HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-04 06-05 AP City of Brooklyn Center Subdivision 2. The orovisions of the Minnesota Statutes
reaulaTina firearms and danaerous weaoons and as thev
(Official Publication) hereinafter ma� be amended. are incornorated inTO this
CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER section. It shall be a violaiion of This section for anv oer-
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on son to enaane in anv conduct oroscribed in the incoroo-
�r�r::;� the 23rd day of June, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 6301 rated statutes.
�x:i:��-- Shingle Creek Parkway, to consider an ordinance relating Suhdivisinn 3 Carrvinp of Dannerous Weanons and Fao-
to dangerous weapons and facsimile firearms. simile Firearms Prohibited. Ii shal� be unlawful for anvoer-
ne�spapers A uxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon son within the Citv to r.arrv on or about his nr her nerson
request at least 96 hours in advance. Please notify the or iransnort in anv vehir.le anv danaerous weanon nr fac
AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Deputy City Clerk at 763-569-3300 to make arrange- simile firearm. exc.ent
ments. a. Anv danaerous weanon or facsimile firearm beinn
ORDINANCE NO. iransnorted hv a nerson not in a vehic:Je directiv_ iq o�
STATE OF MINNESOTA fromanv�laceoractivitvreferredtoinSectionl9-401
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING BROOKLYN CENTER or to and from his or her vehicle. in a secured con-
COUNTY OF HENNEPIN GEROUS WEAPONS AND FACSIMILE FIREARMS b. Transnortation of anv danoerous weaoon or facsimile
THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF BROOKLYN CEN- firearm in or uoon anv moTnr vehicle in a ser.ured con-
Riehard Hendrickson I�@Illg CIUIy SWOI'll 011 TER DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: tainer or in iha locked trunk of such a vehir.le.
an oath, states or affirms that he is the Chief SECTION 1. The Brooklyn Center City Code of Or- The orovisions of this secTion shall noT he annlicabie
dinances, Section 19-402 is amended as fotlows: to ihe transoort of danaerous weanons or far,simile
Financial Officer of the newspaper(s) known firearms bv �ersons who are reoularlv enaaaed in the law-
aS SecTion 19-402. DANGEROUS WEAPONS AND FAC- ful manufacture. distribuTion �r sale at retail or whnlesale
Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center Sun-Post SIMILE FIREARMS, of danaerous weaoons or far.simile firearms, or the anenis
of anv of them while enaaaed in such business: to the r.ar-
Subdivision 1. Definiti�n�. ryinn or transnorT of danaerous weaonns or f�r.simile
a. "Dangerous weapon" means any firearms, airgun firearms bv licensed. full-time neace officers. law ern
or pellet gun, whether loaded or unloaded, or any de- forcement officers. or militarv oersnnnel while in tha
and has full knowledge of the facts stated vice designed as a weapon and capable of producing r.nurse of iheir duties: to nersons holdina a nermit to r.arrv
bg�OW: death or great bodily harm, or any other device or in- a danaerous weaoon actina within the scooe nf such �er-
strumentality which, in the manner it is used or in- mit: to anv officer of a state adult correctional facilitv when
(A) The newspaper has complied with all of tended to be used is calculated or likely to produce �n auard dutv or omerwise enaaned in an assianed dutv
the re UII"e1710ntS COI1StItUtlCl U3IIfICa- death or great bodily harm. or to an owner or aaent while he nr she is �resent at a
g� b. "Facsimile firearm° maan� �nv ohiact wnich is a renli- business c�ac2 that he or she cozrates.
tion as a qualified newspaper as provid- �a or a� �oi„�i r;,Pa,m Wn��n s�,bsr�nT�auv a���i��arPS Suhdivision 4. Aiminn Prohibited. ExceoT as auThori�ed
ed by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07 an actual firearm or whir.h r.ould raasnnahiv ha ner- bv law the aimina nf anv deadlv weaqon or facsimile
and other a IICII�I@ I1WS aS hcll01lCI8CJ. r.eived tn he an ar.tiial firearm unless; firearm. wheTher loaded or unloaded. at or toward anv
Pp 1. The entire exferior surface of such obiect is col- human beina. buildina or occuoied vehicle is orohihifed.
(B) The printed public notice that is attached ored whife. hrioht red brinht oranne hrinht veunw
WaS ublished Ill said news a er s bri h Oreen hrloht hhie_ hrinht nink nr brinht ur- SECTION 2. ThiS Ordinance shall become effec-
P P p ole. either sinalv or as the oredominant color in tive after adoption and upon thirty (30) days following its
once each week, for OIlB SUCC2SSIV2 combin8tion with other r.nlnrs in any nattern nr legal publication.
we2k S; It waS fll"St UbIIShOd 011 ThUI'S- s��r.h ohier.t is construr.ted entirelv of transqarent Adopted this day ot 2008.
p or Translucent materials which oermiT unmistak-
day the 5 day of June able ohservation of ihe nhier.t's comnlete r.on- Mayor
2008, and was thereafter rinted and tPn}s and ATTEST:
p 2. Such obiect has a hla�e oranae extension thai ax-
published on every Thursday to and IIl- tends at least six !Fl mi��imeterc fmm the min��a, City Clerk
cluding Thursday, the day Of end nf the barrel of sur.h obier.t which is as an in-
tearal oarT of The obiect and is oermanentiv at- Date of Publication:
2008; and printed fixed: and Effective Date:
below is a co of the lower case al ha- 3. s�,�r, obier.t dnes not have a laser nointer at- �Underlinin
py p tached Tn it. indicates new matter; indi-
bet fl"Om A to Z, bOth InCIUSIVe, whiCh IS "Facsimile firearm" does not inr.lude any actual cates matter to be deleted.)
hereb acknowled ed as bein the size FIfP.9fR1 AS q1F1P.fWISP. fPnUI3tP.(I I7V 1IlP, cr� c�aP
y g g or bv The Minnesota Statutes. (June 5, 2008) p1-1st Read Firearm
and kind of type used in the composition
and publication of the notice:
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ii3e-secae-fec==
BY: G��
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed
before me on this 5 day of
June 2008.
U Notary Public
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