HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-10 11-20 AP City of Brooklyn Center
(Official Publication)
_1'�"�`::: �:<:;:<:ii:>:L
r- "�Ci:;ss��� ORDINANCE N0.2008-70
ne�spapers Nov. 20, 2008) p1-PHN Graffiti
Richard Hendrickson, being duly sworn on
an oath, states or affirms that he is the Chief
Financial Officer of the newspaper(s) known
Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center Sun-Post
and has full knowledge of the facts stated
(A) The newspaper has complied with all of
the requirements constituting qualifica-
tion as a qualified newspaper as provid-
ed by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07,
and other applicable laws as amended.
(B) The printed public notice that is attached
was published in said newspaper(s)
once each week, for one successive
week(s); it was first published on Thurs-
day, the 20 day of November
2008, and was thereafter printed and
published on every Thursday to and in-
cluding Thursday, the day of
2008; and printed
below is a copy of the lower case alpha-
bet from A to Z, both indusive, which is
hereby acknowledged as being the size
and kind of type used in the composition
and publication of the notice:
abcdefg hij kimnopqrstuvwxyz
B Y:
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed
before me on this 2� day of
November 2008.
������e�.�""`.� C
L'` Notary Public
In"the Eom`�lzrshi "Wifh�theC.'antmi�n Fot�the�Gom'rhr,ckit}F
BrOOkIy�I Cel�te� Ordioance 2008-11 continued t� �'ve �f the riohts and values of Qr�oertv owners as
well as the entife aorpmuni{v. Craffiti peroetrators are
often_a�sociatgd with qther Griminal activities. includine vi-
poolS m�ist be secured in accordance wifh citv code seo o�ent crimps. Unless the Citv acts to �en�ovp craffiti frqm
tion 19-1402 2t�blic and orivate DIODErtv. th� oraffiti tepds_t4 remai�.�
Other qiQqerties Then become the {aroet of arafjiti and en-
11. Rg�noval af aarbaag an� refuse. The oyuner of any S�� neiohha�hoods a�e affe4Med and ber,ome less desir-
vacant huiidina or vacant oorti�n thgreof. must rempve all .a61e plar,es in which to be. all ?o the detriment of the cibr.
garbaae_ refuse. rt�h6ish. fllth qr other matgrials
frnm the v�cant huildino and the qrooertV unon whir.h the Th� Ci�v Council intenc�s. throuah the adqqtion of se�tions
buildina is located, 19-3000 th�ouoh 1$-3Q0¢ to orovide additional enforce-
ment toqls to omtect oublic and nrivate QrQqertv from arts
12. Police oroteetions sy�tems- The awner must woo_ ��ffiti vandal'ism anr( defacement of nu6�ic and.orivate
g�y maintain �11 alarm �ystems in anv vacant huildinc� Prooertv- Tf�e� council� does npt int�nd for these segtiqns.
nortion in ooeratina rondition- to conffict with arrv existi�anti�-a2ffiti state laws nr "crim-
]3. Leiterina qriminal a�fivities. I.niteri� or �po in inal damaoe to orooertv" laws
in r.riminal aMivities is nnt allo�rgc� in the vac�pt building ��r.fion 19-30Qt I]EFIf�JITI�NS: The follqwina�dPfini-
or on the ae 1 orooertv uoon whir.h the vacant ln.iildinp is tions shaB aqgly in the interoretation and enforcement of
lor:ated The owner or respnnsi�lg qa�,rtv m�ist nQt alloyy Sections 19-3000 throueh 193006-
these activities and take immgdiate aptions to eliminate
these conditions once nntified bv the citv. t. Ae�ro�l P�int CQntainB� means �anv aerqsol cnn-
tainer that is adaoted or made for the quroose of anolvinq
14. Eme�qency Aba;,ement. The� cotnoliance �offir.ial gorav paint or other substances caoa6le of�defacino oroo_
mav authorize immedi�te adatement of anv qublic nui-
sanr.e or maintenanr,e ifem if. in thw ciisr_retion pf the com-�
oliance official. emeroencv circumstanr.es exist thaf ore- 2_ Rroad-Tioped Markec— means anv felt tiq indelible.
S�nt an imminent threat to the Qu�fic hPalth and Safetv, ma�ker q� simi{a� im�lement with a flat o� �n�led writinq
Surface that. at its 6roadest width. is pr�ater than one-
15. �ther Codes. All �ther r.jfy codes and a�niir.a6le reo ���rth of an inch, cqntaininb ink or other o�mented liouid
ulations must 6e cnmolied with. that is not water soluhle.
Section 12-1508. NO OCCl1PANCY nR TRESPASS_ No �(;iN Manaoer—the City Manaoer of the Citv of BroOk-
oerson ma .resnass. occuov o� reside in. qn a temoorarv Ivn Cenier or the Manaoer's authorized desiqnee"
gr nermanent basis_ anvyy��ant bu'I ina without the own-
2r's consent. 4. Etchinp Eauiament means anv tool. devioe, ar sub-
stanc.e that r.an 6e �used tp make oermanent marks on any
Se�tipn 12-150Q- VANOALISM OR REMOVAL OF ITEMS, natural or man-made surface_
PROHI6ITED- Nq qercnn inav �andalizA or remnvP itam�
frotn a vacant huildino or the 2Qnertv uoon which it is lo- Graffiti means_ anv unautho�ized insr,ri?�ion. word,
cateti_ inr.ludino- but not limi�etl t�_ a��liances, fixtur�s. fi u oainiino. svmbol. or othe� defacement that is w�it-
electrical wirino. c000er_ or other similar kems without!he ten- marked. etched. scratched. sorave.d, drawn. oainted,
owner's consent pr enaraved on or oth�rvuise affixed to anv surface of vub-_
ReMion 12-151p_ APPFAL Anv nerson pr res pnsible lic of orivate orp�ertv hv aqv oraffiti imolement, iatHa-g�-
4 that Yk�e-erc�s#iM was not aut�orized in advance hv the,
qartv aoprieved bv a decision under sections 12-1501 �owner pr occuqant of the qrooert�. or. clesoite advanGe au-
throuoh t2-1509 may aqpeal to the City Council. The a� th�rization�. otherwise is deemed a ouhlic nuisance hv the
-naal writina must snPCifv the orpunds for the �itv council.
�neaf: apd� must be guhm�jTe� to thP CiN Nlanaoer with-
in ten husiness davs of the decision that is 6asis of the ao- Graffiti I�nolement means ap aerosol o�iM contain-
oeal er. a hroad-fio�ed marker. oum lahel ain Stick or oraffi_
ti stick. etchinp eauipment, brush qr anv other devias ca-
Section 12-151 t. PENALTIE$- Any ng�son or resoqnsi- nahle of sc.�rrino� or leavir�o a-uisible mark on any naTural
ble oa{Yv who violates $ectQns 12-15Q1 thfouoh 12-1510 �r man-made surface.
is s4biecf to thQ oenaltv�orovided unde� se�f��n 12%
1?05 of ihis code. Nqthino in sections 12-1501 throuc+h 7. �Paint Sfir.k or Graffiti Stick means anv device r.on-
12-1511. howeve�. i5 deerned tq imoair other rerriedies�pr tainina a solid form of qaint. chalk. wa�x.� eooxv. or Qther
civil oenaRies availahle ro the City under this_coc�e or state similar su6stanc.e caoable �f beino analied tp a surfacp bv
law. in�ludina hut not limi�ed,to. Minnesota Statutes Sea- nressure and leavino a mark of at least one-fourth of an
tions 463.15 throuah 4&9 26t inch in width.
Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective after 8.�ner— those shown to be f�e awner orawners on
adoption and after thirty (30) days foilowing its legal pub- the records of the Henneqin Countv Deoartmenf of Pron-
lication. ertv Taxation: Shose idenTifi[�d as the owner or owners on
Adopted this 16th da of November, 2008. a vacant huildino reaistration form: a holder of an un-
y rerofded r.ontract for deed. a mortnaaee orveqdee in oOS_
MayorTim Willson session. a mqrtoa�or o[ ven8or in oossession. an as-
A7TEST: City Clerk Sharon Knutson sianee. of rents: a re�eiver, an exerutor. a trustee. a_
lessee. oThe� oersan. firm or r.o�onration i� contral of the
Date of Publication: November 20, 2W8 freehold of the otemises or lesser estatP therein. An
Effective Date: December 20, 2008 rnvner also means arn qerson. oaRnershio. as�cj�ti�n.
Underline indicates new matter, double undedine indi- corooraiion. or flduciarv havino a leaal or eguitable title or
c ates matter added since first reading, strikeouf indicates �v intera�t in the q�nertv or 6u' in Tjiis inciudes anv
matter to be deleted. ❑x�er.pfficer. pr director of anN oartnersh�. coroofation.
�ssnciati�n o� othe� lep�-a�nstit4tec�¢ysiness enfitv. All
Nov. 20, 2008) p1-PHN Vacant Bldg nwners �hall have joint and sevgral ol�lia�tions }ar com I�i-
ance Wlth the orovisions of 5ectjQns 19-3000 throUah 19-
�(1f_lfi nf thic rnde.
C� �f p ��k�yn /��nte� Resoo nsihlg P�,rtv -means an �wner. occyQar�f. enti-
D VC r oerson actino as_an aaent for the c�wner who has di-
(Official Publication) rert or indirect control or authorit� cnrer the buildina or reai
NOTICE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION pr4oertv ynnn whi�he build�na is �ocated. and n a
CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTEi�S hawna a lega! or eauitabiQ �ntPrqst in the orooertv. �te-
nartq mav inciude. lwt.i$ not limited ta a realtor,
ORDINANCE NO. 2008-10 service Qcnvidec morto�anc lea�jpo aaeM. manaqement
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTEA 19 OF THE �omoanv or similarnPrson or en�
TIONS RELATING TO THE ABATEME131T OF GRAF- p�acement_ It is unlaw(ul for arn� oe.rson to �q�Jy
F471 Qraffiti to anv natutal or man-made surfar.e on aov ouhlir.lv
TER DOES ORDAIN AS FOILOWS: pp$Session af araffiti implement$_ Unless oth_
Sectio� 1. Chapter 19 is amended to add the following erv✓ise authorized bv the owner or cZccu�ant. it i� unlawful
new�SeCtions: r n oerson tq oossess anv oraffiti imolement while-
Ser.tion 19 _300Q. FINDINGS AND PLJRPQSE- The Ciiq within 200 feet of any araffiti �ocated jn or on
�(;A�ncil o} The Eitv cff ¢rQqklyn Cgnter is er�ac:tino ser.tipns ���nuhliO �riliTy pa�k.� nlavarounc�,.� swimmiho_nnc�L re�re-
19-�0 throuah 19 �3Q06 to helo nrevent fhe� snread of ational �NaciliN bridae: or other publip ¢uildina or struc[ure,
QraHiti vandalisr� and to� psta6lish��a 7roaram for the re- owned or�ooeratecl hv a�oovemmental aoencv� or
moval of qraffiti from oublic and orivate rp oDg.[�. ��;n 20b (eet of anv�r�f(iti loc�teci in an�
ThPT':�unr.iffinds Mat qraffiti is a�nu6lic nuisance and de- piihlic place. or on Arivate�Qrclpertv.. bEt�eeLl the hours of
w�a.mtr�3tr�.�c�� �i14�sd'a �iv�if�r'��=
f P�"t1r`�-'hi�' 2�1
10-00 o_m. anrl 5:00 a.m. �Fepre �s arr mx�i'�te threat to th ic
Ser.tinn 19-3003 GRAFFITI AS NUISANCE.
Declaratien_ Thv axi�fanrP nJ ��ffiti nn qyblic or ��e is an irtvr°�ia�e thre'a� s�=ni��s O Oo-
orivatP p rooeriv ia Pxqresgly dpcl�reci t_O be a puWic nui e
sance an�i. theraf�rP. i� ci� blect to ryiP rP�nnval and abate- �t�Se or.:�_,�.. has heen ca��.serl�y oriv2te
mgn� ornvici�ns goer.ified m ePr.tin�s 19-300a anrl 14 partiPS on pr��ty_ pr
oNe� P_mystt�atviola r
ary mwi_b4n tes state o
2. Dutv of 4roDe►tY�qwnQr,�r i� thQ rl of txNh Iocal law arrl
Sd� �At�P�dic MaNh -sa�C �nJ-
owner �f the or oertv to Whir.h th ffiti hae
_�QC� li
heen pp ed A.�s..aRte attem� r►xut p@ made to�y the
and anv resoqn�ible nartv tn at ali time� keeu the proDet-
tvclearnf raffiti. °m a���4Y�1����
gd arlion a�ec� tleEe rial� hi tf� ahatemP.M�nd cost
ReDeat Violations_ If a �pOP_�V is su6ieM. to rernverv at 1t�e next r�uled (�.itv Council
three or mnre�oc¢���ranfP� �f 9taffiti withiq a�ar �DDIj_ meefinq
cation of an{i;oraff{ti material of a Nne and r�ap�re that i.s
acceotahle the ci mau he ran 'utret/ fnf e��h ni the p� c t T
liclv vjewahle Surfar.e5 aft�er nofifi�atic�n hy the r.ity �r im- a'��•�-•• �o
�osed rl�irinn improvements nr r.onstnir.rinn ar.tivities to a Q�Y�ic rrarame on ptopertv'r� aivned bv
the�zita as determinarl�jr the citv -s..�._ �-�-s�»-� ���1.he tyN tar�l.hP cos} of
ihe abatExrr� msig_ AS soon as
Section 19-3004. REMOVAL OF (;RAFFITI. the w�xic ha_e F� c�nMeTetl arri tite casT�ietp.rmined,
1. eroetratqr. The Ci�y mav reaujre arn qerson ��e a�i for ihP �sT and mjail it m rttp
aoDlvina nraffiti on 4ublic Of orivatw qrpc�grtv t� Pither re- a��nt ic immedi-
mnve �r nay for all costs for removal of ihe qraffiti within a
24 hours aker notir.P hv the ciN nr oro ownPr_ The A.�, t H the ooSf_ qr ary po� of i�_� has
removal rtn�5t ba oerfqrma,ri i� a ma�ner orp$c:rihed ¢y t e not ha�n �w�t� 30 daus�� �e of the hilL The
CIN.WI{F1I11,'�TP.f1AIR'.��7(IC()!(11'�MRtO'e3SIhIPWI�FIP.XIC(I camplmav�pti�paxlr�t��iheP�
faces. an�i to a condition that i5 mmnar�ble to gr j7npfpyed which ihe txsst ia a!m'��� in a[�prdaru:� with the
uoon thq r�ndition �hat PxiStPr1_ he(ore thr. p�ffiti aqpj� set iorth ae s¢rlim 14105 of ih� (`.r�g
tion. aS dete�mir�a�i�he rity_ Whe.re �raffiti is �qolied hv 143�Of'_ PETIALTIES_
.�qerson undar R vea� �Id. the qarents qr legal auardien
will also be resDOn5i61e foS such rpmnval oavmPnt q� y �4�����ugh 19-
for the rnsts nf removal. Failure pf arnr qqrcon to rrc�nove a misC�:.,�.. q_i�r�st�ahle in �_.._.:�7ance wjth
�raffiti or na� for ihP rampval will r.nn�tit�e an adcifinnal �te 7� �„p� a ed� �m s�gk_
violation of SPCt�� 19-3(100 throu�h 1 Q-3(IOR tAie..wsAi_ ��p�� ur�±r thi�
mde or�state law_ A orirate �i awner may also seek
2. By prOne OwnPr or citv, In lieu of thQ �D oce--�- a
dure set forTh in o araara nh 1_ iha citv mav ordwr t the 2_ -7� �p �_�..E e�e�rvp..after��
.praffiti� 6e �emnved hy tha p�oe�v owner �r reco n� le a�{� �ry �01 y
p�,rtv. Grpffiti remnval a�d r.orcer.ti�ns miiS�¢gqP�iormwi ��ry�_
with materi8ls and colors mmDati le with existinr�ur_
facPS as Aetarming� bv the �itv. If thP o�0oe ,rt! 2wnr.r nr A�P�� �Y ��R�� 2008=
goqnsible fails ro ramnve nffendinr�qraH'di within MayorTimVl�sor�
the time sna�ified hv the r.iN the r.i[y may �mme�ce AnEST= Gly Clerlc �[a�f KrN�t5on
a6atemPn� and epst rPr:nvPrv nrpcegdinaS f0� the qrdift[i
rem�val irt ar.corda��e wiTh caMion �19-3605_ patB pf publ�tppnt. 2p, 2ppg
Ser.tion 19-3005: ARATEMENT PROC�IIURE E �S
1. A6atemen; b ci If the nwnar or resoonsihle pdfir U mat-
c�oes nnr rrmolv with the n�tir.P wifhin the time soec�_itiai. ter to be deleted, do�le urqerline indica(es new matter
the citv mau ahate the nuhlic in� �i���ce. fi
2. Notice �and Hea�ina:: Thp:f ollowina notifirallon mugt Q NOV. 20, 2006). pl-PHN Gratfi6
he eonc�ii,M. eA o�io�� t0 citv ahatemer� of th" e oublic nui-�
Sanr.a. Whenever d: is dPtArmineti that a public nuisance
is 6ei�n maintainPd���r qxi.�{S On a �rooe 1t�Q Citv Man- C� �f Bry� �71�
�er must �ive sPVP� !71 days' writtpn.notice thrtn� h�
vice hv m�il hv no�tino a nntic.w nn thP orooertv_ qr t�v �r_ �E OF 0�6�ANCE ADOPi1pN
sonal [Jeliverv tn_ tha nwr��r or rv�oonsik�le q�Qy nf thP pTM
oro ertv on whir.h f o�ihlic n i P ic loratwrf Wh.�n
h� �sa�
the oronartv js nrrn i i e a r v ice un n n tha o r ru aR nt is Oi�IANCE N0. 2008-12
deemed seNic.e unon the nwnPG Wherg the
oropertv is
un�r,r.iioiad nr ahant�oned. service mav he hv m�il to the AN ORDINANCE /MAENDIN6 CFI14p7ER 12 RELAT-
now n ED TO I /WD
las n wne.r �f rPCOrd. nf the r or 'n �nFl��N
0 ooertv�y_posti g
on the q�oer�v. ThP n�tir.e muct s[ate: THE,CffYCOUNCILOFTFECfTYOFBR001(LYNCEN-
A devirioti�n of the nu6lic rnusance: TER DOES OF�AQi KS FOI_LOWS:
b. That the nuhlir. riii�ance_ must 6e mvected wdh- SeGion 7. CKap�er 12 is amended as Tp�ows
in 7 davs of the ePryice of. the notir.p; 1 2
��oI If tI1P. �11JI]I14' �III�C'.Ifl(:g LC flOt p�fpRIfZVP.d ibortS StaB apply i! tl1e �preh�iOn.azld erd..�:.:.:: :.nt of
or corrpM. w�i�s orclQred. the oubkc nui ruw will be hat-
Uus rof df_ �_3'-� wit�
gci 6v the r.�ty and ihe costs pf abatement will tw a�-
ly assessed fq me n onr grtv taYP�; q�p iD the jtY�on having au-
That thw owny}�„� r�qnsihle p� of the oroo- ���9 aPP�
gr�y nn whir.h the D�11�is�nce i� tochtarl rt�r in wrif- 2 A�ok�� a�me SUbofdnate to lltC
iny YeauesT a hear y�ra e Citv Manaqer. y
II18H10fpIV1C�/1}�:�wF11Ch6I10[u9EdIlOf3WC „�.s:.:�
bB ILS@d �:�YIKJ Of �M�I�[I OOp�I1�S 8fld
p i whitii s tor�d:on at p8r6�y an,lhe 4.;
�f'te 7-[��( 1hP f muS( OfOT� SC�IQd 3_ ry S�UC�IYC 1lSEd O� C� (Of Sll�Oft_
ule the hea ring and r�: rtior� cxi thg �hatempM of, a a� r
tf7e.oublir. nui�anc.p r�kPn uqHl thg Man�per's de-�
eision �c ren�lgred ,�,ie: _mnMu�ipn nf the schedUlCd 4- Comp�dt�oe Otfi� –�e CAy and his des-
hearing the Manager xnav i1 canr.al_ihe notice t� rv.mrnrQ igr�ed ageMS aulhor�ed b adma�i5fet�d erdor�ce this
or tx�rcect thq ouhlir, mva�inr.r: �i1 m i th� f1nHr�, or iii� Of6 a
irm he notjr.a to remqve or e�veft the Dublic nuisance.
If the nofir.e is mQdifigt} nr.�atfirmeA. the q��jia nuis�ncP� 5 a Of
mu,at he rli�oosed of in ar.r.rirclanr.e with thP n�s writFan a COnbn-
I o 4 ued nature. u�n9 on�far��Y dwe�ings, iwo-family
dw�. and in�ple �niY 6ut not ciduding
4. ,Summ�rv_w6aR�Men�. Thr: Pnfnrr_ino �ffir�gr ma�r hO�S and
provide for abatina a nuBlir. ny�i.,an�e without followirw the s.
orocedu�e reauired irt p��oh 2 where
,�ed„ ¢asig�Cl. i�sed ar, �nt: intended
_Lega! No�� ��ext page