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- - �eibllbLesd 111O1f6�
� *IY.`JGAt;:tfil bF �1ROOKi.Yl�t 'Cl'�"Jt�1� � x• • '
State of Minueeota
r Pi IO SAT }LT OF 111ON IN7`ONIC:41n"
Ile It :enhcte d iFiT the Village
Cel•' Sbf the Tillage of Dtooktyh :: S tate of Minnesota
Cet(ter,., of Minnesota.
SECTMN' I. It shall be unlawful SS.
tsr -sell 11011- In toxicating malt lieu= County of Hennepin
ors, at retail, or, wholesale, oxcept
When licensed, as hereinafter pro -
v ided. There shall be t'ri'o Linda or
Ileeuso, v1•r": _ _ �__ ° `" _ - - --
_= 41rT�LS.,a__d_L_.�_ being duly sworn, deposes and says that 1
(a) "Oil Sale" licenses shall por now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher or printer 1
'nit the licCtseo to sell such non- charge of the Hennepin County Enterprise, a weekly, newspaper, printed and published 1,
tut.oy. }eatti'g malt Iigttois for Cori- Village of Robbiutsdale, in said Hennepin County, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of eact
suniptiun on the licen premises, We
and the license fee therefor shall
be twenty five d ($25) per
That he has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed __________1
annum.. On . Sale' licenses shall be
gra.iltecl only to Chug storos, rest -
a.urants. and hotels; -- -- -- } j -; `: (1 ..( " --- - _ 1 l; 1 _- �. ,. 1
provided'. how- i._- --- - - - - =- == '-------=-- - - - - -- ----=------ �------------------------- - - - - --
evrxx• that no manufarthu•cr of such ; `•,
I Lollcating malt liquors shall <- n ,I - l.;x c n7
ll.a,ye an • ownel,shin, in whole Or ill ; ttir i L`J '��. '_� i �4.. !'�Ir , t..' i °
z , , - - -- �T - - -- r -- L------- - - - - --
0-rult, iu the bu --------------------- a - - - -pi
r:iitcr;s of. cuts Upon- p: p nd u: ,
see folding to "Ott Sale" lice'tao. hereto attached, cut from the columns of said news er, was inserted, printed
(b) "Off Salle' liven +es shall per _
n11t, the licensee to sell null lntoa!_ :fished in said newspaper once and that all)
_ailluz millt Ii.q.uurs lu original publication -s were made in the English Language.
Isaakage for cousu rapt loll off tllc
nrellibscs only, axnd the license foe That said notice was first inserted, printed and published on Thursday, the
therefor shat! be itv5• dollars (Ia)
ncr xnitttalt. 'Off :3alo" ilOenses shall 7
i)e issued only to such persons or i, __day of _• ___I _ _� 193_`J _, a wad .prin.ted and
corporatioll9 or co- partnership (;11- illAd4diiiiivnpu�j)F -t; > a.. t? ra ,�h�ansl�r.�oxi- �iitUrsda:a -`> that' e' e- fte-t= °r T�`d "�t'1L'11k�'iiil;'�Th'i
dated In 1?u: >iness in the Vlilago of
flobbinsda.lc vnd holding a food Ii- ;
Celts" tuid-Al fll-
provision of the, irt 'd��f ------------- ---------- -- - - -• 1 J' - - --
hi.f+rs Of the : 1:tte of Milxncsota or
brilina.nces of the 'Village of Brook- That during all the tines aforesaid, said newspaper was qualified as a med!t',
bill' Center. - ufficial and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session
SECTION °. A manufacturer or of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that cons tiwrl
.its or their dislt•ibutor of notl•ili- legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 m n and 4, to -wit: that for ore tha on
t.oxicaLing •malt liquors may, witil-
out liceltse, sell such liquor to It-
tensed dealers holding either "Oil last past from the date of the first publication of said ______________ __ _______ ____
.Sale" or "Off Saie" licenses only.
= i Manufacturer !1 dl of p
' o
1?ori intozi 111,11t 111,11t liqu r It liquors, , [lei' --- ���-'� -x. " i .i4�...--- --- ---- -- --- -- -- - - --- - -- ---- -- _ _ _ i
any affiliato or esubs lilt ary co'npany said newspaper has been
of Such ma- uufactui'er• shall spit (1) Printed from the lace from which it purports in the En g li
,)iiludi• except as herein restricted. guage, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least four pages, twit '
i.n .affi.11ate or sub:;idlary' currlpally columns to' the page, each seventeen and three quarters inches long.
shall be one in which :;uch manu- (2) Issued once each week from a ]mown office, established in such place for
1 acturor or its stockholders own a cation and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparlsr,
nxa3or.iLy. of the stock,
printing the same.
S17CTION U. Llceitsr;> hereunder (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not w,+•.
s hall 13"1 i stn d. vttly fo rpC1'tioit:; who duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter
a.re eitizv.ls of tho iiuited States advertisentemts, or any or either of them.
and wIl care Of goe(l moral chara_ (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at Igast
s1.er an repot,-, .alld at least twen- hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to ,
ty -one years of a;;o in conformain
cc tiviih : 01 requiremeitt:7 of this publication of said ___ ___ ___ __ ____ _______ _
t'rilitu ?ItcC. date of the first ___________________________
SECTION. •1- .T.i, shall be. unlawful
to to ll such liquor to atxy person
- - - 1 i� ii --------------- - -- - -- -
uttii, +r Ltven(s' Otte Sears pf a e. - - - -- ----------------------------------------
S)•Y,TION C,. All ilconses for tits
Yalu of . non- intoxicatinb malt liqu-
ot;s ;shall be Issued fur a porlod - ec - -------- �Ta —Lj L __ 11 sL.j ------------------- the publisher or printer in charge of sai
one year, except that for the pur newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of sal
Dose of, co - ord ilia ting the time of county of Hennepin, state of Minnesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of sai
i l el ratiolx of lic,:ns in f;eltpPal, newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal news
stlph lie rt'lay be issued for If. paper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921
,, 11orb , i• tillle t o expire at a givo'i That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphaibet from A to Z Ibot
ileriod of the year in .•Ilielx otcso a ine'lusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and puiblicatioi
pro 'rata fee shall be charged. of said advertisement hereunto attached, viz:
. , &j..OJN 0, Nun- tntuxicat.Bl;a;,
within the meoninb of this ordilt- ` abedefgh 'ijklttinopgl'stuvwxyz - -point Nonpareil
•xnue, shall be held to bo any malt
lt(luor or beverage which cantnirt" abalef�hijklunrniitlr5tnv `v)'z R- I;i,int I3revit r
b }lo -half of one per (;cut or.11ore
Of alcohol by weight,
SECTION 7. No liectlso slla.11 ha
lgsued to, any :zpplicu.nt unlu;sa h HP
the actual Owl)er or 'propr „
letor f �p
the place of bushiumis where Ito }n_ -------- ��� __ - -� -- ---------
tends to sell sue h malt. li
SUCTION S. The llceu� oft;' _
�eraori or coriutration -, who steal} h.• �,� 4;��
found guilty' of any- violation of Subscribed and sworn to before me this -- __ -____
this ordinance or the hedcr:tt pi-_
hibition Law, whetbvr Liu: offen�_(
be committed On the vr nnm- - v �
day of --- - - - 1- L-------- ------ - - - -19 -` =) --
ed in his license or ulsutchere, shall x`
be revoked by tho 1'resIdeIIt or / r
Viilago Counell,
SECTION 9. No Such 11111.16 liquor -- - - -- -----
shall be sold, served.ur consumed nt - -
or in Inv tht:atrc, picture shots, No y Pu: ept> County, Minnesota.
ilance, hall or other places oft public
xatherin ,• for the purpose o'f enter-
tain,ntcat or amusement or on the j� -- _
Public a ares o
gg t
troots or tb rouglxff t ,
._. .
the Village of liroulllyu Center. ' 1��.:iry .....,,li.,, Hennepin _ un, inn,
,C n
SL.,PI .i\1 70. No license shall bu r Nis Commission Expires Ivl.ai;-31/1939.
issued to ally applicant unless 11c
has been a resident of the VilIagc
•P Brooklyn Center for at leoet
fylx) 4
SECTION 71. No license shall be
granted within 00!1 feet of ally pub-
lic school, nor withirt Goo feet of
any church.
SI�CTlV 12. Closing Hours: No
Sales `of any non - intoxicating nBS1t
liquors shall be made betweep the
hours of 23:00 P, SI. and 7 A, -M. of
ally day, nor on Sunday, ,between
the hours of 12:01 It. M. and 1:00 P.
11. Mor on any primary, general or
81)pcial election day.
SB'ClION 13.
Any person wild - - -
shall make .any false or untrue
staterjnents In the application for
license herein , provided for, and' any
app iealiLfor,suoh.lteense who shall
not Comply'' -4tvith all tho re -
Ments' thereof shall' be held to have
violhted tho.provisions of this or-
SECTION 14: It shall - be. unlaw-
fal for any person or persons - to
conduct hlmself or themselves in
disorderly or boisterous - manner_ on
' t1W .premises of,a licensee hoIdln;T
an "On Sale" license, nor shall such
licensee:,- permit or suffeX such -con-, -
duct' on su -eh licensed premises.
SECTION 111. Any person violaf-
Ing arty the provisions of this
ordinance shall be guilty Of -mis-
demeanor and upon coilvictioll
thereof shall be punished by ,a fine
of not more, than $104 or'imyprnson-
ment of not more than 00 - Jays -
SECTION 16. No license shah he
granted to any applicant NvlLo ,'nl -.
ready owns a license of the kind
applied for, and no license shall bn
granted - to permit the sale of suiJ,
malt liquor at more than one loea�
tfon - which shall • be - definitely ' ' d•:-
scribed by street and number in U4
SECTION 17. The premises nained
In any license shall at all -times
lie open to inspection and - Oxamiuo-
tion L by any, public ofBalal'of i.be
Village; The written- license- and - a
copy. of this ordinance shall at nil
times be posted In a - conspicuous
glace °on the premises named there-
hereafter no curtfi,ins, screens or
� -- blftsda-- desrI�ae�._t� +abs� uthe= ,rSt�: e.
fifeW of, the- prifftlse�e�`be lilac
ed. on the doors or wfnd'aws of at'Y
room or rooms :where : au_ch .,-malt
liquor is to be sold.
SECTION 18. It shall be•unlawful
for any licensee to mix, or sell for
the Purpose - of mixing, any .such
malt - liquor or to-suffer or permit
upon the premises naniedsin his li-
cense- any mixing or sPiking of
malt, liquor, -soft drhil A or any
other liqu'd •beverage by'addin
to or with the same any .alcohol- or
Other intoxicating liquor.
SECTION 10. All applicants- for -a
license under this ordinance shall.
file with Ahe Village Recorder -a
written application conforming to
titer (provision of this or(linance.
which application- shall be , acconi-
panied' by the) license - fee herein
provided for. In the event the 2i-
gense- is to the fee small_ be rc-
turned to the applicant. '
SECTION 20. No _prosecu$ ion for
the violation Of any of the proy!4-
feles of this ordinance -shall he coni-
TqVnced except, upon the comP
c# a police o €ficer, or c °tilave Offleiol
e the village of Brooklyn Center,
provided, however, that:- . case
where neither'tre officers nor offl- _
eials of said village have know
ledge of any violation n, any privat€>
citizen • may file a 'complalnt for
any violation- of this ordintmee with
the consent and approval of said
village authorities.
SECTION 21. All licenses shall ex-
pire on the first Monday in Jana- -,
arY of each year,
- SEC 21. _ This , ordinan.ee
shall take effect and be In in : - fore"
from and after Its publication. - -.
.Dated this 1 5th -day of Apr1I, 108
Resolution to adapt Ordinance of -.
fered by Wheeler, seconded Ryden.
Roll Call, Ayes, 'Wheeler Ryden,
Larsen, Lane, Brunseil. -Noes, None:
Resolution adopted.
President Village Council.
Attest . - -
'M' 'F : MANE, !
Village Clerk.
. Published' in the Menn pin Count
ty- Flxterpi ise, Api•fI 20, - 1.19.33--,