HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-19 10-13 AP • THE BROOKLYN CENTER PRESS LR
E. C. L'Herault, being duly sworn on oath says that he is and during all the times herein stated has
been President of The Post Publishinz Co., the publishers of the newspaper known as THE BROOKLYN
CENTER PRESS, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated; that for more than one year prior
to t e publication therein of the (., Gr+ y /l : c / ; , f � } c G J 9 !' �/1 : s ...
{{ �.'.'.........J.. ... rL.ilo attached, said newspaper was
printed and published in the Village of Crystal in the County of ennepin, State of Minnesota, on
Thursday of each i that during all said time the following conditions have existed:
Said newspaper has been printed in the English language from its known office of publication within
the village from which it purports to be issued as above stated in column and sheet form equivalent in space
to at least 450 running inches of single column, two inches wide; it has been issued once each week from a
known office established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and necessary
material for preparing and printing the same; the press work thereon has been done in its known office of
publication; in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news column has been devoted to local
news of interest to the community which it purports to serve; it has contained general news, comment and
miscellany; it has not wholly duplicated any other publication and has not been entirely made up of pat-
ents, plate matter, and advertisements; it has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the
extent of at least two hundred and forty (240) copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; it has had
entry as second class matter in its local postoffice; has filed a copy of each issue with. the State Histori-
cal Society in St. Paul; and there has been on file in the office of ^he County Auditor of Hennepin
County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and
location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal
That the legal or official matter hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was
printed and published therein in the English language once each week, f ...... successive weeks;
That it was first so published on Thursday, the .................. .: tZ ......,day of
.................. 194E 7CF ., and thereafter on Thursday of ,each week to and
including the .`: ...... h .. .... ... day of G. : A. t::...:.. 19.�, �, and
that the following is a printed copy of the Iower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby
acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said legal or
official matter, to -wit:
abcde£gh ij klmnopgrstuvwxyz -6 -pt. Oldstyle
abcdofghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz- -6 -pt. Devinne
abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz- 7'h-pt. Excelsior
abcdefghijklmnopgrsfuvwxya -7 Memphis Bold
Subscribed and Sworn to before
me this... ......... /...day of.. L �.......... t..?.......... A.D., 19. <: .
....... ........... ..............
No . ................
Affidavit of Publication
Published in
5617 Corvallis Ave. N.
6 ,Brooklyn Center Press heaters, the fee eharped shall be $2.00 central s } may include hrating.
Thursday October 13, 1960 for each such levice included in such ventilating or air conditioning or any
lr permit, which fee shall be in addition combination thereof,
to the fee charged, a, above provided, DtTCT PURNACE: A furnace normally',
- for the m�tallatiou of any gas Piping installed in distribution ducts of air cou-
� devices and fnr any other gas ditioning 'vstems to supply warm air foil
F THE INSTALLATION fitting work, if any, included in said heating This definition shall appl}' oitl} I
O GAS FITTINGS AND GAS permit. to an appliance which depends for air
d. CENTRAL. SYSTEMS, G. \S or OIL: circulation oil a blower not furnished as
13LlAAlINIG DEVICES AND THE part of the furnace and for the purpose
INSTALLATION OF HEATING one percent of the total estimated cost o f this Ordinance shall be considered al
VENTILATING AND AIR CON- on e-half o inst alla tion up over $.'.0 00 and
pet rent r $30,000 plus central system.
DDT- IONING UNIT S, AND $ piping fee. 1$14.50 minimum) M]-NOR APPLIANCE: A minor appli-
"a>'tMMDING SECTIONS 3 -820 ADDITIO \S and AC.TE RATION S, ance as referred to in this Ordinance
� 3 -821 OF THE VILLAGE one pen.ent of the total estimated cost :halt mean an appliance other than
of the installation np to $30,000 and space heating, i.e. water heater, gas
ORDINANCES one -half of one percent over $30,000. range, dry etc.
" ($5.00 minin'unil ESTI COST': For the purpose
'" "`Village of Brooklyn Center RI'T'l- ENIEN'1S: one percent of the, of this Ordianance, all fees based oil one
"'- -- total estimated cult of the installation. Percent of the lob shall be assumed to
° Tlie Village Council of the Village of ($6.�0 tuimmuni) mean one percent of the estimated cost
Ttranklvn Center ordains: \-ENTILATiON: one percent of the as indicated on the permit application.
.Section 1. Sections 3 -820 and 8 of total estimated c,.,t of the installation One percent as referred to above shall
Y1ie,1 illage ordinances are hereby aniend- up to $30,000 and one -half of one per- mean one percent of the sum of all
ed to read as follows: cent user $30,000. tai minimum) materials, q
aterials, euipment labor, profit, and
a- ) 3-R'0. GAS FITTIVG FEES. GAS and Oil, corner ;inn bunters, unit installation costs necessary for the cnni-
""'YRte " fnlloyt-inn fees shall be charged for heaters, space hratcr <, etc. plete installation of the system involved.
"'ittstallation of gas piping, fixtures or 1. up to 500,000 YTt' gas or 3 G.PH (Thi,, in most cases, mac be assumed
rl ml inont, $6.50 each appliance, to he the bid price of the )ob.l
a. <I:SS PIPING: ? having an input exceeding 500.000 In the event of'aitN materials, equip-
ment labor, etc., being furnished b anv
for insialhu¢ gas piping, flTt ga, or 3 (;I'll oil, one percent of owner, tenant, lessee, or other patU in
_ ,Xrnvidiug foi- not to e�cced five gas the total c,tinialed co of the installa- volved, the cost of such material, equip -
ti..c4iu'.es or e'is dei -ices, $1.50 and for tion plus Sl.,ilt piping fee. meat, labor, etc., shall be added to
J e'"nil,ing fur each additional tixture 3. installationl or replacement of a minor the estimated cost for fee uuruo.rc,
prawi led f- $,25 shall be added to appliance, $3 (m for rich appliance. Should anc question -rise conceruin¢
:ari.]i. j�ennn fee. C'ON \'FRS 10 IRO \I L.P. TO NA- estimated cost. due to the v:dure of
\\;hire such permit is issued for both TI'RAL GAS: $'.00 for each heating the circumstances involved, the esti-
,•� gr, pimitg anti plumbing, the fee shall appliance plus $J 60 for each minor mated cost shall in all cases be �nbiect
be enual to the combined fees for appliance. to the approval of the Building Depart -',,
of said classes of work or installa- PRO('ESS EQT JP \fENT:Saine as Cen men'.
t, nu " tr'al S}stems. DIGIDED RESPONSIRILIT\":
b. (,AS STOVES, RANGES, Etc.: Where an irstallation. addition ,r altera-
Oii. T \ShS: Bariccl tanks $4.00, ec - tiou of any heating sn
system involves ore
,dnj permit for installing gas Stoves. posed tank o,Iv S'. (t0
,ran;u•c, but plates, steam tables, dents] than one contractor, i.e., one contractor
refrieciam -, retorts: bake ovens, ELECTRIC 111::1 PI First 50,000
- installing the duct work or radiation and
.rc+,mi heater, barbecue grilles, hair RTT output Si f10 — each additional'' another doing the gas piping, the cun-
41 errs or other similar gas burning 10,000 (1. \rlclihous and alter- tractor installing the principal portion of
.d€ i_yes, having azt input not to exceed atinns to ele -trio• heating systems shall the system shall be responsible fat the
°n0.000 RTI". the fee charged shall be he same as above, principal fee and the other contractor
$1.10 for each such device included in SECTlO\ 3 -FJL shall be responsible for the piping per -
- uch permit; for inputs over 300,000 HEATfNC, \'EST11. \TI AND AIR mit and fee.
RTt" but not' to exceed 400,000 RTI-, COEDIT IpNING FEES. Permits and fees as outlined ahoce
$4._94 for inputs exceeding 400,000 a• DEFINITIONS and shall in all cases be subiect to the ap-
tuC the fee shall be as provided in I rlONS. proval of the Building Department.
this' "section f SYSTEMS: ENTRAr, H1;. \i im;: Far the ur iose MULTIPLE CENTRAL,
gas burners for use in C , p 1
connection with a heating system of this Ordinance, a cenu system For the P ur
lose of this ordinance, ally: - which' fee shall be In addition to the shall 'be assumed to mean a self- con - residence, building, occupancy, etc., hav
.- fee; charged, as above provided, for the tamed appliance fnr sttpplying hot water, trig installed more than one central
ins allation of any. furnace or boiler, each such furnace nr
gas piping for said .steam or warm air, for heating, by boiler not inter- connected with anotheri
devi�e and for anc other said gas fitting transfer of the heat of :onihuctinit shall be eoncidcred a separate system.
work, if an}-. included in permit. thinngli approved ducts, pipe,, etc., del fii dcred a butlers con -
C. ('. \S l \" \'I - F,R iIF : \T6RS: siJ"ied to heat spaces rcnrore trom or netted to a cuniinou st,tem of pipin
(nr any pclmit for instaliing ga, water adjacent t,, the appliance lo,atinn A -ti,l or duct work shalt he con.,idered
one st,tem' co
FEI':S. g construction, the _ shall be STOK1 ?RS ASD POWDERED FUEL
b. i n
nterpreted to mean the entire building.' B('R\'ERS: For the installation, of anv
CENTRAL SYSTEMS- For the in- In the case of commercial and Indus- stoker and ; e one percent
or powdered fuel burner, the
stallation 0f any steam, hot water, warm trial construction, each occupancy shall permit fee shall b of the!
air, ventilating or air conditioning cen- e a separate system.
teal system constitut
«here the cost of the est ;stated coat of the job.
proposed wort: does not exceed One GAS AND OIL PERMITS: For the mit ELECTRIC
E the its HEATING:
alterations, r addi-
Thousand T Hundred Dollars ($I,_' installation or replaeentent of anv con- roi or repairs of anv electric heating
3()0.001, the permit fee shall be $13.00 version burner, unit heater, floor fur - system the permit fee shall he $5.00
plus $1.50 piping fee. pace, wall heater, space heater, etc. liav•' for the first 50,000 BTU output capa-
For the installation of any steam, hot tog an input not to exceed 500,000 BTl' city and $ ?.00 for each Mater, warm air, ventilating or air con. gas or 3 C;P[T oil, the permit fee shall h additional
10,000 BTU output caliaci or fraction
ditioning central system where the cost be $5100 for installation of each unit thereof.
Of The proposed work exceeds Oue plus $1.50 piping fee, for the first Electric 'beating s ystem of the cen-
Tho ,and Three Hundred Dollars ($1,- five openings and SOc for each open - teat type, i.e., boilers, fan systems, etc,,
300.001 the permit fee shall be one per- tng thereafter' the permit fee shall fa bated oil the
cent of the estimated cost for the first For the ia�tallation or replaeentent of
Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) c, heriule for central systems,
and one -half of one Vtercent thereafter any antversio, burner, unit heater, The above fee shall be to addition to
plus $1.50 piping fee, floor furnace, wall heater, space heater, those provided in the electrical ordinance,
etc., having an input _ccedinq 500,_ SertiOn _, This ordinance shall be in
ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS: 000 RTC" gas or 3 (;PH oil, the per- fill! force upon legal publication thereof.
For additions, alterations, or repairs to mit fee shall be one percent of the 1 a--d b}- t'te Village Council this 26th
an }' central system where , the cost estimated co,t plus $1.50 pining fee n „t clay of September, 1960.
of the proposed murk does not exceed to evicecd fire units and 50c for each WM. N. SUPER, Mayor
Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), the additional unit. ATTEST:
permit fee shall be $5.00. I1. R. TONES, Clerk
For additions, alterations, or repairs For the installation or replaeentent of
to an}' central s}•stem where the cost of any range, stove, ¢riddle, h „I ''lair. (Pu blisbcd iu 'fhe Brn,�kl}tt Center
the proposed «pork exceeds Five Hun- $r-er. fryer, etc ., the permit .hall bc' Press, ()-:t. l; and ?0, 196(1),
Bred Dollars ($500.001. the permit fee $0.00 for each appliance which shall in- _
'shall be one percent of the estimated chide t)te pipinf'. fee. "--
cost of the ,job for the first thirty (ON \'LRSIO \' FRU \T L.P. 'TO
Dollars ($30,000.001 and one. TGRAL ('AS: For the couvcrevm ni
half of one percent thereafter. any system from liquified petrolett111
REPLACEMENTS: For the replace- (bottle gas) to natural Ras, the permit
lent of anv furnace or boiler in con- fee shall be $ 1.00 f„r each space
section with an existing s } inhere heating appliance and $1.00 for each
the cost of
e proposed ork does not minor appliance which shall include
r�ceed Five Hundred Dollars ( $ 5 00 .0 0) des no the piping fee.
the permit fee shall be $5. plus PROCESS EQUIPMENT: For the in-
$1.50 piping fee, stallation of anv steam, hot « or
For the replacement of any furnace or warm air srstenl fired with gas or oil
boiler in connection with an existing and used ill connection with a process
,"stem where the cost of the proposed application or any additions, alteration
work exceeds Hive Hundred Dollars repairs, or replacements thereto, the per -
($500.00), the permit fee shall b e nut fee shall be baser' on those as cot-
' percent of the estimated cost plus lined lined for central systems. In the case
Piping fee of process systems, fm' the purpose
VENTILATING AND F, H A ti S T of figuring estimated cost, the Building
SYSTEMS: For the iustallation of any
Department tray waive the cost of the
'Ventilating and /or exhaust system where erlutprttent used in the parricu]ar pr
tile cost of the proposed work does not cess involved, i.e., vats, pressers, ovens,
exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), etc. The estimated cost shall ahvays
the permit fee shall he $5,00, include furnaces, boilers, burners, piping,
For the installatidii of any tilating duct+vork, etc.
and /or exhaust system «here ven the cost OTT' TANK For the installation of
of the proposed work exceeds Five Hum fuel oil storage tank m• tanks, for use
cited Dollars ($500,00), the permit fee in connection «ith an oil burner instal -
shall be one percent of the estimated lation, where such tanks are buried or
cost of the job for the first Thirty be
4 00. enclosed, the permit fee shall
Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00), and one- $
half of one percent thereafter. storage Iori the n tank or t r t a n k s of a fuel oil
Eor the anks ONT.I for use
purpose of this ordinance,
«'here `'small type” etihans in conection "ill) au oil burner, not
t fans 1 n100 underground or cther++ise enclosed, the
this 500 Ifni) are installed in dwell- permit fee shall be $2.00.