HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 Edition 32 December THE SOMETHING MORE EITY NEWSLETTER q4 INCLUDES THE 1982 WINTER BROOKLYN CENTER 1 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BROCHURE a o a Q V V D a 0 v 0 p r p „ o C iTy O BROo REPORT* DECEMBER, 1981 NO. 3 2 1982 : Bud et Property Tax Increase g The Brooklyn Center City Council, of each property tax dollar, the the remaining 5 cents. on September 28, adopted a City receives approximately 20 The 1982 Budget will be financed $6,503,647 City Budget for 1982. cents, with the school systems 46.7 per cent from property taxes; The new budget shows an approxi- accounting for 41 cents, and the 34.9 per cent from State and Federal mate 8.7 per cent increase over the County receiving 34 cents out of aids; 8.1 per cent from charges for previous year. The property tax each dollar. Various taxing dis- services; 3.3 per cent from licenses increase, which is necessary to tricts such as the Metro Council, and permits; 1.8 per cent from court finance the 1982 Budget, was held to Mosquito Control District, Metro fines, and the balance of 5.2 per cent 8 per cent by the Council, to ensure Transit, and Park Museum receive from various other sources. that Brooklyn Center homeowners will receive their full homestead cre- dit from the State, to be applied Survey: Residents Like against the overall property tax. The City tax a 0 home- City, Provided Services stead in Brookll Cent yn Center is ex pected to be $73 for 1982, as com- pared to $70 in 1981. City property A Brooklyn Center resident survey Center Jaycees, Jaycee Women and tax increases on homesteads will was conducted at the request of the Citizens for Better Government. vary from 4.7 per cent to 14.6 per City Council to aid in the overall Sharon Schmickle, a University of cent, depending on the home- budget preparation, and to see how Minnesota student from Brooklyn stead's value. residents feel about the services Center, designed the survey and There are nine taxing jurisdic- which are provided by the City. analyzed the results. The City Coun- tions for which the County col- The survey was conducted by cil, City Manager's office, and heads lects and distributes taxes on community volunteers, with the inter- of City departments were consulted property in Brooklyn Center. Out viewing performed by the Brooklyn during the design phase of the sur- vey. A random sample of 800 residents Homestead Property Tu aY ll voter re stration reco ds, inter - views conducted by telephone from Cards Must Be Filed May 26 July 7, During the five weeks, interviews 378 interviews were completed. An application for homesteading as well as the circuit breaker refund, According to sampling theory, it is your property must be filed every if you own and occupy your property 95 per cent certain that the results of year. To assist with the 1982 filing, as a homestead on January 2, 1982. the sample are, within five percen- the City Assessor's office will be If you are filing for homestead for tage points, the same as one would mailing applications to o homeowners the first time on your property, in ad- get by interviewing every adult in during the last week December. dition to returning the application, Brooklyn Center. Questions based you must also present the required on sub - groups within the sample This card must be completed and ownership information to the City are subject to higher margins of error. returned to the City office no later Assessor's office. The questionnaire dealt with the than January 15, 1982. The documents needed to satisfy residents' view regarding any City You are eligible for this tax credit, the ownership requirements are: 1) problems, annual street maintenance, Warranty Deed, or 2) Contract for lighting, source for current events, Deed, or 3) Torrens Certificate, or 4) opinion of neighborhoods, parks, and *Citizen inquiries and requests may Quit -Claim Deed, or 5) Veterans Ad- comparisons with other communities. be directed at the City Administra- ministration Form No. 26 -1830 In- Overall, the residents indicated that tion. If there is any question regard- stallment Contract for Sale of Real they were pleased with the services ing a service that we are authorized Estate. in Brooklyn Center, and felt that to perform, please call us at For further information, please these services were better in the com- 561 -5440. call the City Assessor's Office at munity than in most other cities in 561 -5440. the area. 1 Do You Know Voters Re -Elect Mayor, These Signs? Two New Council M embers For your general interest, fol- by the Council, gives residents the lowing are some questions relat- Brooklyn Center voters re- elected opportunity to address the Council ing to symbol signs and other incumbent Mayor Dean Nyquist, who as a whole, and comment on any traffic control devices. ran unopposed, and elected William opinion, problem, concern, or com- Glance at the sign and quickly H. Hawes and Richard C. Theis to plaint that is relevant to the affairs of give the right answer, unless, the Council. Brooklyn Center and its policies and when driving you normally pull The new Council members will practices. over to the shoulder and study the replace, in January, 1982, Bill Fignar The official meeting will get under- sign. The answers are inverted and Tony Kuefler who did not seek way at 7 p.m. with a review of the below. re- election. Other Council members preliminary items on the agenda prior 1. When facing a traffic signal, include Gene Lhotka and Celia Scott. to starting the Open Forum. After the you see a flashing red arrow The Brooklyn Center City Coun- Forum closes, the Council will again pointing left. You want to turn cil meets regularly at the City return to the other agenda items. left. When and how do you do Hall, 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway To understand the rules that it? and residents are invited to attend govern the Forum, interested per- t. Orange is used on what type of the meetings. sons can contact the City Hall at signs? An "Open Forum" implemented 561 -5440 for further information. 3. Blue is used on what type of signs? Handicapped Survey The City of Brooklyn Center is cur- Grant Funds. rently conducting a survey of City The survey will include evaluations 4 5 6 buildings and facilities to assess their of the accessibility of all City owned accessibility and usability by handi- facilities including the Civic Center, capped persons. parks, liquor stores and all other '� //� The survey is being done to imple- City buildings. �� �!,� ment a section of the Rehabilitation The Human Rights Commission �/ Act passed by Congress, which pro- and the consultant will also work 7 8 g hibits the exclusion of handicapped directly with local handicapped resi- individuals, because of their handi- dents to obtain their input on the pro- cap, from participating in any pro- ject. In addition to physical facilities, ON1SSOtlO GVO811Vd t73'IEJNV '6 gram or activity receiving federal the survey will also address the ac- '39H31N 01033N ON '8 financial assistance. This law applies cessibility to handicapped individuals 'NVINEJtll3 I to any City or agency receiving feder- of City programs, including recreation 13M N3HM1N3W3AVd A83ddllS '9 '3901da MO)38VN 'S al funds. activities and public meetings. '1Sa13 3Alaat/ noA jI N3A3 A professional consultant from the A final report will be prepared by nO 3 NI SSVd S83A1180 National Handicap Housing Insti- the consultant with the assistance of 83H10 131 01 03aVd38d 38 'b tute, a Minnesota based non - profit the Human Rights Commission and 'S301A83S corporation, is working with the local handicapped residents, will 1S1ao10W 1n o 8V NOIIVVY80AN1 '£ 'SV3UV`Noinna1SNOD 800 AINO 7 ( Brooklyn Center Human Rights Com- provide specific recommendations 'S11W83d i mission to accomplish the survey. for improving handicapped access, i 0133'dtl1SVIJ31N8n1`dO1S 't i Funds for the services were obtained along with cost estimates for the I from Community Development Block recommended changes. Follow Regulations For Snow Removal 10 districts with a street plow parking ban is strictly enforced during As the winter season begins, the assigned to each district. the winter months. City of Brooklyn Center reminds Arterial streets are cleared first, Residents are also reminded to residents of the regulations which then residential streets. The plow warn their children not to play in the are required for effective snow will make four passes on the streets snow piles made by the plows. Plow removal in the community. — two to clear and two to widen the operators often cannot see children Street and sidewalk crews will street. in these banks, and children could be operate when there has been a No parking is allowed on any City buried in snow or seriously hurt. snowfall of more than 2'/2 inches, or street or alley, for more than four Apologies are offered in advance if conditions warrant plowing. The consecutive hours between midnight for plugged driveways — an un- crews begin shortly after the storm and 8 a.m., or for more than six con- avoidable side effect of well plowed subsides, with the City divided into secutive hours at any other time. The streets and walks. 2 i When And Why Pruning Is Needed NOTE. The following is an article As an example: panies should be contacted to do prepared for the City of Brooklyn • Eliminate weak branches that the work. Center by William Phillipsen, Depart- overhang homes, parking areas, and For most landscape effects the ment of Entomology, Fisheries and other areas that are frequented by natural form of the plants is best, Wildlife of the University of Min- people. and consequently plants should not nesota. Interested residents should • Eliminate branches that interfere be sheared to tight geometrical save this article for future reference. with street lights and traffic signals, forms, and should be altered only if PRUNING or overhead wires. the plant must be confined or trained Pruning can maintain the health • Remove lower branches that are to a specific purpose. After pruning, and quality of established plants. a safety hazard or interfere with indi- it should not be obvious that the Routine maintenance pruning on vidual or vehicular movement, and plant has been pruned. established trees is usually done prevent encroachment on adjacent Never leave stubs since they serve every three to five years, and can help property. as an entry for disease organisms. prolong the plant's life by: PRUNE AT THE PROPER TIME Heading back or topping trees is not • Removing ead or dying recommended because the cut stubs g y' g por- Some plants are susceptible to tions of plant with disease problems disease invasion if pruned at the never completely heal, and it is often better to remove trees that have out - or insect injury. wrong time, and should be pruned • Removing portions injured or when they are at least likely to be- grown their usefulness. killed by the winter. come infected. Overgrown shrubs can be renewed • Removing branches injured by Oaks and elms should be prun- by cutting off 1/3 of the oldest stems storms. ed during November, December, to the ground. When renewing an • Removing existing branch stubs. January or February to minimize overgrown hedge (most shrubs will • Removing rubbing branches. the chance of oak wilt infection, recover), cut it to the ground. Avoid • Removing sprouts or suckers at which is a fungus disease. cutting shrubs part -way back. the base of grafted plants, including Any summer pruning necessi- roses, apples, crabapples, honey- tated by storm damage or thera- PRUNING ELMS locust, flowering plums and others. peutic pruning should be covered There are three basic kinds of • Removing watersprouts (succu- immediately by a wound dress- pruning for elms: aesthetic, sanita- lent vigorous shoots on the inside of ing. tion and therapeutic. the tree near the trunk). Apples, flowering crabapples, AESTHETIC PRUNING is de- • Removing surplus branches, al- pears, mountain ash, hawthorns, signed to give trees a desired struc- lowing the remaining ones to be and cotoneasters should be pruned ture and appearance. For elms, this spaced at least one foot apart on between the time they go dormant type of pruning should not be done trees. in the fall, and when growth starts in the spring or summer, because the • Normally, branches should be in the spring to minimize the spread pruning wounds attract elm bark left so they come out from all sides and chance of infection by a bac- beetles. Aesthetic pruning should of the tree. terial disease called fireblight. only be done during the beetles' • Leaving a low branch on the Some trees have a free flowing sap inactive period, from mid - October southwest side to provide shade to and will "bleed" if pruned in late to the end of February. help prevent sunscald. winter or early spring. Although this SANITATION PRUNING is the • Removing arrow - angled "bleeding" removal of elm branches that are g g g" causes little or no harm branches from the main trunk. to the plant, it causes major concern dead or dying from any cause. The removal reduces the number of Another reason for pruning is to the owner. To prevent "bleeding ", breeding sites for elm bark beetles, to improve the appearance of the this group of plants can be pruned which transmit the disease from tree foliage and flower, and stem anytime they are actively growing .. • to tree. Since pruning wounds can quality and to: early in the growing season is best. attract the beetles, is safer to do • Shape or form and increase the The "bleeding" trees include all usefulness of function of the plant, maples, (including the boxelder), sanitation pruning in the fall and win - such as hedges, espalier and others. honeylocusts, butternuts and wal- ter, when the beetles are not breed- • Remove lower branches to train nuts, birch, ironwood, and blue ing. However, when trees are damag- to tree form. beech. ed during the spring and summer, it • Remove multiple leaders on Trees and shrubs that bloom early is important to remove the potential these plants where a single leader is in the growing season on old wood breeding area as soon as possible. desired, such as evergreen or shade should be pruned immediately after THERAPEUTIC PRUNING is trees. they finish blooming. Any winter the removal of branches already in- * Control plant size. injury should be eliminated as soon fected with Dutch elm disease in • Improve fruit quality and in- as the following plants come into leaf. order to save the rest of the tree, and crease production, open plant up, is done in the spring and summer and promote flowering, ease of GUIDELINES when disease symptoms appear. This spraying and harvesting. TO PROPER PRUNING type of pruning works only if the Pruning is sometimes done to Homeowners should not at- disease is transmitted by beetles and protect people and property, tempt to prune near electrical not through root grafts from adjacent rather than to benefit the plants, and utility wires. The utility com- trees. continued on Page a 3 Pruning Continued from Page 3 1=' Tra Nearly If the infection reaches the main Ne N/ System trunk, the tree is lost and there is no Com p leted In Cit point in pruning. The best candidates for therapeutic pruning are large trees with small infections, and the pruning cut should be at least 10 feet Anew trail system, featuring both ters, a regional library, the senior from the nearest brown discoloration a bike path and a separate path for citizens high rise, the City Hall, Com in the infected branch. walking is almost completed. munity Center and Central Park. On a community wide basis, thera- This unique and important trailway Because of the trailway's ideal peutic pruning is best when popula- in Brooklyn Center is a connecting location and planned development, tions of elm bark beetles are small, link in a regional trail corridor in the Palmer Lake Nature Center, and where multiple or successive Northwest Hennepin County, con- Central Park, and the Community beetle- carried infections are minimal. sisting of approximately 38 miles of Center become an extension of what For additional protection, therapeu- trail through six communities. each has to offer. A pleasant 10- tic pruning can be used in conjunc- The trail will eventually proceed minute walk, or a five - minute bike tion with injection of the fungicide northerly, through Brooklyn Park, ride away from City traffic, permits Arbotect 20 -S. then westerly from the Coon Rapids safe and leisurely travel between dam to Elm Creek Park Reserve, and these large, well planned recreation to proposed regional parks at Wea- areas. Snowmobiles ver, Fish and Eagle Lakes in Maple Entire families can enjoy all the N ot Allowed Grove. The trail continues southerly benefits of more than 250 acres of to Medicine Lake, through Golden park ... from active participation to Snowmobiles are not allowed on Valley, and connects to the Minnea- passive relaxation. public property in Brooklyn Center. polis system at Theodore Wirth park. The regulations were modified to Then along Victory Memorial Drive r . preserve the natural character of to the Camden area and northerly ° } public areas within the community. along Shingle Creek into Brooklyn Q Q�� For the convenience of snow- Center. P J mobilers, there are several designated Most importantly, it will provide a state and county trails. For additional safe, convenient and efficient means (I information, please contact the De- of travel for bicyclists and pedes- N partment of Natural Resources or the trians, while linking together several Hennepin Park Reserve District. neighborhood parks, shopping cen ' 69 N gVE N , ��`r� i� �" 'a+iit a City of Brooklyn Center CITY COUNCIL Dean Nyquist . . . . . . . . . . . . Mayor Bill Fignar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Councilman Tony Kuefler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Councilman CENTRAL j tl Gene Lhotka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Councilman PARK I ' Celia Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Councilwoman �`.` / CITY Gerald Splinter . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Manager -- HALL SERVICE DIRECTORY - -- PEDESTRIAN £t Emergency Numbers (24 Hours) BIKE TRAILS POLICE — FIRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561 -5720 City Hall Offices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561 -5440 CO( (Monday- Friday — 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.) NTY ROAD 10 Community Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 -5448 COMPLETION 1982 CITY OFFICES y ,�CP 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway Brooklyn Center, Minnesota 55430 4 Adult Activities AQUA EXERCISE — (Formerly Swimnastics) WOMEN'S EXERCISE & AEROBIC DANCE Exercise in the water for better health and a trimmer figure. The class is fun, challenging and includes AEROBIC You do not need to be a swimmer or get your hair wet. movements in dance combinations. This class is a physi- Enjoy a pleasant and relaxing experience through this cal fitness program that offers complete and effective unique approach to exercise. Registration Fee $12.50/ conditioning for muscles, heart and lungs. It's a combina- 10 Sessions. Instructor Barb Christopherson 1, 3, 4 -5 - tion of dancing for the fun of it, and dancing for more Donna Powers - 2. ENERGY every day! No dance background necessary. ONCE WEEK FOR 10 WEEKS Instructors for classes Bev Wilson 11 -15, 20.21, Deb EI- # Day Begins Time Location dridge 16 -17, Barb Christopherson 18 -19, Kathy Kraus 1 Tues. Jan. 12 10:00 a.m. - Community 2223. Registration Fee $12.50/10 Sessions. 10:50 a.m. Center CLASSES MEET ONCE A WEEK FOR 10 WEEKS 2 Tues. Jan. 12 6:30 p.m. - North View # Day Begins Time Location 7:20 p.m. 11 Thurs. Jan. 7 9:30 a.m. - Community 3 Thurs. Jan. 14 10:00 a.m. - Community 10:20 a.m. Center 10:50 a.m. Center 12 Mon. Jan. 11 9:30 a.m. - Community TWICE A WEEK FOR 5 WEEKS 10:20 a.m. Center # Day Begins Time Location 13 Mon. Jan. 11 10:30 a.m. - Community 4 Tues. & Jan. 12 11:00 a.m. - Community 11:20 a.m. Center Thurs. 11:50 a.m. Center 14 Tues. Jan. 12 7:00 p.m. - Community 5 Tues. & Feb. 16 11:00 a.m. - Community 7:50 p.m. Center Thurs. 11:50 a.m. Center 15 Tues. Jan. 12 8:00 p.m. - Community 8:50 p.m. Center SENIOR AQUA EXERCISE 16 Thurs. Jan. 14 6:00 p.m. - Earle Brown Exercise in the pool for better health and a trimmer figure. 6:50 p.m. You do not need to be a swimmer or get your hair wet. A 17 Thurs. Jan. 14 7:00 p.m. - Earle Brown fun class for men and women 62 & older. Please furnish 7:50 p.m. doctor's name and phone number when registering. In- 18 Sat. Jan. 16 9:00 a.m. - North View structor Barb Christopherson. Registration Fee $5.00/ 9:50 a.m. 10 Sessions. 19 Sat. Jan. 16 10:00 a.m. - North View # Day Begins Time Location 10:50 a.m. 6 Tues. Jan. 12 9:00 a.m. - Community CLASSES MEET T WICE A WEEK FOR 5 WEEKS 9:50 a.m. Center # Day Begins Time Location WOMEN'S CONDITIONING AND PHYSICAL FITNESS 20 Mon. & Jan. 11 4:00 p.m. - Palmer Lake Physical conditioning to look and feel better. The weight Wed. 4:50 p.m. training machine and flexibility program provide a well- 21 Mon. & Jan. 11 5:30 p.m. - Palmer Lake rounded fitness program. The program is tailored to indivi- Wed. 6:20 p.m. dual needs. Provides you with the information you need 22 Mon. & Jan. 11 4:00 p.m. - M- Orchard to set up and pace workouts for future use. This program Wed. 4:50 p.m. Lane emphasizes conditioning endurance, and years of healthy 23 Mon. & Jan. 11 6:45 p.m. - W -Fair Oaks living. Class meets Tuesday and Thursday for 5 weeks in Wed. 7:35 p.m. M- Orchard the Community Center Exercise room. Babysitting avail- Lane able —see Childcare Service. Instructor Barb Christopher- W -Fair Oaks son. Registration Fee $18.00/5 Weeks. BEGINNING BALLROOM DANCE # Day Begins Time Location For couples only. Dancing is a skill that can be learned. 7 Tues. & Jan. 12 1:00 p.m. - Community Don't sit on the side lines and watch others enjoy them - Thurs. 2:00 p.m. Center selves. Learn the Waltz, Foxtrot, Swing, Rumba, Cha -Cha, 8 Tues. & Feb. 16 1:00 p.m. - Community Polka, Schottische and Western Swing. Instructor Les Eck. Thurs. 2:00 p.m. Center Registration Fee $22.00 per couple, 8 Sessions. DANCING FI T # Day Begins Time Location Fit your exercise to music, for a fun way to shape up. and 24 Wed. Jan. 13 7:00 p.m. - Earle Brown relieve the stress and strain of everyday living. No dance 8:00 p.m. 25 Wed. Jan. 13 8:15 p.m. - Earle Brown background necessary. Instructor Donna Powers. Regis tration Fee $12.50/10 Sessions. BALLE 9:15 p.m. # Day Begins Time Location An excellent way to unwind! Improve your figure and body- 9 Tues. Jan. 12 7:30 p.m. - North View tone as you learn Ballet technique. No previous experi- 8:20 p.m. ence required. Instructor Bev Wilson. Registration Fee FITNESS TO MUSIC $10.00/10 Sessions. For people who have never exercised before and would # Day Begins Time Location like to improve their figure and fitness. The class is a modi- 26 Thurs. Jan. 7 10:30 a.m. - Community fication of the Exercise and Dance class. Aerobic move- 11:20 a.m. Center ment and exercise to music will be included. Instructor 27 Tues. Jan. 12 6:00 p.m. - Community Bev Wilson. Registration Fee $12.50/10 Sessions. 6:50 p.m. Center # Day Begins Time Location TAP DANCE 10 Thurs. Jan. 7 10:45 a.m. - Community No previous dance experience necessary to participate 11:35 a.m. Center in this fun class. Learn popular tap steps, combinations, 5 and simple routines to lively music. A great way to exer- DOG OBEDIENCE cise and firm those muscles! Instructor Barb Christopher- This course is open to people 12 years and older, whose son. Registration Fee $12.00/10 Sessions. dog is at least 6 months old. This course will teach you # Day Begins Time Location how to work with your dog in order to teach him social 28 Thurs. Jan. 14 6:00 p.m. - Evergreen behavior and self - discipline. For more information, call 7:00 p.m. Stanley Orr, 533 -5307. Cost $17.00/8 Sessions. TAP DANCE — ADVANCED BEG # Day Begins Time Location Students should be familiar with the shuffle, flaps, ball 33 Thurs. Jan. 14 6:30 p.m. - Northport change combinations and time step. Tap combinations BASIC SILK FLOWERS 7:30 p.m, and dance routines will be taught. Instructor Barb Chris- topherson. Registration Fee $12.00/10 Sessions. Enter into the beautiful and lasting world of silk flowers. # Day Begins Time Location Learn the basics of silk flowers while making a daisy, 29 Thurs. Jan. 14 7:00 p.m. - Evergreen anemone, azalea, carnation, and rose from pre -cut petals. Other flowers will be demonstrated. Bring scissors and 7:45 p.m. wire cutters to class. Allow $3.50 for materials to be pur- EXERCISE ROOM CONSULTANT chased from instructor. Instructor Kathy Weissman. Regis - Open to all persons, 15 years and older. If you are interest- tration Fee $2.00/1 Session. ed in learning techniques, developing a method of exer- # Day Begins Time Location cise, or receiving help on your individual program, a con- 34 Tues, Jan. 19 7:00 p.m. - Brooklyn sultant will be available to help you in the Community 9:00 P.M. Center High Center Exercise Room. Drop in for advice, demonstrations, 35 Sat. Mar. 6 10:00 a.m. - Community or any help that you may need. No registration necessary. SPRING FLOWERS 12:00 p.m. Center Single admission or a membership to the Community Center is required. DATES: January 12- March 18 Expand your knowledge of silk flowers —learn to make a Tuesday -12:00 p.m. -1:00 p.m. mini - azalea, fruit blossom, daffodil, tulip and iris. Bring Thursday -12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. scissors and wire cutters to class. Allow $4.25 for Thursday -7:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m. materials to be purchased from instructor. Instructor Kathy Weissman. Registration Fee $2.00/1 Session. MIXED VOLLEYBALL # Day Begins Time Location Open to all post high school age men and women. Choose 36 Tues. Feb. 2 7:00 p.m. - Brooklyn sides and play fun low -key volleyball. A night out for Mom SPRING BASKET 9:00 p.m. Center High and Dad. Activity fee is 50c per person. No organized teams please. Chase the winter blahs with this perky spring basket that Wed. Jan. 6 7:30 p.m. - Brooklyn will brighten any spot in your home! Your choice of colors. 10:00 p.m. Center High Bring scissors, wire cutters, and a smile to class. Allow WOMEN'S OPEN VOLLEYBALL $8.00 for materials purchased from instructor. Instructor A night of fun volleyball for women, (Post high school Kathy Weissman. Registration Fee $2.00/1 Session. # Day Begins Time Location age). Bring a friend or come alone. An enjoyable time plus good exercise! Please no organized teams. No Charge. 37 Tues. Feb. 23 7:00 p.m. - Brooklyn Tues. Jan. 5 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Center High 10:00 P.M. Earle Brown BRIDAL SILK FLOWER SEMINAR Thurs. Jan. 7 7:00 p.m. - Orchard A special seminar designed for those of you who are 9:00 P.M. Lane considering silk flowers for your wedding. A silk flower JUDO specialist will show a variety of wedding flowers and will For men and women who are interested in learning the demonstrate how easy it is to make your own bridal bou- basic skills or more advanced techniques of Judo. Carl quet. Question and answer session to follow. Instructor Flood, 4th Degree Blackbelt, provides complete instruc- Kathy Weissman. Registration Fee $2.0011 Session. tion. In addition, interested students may join the Brooklyn # Day Begins Time Location Center Judo Club, which is nationally sanctioned. All 38 Mon. Jan. 25 7:00 p.m. - Community sessions held at North View Jr. High Wrestling Room. 9:00 P.M. Center Registration Fee $12.00/8 Sessions. 39 Sat. Feb. 20 10:00 a.m. - Community # Day Begins Time Location POTTERY 12:00 p.m. Center 30 Wed. (Beg.) Jan. 13 7:00 p.m. - North View 8:00 p.m. The class is designed to teach the basic skills of wheel 31 Wed. (Adv.) Jan. 13 8:00 p.m. - North View throwing and hand building. The Community Center offers 9:00 P.M. a unique opportunity to practice your new skill by includ- MEN'S GYM NIGHT ing in the registration fee, clay for projects, unlimited studio practice time and firing fees. Bring a work shirt to For men post high school age. Open gym for jogging, the first class. Please allow about $6.00 for purchasing of informal basketball. Activity fee is $1.00 per person. No tools. Instructor Karen Haberle. Registration Fee $26.00/ organized teams please. 7 Weeks. Sat. 1:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. North View # Day Begins Time Location ROD BUILDING 40 Tues. Jan. 12 10:00 a.m. - Community Build the rod to fit the kind of fishing you do. First session 1:30 p.m. Center will be a discussion of the type of rod you want to build 41 Tues. Jan. 12 6:30 p.m. - Community and materials needed. The remaining sessions will be 9:30 p.m. Center spent in rod construction, with participants furnishing 42 Tues. Mar. 2 10:00 a.m. - Community their own supplies. Instructor Scott Kline. Registration 1:30 p.m. Center Fee $8.00/6 Sessions. 43 Tues. Mar. 2 6:30 p.m. - Community # Day Begins Time Location 9:30 p.m. Center 32 Tues. Jan. 19 7:00 p.m. - Brooklyn 44 Tues. April 20 6:30 p.m. - Community 9:00 P.M. Center High 9:30 p.m. Center 6 LAB & FIRING PRIVILEGES fibers that can be applied to making large baskets for Open to persons who completed a pottery class at the any room in the house. Allow $2.75 for materials to be Community Center or have previous experience and are purchased at class. Instructor Beth Lehet. Registration familiar with the equipment. Lab may be used on an un- Fee $3.50/1 Session. limited basis other than class times and have pieces fired # Day Begins Time Location in the 7 week period. Clay may be purchased at the Com- 52 Sat. Feb. 6 10:00 a.m. - Community munity Center. Arrange your own time to work in the lab 12:30 p.m. Center during the 7 weeks. Lab sessions correspond to dates COILED BASKETRY listed under pottery. Registration Fee $16.00/7 Weeks. Learn how to design and make a fiber basket using weav- BEGINNING CALLIGRAPHY ing yarns. Choosing favorite colors create your own design This class is a detailed study of the beautiful italic alpha- using the coiling technique. Please allow $4.50 for bet. Students will obtain experience in using the double materials for 1 -2 baskets. Instructor Beth Lehet. Registra- pencils and dip pens. Bring a notebook and pencil for tion Fee $5.00/2 Sessions. note taking and $4.25 for the workbook required for the # Day Begins Time Location course. Additional supplies will be discussed. Instructor 53 Mon. March 8 9:30 a.m. - Community Mozelle Johnson. Registration Fee $18.00/8 Sessions. 12:00 p.m. Center # Day Begins Time Location PATCHWORK &QUILTING 45 Mon. Jan. 11 9:30 a.m. - Community The class will cover crazy, log cabin, patchwork, hand 12:00 p.m. Center quilting, applique, finishing techniques, cathedral window 46 Mon. Jan. 11 7:00 p.m. - Community and also methods of making quilts by the square. Baby- , 9:00 P.M. Center sitting available for day class —see Childcare Service. Instructor Joanne Holzknecht. Registration Fee $7.00/ WORKSHOP— DECORATED LETTERS 4 Sessions. In reply to your requests, here is a fun workshop to learn # Day Begins Time Location about decorated letters that add interest, excitement and 54 Mon. Jan. 11 12:30 p.m. - Community beauty to a calligraphic piece or card. Learn techniques 2:30 p.m. Center as found in old manuscripts, using modern tools. Letters 55 Thurs. Jan. 14 7:00 p.m. - Community will be drawn and colored in'class. Time allowed for ques- 9:00 P.M. Center tions, so come prepared! Bring: pencil, pen holder, prac- QUILTING STRING VEST tice paper at least 8 1 /2 "x11 ", black ink, and any of the following that you have, calligraphic pens, colored pencils Watch the demonstration and learn the secrets to the con - and felt tip pens, crayons, inks and watercolors. All other s of this stylish vest. All quilting and most of the materials will be furnished. Bring your lunch and ideas will seewinwin on g is done by machine. See vest on display the Regis- be exchanged on the break. Instructor Mozelle Johnson. Community Center. Instructor Joanne Holzknecht. Registration Fee $8.00/1 Session. tration Fee $2.7511 Session. # Da Begins Time Location # Day Begins Time Location Y 9 47 Sat. Feb. 27 10:00 a.m. - Community 56 Thurs. Feb. 11 7:00 p.m. Community 9:00 P.M. Center 2:00 p.m. Center 57 Wed. Mar. 10 12:30 p.m. - Community WOMEN'S SELF - DEFENSE SEMINAR —See Special 2:30 p.m. Center Interest Section TSUNG TSE WEAVING FABRIC STAINED GLASS QUILTING A colorful, fascinating 3- dimensional fiber ornament that Stain glass windows are expensive, but do them in fabric can be used all year. This oriental design represents peace and see what a beautiful wall hanging you can make! and tranquility in the home. Bring a sharp scissors. Please Class meets twice, with a break between the 2 sessions. allow $2.50 for materials to be purchased at class. Instruc- Bring fabric, paper, scissors, pencil, medium point felt tip for Beth Lehet. Registration Fee $2.50/1 Session. pen, clear tape and 1/3 yard fabric (pastel light or beige # Day Begins Time Location broadcloth). Instructor Joanne Holzknecht. Registration 48 Sat. Jan. 16 10:00 a.m. - Community Fee $5.75/2 Sessions. 12:00 p.m. Center # Day Begins Time Location 49 Wed. Feb. 10 12:30 p.m. - Community 58 Wed. Feb. 10 & 24 9:30 a.m. - Community 2:30 p.m. Center 11:30 a.m. Center HOOP WEAVING 59 Mon. Mar. 8 & 22 7:00 p.m. - Community Create a lovely hoop weaving that can be used as a wall 9:00 P.M. Center or window decoration. You may have seen these beautiful *Samples on display at Community Center weavings at the Renaissance Festival or other art fairs. SCRAP BAG QUILTS They make wonderful handcrafted gifts. Bring a sharp Learn how to machine piece the "Hills & Valleys" quilt out scissors and ruler. No prior weaving experience neces- of your scrap fabric. This quilt is adaptable to cotton, sary. Please allow $9.50 for materials to be purchased corduroy, denim, double knits or velvet. A demonstration at class. Many colors of these imported fibers are avail- will also be given on the construction of the "String Quilt ". able. Instructor Beth Lehet. Registration Fee $3.50/1 Ses- Instructor Joanne Holzknecht. Registration Fee $2.75/ sion. 1 Session. # Day Begins Time Location # Day Begins Time Location 50 Sat. Jan. 16 1:00 p.m. - Community 60 Wed. Mar. 10 9:30 a.m. - Community 3:30 p.m. Center 11:30 a.m. Center 51 Wed. Jan. 27 9:30 a.m. - Community 61 Mon. Mar. 15 7:00 p.m. - Community 12:00 p.m. Center 9:00 P.M. Center *Samples on display at Community Center LACE MAKING — TATTING TWINED BASKETS Tatting, a fascinating skill from the past ... Learn how to These attractive baskets are both useful and decorative. tat and design a pattern. Material furnished for first ses- This unique method of weaving uses colorful washable sion. Bring a scissors. Babysitting available —See Child - 7 care Service. Instructor Lee Balfany. Registration Fee gible to use the Community Center darkroom. Instructor $7.5015 Sessions. Anne Gonnella. Registration Fee $18.0013 Sessions. # Day Begins Time Location # Day Begins Time Location 62 Mon. Feb. 8 12:30 p.m. - Community 65 Wed. Feb. 10 6:45 p.m. - Community 2:30 p.m. Center 9:45 p.m. Center 63 Tues. Feb. 9 7:00 p.m. - Brooklyn OIL PAINTING 9:00 p.m. Center High Learn to paint like a pro! You need not be an artist to paint KNOW YOUR CAMERA a beautiful painting you can be proud of. Students will If you're not getting the results you want out of your cam- learn the correct technique used in painting with oil. The era, this class is for you. Use of camera, film, meters, painting to be done in class will be on display during filters and guide numbers will be covered. The art of flash, registration. All supplies furnished. Instructor Don Berg. close up and photographing people will also be discussed. Registration Fee $35.0016 Sessions. Instructor Ann Gonnella. Registration Fee $9.5014 Ses- # Day Begins Time Location sions. 66 Tues. Jan. 19 7:00 p.m. - Community # Day Begins Time Location 9:00 P.M. Center 64 Wed. Jan. 13 7:00 p.m. - Community CHILDCARE SERVICE 9:00 P.M. Center The "PLAY- CORNER" will be provided for parents attend - DARKROOM TECHNIQUES ing morning classes, programs, meetings or swimming at Learn how to mix chemicals, tell negative contrast and the Community Center. The minimum age is 6 months. develop black and white film. Each student will make an The cost is 50c per child per hour for each child. Hours: excellent print from his own negative. Fee includes sup- Monday- Friday 8:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Information call plies. Upon completion of the class, students will be eli- 561 -5448. Children's Activities TINY TOT TAP & BALLET is ballet. Such experience paves the way for more ad- For pre - school boys and girls 4 -6 years old. Children must vanced dance study and is an excellent background be 4 years old by March 1, 1982. The class gives the chil- training for those anxious to pursue gymnastics and cheer - dren an opportunity to participate in beginning ballet leading. Children must be in grades 1 -6 to register for this movements and simple tap steps. Instructor Barb Chris- class. Instructor Kathy Kraus. Registration Fee $10.001 topherson. Registration Fee $10.00110 Weeks. 10 Weeks. # Day Begins Time Location # Day Begins Time Location 67 Tues. Jan. 12 4:15 p.m. - Palmer Lake 73 Wed. Jan. 13 5:00 p.m. - Fair Oaks 5:45 p.m. TINY TOT CREATIVE DANCE 5:00 p.m. TAP DANCE For pre - school boys and girls 4 -6 years old. Children must Learn to tap your toes to lively music! In this beginning be 4 years by March 1, 1982. The class gives the children class children will learn tap combinations and simple an opportunity to participate in singing, creative expres- dance routines. Instructor Barb Christopherson. Grades sions, rhythms and dance. Instructor Barb Christopher- 1 -6. Registration Fee $10.00/10 Weeks. son, North View. Kathy Kraus, Fair Oaks. Registration Fee # Day Begins Time Location $10.00/10 Weeks. 74 Thurs. Jan. 7 4:20 p.m. - Evergreen # Day Begins Time Location 5:05 p.m. 68 Sat. Jan. 9 11:45 a.m. - North View 75 Sat. Jan. 9 11:00 a.m. - North View 12:30 p.m. 11:45 a.m. 69 Wed. Jan. 13 5:45 p.m. - Fair Oaks 6:30 p.m. The following programs are a joint venture of the Brooklyn RHYTHMS &TUMBLING Center Parks and Recreation Department and the Elemen For pre - school children 4 -5 years old. Children must be 4 tary School Building Coordinators. years old by March 1, 1982. Beginning tumbling stunts, rhythms and patterns for coordination will be taught. Instructor Barb Christopherson, Evergreen. Kathy Kraus, CALLIGRAPHY Orchard Lane. Registraion Fee $10.00/10 Weeks. Beginning study of various alphabets. Students will prac- # Day Begins Time Location tice Gothic, Roman and Text styles of writing using a flair 70 Thurs. Jan. 7 5:05 P.M. - Evergreen pen. For grades 4 -6. Instructor Ms. Farrell, certified teach - 5:50 p.m. er. Registration Fee $7.00/6 Weeks. 71 Mon. Jan. 11 5:45 p.m. - Orchard # Day Begins Time Location BALLET I 6:30 p.m. Lane 76 Tues. Jan. 19 3:40 p.m. - Fair Oaks 4:40 p.m. For students who have had little or no previous Ballet or BEGINNING DRAWING Creative Dance training. (Students must have at least This course is a mixture of figure drawing, learning about completed 2nd grade.) Instructor Kathy Kraus. Registra- perspectives, faces, still life, pictorial structure and nature tion Fee $10.00/10 Weeks. using a variety of media. Students must furnish and bring # Day Begins Time Location to class their own 16 "x20" paper pad. For grades 1 -3. 72 Mon. Jan. 11 5:00 p.m. - Orchard Instructor Ms. Farrell, certified teacher. Registration Fee 5:45 p.m. Lane $6.50/6 Weeks. CREATIVE DANCE & BALLET # Day Begins Time Location Here is an opportunity for your child to enjoy the freedom 77 Wed. Jan. 20 3:20 p.m. - Palmer Lake of creative rhythms tempered with the disciplines of class- 4:20 p.m. 8 "56" FUN CLUB Brooklyn Center Judo Club which is nationally sanction - Get rid of some of that excess energy after school in the ed. All sessions held in the Wrestling Room. Registration gym with your friends! Play new games as well as your Fee $12.0018 Sessions. old favorites. For 5th & 6th graders. Instructor Charles # Day Begins Time Location Larsen. Registration Fee $6.00/6 Weeks. 88 Wed. (Beg.) Jan. 13 7:00 p.m. - North View # Day Begins Time Location 8:00 p.m. 78 Thurs. Jan. 21 3:15 p.m. - Palmer Lake 89 Wed. (Adv.) Jan. 13 8:00 p.m. - North View 4:30 p.m. 9:00 P.M. MAGIC CLASS GIRLS BEGINNING TUMBLING ABRACADABRA ... IT'S MAGIC. Learn the basic skills For girls in grades Kindergarten and up. Students will have of illusion and wonderment. Class will cover an introduc- an opportunity to learn such basic skills as rolls, cart- tion to ropes, coin, balls and cup technique. Participants wheels, walkovers and headstands. Girls new to our pro - will host a show the last week. For 5 -6th grades. Instructor gram must register for a beginning tumbling class. Regis - John Blood. Registration Fee $6.00/6 Weeks. tration Fee $11.50/10 Sessions. # Day Begins Time Location # Day Begins Time Location 79 Wed. Jan. 20 3:30 p.m. - Willow Lane 90 Thurs. Jan. 7 3:40 p.m. - Fair Oaks 4:30 p.m. 4:40 p.m. KIDS COOKING 91 Thurs. Jan. 7 3:20 p.m. - Evergreen Need some help in the Kitchen? Sign your kids up for this 4:20 p.m. class. Nutrition, safety, ingredients, measurement, and 92 Sat. Jan. 9 10:00 a.m. - North View j meal planning all play a part in this 6 week course. For 11:00 a.m. grades 4 -6. Instructor Joyce Iverson. Registration Fee 93 Mon. Jan. 11 3:45 p.m. - Garden City $8.00/6 Weeks. 4:45 p.m. , # Day Begins Time Location 94 Tues. Jan. 12 3:15 p.m. - Palmer Lake 80 Thurs. Jan. 21 3:45 p.m. - Orchard 4:15 p.m. 95 Tues. Jan. 12 6:30 m. - Garden City CHEERLEADING 5:15 p.m. Lane p� Y Rah! Rah! Cheerleaders! Learn the basic cheers as well 7:30 p.m. as stretching and warm up exercises from Betsy McGoni- 96 Wed. Jan. 13 3:20 p.m. - Willow Lane gal, a former High School Cheerleader. Fee includes 4:20 p.m. instruction and pair of pom pours. Girls should wear loose- 97 Wed. Jan. 13 4:20 p.m. - Willow Lane fitting clothing and tennis shoes. Girls will have an op- 5:20 p.m. portunity to cheer in a special pep fest in March. Registra- GIRLS ADVANCED TUMBLING tion Fee $4.50/5 Weeks. This course is the second level in tumbling. Students must # Day Begins Time Location have passed beginning tumbling and be able to do a lim- 81 Thurs. Jan. 7 4:40 p.m. - Fair Oaks ber and back walkover in good form before registering. 5:40 p.m. Students will learn handsprings, one handed and dive 82 Mon. Jan. 11 4:45 p.m. - Garden City cartwheels. Registration Fee $11.50/10 Sessions. 5:45 p.m. # Day Begins Time Location 83 Thurs. Feb. 11 4:40 p.m. - Fair Oaks 98 Sat. Jan. 9 9:00 a.m. - North View 5:40 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 84 Mon. Feb. 15 4:45 p.m. - Garden City GIRLS BEGINNING APPARATUS CROCHETING FOR KIDS 5:45 p.m. Students MUST have passed beginning tumbling in order to register for this class. Skills such as mounts, turns and Beginning crochet instruction for 3 -6th graders. Bring a G stunts will be taught at the beginning level on the use of or H plastic crochet hook and practice yarn to first class. the balance beam, uneven parallel bars and vaulting horse. Instructor Miss Hyland. Registration Fee $6.00/6 Weeks. Registration Fee $11.50/10 Sessions. # Day Begins Time Location # Day Begins Time Location 85 Mon. Feb. 8 3:20 p.m. - Evergreen 99 Sat. Jan. 9 10:15 a.m. - North View 4:20 p.m. 11:15 a.m. 86 Wed. Feb. 10 3:45 p.m. - Garden City GIRLS ADVANCED BEGINNING APPARATUS 4:45 p.m. 87 Thurs. Feb. 11 3:15 p.m. - Palmer Lake This is the second level in apparatus. Students must have 4:15 p.m. passed the Beginning Apparatus Class in order to register for this class. Girls will continue work on various jumps If you would like to see a special course offered or would and leaps and will learn more advanced gymnastic stunts. like to be an instructor for a course, please contact the Registration Fee $13.50/10 Sessions. Parks and Recreation Department (561 -5448) or your Ele- # Day Begins Time Location mentary School Building Coordinator. 100 Sat. Jan. 9 9:00 a.m. - North View Karen Lipski Evergreen 561 -0270 10:15 a.m. Terry Hermanson Palmer Lake 561 -1930 GIRLS INTERMEDIATE GYMNASTICS Kathy Shish Fair Oaks 533 -2246 Arlene Henfling Orchard Lane 533 -1645 The intermediate level offers more advanced skills in Dave Thorpe Willow Lane 561 -9272 tumbling, apparatus and floor exercises. The beginning Cameron Cross Garden City 561 -9768 (novice) compulsory routines will be taught. Students registering for this class must have passed Advanced JUDO Beginning Apparatus. Registration Fee $18.00/10 Ses- For boys and girls 8 years and up who are interested in sions. learning the basic skills or more advanced techniques of # Day Begins Time Location Judo. Carl Flood, 4th Degree Blackbelt, provides complete 101 Sat. Jan. 9 11:30 a.m. - North View instruction. In addition, interested students may join the 1:30 p.m. 9 BOYSTUMBLING games, crafts, sports and special events! Registration fee A gymnastics program for boys in 1st thru 6th grade. A is $12.50 for residents for 9 weeks. For questions and course in the beginning techniques of tumbling. Students registration information on the TMR or EMR programs, will have an opportunity to learn such basic skills as rolls, please call Karen, 545 -6767. headstands, handstands, etc. Registration Fee $11.50/ Saturday Action for TMR Kids 10 Sessions. # Day Begins Time Location An adaptive recreation program for children ages 6 -14 years who are trainably mentally retarded. Programs held 102 Sat. Jan. 9 11:00 a.m. - N )rth View Saturdays beginning January 16 at Thorson School, 58th 12:00 p.m. & Oregon in Crystal. BOYS BEGINNING APPARATUS Rainbow Kids for EMR Kids Skills will be taught at the beginning level on the use of An adaptive recreation program for children ages 4 -14 who the rings, bars, and rope. Boys must be in 2nd grade or are educably mentally retarded. Programs held Saturdays above and MUST have taken the beginning tumbling beginning January 16 at Maple Grove Old City Hall, 94th course offered by the Brooklyn Center Parks & Recreation & Fernbrook Lane. Department in order to register for this class. Registration CUPIDS COOKIE AND CARD COMPANY Fee $11.50/10 Sessions. # Day Begins Time Location Participants will make and decorate heart shaped cookies 103 Sat. Jan. 9 12:00 p.m. - North View -how sweet it is! After making cookies, add your per- sonal touches to make your own valentines -great CHILDREN'S CHORUS 1:00 P.M. enough to give to family or friends. For grades 1 -4. Instruc- For children in an opportunity rades 1 -8. It rovides t for for Mrs. Grimes. Registration Fee $5.00/1 Session. # Day Begins Time Location 9 p w children to sing with a professional band, work with a 105 Sat. Feb. 13 10:00 a.m. - Community choreographer and receive vocal coaching along with their 1:00 P.M. Center rehearsals. The chorus performs several times throughout the year including Brookdale Mall during Christmas and CARTOON FROLICS AND FREE SWIM -Feb. 15 the annual Spring Show at Park Center. Instructor Jane Join us for an afternoon of laughter and fun on President's Vigue. Registration Fee $6.00 /per year. Day, Monday, February 15! Don't miss the high spirited # Day Resumes Time Location antics of Road Runner, Popeye, Atom Ant, Precious Pupp 104 Mon. Jan. 4 6:30 p.m. - Earle Brown and the Hillbilly Bears! After the cartoons stay for a free 8:00 p.m. swim. A perfect event for birthday parties! Admission fee SATURDAY PROGRAMS FOR KIDS $1.00, Feature times 12:15 p.m. & 2:15 p.m., approximate Sponsored by the Recreation Departments of New Hope, running time 1 hour- 15 min. NORTH STAR GYMNASTIC CLUB Plymouth, Crystal, Robbinsdale, Brooklyn Center, Brook lyn Park, Maple Grove, Golden Valley, and Suburban Com- Girls interested in competitive gymnastics. Here's a club munity Services, a United Way Agency. Activities include just for you! For information call Kelly Johnson 427 -4783. 1982 Ski Program CROSS COUNTRY SKI CLINIC - JANUARY 6 5th & 6th GRADE SKI TRIPS Cross Country skiing is one of the fastest growing sports. Ski Area Date Bus Lift Rental Learn all about it by coming to a clinic on Wednesday, Birch Park Mon. Jan. 18 $4.00 $3.00 no fee January 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the Community Center, R.S.V.P. Wild Mountain Mon. Feb. 15 $4.00 $8.00 $7.00 561 -5448. Afton Alps - Fri. Jan, 29 $4.00 $4.00 $3.50 Representatives from Hennepin County Park Reserve Evening District will give you information on purchasing, waxing, Snowcrest Mon. March 8 $4.00 $3.00 no fee and care of equipment. You will learn where to ski in the Times and bus pick ups vary with each trip. Watch for Twin Cities area. A special feature of the evening includes flyers in the elementary schools or call us at 561 -5448. a Cross Country Ski movie. JUNIOR HIGH TEEN SKI TRIPS All persons attending this free clinic will have an oppor- tunity to take an introductory 1 hour lesson at Elm Creek, Ski Area Date Bus Lift Rental Saturday morning, January -9. A fee will be charged to Afton Alps Fri, Jan. 8 $4:00 $4.00 $3.50 cover rental, parking, and instruction at Elm Creek. Learn Wild Mountain Fri. Jan. 15 $4.00 $4.50 $4.00 more about lessons at the clinic. 'Buck Hill Mon. Jan. 18 $4.00 $4.50 $4.50 ADULT SKI TRIPS Trollhaugen Fri. Jan. 22 $4.00 $5.50 $5.00 All adults are invited to join us as we visit a different area Snowcrest Fri. Feb. 5 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 Welch Village Fri. Feb. 12 $4.00 $5.00 $5.00 each Wednesday. `Wild Mountain Mon. Feb. 15 $4.00 $8.00 $7.00 Bus pick -ups at Osseo bus garage, Crystal City Hall and Afton Alps Fri. Feb. 19 $4.00 $4.00 $3.50 the Community Center. Times vary with each of these day Wild Mountain Fri. Feb. 26 $4.00 $4.50 $4.00 trips. If you would like a 1982 ski brochure, call 561.5448. WATCH FOR FLYERS in the Jr. Highs or call us at 561 - Ski Area Date Bus Lift Rental 5448 and ask to be put on the TEEN SKI MAILING LIST! Birch Park/ Jan. 6 $4♦50 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 ALL SKI TRIPS leave North View Jr. High (69th & Zane) Snowcrest at 3:30 and the Community Center at 3:45 p.m. and returns Afton Alps Jan. 13 $ 4.50 $ 6.00 $ 450 approximately at 11:00 p.m. Wild Mountain Jan. 20 $ 4.50 $ 7.00 $ 4.00 Welch Village Jan. 27 $ 4.50 $ 6.00 $ 5.00 'DAY TRIP" bus leaves North View at 8:30 a.m. and the Trollhaugen Feb. 3 $ 4.50 $ 7.00 $ 4.00 Community Center 8:45 a.m. Returns approximately 4:00 Spirit Mountain Feb. 10 $10.00 $11.00 $10.00 p�m• Afton Alps Feb. 17 $ 4.50 $ 6.00 $ 4.50 When registering, enclose bus fee only. Parent permission Mt. Kato Feb. 24 $ 4.50 $ 6.00 $ 4.50 slip required for all teen and 5th & 6th grade trips. 10 Teen Activities DANCELINE CO -REC For girls in 7 -9th grade. Learn the basic danceline skills Looking for some Friday Night Action ? ?? Then get your and a variety of kicks and dance steps. Students will have friends together and come to CO -REC. Activities include the opportunity to perform at school dances and athletic foosball, ping -pong, movies, basketball, volleyball, gym - events. Please wear loose fitting clothing and tennis nastics, music and more. It's a great activity for Jr. High shoes. Instructor Liz Kemp, former Park Center Pirouette. youth and is open to all Brooklyn Center residents and Registration Fee $12.00110 Weeks. their friends regardless of what school district. CO -REC # Day Begins Time Location is supervised by adult chaperones. Listen for school an- 106 Thurs. Jan. 14 3:15 p.m. - North View nouncements to find out the special attractions each 4:30 p.m. week. Cost: $1.00 /per time. 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. North View. LOCK -IN —MARCH 5 T EEN DANCES Don't miss the event of the year —the annual teen Lock- Catch the dance fever at North View Jr. High. Scheduled In at the Community Center. At 11:00 p.m. on Friday, March dances include a Snow Days Dance on January 29 and a 5, we will lock ourselves in and we won't come out until special surprise dance on March 19. Dances are open to 7:00 a.m. the next morning. all junior high students regardless of what school district Highlights include dancing, swimming, games, contests you are in. Admission Fee $2.00.7:30-10:30 p.m. Fridays. and much more. There will be so much to do, in fact, there FRIDAY NIGHT FEVER won't be time to sleep. Bus service will be available from An adapted social recreation program for teens and young North View, Brooklyn Jr. and Osseo Jr. $7.00 advanced adults 15 & up. Program includes speakers, crafts, sports, registration is required. Watch for further announcements new friends, outings and special events. Friday evenings and flyers coming soon. beginning Jan. 15 - March 12 at Northport. Registration fee $12.50 for residents for 9 weeks. Call Karen for details 545 -6767. Senior Adult Activities If you have any questions about the programs listed below, CLASSES call Kathy Flesher, Senior Citizen coordinator at 561 -5448. Brooklyn Center residents 62 years and over may register SENIOR HAPPENINGS for classes at 1 /2 the registration fee. This does not apply Is a monthly newsletter sponsored by the Brooklyn Center to supplies or special Senior Classes which are at a spe- Parks and Recreation Department. The "Senior Happen- cial rate. ings" tells activities going on at the clubs, in the com- FISHING ROD REPAIR munity and outings offered. If you don't receive one now give Kathy a call at 561 -5448. Don't spend money on a new rod when your present one SOCIAL CLUBS can be good as new! Learn how to restore and repair your old favorite in this session. Demonstration in class on Two social clubs are sponsored by the Brooklyn Center repair tips as well as individual advice. Bring your favorite Parks and Recreation Department. The Leisure Time Club rod and fish tales to class. Instructor Scott Kline. Registra- meets Wednesdays throughout the year from Noon - tion Fee $1.5011 Session. 3:00 p.m. at the Brooklyn Center Community Center. There # Day Begins Time Location are no dues or club requirements to belong. The Brooklyn 108 Tues. Jan. 12 6:30 p.m. - Brooklyn Twins Club meets the '1st and 3rd Friday of each month. 9:00 p.m. Center High Sept. - June at Earle Brown School, 7 - 9:30 p.m. Member- ship dues are $1.50 annually per person. Any person 60 COMMUNITY CENTER BLOOD PRESSURE years of age or older may join. If married, only 1 spouse must meet the age requirements. First meeting in Jan. Screening is done by Red Cross volunteer nurses on the is the 15th. last Wednesday of the month from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. GIFT TRUNK Every Thursday screening is conducted at CEAP. Call A craft club run by Seniors who sell their handcrafted 566 -9600 for schedule. items. Membership is limited to Brooklyn Center Seniors SWIMMING POOL or members of either Leisure Time or Brooklyn Twins. For Memberships are given to Brooklyn Center residents 62 information call 561 -9278 or 561 -4805. Shoppers, visit the Gift Trunk on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 10:00 years old and over. Application may be made at the Com- a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Additional hours will be Saturday, Jan. 2 munity Center desk. Membership entitles the member to from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Community Center. use the swimming pool, exercise room, and sauna during recreation or "open" periods. SENIOR -AQUA EXERCISE (formerly Swimnastics) Exercise in the pool for better health and a trimmer figure. TRIPS You do not need to be a swimmer or get your hair wet. A Jan. 20— Theater and Lunch — College of St. Thomas fun class for men and women 62 and older. Please furnish 11 :25 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. doctor's name and phone number when registering. Class $10.00 includes bus, play and lunch meets for 50 min. Instructor Barb Christopherson. Regis- Feb. 12— Valentine Party— Medina tration Fee $5.00110 Sessions. # Day Begins Time Location $8 . 5 0 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. $8.50 includes bus, lunch and entertainment 107 Tues. Jan. 12 9:00 a.m. - Community March 7— Vienna Choir Boys Concert — Orchestra Hall 9:50 a.m. Center 12:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. FITNESS TO MUSIC see Adult section for details. $12.25 includes bus and tickets 11 T.A.P. situations. If you are interested in the program for yourself Telephone Assistance Program for elderly and handi- or a friend, contact a TAP clerk 535 -2225. We really care capped who live alone. The program has helped several about our participants! Sponsored by Brooklyn Center persons with immediate needs, in some cases Emergency Police Department. Swimming Activities CHILDREN'S SWIM LESSONS PARENT AND TOT SWIM LESSONS Red Cross Beginning through Swimmers instruction for Lessons in water adjustment for children ages 2 and 3. boys and girls ages 6 and older. Classes meet once a week One parent must accompany the child in the water, pre - for 10 weeks and are one half hour in length. Classes have ferably the same parent each time. $13.00/10 Lessons. an average ratio of 5 students /instructor. $13.00/10 Les- CLASSES ONCE A WEEK FOR 10 WEEKS sons. # Day Begins Time Location # Day Begins Time Location 130 Sat. Jan. 9 10:05 a.m. Community 109 Sat. Jan. 9 10:40 a.m. Community Center Center 131 Mon. Jan. 11 6:00 p.m. North View 110 Sat. Jan. 9 11:15 a.m. Community 132 Tues. Jan. 12 6:00 p.m. Community Center Center 111 Sat. Jan. 9 11:50 a.m. Community Center 133 Thurs. Jan. 14 6:00 p.m. Community Center 112 Mon. Jan. 11 6:35 p.m. North View DAYTIME CLASSES TWICE A WEEK FOR 5 WEEKS 113 Mon. Jan. 11 7:10 p.m. North View # Day Begins Time Location 114 Mon. Jan. 11 7:45 p.m. North View 134 Mon. & Jan. 11 10:05 a.m. Community 115 Tues. Jan. 12 6:35 p.m. Community Center Wed. Center 135 Mon. & Feb. 15 10:05 a.m. Community 116 Tues. Jan. 12 7:10 p.m. Community Wed. Center Center 117 Tues. Jan. 12 7:45 p.m. Community Center ADULT SUPER CHICKEN 118 Thurs. Jan. 14 6:35 p.m. Community For those persons, high school age and up, who have a Center real fear of water. Here is an opportunity to overcome that 119 Thurs. Jan. 14 7:10 p.m. Community fear and learn to enjoy the sport. $16.50/10 Lessons. Same Center days and time as adult lessons. 120 Thurs. Jan. 14 7:45 p.m. Community Center ADULT SWIM LESSONS PRESCHOOL SWIM LESSONS Beginner thru Swimmer level swim instruction for adult Swimming instruction for 4 and 5 year olds. Parents do and high school age. Here is an opportunity to learn to not accompany the child in the water. The following les- swim or brush up on your strokes. Classes are 40 minutes sons levels are taught: Water Adjustment, Beginner, and in length. $16.50/10 Lessons. Advanced Beginner. Average ratio of 5 students /instruc- CLASSES MEET ONCE A WEEK FOR 10 WEEKS tor. $13.00/10 Lessons. CLASSES ONCE A WEEK FOR 10 WEEKS # Day Begins Time Location # Day Begins Time Location 136 Sat. Jan. 9 10:40 a.m. Community Center 121 Sat. Jan. 9 9:30 a.m. Community 137 Sat. Jan. 9 11:25 a.m. Community Center Center 122 Sat. Jan. 9 10:05 a.m. Community 138 Tues. Jan. 12 8:20 p.m. Community Center Center 123 Mon. Jan. 11 6:00 p.m. North View 1 m. Community 139 Thurs. Jan. 14 8:20 p.m. Community 24 Tues. Jan. 12 6:00 p• y Center Center DAYTIME CLASSES MEET TWICE A WEEK FOR 5 WEEKS 125 Thurs. Jan. 14 6:00 p.m. Community Center # Day Begins Time Location DAYTIME CLASSES TWICE A WEEK FOR 5 WEEKS 140 Mon. & Jan. 11 11:15 a.m. Community Wed. Center # Day Begins Time Location 141 Mon. & Feb. 15 11:15 a.m. Community 126 Mon. & Jan. 11 9:30 a.m. Community Wed. Center Wed. Center 127 Mon. & Jan. 11 10:40 a.m. Community Wed. Center ADAPTIVE SWIM LESSONS 128 Mon. & Feb. 15 9:30 a.m. Community Swimming lessons for children and adults of all ages who Wed. Center are physically and /or mentally handicapped. Classes are 129 Mon. & Feb. 15 10:40 a.m. Community one half hour in length with a ratio of one student to one Wed. Center instructor. $13.00/10 Lessons. # Day Begins Time Location PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS 142 Sat. Jan. 9 10:05 a.m. Community Private lessons are available at the Community Center and Center North View Jr. High for a fee of $8.00 /half hour. Call the 143 Tues. Jan. 12 6:00 p.m. Community Community Center for further information. Center 12 DIVING taught. Students must pass a preliminary swimming test Beginning lessons on the 1 and 3 meter springboard for and must attend every class. Absences will not be made children and adults who are intermediate or better swim- up. Classes will meet once a week for 10 weeks at the mers. Classes are one half hour in length. $13.00/10 Les - Community Center. Classes are 60 minutes in length. sons. Registration Fee $17.00/10 Classes. # Day Begins Time Location # Day Begins Time Location 144 Sat. Jan. 9 10:05 - Community 150 Tues. Jan, 12 6:00 p.m. Com. Ctr. 10:35 a.m. Center ADV. LIFESAVING LIFEGUARDS AND SWIM INSTRUCTORS A Red Cross course for persons age 15 and older. Stu - Thinking ahead for the new year? Those with an ALS or dents must be able to tread water, surface dive, and swim WSI are eligible. Flexible hours are available day, nights, 500 continuous yards. Students must attend every class and weekends for teaching or guarding. You may work and absences will not be made up. Class meets once a part time this spring and full time this summer. For more week for 10 weeks with some additional hours to be ar- information, contact Gayle, at 561 -5448. ranged. Registration Fee $22.00/10 Lessons and includes all materials needed. SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING # Day Begins Time Location Course in synchronized swimming for grades 7 -12th. Stu- 151 Mon. Jan. 11 7:00 p.m. North View dents will have the opportunity to improve skills, forma - WOMEN'S CONDITIONING AND PHYSICAL FITNESS ' tion, and stunts. A good chance to get in shape for your See Adult Section season. Class will be 1 hour in length. Registration fee $13.00/10 Lessons. EXERCISE ROOM CONSULTA —See Adult Section # Day Begins Time Location 146 Tues. Jan. 12 7:30 p.m. North View BROOKLYN SWIM CLU All boys and girls age 6 and up through college are invited BASIC SCUBA to join the Brooklyn Swim Club, the local Minnesota U.S. This class is designed for adults interested in underwater Swimming Club, for competitive swimming, sponsored by diving. Must be able to swim 220 yards of any stroke, swim Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park Parks and Recreation under water for 20 yards, and float or tread water for 15 Departments. The Swim Club offers a wide ranging pro - minutes. Each person must provide their own mask, fins gram for individuals for all levels of ability in competitive and snorkel. Other equipment will be provided. Class is swimming. For further information, call Joan Tangren- 4 hours in length and will meet once a week for 5 weeks. 561.1524. A free 2 -week trial period is offered to any in- Course fee also includes seven hours of open water dives. terested swimmer who has never tried competitive swim - On completion of the course an internationally recognized ming. certification card will be awarded. Instructor from Smith COMMUNITY CENTER POOL RENTAL Diving. Registration Fee $75.00/5 Weeks. The Community Center Pool is available for rental by your # Day Begins Time Location school, group, or party at various times during the week. 147 Sun. Jan. 10 4:00- Community Call the Community Center 561 -5448 for further informa- 8:00 P.M. Center tion. Cost $35.00 /per hour. Sun. Feb. 14 4:00 - Community NORTH VIEW POOL AND GYM RENTAL 8:00 p.m. Center The North View Jr. High Pool and Gymnasium, located SCUBA OPEN SWIM at 69th and Zane Avenue North are available for rental at A special time to practice for persons with scuba equip- various times during the week. Call the Community Center ment only. Designed for those taking scuba instruction 561 -5448 for further information. Cost: Pool $20.00 /per as well as any other interested persons. Cost 75c per time. hour. Gym: $6.00 /per hour. # Day Begins Time Location LIFE, BE IN IT AND SWIM 148 Thurs. Jan. 14 8:30- North View Can you swim 10 miles? You may want to take advantage 10:00 P.M. of this opportunity. All you need to do is obtain a card and NORTH VIEW OPEN SWIM fill it out on your own. Start by swimming 1 /4 mile at a Begins —Jan. 14 time. Earn a Red Cross certificate and patch. Mark your Thursday 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Cost: 50c per hour card after each time you swim. Begin today! Any ques- 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. tions about "Life, Be in it and Swim ", contact Gayle at 561 -5448. A.R.C. ADVANCED SWIMMERS COURSE S PECIAL MONTHLY POOL ATTRACTIONS A Red Cross course for students having successfully com- January- Enjoy Summer in January pleted Basic Rescue and Water Safety or Advanced Life- Bring your picnic: lunch and swim for half saving. Students will perfect the 9 styles of swimming as price on January 16. taught by the Red Cross. An excellent class for people to February- A Valentine Special take prior to participating in a Water Safety Instructor's On February 14, Bring a friend for 14c with one course. Class is 1 hour in length and will meet once a week paid general admission. for 10 weeks at the Community Center. Course fee in- March— March into March cludes 5 swim passes for stroke practice. Registration Enjoy a swim to the accompaniment of the Fee $15.00/10 Classes. City Band. # Day Begins Time Location April— Have fun at our Easter Egg Match! 149 Sat. Jan. 9 9:00 a.m. Com. Ctr. May— Take a Double Dip Come and take a dip in our pool. Have a dip BASIC RESCUE AND WATER SAFETY of ice cream before leaving A Red Cross course for persons ages 11 and older. Skills Watch for further information distributed by the Parks and in self rescue, extensions and artificial respiration will be Recreation Department. 13 Special Activities WOMEN'S SELF-DEFENSE SEMINAR WALLEYES AND WALLEYE FISHING TECHNIQUES A practical, private (no spectators) training class tailored SEMINAR —March 4 for women and girls. You should know what to do against Anyone who likes walleyes will enjoy ways to catch more. every type of attack situation. Students will learn how to Simple, but essential facts on fish movements, boat con - use personal objects normally carried and other environ- trol and tackle needs will be discussed. Plan to attend this mental materials that surround us as defense weapons. all new seminar presented by professional Tom Zenanko. Bring a partner, (friend, sister, daughter, mother, grand- A very popular event last season, standing room only. mother), so you can share, rehearse and practice during Advance paid registration is $1.50 adults -18 & older, and after the training. Wear non -tight slacks or shorts, $1.00 youths -17 & under. At the door $2.00. sweat shirt and tennis shoes. Bring a tote bag with purse, Thurs. 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Community Center umbrella, belt and high heels. Choose a one day or 2 week ROD BUILDING —See Adult Section seminar, which ever fits into your schedule. Instructor Jim Cudd. Registration Fee $6.00. COMMUNITY CENTER GALLERY # Day Begins Time Location The Gallery is available for photography or mixed media 152 Mon. Jan. 11 & 18 6:30 p.m. - Community shows at various times throughout the year. A glass show - 8:00 P.M. Center case is also available for small collections. Contact Kathy 153 Sun. (1 wk.) Jan. 17 1:30 p.m. - Community Flesher at 561 -5448 for further information. 4:30 p.m. Center CITY BAND 154 Mon. (1 wk.) Feb. 1 6:30 p.m. - Community For men and women post high school age. New members 9:30 p.m. Center are welcome. For more information call the Parks and FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT —Feb. 19 Recreation Department 561 -5448. Nominal registration fee. Get the whole family together for a movie and free swim BROOKLYN CENTER HARMONETTES night at the Community Center. First, see Walt Disney's For post high school age women. New members are wel- all time favorite feature, "Song of the South ". After the come. For more information call the Parks and Recreation movie, stay for a swim, relax in the sauna or workout in Department at 561 -5448. Nominal registration fee. the exercise room. A great night of family entertainment. Admission fee $1.25 Fri. 7:00 p.m. Community Center CHILDCARE SERVICE FAMILY FARE The "PLAY- CORNER" will be provided for parents attend - Families will want to take advantage of special trips of- ing morning classes, programs, meetings or swimming at fered at group discounts. Trips are offered jointly by the the Community Center. The minimum age is 6 months. Parks and Recreation Departments of Brooklyn Center, The cost is 50c per child per hour for each child. Crystal, Brooklyn Park, Golden Valley, New Hope, Ply- Monday - Friday 8:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Information call mouth, Maple Grove and Robbinsdale. Registration taken 561.5448, on a first -come basis. Sorry, NO phone reservations, lap AREA SCHOOLS CLASSES ARE HELD AT sitters or refunds. Send all money and registrations to New Hope Recreation, 4401 Xylon Avenue North, New North View Jr. High School, 69th & Zane Hope, 55428, 533 -1521. Brooklyn Center High School, 65th & Humboldt Minnesota Northstar Game —Met Center Earle Brown School, 59th & Humboldt Willow Lane School, 70th & Perry We invite the whole family to join the Family Fare group Evergreen School, 70th & Dupont and enjoy a MN. Northstar hockey game, Sunday, Jan. 17. Garden City School, 3501 - 65th Ave. N. Cost $12.00 per person includes tickets, transportation Palmer Lake School, 73rd & West Palmer Lake Dr. and escort. DEADLINE to register, Dec. 31, space permit- Fair Oaks, 5600 -65th Ave. N. ting. Bus pick up 6:00 p.m. at Robbinsdale Community Northport, 5421 Brooklyn Blvd. Center, 42nd & Regent. Questions call 537 -4534, ext. 32. Orchard Lane, 6201 Noble Ave. N. World's Toughfest Rodeo PHOTO LAB ORIENTATION Sunday, Feb. 7 approximately 12:30 - 5:00 p.m. Call 545 3781, ext. 142 for complete details. For people who have taken darkroom instruction at other facilities and are experienced in darkroom procedures. Indoor Ice Skating Party Participants will be eligible to use the darkroom lab during Skating and refreshments at New Hope ice arena, last Community Center hours. PRE - REGISTRATION IS week -end in March. Call 533 -1521, ext. 52 for complete NECESSARY AT LEAST 3 WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO details. EACH TEST DATE. Registration Fee $3.00. BROOKLYN CENTER EARLY BIRD DAYS — Begins June 4 # Day Begins Time Location Community m 13 6:30 Jan. p.. The 7th Annual Early Bird Days is scheduled for June 4 - 155 Wed. Center 13. Highlights include softball and tennis tournaments, 156 Wed. Jan. 27 6:30 p.m. Community fishing contest for youths and Senior Citizens, AAU swim Center meet, Almost Anything Goes for teens and adults, and more. Anyone wishing to serve on the planning committee 157 Wed. Feb. 10 6:15 p.m. Community or having any ideas for this outstanding civic event, call Center PHOTOGRAPHY DARKROOM USE Arnie Mavis at 561 -5448, or Lonni McCauley at 566 -8650. The Photography darkroom located in the Brooklyn Center NEIGHBORHING PARKS AND RECREATION Community Center is open to all interested persons for a DEPARTMENTS fee $1.00lhour. You must furnish your own chemicals and For information regarding swimming and teen programs paper. Users must have completed a Darkroom Tech - at Brooklyn Junior, call Brooklyn Park Recreatio Depart- niques class sponsored by the Brooklyn Center Parks and ment, 425 -4517, and for Osseo Junior, contact Maple Recreation Department or have taken our test in dark - Grove Park and Recreation Board, 425 -4521. room use. 14 utv Bulk Rate BROOKLYN U!-S. Postage 6301 SHINGLE CREEK PARKWAY PAID 3 C ENTER BROOKLYN CENTER, MINNESOTA 55430 Mpls. Mn. Permit No. 2120 TO: BROOKLYN CENTER 7 Request for refunds must be received at least 24 hours before the second class PARKS AND RECREATION session, however, there will be a $3.00 service charge on any refund before the first class begins and a $4.00 service charge before the second class begins. ADVISORY COMMISSION The Park and Recreation Commission meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, 8. Persons who register for an activity where capacity enrollment has already been reached 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers. This Commission advises the City Council on the Park9' . . will go on a waiting list. Additional classes may be formed if there are sufficient re- and Recreation Program in Brooklyn Center. quests and if space and competent instruction is available. Gerald Johnson, Chairperson Bud Sorenson Vicki Denissen Harry Bradford 9. Senior Citizens, 62 years and over, who are residents of Brooklyn Center may enjoy all Jacuelyn Albright Dawn Kiefer Mike Streitz activity classes at % the registration fee. 10. Check schedule for beginning date of each class. THE BROOKLYN CENTER PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 11. Sorry, no trip refunds, unless cancelled by the Parks & Recreation Dept. Dedicated to the Citizens of Brooklyn Center that they may share in the God given For further information call 561 -5448. right to beauty, to sunshine, to tranquility; and to the end that each may herein find the laughter of childhood, the acceptance of youth, the fulfillment of adult life, Swim registration for Swimming Lessions which are to be conducted at the Com and the companionship of old age, through a healthy, satisfying use of leisure munity Center Pool and Northview Jr. Nigh will be held Saturday Jan 2, starting at time. 9:00 A.M. at the COMMUNITY CENTER. Mail registrations will not be accepted for Eugene H, Hagel -- Director of Parks and Recreation Swimming Lessons. Henry Davis — Superintendent of Parks Arnie Mavis -- Superintendent of Recreation REGISTRATION CARDS ARE FOR MAIL USE ONLY. Kathy Flasher — Program Supervisor WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BEFORE MONDAY, Susan LaCrosse — Program Supervisor SEPTEMBER 14 Gayle Gardner - -- Aquatic Supervisor 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 REGISTRATION INFORMATION NAME 1. All registration must be made at the Park and Recreation office in the Community (Last) (First) Center beginning at 2:00 P.M. on Saturday. Jan. 2 (Swim registration is separate — see box). ADDRESS "Registrations made by mail will not be accepted before Jan. 4. No phone (Zip) registrations. 2. On opening day of registration, Saturday, Jan. 2, . a person may sign up for himself (Phone) (Work Phone) or his immediate family ONLY. After this date, you may register for as many people as you wish. ACTIVITY (Location) 3. The Park and Recreation office in the Community Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 A.M. -10:30 P.M.; Saturday,9:00 -9:00 P.M.; Sunday, 1:00 P.M.-6:OO P.M. CLASS DAY TIME 4. Where Classes are limited, registration will be on the first come — first serve basis. Per- DATE PAID AMOUNT sons are not considered registered until the fee has been paid. The Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to cancel classes or activities when an insufficient number FOR CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES: of people sign up. 5. Instructor will not be permitted to accept registration at the activity location. AGE GRADE BIRTHDATE 6. Should you find it necessary to transfer sessions or class times, this may be done if an SCHOOL openinge exists by paying a 506 transfer fee per class. All transfers must be done in per- son at the Community Center. PARENTS' NAME 15