HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-06 03-01 AP i THE BROOKLYN CENTER PRESS
E. C. L'Herault, being duly sworn on oath says that he is and during all the times herein stated has -
been President of The Post Publishing Co.. the publishers of the newspaper known as THE BROOKLYN
CENTER PRESS, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated; that for more than one year prior
to the publication therein of the0. rdins Z7n e... Ame.nding..C4hapter...3� ..af....
0.rdi Village...... ..... hereto attached, said newspaper was
rioted and published in the Village of Crysta in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on
Thursday of each week; that during all said time the following conditions have existed:
Said newspaper has been printed in the English language from its known office of publication within
he rfllage from which it purports to be issued as above stated in column and sheet form equivalent in space
u, at least 450 running inches of single column, two inches wide; it has been issued once each week from a
Known office established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and necessary
material for preparing and printing the same; the press work thereon has been done in its known office of
�,ublication; in its makeup not less than twenty -rive per cent of its news column has been devoted to local
news of interest to the community which it purports to serve; it has contained general news, comment and
miscellany; it has not wholly duplicated any other publication and has not been entirely made up of pat-
ents, plate matter, and advertisements; it has been circulated in and r.ear its said place of publication to the
extent of at least two hundred and forty (240) copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; it has had
entry as second class matter in its local postoffice; has filed a copy of each issue with the State Histori-
cal Society in St. Paul; and there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of Hennepin
County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and
location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal
• newspaper.
'That the legal or official matter hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was
printed and published therein in the English language once each week, for.. X9........uccessive weeks;
That iit was first so published on Thursday, the. ..................... 1.9 .............. ..... day of
' did f .............................. „ 19.:4 and thereafter on Thursday of each week to and
including the ..... 8th .. day of March 19 .�;�., and
that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby
acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said legal of
official matter, to -wit:
abcdefghij klmnopq rstuvwxyz -6 -pt. Oldstylt
abedefghijklmnop grstuvwxyz- -6 -pt. Devinne
abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxy,— 1 /2 -pt. Excelsior
abcdefghijklmnopgrsluvwxyz -7 /a Memphis Bold
.........rs ..... i, ...... i ..... f,;j. �.,,. t'..... .........
Subscribed and Sworn to before
me this....... 4.YA.......day of.... ��,r�� ............... ll., 1962-
Affidavit of Publication
C a
Published in
• 5617 Corvallis Ave. N.
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING use permit has been issued pursuant to the
CHAPTER 35 OF THE ,pr of this ordinance, such permit
shall become null and void without further
ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE action by the Planning Commission or the
Village Council unless work thereon com-
Village of Brooklyn Center Imenced within one (1) year of the date of
granting such special use. All special use
permits authorized prior to the adoption of
The Village Council of the Village of this amendment shall become null and void
Brooklyn Center ordains as follows: one (1) year after date of such adoption
Section 1. The second sentence of Sec - 'unless the special use is substantially under
tion 35.110 shall read as follows: Sections -way by that time. A special use permit shall
35 -310, 315, 320, 325, 330, 340 and 350 be deemed to authorize only one particular
give the various permitted and special uses. use and shall expire if that use shall cease
Section 2. New Section 35 -221 is hereby for more than twelve (12) consecutive
added and shall read as follows: months.
Section 35.221. STANDARDS FOR', Section 6, Sections 35.421, 35.909 and
VARIANCES. The Village Council may 35 -912 shall be added and shall read as fol-
vary the regulations of this ordinance when lows;
supporting evidence in each specific case
indicates that: Section 35 -421, VISIBILITY AT IN-
1. Because of the particular physical TERSECTIONS IN RESIDENTIAL
surroundings, shape, or topographical DISTRICTS. On a corner lot in any resi-
conditions of the specific parcel of dential district, nothing shall be erected,
land involved, a particular hardship to Placed, planted, or allowed to grow in such
the owner would result, as distinguish. :a manner as materially to impede vision be-
ed from a mere inconvenience, if the tween a height of two and a half and ten
strict letter of the regulations were to'feet above the centerline grades of the in-
be carried out; tersecting streets in the area bounded by
2. The conditions upon which the petition the street lines of such corner lots and a
for a variance is based are unique straight line joining points alono such prop -
to the parcel of land for which the erty lines fifty (50) feet from the point of
variance is sought and one not ap- intersection.
plicable, generally, to other property ection 35 -909. COMPLAINTS RE-
within the same zoning classification; GARDING VIOLATIONS. Whenever a
3. The purpose of the variation is not violation of this ordinance occurs, or is al-
based exclusively upon a desire to in- leged to have occurred, any person who de-
crease the value or income potential of sires to make a complaint shall file a
the parcel of land; written statement with the Building Inspec-
4. The alleged difficulty or hardship is tor. Such statement shall indicate fully the
caused by the provisions of this ordi- causes and basis of the complaint, The
nance and has not been created by any Building Inspector shall record properly
persons presently or formerly having such statements, immediately investigate,
an interest in the parcel of land: and take action thereon as provided by this
5. The granting of the variation will not ordinance. He shall report action taken
be detrimental to the public welfare or within thirty (30) days to the person filing
injurious to other land or improve- the complaint and to the Planning Com-
ments in the neighborhood in which mission.
the parcel of land is located; and
6. The proposed variance will not impair Section 35.91. INTERPRETATION. In
an adequate supply of light and air their interpretation and application, the pro -
to adjacent property, or substantially visions of this ordinance shall be held to
increase the congestion of the public be the minimum requirements for.the pro -
streets, or increase the danger of fire, motion of the public health, safety, morals
or endanger the public safety, or sub- and welfare.
stantially diminish or impair property 1. Where the conditions imposed by any
values within the neighborhood, provision of this ordinance, upon the
The Village Council may impose suih bulk of land nd uild ng or upon re roe
restrictions and conditions upon the p
miles benefited by a variance as may be 1 strictive or less restrictive than com-
necessary to comply with the standards es -1 parable conditions imposed by provi-
tablished by this ordinance, to reduce or; sions of any other ordinance, or of any
minimize the effect of such variance upon law, resolution, rule or regulation of
other properties in the neighborhood, and to any kind, the regulations which are
better carry out the intent of the variance. more restrictive (or which impose high -
Section 3. The second sentence of Section I er standards or requirements) shall
35 -230 shall read as follows: The proce- i govern.
dure for obtaining a Special Use Permit 2. This odinance is not intended to abro-
for special lane uses listed under Sections gate any easement, covenant, or any
35 -310, 315, 320, 325, 330, 340 and 350 other private agreement, provided that
shall be as follows: i where the regulations of this ordinance
Section 4. Section 35 -230 shall be amend - are more restrictive (or impose higher
ed by deleting therefrom Subsection A�o. 6 standards or requirements) than such
and renumbering accordingly. easements, covenants or other private,
Section 5. \ew Sections 35 -231, 35 -232 agreements, the regulations of this or-
and 35 -233 are hereby added and shall read, dinance shall govern.
as follows: Section 7. This ordinance shall take ef-
feet from and after its legal publication.
Section 35 -231. STANDARDS FOR' Passed by the Village Council this 19th
SPECIAL USE PERMITS. A special use 'day of February, 1962.
permit may be granted by the Village Coun -- (SEAL)
cil when recommended by the Planning i GORDON M. ERICKSON,
Commission after demonstration by evi -' 1layor
deuce that: ATTEST:
1. The establishment, maintenance, or op- HENRY A. DORFF,
eration of the special use will rut be i Village Clerk.
detrimental to or endanger the public (Published in The Brooklyn Center Press
health, safety, morals, comfort, or March I and R, 1962).
general welfare; - "'
2. The special use will not be injurious
to the use and enjoyment of other
property in the immediate vicinity for'!
the purposes already permitted, nor
substantially diminish and impair,
property values within the neighbor -;
hood; j
3. The establishment of the special use:
will not impede the normal and order-
' ly development and improvement of
surrounding property for uses permit
ted in the district;
4. Adequate utilities, access roads, drain-
age and necessary facilities have been:
or will be provided; _
5. Adequate measures have been or will
be taken to provide ingress a.td egress
so designed as to minimize traffic con-
gestion in the public streets; and
6. The special use shall, in all other'
respects, conform to the applicable
regulations of the district in which it
is located.
The Planning Commission may recom-
mend, and the Village Council may stipu-
late, such conditions and restrictions upon
'the establishment, location, construction,
maintenance, and operation of the special
use as deemed necessary for the protection
of the public interest and to secure com-
pliance with the requirements specified in
this ordinance. In all cases in which special
uses are granted, the Village Council shall
require such evidence and guarantees as it
may deem necessary as part of the condi-
tions stipulated in connection therewith as
are being and will be complied with.
Section 35 -232. EFFECT OFA DENIAL
OF A SPECIAI. (;SE. No application for
a special use which has been denied wholly
or in part by the Village Council shall be
resubmitted for a period of six months
from the date of such action, except on
grounds of new evidence or proof of change
i,f conditions found to be valid by the Plan -
nin Commission and the Village Council.
Section 35 .233 N , RFG OCATIO OF SPE -'
CJAL I SE PERMITS. Where a special