HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 Edition 04 March C I y BROo T O N CENTER / REPORT* MANAGER'S
MARCH, 1972 N0. 4
In Tax Lawsuit.....
City Insures Authorit
For Home Rule Concept
u", The lawsuit entered into against the mills to approximately 42 mills.
Vii, State Tax Commissioner and subse-
quently won by Brooklyn Center was an In October, the City Council ap
f effort by the City to insure home rule proved a budget of almost $2.5 million
by local elected officials rather than before the legislature had approved its
appointed State officials. tax law. As a result, because extra-
ordinary surplus funds were available,
The lawsuit was not meant to raise the City was approximately $33,000
taxes in the community. over the six per cent increase allowed by
t On February 4, 1972, Ramsey the legislature.
County District Court Judge Otis H. The tax law also provided that if any
Godfrey, Jr. ruled that State Tax Com- local governmental unit exceeded the
Y w � missioner Arthur Roemer cannot make limitation it would receive 10 cents less
arbitrary interpretations of the levy for every dollar of state aids.
limitation law passed by the State Legis-
BCB Schedule...Inside lature without first establishing criteria. The municipalities were required to
re- certify their budgets to comply with
The judge, in his decision, said the the limitation by December 16.
tax commissioner would be making On Dec. 16, the Commissioner or-
judgments on specific programs for each
re dered all governmental units in the state
Survey o communi Y q uirin g cut backs in muni- exceeding the limit to bring their bud -
cipal budgets.
gets within it. He also ordered the
Citizen Programs "Shortly after his order of December county auditors to decrease the proper -
16th the Commissioner found himself ty tax lev of ever communit over the
Various civic groups throughout with the task of deciding whether one limit. y Y y
Brooklyn Center are currently seeking community or another should have a
out senior citizens, in order to survey full time police force; whether a skating BY then about 20 communities had
and formulate programs that are avail- rink should be equipped; whether roads already petitioned to be allowed to
able to them within the City. exceed the limitation.
Current census data that has been should be built, or repaired or upgraded;
whether will help the groups to conduct hether tax money should be used to Judge Godfrey said in his memoran-
of the needs of the senior pay for a new building for a municipal dum that the Commissioner could not
liquor store." issue such a blanket order and that the
citizens. authority given the Commissioner, "can
Programs are now available specifical- The list, the judge said could be only be exercised for good cause shown,
ly for the senior citizens. Other pro- expanded until all the separate needs of in individual cases where a municipality
grams will also be initiated with the every municipality in the state were has apparently exceeded the levy limita-
cooperation of the senior citizens in an included. tion ..."
effort to encompass their needs. Under the law passed in special ses When the lawsuit was filed in court,
Any suggestions from senior rest- g
dents in regard to these programs and sion by the State Legislature, local units Bloomington entered as an interested
activities should be directed to the City of government were limited in the party. It had also exceeded its limit.
Hall, 561 -5440. amount of money which could be raised Brooklyn Center also received financial
by property taxes. The legislature stated support for the lawsuit from 12 other
the 1972 tax levy could not be over six communities. All were concerned about
*Citizen inquiries and requests may per cent more than what was levied in the right of local government to ad-
be directed at the City Administra• 1971. minister itself. From the case, the
tion. If there is a question regarding Brooklyn Center, in 1971, decreased City maintains its authority to establish
a service that we are authorized to its mill rate to lower taxes because it financial priorities and leaves the fiscal
perform, please call us at 561 -5440. had surplus funds from engineering and decision - making to the locally elected
clerical fees in 1969. The drop was five officials.
T_ Property Tax Relief
BCB Offers Convenience �o>«$ oI>s� � -�__ ,�:.. ,
'�IOi UaY �c K
To City Residents ® j To Senior Citizens
The BCB offers the choice of riding Commission. The Commission also t
almost anywhere in Brooklyn Center for agreed to share the cost with the City �� 0C Certain senior citizens can now lived on the property during 1971, have
25 cents. for the service through this June. e qualify to receive real estate tax relief no delinquent taxes on the property and
Residents can go shopping at Brook- Bus fare was increased from 15 cents �-= - through the Minnesota Income Tax have an income of less than $5,000 a
dale, Northbrook or Shoppers City, ride to 25 cents but senior citizens are `° ' Law. year.
to the Civic Center for City business, allowed to ride free on the BCB. The - In order to qualify for the tax relief, If the property tax on a home is
visit North View junior high or the bus service will require approximately seniors, 65 -years of age and older, who $425 to $450, for example, and the
library and return home. The bus even 400 daily riders to break even. own or rent their homestead must file income is between $2,000 and $2,500
makes stops along the route to pick up Bus service starts at 4 p.m. at Brook- by June 30. you will receive a refund of $234. If the
or let riders off. dale Monday through Friday, covering BROOKLYN CENTER B U S A person must have been 65- years- income is less than $1,000 you will
Since January the bus has been the eastern part of the City first. It then SCHEDULE old by December 31, 1971, owned and receive a refund of $405.
operating 36 hours a week primarily in returns to the Civic Center, then Brook- (NOTE: THESE STOPS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY; If your property tax is between $500
the late afternoon and evening during dale, and north on Xerxes for a run THE B.C.B. WILL PICK UP /DROP Or - F ANYWHERE ALONG THE ROUTE) and $525 and your income is between
the week, and from noon to 6:30 p.m. through the western portion of the City. $1,500 and $2,000, you will receive a
on Saturdays. The bus makes five com- The bus makes four complete trips refund of $320.
6'Oth & Noble & North- 65th &
plete runs through the City each day. around the City during the evening. The Brook 55th & 66th & 69th & Mm. North- Civic Brook- Brook. view Brook. 58th & Civic Brook- Forms to claim the refund are avail -
The bus service began last June and fifth trip just covers the eastern section dale Dupont Lyndale Dupont boldt brook Center dale Blvd. Jr. Hi. Blvd. Library Halifax Center dale able by calling 333 -1378, the State Tax
was operating about 72 hours a week. of the City and ends at the Civic Center. Department, 404 S. 8th Street; or call
Although the bus had approximately The Saturday routes are the same as the 4:00 P.M. 4 :05 4:10 4:12 4:24 4:25 4:28 4:33 4:48 4:53 4:58 5:08 5:13 5:18 5:23 the Hennepin County Senior Citizens
25,000 riders from June through No weekdays. 5:23 5:28 5:33 5:35 5:47 5:48 5:51 5:56 6:11 6:16 6:21 6:31 6:36 6:41 6:46 Tax Form Office 348 - 3011.
vember last year, it ran an operating The first bus leaves Brookdale at If you are not required to file an
loss. 12:30 p.m., and the last bus leaves 6:46 6:51 6:56 6:58 7:10 7:11 7:14 7:19 7:34 7:39 7:44 7:54 7:59 8:04 8:09 individual income tax return (form
The City Council approved a new Brookdale at 6:02 p.m., covers the 8 :09 8:14 8:19 8:21 8:33 8:34 8:37 8:42 8:57 9:02 9:07 9:17 9:22 9:27 9:32 M -1), the senior citizens income tax
schedule which was subsequently ap- eastern route and stops at the Civic return (form M -1SC), when completed
proved by the Metropolitan Transit Center at 6:30 p.m. 9:32 9:37 9:42 9:44 9:56 9:57 10:00
with the required tax statements, is all
—.--,y 13.C.B. SATURDAY SCHEDULE that is needed to receive your refund.
® 12:30 P.M. 12:35 12:40 12:42 12:54 12:55 12:58 1:03 1:18 1:23 1:28 1:38 1:43 1:48 1:53
1:53 1:58 2:03 2:05 2:17 2:18 2:21 2:26 2:41 2:46 2:51 3:01 3:06 3:11 3:16 Citizens W i n
'- 3:16 3:21 3:26 3:28 3:40 3:41 3:44 3:49 4:04 4:09 4:14 4:24 4:29 4:34 4:39
4:39 4:44 4:49 4:51 5:03 5:04 5:07 5:12 5:27 5:32 5:37 5:47 5:52 5:57 6:02 Merit Award
6:02 6:07 6:12 6:14 6:25 6:27 6:30
Citizens of Brooklyn Center received
,.,,.`.. FARE 25¢ an Award of Merit for the Community
Use exact fare Center swimming pool from "Park
Maintenance Magazine ".
Swim Lesson Clinics Phone 561 5440 for Information The first place award was presented
� to Parks and Recreation Director Gene
Hagel at a recent National Symposium
on Park, Recreation and Environmental
{ Set Program Design, held in St. Louis, Mo. i n S r i i�
Registration for swimming lessons also available at the Community Center.
and the spring program in Brooklyn Resident memberships for six - months Assessor Conduct
Fr B us Center was held recently. cost $1. Those without memberships
This year, the spring program in may use the game room facilities by
d cludes classes in golf, tennis, along with paying 25 cents per half hour for pool,
Serv c e This
clinics in patchwork and cro- and 10 cents per half hour for table Tax
,. cheting. tennis. E qu a li za tion
Senior citizens living in Brooklyn The Brooklyn Center Swim Club is The game room is open after 6 p.m.,
r I Center are reminded that they can ride now in its first year, and is affiliated five nights a week. Sunday nights are In Brooklyn Center, the assessor is selling for on the market today. Homes
the Brooklyn Center Bus (BCB) free with the national AAU swimming pro- reserved for adults only. Senior high currently conducting a program of pro- which cost less at the time of purchase
when showing proper identification, gram. For more information, contact students can use the game room on perty tax equalization within the City. several years ago now have nearly the
such as a social security card, driver's the Community Center. Monday and Wednesday, with Tuesday The assessor is gathering data on the same value as some homes built today
license or Medicare card. The Community Center's indoor and Thursday reserved for the junior because of inflation.
market value of homes in the City so
A senior citizen is anyone over 65- olympic pool will now be open until 10 high s t u dents. that equal property taxes will be Values placed on your property by
years of age. The same privileges for the p.m. on Sundays. Previously the pool Private swimming lessons are pro the assessor reflect the price of the
charged to properties of equal worth.
free bus extend to the Minneapolis had been open until 9 p.m. vided at the Community Center at a current market. Once the property is
system, allowing the senior citizens to While at the Center, visit the exhibit cost of $4 per hour. Check at the Several factors are involved in deter- valued, then the tax is levied by school
ride for free from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. areas showing various paintings and Center's information desk for additional mining the proper market value and districts, counties and cities.
Monday through Friday, and after 6:30 sculptures by community groups and details or call 561 -5440 during the then the resultant tax fora p iece of The equalization program in Brook-
p.m. on weekdays. There are no hour individuals. week. After 5 p.m. and on weekends, property. lyn Center is expected to take from 18
' limits during Saturday and Sunday. Game room facility memberships are the number is 561 5448. The assessor looks at what homes are months to two years for completion.
..� .
Police Institute New `
Patrolling Procedures
The Brooklyn Center Police have different periods of time. Burglary, for
done away with the conventional patrol example, is more prevalent during the
districts in order to concentrate all Christmas season and therefore more
resources where problems exist. police time is spent on this type of
Assignment on each eight -hour shift crime.
is now the responsibility of the shift s„
supervisor. The new system will avoid
pattern and routine, with the supervisor Dog S e ry i c e
making the various patrol districts.
To determine what patrol districts I n Co m m u n i 1 y
should be designated, the supervisor
relies on material furnished by adminis-
A new do ;w
tration intelligence reports. The reports g catching service, the B &E
include population and density figures, Patrol, has been working in Brooklyn
the age of people in the areas and Center since the beginning of the year.
current crime data. B &E patrols the City about four .Junk Vehicles
Patrol work is then assigned accord- hours a day, using black and white
ing to the type of criminal activity in station wagons. Will Be Tagged
the area. A policeman will make dif- All complaints about dogs are
ferent checks and use different patrol screened through the police department.
methods for burglary than he will for Dogs in the custody of the complainer Warning tags will be issued by the
vandalism, as an example. will be picked up by the Patrol at any Brooklyn Center Police Department to
Each problem is concentrated on for time. If the dog is not in custody, a card residents who keep junk cars on their
is filled out and given to B &E for property in clear view. The junk cars
follow -up. may be stored if kept within a building.
Owners with licensed dogs will be According to the City ordinance, a
House Checks notified when the pet is picked up. The junk vehicle is described as any motor
service will return the dog the next day vehicle without the 1972 license plates
Homes of residents on vacation will during patrol. When a dog is returned, and which is not in operable condition.
be checked by the Brooklyn Center the owner must pay the impounding fee This description includes partially
Police upon request, but the checks will of $8 plus the $1.25 daily charge for dismantled vehicles with parts for sale,
not be made on a daily basis. kennel fees. or dismantled vehicles that are used for
The police will check houses as often If residents have lost a dog they can replacement parts.
as practical, but having neighbors watch phone B &E at 633 -6533. This category also includes any parts
the house remains the best safety pre- Dogs without licenses must be li- saved for scrap.
caution. censed before returned at a cost of $3 If the junk cars and parts are not
Homeowners should also tell police for male and spayed female dogs, and removed from the property after the
or the neighbors whom to contact in $5 for unspayed female dogs. warning ticket is issued, then tags will
case of an emergency. Dogs must be kept under the control be written.
For additional information on these of the owner, and not allowed to run at If convicted on this violation, a
preventative measures, please call the large on public property, or become a resident could be fined up to $300 or
Police Department at 561 -5440. nuisance to other property owners. imprisoned up to 90 days.
CITY COUNCIL Minneapolis,
Philip Cohen Mayor Minnesota
Howard Heck .................... Councilman Permit No. 2170
John Leary ...................... Councilman
Vernon Ausen .................... Councilman
Maurice Britts .................... Councilman
Donald G. Poss .................. City Manager
Emergency Numbers (24 hours a Day)
POLICE - FIRE .................... 561 -5720
City Hall Offices ................... 561 -5440
(Monday through Friday — 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Community Center ................. 561 -5440
(After 5 p.m. and weekends) .......... 561 -5448