HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-10 05-21 AP CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 7 — GARBAGE AND REFUSE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF O BROOKLYN CENTER DOES ORDAIN FOLLOWS: OLLOWS: O Section 1: Ch 7 of the City Ord inances is hereby amended by THE BROOKLYN CENTER POST the repeal of the following: (CHAPTER 7— GARBAGE AND REFUSE) (AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE (A continuation of the Brooklyn Center Press) SANITARY STORAGE OF REFUSE. GAR- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION GAGE, SWILL, RUBBISH AND WASTE AFFIDAVIT MATTER FOR THE REGULAR COLLEC- T TION AND SANITARY DISPOSAL THERE- OF, FOR THE REGULATION AND LICEN- SING OF GARBAGE HAULERS, AND FOR ABATEMENT OF REFUSE ACCUMU- LATIONS: IMPOSING' A PENALTY FOR STATE OF MINNESOTA VIOLATION THEREOF) SS. (section 7 -101. DEFINITIONS. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN Whenever used in this ordinance, words shall have the following meanings: Refuse means all solid waste prod- e. ucts or those having the character of . E, C. L'Herault, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all the times herein stated has been solids rather than liquids in that they the President of The Post Publishing Co., publisher • nd printer of the newspaper known as will not flow readily without additional THE BROOKLYN CENTER POST (A Continuation of The Brooklyn Center Press) liquid and which are composed wholly and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: or partly of such materials as gar- (1) Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and bage, swill, sweepings, cleanings, sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 900 square inches. (2) Said newspaper is a weekly trash, rubbish, litter, industrial solid and is distributed at least once each week. (3) Said newspaper has 50 of its news columns devoted to wastes or domestic solid wastes; or- news of local interest to the community which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate ganic wastes or residue of animals any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter and advertisements. (4) sold as meat, fruit or other vegetable Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at least 500 or animal matter from kitchen, dining copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75 of its total circulation , room, market, food establishment or currently paid or no more than three months in arrears ands has entry as second -class matter in its local any places dealing in or handling meat, post - office. (5) Said newspaper purports to serve the fowl, fruit, grain, or vegetables; offal, City- of Brooklyn Center animal excreta, or the carcass of in the County of Hennepin and it has its known office of issue in the City of Crystal in said county, estab. animals; tree or shrub trimmings; lished and open during its regular business hcurs for the gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of ,f grass clippings, brick, plaster or other subscriptions and maintained by the managing officer of said newspaper or persons in its employ and subject e matter resulting from the demo- to his direction and control during all such regular hours and at which time said, newspaper is printed. waste alteration or construction of (6) Said newspaper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society. (7) Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions 'for at least two years preceding the day or buildings or structure; accumulated dates of publication mentioned below. (8) Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of waste materials, cans, containers, Minnesota prior to January 1, 1966 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed tires, junk, or other such substance by the Secretary of State and signed by the managing officer of said newspaper and sworn to before which may become a nuisance. a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. Garbage includes every accumula- tion vegetable or other - matter that attends the preparation, consumption, display, dealing in or He further states on oath that the printed. ..° �....... :.:' . ..:. .... ..... ` storage of meat, fish, fowl, birds, fruit or vegetables, including the cans, con- ..................................................................... ............................... tainers or wrappers wasted along with such materials. Swill includes that particular gar- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and bage which is wholly or nearly edible 1 and usable as a food and has food value for animals or fowl, accumulat- published therein in the English language, once each week, for .. successive weeks; that it was 1ng from animal, vegetable or other matter wasted from clubs, hotels, hos- first so published on...., `..� :.; . 7'.� f ::. a............ the.:: `:.... day of... pitals, restaurants, and public eating / places. f Rubbish includes wood, leaves, trim- 19...` and was thereafter printed and published on every .......................... to and including mings from shrubs, dead trees or branches thereof, shavings, sawdust, the.......... day of .......................... 19.... and that the following is a printed copy of the excelsior, wooden ware, printed mat- ter, paper, paper board, paste board, grass, rags, straw, boots, shoes, hats lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and and all other combustibles not included under the term garbage. Waste matte includes waste mat- kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to wit: r ter composed of soil, earth, sand, clay, gravel, loam, stone, brick, plas- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz -6 pt. Newstext ter, crockery, glass, glassware, ashes, abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz -7 p t. Excelsior cinders shells, metal and all other noncombustible material which has abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz - 7 1 /2 Memphis Bold been or is to be discarded.) ( Sectiop 1 -102. REFUSE CONTAIN- ERS REQUIRED. The occupant of any private dewelling, the keeper or man- ager of any hotel, motel, restaurant, eating house, or boarding house or any ✓ ' building where meals are served, the owner of any flat or apartment house, trailer camp or auto court, and any Subscribed and sworn to before other person having refuse as herein J defined, shall provide and keep on such premises sufficient containers for the me this .....::.:' .:.. .........day of...... ..:. �L.x.,`..._.- ,...A.D., 19. storage of all refuse accumulated on f the premises between collections. Each such container shall be water tight, shall have a tight fitting lid, shall be ......I.• . ....................... ............................... impervious to insects, rodents, vermin and absorption of moisture, shall be (NOTARIAL SEAL) fire proof and shall not exceed 30 gallons in size unless otherwise spe- cifically authorized in writing by the Notary Public . ........................County, Minnesota Village Sanitarian. However, nothing herein shall be deemed to require the storage in containers of any refuse My Commission Expires........, .............. 19. which is immediately consumed or dis- posed of in an approved incinerator.) No . ................ Affidavit of Publication OF Published is THE BROOKLYN CENTER POST �r+ p 5617 Corvallis Ave. N. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55429 i nr DATE OF PUBLICATION ATTORNEY FILED THE BROOKLYN CENTER POST 11 • s (Section 7 -103. REFUSE TO BE (Section 7 -110. LICENSE PRO- vehicle used for collecting garbage or in the field of atmospheric pollution to KEPT IN CONTAINERS, All refuse on CEDURE OR CONTR(JL: PENALTIES, swill shall have a permanent metal assist the Building Inspector in the en- any premise shall be stored in the The provisions of Sections 23 -001- cover.) forcement of this Ordinance.) containers required by Section 2 here- 23 -013 of the City Ordinances including (Section 7 -119 CLEANLINESS OF (Section 7 -704. VIOLATIONS AND of, except as the same may be con - the penalty provisions thereof, shall VEHICLES. Every vehicle license PENALTIES. Any and all persons who sumed or disposed of on such prem- apply to all licenses required by this hereunder shall be kept well painted, shall violate any of the provisions of ises as permitted by said section.) ordinance and to the holders of such clean and in good repair. Every such this ordinance or fail to comply there - jSectfon 7 -104, PLACING OF CON- licenses.) vehicle used for collecting garbage or with, or who shall violate or fail to TAINERS, The containers shall be swill shall be cleaned every week or comply with any order.or regulation placed in the rear of the premises in (Section 7 -111. AP PI ICATIONS, oftener if necessary to prevent per- made thereunder, shall severally for such a manner as to be out of view The application for license it renewal sistent odors, and shall be cleaned each and every such violation and from the street in front of the ur- rem- (it license shall contain a !e.scription before being used for any other p ises or laced in a A of the types and makes of motor ve- non - compliance respectively be guilty P garage located on pose.) of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- the premises. In no event shall con- (Section 7 -120. MARKING OF VE- tion thereof, be fined not to exceed tainers be placed next to the street or hicles used for collection, a .xhedule HICLES. Every vehicle used to col- Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars and curb or be placed or maintained in such of the charges to be made to customers, lect refuse shall have the name of by imprisonment not to exceed ninety a way Y interfere with as to unreasonably the frequency of service to be ren- the owner or o dered and full information a t wh Aerator on the body, or (90) days Imposition of one penalty for s o ere the use of adjoining property. Con- placed on a durable metal or wood any violation of this ordinance shall not tainers kept outside shall be placed and how the material collected will plaque which shall be fastened to the excuse the violation, or permit it to in such a manner as not to permit be disposed of, and any other infor- body when the vehicle is used for col- continue; and all such persons shall be entry of or harborage for animals mation the City Sanitarian shall re- letting garbage or refuse.) required to correct or remedy such Insects or other vermin.) ' quire.) (Section 7 -121. LOADING VE- violations or defects within a reason - (Section 7 -105, FREQUENCY AND (Section 7 -112. PERFORMANCE HICLES. Rubbish or waste matter shall able time. Each day during which a MANNER OF COLLECTION. The con- BOND REQUIRED. Applicants for li- be so loaded that none (J ruch r1a- violation exists shall be deemed a tents of the containers shall be col- tenses or renewal of licenses shall terials can jar loose and fall to the separate offense. The application of the lected once every week, or more fre- file with each application a bond in the ground or street when the vehicle is penalty above shall not be held to quently if required by the provisions penal sum of $200.00 or the equivalent in motion. Loose paper, trash and prevent the enforced removal or cor- of any other ordinance of the Village, thereof, conditioned that he will faith- small materials shall ba so secured rection of prohibited conditions.) by a collector licensed hereunder. He fully continuously provide a garbage that they cannot be dispersed by the (Section 7 -705, EFFECT. This shall transfer the contents of the con- and /or rubbish collection service, as wind or fall out of the vehicle.) ordinance shall be effective upon its tainers to his vehicle without spilling specified in his application, asapprov- (Section 7 -122. CONTAINERS USED p g ed by the City Council and Sanitarian passage and publication.) them, or 11 any spilling occurs, he shall and under the conditions imposed by IN VEHICLE. Containers used to store Section 2: Chapter 7 of the City clean it up completely. Upon each col- or carry garbage or refuse in any the Ordinances of the City and the Ordinances is hereby amended by the t e the containers shall be tom- e vehicle licensed hereunder shall com- following: addition of the le emptied and returned to the lawful orders, rules and regulations ply with the requirements of Section 2 g' pletely racks or stands where they are kept, Promulgated by the Public Health San- hereof.) and the lids of the containers shall itarian.) (Section 7 -123. PENALTY. Any AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE be replaced.) (Section 7 -113. INSURANCE POLI- person violating any provision of this SANITARY STORAGE OF REFUSE, CIES TO BE FILED. Applicants for ordinance conviction, is WILL. RUBBISH AND licenses (Section 7 -106. DEFECTIVE CON- nance shall, upon on GARBAGE, sS TAINERS. If upon inspection by the or renewals licenses shall punishable r a fine of not more than WASTE MATTER, AZID FOR THE file with each application a copy of an Three Hundred ($300.00) and by im- Village Sanitarian, a container Is found RFGi7T pR O NI CTION AND SA- to be in poor repair, corroded or other- insurance policy or of insurance poli- prisonment not to exceed ninety (90) TARY DISPOSAL THEREOF FOR THE ties under which there is coverage as days. Such penalty may be imposed wise defective so as to permit insects, to each vehicle to be used for the en- y REGULATION AND LIgENSING OF , vermin or rodents to enter, or does not in addition to revocation or suspension REFUSE HAULERS, FOR ABgTE- meet other requirements of this ordi- tire term of the license applied for, of a hauler's license, and in addition MENT OF REFUSE ACCUMULATIONS nance, the Sanitarian shall notify the for loss or damage to persons in the to cost of abatement or nuisance here- AND FOR ADOPTION OF AIR POL- provider or user of the container of amount of $100,000 for each person under.) LUTION CONTROL REGULATIONS the deficiency and shall require repair and $300,000 for each accident, and for (Atmospheric Pollution) Section 7 -101. DEFINITIONS. or replacement of the container and loss or damage to property in the (AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE AND Whenever used in this ordinance. words shall state a compliance date in the amount of $50,000. Each such policy CONTROL ATMOSPHERIC POLLU- shall have the following meanings: shall provide that it shall not be can - TION) notice. If the deficiency is not tor- A. Approved shall mean accept - celled or terminated without notice (Section 7 -701. AIR POLLUTION rested by said compliance date, the able to the Health Authority following thereof first being given to the City.) PROHIBITED. No person shall cause, Sanitarian shall condemn the deficient his determination as to compliance container and affix a tag so stating an (Section 7 -114. FEE. The fee for suffer or allow to be emitted into the with established public health prac- the license required by this ordinance open air such condemnation. It shall be unlawful shall be 10 for each vehicle to be p Y foreign materials such tices and standards, for any person to place or deposit $ as dusts, gases, fumes, mists, vapors, B. Council shall mean the govern - refuse in a container which has been used.), smokes, and odors in quantities which, ing body of the municipality. (Section 7 -115. TERM OF LI- by reason of their objectionable prop - condemned.) CENSE. The term of each license C. Garbage includes all putrescible (Section 7 -107. COLLECTOR MAY ernes, shall constitute a nuisance be- animal, vegetable or other matter that CANCEL SERVICE. The collector shall hereunder shall be from January 1 to cause they: attends the preparation, consumption, cancel service to any premises when December 31.) a. Injure, or are sufficient to in- dis ( dealing storage (Section 7 -116, ADMINISTRATION jure, the health or safety of any fish, fowlbirds. fruitor veget bles, the only container or containers ther BY PUBLIC HEALTII SANITARIAN, ' ' on have been condemconeedd, , and may person or the public; including the cans, containers or wrap - cancel service for cause, or when the Applications for license hereunder b. Create an obnoxious odor in the Pers wasted along; with such materials. party chargeable for shall be submitted to the City Public atmosphere; D. Health Authority shall mean the the collection Health Sanitarian and licenses shall be service is two months or more over- c. Cause damage to property or municipal Public Health Sanitarian or due in paying for such service.) granted or denied based on the ree- inconvenience to the general his authorized representative. (Section 7 -108. ABATEMENT OF ommendation of the sanitarian. The public; E. Manager shall mean the ad- City Public Health Sanitarian is here- d. Create a nuisance or hazard by ministrative head for the municipalit REFUSE ACCUMULATION. Any ac- by made the deputy of the City Ad- obscuring or y. ng v cumulation of refuse on any premises ministrator for the purpose of notify- F. Open Burning shall mean the e. Have a deleterious effect upon burning of any matter whereby the not stored in containers which comply ing licenses of violations, and sus- trees, plants, or other forms resultant combustion products are with this ordinance, or any accumula- Pending r recommending the revoca- g g of vegetation.) emitted directly to the open atmos- tion of refuse on any premises which tion of licenses.) (Section 7 -702. STANDARDS FOR phere without passing, through an ade- has remained thereon for more than (Section 7 -117. DECALS TO BE INDUSTRIAL PLANTS. Any idustrial quate stack, duct, or chimney. one week is hereby declared to be a PLACED ON VEHICLES. Whenever a nuisance and shall be abated b order or manufacturing plant causing dust, G. Owner is any person, firm. Y license or renewal has been granted vapor, mist, odors or fumes to be corporation, or other partnership or of the City Health Officer, as provided hereunder, the City • Clerk shallfurnish by Minnesota Statutes. Sections 145.22 emitted cause a c r organization who alone, jointly, or to the licensee a decalcomania for thereof in f in e maxi of the maximum m severally with others shall be in own - and be 14 and the cost of abatement each vehicle. The decalcomania shall alto allowable standards set forth in "In ership of, or have charge, care or may assessed on the property where be so worded as to signify that the the nuisance was found, as provided in vehicle is licensed by h� e City. The dustrial Safety Standard, Laws and control of, any Premises or business said section.) Codes adopted by the Industrial Com- within the municipality as owner, em- licensee shall apply the decalcomania mission of Minnesota, copies of which ployee or agent of the owner, or as REFUSE (Wtion 7-10 DISPOis L OF to the forward left side of the body of are on file in the City Office, shall be trustee or guardian of the estate or hereby each vehicle licensed.) required to collect said dust, vapor, declared unlawful for any person, firm q person of the title holder. (Section 7 -118, SPECIFICATIONS mist, odors or fumes ina manner which or corporation to throw, scatter, or properties H. Person is any person, firm, deposit or cause or OF VEHICLES. The body of every ve- eliminates the objectional ro erties permit to be partnership. association, corporation, ed hereunder shall be con- n es in such emission. These standards thrown, scattered, or deposited, any hicle licensed company, or organization of any kind. refuse upon or in any public or private strutted entirely of metal, or the space shall be supplementary to and shall I. Premises is any dwelling, house, lands or bodies of water within the in the vehicle in which refuse will be not limit the standards set out in building. or other structure or parcel kept shall be completely lined with Section 7 -701.) of Propert City of Brooklyn Center.) y. (Section 7 -109. HAULERS TO BE metal. All joints shall be effectively (Section 7 -703. ENFORCEMENT, J. Public Place is any and all E LICNSED. No person shall engage closed so that no dripping or leaking The Building Inspector and his duly streets, sidewalks, boulevards, alleys, in hauling or conveying rubbish, gar- or draining off of water, liquid or any appointed subordinate shall have the parks, public buildings, and other public bage or other refuse from any prem- substance can occur. The loading space primary responsibility for the en- ,pays. lses in the City unless he holds a shall be provided with a tight metal forcement of this Ordinance and shall K. Refuse means all solid waste valid license hereunder.) hood having an opening fitted with investigate all complaints regarding products or those having the charac- metal doors, or shall be provided with atmospheric pollution. Upon recom- ter of solids rather than liquids in that a heavy tarpaulin or equivalent cover mendation of the Building Inspector, they will not flow readily without ad- fitted with eyes, grommets, tie ropes the Council shall have the power to ditional liquid and which are composed or hooks so that the cover can be held engage an Industrial Engineer qualified securely over the loaded refuse. Every "potty or partly of such materials manner as TO not create a nuisance. Commercial and Business Refuse J. Vehicle Storage And Parking. No as garbage, swill, sweepings, clean - Upon each collection the containers Collection Vehicle person shall at any time park or ings, trash, rubbish. litter, industrial shall be completely emptied and re- Class III store, any refuse collection ye{ticle solid wastes or domestic solid wastes: turned to the racksorstandswneretney Residential and Commercial Re -- on any Premises zoned for use as a organic wastes or residue of animals are kept, and the lids of the containers fuse Collection Vehicle single or multiple residence dwelling, - sold as meat. fruit o other vegetable shall be replaced. Class IV within one hundred feet of any afore - or animal matter from kitchen, dining D. Placing of Containers. The con- Rubbish and Waste Matter Col- mentioned premises, or within two room, market, food establishment or tainers shall be placed in the rear of lection Vehicle hundred feet of any food establishment, any- place dealin in or handling meat, the premises in such a manner as to Class V for purpose other than, or for periods fowl, fruit, grain, or vegetables; offal, be out of view from the street in front Rendering Collection Vehicle inconsistent with. providing refuse tol- 1 animal excreta, or the carcass of ani- of the premises or placed in a gar- D. Insurance. Applicants for li- lection at said premises. No person mals; tree or shrub trimmings, or age located on the premises, except senses or renewals of licenses shall, shall at any time park or store am' grass clippings; brick, plaster, wood, as may be reasonable and immediately file with each application a copy of an loaded or partially loaded refuse col - metal or other waste matter resulting necessary for collection. In no event insurance Policy or policies and an lection vehicle on any premises within from the demolition, alteration or con- shpll containers be placed or main- endorsement, under which there is the municipality, except for the pur- struction of buildings or structures; tained In such a way as to unreasonably coverage as to each vehicle to be used. pose of and for periods consistent accumulated waste materials. cans, interfere with the use of adjoining for loss or damage to Derso in thg with providing refuse collection at containers, junk vehicles, ashes, tires, Droperty. Containers kept outside shall amount of $100,000 for each Gerson that parcel of property. iunk. or other such substance wl= be Placed in such a manner as not to and $300,000 for each accident; andfor SECTION 7 -104. REFUSE LITTER - may become a nuisance. permit entry of or harborage for ani- loss or damage to property in the ING PROHIBITED. I.- Rpbbtsh is non- Dutrescible solid macs, insects or other vermin, and so amount of $5U Qoo. Ever such policv No person shall throw. scatter or wastes such as wood, leaves, trim- maintained as not to be tipped over. shall provide that it shall not be can -, deposit, nor cause or permit to be mings from shrubs, dead trees or Containers shall be maintained in a celled or terminated for any reason, thrown, scattered or deposited any - branches thereof, shavings, sawdust, reasonably clean condition at all times. without at least 10 days written notice refuse, handbills, or other littering excelsior, wooden waste, printed mat- E. Defective Containers. If, upon thereof first being given to the mQnf- materials upon or in any public or a inspection by the Health Authority, a private lands, bodies of water, ve- ter, paper, paper board paste board alit . grass, rags, straw. boots, shoes, hats container is found to be in Door re- F, Vehicle License Decals. Wh - hicles or structures within the muni- and all combustibles not included under Pair, corroded or otherwise defective ever a license or renewal has been cipality. Every person shall maintain the term garbage. so as to permit insects, vermin or anted hereunder the Health Author- his premises and abutting sidewalks, M. Swill includes that particular rodents to enter, or does not meet tyshall furnishtothelicenseeadecal and boulevard areas free of refuse, garbage whch is wholly or nearly other requirements of this ordinance, comania for each vehicle. The decal- litter. edible and usable as a food and 1= the Health Authority shall notify the comania shall be so worded as to Section 7 -105. NUIS . ABATE- food value for animals or fowl, ac- provider or user of the container of signify that the vehicle is licensed MENT, cumulating from animal, vegetable or the deficiency and shall require repair by the municipality. The licensee shall Any accumulation of refuse on any other matter wasted from clubs, hotels, or replacement of the container and apply the decalcomania to the left for- Premises not stored in containers whie'a hospitals, restaurants, and public eat- shall state a compliance date in the ward side of the body of the apnro- comply with this ordinance, or any ing places. notice. If the deficiency is not cor- priate licensed vehicle as indicated. accumulation of refuse on any premises N. Vehicle is every device in, rested by said compliance date, the by the Health Authority. Old, expired, which has remained thereon for more upon, or by which any person or prop- Health Authority shall condemn the or otherwise Invalid decalcominta shall than one week is hereby declared to erty is or may be transported or drawn deficient container and affix a tag so be removed from the vehicle. be a nuisance and may be abated by upon a thoroughfare includi devices stating such condemnation. It shall be F. Vehicle Specifications. Every order of the City Health officer, as used exclusively upon stationary rails unlawful for any person to Place or vehicle used to collect refuse shall provided by Minnesota Statutes. Sec - or tracks. deposit refuse in a container which has have the name of the owner or opera -, tions 145.22 and 145.23. and the cost Waste Matter is non- nutrescible been condemned. for on the body or placed on a durable of abatement may be assessed on the solid — waste such as soil, earth, sand, Section 7 -103. T?FFi HAULERS metal or wood plaque attached to the property where the nuisance was found, �v_ gravel. loam. stone. brick. Dias- REGULATIONS. body. Said lettering shall be at least as Provided in said section. ter, crockery, glass, glassware, ashes. A. License Required. No person three inches in height and the color Section 7 -106. MINNESOTA POL- cinders, shells, metal and all other shall engage in hauling or conveying of the lettering and of the background noncombustible material which has refuse from any premises, other than shall be contrasting. LUTION CONTROL AGENCY HEGti - h9en or is to be discarded. his own domicile. in the municipality The body of every vehicle licensed CATIONS ADOPTED. Section 7 -102. REFUSE STORAGE unlec:s he holds a valid license here- hereunder shall be constructed en -, A, Regulation Adopted. Subject to AND DISPOSAL, under. -rash such vehicle so used :oust tirely of metal or the space in the sDepific modificatignq and additions A. Containers Required. The owner be licensed, vehicle in which refuse shall be kept contained herein, the municipality of any Premises, and any other Person shall be completely lined with metal. hereby adopts reference Air 7 (In having refuse as herein definea, shall All joints shall be effectively closed lion Control Rea gulations Nos. 7 Re - provide and keep on such premises B. License Procedure. The erovi- so that no dripping - or leaking or drain c) and 8 (Open Burning ta sufficient containers for the storage sions of Sections 23 -001 through 23- off of water liquids or any substance stricti ors rictionsl contained in the Minnesoota e City Ordinances, includln ' Pollution Control Agency _document en 013 of th - of refuse accumulated on the Premises c can occur. The loading space shall be titled '- Ambient Air Quality Standards, between disposal or collection. Each the license fee and penalty provisions provided with a tight metal hoodhavin; and Air Pollution Control Rewlations,' such container shall be water ht, ti thereunder. shall apply to all licenses an opening fitted with metal doors, or g adopted May 11, 1969, filed with the shall have a tight fitting lid. shall be required by this ordinance and to the shall be Provided with a heavy tar - impervious to insects, rodents, ver- holders of such license. The term of paulin or equivalent cover fitted with. Secretary of State July 3. 1969, and min, and absorption of moisture and each license hereunder shall be from eves, grommets. tie ropes, or hooks gallons in size June , filed with the State Department of Ad- shall not exceed 30 July 1 through 30. ministration July 7. 1969, includinP so that the cover can e. held securely all subsequent amendments thereto., unless otherwise specifically authoriz- The applications for license or re- over the loaded refuse. Every vehicle q used for collection of garbage or swill Three copies of such Revelations shall ed in writing n the Health Authoritv. newal of license shall contain des- be on file and available for inspec- All refuse on any premises shall be cription of the tomes and makes of shall have a Permanent metal 9over stored in the containers required here- motor vehicles_ used for collection, a Every vehicle �hatt ba otnlpD -d with in, except if the same may be im- schedule of services to be made to the the necessary hand tools for cleaning Lion in the oftice of the Clerk. These mediately consumed or disposed of on customers, the frequency of service to up spills. regulations shall not apply to wood . such premises in an approved in- be rendered. and full information where G. Veh lclP Maintenance. Every ve- burning fireplaces, nor to fires used cineraior. and how the material collected wilt be hicle licensed hereunder shall be kept solely for preparation of food by bar- All Commercial, business. indus- disposed of. and any other information well Painted. clean. and in good repair. becuin . trial, or other such establishments the Health Authority shall require. Every such vehicle used for collecting B. Modifications to APC Relula- having a refuse volume in excess of Applicants for licenses, after July 1, garbage or swill shall be cleaned tions, It is hereby determined, effec -, two cubic yards per week, and all six 1970, to provide routine weekly col- every week or oftener as necessary to, five July 1, 1970, that adeouate refuse family and larger dwellings, shall pro- lection and removal of refuse from prevent persistent odors and shall be collection service is available to the vide approved bulk or box tvpe refuse residences shall provide, as recuirgd cleaned before being used for any municipality. Open burning is there under this ordinance, complete col- other Pur oses. after prohibited. Effective January 1, lent. These contain storage containers containers shall so approvede be be so lection of all refuse which normally H. Vehicle Loading. Garbage, re- 1971 no device or container for open results from day to day use of this tvve fuse, rubbish, or gther waste matter burning shall be maintained on any located as to be accessible to collec- Of property except furnishings. ap- shall be so loaded that none of such premises. Exceptions to APC Regula -, lion equipment and so as not to re- plfances, building, or construction materials can jar loose and fall to the lion No. 8 shall reouire written ao- quire an intermediate transfer. wastes and similar bulky wastes for ground or street when the vehicle is proval of the municipal Fire Chief. B. Sanitary Disposal. All refuse shall be disposed o i a sanitary which individuals must make special in motion. Loose paper, trash, and All incinerators of less than 2000 manner as approved by the Health arrangements. The Health Authority similar materials shall be so secured lbs./hr. capapity shall comply with thg Authority and shall not constitute a may require vehicle inspection before that they cannot be displaced by the provisions of APC Revelation No. 7 nuisance. Refuse shall not constitute coma processing the license application. wind or fall out of the vehicle. Con- on or before January 1, 1971. posted e. buried except that compost - APDlications for license hereunder tainers used to carry refuse in or on Section 7 -107. SEPARABILITY. ing in an approved rodent and fly proof shall be submitted to the Health Au- any vehicle shall comply with the re- If any section, subsection, group.. device and /or filling operations using thorny for review and recommenda- quirements of Section 2 hereunder. phrase, sentence, or portion of this approved fill materials and methods tion. It the Council is satisfied that I. Service Cancellation. The col- ordinance is for any reason held in -, may be Permitted. In no case can gaL- the public need, convenience, and good lector shall cancel service to any valid or unconstitutional, such por base be composted or buried. order will be served thereby, it may premises when the only container or tions shall be deemed a separate dis- C. Frequency and Manner of Col- Want a license to any such applicant containers thereon have been con- tint and independent provision and lection. The contents of the contatners meeting the requirements of this ordi- demned and may cancel service for such holding shall not affect the val shall be coll on ce P. waP � k or nance. cause or when the party charged for idity of the remaining portions here - more frequently if necessary or re - — License Classificatic-4 Appli- the collection service is two months 9L. quired by the provisions of any other cants for licenses issued hereunder or more overdue in paying for such ordinance of the municipality. by a shall be issued for the following classes services. When any collector canEels collector licensed hereunder. He shall of operation: service to any premises, written no- transfer the contents of the containers Class I tice thereof shall be served upon or to his vehicle without sppliling them, or Residential Refuse Collection mailed to the occupant, manager or It any spllling_ occurs. he shall clean }t Vehicle owner of the premises and a copy of up immediately and completely. Col- Class II the notice shall be mailed to the lection shall be conducted in such a Health Authority. Section 7 -108. PENALTl. Any person violating any of the pr�vislons of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to a fine of not more than $30J and by imprisonment for a period of not exceeding 90 days. Each da.: that a violation exists shall con- stitute a seearate offense. Section 3: This ordinance shall be effective after adoption and thirty days following its legal publication. Adopted this day of 1970, Mayor ATTEST: Clerk Published in the official Newspaper Effective Date ( Published in The Brooklyn Center Poi, May 21, 1970.) I I