HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-11 10-23 AP City of Brooklyn Center y
(Official Publication)
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on
the 10th day of November, 2008, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon
thereafter as the matter may be heard, at City Hall, 6301
Shingle Greek Parkway, to consider an amendment to
ne�spapers Chapter 12 of the City Code of Ordinances adding new J r
sections relating to the registration and regulation of va-
cant buildings.
Oct. 23, 2008) p1-Vacant Bldg Ord
Richard Hendrickson, being duly sworn on
an oath, states or affirms that he is the Chief
Financial Officer of the newspaper(s) known
Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center Sun-Post
and has full knowledge of the facts stated
(A) The newspaper has complied with all of
the requirements constituting qualifica-
tion as a qualified newspaper as provid-
ed by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07,
and other applicable laws as amended.
(B) The printed public notice that is attached
was published in said newspaper(s)
once each week, for one successive
week(s); it was first published on Thurs-
day, the 23 day of October
2008, and was thereafter printed and
published on every Thursday to and in-
cluding Thursday, the day of
2008; and printed
below is a copy of the lower case alpha-
bet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is
hereby acknowledged as being the size
and kind of type used in the composition
and publication of the notice:
abcdefg hijkl mnopqrstuvwxyz
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed
before me on this 23 day of
October 2008.
J sl
l�/ �c=�'
j Notary Public
.+r v.
30A Brooklyn CeMer Brooklyn Park Sun-Post-Thursday, Oct. 23, 2008-www.mnSun.com
Cil Of B�OOI�I Cente� lL�i4n must ¢e su6rr�itted on a form orovided �v �he city
y and� shall include the followi,r�Q inforrnation suQo�ied trv the
(Official Publication) owner:
CITY OF BROOK�YN CENTER a The name. address. teleohone numper. and email ad-
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will 6e held on dress. 'rf aoolicab�A- of each rnvner or rhe owner's rePre_
the 10th day of November, 2008, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon sen�tive_
thereafter as the matter may be heard, at City Hall, 6301 b. The names. �,dc�re;ses. teteohone nur�hers. an�
Shingle Creek Parkway, to consider an amendmeM to em�ii��resse�. fiaoolicable. of aZknown lien hql�lers
Chapter 12 of the City Code of Ordinances adding new anii �II other g�rtie; with anv leaal intergst in the huil in
sectbns relating to the registration and regulation of va- c. Ihe narRe: �Q�rg$s. teleqhone n�m6er. and em ia l ad_
cant buildings. dress. if aoolica6le. of a Iqcai aaent orperson resoonsi6le
Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon �r manaaina oi maintaininp the prooertv:
re uest at least 96 hours in advance. Please noti the d. Tpe I�na1 desc:,�otian. tax oamel identjficatian numher.
Q and st rget address of the uremises on which the buildinq
i City Clerk at 612-569-3300 to make arrangements. is situated:
ORDINANCE NO. e: A descriotion of the oremises. includina the comm�
I CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES; ADDING NEW SEG f. The date ihe 6uildino became vacant. Lhe osriod of
i TIONS RELATING TO THE REGISTRATION AND REG- dme the buildin,q i�qec}ed to remainvar�tt. �nd a°ro°_
ULATION OF VACANT BUILDINGS �t qla�n ar��meta6le for ret�mina the t�uiidinp to ao_
THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN CEN- R_4R[l�tP °CG�4ancv or yse and fqr corrggting co4je vinla-
TER DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: tions and nyisances_ Qt for demolition of the buildinck
g, jhe status of watec sewec naturaJ aas and electri�
j Section t. Chapter 12 is amended to add the fo(lowing utilities.
new Sectionx h. The owner must notifv the comoliance official of anv
chanaes in informatiqn su�olied �s nart qf the vacant
S�p tjq� 12-15Q1- PQLICY The ouroose qPSections 12-
i i tion' ithin thi 1 davs the chan
u n r i- a ag,
1501throuahl2-1511i�to5�rc�tec[theou6lich�afth.�s�fe- Q�a�- 't`�
tv. .�nd wel}a�e kv establishinb 3 DfOQram fqr tJie identifi- P�a�-. The qroDertV olan identjfled in Section
�atign and reaulatipn of v��ant buildina� within the Cit�, 12'��Oa��,�f1..Q���t meet the fQllrnvino reauirement.�',
Sectio�� )�-15p1 throuoh 12-1511 al�o determine the re- ��5��5?�sions TJ�gqlan must comQly_�(ith all aQ
�oonsi6jli�igc �f �wvn�rs nf v3�at 6uiidinas and orovides RI1S�h�g r��tions an�meet the anoroval of�e com�
for acJministratian. enforcement. a�oenalties associated ��ci�lj musf cqntain a timetable rggafdino use or
with the same" dgmolition of the Qropertv-' The_ olan must be comqleted
within a reaspnabie oeriQd pf time. b�t no lonae� than
Seqtion 12-1502. FINDINC2S. Vacant bui�dipos are a �r�P hundreA sixtv-five t�l, davs afEer the huildino�
n�iqrcause and source of 6lioht in re�i��ial and nnn-
residentiaJ neiah he�hpod_a. e;�iallv when the owne� Qr b, Maintep8nc�� Qi b,�i in The otan must identiN the
rg�ponsible Dgrtv of the b�ildina fail� tp activelv maintain p�eans anA timetablc� fcx ad�res�ino all maintenance an�
anc(mar�t�e the t�uildi�a tq g�.aure it does not become a �nuisanr.�-related items identifieQ in the aQplication. AnK
lia6ili�v tp the neiahborhotxJ- Vacant huildinos ofterl attr��k rgoairs. imorqvements pr aRPrdtions f e rooertv must
transierrts_ homeless QgQqle. jresn�ssers. and criminala como�v with the aoolicable buildinp codes and city requ�a-
includina dtua abuse�s, Nealpr.t of vacaM buildinos. as tions.
well �s use_ of�c�nt builSiinas bv transients_an� crimin�l� plan Ch�lges_ If }he ro olan qr timetable for thg
creakes a risk of fire. �xolosion_ or flooclino for the vacant vaca�t buildina is revised in any wav. the revisions must
huiidina and adiacent prooerties� V�r.ant pFODprtigs. are meet the ayQnrnv�l of }he cgm�qJi�,nce offcia�,
often used as Aum in rourttis for iunk ant� debris and pemolitiqn ReCwired. If a 6uildino„j�aS_[emain�d va-
are oft�n Qvemrcrvun wBh wesds and arags- Vacant builcl- rlt �eriod of Sh�ee hundred and si�ctv-five l365) con_
jpgs. which are boarded up to nr�vent entrv 6v trensients senitive da�s. and the comaliapce official has not a�-
and other Jona-term vacancig,s rliscouraae ec.onomiy de- Qrobed an alternativ� �r.ht�du�e in the prooertv �lan. the
ve�o oment and reta[d aQnrQciatiqn of q�Qertv values• owner must demolish the bujldinc+ and �eSt(}re the
There is asubstantial r.ost to the r.ity for monitorinn vapant d�ounds. If the owner cloes not �femotish the buildinr�hg
6uiJdinas whet�pr qr nof thoeg hyildincs are hnardeA u� ��j v commer�r.e ahatQment and c�}st �ecoverv �o-
This cost shquld not be h�rne 6v thQ oeneral taxpavers of cQedinas fof the abatement of the viplation in ercordance
the r.ommunitv but rafhPr thgsp rn��� should 6e horne �y yvith citv code section 19-105.
those who choose to leave their 6uildinos var.ant. Non-compliaace and Notificatioo. If the nwner
eM. ion 12-15p3 pEFINITIONS. The f�llqwino �defini- does not comoJv with�the e olan or maint�in or cor-
rec nuisance rtems. the citv mav com(nence abatemen?
e i te t"on and enforrement Qf
tions shall a v in th n rn a
44� .�S'2.! h it ms in c
and recover its costs for corr�ctron, Qf t asg e a
sections 12-1501 throunh 12-1511. In t e of an
i cbde ectio 19-1Q5 hecas
cprdance with c s n
Com oliance Qfficial the Citv Manaoer and his��s- ahsent qwner a d ano �i�n,a nuisance items. tJ�e citv need
ipnated aaents authqrized to admi�iSTer and enforce sec- not qrovide notice of eaCh ahatemeni acYtq the owner. A,
tions 12-1501 throuah 12-J 511 of this Code- �le notice by the citv to the owner {hat it intends tq qfo_
2, Buildina a 6uildino or structure desioned for
vit�e onaoina abatement untiPthe owner corcects the items
¢usiness use or hum�.n use or occunancv- W��j ¢e suffi�ient notice.
Owner {hosg shown to 6e the owner or� oyuners on Exerr�Mions.
thp rgcords of t�e Hen�gQin �ouqN Deoartmeqt of PioQ Fire pamape. A 6uildin� that has suffered fire damaog
ertv TaxBtjon: jhose ident'rfied as the ownef or �wners on
a vac�pilwildino registration f�rm. a holder of an un- exerq t from ihe reaistration r�au�rgment for a oeriod of
recordedggntra�t for deed. a mortaaaee or vendee in oos_ nineN (90) days after the date of the fir� 'rf the anrner sub
I�. �ession. a mqrtoago� or vendor in no�session. an as- rt!!� a���°PSt foS gxemotio� in writir�o to the comQl}ancg
�anee of rents. a receiver. an executqr. A trustee. a �fficial. reousst fQr exem to ion must be aporrned hv the
cruiw nffir.iai �nd include the f011owina information sq�gl"p�d
lessee. nther oerson firm or corooratio� in r,pntro) of the �hp ��Pr.
freehnlr{ of the qfemjSPS M IPSCer estate therein. An A descri�tion �f thg oremises
I owner �Iso means �nv_person. qartnershio. o��,.,,:$tion,
�ooration. or fiduciarv having a �eaaf qr epuitable title or ii. jF+e name and ad¢rPSS of nwnPr n� owner�•
anv interest in the 9fODartv pr 6uildina This includes anv 9�atement of �i�tent ro reoair and �eoccu the
partner. officer. gr director of a�oartnershi4. corooration, �n an eYOeditious manner and the time fram'e for
associatipn or oMer IeQallv-constrtuted buSines� entiri_ Alt �°letion[
owners_�hpll have ioint ancf sevgral o�lioations for comoli_ ��'o^s tt'p O1NPer wilt tai� to ensu�e tpe f0 e
nwsance for the neiphhqrh od_
does not 6ecome 4
I a�Fe wit� the orovisione nf sectinns 12-1501 through 12- p�j�s." Those oersons who leave_their residen-
1511 of this �ode. tia� buildinos on�a temoorarv F�asis for vacation oufposes
4 onsible narfv mean� an �wner_ orcuqant. enjj�
te seas n a d have
r t r si e� elsewhere d�'n th� m o n
I r nerspn actino as an a nt r the pwner yvho has dL Q� un g e w
t h e m t e n t t g r e t u r p a r e e x e m� t f r� m t h g re�ist r atio n r e-
rect or indirect ronhal pr ayiho�iN ov�e[ the buildina or real QuiremeM_ �xem t ion as a"snowbird° will 6e oranied witJ1
piQQertv �oon which t�� buil�lina �s Iqcatecl_ Rny �rty �oer verifica i n.
havina a lea al or eauitable intPrpst in thg r�oertv. �ie- r� Fee$. The owner must qav an annu�l reaistration fee.
soonsi6le oartv mav include. ¢ut is not timited to. a realtoc Thg reaistratiQq fee will I�e in an amount a�fogteQ bv res-
service orovidec morf�goc leagjnq_�aent_ ma�aaement �tiqn by the Citv Council_ The amount of the recistration
cOmDany o� simil8r ner;on ar entiN. tee shall be reasonahiv related to the admjnistrafive costg
5. Vacant buildina a hyil '�n or struCture� is qacar�t jf no r reaiSterino�ln _orocessino the feaistration fort� and for
Q�rson or oersqns a4yuallv and cur�ently conducts a layu- ;he �Gts nf thg Citv ir� Inonitoriqa�e vacant buildina site'
ful business or lawfullv resides pr lives in anv oart of the The fee must 6e oaid in fuli orior to the issuance of �ny
huildina on a og�manenk. nontran$ient 6asis in accor- 6uilt�ipa nermits or licenses. with the exceotion of a de-
danr.e with the Citv's zonina reaulations_ molitipn� oermit-
Section j 2-1504. VACANT 6UILDWG RECiISTRATI�N. Waiver of Fee_ ��TJ�e reoi�tretion fee mav�gwaived if
1 A�olication. The owneJ gr resoor.sible o�rtv must the owner or resqe�si�ie oarty has oaid all oast due rep-
Jgpistgr a vacant huildinp with tkie Citv no later than thirh� istration fees and aIl other financial oblieations and dehts
j �1 davs after the buildina�mes Jacant The reai� nwed to the that are associated with the�vacant pfOD-
I� i
In the Community, �th the Community, For tlie Community
ertv an{1 Qq,{nnnStr3tes: fi the satiafa�tion of the� comqfy� in acc�rdance witl�RolicaWe c�qdes and 6e maint8ined in
ance offici�L• sound condition �nd aood reoair or rernoved and the ser-
that he or she is in ihe �rocess �e de.moiainn re vic� terLn'�tPd in the manner rresr.riherj_ hq a�olicaple
habilitation or other suhstantiak reg�ir nf ihe varant huild- �ries. The huildina's w�,ter svstems must he orotected
ina: or from freezina_
b. thg antir.iQ,gted lenoth of ti�ne for thg t�emnlitiort. L. Electriqa4 Electrical service:lines'wir�na. autlets or
rehabilitati�n, �r nther substantial reoair ot the vacaM fixtures not installed or maint�ined in accQrdanr.e with aQ
buildin°• olicaple qodes mps� be_ [eqairgr�. removed or the electrical
�$$g�rt�e�t. If tt�P rgyigj�afinn fPP arpr nortiort is sQrvipes terminated to the 6uildina in accord8nC0 with flD-
.�oaid wi� Fin davs aftP� hillinn nr within RO davs after olir.,�ble Gpdes
e�/ aooeal per.omes f naL tha Citv Cnuncil mav r.e'r�iN ihe 6. Llahtina. A�� extgriqr Iipht��ir g fixtU�BS_ must be main-
�r oaid co5?. aaainst the- r e in a�cordance with the tained in aood ren�ir. �nd illumin�tion must 6e orovided to
process set ig�h io �se.c�ion 19-1(15 nf thi� rnAg.. the buildi�a and �II walkwavs in the same manner as oro-
7. Issuance of Pe�mft. Uncm rnmQl�,?inr� qf thQ re� vided at the time the huild�g w�s last qccuqied or as oth-
tration ofQc:e�s_an� oavm�n��f ihe�fee- t�i�g CiN will issue grwiSe provided X aoo rQved vacant 6uildin
a Varart .Buildine �permit tn the rnvner. �TFZp nwn must Z Fle�tipg. Heatina fd4ilitieS ot heati�ta eaui oment in
securelv_nqst thP nPrmit on the varant twitdinn. rf nOSSi- vacanJ lwjldinas must he remoVed. rendgred inpoerahle.
¢Ie_ on a ci�iv Pntran�e :dnnr th�t is r�gengrallv visibie nr maintained in a�nce with aQolicBhle co4(es
from the oubli{� ctregt. If nn citie enjrance doqr is avail_ Terminatioq of utilitie$_ TFle com I ian ce of(icial mav
8ble. thg nwrmit m��ct hR Securelv �oEted nn a�thQr ava��- feduif2 that watgc Sewer. eJec�tricity. or aas Service to {he
i a61e entranr.e d�r. if ihe oronertr is ahan�l�neci nr th� vacant builciinp be termip�te41 or disconpected Prior to
c>wner or rg�nnnsihle oarhr hail.s to r.c�molete the registra- Yhe termin�tion of anv u�ility service, writtgn n4ticg mSiSt
i n groceSC. the DroDertv will he administrafivalv rarti��- be given to thg ewner. No�ilitv m�y be restpfed until cqn-
tered. as w vacant r r sent is aiven by tpe camplian�e officiaL Utilides mav be
Sectio� 12- �FpS_ CHAN(�E nF nWNERSHIP A p�_.� .disqontinug� atthe reauest of the rnuper or.res4nnsihle
parN as nart of the aqoroved vacant huildina �o e
owner(s) must rea icter or re a vara buildina plan The camoC�nce officia�v authorize immed�tg
�nde� se�t 12-1:504 within fifteen /1�s of arn termination of ytilities at his or her discretion jn emera
transfer of an ownefSFy,o inJere�t iq� vacant huildin The �{rcumsta
new owner(,�1 must carr�qlv yrith the $porovxJ qropertv Sionaoe 06solete prypused gxtgrior sians and in-
Dlan and timPtahie �ut�mittPA hv�gnrr.virn�c nwnQr l�ir y stallation h rdware ust be removed_ o es a
proaosed chanae� irtthg qfODBrtV ql�n must he submined H 1 II�o�r�et@:
and aoorovad hv_MP cnmolianr:a oHicial" 1��n� must be nroperlv oatchgcl and 931ntt±d to m�tr.h �he
buildina. Surfaces 6eneath Jhe sians that do not match.
Section 19-i50F. INSPECTI()JV_S. �The cor�qliar�ce.o�- me buildina must be ren�ired�. resurfaced. o�,inted or ott�
cial tllav Ingpect 8nv varant huildina in the Cit�f�r the Rur_ erwis� 8ltered to pg rnmqatible vyith the kuildinq sur%aces.
pose of P�fp�in° and assulina comnlianr.g with sec:ti��s All sians must be rPai�Yair�Qd in aood cpn�ition and in
12-1501 throunb 12-75� t�Rd nther �4olicahls rep�J� '�R��ance with�oter 34 ot this code. Auction sia or
tions_ Unon the �p�st of the corr�Dliance official_ ��n attention-aettina devices mav be q�,�ged on a�rooertv for
owner or rPCOOngible Q�rN must qrrovidg aceess to all in- no more ]haa fourteen !14) cons erutive days oriqr to the
terior nnrSinns of the buildino and t�e Px�p.Pnr of fhe oroo- auction d�te and�nust be removed within three (31 davs
eNv in order tp rnmolete an inspectign. If the owner or �e- followina the au i n.
�oonsible oartr i� not �vailadle to orovide a��s to the in- ����ryp� mainten�nCe• The owner must comolv w(�h
terior of the huildin¢ th,� CiN mav usw anv Ipaal means to 811�3D�licable prooertv ptaintenanqe requlations and r_itv
pain entrance to the huilAinn fot ins e�ction pufposes. cpdes includ(nq. but n4t limited to. the followino:
Prior to anv re-Qc�uoancY a vacant 6uildina must 6e in- Puhlic nuisances. The owner must gl}minate anv
soecteH 6v thP City and fq�n�1 t� he in comqliance with activi�i on the ofoqerty that constitutes a nublic nuisance
se ,Mionq 12-1507 Thmi{�h 12-1511 and all �ther a4Dl'iCa_ .as defined bv seM. ion 19-10� of ihe citv code.
hle reaulations All aQolication and reinsoeMi�n fees mu�t b� Grass and weeds_ Anv weeds or arass must 6e
a��? h� 4Hid p�iOf t0 enK�goSauoancv nf the huildinn. �All no areatef than six !�1 inr,hPS ir� heiaht
such fees are set 6v Resolutinn nf iha CiN Councl c. Erterior sfructu�e maJntenanqe- The pwner must
Sectio� 1�-1507' MAINTENANCE OF VACANT BUILD- maint�in the vacarlt ¢uildina in cqmoliance with ser.tions
INGS_ The owner must cqmolv with nd addr .ss the (ol- 12J01 thrQ}iah 12-713 as determined�to be necessarv 6v
f the code pfficiaL
I�wina items in the omoertv olan_ as descri6ed in section fl6andoned oriynl{ vehicles. The�owner musi re-
move ahandoned and iunk vehides from the� orqpertv.
1. A�pearan�e. All va�aM huildinns must be so mairn� The Citv m�v imo�und such�'vphicles consistent with the
Yained and kent ihat thev �g�e?r to be qcx:up'�p� reauirements in Chanter 19 of the gitv code.
2. Securina_ Ali vacan{buildinas must he secufed fro(n g�. �Stprape i oosal of refuse_ The storaae n
outside entr� pv unauth�rized oersons or oests_ Ser.uritv disoosal of refuse. must comolv wifh the reauirements of
must 6e bv �the nnrmal h{iildino amenitips sur.h as win- haqter j of the city code,
dows �q� doors havinn adea��nte strenqth to rasist intru- Animals The owner must pnsure �that all animals
sion. All doors and windows must �emain for,ked, There are removed from the oro e�rtv and handled in a humane
shall 6e a� leasr one �oerable tioor into everv 6�iildinq� t�d manner.
in{o eaqh housinn unit Euterior walls and roofs must re- y_ Diseased_ dead or hazardous trees. The owner
main. intact without hples_ must� remove disease.d, �ead or hazardquS trees ar
Architgctu (CosmeGc) Structural Panels. branches from the arooertv in accordance with Chaoter 20
Archkectural struMiiral nangls mav be used to secure vyip- of the city gqde.
dows: doors and other �qeninas nrnyidQd thev gre �u1 tp h. GraHiti_� The pwner m}�st �emove all araffiti fYom
rit th� o De nina and match the charaMer{stics �f th� huild- the oro oe[lv in accordance with Citv qrdinaneg-
jag. Arr.¢itw�ur�l r+apels rnav 6e qf Axterior aradg-finished i_ Ab�ndoned pools. Swimminp_000ls must be
plvwc�i qr Medium Densi}y nverlaid nlvw�i (MDO) that maintained in good onerati�a condition: �reated to orPVent
i oain Tr:d to match the huildinc+ wzferior �r covprt!� �est har6oraae: or orooerlv drained� and emotied_ Swim-.
reflective materiat such as olexi-olass to simulate win- minarwols m�st 6e secured in accorrlance with citv code
�L �e.etion 19-14Q2
b. em o rv Secarina_ Llntreated qlvwpod or simi- 11 Remoy�l of aarbaag and refuse: The owner of any
lar struMural oanels or tgrr�qOraN construgtiqn fencina va�ant huildinn. or vaca�n� oortipn th,Qreof. must remove atl
mav 6w used to Secura winclows �icmrs and nther npen_ garbaae_ refuse. n)bbish. �yill. fiMh. of other materials
I�gs for a m�ximu�nerioci of 14 t��, }rom they�r.ant huildir,g and the �fQoertv uoon which the
Arfist{c" boa�i,(o. With orior_aQorqval qf�i p�il�inp is located-
��oliance official: artistic ootions mav be utilized to se- 2 po��g orotec�ioas svstem8_ The� owner �nys� DroD_
cure a vacant huildina_ erl� maiMain all alarm Svstems in anv vacant 6uildina or
Ememg�cv securinQ. The comaliance official qprt�on )hereof insqer�tina condition,
rr�av t�ke sigps tQ imQ�ediatelv securp a varant 6uildinq 1j ��oiterina c��minal�aetiyities: Loiterino or enaaaina
his or her discretien in emeraencv circumsTances_ in crimjnaj�ctivities is not allewed i� the vacanf 6uildino
Fire Safetv. pr on the real Qrooertv uoon wh�r.h the vacant huilQino�
3. Fire art7tection Svste�ns_'� Ow�ers.of nqn-residential ,p�ated. rhe owne� pr rBSponsible oar�v must not allq_w
vacant huildinas must majntai� all fire Qrotec:tinr� �ystems, these aetivities and take immedi�te aciions to eliminate
�Rliaqces and assemh�ieS in oq@fdtlflO condition and these conditions oqce. notified 6v the ciN
maintain i�nrierwritPr limkPd (�711 monitorina of all sv� Emer� A6atement_ The comqliance Qfficial
mav authorize immediafe ahatement of 9nv oyblic nui-
Remova! of hazarclous a/id cbm t¢�tible materials. 58nce or mainten8nce item if._in the discretion of fhe,com-
The owner of arni v:�r.ant 6uilAino. oryacant oprtion there- pliance official, emeroencv circumStBnces exiM that ore-
of. m�ict removp all hazardous material_and hazardous �ent �n imminent threat to the ou6�ic heal{h and s�fety.
refuse that cpuld r.onstitute a fire hazard or contribu�e to Other Codes. Ali qther city codes an a� olica6le rea-
the SDf2 a c�_of �re. ulations must be complied with,
4 Plumbina fi�cture�. Plum6ina fixtu[es connected tQ
an aoo roved wate� svstem. an aoorQved sewaae. sv�tgm.
o� a� eRo.o�ed natural a as �si�n, s�scem m�� ee ��stan� Legal Notices continued on next page
In the Community, With the Community, For the Community
City of Brookiyn Center �ont���ed shall be considered as part of the building in which the
dwelling unit is located.
7: Family any of the following definitions shall apply:
Section 12-15oR Nn oCa1PANCV OR TRESPASS. No -A person or persons related by blood, marriage, or
person may tresoa oc:cuav or resi�e in_ c�n a temooraiv adoptio�, together with his or their domestig servant5
gj,nermanant ba�is anv var,ant buildina withnut the own_ or gratuitous guests, maintaining a common house-
grs rnnsent:. hold in a dwelling unit;
-Group or foster care of not more than six (6) wards
S��tinn 12� VA�ALISM �R REMOVAL OF ITFMS or clients by an authorized person or perso�s, related
PR(�H161TFQ. Ng. qersoq mav vandali�a nr ramnyP i iems by blood�, marciage, or adoption, together with his or
from a vac,ant builciinn or thP q�oertv i i��n which i� is io- their domestic servants or gratuitous guests, all main-
�etl. ir�r.lyrlinn hut limited aooliances. fiutyrg�, taining a common household in a dwelling unit ap
electriral wirin�. c000er_ or nther similar itPma without the proved and certified by the appropriate public agency;
gwners rnnsent. -A group of not more than five (5) persons not relat-
Sertion iai510 APP e on ar rec n iP ed by blood, maniage or adoption maintaining a com-
EAL. Anv o rs �p
mon household in a dwellin unit.
parfv aagriev_gd hv a decisiqn i�ndes sPMion� 12 9
th�ouph 72 rri aDD@dl tn the G Cnunr.iL Th 8• Flush water closet an approved toilet, with a bowl
�Q nd t hi h i nn t
a made in one iece w c s co ec ed to the
peel must be in wri� mu�t F�Pr,ifv t►�+�gunds for �he p
aoceaJ. and mu�t he cubmitted to the Cibr Manaaer wi+h- City water and sewer system or other approved water
in ten husinesa davs of �Rhe decision that is basis of the ao SUpply 8fld S2we� SyStem.
Qeal 9. Garbage putrescible animal and vegetable wastes
resulting from the handling, preparation, crooking and
Section 12-15i t. QENALTIES_ 9qv berson or responsi conSUrtlptlon of�food.�
¢�oartv who yig�es �ections 1y_t 5�11 thmu 12-1510 10. Habitabie building any buiiding or part thereof that
i� subiec� tn thP oanal�•r ac orovided unde� spct�on i a meets minimum standards for use as a home or place
1205 of this mde_ Nqthina ir� sQr.tjQns 12-1501 throuah of abode by one or more persons.
12-15t ,�cwvPVa� ig �ggrped tq imq�ir other remedies or 11. Habitable room -a room or endosed Hoor space usad
'vil qer�altjes availahl� in the City under this co{fe or state or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking, or
law, includiny. b�t not limited to. Minnecota Stat��foa c�_ eatlng purposes, exciuding bathrooms, water cbset
tions 463.15 thmunh 4�.426�_ compartments, laundries, furnace rooms, unfinished
Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective after basements, (those without required ventilation, re-
a tio� and u n thi quired electric outlets and required ezit facilities),
dop po rty (30) days following its legal pub- p�tries, utility rooms of less than 50 square feet of
lication. flaor s ce,
pa foyers, communicatlng corridors, stair-
Adopted this day of 2ppg, ways, closets, storage spaces, and workshops, hobby
and recreation areas in parts of the structure below
ground level or in attics.
Mayor t 2. Heated water water heated to a temperature of not
ATTEST: less than 120 degrees Fahrenheit, or such lessertem-
City Cierk at faucet o�ei�ed by government authorityr, measured
Date of Publication: 13. Kftchen a space which contains a sink with counter
Effec�tive Date: working space, adequate space for i�stalling cooking
and refrigeration equipment, and adequate space tor
(Undepin� indicates new matter; etrilceeeE indicates mat- the storage of cooking utensils.
ter to be deleted.) 14. Multiple famity dwelli�g a dwelling or portion there-
ot containing three or more dwelling units.
Oct. 23, 2008) pt-Vacant Bldg Ord 15. Nonresidential building all other buildings or struc-
tures other than dwellings or dwelling units.
i6. Occupant any person (inGuding owner or operator)
City of Brooklyn Center occupying any structure, building or part thereof,
dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming unit or premise.
(Official Publication) 17. Operator the owner or agent who has charge, care,
CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER control, or management of a building, o� part thereof.
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on S• �`^�ner a person, agent, firm, or corporation having
the 10th day of November, 2Q08, at 7:0p p.m., or as soon a legal or equitabie interest in the property. in any cor-
thereafter as the matter may be heard, at City Hall, 6301 Po�ation or partnership, the term owner includes gen-
Shi�gle Creek Parkway, to consider an amendment to eral partners and corporete officers.
Chapter 12 of the City Code of Ordinances relating to in- 19. Permissible occupant load the maximum number of
spections and notification. persons permitted to occupy a building or space with-
in a building.
Auxiiiary aids fbr handicapped persons are available upon 20. Person an individual, firm, partnership, association,
request at least 96 hours in advance. Please notify the corporation or joint venture or organization of any
Ciry Clerk at 612-569-3300 to make anangements. kind.
i ORDINANCE NO. 21. Plumbing all of the following supplied facilities and
equipment in a building: gas pipes, gas burning
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12 RELATED equipment, water pipes, steam pipes, garbage dis-
TO INSPECTIONS AND NOTIFICATION posal units, waste pipes, water closets, sinks, installed
THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFBROOKLYNCEN- dishwasher§, lavatories, bathtubs, shower baths, in-
TER DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: stalled clothes washing machines, catch basins,
drains, vents, and any other similar fixtures and the in-
Section 1. Chapter 12 is amended as follows: stallation thereof, together with all connections to
water, sewer and gas lines.
Section 12-201. DEFINITIONS. The following definitions 22. Premises a platted lot or part thereof or unplatted
shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this parcel of land, either unoccupied or occupied by any
Ordinance, where not otherwise definecl within a section StfUCtUfe thBfeOn.
1. Approved acceptable to the jurisdidion having au- 23. Public Corridor a hall, conidor or passageway for
thority and meeting atl applicable codes. providing egress from an occupied area to a public
2. Accessory strudure a structure subordinate to the way and not within the exclusive controi of one occu-
main or principal building which is not used nor au- pant.
I thorized to be used for living or sieeping by human oc- 24. Refuse all putrescible and nonputrescible waste
cu ants and which is I solids including garbage and rubbish.
ocated on or artiall on the
Y 25. Reinsner.Sion- a follow-uq insqectiqn condu .MPd_to de-
premises. termine if a c�de violai{on has been corrPr.teQ� a
3. Building any structure used or intended for support- scheduled insogctjon that a licensee. owner qr other
ing or sheltering any use or occupancy.
4. Compliance Official the City Manager and his des- �°�^�ible oarty fails to attend a sche�iuled insoec_
ignated agents authorized to administer and enforce tion that does not occur or is nravPnted ciue to anv ar:t
thiS Ordin8nC0. of a licenspe_ owner or resoqnsi6le Qartv.
5. Dwelling a building, or portion thereof, designed or Rental dwelling or dwelting unit a dwelling or
used predominantly for residential occupancy of a dwelling unit let for rent or lease.
continued nature, including one-family dweliings, two- Repair to restore to a sound and acceptable
family dwellings, and multiple famiiy dwellings; but not state of operation, serviceability or appearance.
including hotels and moteis. 28. Rodent harborage any place where rodents can
6. Dwelling unit a single residential accommodation Iive, nest, or seek shelter.
which is arranged, designed, used or, if vacant, in- �'29. Rooming unit any room or group of rooms form-
tended for use exclusively as a domicile for one fami- �ng a single habitable unit used or intended to be used
ly. Where'a private garage is structurally attached, ii for living and sleeping, but not for cooking and eating