HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-11 11-20 AP City of Brooklyn Center G
(Official Publication)
-�'—`'"'vy%�,� ORDINANCE NO. 2008-11
ne�spapers Nov 2Q 2008) pt-PHN Vacant Bldg
Richard Hendrickson, being duly sworn on
an oath, states or affirms that he is the Chief
Financial Officer of the newspaper(s) known
Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center Sun-Post
and has full knowledge of the facts stated
(A) The newspaper has complied with all of
the requirements constituting qualifica-
tion as a qualified newspaper as provid-
ed by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07,
and other applicable laws as amended.
(B) The printed public notice that is attached
was published in said newspaper(s)
once each week, for one successive
week(s); it was first published on Thurs-
day, the 20 day of November
2008, and was thereafter printed and
published on every Thursday to and in-
cluding Thursday, the day of
2008; and printed
below is a copy of the lower case alpha-
bet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is
hereby acknowledged as being the size
and kind of type used in the composition
and publication of the notice:
abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuvwxyz
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed
before me on this 2� day of
November 2008.
c _rK%'
Notary Public
VMI1a I�V�
24M Brae��r�tNti�Radt�w-Ro�-Th�sda}, A1w.-20,•�908�L �+fivw.mit6un.co��
C� B� The namP_ addreSS..telpohona num�er. and email aA-
dre_gs, 'rf aDOiica6�e_ nf Par.h owner or the nwner's reore-
(Offi 'cral P1�iraliott� Sentative:
N�i10E OF 0�/�AN� �ppp��p� b The namns. addresses teleohqne numbPrs and
C B �email addresses, 'rf a�qlica6le- of_� kn� n� lien holders
ORD�IAN[� NQ. Z�OB-17 antf ali nt pr narties wHh anv I al in St in t uildin
C�7y CppE pF ppp�W11�ICE�,Appp�IG NEW c. Thg narqe. address. Teleqhone numbar. an�i email ad-
TIONS RELATING TO l7iE f�GiSFi�Ai1pN }►I,�Q dress. 'rf aonlira6le. of a Iqcal �aeM or pers�n resoonsibla
REGULATION OF VAiCANT BU�9NVC$ �naaino or maintaininn the f7rooertv:
THECITYGOUNCILOF7HEqTypFBi�D(3tQYTICEN- d_ Theleaaldescriotion.taxoarc;elidPnfrficati�nnumber
TER DOES ORDNN AS FOLLdifI/� ar�d street address of the oremisPS nn whir.h the huildina
is sihiated:
72 e1 g A descriotion of the oremises. includinn�hP common
address nf the prooertv:
�)M?n 72-1-r�_Q�- Pl)L)[%Y Tli�� 12-
15 1_thra�l2'-1517 istooraladrie••a+erh� f jhe date thP 6uildina becamR va�ant �hP neriod of
ri� w?�� �#p !�'!mfi- fime the huitdina is exoected tn remain var.�nt.�and a oroo-
r�tic?!' a^d [gp�an d�rt lwidr�us wih'vo eM t:i� ertv nian arui timetahle for retSi�ninq the building to aR
J9-15(11 gpq� 12-15T1 aLso 7he r� p�oriate nccuoancv or use and fc�� rnrrPCt'r�+ cade viola-
soorticinai¢gs Qf d varant t�ei��fe; �d rq bpns arxf.nuisancAS_ o� for demolitinn nf ThP 6uildina;
fof admirushaticxi- w�d l�d d»__�i�
wwith thP c� a The status of water. sewer. n��ural gas and electric
�eCU�n t2-15(Y): FlNnM�('3� b�idF�s _arP a
m'_r ra�se �nd.s�eoF• nF�i iylt q���.a�d.nr�- tl. The.owne( must notifv the comolianr.p p�r.ial nf apy
rysidP,np,a� chanaes��in�. infqrmatiqn� suqolierJ��s oart�of the vacant
�....huikfinr�sistrati�n within fhirtv (3pl davs nf thP r.hanne
m M�� a 2� Plan_ Th� oropertv olan identifiqd in section
��ilvt�tM�"p-"�'°rt"'°�-V��6'idr'°�qR�'at� 12-1504(1�mustmeetthPfnllowingreaiiiromPnt�
transienLS- lrxnel�e q,�dir_ �s anei_
irx�ud� af.�t.h�al�ir�, ���rtera/Qrpvisrons: ThP olan must c.onnply with all ap-
w,�e as use c�fv�caM Fr� TsaM p���� l�S�lations and mPet the aoo_ ro�f the rnmol�
�se�tt±¢ a rislc cy Tse p�sr flpqt�m ffr j/�e �ra� arrE f�icial_ R must con�ain timeta6le rc:na�dinp use or
bui �i anf y� a�. dempli¢�n_ nf the o►�nerty- The olan _�u�hP com I te
nftan ��d� as c�ar��g�s f�J`°* �d delxjg� wiThin 30 davs h.. ti:__
a►e n}ten �uPrtaarm w�h a�d r�'asS V� btul[i- aftgr ihe buildinn
inq�ieb tl�at are boarde� �o b��tran- is�reaistered_
Mairtfe�nca of b�ild'�7,p The olan my�f ideMifir the
mPar� arullirpe}aj�le fnr ad�lf�sSin4 all� mainTt..nanr.e �nd
a Quis�nce-related iter�s identifiet� in jhe aqolication_ AnK
i� vana^t 6igldr_ w+s arlbk _itn� h�c� are
i d �aRS_ irf�o►nvemer�fs Pf altefdNons t0 thP q�qgrtv mUGt
�1v with the aQolira6le buildina cpdes and citv rP�ula-
�uld M I�nrn�¢y 1Fnse rM�o d�anse 1ea� Ur�rh� dons"
��^f- PlanChanaes_ If thP ro e nlan qrtimPt�ble fo�the
vacant 6uildinn is revi�ecl in anv wav. the rPVision5 must
h� meet the aoproval of the comnlianc.r officiaL
�n� 12-�s�,� +e�.�„e, ���s» d. ne.�m;o� Renu;.ed_ �r a 6uildin� has rPmained va-
raM f�r aperiod of th�ee hunrlrerl ancl si�51Y-five (3651 COn-
b secxrtiye days �and the comnliance officiaf hac nnt a°_
ter anrl �11 grouqh 12-1511 c!F_� 1°�O�d an alte[naTive scltedule in The DfO Q rtv qlan_ the
owner musi Aemqli5h the 6uildinq and restora the
Qmunds_ If the owne� cjoes net demolj�he 6uildinn the
2. Buildna a d��ed ior hisi- qN� mav �r�mence a6atgmP�T� and �st �ecovenr qf0_�
n�s i�cE*. or Menan a(�x�.,.�rr�.- c�cdiqps for the abatement of the violation in ar.r.qr ance
Owner tF1os� �wrn to Ile nr on �Iti dlv code section 19-1�5,
1Fy� recnrds et 1� of prr� 3. Noa-comqliance and NotiNcation If the owner
er Taxa4m- j� id�jhe pr t� doPS nqt c�mnly with the oro r olan nr mairttain:�r rnr-
a�vac�nj kiuil�n ftlmi.-.a of �n �p�- rr� nuisar�e items_ tha f:itv may comm�?.nr.e abatement
ret�rdedaonlradfordeed_amorfoaoeearrr�dee'r� p�, a� �ve� its costs for conectiOn Qf ihncp iTPms in ac-
es�ssinn, a mc�Ar�or or v�,ydor n w��„�ti,;��._ an as- etxdance witli cit� c�de cection 19-105- In thP rase of an
�g�ee of rentq� Y_ A n a�ta�c A t�istee a6_sent owner and onnoina �uisance ifems. the city need
le_qCp.e. �th� i,:.; Trm fr �rnpor-�s n mr�tr21,M the n�t qrovi�a nptiCe of eash �batement.�ct iQhw c�wner_ A
freehnkf pf tl�e p�s cr N_cerr es� tl��„ SlftO notice py the ritv to the �wner tha�ft intends to pro-
OWner �ISO me�r4s anv pea�n_ p�gp+�io_ vic� on o�ng.abatement until the ownPr �Lrects iha iTems
gmoration. �r (idiriarv h7�f a lev� ar g�hle liUe pr will6e sufficient notice_
arn� intPre�i in thp pr ltidron_ 7his.'tried�s 2m( 4_ E:emotions_
oartne� oifi[�c pr�pf cor�dFion y Fire Darnaqe_ A 6uildina that has suffPrpd tirP riamaae
�s eupmq�irt2m the teqistrati�n rArn�iremeh� fnr a_period of
ninety 1901 days after the date of the fire if the owner su6-
ance with tM erp� _a__, d ser�i� 12-1517t 12- a�uest for �xemotipn in writinq to the comnliance
1511 of this C`.ed� afficiaL A reaue�t $�r �xgmntion must �e aqpfoved 6y the
4. R�nnns�le g�r r- ��n �rrw� omn��t_ c�p- code official and include the foll�wina information suonlied
or rsqn acJinn as an a�erK br goe x� waan t�x hv the owner
rect nr inclirect cYx+►ml tx j_ A descriotion pf the oremises:
I� qy�iha dsmlr� ax real
°S ii. The name and address ot rn,vnar or qWners;
havinn a or e�rilaHp i� �a'�oe�p►�E�qx R�- p y�ateme�t of intPnt to �eoai� �nd �eor.cuo�he huild-
sonnsihle pa�(y mHy jncjude_ piA "s ravt 6� real[or �.j� j �an exoeditiqus manner and the. tima �frame for r,om-
servi� oawider_ mcxt�Or Ie�x��B- -..v.,.,,,er�ent
a�moamr or timilar �r �47�c p�'"�`
iv Actiqns the �wner �will take tn ensure the ornoertv
5. VacaMhuildinn-aMt�Sm,ors9nr.��iserarar�t�np. doesnot6ecomeawisancefortheneiohhorhood
4er�n pr a5�aailv a�nA a��YJpr uarx�sr;IS a�r- b. °Snt�wbi�ds Those oersons who leave their residen-
fi{I business or L�wh�v resid�s cer 6� �o_avey-�art p! ihe tiaf buildinos on a temoorarv hasis f�r varation purooses
b� ildino a�.... ..�f�tf r�nnt.,,.,�,�,,: 6ais ira arr.nr- qr to reside elsewhere durina the winter saas�n and have
danrr�.-wilh the Cih�s .,�r�geiaficytz .�e iMen} tq retum are exgmot from tha� ranjstration re-
�Section 12-1504_ VA('.ANT BilpSAfyG�!F�f`9STHAT10N. auirement_ Exemotion as a"snow6ird" will he oranted with
prcmr_r verificati�n
1. �ptication_ ll� ar r�e�xa�le �Y�
gaister a v:�rant hiq'kl"v�n wi1� M� q� �a �r��y�'�i Fees_ �The owner myst Qav art annu�l r�distrationfee.
davs aiter the huldpq L=__ ir.�t, T�oe rPn� Th� reaistratiqn fee wiU he in an amount atiopted by res-
tration mi�st he s��6mAt¢d t�+r9t�q (;�iv� el��fion k�v the Citv Council_ The ari7nunt9f the registration
arxi shall inNude thP iNkHy�� iAnmo�re si�r.�ied �9� tee shalf he reasonablv related to the administ�ative cqsts
ownec r isterirm and nror.essina the reoistration f�rm and for
the costs of the Cifv in monitorinn�he uar.�nt building site me encv sen. i�)na. The r.nmolianr.P offir.ial mav
The fee must be oaid irt full orior tp the issu�ce of anv take steos to immadia'taly securP a vaqant huildina at his
6uildjnq�rmits nr lir.p�s?S.� with ihe exc tion nf a dP-
molition nermiT -�p �r hPr r{i c� tion in Pmarnencv r.imumstanr.Pe.
C�. WaivPr ot Fee Th 3. Fire Safe�t
_�reaisfration fee m�v ¢c* waivPd if Fire Drotection eyctoms- Owner.c nf nnn-rP�idential
the qwnPr �r resqnnS�hte Darhr has� 4aid� allbast dne rQ�_ vacanT huildinqs must maintain�all fire qmfectinn S4stem5.
istrati�n fees and all otnar finanrial oh��tions and debts �qlianr.PS an�assemhlies in oqerati�q condition an
owpd to the Cihr that ara as��r.iatptj wi h thP v�cant DfOD_ maihtain� nnderwritP� 13boratories monit rin
ertv an�l� demnnsfratPC ta��thP satisfeetion of tha of all Svsteme
ance off icial:
a. that the oroo r� is rP-qG�u i RBmova of hazardou and cn mbustible mate�ials
n ed• with thP axce tion of The ownPr qf anv vacant buildinp, nr vaeani nortion thPrP-
emo�iti�n- within rio �:�f�ti�nP r�eemed rPaeonable to of, must remc�vP all ha��rdpii5 mafierial and h�7aMO�
the cmm�liance offi ial� and PithP� refuse that could cnnstitute a fire hazarci or r.nntri6uta to
b. that he nr she� is_in the oror.aes. �f demnliti�n. rehahil- the s �ead nf firr:
itation. or nthPr su6stanti r ir of thP vasant buildiny or 4. lumbin `fiztures. plumhinn_fiz�u{as r.onner:t to
that he or c has a ola frrr T a„� an aooroved water s vstem. an aooroved sew�n system.
�il�e demnl t' ti�'Ijtati�n nr qthgr Su t n'al or an ao_P�oved r�atural nas utiliN svstPm muet 1iR installe
rgoair nf thP c t uildmg in a oeriocl, qf timP t t'S aM��ance with ao�ica6le r.odes and he main��ined in-
deemPd raagonable the rnmRiiance nfficial: &ound condifian anci no e ir �r rPmoved and �he spr-
vicg terminated in the manner o�escri6er� pv a4olicatilp
+�7. AasFSSmnnJ. If t_he re°istration fPa o� anv rprtion iv co es The 6uil�nds watPr svstame musl 6e rot Ct
n2t oaid within 60 d?v_s after hillin or with�n e� da�s after from freezing
any anoeaf hec:�m� final. the iN Counr.il may cert' thg
uno8id COM against Fhe nroperty in a�'cOrclance with fle 5. ElectryGal, F_lectrir.al Sr rvice linPS_ wirinq: OutletS o�
procesa set forth in secfinn 19_105 nf thi.c r.nr1P.. f! �LLt rPS nnT jnstalle�i nr maintarned in aq:nrd�ru;a yvj� ao-
ss plicable r,ndes must be�oairecJ remn�or tha Plectncal
1 uance of pPrrn'�t. cpmplefiOn Of� the fEais_ serv�rPS terminated to the huildinn in accorci�nce with a
tratinn o�ocPCe and mQM Of tMP, TRF MP �.IN WII issue I �cab �P. C.CXIP,S.
Var.ant Bwlding .rmrt to thP ownPr Th�ggwr�,r rny�s
secure�v oost the permrt on thP y�pnt buiiding if po�si_ ughtina_ All exterior lightino fixturee must he main-
hle_ �n a sidq er�ranrn �ippr that is not n }ained ifl �ood rp�air_ �p�1 i lumin3tion mu
enerally visihlg J. st be �mvirlP�i t�
fr m he ouhlit; sirPQ4 n� sit1P entt door ic avail- the 6uildina �nd all walkwavs in ihe c�me manner as pro_
able the oermit must hP cer.urelv p�r�l another avail_ vided at the'timP thP 'Idin was lact occuoied� or �s oth-
able entranr.e door. If� ihe�DrooBrtv:is ah�nr►p�ed or the e^^��se orrnirleA in thP aqproved vacaot huildina�. oian•
owner or rPSpansible oarty th f�c rn n,..;.,�e4e the regic� z .a_ 7, Heating. Heatino far.itities nr heati r�ment in
tion qroress thP e will e
oroo rfv be administrativPlY f6Oj5_ vacant buildinns must hP rem�y�. rendp.�ed in�oerabig.
tered as a v acant propertv or maint in acco rdanre with ao 1'ca le codPc
Sectinn 12-15p5 CHANCE flF OWNERSHIP A new ��'erminaU'cin of utili"ties. The rnmotiance otficial mav
ow�Pr(sLmust r@nistg� nr r�-rn�'!gr a var. nt huildin ty. o o the
gpuirQ that watgr. sewor electrir.i r aas gervic.e t
undpf section 12-1504 within fi e 1 1 d�Y� q an vac�nt h�iildin iPrmi
g be f18tP-ri Of C(lnn_eCtP.r�_Prior Tn
transfPr of��n rnvnershiQinterP� in a vacant building. The )he tprmin�tion-nf anv Utilit�[ �ervice. wri8ga nc�tinc��.must
new ownqrlsl must rnmRbr yyith the annroved r q_ No di�l(y m t� �Pe re ntil rx�n
n�pertv �a oroen to th nwner.
�lan and fimat �X to d u
able su¢mitter1 t�y the previouc nw r n sent i5 �iven hp tha mrr�ltanr,o �fficial Utilities may he
DfO00S chanaes in the oro�erty plan m�M hP suhmittP�j disconHnued at ThP renue�t the rnnmpr o� rPSOonsihig
and a orov 6v the r.n i �r.e n
oartv as oart of the ao�roye�i var.ant hn�ldinq oropertv
Section ]2-1FOfi INSPECTIONS ThP aomo�rx:P offi- olan. The cqmqlianrq �fficial authonze immwdiate
r,ial may insoect anv y_argnt building in the i� for hP p� tQrmination of utilities at his or hardiscretinn in emarqencv
qose 4f Anforcina and assunng comnlianc� wnh sections circumstanr.Pa
12-15f11 ht_ rouah, 19-7�11 anti nthe� eonlicahlg rer�ula_ 'Sianaae. (l6soletP pr urnisPr� gztQrjnr sians anrl i�
4inna Unnn the �P��PS} me comoliancr+ off�r.ial �n stallation hardware rr�u�be rarpnvv��F{oJes ��d p�netra-
owner ncre�qQnsi6le partv must vi P acce�s 1� al� tion; must be oro er
terior oortions of the ���j f P P {��Y patched and oainted to matcb rhe
ertv in orclert h-�rior of the oroo- 6ui1¢in� �SurFaces beneafh� the siaps M7at�p nnt�matt;h
S� �mnlete an insoPr.tinn. If the ownPr ar m- the buildino mustbe re��'red resur(�ceci oainted nr nth-
Sonnsinle °artv js nOt a��m�i�{p apaPEc �n thP ip- grwisP �Itered to e m ti61e with�tf e 6uilAina surfacPe
terior nf the uddina. thP C;ity mav i�se anv leoal means tn
aain pntr�nce tn t ildi fnr insoection ourposes p si ns must be m�intained in �o� cpndition and in
Prior tn anv rP-ocrup�ncy a var,apt buildina Tu_;t be irr �2lianre wiih (_haQtPr 34 nf this code. pur;}inn sinns or
�4e�P*I by the CiN and found tn he in rnmqjianr.q vy�j�j atte�bOfl dpvi�r:E mav he olaC�d nrt a pYOPQfty fp�
�hapter 12 Of the Citv Codp no mnrv �han fourteaq�l r:nnsw. i� 'tive davs ori�r to tha
and all nther_aoolirahlP rPOUlatinnc All aonlication aucti�n date and must hp removnd within three (3��
and reineoection fees mii�t ala� be oaid orior[o any reoc- ��lowinn me auction
�toanoy�of ►he I� I A�� Sl1Cf1 (P.P.0 A se f tIV RP.SO�II-
tf o f ihe CiN Cnunr.il_ �!�n?��pr maintPnwq The rnmnPr mu�j r.om with
all applicable prooertv maintenanc;g requlations and citv
Section 12-1507'p MA�NTENANCE OF VAl;ANT B ILD- ��PS incluc�ina. 6ut nnt limited M_ thP fn�� win
IN(�S. The ownP� m�St cOm�lv with a�nd addras5 th I-
IOwina item5 irt the. �O e olan. aa a. Pu6lic nuisBRCes. The ownP[ mu5t aliminatp anv ac-
2 S L�rhL iiescri6ed in ection tiviN nn Tt1e orooerty that r.nnstitutes a �biic nuisanr.P ac
definP�1 by section 19.104 nt the ritv codP,
��a��e- All vacant 6uiltlinn�must hP sn main- b. Grass and waeds. p�nv weeds nr r�5 must�be nn
tained and keot that they apoear to tie �r.r:noi�d. greater than six (61 inchee in hP�nht.
c. Exierior structure mainte Tha nwner musi
Ser.urina�. AN varant huildinos must ha cac{��� from maintain thevar.ant hi�il ino in r.qmQlian�P with ser.tions
nutsidP Pntr'v bv una�ihorized nersons or oests- Securitv 12-701 thmi iqh 12-71 as determineA to
IZe ner.easarv 6v
must hP hv, the nnrmal buildin� arnenirips such a5 win- the mde �ffici L�
dows arxlsloors having adeouate strenrrth_to resis�intry� d; Abandnned ariun vehi les ThP nwner must ram�ve
sion qll d�nrS and w�odows miict rgmain Ir�.kqd There a6andoned and iunk vahiplesfrqrtl tp oro DerN. The rity
shall hP at least on operable door in tn everv building and mav imnound such vahicles con5isfent with tha ren i� re-
intrt��ear.h housing unit Exterior wa��s and roofs must re-� �.ments in Chaoter 1 R qf the citv codP.
main intar.t without hnlp�. �g. Staraoe and djg
osal nf refusP The sMrane and djs-
a. Arohiteotu /Cosmetic) Stiuctor Pane%s Archite� °OSaI nf refuse mi�gf r.mm�lv with the renuirements nf
�tural st�uctu�al nanelS mavhe �ieP�f to�sar.i�rv wind�w�. Cheqter7pf�thecitvr��g
doors and other ooenings provided theq are r.uf tn fiT �the f. Animals_ The �wne� must ensure that 8tl animais are
o enino and match t,he �haractwristicS of ihe 41_ding. A�- removed from thgp�o erty and hand�?d i� a humana man-
chitec:tur�l oangls mav he of PxTarinr q�a -finishaA DIV_ neG
wond or Medium Dencitv Overlaid olvwood /MDOI that is 9. Diseased_ dead of h za� us lrn.es. The. �wner rr7ust
oainted to match the bwldina ex+arinr �r cnuered with a re_ rem�ve diseasad dPar� or hazar���s treps nr branches
flective material such s lexi- lass to Simulatw winr�pyys, from the [Lrpoertv in ar.�or anr.e wlth ha �er?0 nf the r.i#v
4. ora Securing llntreate�f p�on�1 nr similar h. GraHiti. The ownPr must remove all nraffiti from the
structural nanel.s or ta�prarv construction fencing mav rooprtv in acc�rdance w�ih citv ordinanr.e
6e used t� sPm ire rnvs�- dno�s an�i qther ooenings for i. Abandoner� nnnls. �Rvyimminn� DOQIS must 6e main-
a maximnm oerind nf 14 davs tained imno ooeratina condi+i�rr treated tq nravant oest
c. Artistir.' hnaM-uD. With urior aporoval of tha r.nm- harboraae: or orooerlv drained and Pmotied_ Swimmin�
olianr.p offir.ial. a iSti O tion5 mav he utilizPd to secure a
�a��t ���a�� Legai Notices con#inued on next page
In she Com�nuhit};"Wi[irthe Cbfi�mltnFC};�Pot'the Gortr"rht,ciitil�
Brooki n Center o.a��e��e zooe-„ continued �tLSl�tive of the riohts and value� of qr��ertv owners as
Y well as the entire communitv. Graffjti nerogtrators are
often associatgd with QJher �riminal activities. incl�di vi-
000ls miiSt be serured in acr.ordance with ritv rode seo-� olent crimes. L)nless the Citv acts to rgr[iove qreffiti from
tion 19-1402. py6lic a�o�jvate q.tgoertv. the oraffiti tends_to remain.
11. Rgmoyal of an_ refuse_ The owner of an Other [ZrQperties then 6ecgm8 fhe Caroet of oraffiti and en-
qa�eL°4 d Y tire nejahborhoods are affeqted �nd become less desir-
var.Ant buildina,_Qr var�nf nnrti�n �hareof- mUSt rempve all able olaces in which To be. all to the detrimeni of the city,,
garbaae- refusp_ ry��bish. swill. filth. qr other rq�terials
from the vacant b�ildina and the �nertv uoon which the Thg S;ity Council intends. throuoh the adqqtion of se�tions
6uildina is located. 19-3pOQ thfouah 15-3006 to qroyide additional enforcg-
Police orotecNons svstems. The owner �nust eroo_ ment tQols to grotect oa�blic �nd orivate �roqerty from acts
erl� majntain all alarr� $vstems in anv vacant 6uildino� ��f(iti vandalism and defacerr7ent of ou6lic and nrivate
portion thereof in o�etatino condition. �°B��Y- ThA� cnuncil� does not int�pd fo[ thBSe se¢tipr�S
to oonflict with anv existino an i- r ffiti state laws or "crim-
1� �aiterina, crjminal activities. Loiterina or epoaaina inal damaoe o rooerid' laws.
i�rirrtinal aMivities is not allowe�J in the vacant buildi�a $ection 19-30Q1_ pEFIIJITIONS- The follqwi�p defjni-
pr on the reat orooerN unon which the qacant 6uildina is tions shall �np�y in the intgrpret�tion and enfprcement of
located. The owne� or �e5oonsibl� oarty mu�t npf all�w sections 19-3000 throuah 19-3Qp6.
{hese artivities and take j�mediate aptions to eliminate
these conditions once notified hv� the cjtv. 1. Aerosol Paint CpntainEr means anv aerosol con-
tainer that is adaoted or made for the ourqose of aoolvina
14 Em�rqg f�p A6ate�nent. 7he co{noliance �gfficial soray.oaint or other substances c�oable oi defacina o�oo_
mav authorize immediate ahatement of anv nublic nui- ertv
sanr.e or maintenance item iE in the [iisrretion nf �he com-
nliance �fficial. emeroer�r.v circumStances exist that o� 2. Brpad-Tipaed M�rker��—�means ativ felt tip inde1i61e
sent an imminent threat. to the nuhlic heaith and safetv. ma�ker qr simila� imolement with a flat or anol�d writina
surface that. at its 6ro��lest width. is oreater than one-
Other Codes. All qther r.itv cosles and aQolir,able reo_ fourtJ� of an inch. cpntainina ink or nther qjgmented liauid
utations must 6e comolied with. that is n�t water soluble:
Citv, Managgr the City ManaQQr o( the CiN of Brook-
person ma ,resoass. occuov or feside in. on a temoorarv �vn Ce.nter or the Manaaer's authorized designee.
Qr �ermanept basis. anv va�ant buildina without the own-
t�r's r.onsPnt. 4. Etchina Eauioment means anv tool: device. or sub-
Section 12-1509. VANDALISM OR REMOVAL OF ITEMS stance that can be used iQ make oermanent marks on anv
natural or man-made surface.
PROHIBITED. No person Inav vandalize or rerrlove i�erns
from a varant 6uildir�p or the or�oertv uq�n which it is lo- 5. Graffiti means .anv unauihorized inscrjo�ion. w��d:
cated. inr.lyAino, but not limiTed to. a4oliances_ fixtur�s. fi°ure; oaintina_ svrpbol. of �thPr defacement that is wri(-
electrical wirina. c000er. or other similar items without the t'en. marked. etched. scratr.hed, sqraved. dra�vn, oainted.
owner'.s mnsent or enaraved on or otherwise affixe8 to anv surfa�e pf 7{ 1�-,.
Section 12-157p. APP�AI_ Anv oerson or resqQnsible ���c O� orivate QfOqertv bv anV o[affiti imolemgnk •.�;r
oarlv aaa�iev�� bv a decisi�n under sections 12-1501 that tke-ereiEiii was not authorized in advance bV the
owner pr occuoant of the qronertv. or. desoite advance au-
th�ouah 1�-i 5�9 rqgy a�peal tQ the City Councii. The ao- }h�rizationg.�otherwise is deemed�a oublic nuisance bv the
�oeaC�musYhe� in 4v�itina. must sna.cifv fhp��arounds f�� the citv council.
�poeal. and mu.�t he �ubmitted to the Citv ManaoP� with-
in tpn husiness davs of the decision that is basis of the ao- 6� Graffiti Imolement means ap 8erosol oaint contain-
�ea1• er. proad-tloDed marker. aum label. oaint stir.k or oYaffi_
Section� 12-1511. PFNAI.rIFS_ Anv nprson or ra�oonsi_ ti �stick: etohina equipmen�6rush or anv �ther device ca•
le who_violat �ons 12-15p1 throuoh 12-1510 �a61e of scarrina� or leavi a� visible mark on anv. natural
��LSX- gS-��.t or man-made surface.
is suhig�_to the oena(�v a� nrovic�ed under section 12-'
1205 pf this code_ Nqthino in sections .12-1501 Throuoh 7.� Paint Stick or Graffiti �Stir.k means anv device Con-
12-1511. h�wever. is_deerped to imoair other rePFiediesnr tainina a solid form of qaint. chalk. w�x. eooxv. ar other
civii Qenal�ies availa6le tq the City under this co{Je or state similar su6stance caoable oi heino aoolied to a surfac.g bv
law_ incl�dina,- but not limit�d Minnesota Statutes Sec- ��rPSSUre �nd leavina� -mark of at least one-fourth of an
tions 4R3.15 throuah 4f,326t inch in width.
Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective after nwner- those shown to be the �wneroroyvners on
adoption and after thirty (30) days following its legal pub- the records of the Hennepin Countv Deoartment of Proo-
lication. ertv Taxa�tior�: t�ose ideptifj�d as the owner or owners on
Ado ted this 10th da of November, 2008. a vaca�+� by�l�linp reqistratio� form. a holder of an un-
P Y recorded contragt fn� deed. a mortq�,qBe or veqdee in oos_
Mayor Tim Willson session. a mortaa�or or vendor in nossessi�n. �n a�
ATTEST: City Clerk Sharon Knutson �ipnee af rents. a re�eivgr. an exeputqr. a trustee, _a
lessev, nthgr oarsn�n firm or r.orr�ratiop in r�nYrol �f the
Date of Publication: November 20, 2008 freehold of the �remises or lesser est�te thereiq. An
Effective Date: December 20, 2008 own er also me�ns anv qerson: oartnershio_ assocl�SJQIL
(Underline indicates new matter, double underline indi- �no�ation. or (iduciarv havinp a leaal or eouitadie tine or
cates matter added since first reading, strikeout indicates anv interesJ in the Rr4°erl_v or buildiny. This includes anv
matter to be deleted.) oartner. office�. pr directqr of anv oartnershio, cornoration.
associatipn or other leg��mnsti{ute[� 6ugi�,a� wntitv_ qJi
Nov. 20, 2008) p1-PHN Vacant Bldg owners sh�ll have ioint an� severai o¢lio�ti�qs_for camqlj_
��e with fhe orovisions oLsections 19-3000 through 19-
�006 ot�is code.
Ci of Brookl Center Responsible Partv mean§ �n 2wner ocx.unanC. enG-
`7 7 N or nersqn actina as an aqent for the gwner who has tli-
(Official Publication) rect or indirect cqntiol or authgrjt�( over the_ twildi�o or rea!
NOTICE OF OHDINANCE ADOPTION °on which the �uildino is Iqcated_ and anv 98r1v
CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER ha���0. �eo�� or eqy�t�el� interest in the orooertv_ Re-
s��onsible oartv mav include. ¢ut-i,s not limited to. a realtoc
ORDINANCE NO. 2008-1A �ervice pcovider. mortaaaor. leasiny aysnt. manayement
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTEfi 19 OF THE ��nv or similarperson or eMiri.
FI�I 1. Defacement 7t is unlawFul far�nv�grson to agpJy
praffiti tQ anv natur�l or m�n-made surface on Bnv ouhliclv
PAssgssion of gr�ffiti im lo ement$. Unless o[h-
Section 1. Ghapter 19 is amended to add the following erwise authorized bv the owner qr c�cuQant. it i� unl�yvful
new Sections: tor anyperson to ons.�RS� any 9raffiti imolement while:
Sertion 1Q-30�¢ FfNDW(iS AND�PLJRPOSE- The Citv ����within 200 feei of any oraffiti Ipcated jn or on
C6un�il nf iha CiN oEBrc�Qklyn CAnter is ena tc ina sectipns �ou61i� facilit�. park. olavoround. swimminn_000l. recre-
19-,�p00 throuah 19 'i(IOfi tn he���revent the sp�ad of ta ionaf �facilitv_ bridae- or other oublip l�uildinnsr struct�g_.
Qraffitj v�ndali�m and tp AstabJish a oLoqram for the re- owned or operateci bv a aovemmental anencv: or
�noval of �(f�ti fmm public and orivate nronerlv.
within 200 feet of am yraffiti iocated in anv
The �uncil finds that 9/affiti is a public nuisance and de- ou6lic olaccx or on orivate q�r oertv. 6etuveen�fghours of