HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-04 04-22 AP recam, mended fines and fees itc, gffenses subject to an ad-
ministration ataborr.
a The Qty Coun=t may adopt a schedule: of fees to be paid:
to adml . nezuina officers..
E. The Cite Warrager must adopt wnften procedures for ad
mir5lerinq the ad rimstmati ye: citalhon, pn2 Nam-
Section 18-20S. EkC3iAGFlPSTRJkT1fibE OTATIO:N-
A. A persrnh;ad hadzed toenforce provisiorrs of the City Code
mw issue an adtrumstrabye citation upon bedef that a code
yiial 6m has accnmredi. The atation� mwst be issued in: per-
son or by fount cfass mail, to the pema who violated the code
oraresp mnsibt epersonorpostLdatthe hed
to the m eW yefude irm the case of a vehjcWr r offense- TFre
cA3ffcn mitt slate Me dam.. t mre., and nature of the affense,
the idatty of to rremsrun issuing the citatioa ., the ammma of
d* scheddWiedfnm and dimemTarnner for mmiirmp #f fine or an
peakla the '
B. The pemm mceWm *e aWc m must ei&w pw the
sdh mar mmest ahea&awdinffmsM)
ssuarce of to alafi pm Pawment of the fine co states ad-
mrismw of to vfmrlatdame_ A ble payment fee per the s
uled am puff t will be srrposed km amprdhnce wnilh Section 18
Seckn 18 FOR A APfmEAL
A.A Deism sened han dub m mra+vfiea
Rte of ame i in tin oir postmarked wilh im rem i1 el C2
¢rdardayshmmthe deft of e alabm Fad!
Ire to Qxmm * wdm such time fimnk shat be dfeemm d fd wwoe
Ifine rimilht b a h eagbm_
B. ThL nmoke of ammW shall be made do umlmm filled wdtlh
City of � wr del _ ors the we d3tatdamL and CoW marataim the
(OftW Perms)
1. The wasom fhoe apd1mg belm� the aftbWmdhe d
CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTER t9gonis obkxAmWa yokiftpm
ORDNANCE MM 2fhitl4)4 2 The cosmm adebew and Wkwhom number of the amef-
18 211 TO THE BROOKLYN CENTER CITY CODE & The ram- address and Mane rmm 0bec of army cemsmrr
TEE CITY COMM OF THE CITY OFBROOKLYN in adftm Ip to ameffant whpwrAbe anejp*mtfrehearfno.
4. The sda Mme of time appellant.
Secame i. CtaPtw 18 - s anx ded lo add Ehe foombg mew
s edkm Q A hEo mmmtxst dwgsm - t fee shy be paid sinmmdfane-
SNISTRArIVE PERAL day . Bh time f d41 me mofice a appeak Thee fne3rimng re
Section 18 Ptl try C��T fm,ms that Mmig deposit fee WE be in the amount adopted tM resoumtiorn
#we is a need for abnoative meMods of the CLir tfY� • The fee fs mbmdatre if the appeIgnt at-
Code The c inmimmt m acm'ss is no ah roe fine mrds4 bm tends Ere hseamxL In cases where a vtiofatfon was fund tds
QU Code Ao- Nacre ooamred the heanna of mw may MW the refund to-
rgyc the tfv cnMMI fork *M s_e of woofs to fine nerd as trayidOd in the hearing affiear s
We cftbors and fie WwosifAoo of ciei Damros is a kMit- f
mta� allemrmtke method of enbrcement for Cwtain bm of Seers 1 AEldatMSTRATftfE HEAFUNG-
Codemoors Thus mediod of enfamement is in ad- & The Qft Manager most mdadeadyappmve a list of per -
diGtin any tmtfiner hem! a tf�t mray fee ndmseled Ex Cibr s om frdmm winch tfie Cit�r bflanager ardesknated agent wilt
Cie ybfa*m s;elled a hearing atfiicer to hoar and determine a
Section 18:202 Af NSTRATTVE CnAnMS AND Cirdff mratW far wtudh a hearing Is m guested- A person who has
PENALTIES- Ths section governs adawmsbahm alabom been issues€ a dtabon has the right to rgguest, no later than
and curl penafheS for vbta prts of the Qb cdrde: five OW bebm itre date of the hearing, that the assigned'
SSedm 18 -2t}3_ DERPQTVNS_ heanne officer be removed from the case One such request
Persons - maamvs acne imdfivKkW firm, aadnemsfiaer acmne a- far each ease wilt be gmarated automat aft t% the City Man -
tusn. comwratwoms. edxrrparsv or omanizahm of army 6dr6 mercy de drWed agent- A subsequent request must be di-
EmPe ty Owner fhgse shown fG be itle owner or owners to the City Manager who will decide whether the al-
on the recgmm s of the Hennwn Coemtty Deuartner f of Proms temete hearing officer can fairly and obiechvely review the
erty Taxaf on: th— fdenfffred as fie owner or owners on a case- If such a fir>dina is made. the Manager must remove
meant hddag ret>atratidmr torn a hxmfder of an dmmecorced' fhat officer from tfte case and the Cites Manager or desia-
coftad for deed a manwmm or vendee in firms. a hated amert must assign another heanng officer. The hear-
or verdpr in perm an anMegg of nmtL a irm omcer is not a iuchdal officer but Is a public officer as de-
eeceiver an executor. a buslem a other persolL fi fined by M.S. Section 819.415. The hearing officer must not
or comord ion in cor* mt of ties beehol t of the or bean. ampkMm of Ow Q'- The CeTy Manager eat desmnat-
estede 8'me mwL An owner aw metes amry nemm I must estgblish acme ibr eyafuaiirra the r-om-
padnershim associallorL corrnoagn m_ or khmeerg hmft a Y and nmAraWoffte hearing officema imrdudiitgc
kW or e m le We or afro bkmast in the pg=ft or bmulat merits bomm diems anti M sfalE
m Thisbdu desaMpadt- offmmrerarckeedmrdf any Palk B. Lbw the heammdzfficer'samnd uearuparrwnftenre-
tsetsttmpa:ornmatiom. s drosw kUWk&gnjftftd ®rest at an kderestEd yady tineneed the of
fitsr man arrange br fss nce of for tike often
Resomrs Me Parson - meets_ in ft cases of dienses re- d wh:s of a v or the of bocmks, page
WAed . b neat pEapaft an emmRmew ommamm ggft or person remrft or p0w d=wnerds Owd are mmraferW tp the matter
MhaQ as an ageffi for fm owner who has diced or imefineet bwM heaKL The MM mmeshm mbpoema is mespan-
mxxstrd of ae um ft arer the bongo Or m a pm ty ri m sm2de for smmviro 1e sm6poena in gmanner provided for
wfvchthefmd mwsbdafed. Amy lhavimaa bmw credo d sammdtarpM= Vie feesand expenses ofanywiY-
imarest in me pm tl/ R�emormsible m m mm w AresS A pm rsams served with a sybpoena may fie an ec-
rdtrde. but is not is. a mzeftr servim pecmviler mmm E demo with doe heawno pmrMft hit no later than the
63simas92MIL MODA91mem d mn c:maM mom Urrie 511em'fied is the subpoena for compdance. The officer
son dr eMfir mmav carmw or mom ft the subpoena if it is unreasonabte or
Cipy c qer - Means the Care Mager or 4pfuessim A person: whdx wthout lust cause. fails or ee refus-
estoa6mdardbgftewtolpmduther m&eddocurnrents
Sesiums 18 -204. OFFENSE& SCHED_ in oisdiermce trm a %ftoena is m hied to rules vrp�ided
ULE OF RNES AND FEES. by taw- Mernalkft tpaLty rregueshng the subpoena
a A vwktos of ammo ortnv MM of to Qft C m W be sins smk err order fromm dstrict court chrectna compldance
resgkm4bms as an arfinimrsbahve d which C. Ndrtice of, the hea ns�mist be senmed in person or by mat
mM be mjbW to an adma...m the dtaf on and dW f dew on the rp rr responsidale for the violation at least ten (10)
tPes p ursrerdi to Bus Subchapter. Each day a vrktm ex b advance.. unless asfhartertme is accepted byal':par
ists c onsfiftfts a mwvamts ties. At the heanna the parties wit have the opportunity to
B An administraf offense may be subject to a civif penal
t exoeeckng S2 ow Legal Notices c ontinued on next page
C The CityCouncff mdst adnpt by re mfution a schedule of
City of Brooklyn Center attach clipping
(Official Publication)
(April 22, 2010) Pi Ord 2010 -04
n eewspapers rur � feegbeas-
record #re hea wm aid receive tern and ead s. ed de atimm
AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION d'h= must pecew and amw toev
girabyp heanmv evidence #rat oassemes Whaftin NWIM .a7 tie amrADd for a 50eirse. pemM Or dhw City
STATE OF MINNESOTA mmmpnly acted by rile aw caudent p sy by 2w or �
the conduct of #ie r attains. ota s OWENSWO Of
) ss. a The hearmg officer tam 1� a�ffimrit�r � � #]at a F b pray a e_'s for sue, �eu�ci�a
COUNTY OF HENNEPIN vmlationocamie -todsmssacrta#ron.tom�nse#esched �9 errs a -t yam+
uL-d fine and to mduce. or stay au or part of ttre - -heduied #ye ykgafm
fine of - er yancx nddionally or upon compliiange w1h amm- section 1s 21 I are
Richard Hendrickson being duly sworn on priate conditiom when woomma a Pena fora k
the #rearing officer may corsider arty or afi pf the A F&,me- w #t xx A MW use m on a titre or a
an oath, states or affirms that he is the Chief factor t 10 tteWftMaf g=anW NA*_Wrsda-
Financial Officer of the newspaper(s) known 1.The duration of the violation: tive t9afirna.
2The trenuency or of the violation: i3 Fatiae to a arnr by dim > i
a Brooklyn Park,
Brooklyn s •The rrousrre ot#reviolatiorc � � erg' �"�"
y 4Thehistoryof#hevxilation tre hV*wb is s#mes isao-
5 - T he violator's conduct after issuance of lbo notice of hear - yealad ash secoon 18-am
� C Fafiipetapaya# raeiittonsedb� #te_f�fCourn�wi#unifl
5.The iaoo d faith effort by tte violator to cum ph& 1W ft affg it ym rryposed of sirxa o#rer #rrre as M Wj
a of the facts stated 7.7ne pr,oink ""� of the pent on the vxiiator be ' C y -
and has full knowledge B.The impact of of the violation amw the y p=kjr kG and 1T 18-� awl W E to 1
below: 9.Anv otherfiactom ao manta to a vam tt. occur trei�en at tams subchwMr ancf c9w av-
(A) P A The new has con complied with all of F-The bearing otfm may exerrw discretion to e - �
fine for more than care day of a cartwWW11 vMWWM flit 2 Mw mtraance sha# beepme of C after
the requirements constituting qualifica- ypCm a findim #iat #ie violation caused a senora #teat of adWtion aW q= VwW PM dqlis ft le� f -
timm to the public heai>l,. satehc or wekwe or #mat the ac-
tion as a qualified newspaper as provid- rwdaAN_A_K aftyandyr ngs0@ v nf+r
to Ac #sisl2ilhdayci1ApdL2011f.
ed by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07 the co jemxreme The txwm efteft dew= and t,YwTani son
std reagors past tie in ru rap. ATTEST (;4 awk -- n iKr n
and other applicable laws as amended. F:Tbe Jaillwe togar the lineorreauestaftwrmctw riten Date of Apd 22,21110
(B) The printed public notice that is attached tdays #rre of#ier on.rs =1AXefoabaid E eiDale: "W_21718
the coriiimLfts was p ublished in said news a er s avowof#teyxiiak"% #Jnd�ineir - raw axk.atesi
P P P ( ) bim tip and is an adrrrisSx3ro of #reydntafm lo be> d-).
once each week, for one successive A h3airtm dFow vW » 21is ,ems pod cause (Afi 22, 2110) fP11 Ord 201004 - --
Examples week(s); it was first published on Thurs- $ of
day, the 22 day of AprilUalarA
b&01 xtxrerservicepfaaeci an�tr ce irYt
2010, and was thereafter printed and daesrxrtirdudefor�ardir�a+�or�
published on every Thursday to and in- ff2 mal ydafaears+g-Il
�- r the fee fortfae fieagtt�i rw� rwtbe r�xraed �,
eluding Thursday, the day of lhea cazed
,2010; and printed C-Thedecision of#yef Bari mdFAMA rel Rr1or-
ther raghf r� adtye appeal. eimerR �anas spt�t
below is a copy of the lower case alpha- to p6ninistmom remwi uww secs 18 in ar r
bet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is Su to a mmw ur semi« 18-2W the
tmmxmaffi s decsmmwbe armea d10 fircoun,
hereby acknowledged as being the size cil by subnfttirm a rem est in wrftirxe tsi #ie Ckv ktanaxiier or
and kind of type used in the composition designalled agent w 7 0t dm -
and publication of the notice: cey
18-206 fEw
A The faring dfimeft dec sm in = of #re rtiat-
ab opg rstuvwxyz tais prey be waled by #ie person Tasonswellotheoy
camycdfor adaiiiInishabm revew
/'�� 1 -An aleged tAm to obtatri p
Cp s n nerd. fie. or ao-
proval frtari � Cdr urec� s 1wr an tce
2 An ameaed y bdafm of a p OT4 . COW approval.
#ie pr
ttV y m am pled _k#rere Coy Caay and
BY: �' 3- An ai xed viiolabon of fflgyjdg= gmMM a persray or
wtxi etas reoeiyed a rcerse 9rabyCaiaar
CFO The aural WAst be tymid by flW QtT ComcT a a no-
tice has been served in owson or by rem rnafi at l
Wn 71if1 days aduanoe- The parties to Sae h oft
bare an ngQg[Lwft 3o present oral 9f W ifts almminerft re-
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed =K* - heariixmoffreasd imi n.
before me on this 22 day of C TheGhC r�tCW1* r#rererxird.#,et�aamt9f-
Y poeft dew and any arm before c-
April 2010. Ina a The canna is Txit WA tiy(_#te ltea.
'sdec�pn trnav adoat alj pr �aripf#res
dec sion. 7be Cpurxti's deason nwst be in wri m
a ff tie Councilrr a Unifffm d a viollafim it may *rmm
a xx pew rnot �eedmo S2 0> diem,
and may mmider any or all di ft s Sec
tion 1B 7207{D The CounrA may ats reduce, stet. -a
Notar / Public afire uncorditio any or based on reasor�e and aprxooi'i-
ate conditions -
E. In addition to mxsym a civil oeru fty Rxi Cow'd trray
JULIA i H E L K E Dd N s or revt� anu city sired Vie. aem or aMer
j e _r awroval ass rated wah the yi atirxi #the M
NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA the Gity Code have been Wowed
Section �p `( My Comm. Expires ,Inn f t. 9n t, 1$ � lA# VIEW P
'� -1... nmy obtain judicial redrew of #re decison of beanna offi-
, car or the C yR Cotmcil in A=MhwQ@ vAb State taw
Sectum 18 -210 FlEcOV LMES
A ffacivil pgnM is Trot paid within the t specified. A con -
1 A personal obligation of the violator in all situations. and
2 A lien won the real prwerty upon which the violation oc-
curred it the property or imorovements rn the PLOP" were
the subiect of the violation and the property owner was found
responsible for fiat violation.
B A lien may be assessed aoainst the property and cotleci-
ed in the same manner as taxes.
C A personal obligation may be collected by any appropri-