HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-13 11-24 CCO CITY OF BROOK� YN CEiv�'ER I Natice is herebv given that a public hearing will be held on the 24 day of Novern�ier, 2�J08, �t 7:00 p.m. or as soon ther�after as the matter may be heard at the City Hall, 6301 Shingle C;reek Parkway, to consider an Ordinance Amending Chapter 23 of the Gity Cade of Ordinar�ces Rzgarding the Sale of M�tor Vehi.cles. Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities are available upon request at least 96 hours in advance. Please contact the City Clerk at 763-569-3300 to inake arrangements. URDII� ANCE NO. ��08- i 3 AN O1ZDINANC�.� AMENDING� CHAYTEl2 �23 U�" ��HE �ITY CODE OF` ORDINANCES REGARDLNU THF �ALE �F MOTOR VEHICI�,ES I THE C'IT� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER D(�ES CaRDAIN FOLLOWS: 5ectian 1�, Section 23-1204 of th� Broaklyn �enter �`ity C'od�� of oxdinanres i4 hereby amendeci as fo�laws: Section 23-1204. CO'�IDITI�NS I?�, OF AI�IB �OR MOTOR tiE�-�I�'Li� IaEALER LICENSES. No motor vehic!e dealer's licerise �hall be issued exce�t under th: f'ollowing conditions: a. No Class A motor vehicle dealer iic�nse sha�l ee is�ued �o any� �ers�n :�rh� �nes �lot posse�s and operate u�zci�: a nev� c��r fr�znch:se or cc3ntract in a.nd fo� tl��e C���� csx Br�c�klya� Center, ex�ept� that s�zch Iic.en5e r�av b�� issued to �ny person �peratir�� under such new caJ• franchise if sl�ch izi�erase:, c��erates and main�ains �rA its t�remiges in Braaklyn Center an enclosed repair garage, a sno�Troorn ar �tr�rer car display ar rentai structure or_ the lan�,-�=�'��^'� �*��•�*��r° °*r °yN�' �;,ii r n.��v��„r�s i��r+ ,.,.;,.o ��.v �..,,o r�,a +;,oi z,,,,,a a,� a �rEd me:;ts the ���n�:z� reauirements and nerformance stanclar�s �r?e c� �v codes: b. Every Class A licensee shal? pro��id�,, operate ar�d maintair, ��n its �r�mise� in the Ci�y of Brooklyn Center a�'°�"�� an equipped an� manned repair shop c� faeility capable of repairir�g the moiars, �ngines; �rak�s; li�l�ts,� �ti�es, electrica� at�d other operating equipment af_' any motcir �el�icle r�id bv sucr� d��ier. e �'�i.° ^r�';�.°r* Ever�v�rernzses f�r v�h7��_�z li��,�is� is requirzcl under thas ordinanie shall have on iilm a� a�ru�°ec� �pplicatio�� f�r ��an approzal wit�,"� the Secr�tar;� c�r the �3rookl ;�r_ �'e�}�e: �'i��rrnirA� t,�r7����is�aon. Su�.h a�plicatio� shall be acc�mpanied by a�etail�d map, �ila± �r �r����,i.u� c�:f tl��: �lace �usiness f�r which suclri iicense is to k?e iss�e�j sl���x✓;5��; �r:.��n�:� c��:�er i�1�'c, tl�e addrzss, L location and dimerasions thereof; the location, type and dirnensions of any building, fence and �ighting equipmen± therec,n; the intended g��n of a11 vehic.l_� parking, th� lpeati�n and dimensions of� �r�cessed car storage space; alI �ur� openings; all driveways and alleyways tl�er�in' and thereon�; and a� certi�icate b,� the City Engineer approving the drainage aiid paving on such place of busine�s. Sect�on 2. Section 23-1205 of the Brool.ly� Center City Code of�ordinanccs is hereby arnended as follows: Section 23-1205. APPLICATION FOR LICF,NSE. The application for a�y license hereunder shall be made in writing and signed by the applicant on formc pro�ided by the City C;lerk, which applicatic�n shall show, amon� other i�formation, the names, ��sidence or principal place of busiriess a.nd age �r ages of all xndividual applicants; if a partnershi�, t�i�; names, addresses and ages of all partners; if a corporation, the names and addresses af al� €he officers and stockholders thereof; proof of t�x,���-�� a�eaier's license authorizin� t�� licensee t� �ell new and/or used cars in Brcoklyn Center, ^r r�^� n �.,o�:�,,,.�� ...,i„v „f �t,,,.,,,.,,,,,..., �,,.,,,..,,,,o u,.,,�.i,i<», r+,�r+o,. ,.o,� +�.a t,.,,o �-n-� r.� r.,r ,�;�r,,,<. �.,.,,a n» as set forth in Sertion 23-1204 (a and �l herein; t'�e uiau auii basine�s or occupation and residence addresses ut� the a�iplicant tiar a periud �f three �;�E�rs immediately prior to the date o� such applica'tion, ir�iadir�� ali partner�m uffic;rse or stockholders; any previous insolvency or bar.Icruptcy af any appiicanzj and such �t�i�r pertinent, relevant or material information as the City may fram time to time require. Al? ap�li�,ata ftor such licenses shall be accompanied by the informatiQn described ir_ �eGti�r�� 4 aa�d 5 of this ordinance. Section 3. This ordinar2ce �hall becorne effective after aduptic�n and upon C�i��� days following its legal publication. A�opt�d t�is 24�' day of November, 2008. �h ��1yQP AT'TEST. G �i� r r�rvr aCL�A�I �ity Clerk Date of Publication: December 4, 2008 Effective Date`. January 3, 2009 �Str�k�outs indicat� �natter to be deleted, underline jr.dicate� new ma?ter.)