HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-04 05-25 AP THE BROOKLYN CENTER PRESS
E. C. L'Herault, being duly sworn on oath says that he is and during all the times herein stated has
been President of The Post Publishing Co., the publishers of the newspaper known as THE BROOKLYN
CENTER PRESS, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated; that for more than one year prior
to the publication therein of the. ?. :.........
,,. .. t..... hereto attached, said newspaper was
printed and p fished in the Village of Cry�1 in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on
Thursday of each week; that during all said t e the following conditions have existed:
Said newspaper has been printed in the English language from its known office of publication within
the village from which it purports to be issued as above stated in column and sheet form equivalent in apace
to at least 450 running inches of single column, two inches wide; it has been issued once each week from a
known office established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and necessary
material for preparing and printing the same; the press work thereon has been done in ;its known office of
publication; in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news column has been devoted to local
news of interest to the community which it purports to serve; it has contained general news, comment and
miscellany; it has not wholly duplicated any other publication and has not been entirely made up of pat-
ents, plate matter, and advertisements; it has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the
extent of at least two hundred and forty (240) copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; it has had
entry as second class matter in its local postoffice; has filed a copy of each issue with the State Histori-
cal Society in St. Paul; and there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of Hennepin
County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and
location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal
That the legal or official matter hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was
printed and published therein in the English language once each week, for.. .k......successive weeks;
That it was first so published on Thursday, the ..... ........................... day of
.................f °fi -.., 19.4.X_ and thereafter on Thursday of each week to and
including the .......................... / r day of Y t Z : ' c. 19. / and
that the following is a f
ed as being
size and kind case alphabet f rom A to Z,
acknowledged both inclusive, and is hereby
rinted co
g g type used in the composition and publication of said legal or
official matter, to -wit:
abedefghij klmnopgrstuvwxyz -6 -pt. Oldstyle
abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz -0 -pt. Devinno
abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz- 7'i -pt. Excelsior
abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz -7% Memphis Bold
Subscribed and Sworn to before l
me this .......
,t.r..�.....day of .....c... AD„ 19.1..
..................... ...............................
-t: g
No . ................
Affidavit of Publication
• OF
Published in
5617 Corvallis Ave. N.
12 Brooklyn Center Press QUIRED, from which the building is to be moved: mated by the Building Inspector, to cover
Thursday, S 25, 1961 1. No licensed person shall move, re c) A legal description of the premises all other charges required under the terms'
Y• Y move, raise or hold up any building within to which it is proposed such building be of this or any other ordinance of the
the limits of the Village of Brooklyn removed, if located in the Village; Village except the fee for moving an ac-
Center without first obtaining a permit d) The portion of the premises to be oc• cessory building not over 600 square feet
AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO'from the Building Inspector. cupied by the building when moved if floor area shall be $10.00, providerl how-
HOUSE MOVING AND A- 2 No licensed person shall move any located in the Village'; ever, that a minimum fee for holding up,
MENDING CHAPTER 3 o f building over, along or across any highway, e) The highways, streets and alleys over, raising or moving any building or struc-
THE VILLAGE ORDINANCES, street or alley in the Village of Brooklyn along or across which the building is ture within or through the corporate Vil-
Center without first obtaining a permit Proposed to be moved; lage limits shall be $3.o0.
AND REPEALING CERTAIN.from the Building Inspector. f) Proposed moving date and hours. Section 3 -1007. DEPOSIT FOR EX-
SECTIONS THEREOF SA person 3 -1 seeking APPLICATION. issuance of a permit 3 ACCOMPANYING PAPERS. FENSE TO VILLAGE. Upon receipt of
Village of Brooklyn Center hereunder shall file an application for such a) TAX CERTIFICATE. The owner of an application, it shall be the duty of the
g Y Permit with the Building Inspector. the building to be moved shall file with _Building Inspector to procure an estimate
The Village Council of the Village of 1 FORM. The application shall be the application suffiicient evidence that the of the expense that will be incurred in
% g made in writing, upon forms provided by building and lot from which it is to be removing and replacing any electric wires,
Brooklyn Center ordains: the Building nspector, and shall be filed y g street lam
Section 1. Chapter 3 of the Village Or- � % removed are free of an entanglements Ps, or pole lines belonging to the
P % to the office of the Building Inspector. and that all taxes and any other charges Village or any other property of the
dinances is hereby amended by repealing 2, CONTENTS. The application shall against the same are p aid in full. Village, the removal and replacement of
Sections 3 -1005, 3.1006, and 3.822, and by set forth: P b) CERTIFICATEOF OWNERSHIP which will be required by reason of
adding thereto new Sections 3 -1005, 3 -1006, a) A description of the buildin r OR ENTITLEMENT. The applicant shall'the moving of the building through the
3- 1007,3 -1008, 3.1009, 3.1010, 3 -1011 % P o-
3 -1012, and 3 -1013, and by renumbering posed to be moved, giving street number, file with the application written state. Village, together with the cost materials
former Section 3 -1007 to new Section construction materials, dimensions, nun- ment or bill of sale or other sufficient evi• necessary to be used in making g such re-
3 -1014, and former Section 3 -1008 to new her of rooms and condition of exterior dente that he is entitled to move the movals or replacements. Prior to issuance
Section 3.1015, and said Sections to read interior, and photographs, showin building. re the permit the Building Inspector shall
S ground 4. FEE. The application shalt be ac- require of the applicant a deposit of a
as follows:
and street elevations; companied by a permit fee in the amount sum of money equal to twice the amount
SECTION 3 -1005. PERMITS RE. b) A legal description of the premises of $50.00 plus a sufficient sum, as esti- of the estimated expense.
Section 3- 1008. DUTIES OF BUILD-
1. INSPECTION. The Building Inspec.
for shall inspect the building, wherever'
located, and the applicant's equipment to
determine whether the standards for issu -•
ante of a permit are met.
The Building Inspector shall refuse to
issue a permit if he_finds: -
a) That any application requirement or
any fee or deposit requirement has not
been complied with;
b) That the building is too large to.
move without endangering persons or prop -I
erty in the Village;
c) That, the building is in such al
state of deterioration or disrepair or is
otherwise so structurally unsafe that it
could not be moved without endangering.
persons and property in the Village;
d) That the building is structurally un-
- safe or unfit for the purpose for which
moved, if the removal location is in the
Village; -
e) That the parsons equipment is un
safe and that parsons and property would!
- be endangered by Its use;
f) That zoning or other ordinances of
the Village would be violated by the
building in its removal location;
g) That for any reason persons or
property in the Village would he endangered,
by the' moving of the building;
h) That the building to be moved is not!
worth at least 60 per cent of the cost
of a similar new building as determined
by the Building Inspector;;
i) That the building in its removal loca-
tion would fail to comply in any respect:
= with any provision of any ordinance of the
Village, or, in the alternative, that proper
assurances of such compliance have not
been given.
a) DEPOSIT. The Building Inspector'
shall receive from the owner all fees, de-
posits, bonds and insurance policies and
forward to the Village Treasurer.
- Upon his refusal to issue a permit, the
Building Inspector shall return to the ap.
plicant all deposits, bonds and insurance
policies. Permit Fees filed with the appli-
cation shall not be returned.
- FOR EXPENSE, After the building has
been removed, the Building Inspector shall
-_ furnish the Village Clerk with a written
statement of all expenses incurred in re-
- moving and replacing all property belong.
ing to the Village, and of all material used
in the making of the removal and re-
placement together with a statement of all
- damage caused to or inflicted upon prop-
= erty belonging to the Village.
Provided, however, that if any wires,
poles, lamps or other property are not
located in conformity with governing or-
dinances, the Permitee shall not be liable
for the cost of removing the same. The
Village Clerk, shall authorize the Building
Inspector to return to the applicant all
deposits after the Village Treasurer de.
ducts the sum sufficient to pa for all of
the costs and expenses and for all dam.
age done to property of the Village by
reason of the removal of the building.
Permit fees deposited with the applica-
tion shall not be returned.
MOVAL. The Building Inspector shall
procure from the Street Department a list
of designated streets over which the
building may be moved. The Building
Inspector shall have the list approved by
the Chief of Police and shall reproduce the
list upon the permit in writing. In mak.
ing their determinations, the Street De-
partment and the Chief of Police shall act
to assure maximum safety to persons and
property in the Village and to minimize
congestion and traffic hazards on public
MITEE. Every permitee under this Ordi.
nance shall:
Move a building only over streets desig-
nated for such use in the written permit.
TIME. Notify the Building Inspector in
writing of a desired ehanl in moving
date' and hours as proposed in the appli -;
J. NOTIFY OF DAMAGE. Notify the;
Building Inspector in writing of any and;
all damage done to property belonging to
the Village within 24 hours after the
damage or injury has occurred.
4. DISPLAY LIGHTS. Cause red lights
to be displayed during the night time on
every side of the building, while standing
on a street, in such manner as to warn
the public of the obstruction, and shall
at all times erect and maintain barricades
across the streets in such manner as to
protect the public from damage or injury
by reason of the removal of the building.
Remove the building from the Village
streets afer 24 hours of such occupancy,
unless an extension is granted by the
Building Inspector.
LAW. Comply with the Building Code,
the Zoning Code and all other applicable
ordinances and laws upon relocating the
building in the Village.
all rubbish and materials and fill ali ex-
cavations to existing grade at the original
building site, when located in the Village,
so that the premises are left in a safe
and sanitary condition.
Engineer must certify that all sewer
charges and water bills payable against
the property from which the building is
to be moved have been paid and that all
sewer ' and water connections have been ' day such violation is committed or per -
plugged or discontinued at the curb line nutted to continue shall constitute a sep -
or at the, main and that all taxes' against arate offense and shall be punishable as
said property have been paid in full. such hereunder.
Section 3 -1010. MISCELLANEOUS Section 3.1013. This ordinance shall tale ,
CONDITIONS, effect and be in force from and after
1. Where the removal location of any its passage and publication.
building is known by the Building in- Section 3 -1014. HOURS. No building
spector to be subject to any restrictive shall be moved across any railroad or
covenants of record, he shall not issue a bridge, unless the hour be specified and
permit under the provisions of this Ordi- approved by the company or governmental c
nance unless and until he is satisfied that unit controlling such tracks or bridge.
all of the terms ad conditions of said Section 3 -1015. MOVING BUILDINGS I
covenants have been complied with. INTO VILLAGE. Any person, firm, asso.
2. No permit shall be issued under the ciation or corporation desiring to move I
provisions hereof unless and until the any building to within the limits of the 1
Building Inspector shall be satisfied that Village of Brooklyn Center from outside
the building proposed to be removed will of such limits shall comply with the fol-
in its removal location conform to the lowing additional requirements:
general character and to the type of L Notify the Building Inspector of the
architecture of the neighborhood. Village of Brooklyn Center during the
3. It is not intended by this Ordinance process of construction of such building
to interfere with or abrogate or annul any in sufficient time so that the Building
easement, covenant or other agreement be- Inspector may make all necessary inspec-
tween parties provided, however, that when tions in order to determine whether such
this ordinance imposes a greater or hesv- building complies with the applicable or-
ier restriction than is imposed or required dinances of the Village of Brooklyn Center.
by any other ordinance, rule, regulation or 2. Pay to the Village of Brooklyn Cen-
by easements, covenants, or agreements, the ter, in addition to the required fees for a
( provisions of this ordinance shall control. building permit, an additional fee of seven
Section 3 -1011. ENFORCEMENT, cents (7c) per mile to be traveled by the
1. PERMITEE LIABLE FOR EX- Inspectors in making the inspection, com-
PENSE ABOVE DEPOSIT. The Permitee puted from the Village Hall in the Village
'shall be liable for any expense, damage or of Brooklyn Center to the site where the
costs in excess of deposited amounts or building is being constructed, together with
securities, and the Village Attorney shall a fee of three dollars ($3.00) per hour for
prosecute an action against the permitee in each Inspector for the time spent in Ion-
a court of competent jurisdiction for the nection with such inspection, within a
recovery of such excessive amounts. radius of fifteen (15) miles from the Vil-
lage Hall of the Village of Brooklyn Cen-
2. ORIGINAL PREMISES LEFT UN- ter. The fee provided in this section shall
SAFE. The Village shall proceed to do be paid at the time the application for a
the work necessary to leaving the original permit to move a building is made and
premises in a safe and sanitary condition, shall be retained by the Village whether
where permitee does not comply with the or not said permit is granted.
requirements of this Ordinance and the 3. The Building Inspector is hereby
cost thereof shall be charged against the authorized and required to make the in-
General Deposit. spections provided for herein upon com-
pliance with the foregoing requirements.
Section 3 -1012. PENALTIES. Any per- Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full
son, firm or corporation- violating any of force and effect from and after its legal
the provisions of tris ordinance shall be publication.
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon Fassed by the Village Council this 15th
conviction thereof shall be fined an amount day of May, 1961
not to exceed $100.00 or imprisonment for WILLIAM N. SUPER,
a period not exceeding ninety days. Each Mayor.
Attest: H. A. DORFF, Clerk.
(Published in The Brooklyn Center'
Press May 25 and June 1, 1961.)