HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-12 11-20 AP City of Brooklyn Center
(Official Publication) t
_�;�;E;��i:;^'� ORDINANCE N0. 2008-12
ne�spapers Nov 20, 2008) p1-PHN Chap 12 Insp Notif
Richard Hendrickson, being duly sworn on
an oath, states or affirms that he is the Chief
Financial Officer of the newspaper(s) known
Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center Sun-Post
and has full knowledge of the facts stated
(A) The newspaper has complied with all of
the requirements constituting qualifica-
tion as a qualified newspaper as provid-
ed by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07,
and other applicable laws as amended.
(B) The printed public notice that is attached
was published in said newspaper(s)
once each week, for one successive
week(s); it was first published on Thurs-
day, the 20 day of November
2008, and was thereafter printed and
published on every Thursday to and in-
cluding Thursday, the day of
2008; and printed
below is a copy of the lower case alpha-
bet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is
hereby acknowledged as being the size
and kind of type used in the composition
and publication of the notice:
abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuvwxyz
�;9� �%i�
BY: �G'/(
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed
before me on this 2� day of
November 2008.
V l Notary Public
�vv?��if��s��:c�t�ti �oo��!�-�d�tgt���'�('i��� 23�►
:�s as 10:OQ o.m_ an�1 5:00 a.m. �,j}�ere IS .3f7 91P17PA�la$C thrPai to th� i li
'S 8re Section 19-3003 GRAFFITI AS NUISANCE. heaNfi orsatet�r
na vi_
i from b. ihere �9s aua �a�7e 1lrPat of cF•__.+"_.v.� oroo-
a n 1. Qeciaration. The exiSTPnr_P nf �r�ffiti nn _public or ��maa�-
❑rivate q��ertv is exoresslv derl��ed to he a ouklic nui-
sanca and_ tharPfore. ig c�.�hiec:t to fhP remnyal �nA anaXg- ����trler ra� ��,,.b,.�..� �aa h� ra�lse� hv q�vate
iesif- ment orovisions s4eCified in seckions 19 :4(1(14 and 19- parties on mr
ci 3005.
tions Q arwnYtaerooru�a�qrBs�stliatv�niatess�iateor
Duty of �rouertv owner. It is the duN of hoth the local law and lhat is a�a�tic hgailh or saletv harard_
acts °WnPr of the orooertv to which the nraffiti has been aoolied A reasnnatale a�mot mast ¢e mar�e notif the
and anv resoopsi6le oartv to at all times kPep the propei-
ivate tv clear of araffiti. °"!�^e�- °m°�?!!Z'M m#�er °'�°!�ie �ati� °f 1� mte^d'
'ions �ctir�n and the ri�et �o alr�te�d anci c�
:rim- ��eoeat violations. If a. Dfooertv is siihiect to reco_v_erv at the ne�cd semalarlv-sd�edrled Citv Councii
thrge or more or�t�rrenr.es nf oraffiti wRhi� a qear _34AJi_ meeSn°"
catinn qf �nti-nraffiti material of a N�a anri natu�� ihat is
;fini- acceotable to th e cih� roag 6e rPnuirP�t for each of the oub_ �–T�'E �er�v "'fi�ch
D� iiclv viewahle surfaces aftar notificatinn b� the cj�r �r im- a nuisan� has beer� albaFesl�y tlte div pr a qerscx� who
posed durina imnrovemPnts n� mnetru�tion aM. ivfies to haS caused 8�ic nuR'�a�rap ten�iv �nt pwned 6�
"on- the site as determinPri hv the r.itv. °w
the ahatement_ �nda�d'sm �qye msls. /l5 soc?n as
Y.!�9. Section 19-3�04. REMOVAL OF rRAFFITI the vqpric has l�eera cc�tpi�ed aauf t}ae �St determingd_
ihe citv will p�e a r�2 a t� 4nr ihe �st ard mail it to ihe
1. B eroetratqr_ The Citv mav reai;ire any qerson p nr ottser respqns�9e�aarjv_ The ama�nt ia immed"h
1e ao�lvina araffiti on oublir. or private orooPrtv {o githe� re- atelv due anA ++�+�++�a k� 31ec a�
move or oay fnr all msis for removal of ihe q� iTi within
�t!�9 24 hours after notice hv the citv or orooertv rnvner- jhe Ac y}� j�_ F�as
�ne- rQmov81 must ha oerformpd in a mannP� org�r.ribg� hv the �ot heen oa� wi3hfira da�T 9he of it� hi0_ the
r.itv- with materia�s �nd colors r,nmoatible with existing sur- cqur�it mav �rti(v 3tae a�_oo� aaaSresi the r�Cx�ert� to
faces_ �nd m a ronditinn that is comoaraBla tn or imoroved which the cr�si is altrqd�v�ada�e_ in acaxdance with the
uoon the rondition thai exi�t?d hpf�re ihe nr�ffiTi aqD�jCd_ p.��� sei torfh in 741d5 af itai� Cad�,
tion. as determinP.A bv iha city. Where n raffiti is aD nlied 6v SQ�hon 19-3t30G_ PEPI,AL�3ES_
�herson under i R vears �Id tha odfent5 0� leoal ouardian
�ub- will also be res�onsi6le fqr such removal or inr oavment L q�. ��9aq� ����3ppp m�a�h �g_
any for The cnst5 nf removaL Failure of anv oerson to �gmnvP 30Qfi is a m���� rpgvn�sleahie in p.,...,.�a� witfi
araffiti or �av for the removal will constitute. an additinnal �te law_ The Cihr is r+r� 3en�er_ ored�xleci hom seek-
violation of Sacti�n iq-30�0 thmuoh 19-30�[', ina oiher re.�sadi�s nr c�d! �enia9ries ava�a6le ur�r thi�
vrit- cale or siate law_ A na"rma3e �3lv mav a�m seek
'ed 2, Bypro oertv owner or citv. In liPU of the oce_ adciitironal oenallies ar,r_,,,.:.:�s,
ub- dure set forth in g�ragraph 1. the citv mav order Yhat the Seciicm 2 This c�nG:��.,,,,�„„� skaait :,r_._:...� efdedive after
ax- oraffiti he remnvad bv the orooertv nw�er �r resopnsi6le ��tion arxi a�Q[� f�xi�v O�) �tla+rs �a39va�a ils ienal Dub-
the oartv Greffiti removal and r.nrrecii�ns m���t be oerformed lication.
au- with materials and cplors r.qmoafible wit existing su�-
[he faces aS determined bv the r.itv If tha oropertv owner or Adopied ffiis 3flt}� day aafi �+}�rmber, 2fl08.
resoqnsihle oartv fails to remnve offendinn �raffiti within MayorTim Wii9�n
the time snacified bv thP cihr. the r.ity mav r.�mmen5�
�in- ATTEST_ City C3atk �ar�n K�
,ff ahatemenT and cost rer.qvPrv orocepdin�s for the nraffiti
removal in ar.r.ord�nr.e with sar.tion 19-3(105_ DBte Ot �Pul�icafllxa_ 20, 2�(38
Effective Date: De�er 2ff, 2(�38
iral Section 19-3065. ABATEMFNT PR(�CEDURE.
1. A6atement 6q city. If the owner or res oonsible oartv �V�ertine indicates �fer rr�a�4er; s3�r�out indicaies mat-
ter to be daleted, d�vb8e �ne ir�cztes new maiker
m- �Joes_ not romqlv wiTh ihe nntice wiihin the time s�r.ified si�ce fiBi re8$t�_�
ier the citv mav ahatP The oublir. nui.aance.
2. Notice and Hearin N
an �Tha followinn notification must t�'''- Pi'�N �b
be conrlucted orior to c:ihr a6afeme�t nf n�n-
sance. Whenever it is determined that a uo blic nuisanr.P sn
on i ei e mair±ainect nr Px�sts pn a propertv. tha Citv Man- CI� Ol DT{aQ� �11�
aaer must pive seven (71 days' written �n�jce through ser-
cLn vice hv mail. hv ooFTino a notir.e on ihe 2fooertv. qr hv qQf_
in- sonab deliverv to the owner or resoonSible o8riv �f the
�s- -�rnnertv on which the ouhlir. nuieanr.a ic located,� When
th oro nartv is ocr.unipd. servir.a iioon ha or.aioant is pppg�p��2(�p,g_32
a deemed servir.e uoon thP nwnar. Wherp the Q�goerty is qN ORDINANC� A#lENDING qiAPTER 12 RELAT-
te unqGCUOied or abandoned eanrir.P mav he 6v mail to thP ED TO iNSPEC370NS AND NOTIFICATION
\n last known ownPr of rar.qrd of ihe DlOOertv o� 6v oostinn
on the or�oertv. The notir.e must state- THECRYCOt1NCILOFTH€Cf1YOFSFi00q_YNCEN-
a. A descriotion of ihe ni i61ic nuisanr.a�
That !he ouhlic nuicanr.w mu5t 6P cnrracted with- G�P�
A�� in 7 davs of the servir.a nf thP notir.e- $�p� ��2_20�: OEFINRION,S- Ih� tOAow�g defiM
g_ Thaf if fhe �ubliy� rniiSance is nqt OrpDg�Iy remqve� aPP�Y �I
or qorraM. Pc1 o�clered. ihP quhlir. nuisar�r.a will hP ahat- ���e�ar
ed 6v the city and the cosfs of ahatement Wi11 be special-
Iv assessed to the Dro�e�(y taxeS:
eal That the owner nr rg�oonsihle q� of the oroo- aPP�
ertv on whi�h t le qu6lip nui�a�4:e is located mav in writ- 2 p�;w�„y�.� �nf�l� a s�nx�e t�p tlf¢
�e- j reo t��st a haarinn 6Pfire the�CiN Manaae�. ��������g��6ndU9Cdno��[� �.,:'y��.J
iOf 69dqai1.3� t0 66 US¢d lOf
�/10I1 OO�I� d�
Hearina. Actinn. Jf a hAarinq is reoiiP!:t�d rL�rinc� a P�N 4=
the 7-Aav nerind. the Citv tyiana4pr must orom�y srhQri- 3. Bu+ldr�g–�y �I�e �7sed a i�e��led Uor support-
ule the hearino_ and no fi�rther actioq the abatemgrrt of p� Shene�ttg �y I�C a Oo�ILy
le ou6lir. rn �isance m�v pe taken until fhQ Mananer's de-
cision is �en(iered. At the conclusion nf tha $ch .xlulrci 4. Cqnplia►�¢ Olfeeial ihe CAy end Iq5 des-
hearino the Man�per rpav il r.an�Pl thQ r��tir.e to rem�ye ignated ageMS �u![....�� EO admini� end eMace ihiS
or correM the ouhlic rn�iSanaP. iil modifv the no}�c.e. or iiil Ordinance_
dh- af(irm thp nn(ica tn ramove or t'prrect thP oublic nuisance 5_ DweBing a bui[fueg,'ar por6if3n tltereof, desigr�ed or
rful If thg notice ic mpdifiP�i nr affirmeci_ the puhlic: niiic;�nr� usedp�edu..�W..,..11yflXf�d�o�o�,y0iaO0nbn-
must ha rfic o f in ar.rn�iance with the r.ifv's writtan ued n8tu►C, ir�ludirAg OnB-faraeily d�g5, iwo-t3mily
on order. dwellings, and rtwlC�le fartm7Y but not eiclnding
re- 4. Summarv ahatement: The enforcing oH+cer maq twtels and motels-
orovidp for ahatinn a ouhlic nuis2nr.e without followin2th� 6. Dweiiing unit 3.�e s, �,.nOdation
orocedure reauired in arD 3c�r nh 2 whPn�
which is arrdnged: used or, �.��.d..7, irKended
oi Legal Notices continued a�n next page
26:, Brooklyn Center Brooklyn Park Sun-Post—Thursday, Nov 20, 2008-wwwmnSun.com
BrOOklyn VCFI�Cr Ordinance 2008-12 crontinued terrr�ine if a cod� vjolatjon has been corrected: a sched- 5`�
uled insgectien that a lic�nsee. cnvner or other rps�nsi_
hle oarty fails to attend� or a scheduled insqeqfion that
for use exclusively as a domicile for one family. does not occur or is orevented due to anv act of a licensee.
Where a private garage is strucfurally attached, it shall be ��Qr or resoonsible oartv
considered as part of the building in which the dwelli�g 2626. Rental dwefling or dwelling unit a dwelling or T
unit is Ixated. dwelling unit let for rent or lease. S
7. Family any of the following definitions shall apply: 2627. Repair to restore to a sound and acceptable cl
—A person or persons related by blood, marriage, or adop- state of operation, serviceability or appearance. 7`
tion, together with his or their domestic servants or gratu- 2�2�. Rodent harborage any place where rodents can t�
itous guests, maintaining a common household in a live, nest, or seek shelter.
i dwelling unit; �g�_ Rooming unit arry room or group of rooms form-
—Group or foster care of not more than six (6) wards or ing a single habitable unit used or intended to be used for
Gients by an authorized person or persons, related by living and sieeping, but not for cooking and eating pur-
blood, maniage, or adoption, together with his or their da poses.
mestic servants or gratuitous guests, all maintaining a Rubbish nonputrescible solid wastes consisting D
common household in a dwelling unit approved and certi- of both combustible and noncombustiWe wastes, sucfi as l
fied by the appropriate public agency;
paper, cardboard, tin cans, grass and shrubbery clippings, E
—A' group of not more than five (5) persons not related by wood, glass, brick, plaster, bedding, crodcery and simifar
blood, marriage or adoption maintaining a common materials.
household in a dwelling unit. ag,�, Safety the condition of being reasonably free A
S. Flush water closet an approved toilet, with a bowl from danger and hazards which may cause accidents or
and trap made in one piece, which is connected to the Ciry disease. p
a d sewer system y�em or otMer approved water supply Structure that which is buift or constructed, a� F
edifice or building of arry kind, or arry,piece of work artifi- I.
9. Garbage putrescible animal and vegetable wastes eially built up or composed of parts janed together in r
resulting from the hand�ing, preparation, cooking. and con- some definite manner.
sumption of food. �3�. Substandard dwelling arry dwelling which does E
10. Habitable building any building or part thereof that not conform to the minimum standards established by City E
meets minimum standards for use as a home or place of Ordinances. 9
abode by one or more persons. �4, Supplied paid for, furnished by, provided by or
11. Habitable room a room or enclosed floor space used under the control of the owner, operator, or agent of a
or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking, or eat- building.
ing purposes, excluding bathrooms, water closet com- Meani�g of certain words wfienever the words
partments, laundries, furnace rooms, unfinished base- i
`dwelling", "dwelling uniY', "premises", "huilding", or "struc-
ments, (those without required ventilation, required elec- ture" are used in this Ordinance, they shali be construed
tric outlets and required exit facilities), pantries, utiliry as though they were foliowed by the words "or any part
rooms of less than 50 square feet of floor space, foyers, thereof".
communicating corridors, stairways, closets, storege
spaces, and workshops, hobby and recreation areas in Section 12-902, L-ICENSE FEES. License fees, as
parts of the structure below ground level or in attics. set forth by City Councii resolution, shall be due 90 days
72. Heated water water heated to a temperature of not Prior to the license expiration date; in the cases of new un-
less than 120 degrees Fahrenheit, or such lesser temper- ��censed dwellings, license fees shall be due upon is-
ature required by government authority, measured at suance of the certificate of occupancy.
faucet outlet. A delinquency penalty of 5% of the license fee for each
13. Kitchen a space which contains a sink with counter day of operation without a valid license shall be charged
working space, adequate space for installi�g cooking and operators of rental dwellirjgs. Once issued, a license is
refrigeration equipment, and adequate space for the stor- nontransferabie and the licensee shall not be entitled to a
age of cooking utensils. refund of arry license fee upon revocation or suspension;
however, the licensee shall be entitled to a license fee re-
14. Multiple family dwelling a dwelling or portion there- fund,, prorated monthly, upon proof of transfer of legal con-
of containing three or more dwelling units. trol or ownership. If an applicant withdraws an application
15. Nonresidential building all other buildings or struc- Pnor to issuance of a license, the fee shall be refilnded
tures other than dwellings or dwelling units. after deducting the costs of inspection and any other costs
and expenses incurred by the City in connection with re-
16. Occupant any person (induding owner or operator) ceiving and processing the application
occupying any structure, building or part thereof, dwelling, All reinsoection fees�r ��s set by City Council reso-
dwelling unit, rooming unit or premise. lutio
17. Operator the owner or agent who has charge, care, If �the -reinspection is 6eino
control, or management of a building, or part thereof. oetformed as oart of the lir,ensina_�roce�s. fee(s) must be
ai wi14�e-payeH4e�a! prinr to the time of license issuanc�
18. Owner a person, agent, firm, or corporation having or renewal for the property; in the case of rental housing
a legal or equitable interest in the property. In any corpo- and at the time of recertification of occupancy for nonres-
ration or partnership, the term owner inciudes general idential properties. If a rein�ogction fee or anv qortion is
partners and corporate officers. not oaid within 60 davs after billina. or within 60 davs after
19. Permissible occupant load the maximum number of �2oeal becomes final_ ihe Citv Council mavi certj�r x�P
persons permitted to occupy a building or space within a unoaid cost aqairlst the ompBrty in 8cpprdanpe with the
building. nroress set forth in Section 19-105 of this code.
20. Person an individual, firm, partnership, association, Section 12-9i 1_ CONDUCT ON LICENSED PREMISES. i
corporation or joint venture or organization of any kind. 8. All notices given by the City under this section shall be
21. Plumbing all of the following supplied facilities and Personally served on the licensee, sent by segistered 'r t
equipment in a building: gas pipes, gas burning equip- Class mail to the licensee's last known address or, if nei- I
ment, water pipes, steam pipes, garbage disposal units, ther method of service effects notice, by posGng on a con-
waste pipes, water closets, sinks, installed dishwashers, spicuous place on the licensed premises. I
lavatories, bathtubs, shower baths, installed clothes Sgctiqn 2� This ordinancg shall herome effe�tiv� aftgr
washing machines, catch basins, drains, vents, and any adootion and uoon thirtv�� davs followinn its lenaj °ub_
other similar fixtures and the installation thereof, together lication•
with all connections to water, sewer and gas lines. Adopted this 10th day of November, 2008.
22. Premises a platted lot or part thereof or unplatted
parcel of land, either unoccupied or occupied by arry struc- Mayor Tim Wilison
ture thereon. ATTEST: City Clerk Sharon Knutson
23. Public Corridor a ha11, conidor or passageway for Date of Publication: November 20, 2008
rovidin e r Eifective Date: December 20, 2008
p g g ess from an occupied area to a public way
and not within the exclusive control of one occupant. (Underline indicates new matter; strikeout indicates mat-
24. Retuse all putrescible and nonputrescible waste ter to be deleted; dou6le underiine and double strikeout in-
solids including garbage and rutrbish. dicates new matter and deletions since first readingJ
25. Reinsoer.tinn- a follow-uo ins e ion conducteA to de- NOV. 20, 2008) p1-PHN Chap 12 Insp Notif