HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-04 07-03 AP i
City of Brooklyn Center Subdivision 2 The nrovisions of the Minnesota Statutes
reaulaTinn firearms and danoerous weaoons and as thev
(Official Publicati0n) hereinafter may pe amended. are inr.orqorated into this
CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER section. It shall be a violation of this section for anv oer-
NOTICE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION son to enaaae in anv r.ondur.t nroscribed in the incoroo-
ORDINANCE NO. 2008-04 rated statutes.
Suhdivision 3. Carryina of 4anaernus Weanons and Fac-
ne�s�►apers CITY CODE SECTION 19-402 RELATING TO DAN- simileFirearmsProhibited Itshallbeunlawfulforanvoer-
GEROUS WEAPONS AND FACSIMILE FIREARMS son wiThin the Citv to carrv on or about his or her oerson
or transnort in anv vehicle anv danaerous weannn or fao-
AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TER DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: a. Anv danaerous weaoon or far,simile firearm beina
SECTION 1. The Brooklyn Center City Code of Or- transnnrted bv a nerson not in a vehir.le direr.tly to or
STATE OF M I N N ESOTA from anv olace or acTivitv referred to in Section 19-401
dinances, Section 19-402 is amended as follows: or to and from his or her vehicle. in a secured con-
SS. Section 19-402 DANGEROUS WEAPONS AND FAC- tainer
COUNTY OF HENNEPIN SIMILE FIREARMS. h. Transoortation of anvdanaerous weaoon or facsimile
firearm in or unon anv motor vehicle in a secured con-
Subdivision 1_ Definitinns_ tainer or in ihe Inr.ked Trunk of such a vehicle.
Richard Hendrickson, being duly sworn on
all oath states or affirms that he is the Chief a. "Dangerous weapon" means any firearms, airgun Tne nrovisions of this sPr.tinn shau nor he anoiicable
or pellet gun, whether loaded or unloaded, or any to the transnorT of danaerous weaoons or facsimile
Financial Officer of the newspaper(s) known device designed as a weapon and capable of pro- firearms bv oersons who are reaularlv enaaaed in the law-
aS ducing death or great bodily harm, or any other ful manufar.ture. distribufion or sale at retail or whnlesale
Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center Sun-Post device or instrumentality which, in the manner it is ot danaerous weaoons or facsimile firearms. orthe aoents
used or intended to be used, is calculated or like- nf anv of tham wn�ia annaaed in cii�h hi icinass Tn Tha car
ly to produce death or great bodily harm, rvina or iransoort nf danaerous weanons or f�csimile
b_°Far.simile firearm" means anv ohier.t wh is a firearms hv licensed. full-time oear.e otfir.ers. law en-
reolica of an actual firearm. which substantiallv forcement offir.ers, or milifarv oersonnel while in ihe
and has full knowledge of the facts stated duolicates an actual firearm or which could rea r.ourse of fheir diities: to qersons holdina a nermit tn r.arrv
sonahlv he nerr.eived to he an acTual firParm_ un- a danaerous weaoon actina within The Sr.00e of such oer-
bO�OW: less: mit: to anv officer of a state adult correctional far.iliTV when
(A) The newspaper has complied with all of The enfire exterior surface of such ohiect is nn puard dutv or ntherwise ennaned in an assianed dutv_
colored white. hriaht red. CriahT nranne- hriaht o� to an c,wner or aperit while ne or s� �e is �oresent at a
CIl@ I'@qUll'@Ill@IItS COt1SIItUtltlg C�UaIIfICa- vellow. briaht areen. briaht blue. briaht oink or husiness nlace that he or she onerates.
tion as a qualified newspaper as provid- br�ant o��oie. e�tr,e� s�nai� az rne o�edom�-
nanT color�in combinatipn with other r.qlors in Subdivision 4. Aimina ProhibiTed Exr.eot as authorized
ed by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02, §331 A.07 an� nattem, or such obiect is construcTed en- bv law. the aimino �f anv deadlv weanon nr facsimile
and other applicable laws as amended. t��ei� of t�a�soa�e�t or translucent materials firearm. whether loaded or unioaded. at or toward anv
B The rinted ublic notice that is attached Which nermit iinmistakahle observation of the human beina. buildino or or.cuoied vehicle is orohibited_
p p obiecYs comolete cantenTs: and
was published ifl SaICI newspaper(s) 2 SuchobiecthasablazeoranpeexTensionthat SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall become eftec-
once each week, for 011@ extends at least six /Fl millimefer� from the tive afier adoption and upon thirty (30) days following its
SUCC2SSIV@ muzzle end of the barrel of such obiect which legal publication.
week(s) It WaS fll'SI pUf�IISII@CI 011 TIIUI'S- is as an intearal oart of the obiect and is oer- Adopted this 23rd day of June, 2008.
da the 3 da Of ,1UIV manenTly affixed: and
y� Y 3. Sur,h obiecT does not have a laser ooinTer at- Mayor Tim Willson
2��8 and W8S thereafter printed and tached to it. ATTEST: Cit Clerk Sharon Knutson
ublished on ever Thursda t0 allC� Ill- "Far.simile firearm" does not include anv actu- Y
p y y al firearm as otherwise requiated bv the Citv Date of Publication: July 3. 2008
cluding Thursday, the day Of Code or bv the Minnesota Statutes. Effective Date: Augusl2, 2008
2008; and rinted
p -----�-�Y-6aws�ei (Underlinina indicates new matter; �-tlice� indi-
below is a copy of the lower case alpha- cates matter to be deleted.)
bet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is t
hereby acknowledged as being the size (July 3, 2008) p1-PH Chap 19 Firearm
and kind of type used in the composition
i and publication of the notice:
abcdefg hijkl mnopqrstuvwxyz
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed
before me on this 3 day of
July 2008.
ry Notary Public
r`�'i' NNN.�