HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-03 04-03 AP City of Brooklyn Center Section 19-1304.5. ABATEMENT OF AN INOPERA- BLE OR JUNK VEHICLE. A vehicle found in violation of (Official Publication) Se�ti�n 19-1303 is r.onsidered a nublir, nuisanr.e and mav CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER be imoounded by the Citv Manaaer or the Manaaer's des- NOT�CE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION innated aaent. Vehir.les ThaT are in violation of Section 19- ORDINANCE NO. 2008-03 3�3 �nlv hv reason of failure to be nronerly lir.ensed will noT be imnounded until 90 davs after exoiration of the ve- AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO INOPERABLE AND hicle's lir.ense. s� JUNK VEHICLES; AMENDING CITY CODE SEC- a. Notice and hearino. Before imooundina a iunk vehi- n ��►.7 TIONS 19 1301 THR 1 7 r hIP ve h N� OUGH 19 30 cle or inone hi .le. t e Manao r or desia ated S a e n THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFBROOKLYNCEN- apenT must aive 10 davs' written notir.e thrni�ah ser- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TER DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: vir.e hv mail hv nostina a notir.e nn the nronertv or bv oersonal deliverv to the owner of. or oerson in control STATE OF MINNESOTA Section 1. Brooklyn Center Code Sections 19-1301 ot. the �rooertv on which the vehicle is located. When through 19-1307 are amended, and new Section 19- the nroneriv is or.cunied. servir.e unon the occunant SS. 1304.5 is added as follows: is deemed service uoon the owner. Where the oroo- erYy is unocr.uoied or abandoned. service mav be bv COUNTY OF HENNEPIN Section 19-1301 INTENT AND CONSTRUCTION. mail to the last known owner of rerord of The nrooer- The collection of unused and unusable motor vehicle bod- iv or bv oostina on the nronertv.The notir.e must stafe: ies, parts, engines and related accessories having be- i l A descriotion of the vehicle: Richard Hendrickson, being duly sworn on come a common occurrence in the communit and such Y (21 Thai the vehicle must he moved or nrone�ly stored an oath, states or affirms that he is the Chief collection having become a source of danger to the phys- or otherwise brouaht into com�liance with Section Financial Officer of the newspaper(s) known ical and mental well being of children and adults within the 19-1303 within 10 davs of service of the notice: as community, and such collection having become a visual /3� ThaT if the vehir.le is not removed or nronerlv bliaht and source of concern and complaint by citizens of stored or otherwise brouahi inTO c.omoliance with Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center Sun-Post the community, this vehicle ordinance is enacted for the Section 19-1303 as ordered. the vehicle will be purpose of prohibiting the collection and maintaining of }nwed and imoounded at an identified Inr.atinn such motor vehicle bodies, parts, engines and related ao- �q� ThaT the vehir.le mav he reclaimed in ar.r.ordance cessories. NoThinn in Sections 19-1301 ihrouph 19-1307 with the orocedures contained in M.S. §168B.07 and has full knowledge of the facts stated is inTended to resirict the ahatament of ab�ndoned vehi- or disqosed of in accordance wifh M.S. cles as renul8ted in Cifv Cnde Section 19-1001 or ihe tnw- g� ggg �g bBIOW: ino of illeaallv oarked vehicles under Citv Code Seciion /51 That the orooertv owner is resoonsihle for anv (A) The newspaper has complied with all of 2�_121_ r.osts assor.iated with the ahafement inr.hidina Sect�on 19-1302. DEFINITIONS. The following wcrds anv administrative fees and tfl@ C@qUll"2111011tS COC1StItUtlllg qUB�IfICa- /61 That the owner of the vehicle or ihe owner nf or and terms are defined as follows: tion as a qualified newspaper as provid- a. PERSOrv: a_-=-- aar,y r,atUrai Persor,, Op_ nersnn in ronirnl nf ihe nrnneriv nn whir.h the ve- ertv owner. tenant. ocr.uoant iessae. firm, associa- hicle is located mav make a reauest in writina for ed by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02, §331 A.07 tion, partnership or corporation, and agent of any of a hearina before the Citv Manaoer or the Manao- and Othei' appliClble lawS as amended. the aforesaid, except duly licensed new and used car er's desianared aaent. I B The rinted ublic notice that is attached dealers, while engaged in the lawful operation of their b. Hearina. action. If a hearina is reauested durina the P P 10-dav neriod. the Citv Manaper or The Mananer's business. was published In said newspaper(s) b. IMPOUND: To take and hold a vehir.le in lenal cus= desionated anenT must qromotiv schedule the hear- once each week, for One SUCC2SSIV2 todv. ina. and no further action on the towina and im c. INOPFRABLE OR ,IUNK VEHICLE: �eHie4 ����ndment of The vehir.le mav he taken until fhe Cifv week(s) It WaS f11'St pUbllShed 011 Thu1'S aAny w�etec vehicle thatwHisb does not have a cur Manaper's dar.ision is renderPd At tne r.nnr.lusi�n of day, the 3 day of April rent vehicle �eyg� license� for operation within the The sche.duled hearina. the Citv Manaaer or ihe Man- State of Minnesota aaer's desianated aaent may !11 cancel the notice to 2008, and was thereafter printed and rPm��P rnP �Pr,��ie: rz� moa�r� mP n�r��P: �r i:�i. arr�rm the notice to remove. soecif ina the date bv which the published on every Thursday to and in- or thatwuieia is not in operable condition y nr ihaT is nlaced nn iacks hlocks or othar sunnnris, or vehicle must be removed. If the notice is modified or cluding Thursday the day Of thatw+aisNispartiallydismantled;orthatwuisHisused affirmad. tne vehir.le musr ne disnnsed of in acror 2��8 and printed for sale of parts, or as a source of repair or replace- dance with the written order of ihe Citv Manaaer or ment parts for other vehicles; or thatwHieFa is kept for the Manaoer's desianated aaent. below is a copy of the lower case alpha- S�rapp;,,g dismantling, or salvage of any kind; or that c. Imooundina orocedures. The impounded vehicle will bet from A to Z, both inclusive WhICh IS is otherwise in a condition that renders it unlawful fo be surrendered to the owner bv the towina contrar.tor o�erate on �ublic sireets in the State of Minnesota. only u�on oavmeni of the reauired imnound_ towinn hereby acknowledged as being the size VEHICLE: Anv vehicle motnr vehir.le semi-trailer nr and siorane fees Vehir.le imnoundina will he rnn- and kind of type used in the composition trailer as defined in M S S 1 fi9 01 as it mav he ducted in accordance with M.S. Ch. 168B. aovernino amended from Time to fime- inr.hidin�c nioneer_ classic the. sale of abandoned motor vehicles. dC1C� pUb�ICat1011 Of th@ IIOtIC2: collector and street rod vehicles. demolition vehicles. ASSPSSment nf administrative costs. The ciTv r,osts of �aCe CeIS Of eflv rt78China Of BC�UI[JITI@flt DI'OqP.112d bV abatement shall be a lien aaainst the real estate on abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz nnwer other than human nnwer desinned in iravel which the nuisance existed and mav be levied and col- alona the around bv use of wheels. treads. runners or �er,ted as a sner.ial assessment in ihe manner orovid- slides and iransnorT nersonS or nroneriv nr null ma- ed by_ M.S. 429.101. All the orovisions of M.S. r.hinarv. It also inr.ludes_ wiThout limitation_ autnmo- 429.101 are inr.ornorated bv referenr.e. bile. truck. Trailer. motorcvcle and tractor. SecTion 19-1305. CONSTRUCTION AND APPLICA- Section 19-1303. PARKING AND STORAGE. TION. Nothing in {+�i�e�iaaaee Secti�ns 19-1301 BY ,C Throuph 19-1307 shall be construed To permit any act pro- hibited by any other ordinance, statute, or rule of law. CFQ Fiea-#fS,�B wNo person shall park, keep, place or store, Ser.Tion 19-1306- SEPARABILITY. Should any sec- or permit the parking or storage of an inooerable or iunk tion, subdivision, clause, or other provision of Sections 19- vehicle on a public street, e� alley or ouhlic oronertv in the 301 throuah 19-1307i�iis-e��:-._-._= be dedared by a Citv for more ?han B hours er or any private fands o; court of competentjurisdiction to be invalid, such decision Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed premises in the ciiv for lonaer than 4A hours shall not atfect the validity of Ser.Tions 19-1301 ihrouah eN�-.�, ��3try�ie_, :sels with The followino exr,eotions: ig_� �p��pg.,q�yq� as a whole nor of any part there- before me on this 3 da Of a_a�aless the vehicle stiiaA is located within an en Y of other than the part so declared to be invalid. April 2008. �I�sP�1 building on such premises; or h. the vehir.le is lor.ated on the nremises of a business SecTion 19-1307. PENALTY. Any person violating the enterorise ooerated in a lawful nlace and manner. provisions of Ser.tions 19-1301 throuah 19-1307�`.'= when necessarv to the nneratinn of sur.h business en- a8+ae9� upon COnviCtion, Sh811 be n,uilfv of a misde- ter�r!sa nr meanor c. the vehicle is lor,ated in an anorooriate sioraae nlace (�-�.���J �'e�'' /Y/.t-C..! f or depOSitor�� maintained in a lawful olar.e and man- v ner bv tha r.iix NOtary PUbIIC Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective _���F after adoption and upon thirty (30) days following its legal publication. Adopted this 24th day of March, 2008. MARY ANN CARLSON rv�ayor Tim wi��son NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA Section 19-t304. STORAGE OF PARTS, ENGINES, ATTEST: City Clerk Sharon Knutson MYCOMMISSION EXpIRES 7�1-09 AND RELATED ACCESSORtES. No person shall store Date of Publication: Aprii 3, 2008 2 Effective Date: May 3, 2008 or keep parts, engines and related accessories on a pub- ��y� indicates matter to be deleted; underline indi- rvw� lic street or alley or on any private lands or premises in the c� unless such cates new matter.) parts, engines, and related accessories are kept or stored (Apr. 3, 2008)p1-ord 2008-03 Junk Inop Vehicles within an enclosed building in r.omnliance with ciTV codes.