HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-09 05-04 AP CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER
Section Section 310i the City
Ordinances is hereby 4mended as
Section 3 -101. Adoption of the
Minrikisota (State) Building Code::
TheCityof Brooklyn Center hereby STATE OF MINNESOTA I
adopts by reference those (S:B:C.) SS.
State Regulations S.B.C. 101` through
S.B.C. 8901 collectively known as the COUNTY OF HENNEPIN
Minnesota (State) Building Code, filed i
With the Secretary of State and the
Commissioner of Administration on
January 6, 1972, and subsequent
amendments to those regulations duly �J A
adopted and filed by the State d 'fit -"a `f
Department of Administration; three t. C. anM, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all the times herein stated has been the President of The
copies of which Code shall be oWfile Post Publishing Co., publisher and printer of the newspaper known as
and available for inspection in the B[1OOKLYN CENTER POST
Office. of .the City .Clerk. Those
regulations, combined with the
provisions of this Chapter of the City and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows:
Ordinances shall hereinafter be known (1) Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent
as the "Building Code." in printed space to at least 900 square inches. (2) Said newspaper is a weekly and is distributed at least once each
.:Section 2. Section 3-103 (D).' of the week. (3) Said newspaper has 50 percent of its news columns, devoted to news of local interest to the community which
City it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter
a s follows: Ordinances is hereby amended p s: and advertisements. (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at
del ivered t pa ying subscribers has an average of at least 75 percent of its total circulation
east 500 copies regularly defy a ed o y g 9 P
(D) Submission of Plans and 1 p p
Specifications. (With each ap- currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second -class matter in its local post
plication for a building permit, and office. (5) Said newspaper purports to serve the
when otherwise required by the CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER
Building Official, two sets of plans
and ..specifications bearing ap in the County of Hennepin and it has its Known office of issue in the City of New Hope in said county, established and open
propriate engineering or ar- during its regular business hours for the gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and main
chitecturai certifications shall be tained by the managing officer of saidnewspaper or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control during all
Submitted to the Building Official.) such regular hours and at which time said newspaper is printed. (6) Said newspaper files a copy of each issue immediately
Each application for a Building with the State Historical Society. (7) Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least two years
Permit shall include at least two preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned below. (8) Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of
sets of plans and specifications, in Minnesota prior to January 1, 1966 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of
the case of one and two family State and signed by the managing officer of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper
P ans least
ac• s a legal newspaper.
cesfory -buildings; dwellings and residential y
three $ets of and
,specifications in the case of all He further states on oath thaI the printed t,°-�'.t- "f.'...[ <Ly.`..... r .I. �?`.'t'�:�,!?t✓-
multiple family dwellings and 1
accessory buildings, commercial
buildings, inpustrial buildings, and f a/
other non-residential buildings.
Buildfng, plans and specifications
sh{11f�_ bear the certification of a hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in
Mfhheslate Registered architect
111 bir aroyineer in the case of all 1
multiple family buildings and non- the English language, once each week, for.. f... successive weeks; that it was first so published on`.�.C.�- e<,*.
residential buildings, and in all
other cases when required by the fy
Building Official. At the discretion the..........da y of f .17 r .0 4 19.1x.and was thereafter printed and published on every
Of the BU"ng.Official, plans and J
specifittiom; °need not be sub
m(tt ed fo a following: to and including the. day of ..19...... and that the following is a printed copy of the
st <building(s) ad-
ditiops kpe V conventional
woods dc6nstruction with an lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in
area nof 600 sq. ft,
(2) Group (J) 4, OilASpon 1, oc-
cupancies if %T)* V'. con- the composition and publication of said notice, to wit
ve.ntional, wgdd.ystud con-
(3) Minor projects. abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz -5? pt. Sans
Plans and Specifications shall be
drawn with sufficient clarity and
detail to assure total conformity
with provisions of the Building
Code, as determined by the
Building Official. Computations,
stress diagrams, and other data
sufficient to justify the plan detail
shall be submitted when required
b y e Building Official.
Plans for all new one and two
family residential buildings and Subscribed and sworn to before
building additions shall include an
accurate dimensioned plot plan r r
showing the size and location of all day of..` f T A. l9.
existing and proposed buildings, me this.
and the legal boundaries of the
property. An accurate survey of
e property certified by a Min-
nesota Registered Land Surveyor
shall be submitted when required NOTARIAL SEAL)
by the Building Official. Plans for
all other buildings and building
additions shall include an accurate
dimensioned site plan as approved Notary Public ____,,.,County, Minnesota
under the requirements of the
Zoning Ordinance.
Information, appropriately cer- My Commission Expires.. 19......
titled, relative to soil conditions,
topography, and the like shall be
submitted as required by the
Building Official.
(b) The fee tar circuirs (snail be $4
pose of this ordinance a plus the computed amount,)
plumbing fixture is defined as installations of, additions to,
a device intended to be con- alterations of or repairs of
nected to the plumbing system, each circuit or sub-feeder shall
Each application for a Plumbing such as any sink, laundry tub, be computed separately, in-
System, Electrical System, or bath tub, wash basin, drinking cluding circuits fed from sub
Mechanical System Permit shall fountain, floor drain, water feeders and including the
include detailed plans and closet, water heater or any equipment served, except as
provided for in items (c)
other such devices. (Unit fees
specifications when required by
the Building Official. Such plans shall be as follows:) through N. In the case of
and specifications shall .bear the There shall be a minimum services in excess of 230 volts,
certification of a Minnesota permit fee of $10.00. the following fee amounts shall
Registered architect and -or Plumbing fixtures in- be doubled.
engineer when required by the stalled $.(3) 5 No. 0 to and including
Building Official. Plumbing fixture 1 r L/� 30 amp capacity (maximum
Section 3. Sections 3 -103 (G) (1) opening for future Affidavit Ol Publication number of 0 to 30 amp
through 3 -103 (G) (4) of the City installation 2) 4 circuits to be paid
Oridinances are hereby amended as Catch basin installed 4) 10 on is 30 in any
follows: water heater installed (3) 5 OF
one cabinet) $1.50
(G) Permit Fees. Ground run to building 5) 10 31 to and including
(1) Building Permit Fees. The fee (Hydraulic valve) 4) 100ampcapacity $3.00
for any Building Permit shall ''Rainwater leader 4) 5 For each additional
be determined according to the installation of water 100 amp capacity or
provisions of Section 303 of the treating or
fraction thereof $1.00
edition of the Uniform Building filter device 5) 7 (c) The fee on any new single
Code, Volume 1, (1970 (Fire line) (10) family dwelling electrical
Edition), currently referenced Potable water ,system, including service,
by the Minnesota Building well drilling 15 feeders, circuits, fixtures and
Code. The building valuation Irrigation connection (5) 15 equipment, shall be $30.
referred to therein shall be Repair or alteration (d) The fee on a new multiple
computed using the up-to-date p- Of existing plumbing family dwelling building shall
average construction cost per or water 3 percent of be $14 per dwelling unit for The
square foot established from distribution estimated Pubiishod in first 20 units and $10 per
time to time by the State system cosy dwelling unit for the balance of
Building Inspector. Fire Suppression Systems BROOKLYN CENTER POST the units.
(The fee charged for a permit for Standpipes, 1-3 floors 15.00 fe) In addition to other fees, all
the repair, remodeling, or Each additional floor 130 transformers and generators
alteration to any existing building Automatic Sprinklers 8801 Bass Lake Road for light, heat; and power shall
or structure shall be as follows:) First floor 30.00 be computed separately at
((a) No charge if the estimated Each additional floor 10.00 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55428 4 per unit plus $.(10) .25 per
cost of all proposed work is The fee on any new single family KVA up to and including tfiib?i7,
$100 or less.) dwelling plumbing system in- KVA and (05) .25 per KVA
((b) If the estimated cost for the cluding fixtures, devices, for 101 KVA and over. The
proposed work is between $100 openings, and water piping shall DATE OF PUBLICATION maximum fee for any trans.
and $500 the fee shall be $5.) be $30.00, former or generator in this
((c) If the estimated cost for the A Plumbing Permit shall be category shall be $(20) 40.
Proposed work is between $500 required for gas piping; the (f) In addition to other fees, all
and $1,000 the fee shall be$1 for .permit fees are set forth below. transformers for signs and
each $100 of estimated cost.) Fees for gas fitting of ap- outline lighting shall be
((d) If the estimated cost for The pliances and heating systems computed at $(2) 6 for the first
Proposed work exceeds $1,000 are set forth under Mechanical 500 VA or fraction thereof per
The fee shall be $10 plus $5 for System Permit Fees (Section 3- ATTORNEY unit, plus $.20 for each 100 VA
or fraction thereof in excess of
afract on thereof estimated in cost o Up o 2 (4i. 500 VA per unit.
a fraction thereof in excess of Up to 2-inch (g) In addition to other fees,
$1 lumb 1-3 diameter er openings 3.50 (except dwellings) remote
(2) Plumbing permit Fees. Fees -Ea control, signal circuits, and openings
for plumbing permits shall he Each additonal
computed on the basis of the opening 1.50 circuits of less than 50 volts shall be computed at (2) 5 per
number of plumbing fixtures 2 -inch and over each ten openings or devices of
and devices and of the type diameter pipe each system plus 50c for each
syst.:m or plumbing work as s 1.3 openings 10.00
set forth below. For the pur- Each additional additional ten or fraction
opening 2.00 FILED ('thereof.
h) For special inspections or
(3) l
Fees. n
es. F es shall be calculated
ula ed services, or for reinspections
and paid according to the of improper work, the Building
following schedule. There shall Official may impose such
additional charges as are
a minimum permit fee of reasonably related to The cost
of providing the service.
(q) Services, changes services, (4) Mechanical Sy be Permit
temporary services, additions, BROOKLYN CENTER POST Fees. .Fees sh be ai
.alterations or repairs on either p d ac-
primary or secondary services cording to the following
shall be computed separately. schedule:
230 volts, the follow (a) installation, alteration,
In the case of services in following 1 ;o 1 reconstruction, or repair of
fees m ing any heating, ventilating,
fee amounts shat) be doubled. comfort cooling, or
6 to and including refrigeration equipment, shall
60 amp capacity ($4.50) $5.00 be computed on the basis of the
61 to and including estimated cost of the p roposed
101 1 to and n
10 t and in cl u ding $6.00 work, except as p herein Fo
200ampcapacity al provided.
Up to and including $500 $5
100 For each additional
amp capacity or Over $500 but not
over50,000 (1 percent)
fraction thereat $3.OG pe ent)
2 percent of valuation
Over $50,000 1 percent of
valuation i
(b) (Gaspiping) (SS)
A Mechanical Permit shall be
required for gas pipe fitting for
connection to any gas burning
device, except as herein
provided; the fees are set forth
below. Fees for gas piping are
additional and are set forth
under Plumbing System
.Permit Fees (Section 3 -103 (G)
The .appropriate fee for gas
water heaters shall be applied
to the Plumbing Permit,
rather than a Mechanical
The permit fee for installing ORDINANCE NO.
each gas stove, range, water Section S. This ordinance shall
heater, process burner, or become effective after adoption and
similar gas burning device not upon thirty (30) days following its
used in connection with a legal publication.
heating system shall be: Adopted this day of
Input (B.T,U.'s) 19____.
Not exceeding 99,999 7.00 Mayor
100,000 199,000 12,00 ATTEST:
200,000- 399,000 24,00 ...Clerk
400,000- 599,000 35.00 Date of =,iPublicatiun
600,000- 999,000 48.00
Over 999,000 use gas burner, Effoctive',t)iMle
heating system fee schedule,
below' (Boldface indicates new matter,
The permit fee for installing parentheses indicate matter to be
gas burners and fittings, for deleted
use in connection with a (published in Tha_ 3rooklyn Center
heating system, shall be: post May 4, 1978.1
Input (B.T.U.'s)
Up to 999,000 use gas ap-
schedule, above.
1,000,000 2,449,000 80.00
2,500,000. 9,999,000 96.00
10,000,000- 49,999,000 140.00
50,000,000- 74,999,000 180.00
75,000,000 and over 240.00
(c) (New installation of a standby
gas or fuel
oil system) (g25)
A Mechanical Permit shall be
required for the installation,
for the removal, and for the
replacement of any in- ground
or above ground tanks or
vessels and related piping used
for the storage of gaseous or
liquid fuels or chemicals.
Permit fees shall be:
Above ground
new installation $25
In- ground
new installation 35
Above ground
removal $15
removal 25
Replace like tank
to existing system $25
(d) It is not intended that permits
shall be required for portable
heating, ventilating, comfort
cooling, or refrigeration
equipment, nor for the
replacement of any component
part or assembly of an ap-
pliance which does not alter its
original approval and which
complies with other applicable
requirements of the Building
Section 4. Section 3 -103 (1) of the
City Ordinances is hereby
amended as follows:
(1) Certificate of Occupancy. No
building or structure except those
in Groups (A to H inclusive) R -3
and M shall be used or occupied,
and no change in the existing oc-
cupancy classification of a building
or structure or portion thereof
shall be made, unless the Building
Official has issued a Certificate of
Occupancy therefor. Changes in
the character or use of a building
shall not be authorized if a new or
proposed use is more hazardous in
terms of life and fire risk than in
the existing use. Upon a deter-
mination that a building complies
with the provisions of the Building
Code, the Building Official shall
issue a Certificate of Occupancy in
a form of his determination. A
temporary Certificate of Oc-
cupancy may be issued at the
discretion of the Building Official
for a particular portion of a
building prior to coripletion of the
entire building.