HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 Edition 76 November I, A'N -
News, Information
About Brooklyn
Center On
... Channel 35
News and information about
Brooklyn Center can be found on
Northwest Community Television
Cable channel 35. "Northwest Edi-
tion" provides residents with up to
date news from city hall, schools,
community organizations, and
much more. Local sports also get
full coverage on each show. The
half hour program is shown at the
top of the hour, 24 hours a day. It is
updated on Monday and Thursday.
"Northwest Cities" follows the
news with important city govern-
ment information. Joyce Arney
interviews city officials on topics
ranging from yard waste programs
to park and recreation activities.
This program is updated on Wed-
Northwest Community Television,
with a service area including 48,000
ROLANDA TAYLOR and JOHN JACOBSON are the co- anchors of the homes, serves the cities of Brooklyn
Northwest Edition program on cable channel 35. The show provides Center, Brooklyn Park, Crystal,
residents with up to date news from city hall, schools, and community Corcoran, Golden Valley, Hassan,
organizations. Maple Grove, Medicine Lake, New
Hope, Osseo, Plymouth, Rob -
binsdale, and Rogers.
Address City Council
At Open Forum
The Brooklyn Center City Coun- Brooklyn Center and its policies
cil meets regularly at the City and practices.
Hall, 6301 Shingle Creek Park-
way, and residents are encour- The official meeting gets un-
aged to attend these meetings. derway at 7 p.m. with a review of
the preliminary items on the
An "Open Forum" provides resi- agenda prior to starting the "Open This newsletter represents the
dents with the opportunity to ad- Forum ". After the Forum closes, City of Brooklyn Center's con -
dress the Council as a whole, and the Council returns to the other cernfor conservation ofresources
comment on any opinion, prob- and energy. This issue is printed
lem, concern, or complaint that (Continued on Page 2) on 100% recycled paper.
is relevant to the affairs of
Preliminary Proposed 1992 Budget Subject
To Changes Before Final Adoption
The City Council, at its August and tax levy. If a continuation of to anticipated reductions in assis-
26 meeting, adopted a prelimi- the public hearing is necessary, tance from the State of Minnesota.
nary proposed 1992 City budget it will be held on Wednesday, De-
and a preliminary proposed prop- cember 4. State assistance from Local Gov -
erty tax levy to help fund the ernment Aid (LGA) and Homestead
budget. The initial public hearing and the and Agricultural Credit Aid (HACA)
continued public hearing, if neces- have shown a steady decrease in
Undercurrent State requirements, sary, will be held at 7:15 p.m. in the the last 10 years. When the Local
cities and other taxing entities must council chambers at the Brooklyn Government Aids program was
establish preliminary budget and Center City Hall, 6301 Shingle Creek enacted in 1971, it was anticipated
levy figures by September 1 of each Parkway. that there would be a steady growth
year. from that source of revenue that is
The 1992 budget was prepared derived from the State sales tax.
The County is then responsible based on preliminary estimates of The decrease in State aids must be
under the same laws for mailing revenues and expenditures. These compensated for through reduc-
notices to property taxpayers to preliminary figures must be final- tions in expenditures and increases
notify them of the required hear - ized in October and November and in property taxes and other reve-
ings to be held by cities, school are subject to considerable modifi- nue sources.
districts and counties between cation and change.
November 15 and December 20 of Further cuts to the budget are
each year. The 1992 budget of $11.097,486 anticipated with the City Coun-
represents an approximate in- cil conducting work sessions on
The County also must notify each crease of slightly over a one -half the budget during October and
property owner of its estimate of percent (0.64 %) in spending over November prior to the public hear -
the tax on their property if the city, the 1991 final approved General ings.
county and school district adopt Fund budget.
their proposed tax levies.
The 1992 proposed property tax
The City Council set Monday, levy of $6,127,359 is the maxi- You May Be
November 25 as the initial public mum allowable under the levy
hearing on the proposed budget limitation laws. Eligible To Win
It is estimated that if the property $50 For Recycling
tax is levied as proposed, it would
Open Forum... increase taxes on the average The Hennepin Recycling Group
Brooklyn Center home ($74,000 (HRG) selects one Brooklyn Center
(Continued from Page 1) value) by approximately $34 per residence, at random, to win $50
agenda items. year or $2.83 per month. Again, each week. The selected household
this increase is based on prelimi- is checked between 6:30 a.m. and
The Forum is not designed to nary information, property values, 8 :30 a.m. to see if the recyclables
supplant other means of commu- and revenue estimates. are at the curb.
nication such as direct contact If the rec clables are not at the
with members of the Council, the No requests for additional per- Y
City Manager, City Department sonnel were included in the 1992 curb, the HRG will check the prop -
heads, or City staff. budget. Instead, the proposed erty to the right for participation,
budget eliminates three positions and continue down the street (if
It is not the intent of the City from the 1991 adopted budget. The necessary) until a participating
Council that the Open Forum be positions eliminated are City Clerk, household is found.
used to air personality grievances and Maintenance I and Maintenance The winners for July were: J.R.
or for political endorsement or II positions in the Public Works Walker, T.W. Anderson, D. Lessard,
campaign purposes. Department.
and M. Millness.
To understand the rules that Although the proposed budget The winners for August were: J.
govern the Forum, interested resi- expenditures represent an approxi- Fischer, R. Green, G. Bowman & M.
dents should contact the City mate increase of slightly over one- Ladd, C. Bloedel, and D. Gadtke.
Hall at 569 -3300 for additional half percent over 1991, the increase
information. in property taxes is necessary due
NHMP Helps Resolve Disputes �
Immunization Through Free Mediation
Clinic Set For
and John agreed to call the neigh -
November 5 bors if the noise level was exces-
Special influenza immunization sive, and to be more tolerant. The
clinics will be offered throughout teenagers agreed to be more re-
Hennepin County in late October sponsible and to decrease the noise
and early November by the County level by 10 p.m. Everyone signed
Community Health Department and the agreement.
the Bloomington Division of Health. After about a month, NHMP called
The U.S. Immunization Prac- M to see the progress of the agree -
tices Advisory Committee rec- Nofth had i The behavior e the teens
ommends annual vaccinations for had improved, and the neighbors
were on better terms at this point.
people who are at high risk for de- H enn e pi n Since 1983, North Hennepin
veloping complications from in- Mediation Project (NHMP) has pro -
Those people who are considered
fluenza. Mediation vided the community with an in-
expensive method of resolving
to be at highest risk include adults
and children with chronic heart, Project disputes by using these principles
lung or metabolic problems, includ-
in mediation.
ing asthma, diabetes, kidney dis- Founded in Brooklyn Center If you would like additional in-
ease, and weakened immune sys- formation about mediation or
tems. Vaccination is also recom- Are you having a neighborhood NHMP, please call 561 -0033. The
mended for residents of nursing problem that is causing you a case developers will answer your
homes and chronic care facilities, great deal of concern? questions and determine if your
and for children and adolescents dispute is appropriate for media -
receiving long -term aspirin ther- North Hennepin Mediation uc -
s tion through the North Hennepin
ect (NHMP) has helped people uc- 00 Count
, Mediation Project, 333
apy. The health department clinics cessfully resolve many neighbor Road 10, Suite ct Brooklyn
will offer immunizations to anyone disputes, as well as disputes be-
in these groups, and to all senior Ce
tween landlords and tenants, busi-
citizens, 62 years of age and older. nesses and consumers, employers Mediation is a voluntary process
All clinics also will offer a limited and employees, family members, allowing people in a dispute to take
number of pneumococcal immuni- juvenile problems, and others. positive steps to settle the problem.
zations on a trial basis. Pneumo- Here is a recent example: In an informal meeting, both par -
coccal shots will be available to the ties are given equal time to discuss
same groups of people who are listed "Jane and John" lived next door and describe the dispute. With the
for influenza immunizations. People to a family with teenagers. They help of mediators, the two parties
should receive pneumococcal shots were bothered by the teens driving try to reach an agreement that is
only once in their lifetime. Seniors noisy cars; loud get - togethers with fair and workable.
friends outside of the house; talk -
should check with their physicians Mediators are not judges and do
to find out if they need pneumococ- ing noisily until late at night; and not solve problems for people, but
cal immunizations. Tetanus -diph- leaving garbage around the street. help to settle the problem.
theria boosters, which all adults After contacting NHMP, a time It is especially helpful in disputes
should receive every 10 years, also was arranged for the convenience where a court battle would be inap-
will be available. of all parties to meet at the NHMP
propriate or where ongoing rela-
A donation of $5 for each influ- office. tionships are involved.
enza, pneumococcal or tetanus - They were greeted by two "media- In fact, more than 90 percent of
diphtheria immunization is re- tors, and were encouraged to share those who use mediation come to a
quested, but no one will be refused. their points of view in a calm and settlement agreement, and of those,
The Brooklyn Center clinic will non - threatening atmosphere. The over 90 percent comply with the
be on Tuesday, November 5, from mediators were neutral and did not terms of the agreement. The service
9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the decide a solution, but clarified the is effective, fast, confidential and
Brooklyn Center Community issues and facts and enforced the convenient, and free to residents of
Center, 6301 Shingle Creek Park- rules of courtesy and respect. Brooklyn Center. Please call 561 -
way. At the end of the session, Jane 0033 to settle your dispute.
Please Keep Pets New Financing Program Can
Under Control Help With Remodeling
Brooklyn Center City ordi- If you are thinking about re- and doors, or a new furnace and air
nances prohibit animal owners modeling your present home, a conditioner. These are a few ex-
from allowing their pets to run new financing program, "Purchase amples, but there are many more
., at large ". "At large" means any Plus", is now available in Brooklyn remodeling ideas covered by Pur-
animal that is off the property of Center. chase Plus.
its owner and not under restraint. This new program has been de- In order to qualify for the Pur-
An animal is considered re- veloped by the Minnesota Housing chase Plus Program, your home
strained when it is controlled by Finance Agency (MHFA), and is only must be valued at $83,000 or
a leash or at heel and obedient available in Brooklyn Center and less, and your adjusted annual
to the voice commands of its three other cities in the state. household income must be
human companion. Animals in 48,000 or less.
parks and playgrounds must be With the Purchase Plus Pro- $
leashed at all times. gram, you can refinance your present home and include the For additional information re-
Animal owners must be cer- remodeling costs all in one loan. g ardin g the Purchase Plus Pro -
tain that their pets do not dis- Purchase Plus also can finance gram, please refer to the enclosed
turb other residents by barkin g, the purchase of a home and in- one -page insert in this newslet-
howling, fighting, or other noise. elude the remodeling costs in the ter.
A City ordinance requires own- same loan. You also can obtain additional
ers of pets to pick up after their The Purchase Plus Program cov- information on the Purchase Plus
dogs and cats in their own yard, ers a wide range of home improve - Program by calling Karen DuCharme
as well as in public areas, in- ments, including replacing worn at Marquette Bank in Brooklyn
eluding parks. out siding or shingles; upgrading Center at 561 -2530; the Minnesota
The offense of animals at large wiring and plumbing; modernizing Housing Finance Agency at 296 -
and animals disturbing are mis- your kitchen or bathroom with new 7613; or the Brooklyn Center City
demeanors punishable by a fine cupboards, wallpaper, permanent offices at 569 -3300.
not to exceed $700 and /or a carpets, tile and vinyl floors; and
maximum of 90 days in jail. energy efficient improvements, c
including new insulation, windows p. V �T .P.S. Opens In
Maple Grove
31 Brookly Center Pets Under Police Security
(P.U.P.S.), a joint powers organiza-
6301 Shingle Creek Parkway tion of seven communities, is oper-
Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 ating an animal containment facil-
ity at 11350 89th Avenue North'in
CITY COUNCIL Maple Grove. The facility opened in
Todd Paulson . ............................... .......................... Mayor
late October.
Phil Cohen ................................ ............................... Councilman Ann Banish has been hired to be
Jerry Pedlar ......... ............................... .....................Councilman responsible for the overall opera -
Dave Rosene ............................ ............................... Councilman tion of the facility. She is a qualified
Celia Scott ............. ............................... ...................Councilwoman veterinary technician and worked
Gerald Splinter .............................. ...........................City Manager for several years in that capacity at a local veterinary hospital.
SERVICE DIRECTORY The facility will house and care
Emergency Number (24 Hours) for animals impounded by the
POLICE - FIRE - MEDICAL 9 member police departments, and
Police non - enc information will be under the direct control of
� 9 Y, ) ............... ......................569 -3333
City Hall Offices ............................ ............................... ...........569 -3300 the member communities. The
member communities are Brooklyn
(Monday- Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) Center, Brooklyn Park, Champlin,
Community Center ........... ............................... .......................569 3400 Crystal, Maple Grove, New Hope,
and Plymouth.