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Report of Public Examiner on the Financial Affairs of the Village of Brooklyn Center-1935 through 1940
F�c�i�.rted by's F. R. IdQak R�PURT Pt1BLI� F1�.AMI� an #dze k'TN.ANGI.Pi�, AFF�SRS c�f VTT.LAt�E 4F $RIX?RLY1'i C� �ie�mepin �ocultg Siac '�e��rs F,r�ded l?�cember 31, 1940 I �.nation m�ct� ticrttc>b�r 11, �.94a pvrsuant to petittii.on of fre�holda�s �ad. r�que�� c�f �'i11�g� �ouncil a� prav�.decl. for in �on�� ldinne�►ct� �t�tut,�� 19�� Suppl�ent, sect3ans 32�► and 3z�6 Qp�rating und�r Rev�.��d �s 19QS� Chapte� 9 J. T. LANt�rLAl�s Public �.ngt',� 3�. 1'�ul, liitan. 0�.I1ag� o.� &'poklyn C�t�r' �e�nnep3n Cauntg i �ab�.� c��' Go��i� 1�ef�r�xa�+�+e �rg� �an�aen��� ��atsc��n+�nd�►f�3.ans 1-11 f�r�i�.z�tion 12 B�.ane� �he�� �h�.bi� A 33 Accaun� ��ae�.�►�ble S�hedule A-1 ],4 De�err�d 3gecial �,s����r�ue�n� Srched�il.e A-2 15 i c�rrra�.t ne�qu�� s�ec�.�. ,�se����n� seb�an�.e �-3 ib Uut�t�c�ii.n� 4�d�,�s 5chedu3..� A-� 17 R�li�f �',�rraza� P`�yable SeheRdvl� A-5 3.8 S�p�ei,�l Impr�r��n� �iT�an� P�ble ��hedule A-6 19 Bond� P�yat►�;� �chedule A-7 20 �u�r� c�f Recei�ts, T�.�'�svrsem�nt�« and Balar�cea �.h3.t H 21 Cl�s�if�.�atic��. cs� R�ce�.pt�rs ��hed�;tle, &-1 22-23 �1,�tssif3.�ation c�f 3�:asbur,��enta 5ahedtil.e B-2 24-27 �'i� t�.e�� �f t�ie Pea�� 28-31 A��essed V+�1.uatians. �3.��, a�.d R.a��� 32 Bs�x�k �3al+�ati� �nd �u��uae 33 �tvrance 3�4 c����.aia�1. ��a� 3� Villa�e of Braoklyn G�nter H�nnep3.n Count�r Co�.ents and. Recom�aendations `Phis report on an exa�nination of the financial affairs of the Yi]lage of Brooklyn Center, Hennepin County� made pursuant to petition of freeholders and re- qtiest of the �'illage Council, as prav3.ded fcr in 3 Mason�s Minnesota Statutes, 1940 Supplement, Sections 3286-1 and 3286-2, covers the six y�eare ended December 31,194�• Balan�e Sheet Cash The Treasurer�s cash on hand on December 31� 1940, as shrnm in the Balance Sheet, was �1, 773. 28. Cash in hands of Clerk �ras �112. 00. The follawing is a comparison vf ree�ipts and di.sburs �nents for the period eaami.ned: Excess or cie.lcy of Receipts ove.r Year Ended Receipts Disbur�em�ta Diabursemeats Nov. 4, 193 5, ua 5, 071. 3 7 9,11�7. 86 4, 7,36. 49 T"�''' act. z8, 1936 5, 9z7. 59 4, bg4•98 1, 2J�.2. bl oct. 28, I937 6,361.47 7,�41.60 ��3.13 -/??F r`- T..,::,`"r�- Idov. 12, 1938 8, 034.13 7, 926. 76 107.37 ATc�v. 8, 1939 �1, O�il,..11 23, 75�• �4 2, ����•'73 3,� �r' a=.�'=%,•, y3� Dec. 31, 1940 21 lg, 763.2b 2,.�75.37 -r�. �.���.00 Accounts Receivable Accounts receivable are listed in Schedule A 1. Included therein is an amount o�f �10.50 due frc�m F. I,arne� former Village Clerk, from the eollection of beer 13.cense fees. An account of the colleetions� re-��� m3ttances to the Treasurer, and balances i� as follerns. �'3.3.3a�.ge of �alt�.y�. Gen'Ce�c' Her��p9.n �ttiuntg Ba1�n�e 3heet A�epmnt� Re�e�.vr�.ble (�€m�inu�d� Li.ce�s� Np. Ts�ued '�0 13�� Amdaun� 1. B�'t Mi.�kcsv3.t� ��n. 2, 1`�35 �5. Bar�G �iskov�..�� ,�a�a. �.935 5.C�? ��.rt �.i.�kc��1.�� Ju].y �7, �935 25•00 1�r. k3�ldigcr �'i�. 1935 2 �.�t J, �'�.�sher J�. 24, 3�35 25•0� 3 ld�tt J. Fisher�r �an. 21,. 3.935 5. �att �T. �"3.�Fa�r .�vne, ].935 25• t� 4 I,. �T. ]k�ls itt�. ].3, 1.93� 5.00 1.2�. C� ft�i.t�eda D�. Lane �Tar�. 5, i935 35• F. �n� Fe�. 19�5 30.4Q F. �e �u�. lo, 1935 50. ao i15. oo 5. o0 I��ued l �dr. H�lt�gc► JeGn. 1, 1936 2.54 l I�. l3aldigo �i� 2��, 19�6 5. Q4 1 �Cs��t �.�her Jun� 2�, 1936 SQ.Oq 2 �t� �3. P'�:�her 7.9!36 5. t� S�d1s �'�lg ��6 5.04 2 n. H. l���id Apr, 2'7, 1936 l. 1�. �3. �yl�ct �.y� 1�, �.936 5. �q Trr�iu Au�. 1�, 193b 5�. t� 5 Ir�l.n ,�vg. 2�36 5. ci0 3 John Kno1I tJct. lt�, �:936 �►t?. f30 b Jahn. l�artol.l Oct. 30, 1936 58 181. a5 Fter�3.�t�ci F. Ia�n� ,3an. 1.1, 19�6 2.5� Lan� 3�y 9a 19�b 1. �5 F� �e� �ep�.� 1$36 119.5fl F, �,,arxe t�ot. lt�,� 19�b 52.50 17,�.�5 5.5Q ,�run� due far�m M, F. �e T�+�� Reee3,vab1� 'rhe l� vc�t+�d by the Cou�oil in 191�t? for cvllect3on ia 19J�1 eactended by the County �:�di�vr for� �8, 511.57. �his �vnt i� 3ncluded in the Bala�� ehee� au� a�s�t« 1ik�s �unt is 3,ncl.ud�+s�: in �h� 1�.ab3.'I.�i.�y a�ctian aa a reeserv� for 1941. �cpenditt�+�. f� �ilx�ge c�£ B�o�c�,yri Centar H�rn�:epin �ouz�ty Balaz�� "�z+��� T��a� R�e�.w�tb3� f G�ontinut�d The �elinq�en� taue� for +�ach af the year� �er� a934 �}93�, uere �a�3mated hy tk�� �r�ur�ty Aud�.tpr �►nd ar�e �s f�►�+c� s Fc>r l,�ande�d In Ccli�ction In A�c►unt 19��. 1935 �1'�9.10 1935 I93b 68. �.93� 1937 82, 58 �.937 1�3� �31. �5 1.93€3 1939 139.36 �.9�9 194Q 5�"t.2t� Tc�� ;�a��i� St��c�.�:t A���s��nt� B+�l�e�s can �er�emb�r �l, ,194.� f�c�a �ses�mea�ts c�rt3.f`3.ed tv t�he Cc�axat�r far call��t�.c�n x�.th t�es ��rs a� follc�r� a �eL�%nqt�+�rtt (csrti.�i+�ri in 1939 �d pr3.or} 857.28 Curr�nt ��er��.f3.ed 9.n. 39t+4 2 a 702. CC�'33, '�ot�a�. p�r �cla�edul�� A�-,� �,�a The port3.an of �s���s�+�tts f�am 1939 19�.0 4z� ,vrhich Qc�l].�etic►n b�e� d@�1��3`ESd '�`rQ #'U:'l;,LtT'� �TtiC3�+Dd �iC! �5. O�1 $Yi+� $Et18T'�C�t :�h�8$ t�;�'l:ffi. 1� 8'�'�'+�t o� asses�ms�t� far t�x� three year� end�d Dee�mb�r 31, 194Q is present�d in Schedule A 2. �epa�a� f"�nd ae�cunfi� for �he s�e�e3.pts �rom each �pec5,a1 a�se�amea� pro�e�t shozzl.d be k�pt,� '�"h� nvan�ry �o r�c��,�+�c3 �hpuld be used to p�y the abli�at,icm� created far t,h+e i�azrov rar rep�d,;r fc�� �.ch �aeh ass�s��m�nt ma�d�. Gu�ra�t�se T}ex�asit �h�re �s a� d+spasit �f.th �he F ra1. �urplus Ctim�adity Cvrporat�cn a gu�santee f�and in, th+� �ut�t af �'75.1�(?. �icad ��ets� The �raluation� af �'i�s� a���ts ar� estimate� and uere f'ur�3i�hed by th� 9i1:'l.age Counc�.1.. V3.11.age o� �3rQ�+�3.�►n Cffin�.er ��z�� Ha3.�an�� 5I� �C4n�ir�u�d) I�,ab3.1�.�� �h� L�.�.b3.1.i�.es s�f �Ghe �t�.l,L�ge con�i.�st o� the �'ollc�rings L�ut�t�d�..n� 4�d�er� �eh�tul� :�-�4 4,'73.�,�Gla R+el3.ef �a�nt,� p�,y�ble A-5 1„ f�. tX! �peci�.]. S,mpr�v'+�atau�t� vrarrantia ps;q��eb�e �-b '9„4�•14 �nds p�.ysb�s A: 7 4(}Q• �0 T�r�.a�. �h� on�t�nd�.ng orc3.ers includ� th�t final. in�t►allm+�a.t af ,�i,3�4. tX? an a d3.es�l tr�c��t�r �r�t�s� �n 19�5 �na a� o�r �,�r �l i.�su�uci ixt 3$�'7 for �be pur�e o� ��rpl�, bot� csar�n�ed or� el� in th3.� r�p�r�. A1a�4 an c►rder is�u�d 3.�� 1939 for �l, �23. �6 th� ��.bur'bau� �iezu�e�pin Cl��ty �'el�a� �a�rd �nar r�r13.�F p�rpos��. �he z.�,�.,....�,.,-�r,�.'�'� rem�.in3.r�g a�ders aat�ta�c�3.n� �rr�e i.�s��ed for �'�za��l�,t���aal��ses. �R't�rrant I�o. 161 ia�n�l in 3'938 for (�0. 00, b��rs interest at Five per asnt, and �r�s sold ta th� Cam�den �'ark �tate �aak tv prov�id�e t."und� for g4or r�Iist. 1�'�ar�.t� b��ring 3nt�s�t at f�i..ve p�r c�n� �rr,� #.�s�ed �nd��o�.d to the� C�md�n Pa.rk S��te �nk f3na�cse i�iro �a a�n rrhi�t b�re�'�.tec�. pria�r�.te� �rer+� ae�ne€�aed av�rr pex�ic�s af thr�e �nd f��r+� y+��r�. �►t�ch �r�r�,t� are fi.o b� d�.��Gingu3��sed and kept s��trate d. frc�na crrclers i�rsu+�d. fax g�+�x`a�. �a^���t.�I. pw:�pc�+ea. �r�.:�-,..y V��.e►u� I� prov3:t�i.ng f"c�* pi�b1�.+�. i�rc++��rn�� in vi.11�ges Xh�re ae�a��ts ��e �p�e�.d exver ,�hc��'t te�rms a� y�rars� p�x�.t �§.na�nc�a;g tmp�:d ��r���m�nt,� by �h�e ia�ua�r�:s o� or+3er� c�n �r�r;e�n� Qn th� �'�.L"Lag+� �r�anxrex �h�s8 vrd�r� Qr xarr�t�.ta are tci h�v� d+ef':�Enit� matt�,�9:�i+�s �d '�►e� �.nt�rre�t �t r���� b� d�ter�.�eci by �h� Ce�v�cil rnat �c ce�ad�.�ag �ix p��r p+�' an�r�� Bo�� i��ueed on �icnre�nber 2�, 1938 fc�r reiief pux�po� �+a� �w�al.ed �3, QQ�• OU, on �rh3.ch �4C?. C30 v� pa3>d in c�ach of the gears 1939 aad 19�a0. �ha bc>nd� t�►ere iasued in aecorc�snce �1i.�i th� prcrv3.s3�n� a.� 3�ason� l�i.nn�sat� Statutes, 1.944 Suppl�e�t� Sectinn �h� r�naini� br�nd far �1� D�O.OQ matur�s on S�pt�r l 191�].. �"i�.1.�ge of Bz�cavk:lyn Ge�nter I��nr�epin Cc�unty C�aun�i.l Auc3�.��.rr� stnd �3�.� C1�i�, l�az�y c�l�.tm� h�r,� b�z ifi,�.�ed ac�d. v�ar3.f3ed as r�equ�ir�t- �.n �ta�an�s l�[inn�esata 3t�tu�+e� ig��, �+�ctio� '7!bb,, �ch r��ad� in part —�Ncs +�cao�nt, claim c�r a dea�n+d �g�.n�t �r �u�3.cipa�i.ty f�� Prc�Perty ar �e�4v3.!�es a��.11 tae �udited ar ailc�red by th� bc�ard ar caf'ff�..e�r authvz�.��sd b�r 3.�r t,c� �,t�t.t and allox the s� untfl it �s �educ�d t�c� �ri.t9.r�g, in 3.tems� �c� ver3fimd 'by� �he per�an Ela3.�ing t�e a� ctr his �gen�E A�.3. c� �hQ�+x].d b� he2d �Gen days b�f�are g�nt a� �ec�af.r+�ct by l Mesan�s Statu�er� 1.927, Sect3.on 3..�23. xr�oic�� �.eYr re �rrv� fil�d �ep�r�.tely �ho�u�.d be a�ttach�d to a�d �'iled �rith their c�c�rr�spondin,g �c 1.�. ;Lt i� a�eco�ma.�nd�d th�.t th�a �.ni�3als a�' �3.gns�tur�,es v�` th� �ourteil m+�eb�rta be Q no��d c�n th� clai.m� �a i�di���� that th�y hatve b�en pres��d �d sudit.ed. cn Clsi.m�c for the ye�r 193b are �mis�i�. "�hk�r �hcu3.d be lc�aat+�d and retvra�d lc to �he file�. 14�nut�s a� th� �t��.�. In ]3�ting th� el.aims 3.n the aa3.nut�� it i� �ugge�fi.1►d. that �l�i.m nw�be.�r+t b�► e r. �han�x� �4� the ��pose a�' ider�t3.f�.cat3c�n. ,A.�sffi��sed. 'G'alt�at3c�nffi, T�c L�.e� a�c9. R�t.�a A�tat�� c�f' �.����sed valuativn�, f� le�v3.e��, and r�etes �`or the y�ars frs�m 19� t� �.94�, inc].tz�.v+a, �n�lud+�d in '�.hi� r�pc�r^�. In q�ar� 193g, 1939, �d 2944 the lc�vy fcr �e�eral purposes requi.red mi71 �*a�es a� �.85� 24•9Ct� and 22J�...90, reegectivel�r. The a�n.ouz�t of cca�r��#.crn ��ce� tc b� �,s��ssed �nnua].l,y by r�solut3c�n of t3�e► �tiLtag�e Cvtmcil s�h�11. no� �ore�ed t� p�r aent �2C► mi11s} af the as�essed valvs�.3c�n af t.h� praperty ��ble in �h� v3.11�g�a e�c�rding ta 1�Qn� e�i.nnesc�ta ,tatu�rs 1�� y {.yr h V�iY�{� .I.�L�G��• rv� gil.la;e c�f Braok'l,yxi Ce�n.f.+�r Hennepin �aun�y �.ss�s�sed ga1�a:�i.an�., Tas I�v#.e�� �td �ate� (ftc�ntinu�d} Eape�c�3.tur�� fr�r th� reli�f of poc�r hav� b�n �+de :frc� �he i�ena�al �tmd. A�eparat� levy �i.�ht 1ae m�c1e faar �3�3.� p!urp�s� �e prqvided for in 3 l�asa�� s �dinne$cat� St�tvr�,s 1'9�7, 5�ac�3.crn 31f�. �h� pr�e�d� from the levy,i�' m�de, �hou3.d b� p].�ced in s�parat� �'va�d au�d u��d on�..y far �e r�li�f of pan�. Fi�sQ�l '�f�r I� 19�9, Ch�a�r 413, Aravides that f3.sca1 y�e�r tif all �ri7lages ar baroug:l� in th3.� 3tate �ahsEl]. be the cs'3,.enc�ur` y��.r� �Q ad j�t th� anrte� t�o a ca�7.�da,r y��r b�i� for futvr�r r�rd k�a�i.n�, th� ��r�z�s�ctions f`xa�a �e�ber 9,, 1939 �'��c�rc�r� 31, 1940 �r�'e included ia t� rs— part aEs b�.ng f�r t�+� year �td�d �e�ber 31, I94�• C�o�ex�atipn For t3ffie Of ,�utcumobile�ts �tt�nti0n af the �+au�e3.I i� c3�.r�at�d tc the si�c cent mile�ege ra�e allared the Vil2�g� Murshalso fcrr th� ue�s g� the3.r �s�u�b�lea. 7� 1935� Ch�a�r ��5, ���t,,�� that �The �a�um �dunt �h.t�h �b.a11 be pat#.d by th� State, �n�y d�p�ment ar hu��au �b.�r�£, ar arry �ountyr, c3.�y, vil1.age� t�rn or �chool distr3.Qt, f,c� �n.y off3.c�� ot� +�plo�re� ea�s�p"� �h�.�f� or d�ty s�e�.ffs, e�s c+� pensat3c�r� �r r�imburs+�m+�� fa►r the use by av.ch offic�r or +eettpl�re cf his o�em autc�obdle the perfarm�� Qf h�� dtxt�.��� �h�.i.l xtc�t ���d f#.ve aenta ger �i.�a." �.2+�.n� ��t�a� An acc�rate chec�€ a�' '�ui.lding in�p�tcrE� fe�s aovlc! z�t be aws no s�a— nrd r� �.#.n�af.n+�al. C �t �.s �u�ested tha� fi�r �u�►t qf chsrg�d be� r�at�� a� t�he builc�i.Y►g perm�.t aad oz� th+a duplicat�rs re�i.ni:�g 3.n the villadge� reco�. Vi1.l.age of Braaklyn C�ter �ennep�:n �aunty Jws�i�e of the P�ac+� �h� r+�ec�rds af A. R. �als�on �d J. Qil.ar�d.r�, du��f�es of fi.Y�+e �'aa�a�, �r�re �asd.nes� fvr the ��e q�ear� �,nded bsc�nb�r Jl, 19�4. 3t€�fi��ts of t,otal. fine� i�po�ed �d �.�ted to the 4i].�.age 3n each of the y�r� ��a 3.r�cluried� 3.an th� repQr�. A deduet�.on a�' �6.25 for eign� �ras made �ram r+�i.ttance� by 3ustice E. J, Yilandre, l�,ne� and fc►rfei'�d bai.I ar+e �o be re�.tted in f°u]3.. 4fficer� I�ter�e�t+�d �.n Cont�ett.� Publ�.c pf�ic+�rs �re prt�hib3.ted fr�� b�coming �.nterested in csontract� whioh Gh�y are �uthor3as�d t,� tat� pa� i.ti making 3.r� �heir c�.�ficria�! e�agacitg by 3 lda��a �e�nt� :3t�tutes, 3:940 �uppl��at, S�c�ion 1t�3!��• �e �a�3o�.n� pa�a� hau� b��n m�► t�ct .�emb�ac of the Vi.11age Cc►un�.1.� YS. G. C�al�.�Len. F"r�i.c�� Ordrar Paid f.a D�te �c�, A�t�v�at R� G. f��e7.13.en �+ee. 11, 19�7 �3 100.00 Rel.i.�f Admin3.a�t.rstor t�} Q. Ga].13.�n Aug, 7,3, 1938 24�► 25. P.�.. Drain�e Pro�G�t �ri. G. E�a�3�.i� ]�c. 1C1� 19�� �6 1�.�0 Engir�e�e:c�in�, �,P.A.. �'��t� ���t C f ��'�'.�`Y" r �.r�.@lP1C k ,r �s�"? �f K �S,r'� k; C. �'e�er n�c. 14 i93� r r �QQ� ���w-�rkv P.A. �]�'c►��E:t l�. �rlad�i Pet�3�' 33�c. 1.3� 1.9�7 21- .3�a• �1 H�21, rent T�rs. Gl� P��C+er 1��, 19��3 10'7 6,�- H�17. s�� lv�' ���s�� �ti� Fe►r the 1934 anc� 19�5 �a�i�s �7.].a+�b1� the Frea�ide�at of the Ccatu�ail �nd tc� eac�. �rv�'� i� �10. tJ0 per y�ar �ecordirr� tv i Y�sonw s�dinne�ots �tatutss 1927, SeetiQ� x16�-1 (6}, Th3s 1� �arided by �r� ���i.an T�s 19�5--36, Ghapt� 89, permit� �te �'re�et— idez�t of �he �cuncil �a b� p�,.d rwt m+o� thaz� �3�•00 and e�ah Trustee not mor� �han �►20. t�0 in the q'�ars 1936� 1937, artd 29�8. '�illage QY Brook7.pn Gen�er H�nn.�p3.n Couuty �c��s Co���.tion (Can��u�sd) Cc�mp�atio�.s pa�id�, �naunfi,� �1.1a�b1�, snc� the e+a�ess�s mre as �'ollc�: Or�►r ��m+a I�te �T�i. A�m� All��r� �ca+�Mas Y�m. �e31 Pre�3d+�t �3cr�r. l0� 1�35 d�3. E1("t} �Tt�.Y 3�3, 19� 5) 199 4. �0 $�.0. OQ L,2. OQ i�Tov. 2, 1'935 8 4�. t3c3 I�. QQ 3�. 0� r' II1t"cnr. 19�6 7 �b.4E? 3a+00 fi.00 3chn R3►den� �ru�t►a�e �Trnr. i1, 1934 27 �/�8. t� 10. �0 38. flU �ic�v. 1935 9 42• �0 30. Cx� ��.Ot3 Notr. I.�,,� 1936 8 �6. �U 20. C� 16. a0 r� tt �3�t3r �.�.y 1�«��' �9 Q4 2Q. �C3 �Z.s u �ec. �a, i��� �a 69.c� �o.00 ��.00 �T. J. �Ghe+�l��, �ru�te� �'cyv. �.v, 19,�+� 28 l�8. +t�7 1fJ.00 3g. tJ0 n l�a6v. 193� 10 42• t'� 10. IX? E�Ct 'r �i�". 11�,� 1�6 lt? �}b. t� �t0. 00 ]b. t� �t n �3ec. 1f�, 1937 4t3 51. f�0 20. IXi 31. (�1 t: �b, �.�939 59 75. Qt� 2�. �0 t�t3'!� i� �r. �rso�., �te�► �a, �.g34 z9 4�. oo io. tio 3�, c�o :b xav. 2, 1�35 7,3 4a. tm �.o, ao 32. flU rr P� Rtov�, 3� 1,93b 9 t� 20.00 16. 00 c�. t��u�.�, �rea�.a�t u, �.9�� 4�a 5i. oo 30. as ��l. ov TM ]�e. �C3, 19�$ 46 69. (�0 t�3 „�„�9. f� �tiles J�en, �t�e t�c. Ii, 193'� 51� 0� 20. 31. f1a De�. 10 �9�8 �'1 66. �0 20. 0t3 _,_,�b. QO B�.�elo�r, Tr�st� ��c. zo, a.93g °79 b6. a� zo. oo �ar t� l9'�9 �nd 19�r4, �a1.aY"9' P�r��s ��h�r 1°"�3,d�rtt c�� the ��1 �nd th� Qillag� �'rua�te�e�s �reer� �ari acec�z�da�see ��h t�i� prc�.�icns a�" L'a�ra 1939, �h�p�esr 2?�, Subd�.�io�a► 7. Q'i11��g� ;�iF �ovklyn C�nf� �+�nepin Cavnty I I P�m:�nt c��' t�0 far due� tts the �+e�epin Cs�un�y L�ragu� o� �c�c a�r�d Mwnic�.p�li.tiea i� nr�t �t�hor3.�d by 1�. Pr�m3.� on tJfficia3. Btyndia �'he 1�r p¢rcr�9.d�s f4r the p�yba�n� of pr�3.um� on the �.11age trea�urer�i� boncl �zs3...y, �he psyment� 2.3.�#.�eci are th�r��r�re �rith�aut aut,hor3t�, f�der Psid to �at� �o. 9t�� F�r Bond c� �eewrity �tate a�ante Jan« 2, 1937 5•04) l�ay I��ca, Mar�ha�..., 5. Q4� Haai.3.e 'Pi3.andr�,��tice J�.. 4 193�3 57 5.00 Rabt. Gshlaac�er, �dar�►hat �i8i��Yi �xI1�131'�'#GE� �t'Or +1�t21• 4.� �.�3� �Q �@�Il� a�li��.l�! Sectzr3.tg s�afi.� B�,nk Jaa�. 1�38 59 5.Oa) •Ray Doz•n, Marahal. �r�' g� pp� Emile �il�ndre,'J�►tice re �r ,T�n. 71+� �:9�9 96 5.00 E�i.le �'�.�:�ndre,-Justice �,-r tm Robt. Cs�.atndsr� Mar�bal. Y+t�.rt, i�€i�.�on Co. Jsn. 7.,1i.� 1939 97 5. t� )•�aq ]ka='i�� �da�shal. r,� 5. tx?) .�It. C. Peter, �erk Camden �n�c�°�c� Co. �an. ].l 1939 98 5.00 A. R. N�oa, JuatiC� ��..r�, �9'il�cn C�« dan. 7.3, 1944 73 �c� 5. �3Q Ray '}�o�, 3�r�� r- g. QC? C. P�t,er, lerk Camd�n �nsuranc� �r, J�� 13 19�.t? '79 5.00 A. R. �e�a��; �T�:�.ce �ectxr3.t� ��tate Bank Feb. �f.�, 1940 1f35 r t�fJ) Emi.l�e B'3i�ndre, Jus�t�.ee 5. C�) Rc�bt. C�►h].aiader, ��arshal �i�rsh &c. MeL�nnc�n, �Cnc. �a�y 7.�.} 394t? 162 �':�'`-•��.Ofl -�I. 0, Ne�s, A�as�aar C�m,den �nsuraxsc� Agency Dec. 14., 1944 28� 5. 40 �,4. ft. Nelson, 3ustice �.uthori��d E��d3ttir+�ss �8t`d 8� $�ii'�.�1t' F�a�nt� �r�r� m�de tcr �t8� Pr�s3.dent af the Couna3.l snd tc► the �l�rk, aittizig ��.�a+b�r� c�f ths �oard c�f R+e�.e�', a� Yo11o� s c)rd�r N�m� Title T�ate P�.d� 1�0. Amo�t„ �'m. Bruns+all Fyre�x�.dent �'u1� �.3, 1935 199 4• �t �1i�.1.y 16, 193f� 68 5•4C� �i. F`. ?.�n� Clerk �uly ]3, 1935 2flp l�.00 n �t July 7b, T93b 92 5. v,0 W. G. 4a]�.ien P�r�aaident July 8, 19�'7 167 qQ te n ,1u1„y 9 193� 1�JG �Q. Q4 C P�fi��r Clerk duly g, 193'7 'L68 5•04 M tt duly 9, 193 19'7 20. CX? Vi].].�ge nf Br�roklyn ��n��r �I�nn�p3.n. Co�txr�ty tTnauthc�z�.�d ��3.t�t.�*e�► �ard. R�.�r f Ce,ntinued� Qpinion� of �h� A��ey E3�n�r�]., �ic�. 7'71, y�ear I910, a�,d Ato. 1�3 3�ee� 1936, �tate th�:t r�o +�ztr� compe��stion can b� �:7.v�red tro �fP3.cia1� of the "�iil7.age far a�er�rfn� c►n th�, B!��ard c� R�3.+�r. Fureh�� to b�r P�3.d fra� Fu�ture �'�a �viss {3n F'ebru�q 9,: 3935 the Ccsuncil ��.thori�i the purc2aa�� o�' Cat�rp�.11ar T�I.���3 �ct�or a� a�et pri,ee �f �00. Q0. O�ds�rs �.�o�st� in pay�x�t �a aes foll+e�nqt s A�o. .��t �35 �.'t� Y°' 1,�33.00 1,3��.ClO 4Q �..s �`cr�. t?rder �ia. 85 �s red�ed in 1939 o�nd r�umbe�� a�d 87 in 1940. tlyder �f4. 88 fer �2i334.C� �ss un�ede� at th� dt�.te of' thi�s ���ic�xt. Th� pure�se o� a�'ord tru�k �1 s�a�rplc� xeuet s�thor3.�ed c�r� 3�uary� 9, 193'7 for �h�.c& ord:er N�r. 53 fo� �1,�7�.(� w� i�sued. The order had: nct '�e�n r�med an �ec�r 31, l9b.Ct� �in�e �ha year 19�7 paym�r�t� a��' �5�!.E� ea�cl� ��r have be�en made cn a�ontra�tt fa�r t�� puz�ch�+� a�' �h� A�tv�y' E�►n�'�. h,�s h�Id t�,s.t a villaga m�y �s�ne� ard�� to th� ea�t�t tha� i� h� +�a�, avai:i.�bl+� ta p�.�r �he �arnrn��, a�din� ther,�to the aa�ount of fQr t�a csurr�nt y�r v�rico3l�c+ted tmt in th� p�e�s of ac�ll�sticm. �'a e�thc►rit�r eaci.ata for coritract3.ang ob�.i.g�,t3.c'ms c��° e�e�tt�.n� �.t�d+�b��� t� b� p�i.d fxom �h�tare t�a �.e�.�et� ea�c�ept by ��tu�dee c►f banda� prap�rl� �uttu>r3.�wed. �3 viaa.��e o� �aak�.� cs�tt� xennet�in �ountv C�.er� C+�mp��tion of tha �lerk x�s no� .f'i�red by the Council for the year� 1935 f �d, ],9�b. Compen�a.�ion ghould be f��ad �t th� b�g,Laning cf �a�h term ot affiae as �Y px�c�vi.ded by l ldm,sc�n� ��3i.nn�sots �'�at�te� 19�7, �ectivn 117�6, '��ast�r+�r AZl r+�e�ipt� and di�..�bux���mer�t,s �k��ald be �u�'ently reczardr�d. D�.�b��m�rt� 1��� r��ard sh�ul.d �ahr� r,rder� paid by da�,, order n�amber� �d �u�►t. Tn piac� c�� the �'crm r��' ord�r ncnr ir� us�s, a n�e �`orm o�' order—chec�k �aa la� used wk�ich �+ra�al.d �re �pa�ce prcrvl.d�sd Ftrr fi�tae� Tre�sLtrer�a $ign��ure aad thm nam� c�� the b��C. �his wa�.1.d or3.�in�t� as� ord+er �wh�n s3gned by the Clerk and th� Pr�a�rident cf th� Gcrt�.neil �und la�ccame� czheek Fh� �ign�d: by* �he� Treasurer and th� name af the de�pta�itoty bsnk 3.� �n�Gera�d th�r'e�►n. '�h� '�z�a�aure�c�� b+and conta�.n� a cl$u$e �mc�at�.ng the bonct�.n� eompany f'ram 3.�.sb�.li�r in, a�use of bank f ailt�re. Tt i� sug�+a�ted that in the Putvre bonds be required �hi,ch dv not taonta�,n Se�csh ��uS8. .?'�.r.D 1 �rch 22, 19�. Ptiblic $�ami.ner s VZL�AG� C1F �Q(?�LIAT C�T'.�`F�t Ti��PII� �t�U1+tT'�C tbr�aani.�et�ivn Ye��r �.94t� �'e�e of Oft"ia�r r �t�ma� Ti�1�e �c3dres� �i ►a� F. 'L�e �"r�►aide�rzt Hmoklyn C�rnt+�r Deo. 31, 1941 '�hec�. �3,��:t.t�r' Trt�t�e 1�ec. 31� 191,A Niles J�es� a D�e. 31� 1942 Sig. Ed23.ng r F� Dee. 3l� 1941 W. G� Pra�x' Cl.�rk D��. 31, 3�940 A. Burqu�� '�'r�a�ur�� n D,�c. 31, 194� r'1 ,.i V�Z�AG� 4F BRf3t7II�LYN �F.1�''t'F� HEI�I'�l9 COLTTd2'7E E1CH�BIT A Ba3aunc e 3h�,at �cemb�r 31, 19�0 As�et� �'x�e�wr��� �sa�h bal�nce I,T73.^g Clerk� s cs�h bal�uaae i5.2. t30 ,���atan�s r�cei�vs�le S�k��duie A 1 1U6.5� �u� f�m Caunt� r�n �I�e�er, 194� t� �ettl�t a Pz�operty t�te�s 2�9t)'7, Spscia�. o�����n� b214� ���s r+�c eivable L�r of 1940 ft�r col].ec�it+n 3.n 3.941 6, 511. �7 l�.l.snee� �+P ],evy of` 19�9 a� px�I.or ye�ars 1 f 3�`1. 77 �pea�.�l a�s���m�+nt� a �urre�t Sche�8nle�� �snd A-3 2 702, Q"� �elin�q ��h�du2e A-3 gS'Y.28 3�e����r�d S+e�++�d�+� 6, �25.69 t�ua��ant�e d��sit, �'�d�ra.t ;3urplu� C+a�di.ty Ga��r�►tion 75.OQ F3:�te�d, �ss�t�: 30Q. IJ0 Build�.t�ig 900.0�? �qu�.p�t� �„�0a. {�Q Total �4�1� T,�.�b�.l,�t�.�a� t)u..t�ta�ac� arders �ahedvl� A-,!� 4, 719. 40 ��9.i�3�' �r��n�s pay��ile 5eh+�ctule A-5 1 DpO. Q(? �p�eial impravem�+�t ��n� p�a►ble Sahed't�l+� ,�;�.6 9, 4�. 24 p�Z� sch�.� ooc�.+� R�zs�rve �'c�r 19k1. �acP�c�3.��res 8�, �11. 57 Suac�plus s ?.z��s�tment 3.n fiar�d a��et� 4,b00.cJ0,- Gurr�n� 36�� �'o�l �9 b19.86 y VILI,AG� OF ���3KLYN CE� H�'�tiTNEPTN COUN7�7G Sch�dul� A—�. :A+ccmutta� �oe�:va�ie Dtac�tr�r 31,� 19f�A 4` .�1 Y �a �r► f3�C'�� �1 bQ1E�8 Z'�?'.�.@S Y$CG�.2119' �'i '�,r► �Q r �na1.d T�k�►, �a�e�3.81 1.�, Qp f E. ������1^!�� Ju�#fi.�C� o$ th# P�3�e f'3.z�1� �.IX} M, F. I�ane,, b�ricea t'ram c�oi�..ectians o� b�es lic�e �+e� 1Q» Tcrt�a'1 VILI,�t�E UF. �Q4��N �T.�R �N G(?�T� ,�e�d�ule 1?e�ffirred ��eeiat As�ess��t� Def�rr� �er�ifi+� As�eas�� Collec�tca� to �r�uz�� �eferrad ��r of Tnt,e�est H��3.� A�s���n�.� I��er+�t by vil:lage ,ll�itc�r As�ses�men'�r �rrav�en:� Y�ars Ra�e csf Yea� $Al"�Sd SUl"�8d `PC���. T�'8�"qT81" �t9hl9t�t'LI.�! A-� End +mf Ye�r `�ear �nded �Tc�remxier ].2� 193� 4�.�it� ,��rd Av�nu� X�ar 193? i 6� 55.� �.•38 59. �1 ��.8�. C�3.7.� H�rnbol�.t Actd3.tion Y�ar 1937 x 6 b1�.?5 5, 21 69•96 b�.9b c3ilia�g �3rd �.�enuffi -�'s�r 1938 1 6 IE3�.88 1�.38 lt�►.2b 1#J9.26 Qiling kasrson �v�au� Year 193$ 1 6 '7.�.. fl8 3.03 '�4. L1. `1!� �.1. 2 6 ffi I7.43Q 3�.� 7E� EtYded Af+e►�en�r 19�9 t��.3.is� 5�rc� .��`�nue 1 6 156.73 9.36 �.66. A9 166.09 C3iling �sr�an �venu+� 1 6 �B.16 �.41 93.5� �=5? 3�.de�r�, curb and gut�err 53�ci A�r�nue 3 6 874.�5 ��.34 9fi2.�5 372.�4 58�.2�. Grad�.ng ar�d ap�nin� str��ts -��rd J�e�nue 3 6 1'�2.25 �b, 36 188.E��, �3, 7� �.�.4•83 �x�ding snd openin,g street� Hwaboldt ,�.ddi�3.4n 3 i?2»35 15.?3 x.8t�. t7g 73• 55 17�. 53 �tcrz�m ctr�i.n, �cunty Ra�cl ��34 6 2R'7�2.50 1Q6.72 �.8fl8.2'� 33E?.00 5�31.Q� 1,8�,7.2t� I �j ��y +�j�}y�yI� �j w�� n �y� :�..fiaZV.MiJLi iCl �pY ��.�QC> .:��.�.�r37(�ISAG J�iI��N �a3QQ�.�ii�2 �6.�7LC)a.(/ n IRARI� le�f f����i�l�#s�C 710Yid Yoar' �(�8ti D8t3emb8T ��.,,,�,,_,1,�0 f�ilir� �'1.1.a�tiz�th �e�di.�.i.oa 1 1C�'7. 74 3. �4 Ill. 1�7.1.6/� °id�, c�rh and gut�er, 5�rd Avenne 3 b 580. �.8� b15. �4 3�4• 9� 29�.1� t3x�adir� sr�d open'��ag �tree�, 5�rd Avenne 3 6 114. 6.89 3,.2�,..7�" bd�.�1 57.4�. I C#rad3.r�� ar�d. apen�.ng �tre�#,�, �mbold� �,dd3�3.Ot� fi 1J.1�.• rj' ;3 4. 78 3.?.'�.r 3�. fil�. 06 5`7`. 25 Sto�m dr�3.n, Gounty Re�ad �130 5 b 1, 89?.20 100.37 1, 997. 57 260.0� 512.6? 22�►.90 I �t�eea� grad3ng, Calfa�e Aventte 5 6 �36.3b 45.51 5�3..8`�' 153.11 428.76 3tre�t grae�.ng, �upont �,venwe 5 b 1'�4.35 7.4•"�''77 189•1."� 49.64 �39»48 �tr�t gr�c�ing, �,3nden Shor� 3 6 105.8k 7'.92 113•7b 43.20 74.56 I�ffi�ags ditch, Shingler G��aek 5 6 I, 344•19 1�.'T]. 1, 9t� 369.61 1, 0�'S., 29 Star� s��, Bryant Avenue North 6 �.602.b1 2�.'lf3 3.890.'7� 1 �.'l'�Q6.?7 5.8`T1..05 9e?,�37.72 �i0.�0 2. r t"1"�C"rr �3k{ 1�C3�I�LYI�' CI;I'S`�'ER �I?�TN�P�N CfltINT� �uchedule A-3 Curr�nt and 13e�:i�inau�nt �p�Qia1 Jle�e��m+ezi,�� �e� End�d 2�ov. 12�,,.,,,1,�3,8 �fcw. 19� I�c. 31� 19�,,,0 ,��a�e��m€�n� ��e�3��ble, b�g9.nn3.ng o� yea� 3�,,3. L 1 �2''f. 58 ;�es� calleestic�n� b�r �au�ty 'fre�urer L46. Q]. 6?4.30 T��19.nqe��nt as�r���nuent�s, end ot' year lb?. �3 857. 2� Add �ur�,nt ��+��s�Gat cert�fi.�i tcr �ou�ty for cal:tsct3.c,n �1i.�h tmces, �ah+�dule A—� 313.14 1�,,3ba. t� 2�,7Q2.03 A�se�t�men�s r�CS�3.vab�.+�, �nd g�r�.r 3�.3.'�� r 3�.�59.31 VII,I,�G� C!�' B1��K�YN G�TT�?. �2SN�PZ�1 Ct?UAiTY Seh�.�.3:e A-� thtt�tandin� 4rd�r� D���,b�r 31� ].94Q Year Is�u+�d. Numb� ,�mowc�t 1935 �1,33�•� 19�7 51 1,37�3.t� �tY�2 1.45 �939 164 1,3�3•36 �.9�.4 �"77 6. p4 �'79 11.15 28� 2« ti� 285 346.58 �9c� 53• �91 3•3c� 293 3•30 �i' 3€?�. 2.�E► �c�7 18. t� 3� 195, t� �17 9.3� '�ct�l V��L•AG� fl�' BR()OKLYIJ C�J`I'ER ,t-���aps�r c�u�a�' �ehec�ule d-5 R�I�.�f '�,�rrant� Fa.�ale S�e�er �1 194U �umhe� �uat i�s �.�i VST.�'��.�`dT: 0�' 3�r2(JflK�I.,Y.�T CENTE�'� H�NNEF'IN �OUNT�L Sch�dul� 3�cia1 '��o�e�na.�eu� W�rrauat,� Pa.4a�3.e� �3��+s�nber 31, 1944 "�aar Fur�a��a Numb�r ��t� 1'�39 Cu�bing I99 3�7. �t7� �7�� t�,2.6i� ��rm dr��ge 322 54Q• v� sz� ��o� a> 3�3 54p• �ra.��3 3a5 5�a. c�a a, 7a�. o0 3.9�t� nr�ir,g, ds�a�n a�d �r� 1�1 �3b.3�. 1�� 1, �,36. �1 153 1, ],36.�1 ],.�f,. 1,1�i.�1 155 1 „�„�681w T�+ta'L �fiILL.�G� LROQK�Y�d C�'�iTF`�R H�>tdt�1EP:CN CQUNTSC Sch�dvle .lL-7 �nc� P�tbl� TTrarro Y�are �nd+�d '1?ecem�� 31 194d Re13.af band� i�at�.ed �fave�ber �5 193� So�.d C�dsa Fark ��at� Bai�Is 5� 3 ODp. tx? R�d�g�i+�� �'es�r �nded Nov+emaber 9, 1,939 1�, Ot�� QO Y�ar +�r�d�d T��+�mber 3I., 194� 1�« (3Q �"catal. R�mpt�3.vna� 2.a00.OQ ��,__�•F° Ha��� �emnbe�r 33.� l�l��? Qx��� o�• c�.vx�x HENNEPIN ODU�II �X.HIBZT B General Fund Summ�ar�r of Receipta. Disbursements. and Ba:tax�ces C1Erk� s Outst,3nc�.ng Balance Clerk�s O;rd�rs Clerk�s Treasurer�� Beginning of R�ceipts Disburse�m�ts Balan�e �'..nd of Cash on Hand Batance Y�ar Schedule I3-1 Total Sehedule B-2 End of Year Year E,nd of Y��r End of Year Year F.nded Nove�nber 4� I935 924•28 5,011.37 a 5,935.65 9,147.g6 3,2I2.21 4,821.35 1,609.14 Year Ended October 28, 1936 3, �12.21 5, 927. 59 2,'715.3g 4, 684.98 1, 969. b0 h. 803. 00 2, g33.40 Year Ehded October 28, 1937 1, 969. 60 6, 361. 47 4, 391. g'7 7, �1. 60 2, 649. 73 4, 837. oo z, i87• 27 Year Ended klov�mber ].2, 1938 2., 61�9. °�3 8, 034.13 5, 384• 4� 7, 926. 76 2, 542.3b 4, 038. 05 1, 495.64 �,ear Endsd November 8" 1939 2, 542 36 21, 084.11 18, 541•75 2.3, 750. 84 5, 209. 09 9, Z01. 07 3, 891.9 Year Ended.December 31, 1940 5, 2:�� .�:�9 2Z, ],38. 63 15, 929. 54 18, 763. �b a� a, 833 •`72 719. oo ]12. oo 1, 773. 28 '��c�r �a�� c�t� ��sh�ad.�xlae �3-1 �1���.P3.Qa`�3c�n vf Bea+�3.�3 �i.� �Ceara �nc�d I�ec�r �1. 194f3 �'eax� �nded Ai,�v. 4,� 1935 �ct. �£�s 19�fi C3�t. ��3, 193'� �a�. �2 19�8 gav. 19',� 1�ec» :�1. Z�,, T�e� �e�e�.��d fr�m �aunty� �t��1 at�d: pear�vzral pr�r�y '#�.a�e� 3, 883. 7fl 4, �Cib. 2� 4, 916. 03 b, t�61. 95 8, 20 8, 99�. "74 �tonag s�nd cr�.t� fi.� 5].,, S� 51.'Y5 5�4.. 54.5a 52. �Q '77'. ���e r��,�fi►�y 53 33.� 28 42. 3C�. �2 5Q. bp 1�5.3� q�t �tge pe�ic�� 3f�. 8t� �8 .4� �6 �.4'7 .9�! Po�ar �.E3,2� 96 82�.'75 ?7fl. 0 58. Ck`J 1'7. 27 '�a� t�. Taxsa �,,172. S2 5,,�„1, 5.78� 6. �93. l3 ��.QS. 9 1�3.3� �3pe�i�1. Aesessmen�s Col:l..ec��� As�e��men� ft�� eurr��t se�v3.�e� 4iling 11 �}l 6'�a.3t? �s�e�am�nts foa� p�x�z��nt impz�nr��� �ide^�ra�.i� 269, 5b 5,9� ia.53 Starm dra�.n (pai.d c33.r�ct j 33t�. OQ �b4. 00 i Tot�l A�s��smen�e �69.56 5.92 �.C�. S� �?b.ffl 9 Q�' Z3.cens�� �d Pez�Y.t.� s A�e�r 115. �c7 175.75 17b. �0 188, 6Q �25• W� 2�9.61 l!�r+nror�l�s 3Q. 30. 00 44. t�4 2q. Q4 3C►. tX� 1t3. I3�xz�e 1fi. f�? �Q6. 04 220. A0 �9$• f� 2;1�^. Q4 Bu3.ld�.ng 3. C�U 16.:50 50. 5t? �8. 5A CKS 285.1,�, Tot�,1. L'1.aen�ae� ?�d 1'�.ta 14�. t�c? �3�3. 25 473. 00 1 B�'.10 5�9. 796.'�,1t F3.nes �nd �arfsi'� eTu�tices of the P��a+�� A. i�e3..�c�a; 65. cx� 469.75 1, �1.10 E. J. '�iland�e �1.�. 1,150. bn �nala�ffiif�.�d i�� 7�..7t3 To�l F�.n+e�a �d Fau�'e�.t►e� 65. {JQ �82.'� 'J�1 �r�nue frc� oth�r Ag�ies s k'z'om �t��Ge Sh�.r� cf �fi.at►e �i�a�c�te li.cen$� taa �..OU �1. E)0 74.'70 63.9C� 68� b0 89. i(� 4� tau re� 41.1 �ta�e r�.�f i�3.d re�.mbux�+�a�t� �'i5• �6.9 Fax� reli�f gr�ant From the Caurst�r P,�i,a�sntin� reiffibur��t �vaQain� 2ata1 Retv+�ma�� frczm c�hsr A��nci� `�5.49 81.00 7. b b3.90 '�.22 1..�,.1 "�T�f�� A�F B�tCX7 t�i'� ��FT�i t'�tI�TY` �ct3��d�.e �!-1 ���rr��.nu+��j �'�ar �d�d r c�t. �z, i�� �3ervi�� Ch���� fcr G�rr�� Ser�ric�s s t�ier�l. gr�vez�a�t �.ec��.on ��:�ng �aes 15. c� 3, c�n �.o. ao �.c�. cc� u.. c� c� �a�ha1►� �s�rrvri.�es� 3.9C1 Ai Snvr�r reman�l �.68. 50 77. 25 9. t� b. t�4 9i.75 C#�r�,ding �or Hez�nep� Count� 14�. C� Tra:ct.cfr ren�el 5.04 OP� 1t10. �Q �e��� ��e sc�. �.4�. c�a x�. �.�a zs�.�s Boz�dtrir�s 5�,+� af` 'r��� R�1ie� l t�� Drair�a►g� pra�e�t 3 �00. t30 Curb�ng Pra,�� 1, t�.6t7 8torm dr�3.nag� pr��e�t 2 �*����•F 13�dg9.ng �hin�l� Cr�se� 5, b81. S�.e caf relia�' bonds� 3.tX10� TQ�sl Bc�rrmr3.ng 1. (�Q. tm 14�. bf1 681, Refunds aud S'�,IZers �avir�g haus��► b. 2� lo, t� R�fur�d� I Ir�surartc� g,� ��r Pri.nt� 3.�6 �z.i.ld�xig ma�er3,a1. 6.35 Nat� suff`#.c�.en� funds chsak 14.Ot3 Mi�c��lanec�ua 2. f�4 2. tX3 �rflt�a R�� c�tn� c� �o. aa 6`��'.Z l� ie�� iLRS�r�.LP, �M� tila �-6i.i. W �lr Vi.1.�1..J .Y7111 Js:7R:. 7."l, ,�e �11! L �;.f..7. �If �C.�• ��'dt0�� St���� t��' B�(?U��YN C�i':E� �:�1�t�P�:N C�I}�iT�` I $chec�u� Cl��ifis�at�n crf Di�b��tt;� I 5� Xeare� Ende�d Ttec�mt�er 31„ 194fl ���tr�,r.y,�lr�.a��C. �,x �'ear �ded t ti4 3.��� tJ�r �ra �G�a i7�ti7 4e• FCi��l� 1+1��� .�.�6r 1.7�P i7� �ia�• �i.�. .Y.7� �Tl�l"i9,�. �!'Vf*�`�1T��Ti#it �'i�LTn�'�. c�''�►8�.8�'�.81�9 a���.�., 5a.o4 �.z, c�o 36.� 5i. c�o �9.t� c�azli�n, F. L�+e, 42Q.:�� ,d+�Pan l�t+e�� Tru�te� 4�. DU l QQ �6. IX� 51. t� 69. t� 1�he�le�r, oa t� 36. o0 51. t� 75. fl0 I A. �en,, 4�2.OQ tx� 36. C� �'i2e� J+�en, 5I.0� 66�4� 31�.tN3 i 1'heo �S.g�].t��', t� 318. Ot? Sig. Eck7.ing,- 18f?.00 Lane, Gl�rl� 129. 44 I2� QO ].�.0. G� .6�t`i�' tY .LG�� W .irG��tJV J�✓rW Ff. �.i...4��� ��iM �GJ��� JisV;J .4�ei+G ZO�C� /W �12+9'f.f.C�S O:�' 'E'.�tE P�38.G�! �'�88 9•E3Ci �8�115 QtJ �r�'fic f3.ne re3mb�arsem+snt �8. $5 &>n:d pr�3.um�s A• R s�81$t�tl Ss aQ QU 3.Q� (m o Q'i7.a�tdx'e S.OQ 5.00 �.dt? �.p0 E1ec�ions ],24.�b 71.�Q 110.1� 134.95 ]b5•33 206���i �'i,n�nce �a1�i.e� A. �urque�t, Trea�er 8A. 72 iCtO. 00 10�. 00 lOQ. t70 1U0. 250. t� s.� �`'s� IAC'aW� ��8Q�8QY" �.1�� OC3 00 �.1.5 0� 2d�0� �K3 t3. �ie8� 7�6�.00 350.fK! �thYyn Li. F`oreier, I�puty Aaasea�or l�d, f�0 t�I.3.Y� �TB�ffi n n 149. E� Bvard of 8�v3.� 1�`m. Brunseli 4« 00 5. d0 A�. F. I�ane 4•43Q �.t� (�1.1.�.en 5.00 �.4t� C t Pe�ter QO 2t). QK> S. E. I�cc�er 5.00 ID.tX3 t3. �l�� �.0'Q static�ner�r a�nd pc�t.ags 7.33 8. b3 57.36 �8. 50 82. I,�► 65 24 T.a�sux��e L1.7.45 10�.15 191.60 291.74 27't.U2 15b.4:t H�17. �ent 40.OA 40. 00 46. 00 �0. t3Q 112. 50'� &rad pr�a3vms �1�rk 5. nf? 5.00 'Treasurer 10.f)0 ��8e�8cr �.OQ "��:�t�� t7I�' �tOQ�t,YN C�N'�'�� �d��' �4t�N`�`Y ��hedv�� �2 ��r���3.x�tt+ed� Xear �rds�d Nov. 1935 C�et« �43. �.9�6 �c�« 28 �i�v. 12. 193� �Tav. €3. 19�9 l�a. 33. 19t�,4 G�n�s�. t�ov�rr�ar.er�t: (Cantinued} Finan�e (Cc�nt3nu�d.) Tra�ve�.ing 8. Ot3 b. t)0 Cl�rk hire €3.6{) ]..1C) 2�. Ot� �onfng rard�+��► t�pen�e I,�gal 3�0. Publish�.ng an.d e 5� 87•34 I Z,�ga�. $5. t30 3 C?. CK} 2t? �e�v�ti� nc�t�.�e� b« f�1 ��,11�g� pZat,� ���t?t) ]E�.�.dfn�; pe�ti.� fK3 32. 44 5. t� t�0 Ql'? I!�!,'a�:,� �a��. ���.e�. s�,� �.c��, �o. s� �,;�:�►w� i,��� 4�:�.�. �a.i� sa����: �Q�.�.�e ���tt�t�.� a�r�r�aa.� _��.ar�.� 4s�7. c� z, b��� 50 �and pr�m3.� R�� �rn 5.00 f� 5.� �.l� �A�9�• �'sffi4�7�.�+�` 5e� `�.'T'B:L�.�.f3 '�r�g'$ �.0. f� (�+�1�P j31"t�'�'.l��`�i�.OI'1 1�1�?2�.c �ffiQ�7.$ �3.t� a°'i�lx�� �'i 10. G0 t� 1.t3. 4� �.f). f)C? �.Qs Oq 7.t3. t3� �ota.t 7�'tabl3.ca �s�'�#� 1�. Q4 lt?. t30 15. fl� 34. t3Q 5�. t?0 2. b67. 5Q Strtr�t� �nd AI.I� a S�r�ets Cons�G�e�itan 53rci Av�nu� ct�arb 41. b'7 J.3., 7S ���ll$� 4S��Vis .i+G�i.� �ra►in�ge pro 4, 876.1c� 1, 3Ab. �8 Col�ax p�ro�e�t 1�7.k.2 5hingl� ��k d�dgin� 1� 3Qn. p0 �gh� c�� ro�r ci:�g+�t ar�d �c+� 3�7• �5 �T�i�t�su�� L�►bar '7��.74 43�.25 `7'�1.74 19t�. 59 40(3. �,7 Q31.1�` ���r3.a1 and �pp1i� 2b4.61 25.4; 112.12 ].26. 29 23.43 +�9. g6 Equ3,Pm�nt r�ep� 9.71 �,38.33 �2�. 09 5?5• 5� 76�.. 490•15 �P �3P�a� r�t,al. 19. 2t9 5�'. 50 457. 62 t�aa �nei 298.95 84..f�6 296.4b 7�3.17_ 32�•97 282«t�4 c� sno�r r+a��e1 21�F,,26 z7b:,7� 3o9.9a 56.�8,� 334•�8 ��.50� Pay�aents� t� City a►f �tinr�eapal3.s� far �a3.].in;g �83•34 ��9• a9 l�.2.b� Engin��arix� �ncl alerical G. t3�1].�eu �5. 00 1(�1. aJ C. Pete�r 1�.00 Svrve�3ng 22.�0 Land r�ate�l. (tool �hed s3.f,�) 25.00 2�.00 5.t30 I �lectric sex�i�s 7. �''1 11. 2� 1.2. bn I �TT:t�At�E QF BR��'N C�TT� �EFI�1 #�'qN2Y �►�zh�dt�3.e {Cvntinu�d� �E��r Eazd� �o�. t�t. 2�E�..�� t3ct. 1937 �v4� 1�, 3 9 8 }.93� 1��. 39 �,,,Q, ��r�et� snd ,��le�as (Gc+nt3.nu+�d� ��reet� (Co�fi�tu�ct) Fu:�3 �.90 13.9� Fr�i�2st atnd dray�ge E� c�.+��} R�fvn� dr�.n�ga �����mQat �.�6 �a�;��. .�a�.� s��.. z� so i. �c�. �.�s� sa s�*��. S�.t,��ion and Wa��e ���s ��+ad ���diC�.ti.dTi '"15. 75. 04 'I5. t� 79. �2 "1"5. �5.€3Q ,�i�aserva�ipr� 4� �e�l�&3 Hea1�h o�fi,rtz�r �.4Q 5. t�Q 9. t�} r, ��c�nn� 41. t�0 �l. tX1 �c�tal �or�i���ira�n af H��.t,h 5. t� 5. C� �3. UCt �2. t�t3 'Gh�rit�.� l3ireet paysner�ts �by Vill�� F s C�r� r�f �tsar, r 59�.I1 �t,.0. Q4 �.a.� �d �����.:�s z�.. 7�. g� z�c�. t o� a. ��.a��.� I�z�l a�rid �'asS013.3�+C ��k 3.��. 9"1 36.64. 243 r C�9 �.31. 69 a�►i s 9� 4"T� 58 Ren� z6. aa. a� �5. �o. ��c�i.a�l. ei�rei�.a+�s b.�t3 '�b.Oa 2.0� 17•t?Q Ilrugs �3 ��pL�E.� �,i 6.75 7. 5t� 7. cX3 �tt�ve��s x 2CJ.95 2C1. G14 ����s 8. t� Tr�r�l�ng re1.3.�f e��� 6.6� 57.Ob Mc�v3.ng feu�.l,,y' 15. Cf� i3u�i�1. e�p�ns� �g.Qp S�.np pre��t `9�.�4 1.82«49 45.13 +49.75 Pa,ym�fi� tc3 kl�nepin �oun�y �t�x'genGy 2'e�3�.e�` :i.�"lr75 I 3�•'79 �e].�arre r�1�4.�f l, f�24. 61 1, 3b6, 2�# 7�'7t� 26 72�.01 surp7:u� e�mr�d�.ty +�.t 'TS+c� F�pen�e �65•c�9 24Q•'77 C3�.d �s p�xasa�.o� 4t�.• 50 2b�.� oC! �r. P. A. p�o,��c� �75.tyQ Psy�en� fc�r �a�in�.�i���.�►� eacp�e Rel�.�f ac2m�i�t�rat�or 2QQ,�q� 1�.Q0 3�O.dt? R�.13��' se�r�t��y �i5.00 12.50 �O. fX) Other p�yma�'�it S+�d f�r th� r�,lia�f 2. 85 2.14 t�f Pcata�g� M3a�cellan�auu 1.84 Tot�. ch�.t�.a� �.�4. �Q�.. z, �z. so z,,�3s.7o �,.g�,..� '9��'�� C�i'� �P` _t���C ��h�dul.e B-2 �Ca�t3�u�3d� '9C��r �a;d�d �cra�,� 1�,; i935 t3et, 2�3. i936 C��. 28, 19� A3c�. �2_. �.9 ��trv: 8,�,_,�,,�� �?e�. 31��,Q R.ecreat3.an a ]b. Ot� �t �Q. 40 lf�. C1� �i.�cellarie+�u� �3ues Henn�pin �a. I�ag�a.� of Tcrarn�e �nd l�uni+eipa�l�tie� �nations �I�ua:�pgn t3�unty �'�i.r' p�p� Gra,��happer p�i�on 1I+. `75 �r7.30 t?q �.l3 CP.:�Z�i�tl$ �}Q �r i�� �;i� ,�.d� �"E3�'i�. �.l9E:i��.ffi!Af?t18 �s�r y� �L,�� 1� T�ri�x'e�� Y t�i ���rs7: obli.g�.��.€� bcmd� 8e��i. ef laonde� l�.Ik� 1t�. �p �n �hha�t ��rm. lvan� ;�nd purr�k�,�d R��'3,stex'�sd c�rd� 1.�CJ.tK3 �E 233..l� 2I.7,� �'7„1�.42 8'7t'a.�b �et�:�. ��.��t a�?o. va �:a� Qo ��z.. �x�r. 7� sg,� n��� ��a�����, Gen�r�1 €,bligation bartds i��ued f�r re�li.s�f 1 f QCX3. Lx'J 1 t�0• tffl �hc►rt te�m �.oan�r Dr�.inage prr��ect xarrant,�s 3.54�.0@ ��t�.z n�t R�Pt�.�n ��Q. a� 1. 000, oa c��.t�. t�t�s Tracto� �d plcnr 4 j �3Qd, t�0 1tt�r 45• Toal �h�el ad�.3.t�.on �40.45 1C}�.28 5�.7.�. Fard trualc �d p3.�' 7.t,�7�. ()4 Lsnd t�al :�t��3 50. o0 5�. c� 5c�. ao �vo.c� Tr�.lers 33Q.8� Fnrd tru.ek 275. t�0 Si� �p, �p a��i�@�ti �A+�� .L6rW Bnl�.��in bt�ar�► i7� 9l 3tcrr�s 00 ��al� and ah�t.�i 11. �0 El��tian boot� 4t�.19 F�mp and arank ��.c�l ��t�. ��pit�. c��• c��.4� ioz. zg i,,�zo. oo i� x�. c�, _v :t�.x. c� Totz�. D3.�bur��eaifi� to Esh3b�st B �,.�►�.9s 7.c?4�,.6t? 7,9z6.'7fi z3 750.8�. i VTL�G�aa C3� FRC)t:�KLYI,i G�T'�� H�I�'.F'�N CC}UNTY ,T�ti�� o� the� �er�se Y.j..d.,}�.ui.C tJ� i711.`,fUt���lY yrL.t�Y.i�.l.'r� ��i'�19 �A�' 11Y iJil V!'1 1.L A. R. l�elsc�n. J'i�fi.�.ee a�� the �e�cs� F�r�e� ��a�ed at�d R+em3.tt�a� "le�r Ended bioa�. 12. 1938 �Tav. 1939 �ea. �1 i9� �.n�s unct�l.].�c��d be�I.nning of ye� 18.9� 4 �'3.ne� 3.�osec�: �ctu�ty lt�. OQ 1Q. 00 30. Q� �'311a�e �3.9� 46�.15 1,,�0.1Q �c�i�>�7. �'i�+� ;r�po�ed 1s.3.90 �i 1�75. Z�, ]..9�G�. ZD �"at�a1. 1�3.94 �19 tJ5 Y A�+�,��Q A��u�s�� J. E» a'�ac�k p�rt of f�.n� aus�pe,rtd�d 5. C�0 Gu��Ga�e ,Tohn�an aQ$ts r�m�.tt�ed 3. C� R�:tted �a z Cc�un�r' 1(�?.Og Z0. 00 �0. �ill.�ge 65.00 1 t. �o��. Ad�s�n� ��.tt���� ab�. c� Un+�417.�cted.. at �sr�d of �r�r 0� 3�? �,....,�,�.�'ti� F rs� VZTaL��G� t��' �;Rt��ICI'.,Y?�T C�4 '�'H<'R .a__._._ I�I�t�1���+t C�I1N�.'Y A. R. ��elsan. .�it��i�e of thr� F�+a+� '�n��.td �`3.n�s �wcl Ce�ts �,�+e�r �1,� 191�A Dock��t N�me I�ate sn.d 1�'u�b�r Amr�imt �'c�x�d� I�ec. �0,1939 lA 1. Oa ��rax*d �arter �'+�v. 27,1939 23 7. 4a alge� A. Brc�.ck ,J'�t� 3�,194Q 5• f� H. �t.+�+�u Dec. 7a191�.C1 5.+� J. �tuda7.ph I�c. 2�,194a Ib•3� R� �r��� �e�. 22� ].9�.4 �l. DO �ot�. �ILT�G� 0�' �R�tKLYT�T CEI�'�� HF"��'..�SN CQUN'iYY J. �'i1�t,d�e. Ju�tice a�' t�ue P+�e �'ine� Tmpo�ed and. R�l.�t�c� �ear �d�ad �.+Ic�v. �.9�8 S�„ �19�9 Dec. �1, 19�„Q Baa��..ax��e due �`�.11a�e at b�.r� cP ye�r .�U 16?. t)0 F�.n�� VilZage .8a 3']9. QO 96�«. 00 �e�mbu��at vf :�.�ne �E3. g$ �0�1 6f� �,79. 8tt 1.1�9, Justie� s;Lgr�� b. Re�i.tt�d: �o: Vill�e �].2.80 l 150.60 Tc��1 ffi 2]2.8C1 1.156. B� �al.an+�e due '���.l��e at �nd of ya�r �...;..r �t 3.!�A "P�xifi��t�i.c,r� o�' Bat�� De��r ;�i� 194� B�.ls�t�� s 'Ck�:r� 8�11.�ge Ga�h �ua pd�sess�.cm c�f ,�'t�,st�.cse 3�.t� �'II.LRGr, 4F BRflOKLYId C�sN`�t �3�PI�PIN t'Ail?dT�C �S#3L9�� ��.L18'hi�.4�"18. '�ffi7C �f'3Y��. $�lt� �'�',illR 39�h 19�� 1936 1937 i93$ 19�9 291,�q �����d �'�iva��.c� Fr; �ea3. 3�7, 5"77. 3&�., 6�"!� aa 3a5, �b. c� �4, 498. cx� 3tr7, �a. oc7 �ca�, �,48. t� 3�i, �75�► Ot� Per�flz�. �6, 8�'6. (7t3 2�. (�iA. t30 �1, �6�7. t30 2f�2. 0a �G...619�Q4 35� 2�. C#3 �5.� T�fi.�. 394� 473. �0 3�7 C30 3 54� �Q3. Q� 3,`�ta� �90. OC3 34�� 651. �fl �41� "73�i «4�Q ��b,l�, 83t?. f)t? I��n�r ared: aredi �s 51 ��t� f C�t} 51�„75f�.: QQ �:�t3� CK3 5��500. 0(3 S2. O(� 64,�„78�3.. CH� 865. 00 xn��a. �.�c�.c� ��ir �c��.��a.00 Qo �,cn.�9�.c� �ca� �t�a�t n� E�ertd�d ixi 1934 3.9�5 193b 1937 �9�8 193� l9� Co11e��ib� #.r� 19�5 1936 19�7 193� 1939 194p 1941 �t�renu$ 4, 603. 5U 4a 315.62 5, 40�. t)9 6, 5U8.6� 8, b�9a. 8, 5t,�8.'7�" 8, 511. 5'Y Fo�r 38f�. 58 l� t�2 64�� 1�3 Twt� �..99�. C!� 5._51?.&�, 6. �..27 6. 5c�.68 £3�b. O. C13 8. ��8.72 8 Taa F+t�t� �v �i.1]:et R�venue I3. 67 11,1,3 15.4.3 16.34 �r• �5 �r•90 24.90 Paor .�g �.I4 1� 7ot't1. 1b.� 1?.1� �G...€S� ��o'� I i uf�.t�''; �J�' �ftC3t�KJ.,Yi�; �'Y;��`t'I�� �{.�NNi�II��'I�r C4U`i3TY Ba�c Ha.l�ca;ce� s�td rnsw�+�e �anuary 1�, l9�' l �alax�a�,,, Insuranc.e C�den Ps�rk �tate �az�k, �i.nnua�ca�.�.e� 8�+�.an�� open su�e�� �'ederaa�. I��pc»it� :[n�ur�ae Cvrpc�ration VILLAG�"� t3F 3�,E)OKLYN CI'.I�'P"k�t H�I��d�'P� COtINTY Tr�uY�n�e xn l�vrct� Dec�.b�r 31� 3.94a Prc>trer�.�,,,�, I�ae�tit�n Fir�e Iltt�.l�.ixi� �`oal �hffid �rooklyn Cen��,�x' �44�. QO C4n�snt� 3'ael �b:�rd Broc3ls�,yn C+en�err �6t')Q, f� 'P+�i,�3��a xYra aad 1935 �at.�erpillrar traetrir �6{7�.t�Q 193? l�+rd d�a t�uals Actu�.1 v�7.�� Aatua�3. v�.7.us �ii.$a+��� �tcsrkms�� ez�at�wn W 9.L.t1Lt9.�d&;+ Vl 3J6[L17t1� �+4P1i1� L�[+��.+� Vi� S..i d��.C#�.8�. ��1C� Amz�unt Tla�r �3rSt�ar1 �u�etv �"il+�d ��.t�! A. Btu�q Trr�ea�a� �I, CIW.Oa Feb. 2€�, 194t� Ifec. l 19[�p �i.c�]].�.ty C�evi�:t� Co. of Y�rk �1:�r� �m. C. P�fi�r, Clsrk �t�»f� �an. 3 f 1939 I?ec.31, 1944 Ha�rt�"c�rd Acsai,d�� dc Tr�d�i.�� �c�+ C3+��k c�, �Tess, �a��sc�r �t�D.€� ld�,y 19�t� I� 1�, 1941 ���.3.vru�1 ,�tlre�g Garpo�atian Got�tty A�.i.tor C?live A. He�ss, b�ut3r A�t�e��r�r �t�4.fa0 Apr 29, 194►3 :iia� 1 194�. �art I+d�.�ka�.�a� ���O.f�1 Co�mty� �'p�'i.tor K, t3. ��cndwn. �►SC�t?.IX? A, R. 1�e:l�ctn, �tit�� of the Peac� �44. €)0 pea. 23� 19�9 I3�c.2,'3 1940 �'i.deli�y �C ��eualty �o. at �e� ���lt �lerk a�' Dist.ri.ct a� E. J. �i3�dre, �i�tia� of t.hs P�ac� 5t)0«� D�c. �B, 7.93� d�n. 1� 1941 I�a�fo�rd Aeaiden� dc �r�i�tg C�� �1a�r� �t' Dist�ri.ct �e�m*t