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Notafy Public
Richard Hendrickson, being duly sworn on an oath states or affirms, that he is the Chief Fi-
nancial Officer of the newspaper known as Sun -Post and
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qualified newspaper, as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and other applic-
able laws, as amended.
(B) The printed public notice that is attached was published in the newspaper once each
week, for one successive week(s); it was first published on Thursday, the 2 day
of September 2004, and was thereafter printed and published on every Thursday
to and including Thursday, the day of 2004; and printed below is
a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowl-
edged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the
O notice:
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me
on this 2nd day of September 2004.
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City of Brooklyn Center
(Official Publication)
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on
the 13th day of September, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon
thereafter as the matter may be heard at City Hall, 6301
Shingle Creek Parkway, to consider an Ordinance Amend-
ing Chapter 35 of the City Ordinances Regarding Flood
Plain Management. Auxiliary aids for persons with dis-
abilities are available upon request at least 96 hours in ad-
vance. Please contact the Deputy City Clerk at 763- -569
3300 to make arrangements.
Section 1. Chapter 35 of the City Ordinances of the
City of Brooklyn Center is hereby amended in the follow-
ing manner:
2. Findings of Fact
c National Flood Insurance Program Compliance,
This Ordinance is adopted to comply with the
rules and regulations of the National Flood Insur-
ance Program codified as 44 Code of Federal Reg-
ulations Parts 59 -78. as amended. so as to main-
tain the community's eligibility in the National
Flood Insurance Program.
2. Establishment of Official Zoning Map
The Official Zoning Map together with all materials
attached thereto is hereby adopted by reference and
declared to be a part of this ordinance. The attached
material shall include the [Flood Insurance Study for
the City of Brooklyn Center prepared by the Federal
Insurance Administration dated February 17, 1982,
nd the Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps and
Flood Insurance Rate Maps therein, all as amended by
the attached Amendment No. 1, prepared by Barr En-
gineering.] Flood Insurance Study. Volume 1 of 2 and
Volume 2 of 2. Hennepin County. Minnesota. all juris-
dictions and the Insurance Rate Map panels
D umbered 27t 'a' 270'
27053CO208 F. 2. .,..d0209 27053CO212 E. and
27053CO216 E for the City of Brooklyn Center dated
September 2.2004 as'tieveloned by the Federal Emer-
gency Manngeinon'C7tgct cy' The Official' Zoning Map
shrill be on file in the Office of the City Clerk and the
Zoning Administrator,
8. Definitions'
I l•
Unless specifically Defined below, words or phrases
used in this ordinance shalt be interpreted so as to give
them the same meaning as they have in common usage
and sons to give this ordinance its most reasonable ap-
oor- el•w• rof the low s
•Ire9 li use nent). An of 1
sistant enclosure used solely for parking of vehicles
b i l L a s •rstorq i s •area oth•r th n
Manufactured Home a structure. transportable in
one or more sections. which is built on a permanent
chassis and is designed for use with or without a per
ound:tionwh•na a hed i util-
ities. The term "manufactured home" does not include
the term "recreational vehicle."
Recreational Vehicle a vehicle that is built on a sin-
gle chassis is 400 square feet or less when measured.
'I t l Y'6 •I ,l is •si V s
self- propelled or permanently towable lZv a light duty
1 I 111
manent dwelling but as temporary living quarters for
recreational. camping. travel. or seasonal uliei''For'the
purposes of this Ordinance. the term recreational ve-
hicle shall be synonymous with the term travel trail-
er/travel vehicle
Substantial Damage means damage of any origin
sustained 1y a structure where the cost of restoring
the structure to its before damaged condition would
equal or exceed '0 percent of the market value of the
.structure before the damage occurred,
.i• 11• •a•1 1• ,1 •Lois
365 -dav period. any reconstruction. rehabilitation (in-
eluding normal maintenance a nd repair) repair after
damage. addition on other improvement of a structure,
the cost of which eqpals or exceeds 50 percent of the
market value of the structure before the "state of con
struction" of the improvement. This term includes
structures. which have incurred "substantial damage."
regardle s of the actlml repair workperformed. The
term does not. bowevec include either
IL_ Any project for improvement of a structure to cor-
itary or code specifications which have been
identified by the local code enforcement official
and which are the minimum necessary to assure
safe living conditions,
b. Any alteration of an "historic structure." provided
that the alteration will not preclude the strut-
's 1
3 .1 1 t 1
1. 1 A t 1 1 L. 0.0 1 t
tore." For the purpose of this Ordinance "historic
structure" shall he as defined in Code of Federal
Regulations. Part 59.1
1. Districts
a. Floodway District
The Floodway District shall include those areas
-1',V1t4giftnt.prIr ,ijz floodway on the [Flood Boundary
anc Floodway Map] Flood Insurance Rate Map
adopted in Section 35- 2120.2.
b, Flood Fringe District
The Flood Fringe District shall include those areas
designated as floodway fringe on the [Flood
Boundary and Floodway Map] Flood Insurance
Rate Map adopted in Section 35-2120.2 asileing
within Zone AE. Zone AO or Zone All but being lo-
cated outside of the floodway,
c. General Flood Plain District
The. General Flood Plain District shall include
those areas designated as [unnumbered A Zone]
Zone A or Zones AE. 7.one AO. or Zone AH without
floodway on the Flood Insurance Rate Map
adopted in Section 35- 2120.2,
2. Compliance
b. Modifications, additions, structural alterations,
normal maintenance and repair, or repair after
damage to existing nonconforming structures and
nonconforming uses of structures or land are reg-
ulated by the general provisions of this ordinance
and specifically Section 35 -2200.
Section 35- 2140, FLOODWAY DISTRICT (FW),
4. Standards for Floodway Special Uses
e. Accessory Structures"
3) Whenever possible, structures shall be con
structed with the longitudinal axis parallel to
the direction of flood flow; and,
c) Accessory structures shall be elevated on
fill or structurally dry flood proofed in ac-
cordance with the FP -1 or FP -2 flood-
proofing classifications in the State Build-
ing Code. As an alternative, an accessory
structure may be flood proofed to the FP-
3 or FP -4 flood- proofing classification in
the State Building Code provided the ac-
cessory structure constitutes a minimal
investment, does not exceed 500 square
feet in size, and for a detached garage, the
detached garage must be used solely for
parking of vehicles and limited storage.
All flood- proofed accessory• structures
must meet the following additional stan-
dards [,as appropriate]:
(1) The structure must be adequately an-
chored to prevent flotation, collapse or
lateral movement of the structure and
shall be designed to equalize hydro-
static flood forces on exterior walls;
(2) Any mechanical and utility equip-
ment in a structure must be elevated
to or above the Regulatory Flood Pro-
tection Elevation or properly flood
I__ To allow for the equalization of hydrostatic pres-
sure. there must be a minimum of two "automat-
ic" openings in the outside walls of the structure
having a total net area of not less than one square
inch for every square foot of enclosed area subjelrt
to flooding. There must be openings on at least two
sides of the structure and the bottom of all open-
ings must be no higher than one foot above the
lowest adjacent grade to the structure. Using
human intervention to open a garage door prior to
flooding will not satisfy this requirement for auto-
matic openings,
Section 35 2150. FLOOD FRINGE DISTRICT (FF).
4. Standards For Flood Fringe Special Uses:
a. Alternative elevation methods other than the use
of fill may be utilized to elevate a structure's low-
est floor above the Regulatory Flood Protection El-
evation. These alternative methods may include
the use of stilts, pilings, parallel walls, etc., or
above- grade, enclosed areas such as crawl spaces
or tuck under garages. The base or floor of an en-
closed area shall be considered above -grade and
not a structure's basement or lowest floor if: 1) the
enclosed area is above-grade on at least one side of
the structure; 2) is designed to internally flood and
is constructed with flood resistant materials; and
3) is used solely for parking of vehicles, building
access or storage. The above noted alternative el-
evation methods are subject to the following addi-
tional standards:
(1) Design and Certification The structure's de-
sign and as -built condition must be certified
by a registered professional engineer or archi-
tect as being in ,compliance with the, general
design standards' of the State Building Code
and specifcally, that, ,all electrical. heating
ventilation, phimbing and air ;conditioning
equipment and,other.service•facilities must be
at or above the Regulatory Flood Protection
Elevation or be designed to prevent flood
water from entering or accumulating within
these components during times of flooding.
(2) Specific Standards for Above Grade. Enclosed
Areas Above- grade, fully enclosed areas such
as crawl spaces or tuck under garages must be
designed to internally flood and the design
plans must stipulate:
a( [The] A minimum area of "automatic"
openings in the walls where internal flood
ing is to be used as a flood proofing tech-
nique. [When openings are placed in a
structure's walls to provide for entry of
floodwaters to equalize pressures 1 There
shall be a minimum of two openings on at
least two sides of the structure and the
bottom of all openings shall be no higher
than one -foot above grade. The automat-
ic openings shall have a minimum net
area of not less than one square inch for
every snuare foot subject to flooding un-
less a registered professional engineer or
architect certifies that a smaller net area
would suffice The automatic openings
may be equipped with screens, louvers,
valves, or other coverings or devices pro-
vided that they permit the automatic
entry and exit of flood waters without any
form of human intervention: and
b) That the enclosed area will be designed of
flood resistant materials in accordance
with the FP -3 or FP -4 classifications in the
State Building Code and shall be used
solely for building access, parking of vehi-
cles or storage.
5. Standards for All Flood Fringe Uses:
b. Commercial Uses accessory land uses, such as
yards, railroad tracks, and parking lots may be at
elevations lower than the Regulatory Flood Pro-
Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park Sun•Post/Thursday, Sept. 2, 2004
tection Elevation. However, a permit for such fa-
cilities to be used by the employees or the general
public shall not be granted in the absence of a flood
warning system that•provides adequate time for
evacuation if the area would be inundated to a
depth and velocity such that when multiplying the
depth Yin feet). tunes velocity (in feet per second)
the product number exceeds four (4) [greater than
two feet or be subject to flood velocities greater
than four feet per second] upon occurrence of the
regional flood.
Section 35 -2190 ADMINISTRATION.
2. Permit Requirements:
a. Permit Required. A Permit issued by the Zoning
Administrator in conformity witicthe provisions of
this Ordinance shall be secured prior to the erec-
tion, addition, )modification rehabilitation (in-
cluding normal maintenance and repair) or alter-
ation of any building, structure, or portion there-
of; prior to the use or change of use of a building,
structure, or Land; prior to the construction of a
dam. fence or on -site septic system prior to the
change or extension of a nonconforming use; prior
to the repair of a structure that ha- been damaged
by flood fire or any other source- and
prior to the placement of fill, excavation of mate-
rials, or the storage of materials or equipment
within the flood plain.
h. 'Notifications for Watercourse Alternations." The
Zoning Administrator shall notify in riverine si-
1 DD. 1 If 1 111 11
sioner of the Department of Natural Resources
prior to the community authorizing anv alteration
applied for a permit to work in the beds of public
1 1! 1: •1 1
Chicago Regional Office of the Federal Emergency
Agency (FEMA).
L....Notification to FF.MA When Ph,vsiesl Qhanges In-
crease or Decrease the 1 00-vear Flood Elevation
months after the date such supporting informa-
tion becomes available. the Zoning Administrator
1 I 1 t.V• is 1 1. 1 1 1 1
U _1
of the changes by submitting a copy of said tech-
nical or scientific data.
3. Board of Adjustment:
c. Variances. The Board may authorize upon appeal
in specific cases such relief or Variance from the
terms of this Ordinance as are consistent with the
provisions of Section 35 -240 of the Zoning Ordi-
nance. In the granting of such Variance, the Board
of Adjustment shall clearly identify in writing the
specific conditions that existed consistent with the
criteria specified in Section 35 -240 which justified
the granting of the Variance. No Variance shall
have the effect of allowing in any district uses pro-
hibited in that district, permit a lower degree of
flood protection than the Regulatory Flood Protec-
tion Elevation for the particular area, or permit
standards lower than those required by State law.
The following additional variance criteria of the
Federal Emergency Management Agency must be
1,11 Variances shall not he issued by a community
within any designated regulatory floodwav if
any increase in flood levels during the base
flood discharge would result
(2). Variances shall only he issued by a communi-
ty upon (i) a showing of good and sufficient
cause. (ii) a determination that failure to grant
v i_nc•wo Id tin
ghhi-p to the applicant. and (iii) a determination
that the granting of a variance will not result
in increased flood heights additional threats
School District 11
The School Board of Anoka Hennepin Independent School District No. 11 held a regular meeting on Monday, August 9,
2004, at the Educational Service Center, Coon Rapids, Minnesota.
Chair Sullivan called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
The following members were present: Dan Cook, Denise Dittrich, Tom Heideman, Jerry Newton and Mike Sullivan.
Scott Wenzel was not present.
Chair Sullivan led the pledge of allegiance
Jerry Newton moved and Toin Heideman seconded the motion to approve the following consent agenda items'includ'-
ing the addendum to Appendix A:
1. Minutes from the July 12, 2004, Board meeting.
2. Personnel items as follows:
LaVonne Avery
Carol Loyd
Diane McNiff
Leslie Yeats
Patricia Bartoletti
Curtis Carpenter
William Kron
Cheryl Mashuga
Nancy Metzer
Heather Michell
Kelly Voss
Kristine Wyandt
Constance Antonsen
Melissa Bastian
Margaret Bruce
Sharia Combs
Michael Dussl
Pauline Engebretson
Josette Franklin
Teresa Klingelhoets
Michael Matasovsky
Cheri McQuay
Janette Paulson
Sherri Watkins
Stephanie Young
Current or Most
Recent Position
Adams- Paraprofessional
Washington- Teacher
Morris Bye- Teacher
CPHS- Teacher
Current or Most
Recent Position
Wilson- Teacher
Mississippi- Principal Elementary Sch
Anoka High -Asst Principal HS
Andover HS- Teacher
University Avenue Teacher
Jefferson- Teacher
Ramsey- Teacher
NMS- Teacher
Current or Most
Recent Position
LC/DC -ABE Teacher
Andover- Teacher
Hoover- Teacher
Crossroads -Cape Staff
Franklin- Building Supervisor
Ramsey- Teacher
CPHS- Assistant Principal
CRMS- Paraprofessional
CPHS- Custodian
JMS- Teacher
LC/DC-Sch Readiness -PT instructor
Sand Creek Teacher
RMS- Teacher
1,1), Variances_shiU only be issued upon a deter-
mination that the variance is the minimum
necessary considering the flood hazard. to af-
ford relief,
1. A structure or the use of a structure or premises which
was lawful before the passage or amendment of this
Ordinance but which is not in conformity with the pro-
visions of this Ordinance may be continued subject to
the following conditions[:)' Historic structures. as de-
fined in Section 35- 2120.8 of this Ordinance. shall he
subject to the provisions of Section 35 -2200 l a -le
b. Any structural alteration or addition to a noncon-
forming structure or nonconforming use which
would result in increasing the flood damage po-
tential of that structure or use shall be protected
to the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation in ac-
cordance with any of the elevation on fill or flood-
proofing techniques (i.e., FP -1 thru FP -4 flood
proofing classifications) allowable in the State
Building Code, except as further restricted in Sub
section c below. •i'
e. If any nonconforming use or structure is [de-
stroyed by any means, including floods, to an ex-
tent of 50 percent or more of its market value at
the time of destruction] suhstantialiv damaged. as
defined in Section 35 -2120 8 of this Ordinance it
shall not be reconstructed except in conformity
with the provisions of this Ordinance. The applic-
able provisions for establishing new uses or new
structures in Sections 35 -2140. 35-2150, or 35-
2160 will apply depending upon whether the use
or structure is in the Floodway, Flood Fringe or
General Flood Plain District, respectively.
f`If a substantial improvement occurs, as defined in
Section 35- 2120.8 of this Ordinance. from any
combination of a building addition to the outside
tation. reconstruction. alteration. or other im-
provement to the inside dimensions of an existing
nonconforming building. then the building addi-
tion (as required by Section 35- 2200.1(b) above)
and the existi g nonconforming building must
meet the requirements of Section 35 -2140 or 35-
1 1 1.. 1 1
Section 35 -2220. AMENDMENTS. The flood plain
designation on the Official Zoning Map shall not be re-
moved from flood plain areas unless it can be shown that
the designation is in error or that the area has been filled
to or above the elevation of the [regional flood] regulatory
flood protection elevation and is contiguous to lands out-
side the flood plain. Special exceptions to this rule may be
permitted by the Commissioner of Natural Resources if he
determines that. through other measures, lands are ade-
quately protected for the intended use.
Section 2. This ordinance shall becoa ,ctive after
adoption and upon thirty days following its legal publica-
Adopted this day of
City Clerk
Date of Publication
Effective Date
Brackets indicate matter to be deleted, underline indi-
cates new matter.)
(Official Publication)
(Anoka-Hennepin School District)
Last Day
6/8/2004 REVISED
10/15/2004 REVISED
Last Day
to public safety, extraordinary public expense,
create nuisances, cause fraud on or victimiza-
tion of public. or conflict with existing local
1 (1'1' 1 1 1
pending upon whether the structure is in the
11• 1••
(Sept. 2. 2004) pl/Flood Plain 1st reading
10/13(2004 RESCIND
Legals continued on next page