HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-08 05-29 AP CITYOF BOOOKLYNCENTER
Section 1: Chapter 12 of the City
Ordinances is hereby amended as
Section 12 -101. PURPOSE.
o. Neither in enacting this ordinance is (A continuation of the Brooklyn Center Press)
>fP the intention of the City Council to
interfere or permit interference with
legal rights to personal privacy. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION
Section 12 -201.
(6) Family — any of the following
definitions shall apply:
—Group or foster care of not more
than (five (5)) six (6) wards or
clients by an authorized person or STATE OF MINNESOTA
persons, related by blood, SS.
marriage, or adoption together COUNTY OF HENNEPIN
with his or their domestic servants
or gratuitous guests, all main-
taining a common household in a
dwelling unit approved and cer-
tified by the appropriate public
Section 12 -201. M C : L"Herault, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all The times herein stated has been the President of
(7) Flush water closet — (a toilet bowl The Post Publishing Co., publisher and printer of the newspaper known as
flushed with water under pressure
with a water sealed trap above the BROOKLYN CENTER POST (A Continuation of Brooklyn Center Press)
floor level) a toilet, with a bowl and
trap made in one piece, which is and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows:
connected to the City water and (1) Said newspaper is printed in The English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent
sewer system or other approved in printed space to at least 900 square inches. (2) Said newspaper is a weekly and is distributed at least once each
water supply and sewer system. week. (3) Said newspaper has 50 percent of its news columns, devoted to news of local interest to the community
Section 12 -201. which it purports To serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents,
(10) Habitable room — a room or plate matter and advertisements. (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports
enclosed floor space used or in- To serve, has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75 percent of its
tended to be used for living, Total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second -class matter in its
sleeping, cooking, or eating pur- local post- office. (5) Said newspaper purports to serve The
poses, excluding bathrooms, water
closet compartments, laundries, CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER
furnace rooms, unfinished in The County of Hennepin and it has its known office of issue in the City of Crystal in said county, established and open
basements (those without (floor during its regular business hours for the gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and
covering, ceiling covering, wall maintained by the managing officer of said newspaper or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control
finish,) required ventilation, during all such regular hours and at which time said newspaper is printed. (6) Said newspaper files a copy of each
required electric outlets end issue immediately with The State Historical Society. (7) Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions
required exit facilities), pantries, for at least two years preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned below. (8) Said newspaper has filed with
utility rooms of less than 50 square the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1, 1966 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form
feet of floor space, foyers, com- prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the managing officer of said newspaper and sworn to before a
municating corridors, stairways, notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper.
closets, storage spaces, and
workshops, hobby and recreation t ,,,���,,, ,. f /
areas in parts of the structure HefurThersTaTesonoathThafiheprinted ...�,`:.`--
below ground level or n attics. .4:!..: �1�... _ `': `� � <'. . ..........
Section 12 - 201.
(11) Heated water —water heated to a ' y �?
temperature of not less than 120 ......C...f- ...`. �:.... `..'." ................................................... ...............................
degrees Fahrenheit, or such lesser '
temperature required by govern- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in
ment authority, measured at
faucet outlet.
Section 12 -201. the English language, once each week, for. �' ` ...... C
(IA) Occupant — any person (in- g .. successiveweeks; ihaTitwasfirsisopublishedon . / ................:....�
cluding owner or operator) living,
sleeping, cooking and eating in a ihe..,..(... day of...: r ,., ,,,,,,19.:``l. and was thereafter printed and published on every .....................
dwelling unit (.) or living and . `�:.. -f.
sleeping in a rooming unit.
Section 12 -313. MINIMUM to and including The .........day of ........................ 19 ...... and That the following is a printed copy of the
In every dwelling unit or rooming lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in
unit when the control of the supplied
heat is the responsibility of a person
other than the occupant, a tem- the composition and publication of said notice, to wit:
perature of at least 68 degrees
Fahrenheit or such lesser temperature
required by government authority
shall be maintained at a distance of abcdefghiiklmnopgrstuvwxy7-5 pt. Sans
three feet above the floor and three
feet from exterior walls in all
habitable rooms, bathrooms, and
water closet compartments from
September through May.
Section 12 -317. MAINTENANCE OF
YARDS. t �:
The owner of a multiple family 1. s
dwelling or dwellings shall be „•` a `' „�.
responsible for providing and main-
r .. ... ...
..... ...............................
taining (in reasonably good condition)
premises' yards (consisting of grass Subscribed and sworn to before
lawn, trees and shrubs.) consistent
with Section 12 -711. /c --- r
Section 12 -403. TOILET FACILI - // - I ;
TIES. me This..:.:.... .............day of./. ".,�:.`J..✓�.......,A.D., 19,:1;
Within every dwelling unit there " I
shall be a nonhabitable room (with an 46 `
entrance door which affords privacy to . • . ' .......... -` �
a person within said room and) which
(room) is equipped with a flush water (NOTARIAL SEAL)
closet in good working condition. In a
rental dwelling unit, such room shall
have an entrance door which affords
privacy. Said flush water closet shall Notary Public ................ ..............County, Minnesota
be equipped with easily cleanable
surfaces, shall be connected To an
approved water system that at My Commission Expires ....... .......................19......
all times provides an adequate amount
of running water under pressure to
cause the water closet to be operated
properly, and shall be connected to an
approved sewer system.
Section 12 -405. BATHTUB OR Every floor shall be free of loose,
SHOWER. warped, protruding or rotted flooring used as the only
Within every dwelling unit there materials. Every interior wall and Passageway to any
habitable room,
shall be a nonhabitable room which ceiling shall be free of holes and large m, hall, basement or
(affords privacy to a person within cracks and loose plaster and shall be cellar or to the exterior Of any dwelling
said room and which) is equipped with maintained In a tight weatherproof
a bathtub or shower in good working condition. Toxic paint and materials Section 1 ENFORCEMENT
condition. In a rental dwelling unit, with a lasting toxic effect shall not be AND INSPEECTICTI ON AUTHORITY.
The City Manager and his
such room shall have an entrance door used. (where readily accessible to privacy. Said bathtub or children.) Every. toilet room and designated agents shall be the Com-
which affords
p pliance Official who shall administer
shower may be in the same room as bathroom floor surfacq shall be and enforce the
provisions of this
the flush water closet, or in another capable of being easily maintained in
ordinance and who is hereby
room, and shall be properly connected a clean and sanitary cordition. authorized to cause inspections on a
to an approved water supply system Section 12 -709. FAQtWTIES TO scheduled basis for rental units, or
and shall provide at all times an FUNCTION. otherwise (and-or) when reason exists
adequate amount of heated and Every supplied facility, piece of �• • •
unheated water under pressure, and equipment or utility required under di believe that a violation of this or-
shall be connected to an approved City Ordinances and every chimney Affidavit of P m utting. ied. Inspections shall be conducted
ublication has been i being com-
sewer system. and flue shall be installed and (shall m
during reasonable daylight hours and
be) maintained and shall function
Section 12 -504. the Compliance Official shall present
effectively in a safe, sound and OF
(4) every water closet compartment, evidence of official capacity to the
bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, working condition.
and furnace room, shall contain at Section 12 -710. GRADING AND dwelli f ge of a respective
least one supplied ceiling wall- Section 12.1002. INSPECTION
type electric light fixture During DRAINAGE. e and the period May through ACCESS,
every bathroom, kitchen and October, every yard, court,
laundry room shall contain at least passageway, and other portions of the Any owner, occupant, or other
one electric convenience outlet. premises on which a dwelling stands dwelling unit (fails or refuses) n in charge of a dwelling Y
Sect refuse to permit free access and en
Section 12 -702. FOUNDATIONS, shall be graded and drained so as to be
EXTERIOR WALLS AND ROOFS: free of standing water (within 24 hours e nt ry
The foundation, exterior walls and after termination of rainfall during the to the structure or premises under his .
exterior roof shall be substantially period May through October.) that control for inspection pursuant to this
constitutes a detriment to health and ordinance, whereupon the Compliance
water tight and protected against ver- Offical may seek a court order
min and rodents and Shall be kept in safety• authorizing such inspection.
sound condition and repair. The foun- Section 12 -711. YARD COVER. Publisbnd in Section 12 -1201.
yard of a premises on which a
dation element shall adequately sup- Every y (3) Establish a reasonable time for the
port the building at all points. Every dwelling stands shall be provided with correction of such violations(.) and
exterior wail s be free ofdeteriora- lawn or combined ground cover of BROOKLYN CENTER POST notify of appeal recourse.
tion, holes, breaks, loose or rotting vegetation, garden, hedges, (and)
shrubbery, and related decorative 5617 Corvallis Ave N. Section 2: This ordinance shall
boards or timbers, and any other materials and such yard shall be become effective after adoption and
condition which might admit rain or maintained consistent with prevailing MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55429 upon thirty (30) days following its
dampness to the interior portion of the legal publication.
walls or to the exterior spaces of the (neighborhood) community stan-
dwelling. The roof shall be tight and dards. Adopted this ... day of ..... ......
have no defects which admit rain, and Section 12 -802. PERMISSIBLE
roof drainage shall be adequate to pre- OCCUPANCY OF DWELLING UNIT. DATE OF PUBLICATION Mayor
vent rain water from causing damp- With the. exception of owners oc- ATTEST:
ness in the walls. All exterior wood cupying a respective dwelling unit Clerk
surfaces, other than decay resistant prior to June 1, 1975, the maximum Date of Publication
woods, shall be protected from the permissible occupancy of any dwelling Effective date
elements and decay by paint or other unit shall be determined as follows: (Parentheses indicate matter to be
(1) For the first occupant, 150 square deleted, boldface indicates new
protective covering or treatment. If
25 percent or more of the exterior feet of habitable room floor space matter.)
surface of such a wood surface is un- and for every additional occupant ATTORNEY (Published in The Brooklyn Center
painted or determined by the Com- thereof, at least 100 square feet of Post May 29, 1975.)
pliance Official to be paint blistered, habitable room floor space; _
the surface shall be painted. If 25 (2) In no event shall the total number
percentor more of the exterior surface of occupants exceed 2 times the
of the pointing of any brick, block or number of habitable rooms, less
stone wall is loose or has fallen out, kitchen, in the dwelling unit.
the surface shall be repaired. (Section 12 -805. PERMISSIBLE
Every window, exterior door, and In every dwelling unit every room
hatchway shall be substantially tight occupied for sleeping purposes shall FILED
and shall be kept in sound condition have a minimum floor area of 70
and repair. Every window, other than square feet. Every room occupied for
a fixed window or storm window, shall sleeping purposes by more than two
be capable of being easily opened. occupants shall contain at least 50
Every window, door and frame shall square feet of floor area for each
be constructed and maintained in such occupant thereof. The floor area of
relation to the adjacent wall con- closets within sleeping rooms may be
struction as to completely exclude credited to minimum floor area
rain, wind, vermin and rodents from requirements.) BROOKLYN CENTER POST
entering the building. Every openable Section 12- 80(6)5. ACCESS
window or other device (with openings THROUGH SLEEPING ROOMS AND
to outdoor space which is used or in- BATHROOMS. 1 1
tended to be used for ventilation) No dwelling unit built after 1940 and
required by Section 12 -502 shall be containing two or more sleeping rooms
supplied with 16 -mesh screens during shall have a room arrangement such
the insect season. that access to a bathroom or water
Section 12 -704. FLOORS, IN- closet compartment intended for use
TERIOR WALLS AND CEILINGS. by occupants of more than one
Every floor, interior wall, and sleeping room can be gained only by
ceiling shall be adequately protected going through another sleeping room,
against the passage and harborage of nor shall the room arrangement be
vermin and rodents, and shall be kept such that access to a sleeping room
in sound condition and good repair. can be gained only by going through
another sleeping room. A bathroom or
water closet compartment shall not be