HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-04 01-16 AP CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER ►
Section 1: Chapter 17 of the City BROOKLYN CENTER POST
Ordinances is hereby amended by the (A continuation of the Brooklyn Center Press)
repeal of the following:
(Section 17 -101. PURPOSE OF THE
ORDINANCE. It shall be the purpose
of this ordinance to establish a
uniform and equitable system of
municipal personnel administration
for all employees of the City of
Brooklyn Center. it is hereby declared STATE OF MINNESOTA
to be the policy of the City that:) $$.
(1. Employment in the City service COUNTY OF HENNEPIN
shall be based on merit and fitness,
free of personal, political,
religious, and racial con-
(2. Just and equitable incentives and
conditions of employment shall be
established and maintained to E. C. L'Herault, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all the times herein stated has been the President of
promote efficiency and economy in The Post Publishing Co., publisher and printer of the newspaper known as
the operation of the City govern
ment.) BROOKLYN CENTER POST (A Continuation of Brooklyn Center Press)
(3. Positions having similar duties and
responsibilities shall be classified and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows:
and compensated on a uniform (1) Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent
basis.) in printed space to at least 900 square inches. (2) Said newspaper is a weekly and is distributed at least once each
(4. Good employee morale be week. (3) Said newspaper has 50 percent of its news columns, devoted to news of local interest to the community
promoted by consideration of the which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents,
rights and interests of employees plate matter and advertisements. (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports
consistent with the best interest of to serve, has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75 percent of its
the public and the City.) total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second -class matter in its
(5. Tenure of employees shall be local post- office. (5) Said newspaper purports to serve the
subject to good behavior, the
satisfactory performance of work, CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER
the necessity for the performance in the County of Hennepin and it has its known office of issue in the City of Crystal in said county, established and open
work, and the availability of
fu nds.) during its regular business hours for the gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and
funds.) DEFINITIONS. For maintained by the managing officer of said newspaper or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control
(Section 17 - during all such regular hours and at which time said newspaper is printed. (6) Said newspaper files a copy of each
'he purpose of this ordinance, the Perm issue immediately with the State Historical Society. (7) Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions
it definitions will apply:) for at least two years preceding The day or dates of publication mentioned below. (8) Said newspaper has filed with
plo who has completed hi s
I. Permanent Employee: an e the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1, 1966 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form
probationary ionary period and who has prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the managing officer of said newspaper and sworn to before a
been appointed to serve on a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. J .
permanent full time or part time
basis ,J �, . _ -_ . V V f `: �� - f l L i.: �c
t a position provided s the
. He further states on oath that the printed . ".. f f t l......:,.`. .. a ......
budget on a permanent basis.} y
(2. Temporary employee: an em-
ployee who has not acquired the j
status of a permanent employee, i ..... i },�...... f .....,,. { .., .. :.... .. ...:, a.:..........'..... ,;:. C..... ':..' .......... ................. .
and shall include any person who is
engaged in seasonal or casual
employment and who is corn hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in
pensated on an hourly or monthly -
(3. Benefits: privileges granted to an the English language ,,onceeach week, for. ..... successive weeks; that itwasfirstso published on ...................
. .......
employee in the form of vacation
leave, sick leave, overtime
allowance, holidays, military the,.- : ..... day of, .1 ................. ...19.,..... and was thereafter printed and published on every .....................
leave, military induction pay, or
pay received in lieu of accrued
leave upon termination of em- to and including the...... ...day of ........................ 19 ...... and that the following is a printed copy of the
ploy men t. )
(4. Budget time: that period during
which budget requirements for the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in
following fiscal year are
estimated, considered and adopted -
according to law.) the composition and publication of said notice, to wit:
(5. Fiscal year: January 1 to
December 31, inclusive.)
(Section 17 -103. POSITIONS abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxy7-5 pt. Sans
All offices and positions in the
municipal employ, now existing or
hereafter created shall be subject to
the provisions of this ordinance, ex-
cept that.) -
(1. The following offices and positions
shall be wholly exempt from the
provisions of this ordinance.)'
(a. Officials elected by the people.)
(b. Members of boards and corn µ
(c. Volunteer members of the Fire Subscribed and sworn to before
Department.) •'
(d. City Manager.)
(e. City Attorney.) me thi ..... .............. day
The City Assessor and Deputy City
Assessor shall not be entitled to
benefits described in Section IT ....... .zti:c- .`K -:�^�y -...tom ...:...... C42'F: Z�4�,! ..................... ...............................
102, subsection 3.)
(3. Employees subject to the
provisions of Civil Service Statutes (NOTARIAL SEAL)
and ordinances shall be exempt
from those provisions of this or-
dinance which are inconsistent Notary Public ....... ........................County, Minnesota
with Civil Service provisions and
(Section 17 -104. APPOINTMENT My Commission Expires ....... .......................19......
PROCEDURE. All appointments to
positions in the municipal service shall
be made by the City Manager a(
cording to - merit and fitness, con-
sistent with the provisions of the City
Charter. The City Manager shall be
appointed by the City Council ac-
cording to the provisions of the City
e Ah Ask
NO . ................
Affidavit of Publication
Published in
5617 Corvallis Ave. N.
weeks shall be forty hours, with at
least two consecutive days off each City Manager, employees in
reek The regular work day shall specified classes may be com-
(I. BY Examination. When required be eight working hours. The City pensated at hourly or daily rates of
by law, merit and fitness may be Manager, Office Heads, Depart pay when conditions of em-
ascertained by written, oral, or employees will be entitled to sick ment Heads, and Division Heads ployrnent warrant such action.)
other examinations and shall leave and vacation leay. , the sick shall work such additional hours (2. How Determined. Such hourly
relate to those matters which will necessary to satisfactorily perform rates shall be determined by
test fair) and fitness leave and vacation leave to be
Y the c a p acity Y the duties of their position.) dividing The annual wage set for
of candidates to discharge eF- accrued from the start of the
9 `.2 Full Time Service. Full -time employees of the class by the
f icientl the duties of the positions probationary employment Police
Y P patrolmen shall be eligible to make service is work for the number of number of hours equal to eight (8)
for which such examinations are use of accrued sick leave and hours which make up the regularly times the number of days in the
held.) scheduled weekly or monthly given year excluding Saturdays
(2 Without Examination. In case of vacation leave after six months
service) period of services in the particular and Sundays.)
appointment to positions for which (5. How Completed. Three weeks class, exclusiveof leavewith pay.) (Section 17 -112. PAY RATES IN
examinations are not required by before employees have completed 3 Pro -Rata Basis Whenever em TRANSFER, PROMOTION, OR
law, the City Manager may appoint their probationary service, their ployees work for a period of less DEMOTIONS. Rates of pay of em
any persons who meet require- than the regularly established ployees transferred, promoted, or
ments listed in the class specifi- department heads shall number of hours a day, days a demoted, shall be reviewed by the City
cations and whom the City Man- their records and performaances. nces. If f week, or weeks a month, the Council and re- established at a dif-
ager deems qualified to perform their records and performances
amount paid shall bear the same ferent level if deemed necessary.)
the duties of the positions) are satisfactory, the department relationship to the full- timerate for (Section 17 -113. OVERTIME
(3. Relationship er- - heads shall so certify to The City
p to Other Cit y Manager; and, upon approval of the class as the time actually PAYMENT. Authorized overtime
sonnel. Whenever possible, and the City Manager, these employees worked bears to the time required work performed by persons other than
with due regard for merit and shall thereupon assume the status for full time service.) the City Manager and department,
fitness, the City Manager shall of permanent employees. If the (4 Police Department Personnel.) office and division heads, shall be
avoid the appointment of any employees' records and or per �a. Minimum Work Year. All full compensated for at one and one -half
person when such person is related formances are found to be un time employees of the Police times their regular rate of pay, and
to any elected or appointed officer satisfactory of an time Burin the Department shall annually accrue such persons shall be paid for a
or employee of the City. (In the y y g a minimum work year which shall minimum of two hours of work for
application of this policy, a person probationary period, the depart
merit heads shall so certify to the equal the number of hours equal to each time they are required to report
shall be regarded as related if such City Manager, and the City eight (8) times the number of days to their offices for work during other
person is a brother, sister, spouse, Manager may, upon written notice, in the given year excluding than normal working hours. At-
the lineal ancestor or descendant of terminate the employees im Saturdays and Sundays.) tendance at meetings of the City
the prospective employee, or the mediately } ' b Accrual of Minimum Work Council or other duly established City
husband or wife of any such (Section 17 -107 PROVISIONAL Year.) boards or commissions shall not
brother, sister, ancestor or APPOINTMENTS ) ( (1) PATROLMEN— Patrolmen normally be considered overtime for
descendant, or the first cousin, or (1 When Made. If necessary to shall accrue hours to fulfill the the purposes of this section.)
the spouse of the first cousin of the prevent The stoppage of public requirements of the minimum (Except as provided elsewhere in
prospective employee ) business or inconvenience to the work year in the following man- this ordinance, overtime com -
(4. Residency Policy. Within eighteen ner ) pensation at the rate of one and one -
months after orig inal a appointment, Public, the City Manager may
p make provisional appointments to ((a) Regular Schedule— actual half Times the normal hourly rate shall
police officers shall reside within hours spent dui shall be be aid only for hours accrued in
the following escribed boun- positions in classes for which P- on Y P Y
g examinations are ordinarily given credited to the fulfillment of the excess of forty hours per week.)
and for which appropriate em
minimum requirement) (Section 17 -114. VACATION
(East of Mississippi River —An ployrnent lists are not then l (b) Training — actual rate) LEAVE.)
area bounded by Mississippi St. on ( (c) Scheduled Extra Duty -- ( 1 How much. Permanent employees
the north, Central Avenue (Hwy. available.)
1 2. Termination. Provisional ap- actual rate) shall earn vacation leave at the
No. 65) on The east, and Lowry
Avenue the south- West of p ( (d) Off Duo Court Time -- rate of five sixths of one working
Or deer r o ) y
o shall terminate by f the City Manager, or) compensation for appearance at day for each calendar month of
Mississippi River - -Thai area of (aa. Order
Expiration of the period during courtcluring off duty hours shall be full time service or major fraction
Hennepin County founded on The which any such appointments are at the rate of 150 per cent of The thereof. Employees with five
south 26th Avenue North. limited by Civil Service or any normal hourly wage, with a consecutive years of service shall
(extended), ), and on the west by other law, or) minimum of two hours pay at the earn vacation leave at The rate of
State Highways No. SS and No. ( The effective date of regular overtime rate to be paid for each one and one - fourth working days
101') appointments to the positions.) session of court at which the em- for each calendar month of full-
( Section 17 -105. PROMOTION (3 Benefits. Benefits shall not be ployee is required 4o be present.) time service or major fraction
ROM WITHIN THE SERVICE. given for service rendered under ( (e) Authorized Overtime— thereof. Employees with 20 con
tall be the policy fill vacancies in n provisional appointments unless compensation at the rate of 150 per secutive years of service shall earn
the municipal service by promotion of said provisional appointee at the cent of the normal hourly rate shall vacation leave at the rate of 1 - -2 -3
permanent employees insofar as time of the provisional ap be paid to nonsu ervisor and
practicable; to p y working days for each calendar
p post notice of intent to p poiniment shall be a permanent noninvestigative personnel for month of full -time service or major
fill such vacancies for five days; and , employee in another capacity.) consecutive hours worked in ex- fraction thereof.)
in case of equal qualifications, to give ( Section 17 -108. POSITION cess of eight per shift, provided (2. When Taken. Vacation leave may
consideration to length of service.) CLASSIFICATION PLAN The City that all overtime hours must be be used as earned, except that the
(Section 17 -106. PROBATIONARY Manager shall prepare a com- authorized and approved by the City Manager shall approve the
PERIOD.) prehensive position classification plan appropriate dep artment super p P time be which the vacation leave
(1. Purpose. The probationary period ton all positions covered by this al conf orm and such approval shall may be taken. a employee shall
shall be regarded as an integral d roop .The positions plan shall conform to such policy as may be of allowed vacation leave until
part of the examination process roup all positions covered therein issued by the City Manager. Such after completion of the initial
and shall be utilized for:) g according to the difficulty and overtime compensation shall be probationary period
(a. Closely observing employees' .)
work.) responsibility inherent in each authorized for off -duty personnel (3, Accrual. Employees with less than
position, the nature of the work and called to duty with less than 24 five years of service may accrue a
(b. Securing the most effective skill required for efficient per hours notice, with a minimum of maximum of fifteen working days
adjustment of employees to their formance of the duties of the position, two hours pay at the overtime rate vacation leave. Employees with
positions.) and the experience and training to be paid for each call to duty.) five consecutive years or more of
(c. Rejecting employees whose necessary to adequately perform such ( f2) Other--holidays and used service may accrue maximum of
performances do not meet requir- duties Following the adoption of such vacation and sick leave shall be twenty working days vacation
ed work) standards.) a plan, the City Manager shall from included in the accrual of the leave. Employees who have been
(2 Duration. All original ap- time to time review the contents of the minimum work year at the actual unable to take vacation leave as
pointments shall be probationary, plan in order to insure the accuracy of rate of eight hours per day or earned and who have accumulated
Police Patrolmen shall be subject its provisions over tilne. The City portion thereof as used.) the maximum number of vacation
to a probationary period of 12 Manager shall amend the plan (2) SUPERVISORY AND IN days to which entitled, may, after
months of service after ap- whenever changing circumstances VESTIGATIVE PERSONNEL. giving proper notice, absent
pointment. All other employees make provisions of the plan obsolete.) Supervisory and investigative themselves from work and avoid
shall be subject to a probationary ( Section 17 -109. COMPENSATION.) personnel shall accrue hours in loss of vacation leave, unless the
period of 6 months service after (1. All employees of the City of fulfillment of the minimum work accrual limitation is extended by
appointment. At any time during Brooklyn Center shall be com- year at the actual rate of hours the City Council.)
the probationary period employees pensated according to the wages or spent on regular scheduled duty, (4. Terminal Leave. Employees
may be transferred or dismissed if salaries established annually by training, and scheduled extra duty, leaving the municipal service in•
their performances do not meet the the City Council, provided, with appropriate credit for good standing, after having given
requirements for the position as however, that the City Council may holidays, used vacation, and used proper notice of Termination of
defined by the City Manager. change or modify any wages or sick leave. Sergeants and In employment, shall be compensated
Employees who shall not have salary of any employee at any time vestigators shall be compensated for vacation leave accrued and
completed six months of full time that it deems it necessary in the for required appearance at court unpaid, computed to the date of
service as of the effective date of interest of good administration as during off duty hours at the rate of separation.)
this ordinance shall receive credit recommended by the City 150 per cent of the normal hourly (5. Waiving Vacation Prohibited.
for such full time service as they Manager.) wage, with a minimum of 2 hours Employees shall not be permitted
have performed in fulfilling the (2 Any wage or salary so established pay at the overtime rate To be paid to waive vacation leave and
probationary requirement.) shall represent the total for each such session of court at receive double pay.)
(3. Applies to Promotions. Promotion remuneration for full -time em- which the employee is required 40 (Section 17 -115. SICK LEAVE.)
shall be subject to a probationary ployment, but shall not be con- be present.) (1. Eligibility. Sick leave with pay
period of six months. If employees sidered as reimbursement for ( f3) CLERICAL PERSONNEL.
shall er granted to probationary
who have been promoted are found official Travel ur other expenses Clerical personnel shall accrue and permanent employees at The
unsuited for the work of the classes
or positions to which promoted, which may be allowed for the hours a4 The actual rate and shall rate one working day for each
they may be reinstated to the ap of official business Unless be eligible for overtime when calendar month of full -time service
positions and rates of pay or other approved by the appointing approved by the Administrative or major fraction thereof, except
positions in the classes from which authority, no employee shall Division head.) that sick leave granted
they were promoted.) receive pay from the municipality (c Scheduling. Each employee probationary employees shall - not
(4. Affects Leave Benefits. During the ' addition to the salary authorized working a full calendar year shall be available for use until
initial probationary period, but not for any position or positions to be scheduled sufficient hours so as satisfactory completion of the
during a promotional probationary which he has been appointed. This to insure the accrual of the initial (not promotional)
period, employees will not be shall not be construed to prevent minimum work year. This section probationary period.)
entitled to sick leave or vacation employees from working in. more shall not be construed so as to (2 Accrual. Sick leave may be
during than one position when authorized guarantee compensation for ab- granted only for absence from duty
ng the first six months of ery
leave g the months m nths f by the City Manager.) sence from scheduled duty due to because of personal illness, legal
(Section 17 -110. WORK PERIODS.) the contraction of an illness or quarantine, or death or serious
(1 Regular Work Day and Week. temporary disability, the duration illness in the immediate family.
Except for employees in the Police of which exceeds the accrued sick Sick leave shall accrue at The rate
Department and Liquor Store, and leave of the individual.) of one day per month until 100 days
other positions as designated by ( Section 17 -111. HOURL" AND have.been accumulated and at the
the City Council, the regular work DAILY RATES:) rate of one half day per month after
(1. When used. Upon approval of the 100 days have been accumulated.
Workman's Compensation benefits Thanksgiving Day- Fourth Thursday Department heads may upon their
shall be credited against the in November own motion or upon the recom- (17. Becoming the surety or official
compensation due employees Christmas Day- December) mendation of a subordinate bond (including bail bond) of any
during sick leave.) (3. Saturdays and Sundays. When supervisor, discipline employees in other City employee ;
(3. Proof Required. In order to be New Year's Day, Independence Day, their departments by issuing
eligible for sick leave with pay, or Christmas Day fall on Sunday, the warning notices, reprimands, and
employees must:) following day shall be observed as a by recommending suspension to (18. Holding any other public office or
(a. Notify their supervisor prior to holiday When they fall,on Saturday, the City Manager. For the pur- employment which is incompatible
the time set for the beginning of the preceding day shall be observed as poses of this section only, depart- with their duties as City em-
their work day.) a holiday Employees absent from merit heads are the following: ployees, as determined the City
(b. Keep their department head work on the day following or the day Director of Finance, Director of Manager.)
informed of their condition, if the preceding such a three -day holiday Public Works, Chief of Police, (19. Failure to report any interest
absence is of more than three days' weekend without the express Chief Inspector, Director of Parks arising from any relationship
duration.) authorization of the City Manager and Recreation, Liquor Store which may create a substantial
(c. Submit medical certificates for shall forfeit their rights to holiday pay Manager, Assessor and the conflict of interest with respect to
absences exceeding three days, if for that holiday.) Superintendent or Division heads their duties as employees of the
required by the City Manager.) (4. Overtime. Employees who work a of the Engineering Division, Street City of Brooklyn Center.)
(4. Penalty. Claiming sick leave when normal Monday through Friday Division, Public Utilities Division ) (Section 17 -127. GRIEVANCE
physically fit, except as permitted schedule who are required to be on (3 Discipline by City Manager. The POLICY. It is the policy of the City
in this section, may be cause for duty on any holiday as set out in City Manager may upon his own insofar as possible to prevent oc.
transfer, suspension, demotion, paragraph 2as qualified by paragraph motion, or upon the recom- currence of labor grievances and to
dismissal or other disciplinary 3, and Police Patrolmen and Police mendation of a deparmtnet head, deal promptly with those which occur.
action.) Clerk Dispatchers who are required to discipline employees The City When any labor grievances, other than
(5. No Terminal Sick Leave. Sick be on duty on Christmas and Manager shall not impose matters covered in Section 17 -124, 125,
leave benefits shall not be granted Thanksgiving Days, shall be paid time disciplinary suspension for periods and 126, comes to or is directed to the
upon termination of employment.) and one -half for the hours worked in of greater than 30 working days for attention of any supervisory employee
(Section 17 -116. ACCRUAL DURING addition to the holiday pay.) any single offense. The decision of of the City, the supervisory shall
LEAVE. Employees using earned (5. Irregular Work Schedules. In the the City Manager in such matters promptly discuss all relevant cir.
vacation leave or sick leave shall be case of those employees working shall be final.) cumstances with the employee and his
considered to be working for the schedules other than the normal (4. Procedure. In all cases of representative if he so desires, con -
purpose of accumulating additional Monday through Friday, com disciplinary action a dated written sider and examine the cause of the
vacation leave or sick leave.) pensation for holidays shall be as notice of the disciplinary action grievance and attempt to resolve it to
( Section 17 -117. SEVERANCE PAY. follows ) shall be presented to the em the extent of his authority. Failing at
Severance pay in the amount of one- (a. Compensatory time off shall be ployee ) that level, the grievance may be
fourth the accumulated sick leave granted for each of the holidays set out (Section 17 -125. DEMOTIONS carried to higher authority, to and
employees have to their credit at the in paragraph 2 of this section, plus one Employees may be demoted by the including the City Manager.)
time of resignation or retirement shall and one -half floating holidays for City Manager on the basis of merit, (Section 17 -128. RETIREMENT.
be paid to employees who have been police personnel. Each time off shall fitness or for cause.) Employees subject to this ordinance
employed for at least five consecutive be taken as soon as practicable before (Section 17 -126. DISMISSAL. Em- shall be automatically retired from
years. If discharged for cause, or after the holiday for which it is ployees subject to the provisions of municipal service upon reaching
severance pay shall not be allowed.) accrued and as approved by the head this ordinance may be dismissed from sixty -five years of age, except that the
( Section 17 -118. MILITARY LEAVE. of the department in which the worker the municipal service by the City City Manager may extend the em-
Municipal employees who are called is employed.) Manager on the basis of merit, fitness, ployment of employees beyond age
or inducted into the Federal Service by (b. Except as provided in or for cause. Cause shall include, but sixty -five if such continued em.
the President of the United States, or praragraph 4 of this section and not be limited to, evidence of any one ployment is considered to be in the
ordered by proper authority to active paragraph c below, Overtime pay shall of the following ) best interests of the City of Brooklyn
noncivilian duty, shall be entitled to a not be authorized to those persons I. Incompetence, or inefficient Center).
leave of absence for the period of such working irregular shifts for hours performance of duties.) (Section 17 -129. PROHIBITIONS. No
active service without loss of status, worked the above mentioned holidays (2 Conviction of a criminal offense or person shall willfully or corruptly
Employees who have been in the full- when such work is part of the planned a misdemeanor involving moral make any false statement, certificate,
time service of the municipality for at schedule) turpitude.) mark rating or report in regard to any
least six months immediately (c. Compensation for holidays in the (3 insubordination.) test, certificate, or appointment held
preceding call to service shall receive form of time and one -half pay in ad- (4 Violation of any lawful or of- or made under the municipal per -
the difference between their regular dition to holiday pay may be ficial rule, regulation or order, or sonnet system or in any manner
municipal pay and the lesser military authorized for employees working failure to obey any lawful direction commit or attempt to commit any
pay for a period of fifteen days of such irregular shifts only when the head of made and given by a superior fraud preventing the impartial
military leave in the case of Reserve the department in which they work officer where such violation or execution of the provisions of this
or National Guard active duty training deems it imperative that such com- failure to obey amounts to an act ordinance. No person seeking em-
periods of less than thirty days pensatory time as may be accrued be of insubordination or a breach of ployment to or promotion in the
duration and full pay for fifteen days waived, with the employees consent, proper discipline, or has resulted municipal service shall either directly
in the case of active military duty of in the best interests of the City.) or reasonably might be expected to or indirectly give, render, or pay any
more than thirty days duration.) ( Section 17 -121. TEMPORARY result in loss or injury to the money, services or other valuable
(Section 17 -119. LEAVES OF AB- EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. Temporary municipality or be detrimental to consideration to any person, for or on
SENCE WITHOUT PAY.) employees and Liquor Store clerks the public welfare.) account of or in connection with
(1. How Much. Leaves of absence shall not be entitled to benefits (5 Intoxication or the consumption of promotion or proposed promotion.)
without pay may be granted by the described in Section 17 -102, subsection alcoholic beverages on duty.) (Section 17 -130. SOLICITATION.)
City Manager where the general good 3 with the exception that temporary (6 Physical or mental defect which, 0. It shall be unlawful for employees
Of the City will not be harmed. Leaves full time employees shall receive in the judgment of the appointing to solicit any pay, commission,
of absence without pay shall not ex- regular pay for holidays occurring authority, incapacitates the em- money or anything of value or
teed periods of ninety days unless during their period of employment if ployee for the proper performance attempt to derive any benefit,
based on disability or other good employed for a consecutive period of of the duties of this position. (An profit or advantage, directly, from
reasons. In any event, leaves of ab- thirty (30) days prior to the holiday.) examination by a licensed doctor or by reason of any dealingswithor
sence will not exceed one year, except (Section 17 -122. RESIGNATIONS.) may be required and imposed by service for the City of Brooklyn
for employees in the military service (1. Written Resignations Required. To the appointing authority ) Center by themselves or by
of the United States or those disabled leave in good standing, employees (7 Wanton use of offensive conduct or authority from or by reason of any
while in the service of the City of must submit written resignations language toward the public, improvements, alterations or
Brooklyn Center. Vacation and sick to their department heads. These municipal officers, superiors or repairs required by the authority of
leave benefits shall not accrue during written notices must indicate the fellow employees.) the City of Brooklyn Center except
periods of leave of absence without effective dates of resignation and (8. Failure to pay or make reasonable lawful compensation or salary as
p must be submitted at least fourteen provisions for future payment of such employees.)
IT Jury Duty. Employees summoned days before the effective dates of just debts due or owing by him (2. Penalty. Any person violating this
for jury duty or subpoenaed to testify resignation. Failure to comply with causing thereby annoyance to section shall upon conviction
in court shall receive an amount of this procedure may be considered officers and employees or the thereof, be punished by a fine of not
compensation which will equal the cause for denying future em municipality.) more than one hundred dollars
difference between the employees' ployment by the municipality and (9 Carelessness and negligence in the WWI or by imprisonment for not
regular pay and jury duty or witness denial of terminal leave benefits.) handling or control of municipal more than ninety (90) days for
fee compensation received.) l2 Unauthorized Absences. property ) each offense.)
(3. Approval Required. Leavewithout Unauthorized absence from work 110. Inducing or attempting to induce (Section 17 -131. POLITICAL AC-
pay shall require the advance an- for periods of three working days an officer or employee of the TIVITY.)
proval of the department head and the may be considered as resignations municipality to commit an 0. Campaigning for Others. No
City Manager.) without benefits.) unlawful act or to act in violation of employee shall seek or accept
(Section 17 -120. REST PERIODS (Section 17 -123. LAYOFFS. After any lawful and reasonable official election, nomination, or ap-
AND HOLIDAYS.) fourteen days' advance written notice regulation or order.) pointment as an officer of a
0. Rest Periods. Employees working has been given, the City Manager may (11. Taking any fee, valuable gift or political organization which is
'under conditions where a break period lay off employees because of shortage other valuable thing in the course taking part in a political campaign
-is practicable are authorized a fifteen of work or funds, abolition of positions, of his work or in connection with it for City elective office, nor shall an
minute break period in the forenoon or changes in organization. Per from any source for his personal employee serve as a member of a
and a fifteen minute break period in manent employees shall not be laid off use, when such gift, fee or other committee, or act as spokesman of
the afternoon of each work day.) while there are temporary, thing, is given in the hope of ex- such organization. Employees
(2. Holidays Observed. The following provisional or probationary em- pectation or receiving a favor or shall not seek signatures to any
legal holidays shall be observed as ployees serving in the same classes of better treatment than that ac petition, act as a worker at the
paid holidays for City employees, positions for which permanent em- corded other citizens.) polls, use his or her name in sup -
except as noted in paragraph 5 of this ployees are qualified, eligible, and ( 12. Conduct in private life or port of candidates, nor distribute
section: available. Length of service in the municipal service which brings badges or pamphlets, dodgers or
New Year's Day- - January 1 same position class shall be con- discredit upon the municipal handbills of any kind favoring or
Washington's & Lincoln's Birthdays- sidered, but shall not be binding.) service.) opposing any candidatefor election
Third Monday in February (The 14 -day notice requirement may ( 13. Deliberately filing or making a or for nomination to a public
Good Friday Afternoon - Friday be waived for persons in permanent false or improper report or elective office of the City.)
preceding Easter rodman positions when, during in statement.) (2. Voting and Seeking Office. This
Memorial Day -Last Monday in May clement weather, the City Manager (14. Proven dishonesty in the per- section shall not be construed to
Independence Day -- July 4 determines that temporary layoffs are formance of duties ) prevent any employee from
Labor Day First Monday in Sep- required Such temporary layoffs shall (15 Violations of the provisions of becoming or continuing to be a
tember not affect the accrual of sick leave and these ordinances.) member of a political club or
Christopher Columbus Day - - Second vacation benefits ) (16 Use of City of Brooklyn Center organization or from attendance at
Monday in October (Section 17 -124. DISCIPLINE.) vehicles, tools, equipment and -or a political meeting or from en-
Veterans Day- Fourth Monday in (1. General. Employees may be materials for other than official joying entire freedom from all
October warned, reprimanded, suspended, purposes, unless expressly interference in casting his vote for
demoted, dismissed or subjected to authorized by the City Manager or the candidate of his choice, nor
other disciptinary measures ) City Council.)
0 Discipline by Department Heads.
shall construction of this section,
except as provided below, limit or 3. Positions having the same duties
restrict employees from seeking and responsibilities shall be such addit.'aia,' hours necessary to
election or accepting appointment classified and compensated an a of intent to fill such vacancies for five satisfactorily fulfill the duties of
to elective public offices other thar uniform basis. days: and, in case of equal their position
those of the City. Employees of the 4. Good employee morale be promoted qualifications, to give consideration to 2. Police Work Year. Sworn em-
City shall not seek or accept by consideration of the rights and length of service. ployees in the Police Department
elective public offices of the City.) interests of employees consistent Section 17 -106. PROBATIONARY shall annually accrue a minimum
(3. Leaves of Absence. Employees with the best interests of the public PERIOD. work year consisting of a number of
seeking public elective offices and the City government. 1. Purpose. The probationary period hours equal to eight (8) times the
other than those of the City may be 5. Tenure of employees shall be shall be regarded as an integral part number of days in a respective year,
granted leaves of absence without subject to proper conduct, the of the examination process and shall excluding Saturdays and Sundays.
pay, during their campaigns if, in satisfactory performance of work, be utilized for:
3. Full -Time Service. Full-time ser -
the judgment of the City Manager the availability of work, and the a. Close) observing employees'
Y vice is work for the number of hours
such a leave would not be availability of funds. work. which make up The regularly
detrimental to the best interests of Section 17 -102. DEFINITIONS: For b. Securing the most effective scheduled weekly or other period of
the City. However, if the needs of the purposes of this ordinance, the adjustment of employees to their service in a particular
the City Service require, the following definitions shall apply: positions. classification, exclusive of leave
vacancy thus created by the ab- 1. Employer: The City of Brooklyn c. Dismissing employees whose with pay.
senceof the employee maybefilled Center. performances do not meet required
4. Pro -Rata Basis. Whenever per -
and the employee terminated.) 2. Permanent Employee: An em- work standards.
manent employees work for a
(Section 17 -132. EMPLOYEES ployee who has completed his probationary 2. Duration. All original permanent period of less than the regularly
ADVISORY BOARD. There shall be p
r y period and who has appointments shall be probationary, established number of hours a day,
established and maintained an Em- been appointed to serve on a per- Non - police employees shall be days a week, or weeks a month, the
ployees' Advisory Board to serve in an manent full -time or permanent subject to a probationary period of
Manager part -time basis in a position so I P amount paid shall bear the same
advisory capacity to the City P six months service after all- relationship to the full-time monthly
in the formulation of personnel provided in the budget or otherwise pointment. At any time during the rate for the classification as the
policies, administration of personnel expressly established by the City probationary period employees may time actually worked bears to the
programs, and consideration of Council. be transferred or dismissed if their time required for full -time service.
matters affecting the quality of ser 3. Temporary employee: An employee performances do not meet the Section 17 -109. CAL- CULATION OF
vices of municipal departments. This who has not acquired the status of a requirements for the position as HOURLY RATES. Hourly com -
board may investigate, consider, permanent employee, and who is defined by the City Manager. pensation rates shall be determined by
report and -or make any recom- employed on a temporary full -time 3. Applies to Promotions. Promotion dividing. the annual wage (twelve
mendations deemed proper in the area or temporary part -time basis. shall be subject to a probationary times the monthly wage) set for a
of personnel administration.) 4. Benefits: Privileges granted to an period of six months. If employees classification by the number of hours
(l. Make -up and Selection. The employee in the form of vacation who have been promoted are found equal to eight times the number of
Employees' Advisory Board shall leave, sick leave, holiday leaves, unsuited for the work of the days in the given year, excluding
consist of three employees subject military leave, military induction positions to which promoted, they Saturdays and Sundays.
to the provisions of this ordinance pay, insurance, or severance pay. may be reinstated to the position Section 17 -110. OVERTIME AND
who shall be elected by the em- 5. Regular pay rate: An employee's and rate of pay of the position from CALL -BACK PAYMENT.
ployees subject to the provisions of hourly or monthly pay rate, ex- which promoted, so long as a 1. Pursuant to federal and state wage
this ordinance. It shall be the duty cluding special allowances other vacancy exists. and hour jaws, authorized overtime
of the City Clerk to arrange for than police college incentive. 4. Affects Leave Benefits. During the work in excess of the regular work.
necessary elections. Provisions Section 17 -103. POSITIONS initial probationary period, but not week performed by persons other
sho(1 be made so that no two of the COVERED BY THIS ORDINANCE. during a promotional probationary than the City Manager and exemp-
elected members shall be from the All offices and positions in the period, employees will not be en- ted executives, administrators and
same department, except that no municipal employ, now existing or titled to sick leave or vacation leave professional employees, shall be
elected member shall be precluded hereafter created, shall be subject to during the first six months of ser- compensated for at one and one -half
from completing his term on the the provisions of this ordinance, ex- vice After six months of service times their regular rate of pay.
Employees' Advisory Board cept that: employees will be entitled to sick 2 A permanent employee given less
because of transfer or promotion.) 1. The following offices and positions leave and vacation leave, the sick than twenty -four hours notice for a
(2. Terms of Office of Employee shall be wholly exempt from the leave and vacation leave to be ac call -back to duty at a time other
Members. Each of the elected provisions of this ordinance. trued from the start of the than his normally scheduled work
employee members shall serve a.Officials elected by the people. probationar y employment.
b. Members of boards and com- period shall b compensated at one
three years. There shall be no re- 5. How Completed. Three weeks and one -half ti mes the employee's
_ election for consecutive terms, but missions. before employees have completed regular pay rate for hours worked
persons who have been off the c. Volunteer members of the Fire their probationary service, their outside of the scheduled work
Employees' Advisory Board for Department. respective department heads shall period.
one year shall then be eligible for d. City Manager. evaluate their records and per- Section 17 -111. VACATION LEAVE.
re- election.) e. City Attorney. formances. If the employees' 1. Amount. Permanent employees
(3. Vacancies. If a member whose 2. Employees covered by formal labor records and performances are shall earn vacation leave at the rate
unexpired term is less than one contracts with the City shall be satisfactory, the department heads of five - sixths of one working day for
year should depart for any reason exempt from those provisions of this shall so certify to the City Manager each calendar month of full -time
and thereby create a vacancy, a ordinance which are in conflict with and, upon approval of the City service or major fraction thereof.
new member shall be chosen by the labor contract provisions and such Manager, these employees shall Employees with five consecutive
remaining members. If the employees shall be limited to the thereupon assume the status of years of service shall earn vacation
unexpired term of a departed benefits provided in such labor permanent employees. If the em- leave at the rate of one and one -
member is more than one year, the contracts. ployees' records and -or per- fourth working days for each
vacancy shall be filled by a special Section 17 -104, APPOINTMENT formances are found to be un- calendar month of full -time service
employee election.) PROCEDURE AND CONDITIONS. satisfactory at any time during the or major fraction thereof. Em-
(4. Functions. The Employees' Ad- I. By City Manager. All appointments probationary period, the depart- ployees with fifteen consecutive
visory Board shall be advisory to positions in municipal service ment heads shall so certify to the years of service shall earn vacation
only, and members are not vested shall be made by the City Manager City Manager and the City Manager leave at the rate of one and two -
with any administrative authority according to merit and fitness, may, upon written notice, terminate thirds working days for each
beyond that which they are entitled consistent with the provisions of the the employees immediately. If calendar month of full -time service
to by virtue of their regular City Charter. employee performances are found or major fraction thereof. Em-
positions.) 2. Relationship to Other City Per- to be marginal during the
P 4i g ployees using earned vacation leave
( Section 17 -133. REPEAL. The sonnel. Whenever possible, and with probationary period, the City or sick leave shall be considered to
provisions of Chapter 17 of the or- due regard for merit and fitness, the Manager and a respective employee be working for the purpose of ac-
dinances of the Village of Brooklyn City Manager shall avoid the ap- may mutually agree to an extension cumulating additional vacation
Center as adopted on February 8, 1965, pointment of any person when such of the probationary period to permit leave.
as amended, are hereby repealed, and person is related to any elected or further possible satisfactory 2. Usage. Vacation leave may be used
this ordinance shall hereafter be appointed officer or permanent development. as earned, except that the City
known as Chapter 17 of the City Or employee of the City. (In the ap- Section 17 -107. COMPENSATION. Manager shall approve the time at
dinances and the sections of this or plication of this policy, a person 1. All employees of the City of which the vacation leave may be
dinance numbered therein as herein shall be regarded as related if such Brooklyn Center shall be com- taken.
designated.) person is a brother, sister, spouse, pensated within wage and salary 3. Accrual. Employees with less than
Section 17 -134. EFFECTIVE DATE. the lineal ancestor or descendant of schedules established annually by five years of service may accrue a
This ordinance shall be effective from the prospective employee, or the the City Council, provided, however, maximum of fifteen working days
and after its passage and publication husband or wife of any such brother, that the City Council may amend vacation leave. Employees with five
and upon the conversion from Village sister, ancestor or descendant, or such schedules at any time that it to fifteen consecutive years of
to City government.) the first cousin, or the spouse of the deems necessary in the interest of service may accrue a maximum of
first cousin of the prospective good personnel administration as twenty working days vacation
employee.) recommended by the City Manager. leave. Employees with fifteen
3. Residency Policy. Emergency 2. Any wage or salary so established consecutive years or more of ser -
public safety response shall represent the total vice may accrue a maximum of
Section 2: Chapter 17 of the City requirements dictate that a remuneration for employment, but twenty -five working days vacation
Ordinances is hereby amended by the reasonable public policy be shall not be considered as reim- leave. Accruals in excess of the
addition of the following: established for police officer bursement for official travel or established maximums may be
AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING residency. It is thereby declared other expenses which may be granted by the City Manager in the
A BASIC PERSONNEL POLICY FOR that within eighteen months after allowed for the conduct of official best interests of the City.
THE CITY OF BROOKLYN CEN- original appointment, police of- business. Unless approved by the 4. Termination Provisions. Employees
TER, MINNESOTA titers shall reside within the appointinq authority, no employee cleaving the municipal service in
Section 17 -101. PURPOSE OF THE following described boundaries: shall receive pay from a good standing, after having given
ORDINANCE. It shall be the purpose East of Mississippi River- An area municipality in addition to that proper notice of termination of
of this ordinance to establish a bounded by Mississippi Street on the authorized for any position or employment, shall be compensated
uniform and equitable system of north, Central Avenue (Hwy. 65) on positions to which he has been ap- for vacation leave accrued and
municipal personnel administration the east, and Lowry Avenue on the pointed. This shall not be construed unpaid, computed to the date of
for all employees of the City of south. to prevent employees from working separation.
Brooklyn Center. It is hereby declared West of Mississippi River - That in more than one position when 5. Waiving Vacation Prohibited.
to be the policy of the City that: area of Hennepin County bounded authorized by the City Manager. Employees shall not be permitted to
I. Employment in the City service on the south by 26th Avenue North Section 17 -108. WORK PERIODS. waive vacation leave and receive
shall be based on merit and fitness, (extended) and on the west by State 1. Regular Work Day and Week. double pay.
free of personal, political, religious, Highways 55 and 101. Except for sworn employees in the Section 17 -112. SICK LEAVE.
gender, age and racial con Section 17 -105. PROMOTION FROM Police Department, the full -time 1. Eligibility. Sick leave with pay shall
siderations. WITHIN THE SERVICE. It shall be regular workweek shall be forty be granted to probationary and
2. Just and equitable incentives and the policy to fill non - management hours, generally with at least two permanent employees at the rate of
conditions of employment shall be vacancies in the municipal service by consecutive days off each week and one working day for each calendar
established and maintained to promotion of permanent employees the regular workday generally shall month of full -time service or major
promote effectiveness and economy insofar as consistent aith, accepted be eight working hours. fraction thereof.
in the operation of the City govern- management practices; to post notice Management personnel shall work
2. Usage. Sick leave may be used only
for absence from duty because of Labor Day - First Monday in
personal illness, legal quarantine, September 1. General. Employees may be
or because of serious illness in the Christopher Columbus Day - with City employment respon-
warned, reprimanded, suspended,
immediate family. Immediate Second Monday in October sibilities, as determined by the City
family shall mean brother, sister, Veteran's Day - November 11 demoted, dismissed or subjected to
other disciplinary measures. Manager.
parents, parents -in -law, spouse, or Thanksgiving Day - Fourth 2. Discipline by Department Heads is. Failure to report any interest
children of the employee. Sick leave Thursday in November arising from any relationship
may be used for the purpose of Post- Thanksgiving Day - Friday and Supervisors. Department heads which may create a substantial
attending the funeral of immediate after Fourth Thursday in November or their representatives may, upon conflict of interest with respect to
family members plus brothers -in- Christmas Day - December 25 their own motion or upon the official duties for the City of
law, sisters -in -law, for Holidays. When New Year's
grandparents, 2. Ma' recommendation of a subordinate
Brooklyn Center.
grandparents -in -law, and grand- Day, independence Day, Veteran's supervisor, discipline employees in
children of the employee. Day or Christmas Day fall on their departments by issuing Section 'POLICY. It is s the . GRIEVANCE
warnings and reprimands, or by he policy of the City
3. Accrual. Sick leave shall acrue at Sunday, the following days shall be insofar as possible To deal promptly
the rate of one day per month until observed as a holiday. When they recommending suspension,
100 days have been accumulated fall on Saturday, the preceding day demotion, or dismissal To the City and fairly with grievances arising out
Manager. Supervisors may, upon terms and conditions of em-
and at the rate of one -half day per shall be observed as a holiday. pl ment. A permanent employee
month after 100 days have been Employees absent from work on the Their own motion, discipline c subordinates by issuing warnings claiming a grievance shall submit
accumulated. Employees using day following or the day preceding
and reprimands n, by r such grievance To the employee's su-
earned vacation leave or sick leave such a three -day holiday weekend mending suspension, demotion, or per visor who shall consider and to re -
shall be considered to be working without the express authorization of dismissal . a respective depart- s ol the grievance and attempt to re-
for the purpose of accumulating the City Manager shall forfeit their merit head. For the purposes of this solve it y. the extent t his supervisory
additional sick leave. Workmen's rights to holiday pay for that section only, department heads are authority. Failing at that level, the
Compensation benefits shall be holiday.
credited against the compensation 3. Premium Pay. Employees who the Director o following: Director s Finance, grievance may a referred by The
Director of Public Works, Chief of employee to his department head who
due employees during sick leave. work a Monday through Friday
4. Procedure. In order to be eligible workweek who are required to be on Police, Director of Planning and shall consider and examine the
g Inspection, Director of Parks and grievance and attempt to resolve it. I for sick leave with pay, employees duty on any holiday as set out to
must: paragraph 1 as qualified by Recreation, Assessor, and liquor Failing at that level the employee may
a. Notify their superior prior to the paragraph 2, and Police Depart- Store Manager, refer his grievance to the City
time set for beginning of their - ment Clerk- Dispatchers who are 3. Discipline by City Mnager. The Manager for disposition. Failing at
normal workday. required to be on duty on the day City Manager may, upon his own that level the employee- may present
b. Keep their superior informed of shift on Thanksgiving, the mid -shift motion or upon the recommendation his grievance
Relations Board pursuant to
their condition if the absence is of on Christmas Eve, the next suc- of a department head, discipline
more than three days duration. ceeding night shift, and the next employees. The City Manager shall State law.
c. Submit medical certificates for succeeding day shift on Christmas not impose disciplinary suspension Section 17 -125. RETIREMENT.
absences exceeding if Day, the mid -shift on New .Year's for periods of greater than thirty Employees subject To this ordinance
g three days days for any single offense.
required by the City Manager. Eve, the next succeeding night shift shall be automatically retired from munici at service upon reaching
5. Misuse Prohibited. r m
e Employees and the next succeeding day shift on The O of the City Manager in sixi five ears of age, exce t that the
claiming sick leave when physically New Year's Day shall be paid time such matter s shalt be final. Y y P
fit, P ment of employees beyond e except as otherwise permitted in and one -half for the hours worked in 4. Procedure. In all cases of City Manager may extend the em-
to em to a
this section, shall be cause for addition to the holiday pay. disciplinary action a dated written P Y P Y 9
disciplinary action. notice of the proposed disciplinary sixty -five if such continued employ -
4. Irregular Work Schedules. In the merit is considered to be in the best in-
6. No Terminal Sick Leave. Sick leave
case of those employees whose work action shall be presented To The terests of the City of Brooklyn Center.
benefits shall not be granted upon function involves working schedules employee. Section 17 -126. POLITICAL AC-
termination of employment. Section 17 -122. DEMOTIONS. Em-
other than a Monday through TIVITY.
Section 17 -113. SEVERANCE PAY. manag er the basis of merit, fitness 1.
Friday workweek, compensation for may be demoted the City Campaigning for Others. No
Severance pay in the amount of one- holidays shall be as follows: manager employee shall seek or accept
fourth the accumulated sick leave or for cause.
Section 17 -123. DISMISSAL. Em-
employees have to their credit at the a- Compensatory time off shall be election, nomination, or ap-
granted for each of the Darned and poinimenT as an officer of a political
time of resignation, retirement, or ployees subject to the provisions of
death shall be paid to employees who accrued holidays defined to this ordinance may be dismissed from organization which s Taking part to
have been employed for at least five Paragraph 1, plus an a Po the municipal service by the City political campaign for City elective
"floating" holiday for sworn n Poli lice a office, nor shall an employee serve
consecutive years. If discharged for Manager the basis of merit, fitness
cause, severance pay shall not be Department personnel and Clerk- or for cause. Cause shall include, as a member of a committee, nor
Dispatchers. Each time off shall be ct as spokesman of such
allowed. but not be limited to, evidence anyone of the following: id of
Section 17 -114. MILITARY LEAVE. taken as soon as practicable after organization. Employees shall not
I. Employees ordered by proper the ho l Iday for which it is accrued 1. formance of duties. Incompetence or ineffective per- seek signatures To any petition, act
authority to National Guard or and as approved by the Employer. as a worker at the polls, use his or
Reserve military service not ex- b. Except as provided in paragraph her name in support of candidates,
2. Conviction of felony offense or a
ceeding fifteen days in any calendar 3 this section and paragraph c misdemeanor r involving moral nor distribute badges or pamphlets,
below, premium pay shall not be dodgers or handbills of any kind
year shall be entitled 40 leave of 3 turpitude. insubordination. favoring opposing any can -
absence without loss of status. Such authorized to those persons working 9 or PP 9
irregular shifts for hours worked on didate for election or for nomination
employees shall receive com- holidays when such work is part of 4. Violation of any lawful or official P to a ublic elective office of the City.
pensation from the employer equal rule, regulation or order, or failure
the planned schedule. 2. Voting and Seeking Office. This
to the difference between his a obey any lawful direction
given by a superior. tion made
c. Compensation for holidays in the section shall not be construed to
regular pay rate and his lesser a
form of premium time and one -half
pay prevent any employee from
military in addition to holiday payma 5. sum Intoxication on lc duty a the con -
pay nonprescription of alcoholic beverages or becoming or continuing to be a
2. Employees called and ordered by
proper authority to active military authorized for employees working nonprescription drugs c duty. member of a political club or
service in time of war or other irregular shifts only when The City 6. Physical m mental th et caw appointing
to a poli m et from attendance at
Manager deems it imperative that the judgment of the appointin apolitical meeting or from enjoying
properly declared emergency shall 1 9 9
such compensatory time as may be entire freedom from all in-
be entitled to leave of absence authority, incapacitates the em-
without pay g accrued be waived, with the em- from the proper per- terference in casting his vote for
Y ee P P er P
Upon completion such service. o1 such service PloYee °s consent, in the interests of formance of his duties. (An the candidate of his choice, nor shall
employees shall be entitled of the the City. examination b a licensed doctor construction of this section, except
same or similar employment of
Section 17 -11@. TEMPORARY as provided below, limit or restrict
seniority, status, and pay as if suuc It the a c required and imposed tr Y
EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS. Tem- ) employees from seeking election or
may be r h appointing authority.)
leave had not been taken, subject to porary employees, including part -time 7. Wanton use of offensive conduct or accepting appointment to elective
liquor store clerks, shall not be en- language toward the public, public offices other than those of the
the specific provisions Chapter P
192 of the Minnesota Statutes. titled To benefits described in Section municipal officers, superiors or City. Employees of the City shall not
Section 17 -115. LEAVES OF AB- 17 -102, subsection 4. fellow employees. seek nor accept elective public
SENCE. Section 17 -119. RESIGNATIONS. B. Carelessness and negligence in the offices of The City.
1. Written Resignations Required. handling or control of municipal 3. Leaves of Absence. Employees
1. Leaves of absence without pay may P-
be granted by the City Manager To leave employment in good property, seeking public elective offices other
where the best interests of the City standing, employees must submit 9. Inducing or attempting to induce than those of the City may be
will not be harmed. Such leaves written resignations to the Em- an officer or employee of the granted leaves of absence without
shall not exceed periods of ninety plover. Such written notices must municipality to commit an pay during their campaigns if, in the
calendar days unless based on indicate the effective date of unlawful act or to act in violation of judgment of the City Manager, such
disability or other good reasons. resignation and must be submitted any lawful and reasonable official a leave would not be detrimental to
, Vacation and sick leave benefits at least 14 calendar days before regulation or order. the best interests of the City.
such effective date. Failure to g acceptin However tf the needs of the City
shall not accrue during periods of lo. Solicitin or acce tm any gift,
leaves of absence without pay. comply with this procedure may be gratuity, loan, reward, discount,
service require, the vacancy thus
2. Employees Summoned for jury duty considered cause for denying future valuable favor, or any such thing of created by the absence of the em-
or subpoenaed to testify in court on employment by the municipality value which is sought or offered on ployee may be filled and the em-
behalf of the Employer or for and denial of terminal leave a basis reasonably considered to be ployee terminated.
reasons growing out of City em- benefits. related to City employment and not Section 17 -127. EMPLOYEES
ployment shall receive an amount of 2. Unauthorized Absences. generally available to members ADVISORY BOARD. There shall be
compensation which will equal the Unauthorized absence from work of the general public. established and maintained an Em-
difference between the employee's for a period of three working days 11. Deliberately filing or make a false ployees' Advisory Board to serve in an
regular pay and jury duty or witness may be considered as resignation report or official statement. advisory capacity to the City Manager
fee compensation received. without benefits. 12. Proven dishonesty in the per- in the administration of personnel
Section 17 116. RELIEF PERIODS. Section 17 -120. LAYOFFS. After formance of duties. programs.
Full -time employees working under fourteen calendar days prior written 13 Violations of the provisions of this 1. Make -up and' Selection. The
conditions where a break period is notice, the City Manager may lay off ordinance. Employee's Advisory Board shall
practicable are authorized a fifteen permanent employees because of 14. Holding any other public office or consist three e
minute relief period during the first shortage of work or funds, abolition of employment which is incompatible shall d by alll l City y employees. elected mployees. I
half of the work shift and a fifteen positions, or other reasons. The City shall be the duty of the City Clerk To
minute relief period during the second Manager may lay off temporary arrange for such elections.
half of the work period. employees with no prior notice. Provisions shall be made such that
Permanent employees shall not be laid no two of the elected members
Section 17 -117. HOLIDAY LEAVE. shall be from the same department,
1. Holidays Defined. Holiday leave off white there are temporary except that no elected members
shall be granted for The following probationary employees serving in thhe e shall be precluded from completi -9
s: y - January 1
nolida same positions for which permanent P
Y his term on the Employees' Ad-
New Year's Da employees are qualified, eligible, and
Washington's B Lincoln's Birthdays available. Length of service in the visory Board because of transfer or promotion.
- Third Monday in February same position classification shall be - -
Memorial Day -Last Monday in considered, but shall not be binding.
May Section 17 -121. DISCIPLINE.
Independence Day - July 4
2. Terms of Office. Each of the
elected employee members shall
serve three year terms. No board
member may succeed himself, but
shall be eligible for re- election to the
Advisory Board folowing at least a
one year absence from board
3. Vacancies. Board vacancies shall
be filled through appointment by
remaining board members if the
unexpired term of such vacancy is
less than one year. If the unexpired
term is more than one year, the
vacancy shall be filled by a special
election of all employees.
4. Functions. The Employees' Ad-
visory Board shall be limited to an
advisory capacity to the City
Manager, and members are not
vested with any administrative
authority beyond that which theyare
entitled by virtue of their em-
ployment positions.
Section 3. This ordinance shall
become effective after adoption and
upon thirty(30) days following its legal
Adopted this day of , 19
Ma yor
Published in the official newspaper
Effective date
(Brackets ondicate i.iatter to be
deleted, bold face indicates new
(Published in The Brooklyn Center
Post Janaury 16, 1975 )