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Report of Public Examiner on the Financial Affairs of the Village of Brooklyn Center-1947 & 1948
F.xei�tn�d byt C;• W. .AIIfIltZ'SOIi A. '.L'�iQffi�dOA ��o�r c�� ��3 e �2�a on �he �1V�NCI1� �.F�'�Z1� c�f aTLLA4E (7F' BRC3(?KL7(�t CIIdT�� Ft�nerpin �kninty Yea�r�s �aded �e�.ber 33., 1947 a�d 3.94� �.i.n�.c�t� �ac� Apri� 2�., 3949 p�rsuant tc� ree��t of the '�illage t�ncil €�s grQVided fc�� in l�.S.A., Secticrn �"i.5.�4: �Tt�LHB A. flOZ�,I�a, Pub1i e ner,, Sa�it Paaal Y�ne�cts �'i:l.�� �f ��C1yn Cer��r '.�b�ae c�f Cc��+�at� �+e�nc� C�� �d �c��t3� t�r' C�b3.�d �c� �l�e� �b�.t A ���r�` c�� �cs�.��s D3.�bu�$e�.�r �rhi.bi� 8 1� �s�.�.t�,t�i.�s �'�c �I'� and ��a �rhibit C q ��r�I�c��, St��.�t Qf Ci�rz�nt ax�l I�e��rr�i �p�cia�. �s�►e #�t �el�du�e 1. �t t r�f Ue�quen.t Spec�. ��+��,ean�r ���S+�c�u3e 1�, Cl�a��i.�ti.o� c�� �ec�+igts �ch�3u3+� I�13 C��i��.�tiQn r�� J3�.s����,�'�t ��h�u1�� �.1b �T. R. �",�h�'� i u33ad.3.ng ��e��1" St� :t +o,� �ip� a� �i�sb�r�a Sr,�xedule 1'� ��ic�s P�a� ��a t �a�, az� �,�►si#,3.c� S+�dule t� �3 ��+aa sud �er�. �sg�i� :�►�c� Sc23sd 7 19 t��f"��is�. ScY�dule �U ��a�ca� �chedul.e 9 21 I �'a�lla� �f Brc�aklyn �Snter f�am��t€� a�nd �esc�e�dat�.toua `L�a:i� r�port c�� �m:�n�:�i.on of �he �'ina�tcis3. affaira of �he �iillage or Brool�,ya t��er� �ennepir� Cc�unt�r, cc�vera �hs ye�rs �nded �scYember 31,� 194? and 1948 t.i.on �s made pur�nan� #,Q requ.eat af the Yi.�.lage +Cu�c�l. aa prvvid�d for in �d.�.�.�, S�atic�n �I.5.2t3. �`3.aancial �uru�.�i.4�; '�he �nc3:a1 c��d3.tian c�f the �i1lag+e is presen��d 3.n the t�amb3.ned Ba7.ance Shee�, E�hibit In�.u�r�d. fiierein �s the'�3�.u� �t' the gen�ral tS.�ed a�sets a�3 th� f�nds of t�te �illage �3.ch are t�eneralG.�, Strest �nd �dge, �+�or, and, th� Sp�dal A���asmea�t ��1�. f��r�I and �ed�.t �rer�ze l�da �`ina�x�:ci�l CQndi�3.on The� fi�ncial. condi tLan a�' caf" t.he t�erlarsl and Sge�ia2 Reven�e I+lutda os 1'�e r 31�, 1.��$ 3.s �hor� ia the t�bin�d Bal�irtce �h�et, 3�chi.t�it The a^�ilabl�a surpl.��a c� T�e��er 31 19� in thia� fl�nci g�p t�o�ist� ot c�rr�►t �s�et,s Ie�a li��si3.3.tiea�, b�3.an�s� o� �rhieh ara a�a fa'13.o�ras €#�ter�I. 2�941�.()B Poc�r Fuz�ct 1��1�2 �otal 4,121►.5� o�nerdara�'� in Star� �d Br3.dge Fu�ud �.12 �c�si3.�►ble �u�pl� t�era3 C�a�rer�en�I F�aes�tii. �r�� t?�e�r�t�c,ana tb�t c�f �iils,ge ga�r��nt �d capp�..�1 a��et� ac�quired for g�z�. gr�vern- ��rnta�l. pu�rg���s �ts pa�.d fYom �he �nes�l Stre+�t and �ri�e, and Poor Ptu�d�a. A r� crf �zd'� �€�c�i.tures �Z�€�s3�.t�:.ed by fttactic�r or �c�ti�r3.ti�s� t,a�ker� frt�m 3c.h�ciu2� 4, fo� the ps�� t�ro �ea�c�s i�s as fc�.orxs: 3. Village of BrookZyn Center Gener�]. Gonerr�mental E'xoendi r�s O�erations (Continn�d) i�ear Ended Dec bgr 31 Increase 1947 �94f3 Decrease Fxpenditures: Current expense aeneral government �p 3�581.93 3�646.24 b4•31 Public safety 3,567.38 6,34b.57 2,779.19 High�ra.ya 4,365•24 3,334.46 1,030.78 Sanitation and tra.ate removal 97.50 75.00 22•5� t�.arities 1,Q84.41 1,470.77 386.36 Other 176.1$ 196.64 20.46 Tatal Glirrent F,xpense 22,872.64 w 15,�69.68 2,19?.04 Capital outlay 1,004.?3 3 L 476.25 2?I. 2 Total Fxpendi �a 13.87'7.37 ...18.��45.�43 4.5� Re�enne placed in the (3eneral, Street �nd Bridge, and Poor F1,u�d�� as ehown in Sehec�zle 3� for th� past te�c� �+ears w�as from. the folloxing �ureea; Yesr Ended Dec�n x 31 Increaae 1947 ��4c 13ecrease Revenue: General taxes �,810.14 �"�v 9, 529.10 '718.96 Licenses and permi.ts 2,000.70 2,125.20 124.50 Justice of Peace fines 147.65 �37•95 90.30 Reverrue from oth�r agendea 37•55 4�718.66 4,b81.11 Sez�ri.ce ch�rge� for current aervi c�a 416.00 69.60 �4�6.4� Total Revenue 13..412. C?b 16. 680. 51 5. 268. �.7 Speeial Asaessment F1ind 8pecial asseasmenta consist af charges for etreet oiling on varioua avenuea in the Yillage, fi.he amc3ux�ts of �hi ch vollected bg* the Village and the Oo�wty, as ehrnm in Sahedales 1 and 2� were placed i.n the Spedal Asses�n.ent l�.ind for t�he years eaamined. 17l.sbur�ements Yor th� cost of str�et oiiing for these a�se�sable properti.es were paid frora the Street and Bridge F1.ind aa indicated in Schedule 4. The receipts and dist�rse,�ents pertaining to speeial assessm�t pro3ect� should be kept �.n the Special Assessment Fund. fihe Street and Bridge �lZrid ahould be Vill.aga� ef �3rooklyn �ter �p�c�.�. Aase�an�e�t �ttnd t�ontix7ued re�.ir�+�d frc�a t�e Spee�i.al �s�essm�n� �iad fc�a �ttr+e�� c�il� s��a in thee amcr�at c�f �1,31q.23 �iich �aa� ga�3d dur3.�ag t2�e .�ch tr�tn�t�r cY t'�nde may be initt�..ai;� b� a�ti�rn or resvl.ution eri the �ill.ag,s Ca�zucil.. Rirc�a.�e 4f I3k�n�r Truck 1.94� Q;��'r'olet dump trEtc� a�ir�d by the �tillage �igh purct�aa�te at co�t of �3 l�s� a�^eE'und of �1�1.Qt3, or a� net cast of �2,87g.?5 aa sho�rtt in Schesiul.es 3 and 4, and �:�ad. t�., �he z�.�:f.es af pro+c��tings clated �ag 2�, 194� �tate that "�ti.or� mt►d� by T3�17. sscn and secand+�d by �son author3.�3.ng t�he '�ilis�� t�.erk ta rs�t�.�t,�s �r.i,th (�den �ts.t�e �s t'or �rrants for �ym�nt of ns�r villa�s tsrick p�tx� t�i�sed �'rv�n C}a�seo �tc�r �apar�y,� ��ion carM,�. The at��hod of finar�c�.ng th� �oa� vf this �r�+r�c �s acc:om�iished by th� issuanct� of vi3.].age aarderr� d,s��ad June 1��, 191�8 �as. I56 to 159 i�a�.usive� in the �unt of �`��}•0� �Eth 4i' ft>LlY` f)I'dlt�i6 �`C3I' R �O'��81, t3f 2�St� P�3f8b16 "t0 '�h� (�SS�O �0't.(3P tb�g,a�any. The�s ord�rr� �r� reg,Lst,�reci bg the Yi3.1.ag+� Trea�r�rr anot pa#.d fc�ar want of f�d�� c�n dx�ne lg, 19�. Su�h orc�er� an fi� date o�' auc33.L� �.pril 21, 1949, �ere h+sl.d bp �h� t�nden Pa� ��a.te c��` �inneapali� or� �rhieh i�tere�t st t�e ra�e of f�r (4� per ceat i� to be p�id c�1ed Pc�r pay�ent� ��re 3.s nc3 1�g�. �utharit�r fr�r t�he i��sun�e af �iaese ��+�a'1.3.ed �raAta or vrder� a� abovs descr3.bed. Hcy�ever, under L�ew,s 1949, t'�pter 119 Sect3.on 37 it i� pes�.s�abls �o� a gi3l�:ge #.o is�ze cert3.fY.cate� af �nd�btedness �i.thi� eaf.at3.ng d�bt 3i�.ts fc�r tphe pwrcri�ses of fi.rs equi.pment or street c�n�traction or �i.n�ar�ce +��P��• �.ldir�� Is��ea�ar A ry �t,�:�e�t c►P th�± tots�l rec�3.pts from �ii.ldin;g per�.t�, and awaunts transmi.tted to t,�e �illag� '�resaur�r d�r3.ng t2�e y+ear� �deci �7+e+cember �l� 194? and 19t�#, �d the ba].�c�a due frr�a R:« �.ir��, Bui7.ding Znsp�c�or, �n I�ec�er 31.,, 194� ia �rese�afi.ed i�a �ehedul� 5. 3 Yillage of Broc�kl�n: C�tnter Jus�3. ces �f the F+ea.t� S�t�.t�nen� c�f �`ine� �ucl ca��a trcam Yillage cases in the �stice {k�.irts� atxd the di�pc�sit�c�n ther�ro�„ far t�he� y� end�ci Der�nber 31 1947 ar�cl 194� ia preeent.e�l Sc,�ed�1.� 6. Ta�cabl� 9'�.ua�ton� fi Tax Lavi. e� aar�d �ates T�ara�.� va2uat�.c�nar #.a�c 2evic�, rat�� �s Bgtend�d on the �aa li�ta by t�e Gv4tr��y Auditor i n the �arar 194b� 1'947� and 194� incl.usiv�, are pre�e�.t� �n �hi.bit G,: �e te�x rat�s :�or �13. p�rQ4se� t`ar the ye�;r 194�b w�s at the rate o� 17.9 �i3.ls 1947 1`i.7 �f.11a,; anci �h� q�ar 19� �na �t the rate +�f 20.3 �3.31s. I3tu-in� the yEa�r�r 1946 ar�d 1'9�?� le�:�a� �re m�d� f+ar re��ue� street �:rid br'a.d�e, ar� goor ft�nd p�rposea. �Io�rer�, in th� year 19� no le�vy �as mscie fQr atreet �nd bri.dge purpoaes� t�t t�e �maunt c��' revenue �:s 3.ncrea.��d fr� 8.1, mills in gea:r 1947 to 18.� �.11s in 194�. �?�f3.r,l.t�. Bonda A stat�nt o.f �h+� off5.cia1 bcnds 3.� pres�t�d ia Srhedu].e 8. Official bands f�r �'u�t3.e�ea (�taka, Chas�l,�s 4enasky, snd H. H. Sacre� r+��p�ti.v�l.y� are f�.led i.an t�� o��`I.c+� 4f t� �3.�rk of �strS.ct Cc�.rt. 1�.�.A.� Sect�au 3b7.21 �rov�.d� thg� �st�.ee borsds e�tta;L7. b� .Y�3.e€€ 3.n the offi�e c�f �t.� of I3i��3.ct £�ur�. Ia �91.t�.c�n th�z�ato ��t3.�� rrf t�� Pea� i.n aitxie� BtN� �"1CC�7"�'3O3'r�'fi@t� 9�.�.�$�E�t �1'C' P$f,[#��.I"� �sa�rAs3 x�'3'6�i"'�'iCll'I '�"��ir.�} �3Z'!!'�1�"1 �422(�H c►f a. mzr�t� ec���r �uthr�rri:��sd t���t 'aza�i.a��s �r3.thi.n t�.is �ta�te, �nd cr��.te� t,hereo�' sh�3.I. be filed �rl,th th� Secu�t�.xq of �tate. �pies oP �uc�i bc>nd� �.r� nmt �rnxnd cui file in th� of�'ice of �he 3ecreta�ry o.� Stafi,e. Q. C( ��pt,�b�r lb, I.949 P�.b1�c �i.ner 1 VITi,4GE �r Bt�t"JUKLY�J �';NZ'�;.;R ��&�ie3n Ter�n E�cpir+�s Dec+�►txer '�2 Ye�r �rad�ct I)e�esnber 31,� 194� Vi31.�ege �cila Pre�id�n� F'. I�ne 1947 fire�st.e�a ]ktl:l ��ssan �.947 Niles �eas� 1945 c�O�IA '�OIIt�?$flA �44� Q.@� �'81i�. H� �@��.�T' �.g� "��St1T'Elr� �1T'C3t188'i'r �9�W �.:38t'890I": E. �c��nson 194� Ju�stice� af the P�acea E. �3. Gat�ke 19�47 t�:rles T. Q�ena� 394� Con$ t�h�.e� s ��t {�:hl.s�der 19&? 8��se�.1 t�i.lbertean 194� i� �nd�ct Decs�ber 31, 19�£3 g3.7�.age Cc�unci3. s �re�tident F, I.�e 1949 '.t'x�uat�+es �'3.�.es Je�ct�rt I9�►8 P. Jr�h� Ttto�skan 1949 D�11 '�6�gru��eon 195� Cles�c Fa�. H. �eekl.g 194g �a�:r�r: �r �xrr�ee� 194� A��esscar: T. Jc�hri�n 1948 �u��3.ce� af �he P�.�sea Charl�a� T. c3�n�sky 1948 H. �aer� 19�+9 �Cana�sb3.�es Ruaa�1.1. �ilt�rtea� 19�$ �b�az� t�lr�nder 1449 VTLLAG� G�' Hi?�C3T{T�Xt3 C�UTER Tern �irea 3z ��t v�,�;�� ��.i: �g�.��,� 1�. F. L�e� 1949 Truate�a� P. .1ohn Thc�pscn 3949 I�].3. l�agau��vn 1950 �ias�al.1 t#.lbertao� 195�. Cl.e�t �zI �f�lg 1950 2�easurerr �aJ.lac�r Arne�n 1954 A�ssascrr r �ar +��ShZ!$O}� 19J�+ e��.C@8 O� '�1+B �4�8t'.8! �1. S�cr+e 1944 t�a�lea T. t�+��kg 2950 Con�tabless Ftvbert A.. t�:h7.�►nder 1449 Ger�3.d S. Q�rnd2er 1954 VILLAGF OF I3ft00KLYN CN�JTFR F%HIffiT A Combined Ba3ance Sheet Deceinber 31, 194� FundB Street Special General Tot�l Genera.l and Bri.drJe Poor Assessment Fixed Asset� Asaets Caah rPith Treasurer Exhibit B 2,566.6g �v 1,476.41 1,357.36 1,209.23 1,238 Cash �rl.th G1erk Eahilri.t B 3?.70 37.70 2axes receivable delinquent 1,031.24 491.10 427.23 112.91 Asseqsmenta Receivables GLirrent ScY�echxle 1 l�B6.55 4�b.55 Ueferred Schedule 1 1.33 1.33 Delinquent Schedule 2 143•25 143•25 Due fro� Hennepin County: November 1.�Lw tax settle�mP.nt 2,9�8.84 1,472.02 1,228.76 149.43 58.63 G�uarantee deposit Suburban Hennepin Caunty ftelief Board 75.00 75.00 Accounts Receivable: J. R. P�.irphy Builcii.ng Inspector 32.40 32.40 �i rt 'sil son Company 6�.00 60.00 Fixed A�sets; r,�na 300.0o w 300.00 Tool ahed 900.00 9�.00 �quipment 1937 Ford dump truck 400.00 44�.00 194� (hevrolet �smp truck 2,878.75 2,878.75 1935 Caterpillar tractor 2,5�.� 2�500.40 1942 '�terpillar tractor No. 9 1,b50.00 1,650.00 Ot,he r 3� 5.00 3g 5.00 Anwunt to be provided for payment or orders 3 �OOO.OQ Total Assets ��l .356.74 3.6 .63 3.29�5.63 1-4?1�.57 �w 1.92�.16 �c �.013.75 Liabilities and Surplua Accxued aalari.es and wagea �v 228.65 112.50 116.15 Accaunts payable 21'7.56 61.95 17.37 13g.24 Orders out�tandi.�g F,xhibit B 3,000.00 3,4�•00 Surplus: Available 5,647.29 2,904.08 762.12 1,224.42 �a 1�784.91 Unavailable 1,249.49 566.10 42'7.23 112.91 1�3.25 Inveated i.n fixed aesets 9 O1 7 Y 9 O1 Total I,iabilit3es and Surplus 19.356.74 3.6� 3.298.63 S� 1.471.57 ;r 1.928.16 �v 9.013.75 PILLAGE OF BROOKLYN CF�1TF',R EXHI t� T �3 Su�ary of i'�eceipts and Disbursements Years Fnded December 31, 1947 and 1948 C�erk� a �t.erk� s Qerk+ s Treasurer+ s Balance Receipts �?isbursements �3a7.ance Undeposited Qrders Balance �anda JarYUary 1 Schedule 3 Total Schedule 4 December 31 �►sr Outstan.din� Uecember 31 Year Ended December 31 1947 Qeneral 797.�b 6,633.37 7,431.23 v 7,422 8.24 78.90 70.66 Street and Bridge 53g.37 3,958.04 3,419.67 5,3b9.97 1,95�.30 1�950.3� Poor 2,306.24 �320.63 3,126.87 1,OF34.41 2,�42.46 2,042.46 Special A��essment 5b0.68 560.68 560.6£3 560.68 Totals 2.5�65.73 w 11.972.72 1�53� 1. g�77.37 6.h1.c�3 7�.90 5�,�2.18 Year Ended December 31� 19/S General a� g.24 11�850.32 11�858.56 10,344.45 1�514.11 37.70 �v l Street and �sridge 1�950.30 4,323•b5 ?,373•35 6,?30.7]. 4�357.3b 3,�•� 1,357.36 Poor 2,�42.4b b37.54 2,680.00 1,47�.77 1,209.23 1,209.23 Special Assessmsnt 560.68 677.72 3., 238.l�Q 1. 238.� 1 f 238.l�0 Totals l� 18 1. 0.31 �v 18 54� 395� Totals to Fxhibit A 37.7U 3.� 2•5�bb. VILLAGE i�?�' �iF�OKLXN C�NTF,I� E�HIBIT C �alale V�tl.tsat�on� 2aac �e�i.ea, and ti��es 391�;6 i947 191•8 T�b7.e oalua�tior�st est��► 4c�6,6�7�.tx) 43�,499«oa 499,�.33.t� PerscanaT prc�perty 7i. 84,,,�,�.� 96�t8�.f�'? �afi,�l.s 4?8.CY7�.t�'3 515.U97.d0 �5 61��� T�c Lev3.es �tended by Count� Audi.t� a F'.�rtsuded in yca� 1946 1�4�' 1948 t�llect�3.b1.�e i�tt gear 1947 1948 1g49 �ev�ue 4,t31�.83 4,3�•�1 10,81�4.1b �tte+�t �nd bridge 4 4,2`7�.31 Paor S�S.SB 535.q9 1,�2,5Q.'�, 2�tals g��7�.� �ae R�t.a� b�r Mi7.lss Revenu�r 8.4 �.4 18.2 ��et �d bzz��..dge 8.4 S.� F�r 1.1 1. 2.1 Tot�1.a a. .r� y. 2U.3 VII�L4GT, t3Eii)OiiL�Ti C�tTEA S chedul e 1 Statement of (�rrent and Deferred Spedal Assessments Years F�nded Dece�n.ber 31, 2947 �nd 1948 G� ected b;r Certified Number Deferret3 r�.ssPS�ents �pr� Village to County for I)eferred Improvements of Ye�rs JanuarSr 1 Princ�ps�l. Interest Total Sched�.�le 3 Ad,ius�ments Collected Dec�nber 91 Year Fnded Decem_ber 31. 1967 StrPet �iling: 53rd AvenEie �tortn 1 32.64 �G .54 i� 33•� v 23•46 9.72 Br�ant �±vern�e North 1 143.�5 �.15 147.�0 87.78 3•50 55.72 L'amden A.vp.nue North 1 116.26 2.05 11F3.31 82•27. 3b.10 �nerson Avc�uP Pdorth 1 132.57 1.'7I 134.�3 103.74 34•54 l�'remont .tivernae F3orth 1 108.66 2.40 111.06 6�.41 •03 l Girard ��vernze tyarth 1 293.59 10.74 �4.3,� 157.63 .61 146.09 Totals f32 ...20'� .8� 2 �t� 2 Year Fxided December 31 19/.�3 Street �ilinv: 53rd E'�veriue North 1 w [,2.88 .96 43,84 26.80 1?.04 Br�,�ant .�ven,ie North 1 83.49 1.75 g5.�4 54.3� 3�•94 Camden Avenue ti'ortn 1 79.�3 1.55 8�.5£� 53•91 27.07 �'merson Avenue vorth 1 '79.99 1.94 81.?3 46.54 34.Ob w 1.33 �"remont 9venue North 1 74.80 1.39 76.19 53•17 2.g6 25.88 �rirard Avenue "lorth, 55th to 5bth �veriue 1 12f3.64 3.53 132.17 69.07 63.10 F3ryant �ver�ue :�'orth� 57th to 59th Avern�e 1 213.�4 9.27 223.Y1 60.77 162.34 �imboldt Avenue "korth� 55th to 59th Avenue 1 301. 7.04 3!�.70 182.58 126.12 Tota.l.� 1.004.73 .....1 ,Ot�2'16 7.1 Totala to Fxhil�3. t A 6� d VZItT.t,l�4E i3r t3�tJKK€„YN CEIaT�R Sehedu7.e� 2 Ste�t�en� af I3elinauent S�ed.a7. Asasssments Years �d,ed �c�nb�r 31, 1947 and 19�8 Year �nded I�ae�ber 31 3�l.7 1948 De13.nquent Jan�tar� I. 32•59 .5� fi�r�t�3.Pi�d t�€a Co�a,nty for ec�llectian 5.4.fl 3�t}.85 Tatals �7*�, 321.3� �llect�d b� Gounty _�chec�le 3 37.45 1�•5 Ad�us�m�:nt 47.5b Tot,al� 37.1� i78.1.1�, l)e�.inquen� I�sce�b�r 31�, S9�i'7 if� �Ii�qu�t �e�.b�z* 31, 1q4� to '�'.�bit YJ�LLt�I�� QF Jt�' 1+.G1�l.CJL1 schedul.e 3 Qassification of Recei�t� Years Ended l�cember 3I, 1947 and 194� Ye�.�` Ended DecPmber 31 Incr�.se 19Q7 �.948 Decrease General �nd General taxes 4,110.30 r� 4,277.19 D�ortgage reg3stry t,�x 341..35 547.94 Interest and penalt,ies 2.�+37 37.24 Li censes and P�rmi. ts s Noni.nto�cating malt liquore Off a�ale 15.�4 5.00 On sale 5�.Q0 (�.ga.rette 9.00 lOb.00 Dog 321.00 190.50 Garbage 1.00 1.00 Dance permd. ts 25.00 Buil�.n� pern�.ts scheau�.e 5 1,57�9.7a 1,�2a.7o Jt�stice of Peace fines 147.65 �37.95 Revercue from t?ther �'lgeneies: St.ate Lictuor tsx apportioument 2,786.30 garette tax apportio�ent 1, �13.90 Sex-e5. ce Ch�rge for GLirrent �ervi cea s �'leation filing fees 5.40 15.�0 R.eferendum ballots 7.50 Ab�entee b�l.lots 2.10 Total Generel Ftiind 6.b33.37 11.c350.3 i� 5 St.reet a�nd Bridc�e �1.ind aeneral t�uuce9 w 3�547.04 4 Service fharge for �.irr�nt Sez�tices: Frazn pr9.vate p�rties Sno�r plo�ring 15.00 39•40 Grading 71.00 6.00 Street oiling 3�5.00 ftefund on purchase of 194� Chevrolet dump truek 131.00 Total �treet and Bridge Ftand 3s958.04 4.323.65 365 .b1 Poor Ptiind t3enex�a]. taxes 783.08 519.� Reveriue from Other A�encie3: Sta.te relief sid �7. 118.46 Tota1 Poor F�ind 820.b3 6 7�''t 183.09 VILL 1 GF; Ur i3t2()OiiLYN CF�NTFR Schec�a.le Recei� CantirYUed Year Ehded Dec�nber 31 Increaae 19lt7 1948 1)eca'easa Sqeaial Aseee�sment Fhnd Specia7. �s$essments collected. by: Village senedule 1 523•23 547.1l� County Schedule 2 37.45, 130.5g Total Special Assessm�nt �nd 560.68 677.72 I17.Ol Total Keceipts to Exhibd.t B 1]..972.72 17�l� �a 5.516.51 �3 VILLAGF �F BROOF'�I.YIJ CF:I3TFR Schec�ile 1. C�l.assificat3.on of Disbursez�ent� Years Fnded necerraber 31, 1947 anci 1R4� Year �,nded �ece ber 31 Increase 1947 �9/y8 TJecrease Genera7. FUnd 4ene ral Gov erruaer� t s Salax3es of Pre�id�t and Trnstees M. F. Lane, Presiden� 240.00 �y 240.00 Dell ��,musson, Trustee 3b4.00 1�30.40 t,tiles Jensen, Trustee 18Q.00 1�0.00 P. Jol1n Thompson, Trustee 1t�a.OQ 184.00 .Tustice of the Pesce au.pplies 21.Qfl 7.1g £�1.ection Salaries Judge� 35•� derk� 19.20 126.b0 Stationery and supplies 5.�4 57•3� Setting up booths 15.00 T'reasurer Salary 9. E. Burqueet 200.00 21J0.00 Prernium on bond 25.(X� 25.a0 Robbery and turgl.ary insuranes 10.00 10.00 F�ssessor T. E. Johnson Salary 7�.95 9�•� l�ileage 52.50 De�uties Salary 15.00 176.70 Mileage 7.50 Supplies Attorney fees 6B6•OQ 332•50 Village CLerk Salary Pgu7. �eekly 500.C}4 5oG1.00 S�upplie� aMd expens� 75,73 54.b9 Robbery and t�argl�ry insuranc� 10.00 10.00 Pos�audi t 1bb.40 Printing and publiahing b4.�5 75.b0 Hall rent 52.Oa 60.00 Leagae of �3.nnesota '�unici.palit3.es Dues 57.� T1�ition fee 28.50 Hennepin Coainty League of Towas and Municipslities 5.00 Tot�1 (�enera2 Government 3,'�81.,9,� �w 3 6, +b.2.G 64.31 F'ublic Safetyt Polioe protection Salary of l�rshals Robert A Cahlander 1,329.32 1,349.70 Rus�ell Gilbertson 867.25 �6•� Qarenae �underlich 190.50 V7i,l ��.Gx. OF Br�00IQ., �d G'�;iJTrI� S�D!i 4 s rs�n�ts Conti.nued Ye r���a Dec �gr 31 Increase �947 �9l,g Decrease �'enersl �1t.nd Public 5af�ty: Police protection (Cc�ntinued) Yi3.eage 431•50 3b�•35 Supplies 40.25 25.51 F'�.re protection Gity of ?�Hinnea.polis Fire protection fee 45b.� Fire Dep�rtment sex�vice 2�173.40 Fire eervi ce contract bond presniur,� 20.00 Insurance 331•�g Suppliss 15.00 Hu.ilding Inspector Feea g99.06 1,065.23 Supplies Tota2 Public S�fet� 3 ,56„�.33 6� 2,779•19 Sanitat3on and �;aste Re�oval.: �eed Inspecta.on 97.50 '75.00 22.50 Ot,her: Ya}�s of Village �p 79.5U 57.34 Con trlbu ti on� �t,o �enriepin Caunty Agricultural Societ�r 25.�0 25.04 Reeorc�ing deeda of property deeded to Village g•� Dog licenses, tags �I1d b1811ks 22.45 36•35 �Porlanen� s c�pensation insu.rance 48.73, 69.9� Total Other 176.13 �a 196.64 20.46 Capit�l (h�tlay: ��u.nicipal Liquor Dispensary Oak caunter M 40•� 1Vation�]. cash re&ister 4Q•t� To tal Capi tsl On tl ay $0.00 80.00 Total General �ind 7.l+2ti.�9 10.344.45 2.921.46 Street and I3rI.dQe I�land Hi ghuetys s Street and a11ey ma�ntenance Labor xo�ert a. canl.anaer i,3z9.33 z,349.70 Oth�r labor 117.50 158.10 �J VILLAGE JF Br200KLYTT CF':PtTr'R Sche�ule 4 ITisburs�ents Conti.nued) X��r ��nded December 31 Increase 1947 194f3 Decrease Street and Brid�e F1xnd Hi gYtvrays Street and alley maa.ntenance Contirnted �ater3.a1 and supplies 294.72 �p 125.39 Equipment repair 512.13 7E38.13 (3asoline� oil, and grease ?/.,�.p5 5'71•78 Li�;hting �tool shed 13.00 13.OQ Insur�nae 113.94 313•96 Road tar 14.40 (�ty of �inneagoli� Street oiZing 1,240.57 5treet oiling coats Asseased to benefited property 1�O�J4.73 To be assessed to benefY.ted proj�erty 3g6.50 (�pital Outlay: 194� C�evro2et clump truck 3�000.00 Advertising �or bids on dump truck 9�� Total Street and Brldge Fhnd 5.369.97 0� 1,360.74 S Poor Nluid C,harities s Salary, Etelief Ac�adnistrator t�arles T. Genosky 200.00 2Q0.00 I}irect relief Hennepin t�ounty Bos�rd of I'oor 133•00 22g.50 Suburban Henn�in County �e7.ief Board 744.91 1,042.2? Qptometrist 3.. 50 Tota1 Poor Fhnd 1.064.41 ].,470�.77 ��6.36 'Potal Aisburs�enta to F�r►; bit B 13.g77.37 1$.545.93 v� 4.665.56 y�,i(,jr.LJ.P'��� L/� .L.�i�i1�SJJ Ali YA.:1�lY�lV SChBdule S R. �rvhy� Hu�3.ldin� Zns�r�ctc��r Statea�er►t a� R�ceiut� and I�i.slur.���t� Y�a� F.,nd�ci I�,ec+e�ber 31� I9�'T and 194� Ye�r Ended �e+e�ber �l �7 194� 8�.7.ance J�trn� ry 1 32:40 R�ceip��a �u3.�.d3.ng permits 3 1,�8za.,7,Q Halarzca �nd. �c�i.pt.� I.,612.14 1,f�55.10 Tran��3.tt�ci to �'ill.ag� Treasu�r Schec�.ile 3 I,579�70 1,822.7d Bal�nce December 31�, 194'7 B�l.�s�e �eeember I.9&� F.�.b�.t i'� 4' �.x.:, h�la�; :7:�.iJ�`.�. �chediil.e 6 Ju�tice� c�f the Feac� S�t�t c�f �'I.nee. G�st�. �nd I�sr�c��it,ion Y�ars �ded l�ece�bex� 3�, 194`7 axr�i igl�s Ju�tices of the P�etc�t tharles 2. Qenoak�r C,�tsYse Ye�r Ended �e�nber 3I. 394? "�ilZage cases: Ina��ed Fines I80.55 32.14 �st»a 1�3.� Tb�� 223�'75 e�� ll3.�pas3. �.ons Suspensions 65.00 Costs retain�d by Jx�ti�s l►3•2Q �rans�sa.tted to �'3.1Zage Tr�aGUUre�r 11�, '�2,10 Tat�.s 2 .?5 t�r3es T. #�encssk�r H. I£. 3aarr� F�ser Ea�.ted }�e r '�1" 19G8 Vi1.1��e esse�: Tmpos�d Fine� �t36.25 �3.15 Cc�sts 51.6�.. 19.95 ;s Tata].� `'75� f 83.i4 I�Lspo�tians Susp�ns3.ane 31.4�5 C�st� r�t�i.n�ci bg Justice� 51.6Q 19.95 T�ns�i.tted t� Villa�e Tr��.rer 174»8Q 63.15 Total� �AO..3��� iTII,L.� G?� t7F Br�OCJK�. Y''�i CF�NT�:R S�hechil.� 7 Bszak Bala�nce ar�d Fed�aral i�evr��it In�sur�nce Ag�.l 22, 1949 C�saden Park State l�ank c��' 34irinea li� a Bal.�snc�,t ox� c�ee�sit Ia�u�aac;e F'sder�3. �eposit In�r�iae t�rporati�n 0�0 a T3�positarg �:eai�t�d b�r Vill.�,ge �au.n�i1 on Jan�.ary 3�, 3.9k9 ��tJ,F#.Cli'. .,Jd' ���Jits t!� �S+��t.�� C�tHf�ti�. C»'.f�.t�.a�. $Oixt3� �m:c�nt �n.d Office af �nd I�: e Qf Bond. Na�e �nd Sur�tv Bond F�ires �'il�ecl "�S3.th �r�st�tr�r a A« E. A.i.��est �,�Qf1.C�f} ��za.ry 1*. 1.943 TYze Fide2ity and Ca�u�.ty �r�� of N� 7�rk �tt,i�tuat�s Vil2a� {�.erg �'�Ilacs �1rne�c�� �,54a.t9� January 1 1949 �h.e Fidel�.ty �t {��ualty Ce�apang of �5�� 'Iork 3�cer�bez� 31�, I950 Yil2age� Q.erl€ Clerk: Pau�,. H. �'��kly� 5t}fJ.t� I3ece�bar 9, 1946 FIartford Attcident an�i �nd�i.ty �omp�ny T�eemher 31, 19�8 Village �l.erk ';�f?C�.Cit3 I�ember 25 194� Harfi��'ord �ecident a�c� Ir�ci�.i.tY C�pany �ace�nber 1R5Q �illag� Gl�rk Aa�essor; John�n �Qt).t�f3 �}e��ber 9,� 1946 i�,r��tsrci Ac�ident ar�d Inciemrti.ty �b�Pa�' De r 31, 19� �oun;ty Ac�di�cr 5flE}.Ut} �c�r�ber I�S, 39�8 �artford Acddarit and Indeaa�.ty ��a.rty �ece�nber 31, i95t? Ccnznty Audi ix�r �st�.ce� af the Peace: E. J� Cat�k� 5t�3.t� �artuazy 1, 1946 Hartfc�rd A.eeident snd Inc�e� ty Cc�sr�rrry �tec�ber �1= 194? +(�.erk of District Court t:h�rles T. Qe�.c�sk� 5t3t�.t� t�c+ember 9� 1946 Hartford Adcident ar�d Znde�.tY �ce�be�r 3I. �.448 Aerk af Ilietric� Gourt 50Qst�} l7eeember 15, 19L,$ ft�rtfflrd Accident and Zn��n3.ty Co�npar�y Dec+�€ber 31, 19�0 C�3.er�c of D.i..stx3ct �ourt Sacr� 5z.?O.t)0 �ec�nber 21 1947 Hartford �.cc�f.dent arni Ind�n.i.t3�' Comgai3Y Uece�ber 31, 3.944 Qerk o�' I�S.s#,ri�.et t�urt Canstablez Ru�se13 Gi:lbertsc�n SC�O.f�3 t3ece�ber 9, 19�5 Iiartfflrd Acddent a�d Indemr3ty Ccuapan� i�ecember 31� 191+8 Yill�e Cl�rk (3�bralci S. C�andl�r 50t�.f�Q J;�u�ry 1� 1949 fihe Fide].i.t� and C�►sualt� Cornpang of I�w York Jan�.ary l, 19A Vil3age t�.erlc Ftobert �a. Cahl.ender 5tX�.04 .�c�cber 12, 1945 Hartford �ecident �d I�tdemnity Cc�m��ny I�ce�b�r 31 I947 �i]lage fl.srk 5CJt3.fl4 �seember ll 1947 �►rt�or� �.c�.�ent sr�a znaemr�.t� ccsmpang �cember 3i, 1949 Villags i�erk I Mar�hal: Qarence '�:�nderlich 5tXj.00 Augu��t 23, 1948 Har°��ord Accident and Inde�r,itY �Pas�rty .Au�uat 23, 1949 Fillage Qark I I 20 PII�L�t�E Q�' �I��L� C��R Scl�c#a.Z.e 9 i Znsur�c� In �'urce A:grl.l 22„ 19�9 �chi.n�r�r To�rl �heda F�.rs and �act,eisd�i eca�rage� FA:ta.lcling 7�.Dt3 �an�ents 304.4Q �i�d� fi�rm�, �'�rthqualce,� I�ira, �xp2.�a�ian, �Sdi1.y Propert�► Li�htnin� �nd #�ai1 or �n.�rr TJan�.t� Trans�orta�i.on :9�eft ��.ter �►rerhe�tsiv� �c�ipmentt 1937 �'ord c�u�p truek 350•LX� 350• 3�?•� 19G� f��rc�let clut� �rta��c �1.0/`��,tK�0.Q4 5�1�0.(� 2�fib�.t�C3 I935 t�terpi.11ar traef�r Ib/20,.f�Q.C?� S 6�(�3.Od 60�.Ua �.9�2 c�te��.�.�.ar t�ctor xo. 9 lo�zo,a�o.00 S,c�,ao 1,650.� �.,65r�.c� 1,65�.c,� �'ire �pp�ratus: Hired autornc�biles Co�aerei.�7. priva� passenger �5/5���,00 5�QIX1.00 �ity� a� �i.nne�poli� �`Ire �aall� 25�5�,�►.t� Qthers �ork�nt e compensatio� Robb�ry eactt cusfi�ac�3.an �27S.CtQ or �5�,00 Sgfe burglary �55{t.(?�