HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport of Public Examiner on the Financial Affairs of the Village of Brooklyn Center-1943 Exan�ned by;
G. �i. Anderson
C. 0. Johnson
on the
Hennepin County
Year Ended December 31., 1943
Exa,mi.na.tion made Apri3. 3, ZR44 Pursuant to request of
th� Village Cfluncil as pravi.ded for in
r��aaonf s su���ero�ent i94o,
Section 3266-2.
4perating under Revis�d Lawe 1905, Chapter 9
RICHr1RI) A. G�Li:,IlUG,
Pub].ic Exan�iner,
St. Pau1, 2�inn.
�i.1l.age of Brooklyn Ceriter
Table of Ci'ontente
Co�nent� and R�commencia�ione 1�4
Or�ani�atian I 5
Ha7.ance Sheet Exhibit A 6
.A.ss�ss�d Va.i.ue�tioz�s Ta�c Leviea 2�nd Rates Exhibit B 7
Su�ar.y c�f Reeeipts and i�bur�emen�� �ch3.bit C 8
Su,�,portin� Seh�ciules
Stat,e�ent of I}sferred Special Assessnrents Schedule 1 9
Stat�merYt of 1�elinquent Special .As�essm�nts Schedule 2 10
Accounts Payabl� Sehedule 3 ll
Claasifiaatian of ke�eipts Schadule 4 12-19
C].ase3.fication of I73.sbursem�nts Schedule 5 3.1, 16
Statament of F3.nes and �o�ts
J. t�atzk�, J�a�tice of the Peace Schedul� 6 17
Gha�. G�nosky, Justice of ths Pea�e .`schedule 7 l�
Statem�nt of �eceipts
��iller �'umarlo„ F3u3.ld3.n� �Cnspector Schedule 19
Hanls �3�lance and Federal Depoait Znsurarie� Schedeal.e 9 20
Insuran�e Schedul� ZO 21
Officia7. "r3ond� Sehedule 11 22
Village of ?rooklyn Center
Co�nent� and Recammendatiaris
�'his report, on an e�rnination of the financial a.ffairs of the `Jiliage of
�rooklyn Center made pursuant to request of the Vi1la.ge �ouncil as provided for in
i:t.ason�s Supplement 1940, �ection 32�6-2� crnrers the year ended I]ecember 37., 1943•
F`inancial �ondition
The I3alance Sheet, Exhibit A, presents the financial conclition of the Village
on December 31, 1943•
General and Special. Revenue runds
The General and Special Revenue 'r'uncls are maintained for governmental activ
ties. The current assets less Iiabilities and the available suxplus of each fund on
December 31, 1943, were as followss
�ioad, and
General Brid�e Poor
Current Assets=
Treasurer�� cash overdraft 533.� .90 23•13
Funds with other governmental units
Hennepin County November 1943
tax 9ettlement 1�326.17 545•2b 545•26
Suburban F±ennepin County Relief
Boaxd, guarantee depo5it 75.00
Tota1 Current Assets 867.57 544.36 522.13
I,esa Liabilities:
Accounts payable 163•5d 97.00 35.42
Available surplus y 704.07 `f 447.3� s_ �4 6.71
The amount of delinquent taxes from levies in 1�/�,2 and prior years amounting
to "709.07 was furnished by the County Auditor and is not included in the fore�oing
statement, but is shorrn as �available surplus in the Balance Sheet, bchibit k.
'�illage of r�rooklyn �enter
Finar� i�1. Conditian Cr�ntinued)
Special Asa�ssm�nt �'und
A,ctivity in the Special Asse�sment Fund during the y�ear ended Dece�nber �l�
1943 consistad o� redeemi.n� �pecial impro�ement �rarrants, collecting asse�siments reeeiv-
able, and certifyiz�g to the Covnty Auditor for calleetion �i.th ta�ces asffiessmsnts a�wunt-
ing ta �1 on part af ro�ioh coll�ction had b�en previoue�ly deferred to future
Statementg pertain3.ng to special assessment pro�ects Yor the year �xarai.ned
are pre�ented in �chedu:tes 1 and 2.
Special �.mprovement �rarrants outstanctin� 3.n th� ea�ount of �6� 512.76 on Dec-
ember 3�,, �9� x�axe paid during the year examined together xith interest of ��35�.66.
Thi� w�,� made possible by the u�e of �2 from the coll�ction of apecial assessmente
placed, 3.n the Special As�e�sment T+'und a�. by the u$e oi �4,455 from other fur�s.
Payment of the special �rrovemsnt �rarrants freed the Village frnm debt on
December 31, �943, except for the overe�raft in the;`�rea�urer�s ca�h bal.�nae and current
unpa3.d bi31s in the amount af
A tax �e�tleiaent of a-" re�eived from the County early 3.n 3anuary 1944
was more than enough to cover the Treasurer�s overdraft in cash ar�d the unp�id bil1�.
No�r that a17. improvenneent vaarra:nts are paid, the receipts or collections in
this fund may be u�ed for gensral purposss.
Collections have been made by the �,TiZlage 2'rea�urer during the year examinsd
for street im}arover�ents such as oilirig for rch:i.ch his official receipts have been issued.
Such rec�ipts �rhen iaaued should show the de�crigtion of the propert3r by lot,
bleek and addition, aa that the collections may be applied to the proper assessments
on �he �illage Cl�rk�s record�.
Village of Brooklyn i,enter
Fsxpenditures from all funds during t.he year ended December 31, 1q43,
co:A:�ared with those of the prior year, for �overnmental operations and for other
�ourposes classified as to functions are summar:i.zed as follows:
Year ��ded I)ec� b 31 Increase
19G3 �942 Decrease
Governmental Operations:
General gaverxunent 2, 34� .31 3, 3og .79 �.T- 968.48
Public safety �84.57 1�48b.25 501.G8
Highvaays 2, 400.3� 1, 9g4. 21 4a-6. �9
Sanitation and vraste re�.ova1 203.55 127,60 7i�.25
Charities 735.3� Z,177.1.g t�l.g2
��.iscellaneous 12�.2g 107.02 21.26
Interest payments (exclusive of
special im�rovement vvarrants) 201.89 201.g9
Tota1 Governmental �perations 6�792.67 g,392 1�600.2'7
Capital outlay 161.25 161.25
Tnter�st pay�ments on sp�ci.al improvement
�varrants 35g.b6 172.93 1g5.73
e'�t r� �ze r�tion 6,512.76 2�13b.31 4,376.45
`±'otal T'�xpenditures 13 E b4�09 1Q 63.43 �w 2�800.66
Revenues from whi.ch expenditures �ere paid were from the following sources:
Year nded Dece e 31. Increase
194� 4� Dearease
General taxes £��961.2t� g,g34.86 5� 126.40
S��cia1 assessments 2,41-5.�5 2,437.32 21.67
Licenses and permits 573.75 349.50 224.25
Fines and forfeits Z60.22 791.35 b�1.13
Fevenue from other agenciss 7�.3� 4�3.�+ 35a.�4
Service charges for current services 153.30 1�30.78 27.4g
S�I:e of propertY 31.00 31.00
Other receipts 455..�5 144.g.5 310.70
Total 12 7, 48.0�
�.ssessed "t(aluat:z_nns, 'T'ax Levies, and Rates
1:ssessed valuat��n�, tax levies, and rates as extended on the ta.x lists by
the ��ounty Auditor in lgl�2 and 1943, axe presented in �xhibit
Village of Brooklyn Center
Assessed t✓alua.tians, Tax Levi.es. and Rates (�ontinuedj
mhe am.ount of the le�ry �ras reduced appro�.�ately �;;:y50.00 in 1q43 The
reci�acti.on in the tax rate was 2.6 rai.11s.
Justiae of the Pea.ce
Statements of fines and costs imposed by the Justices of the Peace for the I
year ended i�ecember 31,, 1943 are shown in Schedules 6 and 7. A summsri.zed statement
of fines and costs of all Justices for the y�ears ended Liecember 31, 1943 and 19,�2,
and comparison, is as foZl.ow�,
Yeax c'•nded Ziecember 31, Increase
1943 1��2 Dscrease
�alance unremitted January 1 47.g0 66.00 a 19.00
r'ines im�osed 13�.22 753•� b14.`7g
�onstable cost� 2.n0 21.35 19.,�
Balance and Adc�.itions 1�'7,2�2 840.3� 653.1,�
P�emittances to iTilla�e Treasurer 5;. 160.22 `Y)1.35 N �31•1,3
Suspensions 27.00 2.00 25.00
Tota1 L'�eduction� a� �,�T.22 5�; 793.3� �.13
F3alance unreini.tt�d Jecember 31 �r ��.00 /*7 0�
}3ui.ldin�;; Tnspector
�uildi.ng per�i.ts were issued and fees callected by the 3uild3.n` Inspector
dur3.ng the year examined as presented in Schedul.e 8. The folloxi.ng statement shows
the fees collected for permits issued and remittancea to the Village Treaaurer for
the years ended �ecember 31, 191�3 and 19l�.2� and camparison:
Year I�nded I�ecenber 31, Increase
1943 1g42 D�rease
BaZance unremitted Janua.ry 1 1.50 1.50
I'ees �'or permits issued 74.25 �t 195 12�,7�,
i3alance and fees 75.75 �j 195.U0 3].9.25
I',.emitted to V"illage Treasurer 72.25 193..50 I21.2�
��alance unremitted t�ecer.iber 31 3R� _...�w�
July 21, 19L,1.� Public 'r�xa�:i.ner
�ecember 3�� 1943
Name and Off�.ae J�wirv
Lane �'re.�ident lgt,4
P. John Thamp�on �rustee 191,[,.
DeLl luta�gnusson Tru$tee 19�5
�1ile� Jensen Trtzstee 194b
Ghar].es Genosky Deputy Clerk 1.944
A. E. �urquest Treasurer 1945
E. VilaneUre As$easor 19L►5
f}at�ke Juatice of the Peacs 1�L�I
Charles T. Geno�ky ,Tu�tice of the Peace 1945
Raber� Cahl�nder �;onstable 19t,1,
Ru��ell Gilbert�an Constable 1945
Balance Sheet
D�cember 31� 1�43
Street, General I
Road, and Special Fix�d
Total. General �rid�e Poor Assessment Asset�
Treasurer�s cash averdraft Exhibit C 557.63 �v 533.�� w .90 q 23.13
Taxes receivable 191,2 and prior years 709.07 526 .22 130.25 52.b0
�pecial assessaeents receivable:
Current Schedule 1 1,741.06 1,71,1..06
Deferred Sahedule 1 I,11�.g,l�£3 �.�3,�,q��g
Delinquent Schedule 2 170.78 170.7�
k`unds �rith other ,governmental unitss
Hersnepin County 1�Tovember Z943 tax
eettlemsnt 3 1,326.17 545.2� 545.26 795.19
Suburban Iiennepin County �elief Board,
guarantee deposit 75.00 75.40
Fixed assets:
Land 300.00
�uilciinS 900 0o y� 300. o0
Equipment 3�175.00 �175.OU
Total Assets 10.g74.64 1,,�9 .79 674.61 S74:...'�,� *___,_3.��5b•5 4,,375.
Liabilities and Surplus
Accounta payable -�chedule 3 2gg.92 y; 163.50 97.00 _�,�5.42
Availabla 9:: 5, 323• �7 704. 07 t,�.7. 3E� 4�6.71 3, 685 .73
unava�l.able 879.�5 5z6.2a 13o.z5 52.60 17o.7g
Invested in fixed �ssets 4�375.00 L�,�75.00
Tota1 Surplus 10.57g.72 1�230.29 577.b1 539.31 3,g5b.51 4
Tota1 Liabilities and �;'urplus lp,£�74•G�! 1,�,'�g3.79 F�71 gS 51 4�375•00
574.73 _,_3., 6•
vzyr��� cr� ��oraxL�rr c�rrr�
�Brr e
As�sessed Valiaation�� Tax Levies, and Rates
19/+2 1943
Asses�ed Va].uationss
Real est�te 38�,1.9�.00 4(�4,769.00
Persanal Proper�tY 76, 51.G..00 73 �1�1.00
Totals q� I,.61,70b.o0 477,�90.�0
?�soney ar�cl cxedits 94.269.00
'�otals �.-�,�.�..��75. C� 890.00
Tax T�ev�.es ��nd�d by County Ae�.iditor:
�rte�ded i.n 1942 1943
Coll�etible in 19�� 1944
Revenue Q�OI6.84 3,53b.39
�.oad and bri.dg'e 1,g�5.33 2,4�5.03
Paor 1,9g5.33 1�.57
Totals 7�9�''i .50 7�0?�!- 2�
Ta�c Rate,s by �.ti.13s:
Ftevenue 8.7 7.�.
F�oad �nd bridge 4.3 5.2
Poor 4.3 2.1
Tatals 17.3 14.7
Summarv of Receipts and Disbursements
Year Ended llecember 31, 1943
Balance Receipts Disbursements 3alance
F'unds Jan. 1 1943 Sahedule 4 Transfers Total Schedule 5 Transfer� Dec.31� 191�
General 30�.43 �S 7,445.39 7,753.82 3,528.16 4,759.26 533.60
Street� Road� and Bridge 1�502.Of3 1�026.17 2,52g•25 2,529.15 .9G
Poor 1,434.91 1�/�34.91 735.3� 722.68 23.13
Special Assessment 2 4.,�5.77 6,871.42 6�g71.42
Totals 0 �43 1,2��g•o� 5..��4?.�.4 1 .����.60 1 3� 6 S,.�Z•�.4
Tota]. to bchibit A �5�7.63
'i�LI.�4� t&' �f3URLYN 5�1�9t�dL�3e 1
S�t�.tem�nt t�f Ife�'e�t�rsd Speci.al A�sea�smaz��s
�h+awir� A�ac�unt Ca1.].�a�ed b�r 'P3.7.�.�+� and Csr'�ifi�cci �a Cc�unt�
Xe� E�ded I�cssmb�r �1, 1943
N�be►r of 1���rred ��read Collact�d Certified I�ferr�d I
�'ovem��a '��ars Ja,n.l� 19� Priri�at Tn��re�t Tcta'L b�r vi].lage ta Caunt�, L�c«31 19�
Stor� drain, Csun.ty Ro�d l�o. 13E� 367.�q ?�.t36 38q'•�+ 3�39.8'b
3tree� ,grading, Col�'aac A'v+�nu�r 5 21-4.� 3�.� 2"�'7.� 1.�U.a3 1A�7'.19
5�reet grac�,ing', Daporst Aventas b�.7l� 73.9� 39.t)'7` 34.87
Drainage d3.�€�h, �h�i.ngle Cr�k 5 53�•55 32• "3 5�9.7€3 3��..05 �66.73
F,tora se�ner, Bry�►nt Aven�e North 5 1,t�77.�2 �t8.56 ti,56�.07 827.�8 '7�8.6g I
Oilin� �rersan A�vez�+s ��.68
53rd A�us 1 57.44 ^7.�3 3�.11
t3ili�a�g n Avem�e, �3rd t+� 55"t,�
�5.7i3 .76 3f�.,�6 31. ��i 4.95
b3.gU �5.20 28.6Q
TtrCs1� �bb6.� ]1�7.9$ 169,,57 2 4,,�.� 9,��q
�atals tc �.bit A ���6 lt-
Schedule 2
Statement of �elinquent Special hssessrsents
xith Amounts Certified to and Collected bv CountY
Delinquent Certified by �ounty Delinquent
?�aprovements Jan.l� 1943 in 19&2 1943 Dec.� 19l�
Oiling 131.02 110.60. 20.1,.2
Sidewalk, curb and gutter 173.40 Z59.47 13.93
Storm dx�.in 500.5�3 l,.11.93 190.g'1 721.64
Street grading 155.38 205.06 232.q1 12?.53
Drainage ditch 156.26 317.�7 3�w.�9 �-25.44
Stcr�n sewer 364.61 �'72.02 1�2'79.62 l�,2.Q�
:�`��tals 1!�$1.2� 1�SOb.� 2,�21.6b w' 965.97
Less assessment collections
included in November lq/�3 ta�c
;�ettlesnent received from �ounty
in Janua.ry 1944 795.19
Delinquent assessments receivable to Lxhibit A 1�p.78
�1'II,L�,G��; t7F �3Rt7i I('LYP�t CF;I'dTE�
Saheduls 3
Account� I'a:yable
December 31, 1943
�naral Fund
Cullen and Gra�ther 41.75
Charl�s T. G�nosky 2.25
Arnold G. t3argstrom 16.W
�4i11er Pumarlo 3.00
Coilectc,r of �nternal Revenue 9.45
Union Scrap Iron and �etal Co. 13.00
Northern St,at�s Pa�wer Co. 2.OQ
�lre. Carrie Ho�e 2,50
Robert Cahland.er 73.5�
Tota2 General Fund 16�.50
5trest ��.oad and Brid�e �"und
Rabea�°t Gahlander �i 7�.55
�ollector of Tnternal. Rev�nue 7.25
She1]. C3il Compax�,y, Inc. 16.20
Tota1 Strest� Road� and Brid.�e �`und 97.00
�aor �'und
Suburban Heainepin County Ir.elisf 3oard 35.4�
Tata]. t4 E�hibit A 29�,Q2
9chedule t�
Claesi.fication of Receints
Year Ended December 31, 1943
(}eneral F�aiad
Rea2 e�tate 5,227.01
Personal propert�r 665.65
F'orfeitsd taat sale appc>rti,or��t 54 .92
Interest �nd �naZties on t,aa�es 11.�.22
t,!�rtgage re�i�try 99.82
�ton�y and aredits $�.50
�otaa. �axes 6,a54.1a
T�3.aenses and Perm�,tas
Non3.ntoxicating ma3.t Iiquor
Ort-sale S�.OfJ
off-sal� 17.54
�arb�e 1.00
Ciga.rette 80.00
�og 353•�
Bui.lding permd.ts Schedule 8 72.25
Total Licsengea �nd Permits 573.75
Sarvf.ce �harges for �wrrent Nervices=
�'leetion filing� f�es 10.00
Con�t,abl� ssrving summona 4.30
Re�bursernent for vaceine 16.04
Tntal S�rvice �harges fQr Ciarrent Servi,.ces 3�.30
Fines and Farfeitsa
Justic�� of the Pe�ce
,7. Gatzke �cheaule 6 6g.00
Chas. T. Genosky Schedule 7 92.�
Tota1 �ines and Z'orf�its 16�.22
Other Recsiptsa
Rur�l Hennepin Coe�nty Surplu� Co�noditie$
Comm3.ttee, balance revalving f�uzd for
t'ood �tamp plan !}27.00
Tatal i�eneral F`und 7,1.45.39
atreet Road. arid 33r3.d� �''und
Fceal estate 1
P�rsonal property 306.68
�`ptal T�ce� 1,35�.5�
VTLLAG� (l�' BF�f�"J�L"YI�I Ck�dT�t
Schedule 4
P�ecei t�s (Continued}
Street�Roacl� and Bricige :Eund (CQn�inued)
Ssx�ric+� �har�;es for �urrent Serv�.ces:
S:�o� remoc�al Z0�.0�
Grading 18,00
Total Sez�ri.ce Charges for Curren� Services 123.00
Other R�ceiptss
Refund insurance premium 28.55
Total �treet, Rr�ad, �.nd Br3.dge Fund �1�,,5a2.fl�__8
I'oor 1�'und
�:eal estate 1
Fersc�nal property 306.6t3
�'crtal �.'axes 1,356.61
fievenue from �ther A�encies�:
�tate rel�.aaf �id 78.30
Total Foor F'und �2�! 4.91
Special Assessment �'und
�al2ected by �illagef
t73.lin�; 4� 93.99
�callected by uour�tys
�3.1in€; 110. b0
Side�alk, curb, and gutter 159.47
Storm.drain 19�.87
5treet �rading 232.91
Drainage di�ch 34g.7.9
Storm ge�+er 1�279.b2
Total Co7.lected. by County a,321.66
�otal Speeial Assessment F'und 2,1�3.5.6�
Tota7. kecsi.pts ta l�xhibit �b 12�798.0�,
VI�I.A.Cx�', C}I'' .13"Ri�t�KI,YTd i;EJ�f'Tk;R.
Schedule 5
Claseification of ]lisbursements
Year �nded �cember 31� 1943
Gerleral �'und
C�rieral Goverrunent:
Village Coun�cil
�k. F. Lax�e� Presiden� 21�0.UO
Nile� Jen�en� Truste� 18U.00
P. John Thompaon, Trustee ].80.00
I)ell �fagnusson Trustee 180.00
Publishing ordinances 3�i..7a
Hall rent 35•OQ
Justices of the Pesce
Supplies and ��pense 11..25
Hall rent 5.00
5alaries 25.50
Supplies and e�cpense 56.].g
Vil].a�e Clerk
s�1�y �t. c. �eter 5oc�.00
Sgecial cl�rk hire 10.00
statione��y �nd sv.p�l.ies 65.78
Insur�nce 10.00
Salary A. E. Burqusst 2Q0.00
Premium on bond 25.00
Insuranc� 10.00
Deputy AsBessors
A�3.11er F'vmarlo 192. �0
�a. C. Peter 5�.00
Po�t-audit 189.60
'�il�.a�e ,�ttorney fesa 13�,��
Tatal General Gcavernm�ant a� ��44.31
Publie Safety:
Poiies I'rotection
Salary of �Parahals
Robert Cahlander 637,11
Ru�se11 Gilbertson 32
Automobile mileage
Robert Cahlaxider a42.90
�.usse3.3. G3lbertson 11.35
�quiprnent handcuf'f s 10.0E)
Buildin� Inapector�s fees 4�.62
Publie seale site rent 10.00
'Potal Publia �afe�y 9�4.57
Schedule 5
Disbursements (Continued}
General r und Cc�nt3.nued
San3.tat�.on and ��aste Remova3:
�'�eed insp�etion 75.00
'ttorka�n� eam.p�n�atian in�urance 67.9�
Civili.aas Defenee expense 19.80
Rabies vaccine 40.50
Total Miace].l.�oua 22�.��
Total Gen�ral F'und ���28.16
Street. Poa�� and Br3.d�e �'und
Street� and a7.leys maintenance
�ages labor 759.70
Suppli�s �.nd materisls 65 .61
�quipment expense 805.44
5cari�Y9-n�;', blad3.n�, and oili.n�; �treeta
�3rd .�venue t3vrth, Lyndale to �u�o�.at z43 .55
�nc�+r removal la1aQr 432.25
Insuranee on equipmez�t 66.20
Tool 9hed expen�e
Fuel. 1•4.59
Light 13.00
Tota1 Highw�ys 2�40�.30
Sana.tation and ?"=aste Removal s
�'leed eradication
Cutting �reed� 22.b0
Se�er sy�tem
Clean3ng serv3.ae 75.00
Supplies and expense 32 .25
Tot.al. Saraitation and �',aste Removal ].2f3.85
Tota1 Stre�tt, Road, and Briclge Fund 2,'S�29.15
Poor �'und
uhariti.es t
Salary Relief Ad�ni.nistrator 1�4.flQ
Direct relief
H�ru�epin Count� board of poor 194.00
Ho�p3.talizatian 29.25
Suburban Henxiepin i,ounty F;elisf �3oard 333.71
P�ural H+�rmepin wounty Surplus Commodities
Cominittee aaepen�e 28.1,0
Total F'oc�r I+tiand
vz�,�;.€�� c�r �RC���xLn�t cLr��r�x
sanea,�aa.s s
D3.abursementa (Continued)
Spec3.a1 Assessment klznd
Int�rest Payrrnerttss
Special impxovement warrant�
Curbir� 12.87
Sto�n drainage 60.75
Drec3�ing, drain, snd gz�ading '�5.04
Tota1 Intersst Payments �a 3Sg.�
Ilebt Fied�mptioni
Speeial im�rnvement w�.�°raats
Curbing 347.53
Storm drainage� 1�620.00
�Sxedging drain� and grad3.ng 4.545•23
To'tal I�bt Redemption 6� 512.76
Tota1 Special AssQasmsnt F�d 6.g7]..12
Total �iebursements to E�ch.ibit C ,�1�,,,,661,�OS
Schedule 6
E. J. Gatzke. Justice of the Psace
5�tat��nt of F'ines and Costs
Year Endsd �ecember 31, 1943
Balanee January 1.� 19�3a
Ur�x�emitted fines 47.00
�'ines imposed
Village cases 2]..f�
Balance and Additions 6�3.00
Remitted to Villa�e Trea�urer 3� 68 .00
vzr,r.ac� c� �ac��,� c�rrr�,
�has. 2. Genosky. �'ustice of the Peaae
Statement of Fines and Cost�
Year �a 'nded December 31� 1943
Fines impo�ede
Vill�ge cases 117.22
Constable costs 2•
Fines and �o�sts �119.22
R.emi.tted to Village Trea�urer 92•22
su�p�nsions z7.00
Re�i.ttances and auspensions 119.22
vz�,�.c�� o�Y �r�o�Yn� c�rrr�,
Schadule F3
ll�i3.7.er Pumarlo, Buildin� Inspector
Statem�nt of Recei�rts
Year End�d Dece�ber 31, 7.9�3
Balanc�s unremitted Janta,ary l, 1g�.3 1.50
Permits Issued;
�lumber� 766 to g11.� #.nclv.�ive 74.�5
Ba1�nc� and Permi.ts Issued a 75.75
Remi.tted to Village Treasurer 72.25
13alance unr�mitted December 3Z, 3943 3� 3•�
VTLLAC�E C)�' i�?.flc�KLYT�3 CEl`��'S�?.
Schedule 9
Baszk I3aiance and F`ederal �pasit Insurance
I�ecember 31, 1943
Tlspoai.tory �amden Park State T�enk� �'tinneapolis
Halance �n dsposit 19b.3�
S Secur3.ty Insurance in �`ederal. �eposit
Insurance ��orporation 5�44�.00
Date of desigr�ation January 2, 1943
v�r�r� a�c��,� c��rr� s�e�r aa
rn Force ]'�s�ember 31, 1943
F�.rq, t�ir�dstorm,
�'�re and I,ight�ning, Earthquake,
F�ctend�d Cav�ra�e arsd Trans- I?acploaion, 8od3.lY PraPet'ty
Builc�i.� �ozrt�►nts ,por��i4a Hai.1 The�'t Zc��r D�u�►�e
Machin�ary ar�d tt�v3 �h+�d '7�0.t?(3 �Ot�,C�
M��r equipm�t�
1935 C�terpillar Traa�or 6�«f�,} 64q.p0
�93'� Fvrd 1� �cn dump tr�aak Actual �,1� Aatval valu� Act�. val� �14/20,�.t�D
'�Qr�z�t oc��pes,�at�,on
Ca�bi�atf�on robb+�rY �5�Q.OQ Q��3.d��► �ssenger robbarg
55�3.IX1 ixr��riar c�ffias robb�ry
VILLA.GE E�' PAOOI�� G�ER Sehedti2e 1.�.
Official ��ds
�pri1 3, 19�►
�u�t �a�e
f3ff'9.a�r r�;� Bo�cl of Band SuretY Cctimpany �xja3,ration Fi.�se'�-�:�.#is
A. 8. B�,us�t �r�asurer 2��QO.f� Jan. 1� 391�3 2he F'idelity and Casualty Gompany of PTe�r York �ec. 31 19t,4 Vi13.a�e Clerk
Paul H. �r.�e�?,.y C3:erk 5E3t}.t�Q ,�an. 19�1�. H�rt�Qrd Accid�nt and Indemtiity ;ompany� 1)ec. 3� �-9�+5 Villa�e Gl�t°Ic
S. J. G�ts�e� �ustice of tha Peace �(�.t?0 TJeE. 16, 1943 Hartford �ce3.derrt and Indemnity Company Dee. 3�, �945 Cl�rk af Di�trict Caurt
Ch�. T. t�+e�sky �ustic� of the Peace 5f�}.4Q l�ec. 18 19�.2 T��rtford Accident and Ind�mnity C4r�pan,y D�e. 3�,� �.94te Cle�k ef Di�trict Cnurt
Rus�eT.l �ilbertsan Con�ta.ble �f,'�.tX7 Jan. 1944 Hartford Acaitlerrt ar�d. Intiemni.ty �:omp2�ny T)ec. 3�, 1945 V'ill�ge Gl.�rk
Robsrt C�a1.ax�der Gox�stable 5�t7.� I�ec. 1.6, 1943 Har�tfmrd Aec3.dent and �ndemnity Cmnpan.y Dec. 31, 1945 �'ill�.$e Clark
�c��ads nc�� lme�'�ec3 in �the affiee of the t;aunty Auditor:
�.�ilandre A�sessar
Pd. C. Peter, 17eputy A�s�essor
Is�.l�r �un�arlo� �eputy Asse�sor