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`7 J (May 6, 2010) P1 Ord. related to fire code
(Official Publication)
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on
— the 24th day of May, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter
newspapers c as the matter may heard at the City Hall, 6301 Shingle
Creek Parkway, to consider an ordinance relating to Fire
Code; Amending Brooklyn Center City Code, Section 5 -203.
AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities are available upon
request at least 96 hours in advance. Please contact the City
STATE OF MINNESOTA ) Clerk at 763- 569 -3300 to make arrangements.
Richard Hendrickson being duly sworn on A SECTION OF BROOKLYN CENTER CITY CODE, SEC -
an oath, states or affirms that he is the Chief TIONS 5 -203
Financial Officer of the newspaper(s) known THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN CEN-
Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center Sun -Post Section 1. Brooklyn Center City Code, Section 5 -203, is
amended as follows:
and has full knowledge of the facts stated CUPANCIES WHICH MAY REQUIRE PERMITS. The city
g manager, building & community standards director eemmw
below: , building official, fire inspector, and
(A) The newspaper has complied with all of the chief of the fire department, and other city officials as
des by the city n mMer shall act as a committee to
the requirements Constituting qualifiea- determine and specify, after giving affected persons an op-
tion as a qualified newspaper as provid- portunity to be heard, any new materials, processes or oc-
cupancies, whisk that shall require permits, in addition to
ed by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, those now enumerated in said- sods - this Cha tamer The fire
and other applicable laws as amended. chief shall post such list in a conspicuous place, upon ap-
proval or denial by the committee, and distribute copies
(B) The printed public notice that is attached thereof to interested persons.
was published in said newspaper(s)
f. Fire Alarm Systems and Smoke Alarms
once each week, for one successive
week(s); it was first published On Thurs- 1. staNdarels !OF linstallation, inspection and maintenance of
day, 6 day Of May the fire alarm system or alarm device shall comply with be
y y aeeersliaff -ts standards in iPG Minnesota State Fire and
2010, and was thereafter printed and Building Codes and manufacturer specifications
published On every Thursday to and in- 2. Whoevershall renders smoke I rm orfire alarm
cluding Thursday, the ____ day of system inoperable by removing the battery, OF disconnect-
2010; and printed ing, of dismantling, or damaging the smoke alarm detesteF-
p or fire alarm systerrr, in any residential rental, commercial or
below is a copy of the lower case alpha- business unit- is guilty of a misdemeanor.
bet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is 3. Special provisions for rental properties Ali Where 8¢at-
hereby acknowledged as being the size tery- operated smoke alarms deteeteFe are allowed by
and kind of type used in the composition code, they shall
and publication of the notice: . meet the
following conditions
a bcdef g h ij kl m nopq rstuvwxyz
a. Installation. Properly installed and maintained in compli-
ance with Minnesota State Fire and Building Codes and
manufacturer specifications
b. Maintenance. Maintained in an operable and good condi-
BY: c. Testing and Record. Be tested in accordance with manu-
facturer's recommendations and no less than once a month.
CFO The owner and/or owner's agent of a rental property is re-
sponsible for keeping records indicating compliance with
testing and applicable codes These records must be- - _ mad e
available to the code official upon request
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed d. Tenant & Owner Responsibility. -
i. Property owners or their owner's agent must advise ten -
before me on this 6 day of ants to notify the owner /agent about faul% defective or in-
May 2010. operable smoke alarms
i. Tenants of each rental unit must give written notice to the
owner or their agent within 24 hours of finding any non -func-
tional smoke alarm. A copy of the written notice must be pro -
vided the City's rental inspections department. Failure to
notify an owner, the owner's agent or City is a petty misde-
meanor. The owner or owner's agent must make any cor-
Notary PUbIIC rection(s) necessary to maintain a smoke alarm(s) in com-
y pliance with applicable codes.
i. Open Burning:
2. Outdoor recreational or cooking fires may be permitted
subject to the following requirements:
a. All fires must be in an approved outdoor fireplace or a pit
D I A =ELIASON which is at least one (1) foot below grade. A pit must be lo-
cated at least twenty five (25) fifisen (19) feet from buildings,
NQTAR fences, property lines or flammable materials. Pits may be
i.t no more than three 3 feet in diameter, and the outside ed e
shall be ringed with c-
brick or rock. Commercially manufa *q y Comm
tured outdoor fire pits may be used provided they are not
more than three (3) feet in diameter.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective after adoption
and upon thirty (30) days following its legal publication.
Adopted this day of, 2010.
ATTEST: City Clerk
(94ikeedt indicates matter to be deleted, underline indicates