rdinance A mendment for M asks _S chools 12/6/2021 O rdinance 1 BR291-4-766860.v1 CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER ORDINANCE NO. 2021-04 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENEWING THE REQUIREMENT TO USE FACE COVERINGS IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS WITHIN THE CITY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I. Preamble. The City Council previously acted on August 9, 2021 to adopt an emergency ordinance (Emergency Ordinance No. 2021-01) to require the use of face coverings in public buildings within the City of Brooklyn Center (“City”). The emergency ordinance was based on a preamble and several legislative findings related to the spread of the Delta Variant of the COVID-19 virus. The emergency conditions described in the preamble and findings remain true and are adopted and incorporated herein by reference. Hennepin County continues to be a high transmission area and the CDC and Minnesota Department of Health continue to recommend the wearing of face coverings by both the vaccinated and unvaccinated in indoor settings. Furthermore, since the adoption of the original emergency ordinance and its first continuance, the world has become aware of the Omicron Variant that has been found in Minnesota and initial reports is that it may be even more easily spread than the Delta Variant. Section 3.06 of the City Charter allows the adoption of an emergency ordinance for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, morals, safety, or welfare. Such ordinance can remain in effect for up to 60 days and then may be re-enacted by the City Council. The City Council determines the risks to public safety that necessitated the adoption of the emergency ordinance on August 9, 2021, and as amended on August 16, 2021, remain and, therefore, it is necessary for the City Council to re-enact the requirement to use face coverings in public buildings within the City. ARTICLE II. Face Covering Requirement. Section 1. Definition. For purposes of this ordinance, the following terms shall have the meaning given them in this section. (a) “City” means the City of Brooklyn Center. (b) “Face covering” means a manufactured or homemade cloth covering that fully covers an individual’s nose and mouth. The terms “mask” and “face covering” are synonymous. (c) “Public building” means any building within the City of Brooklyn Center that is: (1) Owned by the City; (2) A school meeting the definition of a kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, or secondary school under Minnesota Statutes, section 120A.05; or 2 BR291-4-766860.v1 (3) Owned or operated by a governmental entity that is subject to provisions of this ordinance. Section 2. Face Covering Required. Except as exempted by Section 3 of this ordinance, during times when Hennepin County is classified as being either a substantial or high transmission area by the CDC COVID Data Tracker, all individuals, including City employees, must wear a face covering when within a public building. Section 3. Exemptions. The requirement to wear a face covering in a public building does not apply to: (a) Children younger than two (2) years of age. (b) Individuals unable to wear a mask due to medical, disability, or developmental reasons, including those who have trouble breathing. (c) Individuals unable to remove their face covering without assistance. (d) Individuals speaking to someone who is deaf or hard of hearing, if the mouth must be visible to communicate effectively. (e) In a situation where it is not reasonably feasible, or potentially dangerous, to wear a face covering, such as when eating, drinking, swimming, engaging in strenuous physical activity, or when presenting at a meeting or other gathering. When people gather indoors in situations where face coverings are not required under one of the exemptions, social distancing or other safety measures shall be utilized to the greatest extent reasonably possible to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Section 4. Required Signage. Owners of public buildings subject to Section 2 of this ordinance must post signage at all public entrances to the buildings notifying the public that face coverings are required pursuant to Brooklyn Center ordinance. Section 5. Enforcement. Violation of this ordinance is not a criminal offense. However, any individual who fails to comply with this order may be asked to leave by an authorized representative of the owner of the public building. If the individual refuses to leave, law enforcement may enforce trespassing laws or any other law the individual may violate. The owner of a public building may rely on an individual’s statements if the person claims to be exempt from the ordinance due to medical, disability, or developmental reasons. Section 6. Effect. This emergency ordinance supersedes inconsistent or conflicting provisions of the City Code and any resolution or ordinance while this emergency ordinance remains in effect. Section 7. Duration. This emergency ordinance is effective immediately and will expire on the earlier of the following: 3 BR291-4-766860.v1 (1) Sixty-one (61) days after its effective date; (2) Upon repeal of this ordinance by the City Council; or (3) The enactment of a statewide emergency order by Governor Walz requiring face coverings in indoor areas. Adopted this 9th day of December 2021 by a unanimous vote of the council members present. ____________________________ Mike Elliott, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________ City Clerk Date of Publication _________________________