HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-02 12-24-09 AP City of Brooklyn Center Attach clipping
(Official Publication)
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on
the 25th day of January 2010, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon
thereafter as the matter may be heard. at City Hall, 6301
Shingle Creek Parkway, to consider an Ordinance relating
11 ew - s a�e to the regulation of rental properties; amending Brooklyn
p Center City Code, Chapter 12 Sections 101 through 1401
AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon
request at least 96 hours in advance. Please notify the
City Clerk at 763 - 569 -3300 to make arrangements.
) ss.
COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) (Dec. 24, 2009) p1- Rental Revisions -MR
Richard Hendrickson, being duly sworn on
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Financial Officer of the newspaper(s) known
Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center Sun -Post
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the requirements constituting qualifica-
tion as a qualified newspaper as provid-
ed by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07,
and other applicable laws as amended.
(B) The printed public notice that is attached
was published in said newspaper(s)
once each week, for one successive
week(s); it was first published on Thurs-
day, the 24 day of December
2009, and was thereafter printed and
published on every Thursday to and in-
cluding Thursday, the day of
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below is a copy of the lower case alpha-
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and kind oft e used in the composition
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and publication of the notice:
BY: C ��
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed
before me on this 24 day of
December 2009.
Notary Public
14 Brooklyn Center & Brooklyn Park Sun -Post -Thursday, Dec. 24, 2009 - www.mnSun.com In the.Gommunity, With the Community, For Cvmmuni
City of Brooklyn Center 23. Public Corridor - a hall, corridor or passageway for providing egress from an occupied area to a public wiway `and not
within the exclusive control of one occupant.
(Official Publication) 24. Refuse - all putrescible and nonputrescible waste solids including garbage and rubbish. _
CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER 25. Reinspfiction - a follow -up inspection Shat is: ) to determine if a code violation has been corrected 4
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on the 25th day of January 2010, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon there- . „ „� vnue b) needed because a la licensee, owner or other responsible party falls to attendtoo schgd-
after as the matter may be heard, at City Hall, 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway, to consider an Ordinance relating to the reg- uled inspection: or cl needed bec a scheduled inspection MwA -does not occur or is prevented due to any act of
ulation of rental properties; amending Brooklyn Center City Code, Chapter 12 Sections 101 through 1401. a licensee, owner or responsible partih o'r d) arw inspection other than the inRiai in'snect4on for a license application
Auxiliary ids for handicapped where one or more violations are found.
ry pp persons are available upon request at least 96 hours in advance. Please notify the City 26 Rental dwelling - The terra "rental dwellin means an d d or dwelling unit --Rthat is riot gcoimfed by
Clerk at 763 - 569 -3300 to make.arrangements. the owner of record regardless of commen atton. The t rtn includes welling d occupie any dwelling or dwelling unit
ORDINANCE NO. cupted by a relative of the owner
AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE REGULATION OF RENTAL PROPERTIES; AMENDING BROOKLYN CENTER 27• Repai to restore to a sound and acceptable state of operation, serviceability or appearance:
CITY CODE, SECTIONS 12 -101 THROUGH 12 -1401 28. Rodent harborage - any place where rodents can live, nest, or seek shelter.
29. Rooming unit - any room or group of rooms forming a single habitable unit used or intended to be used for living
THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: sleeping, but not for cooking and eating purposes.
Section I. Brooklyn Center City Code, Section 12 -101 through 12 -1401, BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND OCCUPANCY 30. Rubbish - nonputrescible solid wastes consisting of both combustible and noncombustible wastes, such as paper,
ORDINANCE, is amended as follows: cardboard, tin cans, grass and shrubbery clippings, wood, glass, brick, piaster, bedding, crockery and similar mate -
31. Safety - the condition of being reasonably free from danger and hazards wkiekthaf may cause accidents of disease.
Section 12 -101 PURPOSE. The purpose of this AeeQbapV_rr is to protect the public health, safety, and the gen- 3 ,Siriale farnily attertInd- inclu a townhome rowhouse duplex or similar dwelling unit.
era[ welfare of the people of the City. These general objectives include, among others, the following: 32 • Structure - thatwW94 is built or constructed; an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work artlf falfy built ,
1. To protect the character and stability of all buildings and property within the City. up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner. .,W
2. To correct and prevent conditions that adversely affect or are likely to adversely affect the life, safety, general welfare 33. Substandard dw Ming - any dwelling whiekjhat does not conform to the minimum standards establfstied liy:City Or-
and health, including the physical, mental and social well -being of persons occupying buildings within Brooklyn Can- dinances. -
ter. 34. SSupglied -paid for, furnished by, provided by or under the control of the owner, operator, or agent of a building.
3. To provide minimum standards for cooking, heating, and sanitary equipment necessary to the health and safety of a635. Tenant anv person occupying anv dwellinn or havino no6session of a space within a who has the leggj' '
occupants of buildings. right to occu the dwallinn knit- where a laq @I owner does nntrPsir.Q�
4. To provide minimum standards for light and ventilation, necessary to health and safety. M. Mgprijnq of'Qertain words - whenever the words "dwelling ", "dwelling unit", "premises ", "building ", or "structure " - _
5. To prevent the overcrowding of dwellings by providing minimum space standards per occupant for each dwelling unit. are used in this Ardioamee they shall be construed as though they were followed by the words "or any part
6. To provide minimum standards for the maintenance of existing buildings, and to thus prevent slums and blight. thereof ".
7. To preserve the value of land and buildings throughout the City. Section 12 -301. RESPONSIBILITIES OF OWNERS AND OCCUPANTS. No owner or other person shall occupy or let
With respect to rental disputes, and except as otherwise specifically provided by the terms of this 6rclieaaee�l tar, it another person occupy any building, unless it and the premises are clean, sanitary, fit for human occupancy, and comply
is not the intention of the City Council to intrude upon the fair and accepted contractual relationship between tenant and with all applicable legal requirements of the State of Minnesota and the City of Brooklyn Center, including the,feNewiRfi
landlord. The City Council does not intend to intervene as an advocate of either party, nor to act as an arbiter, nor to be requirements of this Chaster
receptive to complaints from tenant or Landlord wlaiekthat are not specifically and clearly relevant to the provisions of this Sec tion 12-30 MAINTENANCE OF SHARED OR PUBLIC AREAS. Every owner of a building shall maintain in 'a clean,
QfWwaRes,.C In the absence of such relevancy with regard to rental disputes, it is intended that the contracting sanitary and safe condition, the shared or public areas of the building and premises thereof.
parties exercise such legal sanctions as are available to them without the intervention of City government. Neither in en-
acting this 0464apeeChggtel is it the intention of the City Council to interfere or permit interference with legal rights to ,Section 12.303 MAINTENANCE OF OCCUPIED AREAS. All occupants of a building, shall maintain in a clean, sani-
personal privacy. tary and safe condition that part or those parts of the building, and premises thereof that she/he occupies and controls.
Section 12 -1V_. APPLICABILITY OF ORDINANCE. Every building, as well as its premises, and all occupied premises Section 12 -304. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL OF RUBBISH.- All occupants of a building shall store and dispose of all
within Brooklyn Center shall conform to the requirements of this Ardfaaiaee irrespective of when such building their rubbish in a clean, sanitary, and safe manner as prescribed by Chapter 7 of the City Code of Ordinances.
may have been constructed, altered, or repaired. Section 12 -305. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE. All occupants of a building shall store and dispose of all
Section 1 - Ot DEFINITIONS. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this Chap- their garbage and any other organic waste wkisktlM might provide food for insects and/or rodents in a dean, sanitary,
ter where not otherwise defined within a section: and safe manner as prescribed by Chapter 7 of the City ( ode of Ordinances.
1 . Approved- acceptable to the jurisdiction having authority and meeting all applicable codes. Section 12 -306. RESPONSIBILITY FOR STORAGE AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE, RUBBISH, AND RECYCLABLE
2. Accessory stnjc:tijrP - a structure subordinate to the main or principal building wkie14fll;3f is not used nor authorized MATERIALS. Every owner of a multiple family dwelling or nonresidential building shall supply facilities for the sanitary
to be used for living or sleeping by human occupants and wkteklbW is located on or partially on the premises. and safe storage and disposal of rubbish and 'garbage. .In the case of single- or two - family dwellings, it shall be the re-
3. Building - any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy. sponsibility of the occupant to furnish such facilities. Every owner of a multifamily dwelling containing more than eight
4a- Comp lian &e Qfficial - the City Manager and kiethe Manager's designated agents authorized to administer and en- units must comply with the requirements of Section 7 -113 of the City Code of Ordinances.'
force this G Act t i ekee t r.
4.b Diso er y Ac Ac tivi Section 12 -307, RESPONSIBILITY FOR STORM AND SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS. The owner of a- rental
5. Dwelling - a building, , any act ivities or portion thereof, d des s SeMjnn 1 dwelling unit shall be responsible for providing and hanging all screens and storm doors and storm windows whenever
gned or used predominantly for residential occupancy of a continued na- the same are required under the provisions of this QKlipaReeO, ter, except where there is written agreement otherwise
tore, i one - family dwellings, two- family dwellings, and multiple family dwellings; but not including hotels and between the owner and occupant.
6. Dwelling unit - a single residential accommodation wkiekJhW is arranged, designed, used or, if vacant, intended for Section 12 -308. RESPONSIBILITY FOR PEST EXTERMINATION. Every occupant of a dwelling containing a single
use exclusively as a domicile for one family. Where a private garage is structurally attached, it shall be considered dwelling unit or an occupant of a nonresidential building containing a single unit shall be responsible for the extermina-
as part of the building in which the dwelling unit is located. tion of vermin infestations and/or rodents on the premises. Every occupant of a dwelling unit in a dwelling containing
7. Family - any of the following definitions shall apply: more than one dwelling unit or an occupant of a nonresidential buflding.ccntafnfng more than shalfbe responsN
ersons related by blood, marriage, or adoption, together with his eF their domestic servants or ble for such extermination whenever their unit is the only one infested. whenever m
gratuitous guests, maintaining a common household in a dwelling unit; festation is caused by the failure of the owner to maintain a building fn a reasonable rodent -proof or reasonable Vernifn-
-Group or foster care of not more than six (6) wards or clients by an authorized person or persons, related by blood, proof condition, extermination shall be the responsibility of.the owner, Whenever infestation exists in two, Qrr virO of, the €
marriage, or adoption, together with kis- es-their domestic servants or gratuitous guests, all maintaining a common units in any building, extermination thereof shall be`the Fesponsibitity ,gf the= 6wEier. :•WheneyeE- exterminaffdn iethe ran
household in a dwelling unit approved and certified by the appropriate public agency; sponsibility of the owner, the extermination must be perfortned by a licensed d -pest control contractor. r -
-A group of not more than five (5) persons not related by blood, marriage or adoption maintaining a common house- Section 12 -309. RODENT HARBORAGES PROHIBITED IN OCCUPIED AREAS. No occu ant of a buildin snarl accu- _
hold in a dwelling unit.
8. Flush water closet - an approved toilet, with a bowl and trap made i one piece -wkiek t s t is connected to the City
system. mulate boxes, lumber, scrap metal, or any other similar materials in awsh a manner that may provide a rodent harborage
water and sewer system or other approved water supply and sewer s in or about any dwelling unit or building. Stored materials shall be stacked neatly.
9. Garbage - putrescible animal and vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consump- $fiction -12 -310, RODENT HARBORAGES PROHIBITED IN PUBLIC AREAS. No owner of a building shall accumulate
tion of food. or permit the accumulation of boxes, lumber, scrap metal, or any other similar materials in euek -a manner that may pro-,_
10. Hgbitable buildinq - any building or part thereof that meets minimum standards for use as a home or place of abode vide a rodent harborage in or about shared or public areas of a building or its premises. Materials stored by the owner
by one or more persons. or permitted to be stored by the owner shall be stacked neatly.
11. Habitable room - a room or enclosed floor space used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking, or eating Section 12 -311. PREVENTION OF FOOD FOR RODENTS. No owner or occupant of a building shall store, place, or
purposes, excluding bathrooms, water closet compartments, laundries, furnace rooms, unfinished basements, (those allow to accumulate any materials that may serve as food for rodents in a site accessible to rodents.
without required ventilation, required electric outlets and required exit facilities), pantries, utility rooms of less than 50
square feet of floor space, foyers, communicating corridors, stairways, closets, storage spaces, and workshops, hobby $ ection_ 12 -312- SANITARY MAINTENANCE OF FIXTURES AND FACILITIES. Every occupant of a building shall keep
and recreation areas in parts of the structure below ground level or in attics. all supplied fixtures and facilities therein in a clean and sanitary condition and shall be responsible for the exercise of rea-
12. Heated water water heated to a temperature of not less than 120 degrees Fahrenheit, or such lesser temperature sonable care in the proper use and operation thereof.
required b government authority, measured at faucet outlet. Section 12 -313. MINIMUM HEATING CAPABILITY AND MAINTENANCE. In every dwelling unit or rooming unit when
13. Kitchen - a space wkiekthg_t contains a sink with counter working space, adequate space for installing cooking and the control of the supplied heat is the responsibility of a person other than the occupant, a temperature of at least 68 de-
refrigeration equipment, and adequate space for the storage of cooking utensils. ggees Fahrenheit, or such lesser temperature required by government authority, shall be maintained at a distance of three
14. Multiple family dwglltnq - a dwelling or portion thereof containing three or more dwelling units. feet above the floor and three feet from exterior walls in all habitable rooms, bathrooms, and, water closet compartments
15. Nonresidential building - all 81148F buildings or structures other than dwellings or dwelling units. from September through May. Nonresidential buildings shall meet State of Minnesota regulations and statute require -
16. Occupant - any person (including owner or operator) occupying any structure, building or part thereof, dwelling, ments.
dwelling unit, rooming unit or premise.
17. Operator - the owner or agent who has charge, care, control, or management of a building, or part thereof. Sion 1 - 9 1 4 REMOVAL OF SNOW AND ICE. Every occupant of a dwelling containing a single dwelling unit, and the
18. Owner - a person, agent, firm, or corporation having a legal or equitable interest in the property. In any corporation owner of a multiple family dwelling or a nonresidential building shall be responsible for the removal of snow and ice from
or partnership, the term owner includes general partners and corporate officers. parking lots, driveways, steps, and walkways on the premises. Individual snowfalls of three inches or more, or,succes-
19. Permissible occupant load - the maximum number of persons permitted to occupy a building or space within a build- save snowfalls accumulating to a depth of three inches, shall be removed from parking lots and driveways within 24 hours
ing. after cessation of the snowfall. Individual snowfalls of one inch or more, or successive snowfalls accumulating to a depth
20. Person - an individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation or joint venture or organization of any kind. of one inch, shall be removed from steps and walkways within eight hours after cessation of the snowfall.
21. Plumbina -all of the following supplied facilities and equipment in a building: gas pipes, gas burning equipment, water Section 12 -315. MINIMUM EXTERIOR LIGHTING. The owner of a building shall be responsible for providing and main -
pipes, steam pipes, garbage disposal units, waste pipes, water closets, sinks, installed dishwashers, lavatories, bath- taining effective illumination in all exterior parking lots and walkways. c
tubs, shower baths, installed clothes washing machines, catch basins, drains, vents, and any other similar fixtures Section 12 -31 MAINTENANCE OF DRIVING AND PARKING AREAS. The owner of a building shall, be responsible for W
and the installation thereof, together with all connections to water, sewer and gas lines. 9 P �
22. Premises - a platted lot or part thereof or unplatted parcel of land, either unoccupied or occupied by any structure °q
thereon. Legal Notices continued page 25
In the Community, With the Community, For the Community www.mnSun.com - Thursday, Dec. 24, 2009 - Brookiyo Center A Breakiyn Park Sun -Post - - 25
.I 1..- ..I-1.1- LI111 - • - - - -
CI Of BrOOk)v C enter ORDINANCE continued 5. Every public corridor and stairway in every multiple family dwelling shall be adequately lighted by naturator-electri
`7 7 light at all times at one foot candle at floor level, so as to provide effective illumination in all pafts thereof. Every pub -
providing and maintaining in good condition paved and delineated parking areas and driveways for tenants consistent lic corridor and stairway in structures containing not more than two dwelling units may be supplied with conveniently
with Chapter 35 of the City Code of Ordinances. located light switches controlling an adequate lighting system wNsWli;tf may be turned on when needed, instead of
full -time lighting.
.Section 12 -317. MAINTENANCE OF YARDS. The owner of a building shall be responsible for providing and maintain- 6. A convenient switch or equivalent device for turning on a light in each dwelling unit shall be located near the point of
ing premises' yards consistent with Section 12 -711. entrance to such unit.
Section 12 -401. MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR BASIC EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES. No person shall occupy as owner, Section 12 -601. MINIMUM THERMAL STANDARDS. No person shall occupy as owner, gr occupant, or let to another .
occupant, or let to another for occupancy any dwelling or dwelling unit, for the purposes of living, sleeping, cooking, and for occupancy, any building or portion thereof, wkiekylM does not have heating facilities wkkW&hat are properly installed,
eating therein, whiekttiat does not comply with the following requirements. and w41el4 t t are maintained in safe and good working condition, and whie4l= are capable of, safely and adequately -
Section 12 -402, KITCHEN FACILITIES. Every dwelling unit shall have a room or portion of a room in which food may be heating all habitable rooms, bathroom, and water closet compartments in every dwelling unit located therein to a tern-
prepared and/or cooked and wkieq a shall have adequate circulation area, and w4ieMha3 shall be equipped with the fol- perature of at least 68 degrees Fahrenheit, or such lesser temperature required by government authority, at a distance of
lowing: three feet above floor level and three feet from exterior walls. Gas or electric appliances designed primarily for cooking
1. An approved kitchen sink that is in good working condition and properly connected to an approved water supply sys- or water heating purposes shall not be considered as heating facilities within the meaning of this'section. Portable heat -
tem- eae- w4ieq that provides at all times an adequate amount of heated and unheated running water under pressure, ing equipment employing flame and the use of liquid fuel does not meet the requirements of this section and is prohibit-
and w4ia4ihat is connected to an approved sewer system. ad. No owner or occupant shall install, operate or use a space heater employing a flame that is not vented outside the
2. Cabinets and /or shelves for the storage of eating, drinking, and cooking equipment, and utensils and of food that does structure in an approved manner.
not require refrigeration for safekeeping; and a counter or table for food preparation. Said cabinets and/or shelves Section 12 -701. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. No person shall occupy as owner, g!_occupant; or let to another for oc-
and counter or table shall be adequate for the permissible occupancy of the dwelling unit and shall be of sound con- cupancy, any - building or portion thereof w4kWdhat does not comply with the following requirements, unless specifically
struction furnished with surfaces that are easily cleanable and that will not impart any toxic or deleterious effect to exempt.
food. Section 12 -7q2 FOUNDATIONS, EXTERIOR WALLS AND ROOFS. The foundation, exterior walls, and .exterior roof
3. A stove or similar device for cooking food, and i refrigerator nstalled with all similar device for the safe storage ni food at efficient below shall be substantially water tight and protected against vermin and rodents and shall be kept in sound condition and re
40 degrees Fahrenheit, t siehth are properly ill necessary connections for safe, sanitary and e pair. The foundation element shall adequately support the building at all points. Every exterior wall shall be Yree of de-
operation. Provided that such stove, refrigerator, or similar devices need not be installed when a dwelling unit d not terioration, holes, breaks, loose or rotting boards or timbers, and any other condition m0iip4l i t might admit rain or damp -
occupied and when the occupant is expected er provide same on occupancy, in which case sufficient space and . ness to the interior portion of the walls or to the exterior spaces of the building. The roof shall be tight and have no de-
equate connections for the installation and operation of said stove, refrigerator or similar device must be provided. fects wHiep- ad"iW admit rain, and roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent rain water. from causing dampness in
.Section 12 -403., TOILET FACILITIES. Within every dwelling unit there shall be a nonhabitable room wktie14 gt is equipped the walls. All exterior wood surfaces, other than decay resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay
with an approved flush water closet in good working condition. In a rental dwelling unit, such room shall have an entrance by paint or other protective covering or treatment. If the exterior surface is unpainted or determined by the compliance
door wkiegt a affords privacy. Said flush water closet shall be equipped with easily cleanable surfaces, shall be con- official to be paint blistered, the surface shall be painted. If the exterior surface of the pointing of anybrick, block or stone
nected to an approved water system that at all times provides an adequate amount of running water under pressure to wall is loose or has fallen out, the surface shall be repaired.
cause the water closet to be operated properly, and shall be connected to an approved sewer system. Section 12 -703, WINDOWS, DOORS AND SCREENS. Every window, exterior door, and other exterior openings shall
Section 1P -404. LAVATORY SINK. Within every dwelling unit there shall be an approved lavatory sink. Said lavatory be substantially tight and shall be kept in sound condition and repair. Every window, other than a fixed window or storm
sink may be in the same room as the flush water closet, or if located in another room, the lavatory sink shall be located window, shall be capable of being easily opened. Every window, door and frame shall be constructed.and maintained in
in close proximity to the door leading directly into the room in which said water closet is located. The lavatory sink shall such relation to the adjacent wall construction as to completely exclude rain, wind, vermin and rodents from entering the
be in good working condition and shall be properly connected to an approved water supply system and shall provide at building. Every openable window shall be supplied with 16 -mesh screens during the insect season; and char be equipped
all times an adequate amount of heated and unheated running water under pressure, and shall be connected to an ap- with an approved lock if located less than six feet above adjacent grade.
proved sewer system.
Section 12 -704. FLOORS, INTERIOR WALLS AND CEILINGS. Every floor interior wall and ceiling, shall bg aiieq`uate-
_zection 12 -405, BATHTUB OR SHOWER. Within every dwelling unit there shall be a nonhabitable room wkiewJIM is ly protected against the passage and harborage of vermin and rodents, an� shall be kept in sound condition and good
equipped with an approved bathtub or shower in good working condition. In a rental dwelling unit, such room shall have repair. Every floor shall be free of loose, warped, protruding or rotted flooring materials. Every interior wait and ceiling ,
an entrance door what affords privacy. Said bathtub or shower may be in the same room as the flush water closet, shall be free of holes and large cracks and loose plaster and shall be maintained in a fight, weatherproof condition.'Toxic
or in another room, and shall be properly connected to an approved water system and shall provide at all times paint and materials with a lasting toxic effect shall not be used. The floor of every toilet room, bathroom, and kitchen shall
an adequate amount of heated and unheated water under pressure, and shall be connected to an approved sewer sys- have a smooth, hard, nonabsorbent surface and shall be capable of being easily maintained in a clean and sanitary -con --
tem. dition.
.Sectjon 12 -406.. STAIRWAYS, PORCHES AND BALCONIES. Every stairway, inside or outside of a dwelling and every Section 12 -705. RODENT PROOF. Every structure and the premises upon which it is located shall be maintained in a
porch or balcony, shall be kept in safe condition and sound repair. Stairs and handrails shall conform to the Uniform Build- rodent -free and rodent -proof condition. All openings in the exterior walls, foundations, basements, ground or first floors,
ing Code standards. Every deck, porch and balcony wWeMhM is 30 inches or more above grade shall have a guardrail and roofs whk*Ahgt have a 1/2 diameter or larger opening shall be rodent- proofed in an approved manner. Interior floors
that conforms to the Uniform Building Code standards. Every handrail and guardrail shall be firmly fastened and main- or basements, cellars and other areas in contact with the soil shall be paved with concrete or other rodent impervious ma-
tained in good condition. No flight of stairs shall have settled out of its intended position or have pulled away from the terial.
supporting or adjacent structures enough to cause a hazard. No flight of stairs shall have rotting, loose, or deteriorating Section 12 -706. FENCE MAINTENANCE. All fences shall consist of metal, wood, masonry, or other decay resistantma -
supports. Excepting spiral and winding stairways, the treads and risers of every flight of stairs shall be uniform in width terial. Fences shall be maintained in good condition both in appearance and in structure. Wood materrai;.otkierthan
and height. Stairways shall be capable of supporting a live load of 100 pounds per square foot of horizontal projection. decay resistant varieties, shall be protected against decay by use of paint or other preservatives. Paint Shall be main-
, $ ection 12 -407. ACCESS TO DWELLING UNIT. Access to or egress from each dwelling unit shall be provided without tained consistent with Section 12 -702.
passing through any other dwelling unit. Section 12 -707. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE MAINTENANCE. Accessory structures or buildings shall be structurally
.Section 12 -408. DOOR LOCKS. No owner shall occupy nor let to another for occupancy any dwelling or dwelling unit sound and-be maintained in good repair and appearance. The exterior of such structures shall be made weather.resis-
unless all exterior doors of the dwelling or dwelling unit are equipped with safe, functioning locking devices. Multiple fam- tent through the use of decay - resistant materials such as paint or other preservatives. _Paint shall be maintained dwellings shall be furnished with door locks as follows: tent with Section 12 -702.
1. For the purpose of providing a reasonable amount of safety and general welfare for persons occupying multiple fam- Section 12 -708, SAFE BUILDING ELEMENTS. Every foundation, roof, floor, exterior and interior :wall, ceilings; inside
ily dwellings constructed after May 5, 1969, an approved security system shall be maintained for each multiple fami- and outside stair, every porch and balcony, and, every appurtenance thereto, shall use safe to use and capable of sup -
ly building to control access. The security system shall consist of locked building entrance or foyer doors, and locked porting loads required by the occupancy.
doors leading from hallways into individual dwelling units. Dead -latch type door locks shall be provided with lever
knobs (or doorknobs) on the inside of building entrance doors and with key cylinders on the outside of building en- Section 12 -709. FACILITIES TO FUNCTION. Every supplied facility, piece of equipment or utility required under the-City
trance doors. Building entrance door latches shall be of a tYee that are permanently locked from the outside Code of Ordinances and every chimney and flue shall be installed and maintained and shall function effective_ly'in a safe,
and permanently unlocked from the inside. sound, and working condition.
2. Every door that is designed to provide ingress or egress for a dwelling unit within a multiple family building shall be Section 12 -710, GRADING AND DRAINAGE. _ During the period May through October every yard, dourt, passageway,
equipped with an approved lock that has a deadlocking bolt that cannot be retracted by end pressure, provided, how- and other portions of the premises on which a building stands shall be graded and drained so as to be free :of standing
ever, that such door shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. water that constitutes a detriment to health and safety.
$ ection 12 -801. MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR LIGHT AND VENTILATION. No person shall occupy as owner, occupant Section 12 -711. YARD COVER. Every yard of a premises on which a building stands shall be provided with lawn or com-
or let to another for occupancy any dwelling or dwelling unit, for the purpose of living therein, wWW41hd does not comply bined ground cover of vegetation, garden, hedges, shrubbery, and related decorative materials and such yard .shall be
with the following requirements. maintained consistent with prevailing community standards. Nonresidential sites shall be maintained in accordance with
Section 12 -502, HABITABLE ROOM LIGHT AND VENTILATION. Except where there is supplied some other device at- an approved City landscape plan and shall be supplied with an irrigation system.
fording adequate ventilation and approved by the compliance official, every habitable room shall have at least one win- Section 12 -712. DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE OR FACILITIES. No owner, operator, or occupant shall cause any
dow facing directly outdoors wW941hW can be opened easily. The minimum total of openable window area in every hab- service, facility, equipment or utility wpieWhW is required under this Qodi#wAee to be removed from or shut off
liable room shall be the greater of 10% of the floor area of the room or ten square feet. One half of the required window from or discontinued for any occupied building or portion thereof, except for such temporary interruptions as may be nec-
area shall be openable. essary while actual repairs or alterations are in process, or during temporary emergencies. _
Section 12 -503. NONHABITABLE ROOM VENTILATION. Every bathroom and water closet compartment, and every Section 12 -713. SCREENING. All outside trash disposal facilities, recycling containers, and outside or rooftop mechan-
laundry and utility room shall contain at least 50% of the ventilation requirement for habitable rooms contained in Section ical equipment shall be screened from view by an opaque fence or wall high enough to completely screen the equipment. ;
12 -502, except that no windows shall be required if such rooms are equipped with a ventilation system wbk tttd is ap- Section 12 -801. MAXIMUM DENSITY, MINIMUM SPACE, USE AND LOCATION REQUIREMENTS. No person shat) oc-
proved by the compliance official. cupy nor permit or let to be occupied any dwelling or dwelling unit for the purpose of living therein w _tMr does not
$ectign 12 -504, ELECTRIC SERVICE, OUTLETS AND FIXTURES. Every dwelling unit and all public and common areas comply with the following requirements.
shall be supplied with electric service, functioning overcurrent protection devices, electric outlets, and electric fixtures Section 12 -802. PERMISSIBLE OCCUPANCY OF DWELLING UNIT. With the exception of owners occupying a-
wkk*4het are properly installed, w4W444a4l9-maintained in good and safe working conditions, and shall -ee connected s dwelling unit prior to June 1, 1975, the maximum perm_ issible occupancy of any dwelling unit shall be determined
to a source of electric power in a manner prescribed by the Ordinances, rules and regulations of the City of Brooklyn Can- as follows:
ter and by the laws of the State of Minnesota. The minimum capacity of such electric service and the minimum number 1. For the first occupant, 150 square feet of habitable room floor space and for every ' additionaloccupant thereof, at least
of electric outlets and fixtures shall be as follows: 100 square feet of habitable room floor space. "
1. BweNitag wD ellinos containing one or two dwelling units shall have at least the equivalent of 60- ampere, three -wire 2. In no event shall the total number of occupants exceed two times the number of habitable rooms;.less kitchen, in the
electric service per dwelling unit. dwelling unit.
2. Dwelling units shall have at least one branch electric circuit for each 600 square feet of dwelling unit floor area.
3. Every habitable room shall have at least one floor or wall -type electric convenience outlet for each 60 square feet or Section 19-$03. ONE FAMILY PER DWELLING UNIT. Not more than one family, except for temporary guests,- shall oc-
fraction thereof of total floor area, and in no case less than two such electric outlets provided, however, that one ceil- cupy a dwelling unit.
ing or wall -type light fixture may be supplied in lieu of one required electric outlet. Section 12 -804, MINIMUM CEILING HEIGHT. In order to qualify as habitable, rooms shall have a clear ceiling height of
4. Every water closet compartment, bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, and furnace room shall contain at least one sup-
plied ceiling or wall -type electric light fixture and every bathroom, kitchen, and laundry room shall contain at least one
electric convenience outlet. Legal Notices continued on ne) page
26 . ,Brooklyn Center & Brooklyn Park Sun -Post -Thursday, Dec. 24, 2009 - www.nmSun.com In the Community, With the Community, For the Corryrtunily
City of Brooklyn Center ORDINANCE continued year after becoming due. ating license shall be issued or renewed unless the rental
Section 12 -902, LICENSE FEES. License fees, as set dwelling and its premises conform to the Code'of Ord!- '
not less than seven feet, six inches, except that in attics or top -half stories used for sleeping, study, or similar activities, forth by City Council resolution, shall be due 90 days prior nances of Brooklyn Center and the -laws of the State - of _
the ceiling height shall be not less than seven feet six inches over at least one -half of the floor area. In calculating the to the license expiration date; in the cases of new unli- Minnesota. ,
floor area of such rooms in attics or top -half stories, only those portions of the floor area of the room having a clear Coil- :;need dwellings, license fees shall be due aper►ieedanee Sgctlon .1 2 -906 LICENSE INSPECTION
ing height of five feet or more may be included. t the time of application GOO in 91iI, QUIRED. No operating license shpll'be
1. Residential Rental Conversion Fee. When a residue issued or renewed unless the owner of rental units agrees
Section 12 -805. ACCESS THROUGH SLEEPING ROOMS AND BATHROOMS. No dwelling unit built after 1940 and g
containing two or more sleeping rooms shall have a room arrangement such that access to a bathroom or water closet tia in Is family home or sinale family aftached prop- in his application to permit inspections'pursuant to Sec -
compartment intended for use by occupants of more than one sleeping room can be gained only by going through an- erty is convgrted to a rental property, the p wner or ap- tion 12 -1001.
other sleeping room, nor shall the room arrangement shall Dav a conversion fee as establis
ngement be such that access to a sleeping room can be gained only by going hed Section 12 -907. POSTING OF LICENSE. Every licensee
throw h another sleeping room. A bathroom or water closet compartment shall not be used as the
CilyC resolution The rpnr conversion fee also g qh m tha four units shall
g p' g p y passageway to anDlies to residential Dro peries registered as vacant of a AaeKiele dwe l ling w' ore
any habitable room, hall, basement or cellar or to the exterior of any dwelling unit. eases to be conspicuously pestedDgst t(ie cyrrent License
properties. certificate in the main entryway or other conspicuous io=
Section 12 -900. PURPOSE. It is the purpose of this seetieA to assure that rental housing in the City is decent, .2- License Fees- Qelinq payments. A delinquency catio For rental dwellings
safe and sanitary and is so operated and maintained as not to become a nuisance to the neighborhood or to become an penalty of 5% of the license fee for each day of oper- of 2Lkur fou or fewer units, the .
influence that fosters blight and deterioration or creates a disincentive to reinvestment in the community. The operation ation without a valid license shall be charged opera- must e rovlde 'a -copy of i1rQ licen certificate to
of rental residential properties is a business enterprise that entails certain responsibilities. Operators are responsible to tors of rental dwellings. Once issued, a license is non- each tenant by att� things - espy to the tenant's or ?DV t the
take such reasonable steps as are necessary to assure that the citizens of the City who occupy such units may pursue transferable and the licensee shall not be entitled to a executed leas agreement -
the quiet enjoyment of the normal activities of life in surroundings that are: safe, secure and sanitary; free from noise, refund of any license fee-myen Upon revocation or a-
nuisances or annoyances; free from unreasonable fears about safety of persons and security of property; and suitable for suspension; �ctign 12 -908, LICENSE NOT TRANSFERABLE. No
raising children. Qf a license operating license shall be transferable to another person
.Section 12 -901- LICENSING OF RENTAL UNITS. r ap- or to another rental dwelling. Every person holding an op-
1. License Required. plicant withdraws an application _:rating license shall give notice in writing to the .compri-
a)_No person shall operate a rental dwelling without first having obtained a license to do so from the City of Brook - r r in the ante official within "t (101 business days after having
I y _ � , `r n Center - 77 7'7" '-e4we-t; _' " . ^revieisaal - legally transferred or otherwise disposed of the legal con-
� _ -'
A lioense will be orqnted as Type I. Tvpe II. Tvoe IJI or Tvoe IV Provision- trot of any licensed rental dwelling. Such notice shalt in-
all based on criteria recommended by the City Iutanaper and agproved by the Ciiv Council. R9 end PF6@866 414eqase of an incomplete applica- elude the name and address of the person succeeding to
b) Except Np !ic?nsa_ S hall be real iced under the followina circpmst tion p gl r oce ss. the fee is nonrefundable.. the ownership or control of such •rental dwelling or
M A sinale family dwellina or a dwelling unit in a duplex occupied by the building owner for a minimum of six 3 - Reinsn ection fees- All reinspection fees are set by dwellings.
months Der calendar vear. City Council resolution. If the reinspection is being Section 12- 909. OCCUPANCY,REGISTER REQUIRED.
f21 Rented rooms within an owner occupied dwellino unit. performed as part of the licensing process, fee(s)
3 n bird" where the ronertv ' . person eriod o f must be paid p ren ousrior to the time of license issuance or _ _ _ - ._ r _ f . FOS
l) A residential nronerty owned by a "z 4Yy g P is rented to another D for a p - ----- -- t- .'Bptr- - e
than less 12o consecutive days while the owner is residing out of the State of Minnesota. The owner must renewal for the property, in the case of tal hing
occuov the property during the remaipder pf the y ear, and at the time of recertification of occupancy for non- r
rgJ_ Unoccupied Iiwgllino units that have been issued a Vacant Building Registratjpn. residential properties. If a reinspection fee or any por- 4.1. Eyery owner of a lioensedlgpjal dHrellinq shall kafaM
2- License Term. I 'ice sn gs will be issued tion is not paid within 60 days after billing, or within 60 or cause to lie kept. a current resister of g�}anev
fora im eriod of eixeFltfegordina tQ the - lic De as indicated in Diagram 1. All licensees days after any appeal becomes final, the City Council foreach dwellino unit that provides the foilsgginsinfor-
vieieAal -wiiF may be reviewed i after the beginning of the license term to determine whether may certify the unpaid cost against the property in ac- mation:
the prop erty continues to have the an propriate Type license Maim. cordance with the process set forth in Section 19-105 Dwelling unit address.
3,- Diagram l• of this code. L. Number of bedrooms in dwelling un and the max
Licensing Licensina Min, Inspection Frequency Crirhe Free Plans Section 12 -903. OWNER OR AGENT TO APPLY. License !mum number of occupants ,
Catego Peri Housina application or renewal shall be made by the owner of a. Nommeg, Legal names and date of birth of aduft
rental units or Nothg r's owne legally constituted agent. occupants and number of adults and children
Tvoe 1 year Min. 1 time in 3 v eers. upon request or as need- Phase Application forms may be acquired from and subsequent- (under 18 years of age) currently occupying the
ed as determined by city Recommended ly filed with the compliance official. The applicant shall dwelling units.
Type Il 2 year Min. 1 time in 2 years- upon request or as need- Phase I Resuired supply: 4,d. Dates renters occupied and vacated dwelling
ed as determined by city 1. First, middle (if any), and last name, address, date of units. -
birth, a"4elephone number and email address of 6g. A chronological list of complaints and requests for
hype 111 1year Min- 1 time per year, up on request or as need- Phase I. II Action Plan dwelling owner, owning partners if a partnership, cor- repair by - dwelling unit occupants, which conn
ed as de termined by city Reauired Reauired porate officers if a corporation. plaints and requests are related to the provisions
Type IV 6 Months Min, every a months. upon r equest or as PJ]ese 1. II and III Mitigation 2 • Name, address, &Rdtefephone number and email ad- of this
Provisional needed as det ermined by city. or a otherwise Rey iu red plan dr= of designated resident agent, if any. 6t. A similar chronological list of an corrections made
aoecified by Miti gation Plan Reauired 3. Name, address, and telephone number of vendee, if in response'to,such requests mid conrplairrts. .
the dwelling is being sold through a contract for deed. Such resister shall be made available for vieiwing'or
3. New Licenses. Properties thpf have Ie pally not been resuired to have a Centel lioense due to new construction or a 4. Legal address of the dwelling. _QQ ' 9 by the co.: liar+ at at II re _- ^b4vtimes. -
ohgn4e from owner_occgDier(tq rental will q uJty_fgr a Type t t t hence P rnnArl ies found operating vyithout a valid 5. Number of dwelling units within the dwelling. 2. All nonresidentialDigpgrties [commercial- industrial_
rental license frgm the city or failing to meet ctN code requirements- or that have been the subject of enforoQrr] L ent e� 6. Description of procedure through which• tenant in- and similarl shall keep. or cat! to be kept. a"tmrrent
tions suqh as criminal Msepution or civil D enaities - for violation of this Cha oter. will on quality for q Tvpe III Ijggrr,zg quiries and complaints are to be processed. Mister of soatgtanay mr each building that prRi4"
4 - License Rengwals, All rental nmgerti gre s ubject tg review and rnav f ?e reauiregtq apply_ and oualifv for a different 7. Status of utility fees, - property taxes, and other as the following-
license Type based on the level of compliance with city codes and applicable regulations. sessments on the dwelling and other rental real prop a• Build" address:
5. Failure to Meet License at o Requ ire ants- A nv tim d license p d a rental roe o erty in the c owned the a pplicant.
tL.tSJI'6JrtdLr!�ad " "
Cr q ry !!'i t e g . tdil0p ii @Lod - P- 4 rty d g not tY by PP - :tidLsl "�" -- �` - - • :. ,"...:�.
meet or exgg the criteria established for the current license Tyne the license may be brought forth to the City C oun- 6- The number of fenarlttl, d _- NatuPe'= tsttinsfn yt�tlLh'tHnaT ►A
gil for consideration of license suspension, revocation and/or license Tvp review. 9. The legal name of the designated local agent.
r na q epsino must meet the r equirements set 10, At least one 24- hour prope contact ! nformation for d. Cgntad person for
6 -Ty pe IV Prov sip I Lic enses. Rental propert under Tvne IV Provisional Lic
forth in Section 12 -913. an available p roperty owner id
re sent a6 eM- or other e. Gross floor °arras "1&a4ed by Aach tenant - "' = -
7. License C ategory Criteria- designated responsible agent. Such register ,hail Qe made available' for'vjevLirig or.
Licen tvne-wiJI be determined on the basis gf.eccumulated points baser_ ortPolipe !ncldents and pro perty code and 11. Arw other inform as requested by the city. : copying.brjEUte tfp(iarict(: Affil faf at tlf.i sAftat118 times•
nuisance vjolatjons as�ecommended t1v the C!N Ma nager and app roved by the City Ceounoi6 Every person holding an operating license shall give no
al Polloe incidents. Freq of police qaf is w ill be based on the average number of valid police calls per unit. Po- tics In writing to the compliance official within Civet@p bust- -
l ice in id?nnps for nrirnnSAs of d eterminlnp points for licensing gateacries shall include disorderly activities anQ Hess days after any change of this information Pend_
nuisaniZes as defined in ,Section- 12 -911 and events ca tegorized as Da rt qns crimps in the tfplforrn Crime Rg- ing on the na ture of chances, the Cltv mpv require a navy
p inclu ding homicide. rape robp aa grevated assault. Iwrolprv. theft. auto theft and arson. Calls prgpedy inspection Notice of transfer of ownership shall
will opt be counted for our ooses of determining points for licensing cateaod where the v ictim and suspect are be as described !n Section 12 -908. - -
"Family or household members" as dgfiped in the Domestic Abuse Act. Minneso Statutes. Se ction 518B.01. !
Subs• 2 fbl and where. there ig a r eport of "Domestic Abuse" as defined in the Domestic Abuse Act- Minnesota 5pction 12 -904. AE6iBE►41 J, AGENT REQUIRED.
Statutes. S ection 51t3B.01. Subd. 2 lal_ 1, Local Agent, No operating license shall be issued or
Ezl Property rode anO Nuisance Violation Sta ndards for pr operty m aintenance will he b ased on compliance with renewed for a nonresident owner. of rental dwelling Section 12 -910. LICENSE SUSPENSION, REVOCA-
ciN and other a pplicable codes as de termined through inspections and irrvesti i n units (one who does not reside in any of the following TION, DENIAL AND NON - RENEWAL-
8. Lcc ense Process an Renewal- Minnesota counties: Hennepin, Ramsey, Anoka,
d 1. Applicability Every license issued under the'provi
License renewals shall be filed at least 90 days nor tong license exp iration date. Within two weeks of r:cei t Carver, Dakota, Scott, Whit l h
, or Washington) unless such 6L air prior P p ,ions of this Chapter �_ subject to.siispension or rerAY
of a complete application and of the license fee required by Section 12 -902, the Compliance official shall sched- owner designates in writing -to the compliance official cation by the City Council
ule an inspection. the name of him Posideelithe ownees local agent (one 2, Unoccupied or Vacated Rental Units. In the event that
bL No application for an initialer renewal license shall be submitted to the City Council until the Compliance official who does reside in any of the following Minnesota a license is suspended, ei revoked nptrenewed by
has determined that all life, health safe discrep - .
violations or have been corrected. In cases where a counties: Hennepin, Ramsey, Anoka, Carver, Dako-
safety the City Council, ft shall be urtlawftil for the owner or
yyeather deferral for repairs has been arant the Com pliance Official. the license may be brought forward for to, Scott Whit h i
, or Washington) who s responsible f i
e or man - the owner's duly authorized agent to thereafter permit
licensing conpiderallon with conditions cf 4grregtig_n. tenance and upkeep and who is legally constituted any new occupancies of vacant or thereafter vacated
4M_ I ncomp lete - ADgIloatjons or Process If the license apDlication ;5 incomplete, or th app licant • es not eet and empowered to receive service of notice of vioia-
d4 nl rental units until such time as a valid license may be
the reaViremenis Qf the licensino process within 129 day of the submittal dais- the llc
apDa tton will be canceled- lion of the provisions of the City CQdgpLOrdinanoes, restored by the City Council `
9. Condition of License. _ to receive orders and to institute remedial action to e 2. Am so vie
ev Licensees with three or more units must be current on the payment of all utility fees, taxes, aee assessments- fact such orders and to accept all service or process
Qr penalties - or other financial claims due to the city on the lioensed pronertv and env other rental real property in the pursuant to law. The compliance official shall be no- .
Fe Ilkovemd4el-
City owned by the license holder at all times. Licensee$. with less - than three units must be current on the oavment tified in writing of any change of resident agent.
of II u t i'lty feet texas Assessments fines, penfiltles or other tipancial claims due to the city. due on the licensed prop- 2• Responsibility for Acts of Manager. Operator. or Local
erty and any other rental real property in the City owned by the license holder: prior to issuance pr renewal of a li- Agent. Lice nsees are responsible for the acts or omis- r,
cerise. In the event a suit has been commenced under Minnesota Statutes, Section 278.01 278.03, .01 8.03, questioning the aign's of Jhejr rrl ana g gers. era
op tors. local aq or ,
amount or validity of taxes, the City Council may on application waive strict compliance with this provision; no waiver ether authorized representative,
may be granted, however, for taxes or any portion thereof wWektt�F at remain unpaid for a period exceeding one (1) Section 12 -905. CONFORMANCE TO LAWS. No oper- Legal Notices continued on next ?age
In the Community, With the Community, For the Community www.ninSun.com — Thursday, Dec. 24, 2009 —Brooklyn Center dt Park Sun -Post 27
City of Brooklyn Center ORDINANCE continued a license may take the form of a suspension or re- tieRS take the following actions: port is false with the intent to affect' the licensing status or '
vocation. A decision to deny an initial application 4,11For a first instance of di sorde rly use of licensed inspection schedule of the
fora new facility will not take the form of a sus- ise - a notice shall be rovided to the license@ Section 12 -9120. TENANT RESPONSIBILITIES.
4.3. Grounds for License Action. The Council may revoke, pensi prem p
on or revocation unless false statements pf the violation direcfin the license to take stepa 1 Access to Premise. -when- required - by Minnesota -
have been made by the applicant in connection to prevent further violations.
suspend or decline to renew any license issued under Statutes, each tenant or occupant of a rental == pwetiintf
with the application. A decision to deny an initial J� If �Q instance of disorderly use of
this Chapter upon any of the following grounds: must give the owner, owner's representative or autho-
application shall state conditions of reapplication. the licensed premises occurs within 14wee
a. false statements mis Reinstatement F All applications b
re oresentatigns qr frautiu- razed city official access to any part purpose of
c. enstatement ees. new appons muse i
lent statements on any application' or other infor- dwelling at reasonable times for.th� purpose in-
accompanied by a reinstatement fee, as specified Ll9d for
mation or report required by this Chapter to be spection, maintenance, .i the ' pr o siori f ti is has are
by Council lion, in addition resolution, to all other fees the same tenancy, the City Manager or the Man -
given by the applicant or licensee. necessary to comply with tha provision of this Chapter.
required by this Chapter. agar's authorized designee shall notify the li-
b. failure to pay any application - fee. fine or p enalty, 2. Compliance With Regulations. -A tenant must comply
reins ection Written Decision. Compliance. A written decision censee of the violation and eHa{Eelee- requite the
p fees. er reinstatement fee especial cable lo
to revoke, suspend, deny or not renew a license or ap- licensee to submit a written report of the actions with applicable. city codes and all applicable
assessments. Peal estate taxes. Qr other flAaulGlal state and federal regulations. A tenant is responsible - .
placation shall specify the part or parts of the facility to taken, and proposed alto be takent by the li-
claims due to the city lutl required by this Chapter for applicable property code, nuisance and viol
which it applies. Thereafter, and until a license is rats- censee to prevent further disorderly use of the
and City Council resolution. , of disorderly conduct e specified =in Section t2 2-911
sued or reinstated, no rental units becoming vacant in premises. This The licensee s hall submit a writ-
c. failure to continuously corrlply with any oroperly that occur on the property, including_ yiolattons.com
such part or parts of the facility may be rele$glfit or ten report a gees e-euhw+itted to the City Manager
maintenance. zoning. health. building, nuisance miffed by household members or guests:
or other t•ity r -q�es: or failure to correct deficien- occupied. Revocation, suspension or non - renewal of or the Manager's authorized designee within five a io •
etas noted in a license shall not excuse the owner from compliance (5) days of receipt of the notice of disorderly use $. cJi n 12 -913. TYPE IV PROVISIONAL.LICENSES.
with all terms of state laws and codes and this Code of the premises and shall detail all actions taken 1
ta in the time specified in the notice. m comply with the provisions of an ap- of Ordinances for as long as any units in the facility are by the licensee in response to all notices of di the! d. failure occupied. Failure to comply with all terms of this derly use of the premise OF liFS SRI' R
proved mitigation plan' Chapter during the term of revocation, suspension or �ka�
eewsee or not submitting an action plan as re- non - renewal is a misdemeanor and grounds for ex- 6,gjlf d instance of disorderly use of the
F.808 We 0; 16 P 10,1111yi-
attired. tension of the term of such revocation or suspension licensed premises occurs within 1kree{3}+weAfke
e. a oroperty is rentina withqut_ a license and not or continuation of non - renewal, or for a decision not to
jrpught into comoliance within 90 d ays from the reinstate the license, notwithstanding any limitations month time period from the first disorderly weever - - - - "
compliance notice: on the period of suspension, revocation or non -re- ol ation for atonal licensina criteria a s descritigd in $ ection 12-
f_ excessive_ police calls for service in _gccp.rda_ . provisional newal specified in the City Council's written decision 901 are eligible only for licen_ ses_ -
with *point s ystem a s riptnErpingd by 1.hp City or in paragraph 8 of this Section. the rental dwelling license for the premises may 0. POW 88161146dilli d8I8FFR
Manager and aporoy by the, 0tv Gnunpil h ated (]_l,_ Licenses Prohibited. A person who has a rental be denied, revoked, suspended or' not renewed. -
on the numb and naturg of the calls %ytien. after license revoked may not receive a rental license for An action to deny, revoke, suspend, or not renew a Ado 1148 to
owner notification- the owner has iled to sup Iv
R anotherorop within th city for a period of one year a license under this section shall be initiated by _ _
an appropriate w ritten action plan to reduce the from the date of revocation. The person may continue the City Manager or the Manager's authorized de-
police calls for service tp operate other curreptly li censed rental properties if signee who shall give to the licensee written no-
a- failure to agtiveiv ours ttie eviction of tenant* the properties are maintained in complia with city lice of a hearing before the City Council to con -
who have violato the provision of this Chanter or des and other applicable regulations sider such denial, revocation suspension or non- iR llw
crime free lease addend o have othe ere- renewal. Jbg Seek written notice shall specify all
glad a public nuisance in violation of ci state or Section 12 -911. CONDUCT ON LICENSED PREMISES. violations of this section, and shall state the date,
apolicable laws. 4- 1.Conduct. DisorderN Activities Nuisances Defined. It time, place and purpose of the hearing._ (i+ AVA'A OF 810
h, the failure to eliminate imminent he alth and life shall be the responsibility of the licensee to see that 3. Hearing. The hearing shall be held no less than ten
safety hazards as determined b y the city or its all- persons occupying the licensed premises conduct (10) days and no more than ) S-
thorized representatives. themselves in such a manner as not to cause the
j Conyigtion of _anv crime re lated to the business or premises to be disorderly. For purposes of this Chao- days after giving such notice. ,
entitv licensed and failure to show t2y competent JOLSeetiew, 0PrerRieee4a�lisorderly al w ink- ar+y�t Following the hearing, the council may deny, revoke,
evidQnge thg- retlabiljt and ability to perform tke- -feNewvRg- activities esewwf:ere considered nut- suspend or decli to renew the license for all or any
the duties of the business. sauces and defined as follows: part or parts of the licensed premises or may grant a }
i. The abandopmeot of the proper by the property license upon such terms and conditions as it deems K
owner a s determined b the inability to make con- a. Noise -c /dogs City_ rdin aRCe 1-11()- pessary to accomplish the purposes of this section.
tact with the owner or his/her manager qr local hgmlalj din - City Code Sections 19-1 02• Eviction Actions. No adverse license action Shall be 40 420*
imposed where the instance of disorderly use
agent due to inaccurate or invalid cont infor- Q3
mation. b. Violation of Section 19 -1121 (Unlawful Posses- censed premises occurred during the pendency the of
k--failure to operate or maintain the licensed premis- sion, Delivery or Purchase) or violation of laws re- eviction proceedings (unlawful detainer) or within thir-
es in conformity with all applicable state and local lating to the possession of controlled substances ty (30) days of notice given by the licensee to a tenant
laws and rdinances. as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 152.01, to vacate the premises where the disorderly use was
Subdivision 4 and drug paraphernalia as defined related to conduct by that tenant or by other occupants'- .
66.Licgnse Action Sections- Revocation, suspension in Minnesota Statutes. Section 152.092 or guests of the tenants unit. Eviction proceedings kJ
and non - renewal may be brought under either this c. _ S shall not be a bar to adverse license action, however, .
Section or Section 12 -911, or both. lion 19 -202 unless they are diligently pursued by the licensee. -
d. The unlawful sale of intoxicating liquor or 3.2 per- Further, an action to deny, revoke, suspend, or not
cent man liquor. renew a license based upon violations of this section
may H--
be postponed or discontinued at any time if it ar
e. Violation of laws relating to gambling.
pears that the licensee has taken appropriate mea- �:N`a . TM _ •, a
f. Violation laws relating to prostitution as Subdivi-
68800A 42 049 in Minnesota Statutes, Section 609.321, sures which will prevent further instances of disorder-
7,6.Notifigation, He aring and Decision Basis. sion 9, or acts relating to prostitution. IY use. --
q,5, etermining Disorderly Conduct. A determination
a 1I11rittr n flnfir Hearing. A decision to revoke, sus- g. Unlawful use or possession of a firemft iR vielo- pqa
end, den or not renew a license shall be re- iteawe on. Violation Minnesota Statutes, that the licensed premises have been used ,, a disor-
Y P �p derly manner as described in paragraph 1 „shall be
ceded by written notice to the applicant or li- X609.66, Subdivision 1 a, 609.67, made upon substantial evidence to support such a de
censee of the alleged grounds tkere fertherefore 609.02. Subdivision 6 or 624.713 and City Code
and the applicant or licensee will be given an op- ;fiction 19-402
termination. It shall not be necessary that criminal?
fore final fora hearing before the City Council be- charges be brought in order to support a.determina- �— _-
fore final l action to revoke, suspend, deny or not not lion of disorderly use, nor shall the fact of dismissal or
renew a license._ acquittal of such a criminal charge operate as a bar to
lL— Decision Basis. The Council shall give due regard adverse license action under this section.
to the frequency and seriousness of violations, the signee- S,6. Notices. A ll notices given by the City under this sec -
ease with which such violations could have been a+ lion shall be personally served on the licensee, sent
cured or avoided and good faith efforts to comply h. Loud parties/persons - City Code Section 19- by First Class mail to the licensee's last known ad- _
and shall issue a decision to deny, not renew, sus - 1201 dress or, it neither method of service effects notice, by +;
pend or revoke a license only upon written find - j Flg hts - City Code Section 19-203 posting on a conspicuous place on the licensed f
trigs. j _Allowing curfew /status otfensesnderege drink- premises.
/u f
&Z Affected Facility- The Council may suspend or revoke Ing - City Code Sections 19 -301. and 19 -304, 9. Enforcement. Enforcement actions provided in this
a license or not renew a license for part or all of a fa- k,_ Disorde y conduct (Minn. Stat.. Section 609.721 section shalt not be exclusive, and the City Council '
cility. l — Proper damagg - 'dy Code Section 19-211 may take any action with respect to a licensee, a ten -
9 $. License Aetig Reapplication. m. Assaults 5th deg ree non - domestic - City Code ant, guests or the licensed premises as is authorized
Section 19 -204 by this Code or state law.
aL Suspension. Licenses may be suspended for up n. InterfRr wit a officer Minn. Slat., Sec- Section 12 12A NO RETALIATION. No licensee 2,9
to ninety (90) days and may, after the period of AL4 eace o
suspension, be reinstated subject to compliance lion 609.501 shall evict, threaten to evict or take any other punitive ac-
o. QlplaWful a ssembl Minn Stat.. Section 609.7051 tion a gainst a tenant b reason of faith calls made Q. The period n time used to ryeteiir�iitt3 uvttether a pro -
with this Chapter and any conditions imposed by >U 9 any Y !� visional license is requital! - t
the City Council at the time of suspension. _ City Code S ection 19-110- by such tenant to law enforcement agencies relating to T
¢ Revocation, Denial. Nonrenewal., Licenses that p Presence unlawful assembly (Minn. Stat.. Sac- criminal activity, suspected criminal activity, suspicious eerie"esenbed in section' 12 -
are revoked will not be reinstated until the owner tion 609.1751 occurrences or public safety concerns. This section shall
lied for and secured a new license and -0 Terrorist threat I
s t tinn. Stat.. Section 609.713) not prohibit the eviction of tenants from a dwelling unit for The City will provide by mail to each licensee a'manth=
has a `
PP P 9 iy rep of ally police casts and incidents and a
complied P lied with all conditions imposed at the time r. Lofterin a - City Cqde Section 19 -201 unlawful conduct of a tenant or invitee or violation of an earn
abie vi U1 ns as described in
of revocation. Upon a decision to revoke, deny or 2. Violations. Actions. Upon determination by the City rules, regulations or tease terms other than a prohibition -9
not renew a license, no new application for the Manager or the Manager's authorized designee that a against contacting law enforcement agencies. &J Mitigation Plan.' The applicant for a provisional licence -
same facility will be accepted for the period of time licensed premises was used in a disorderly manner, Section 12 -9128. FALSELY REPORTING VIOLATIONS. must submit for Council review a mitigation plan for the
specified in the Council's written decision, which as described in paragraph 1, the City Manager shall No person shall report a violation of this Chapter or city
shall not exceed one year. A decision not to renew ordinance knowing or having reason to know that the re- Legal Notices C011tinuedfi Ott n ext page
28 Brooklyn Center & Brooklyn Park Sun -Post — Thursday, Dec. 24, 2009 — www mnSun-com In the Community, With the Community, For the Community
City O f Br oo kl yn C enter ORDINANCE continued limit or repla r se n
e env other provisions. These lear k i and a p erson who fails to co
a p mP with a modified com -
pions shall be incorporated into everv_tleyv and renewed piiance order within the time set therein, upon conviction
license period. The mitigation plan shall describe lease fo rp tenangy be ginning April 1. 2010. therefor shall be '
steps proposed by the applicant to reduce the number Section 12 -916- TEfIANT BACKCzROUNp CHEC M *98111FAMR1 R61 19 011
of police and fire calls anrt[or the property cod issues 1. All licensees will conduct criminal background checks
Good RiA900 (90) 1116090 AF 112614 — 8 688
described in �aj12 -901 and 12 -911 to a on all prospective tenants : years and older and anv $reeeeetieprQ4ifty of a rrtj sdemeanoo punishable in ad-
level that qualifies for a regolef I. If or III license. subsequent persons 18 years or older residing in the coba wjth ;late jglnr- Nnthirtq in this Chapter however
The mitigation plan may include such steps as: dwelling unit. The criminal background check must in- i s deeme to jir.1 gther rem edies or civil penalties avail -
clude the following: able to the Citv under this code or state law- Each day of
changes in tenant screening procedures, changes in Y
(a) A statewide (Minnesota) criminal history check of diately. such faiture-to comply shall constitute a se
separate lease terms, security measures, rules and regulations Pil/ P P
for tenant conduct, arcd section as securi ty personnel and time all tenants who a 18 years _. k°'T � HAZARDOUS BUILDING DECLARA
, , able offense.
persons su seguenA resid p°°
frame to of a ge or older and
_imolement all phases of the Crime Free 9 h f age o TION. In the event that a building has been declared unfit Section 12 -1206, EXECUTION OF "COMPLIANCE OR-
Housing Program il in the dwelling unit who are 18 yea older of for human habitation and the owner has not remedied the DERS BY PUBLIC AUTHORITY Upon failure .to comp
nt ly
fcQUectively referred, to in this
3.5. Council Consideration. The application with apro- "tenant defects within a prescribed reasonable time, the building with a compliance order within the time set therein and no
e a s"1 covering at least the last three years;
posed mitigation plan will be presented to the City may be declared a hazardous building and treated con- appeal having been taken; or upon Tailure � ,comply with
u "in person"
Council togeth with a recommendation by the City the check must done utilizing sistent with the of Minnesota Statutes. a modified compliance order Wthin'the'time'set therein,
Manager or the Manager's designee as to the dispo- the most recent update of the state criminal histo- e prov the criminal en
ry files; Section 12 1-1201 A. COMPLIANCE ORDER. When- penalty established he con, eCrtotwitlistand-
n ity t thereof. After giving the applicant an o (b) A statewide criminal history check from the ever the compliance official determines that any building ing, the City Council may, by resolutiton foilolvinga hear -
shall to appr pr ove, disapprove, or approve with conditions heard and present evidence, the Council pond- ereeeeelive previous state of residence if or portion thereof, or the premises surrounding any of ing upon not less than ten (10) days notice to thelandown-
h the tenant is moving directly from the previous these, fails to meet the provisions of this Chapter, a com- er cause the cited deficiency to be remedied as - set forth
the application and the mitigation plan- If the Council state; piiance order setting forth the violations of the Ardi- in the compliance order. The cost of such remedy ehalf
disapproves an application and mitigation plan or ap- (c) A criminal history check of any preepeetive.tenant aapeeChap err and ordering the owner, occupant, opera- be a lien against the subject real - estate and may be levied
proves it with conditions, it shall state its reasons for and collected as a special assessment fn the manner pro -
in tiaei+ or her previous states of residence coy- tor, or agent to correct such violations shall be issued.
so doing in writing, In evaluating a mitigation plan, the ering the last three years if they have not resided This compliance order shall: vided by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter' 429, the as- in Minnesota for three years or longer; 1. Be in writing. sessment shall be payable in a single installment. -
Council will consider, among other things, the facility,
its management practices, the nature and serious-
Hess of causes for police and fire ealls incidences ( d) A criminal history check of an Y- ryresryesfwe tenant 2. Describe the location and nature of the violations of , Section 12 -1301. ALTERNATIVE SANCTIONS..Notwith-
and/or Dropertv code issupa and the expected effec- must be conducted in all seven counties in the this 6rdWaRea standing the availability of the foregoing compliiance pro -
tiveness of measures identified in the plan to reduce metro Twin City area covering at least the last 3. Establish a reasonable time for the correction of such cedures and the penalties, whenever the compliance off -
the number of police and !ire -saUe - fire incidences three years including all misdemeanor, gross mis- violation and notify of appeal recourse. cialdetermines that any building, or portion thereof. or the
and/or oronerty code yiolations. In evaluating a miti- demeanor, and felony convictions. 4. Be served upon the owner or agent or occupant, as premises surrounding any of these fails to'meetthe w
(e) Licensees will retain criminal history check deemed rements set
hk infor the case may require. Such notice shall be dd qui forth in this 8reipenee he
gation plan submitted by an applicant already under a -t
provisional license, the Council will also consider the mation for at least one year after the date of the to be property served upon such owner or agent, or pliance official may issue a violation tag summoning the
effectiveness of measures identified in the applicants check or, if the subject of the check becomes a upon any such occupant, if a copy thereof is: responsible person Into court or request the Issuance of a
previous mitigation plan and the need for different or tenant of the licensed premises, one year after the a. Served upon owner, agent or occupant personal- criminal complaint and arrest warrant.
subject of the check has ceased to be a tenant. ly; or
additional measures to reduce police and fire eafle -in- - ,gWion 12 -1 a02,- PENALTIES.
cidences and/or prop erty co-ft violations. Such information shall y available for inspection b. Sent by 1st Gass mail to his/her last known ad-
4,6.Comnliance with lyitioation Plan. The licensee shall upon ea�dr ewes ee the City Manager or the dress; or
comply with the mitigation plan as approved or modi- City Managers designs c. Upon failure to effect notice through ( and (b) as
fied by the Council. No later than the tenth day after Liken, set out in this section, posted at a conspicuous I
each calendar month, the licensee shall mail or deliv- Lf)— I n s must have written screening_ criteria place in or about the building, or portion thereof,
er to the City Manager a written report describing all that is provided to the applicant. wkieptjgt is affected by the notice.
00001 R RIF 1111 11149 4@619 of
steps taken in furtherance of the mitigation plan dur- $ gation 12 -1001- ENFORCEMENT AND INSPECTION Violations may be cited by the City and prosecuted, and PFeaeeetier►- person or responsible partv who violates
ing the preceding month. AUTHORITY. The City Manager and kis Manager's license suspension, revocation or non - renewat may be un- sections t o -101 through -1 -1402 is subject to the penal -
5ection 12 -914. designated agents shall be the compliance official who dertaken by the City whether or not a compliance order ],yptoyided under section 12 -1 PQ5 of thjs Cod Nothing in
CRIME FREE HOUSING PROGRAM, shall administer and enforce the provisions of this Qf&- has been issued. thiaChaotgr however is deerrngd tq jfmjt r.rQRlQdjes Qr
For the purpgse of thig Chapter. the Crime Free Housinq = and who is hereby authorized to cause in- Section 12 - 1201 B. ACTION PLAN. The compliance offi- civil penalties available to the Cft under this code'orstate
Program shall mean the nationally recognized program- spections on a scheduled basis for rental dwelling units, cial law. may require an action plan to be completed by the li- Each day that a violation continues shall be deemed
and other buildings when reason exists to believe that a a separate punishable offense. No provision of the Asei-
Ime ana unless otherwise indicated. The phases of the orogram
include. but are not limiter) tun, the conditions set forth violation of this h ter has been or is being frame that indicates the steps taken to correct identified t D� designating th duties of.any official or em-
below• P 9 violations and the measures to be taken to'ensure on
committed. Inspections shall be conducted during rea- go-
ployee of -the City shall be so construed as to make such
1 Phase One. For license categories other than Tvo�l . ing compliance with
sonable daylights haws and the compliance official city ordinances and applicable or employee liable for the penalty provided in this
. e codes.
an owner. marlaner or local anent responsible for the shall present evidence of official capacity to the occupant section because of failure to perform such duty,vnless the
gperation of the rental property must complete the in charge of a respective dwelling unit. Section 12 - 1202. RIGHT OF APPEAL. When it is alleged intention of the City Council to impose such penalty on
Phase I training of the l pro -flee housing program or Section 12-10Q2. INSPECTION ACCESS. Pursuant to by any person to whom a compliance order is directed that such official or employee is specifically and dearly ex- -
a sirrlilar course angmvect by the Citv Manger- Car- Minnesota Statutes Segtjon 5CQ4B.211. the pwner, man- such compliance order is based upon erroneous y re- pressed in the section creating the app duty-
rental lotion of this AFdilee such person may appeal
tification as
g property rrlanager makC a lso sat_ Eger or local ag ept is resoon$itlte fpr schadujjno the in- the compliance order to the City Council sitting as a board 2ection 12 - 4Qt SEPARABILITY Every section; provt
isfv this requirement. Phase I includes the following: epgctjgn and notifvina anv eKistina tenant of the insnec- sion, or part of this Qf4liaepeeChaptBC is declared saps-
of appeals. Such appeals must be in writing, must specs- P
ffl Attend an eight -hour crime -]rge housing cqursg lion. The owner manag or loca(a must provide ac- the rounds for the table from every other section, provision, or part to the ex-
resented by police. fire. Dublic housing and oth- o the eau fY a tent that if any section, prgvislon
appeal, must be accompanied by a
p sus t r. gating city authorized ag ent at the ached_ filing fee as set forth per council resolution, in cash or , or - part ; of.,thl3 Ar+#i -,
ers. vied inspectio time gr as r equested. Any owner, occu- cashier's check, and must be filed with the department of shall be held. invalid, R -shall not invalidate --
¢l Use, written le including the Minnesota Crime pant, or other person in charge of a building may refuse to planning and inspection within five (5) business days after any other section, provision or part thereof -
Flee Housinq L ease Addendum. permit free access and entry to the structure or premises service of the compliance order. The filing of an appeal Section II. This Ordinance shall become effective after •
cl Check the criminal ha cckground of all Bros ep ctive under kie person's control for inspection pursuant to shall stay all proceedings in furtherance of the action ap- adoption and upon thirty (30) days following its legal pub -
tenants and. upon request. Drovioe a cooXof ThirdThird this Areisl wme Chapter , whereupon the compliance offi- pealed from, unless such a stay would cause imminent' lication.
PaM1 Backg round Check or ocedures for Tenants. cial may seek a court order authorizing such inspection. peril to life, health, or property.
dl Activelv ourape the eviction who who violate Seption 12 - 1003. INT EBEEBF NCE WITH DUTI PRO- (Undedined material is new. 64 material is deleted.]
the terms of the lease and/or the crime free leaag HIBITED. Ap e n u Section 12 - 12[13 BOARD OF APPEALS DECISION.
addendum. r m st not wi t. delay. provide false Upon at least five (5j business days notice to the appel- Adopted this _day of 2009.
2. Phase Two. Includes Pha se 1 plus the folipwinZ jnformeti or otherwise Interfere with the co mpliance 1M cant of the time and place for hearing the appeal, and with -
ficial- City Manag or Wt�n ager's designated agents in thirty el Complete -a Security As sessment and complete while they are en a In the Dertormance of the duties (30) days after said appeal is filed, the board of Tim Willson, Mayor
the security imorgverrlentg recommended. This imposed by this Ch der- appeals shall hold a hearing thereon, taking into consid- ATTEST
phase will certifv that the ren proper has met erabon any advice and recommendation from the adviso-
t sec urity rpouirerpgnts for the tegant's safety, $ectjon 1;? -] 101- UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION. ry housing commission. The board of appeals may re- Sharon Knutson, City Clerk
¢l Attend a minjmum pf 25 percent of OwafttgMan- 1- Any building, or portion thereof, wgfegthal is dam- verse, modify, or affirm, in whole or in part, the compliance Date of Publication:
aAers Association Mgetinas. aged, decayed, dilapidated, insanitary, unsafe, vermin order and may order return of all or part of the filing fee if Effective Date:
3. Phase Thre Includes Phas 1 and 2 plus the fol- or rodent infested, or wW914 bat lacks provision for the appeal is upheld.
lowing: basic illumination, ventilation or sanitary facilities to Section 12 -1204. RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER OF (Dec. 24, 2009) pt- Rental Revisions -MR
al For properties with mg r. than units conduct the extent that the defects create a hazard to the OWNERSHIP- It shall be unlawful for the owner of any
resident traininq annually for the residents where health, safety or welfare of the occupants or of the building, or portion thereof, upon whom a pending com- _
crime watch and crime prevention techni are public may be declared unfit for human habitation. pliance order has been served to sell, transfer; mortgage,
discussed. Whenever any building or premises has been de- lease or otherwise dispose thereof to another person until public Notice
b) For prop erties with more than four units. ho rig- clared unfit for human habitation, the compliance offi- the provisions of the tag or compliance order have been .
yl4r resident me etings, cial shall order same vacated within a reasonable time complied with, unless such owner shall furnish to the (Official Publication)
c) Attend a minirppm pf 5A percent of Owners/Man- and shall post a placard on same indicating that it 'is grantee, lessee, or mortgagee a true copy of any notice of 1, KATHRYN MARIE MEIER, am- making public notice that
ggers Association Meetings. unfit for human habitation, and any operating license violation or compliance order and shall obtain and pos- a document titled Fleconveyance of Mortgage' has been
dl Have nq City Code violations that were not re- previously issued for such dwelling ynitLshall be re- sess a receipt of acknowledging. Anyone securing an in- recorded in La Mar, Georgia, with recording number BPA•'
sgtyed in accordance with compliance ordeca voked. terest in the building, or portion thereof, who has received BOOK 12, PAGE 660, in. regards to the property located
within the oast year. 2. it shall be unlawful for such building or portion there- notice of the existence of a violation tag or compliance at 3608 Sunset Rd N, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443.
$ gation ]2 CR FREE/DRU FREE HOUSING of to be used for human habitation until the defective order shall be bound by same without further service of
LEASE ADDENDUM REOUIREMENTS conditions have been corrected and written approval notice and shall be liable to all penattes and procedures (Dec. 17, 24 & 31, 2009) pi- Kathryn Marie Meier
has been issued by the compliance official. It shall be provided by this ArettrtarteeChapter.
All tenant lease$. exceQtjnr Mate jicansgd residential unlawful for any person to deface or remove the dec-
facilities. shall cont;ip the Crimg Free/Drug Free Housinn laration placard from any such building. Section 12 -1205, Ft6WA41:l6& TO CORRECT
Lease Addendum. The Crime Free /Drug Free provisions Section 12- 44 ^.2, ^ ^ ^,'J^ COMPLIANCE ORDER. Any person who fails to comply i
are in addition to all other terms of the tease and do not with a compliance order Legal Notices continued O n n e xt page