HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 Edition 49 March 31
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MARCH, 1986 NO. 49
Residents Encouraged to Form
Neighborhood Crime Watches
The Brooklyn Center Police formed in the community. officer at the meeting.
Department encourages residents The department likes to have an
to form neighborhood crime SIZE OF WATCH GROUP officer attend the watch's first full
watches, which deters crime and re- The crime watches seem to work meeting to provide some tips on
sults in arrests, while turning an area best if they are not too big. Current what to watch for, and how to report
of individual homes into a ''neigh- groups range from sides of a city it properly and easily. Do not expect
borhood" of concerned people. street, to an area of six square blocks everyone in the area to join the
Police officers can occasionally and divided into subgroups. The watch right away.
patrol neighborhoods, but they have homes included should be visible to
no way of knowing who and what other homes in the watch. ACTIVITIES
"belongs" in your area, while you Most groups simply get to know
and your neighbors, obviously, HOW TO START each other, and then keep a little
know if something "is out of place." After the preliminary organiza- extra lookout around their neighbor -
There are no "rules" for setting tional meetings, most groups meet hood when they are home. A few
up a neighborhood watch. Most once or twice a year, using a groups have assigned days for
groups have tailored their organiza- member's home as the meeting site. "members" to watch, and one group
tion to fit their particular situation. If the group has questions, arrange- has an informal patrol.
The following ideas reflect the ments can be made to have a police Continued on Page 5
experience of groups already
Annual Bike, Funds Available To
Equipment Sale Help With Heating
The Annual Brooklyn center sur-
plus equipment and bike auction will The Minnesota Energy Assistance 90 -days prior to application.
be held on Saturday, April 26 at the Program (EAP) is designed to assist An example of 12 -month income
Brooklyn Center City Garage, 6844 low- income households with a guidelines would be: $7088 for a
Shingle Creek Parkway. portion of their home heating household of one person; and
Interested persons can view the payments. $14,378 for a household of four
available equipment one hour prior It is not designed to cover total Persons. Certain expenses may be
to the start of the auction, which beg- deducted from gross household
ins at 11 a.m. energy costs. Households with heat income to determine EAP - eligible
The sale will include property costs included in rent are eligible to income.
apply for assistance. Renters
confiscated by the Police Depart- Assistance amounts vary by
ment, some surplus office equip- receiving government subsidized household income, size and fuel
ment and bicycles. For additional rent assistance who do not pay heat
y costs directly, will not be eligible. costs (type of heat). Households do
information regarding the auction, not have to be behind in payment of
please call the City Hall at 561 -5440. Applicants must meet certain their heating bills in order to apply
income and asset guidelines to for assistance.
'"Citizen inquiries and requests may qualify for the program. Total The Northwest office of the
be directed at the City Administra- household's income for the 12- Energy Assistance Program will
tion. if there is any question regard- months prior to application is schedule appointments through
ing a service that we are authorized considered when determining May 31, 1986. For further informa-
to perform, please call us at eligibility, although households with tion or to schedule an appointment,
551 -5440. rapidly declining income may be please call 536 -9948, Monday
eligible based on income for the last through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Volunteers Aid Community
B y Serving on Commissions
Several citizen commissions aid Human Services Advisory Commis- son, Barb Jensen.
the Brooklyn Center City Council in sion, Housing Commission, Plan- Human Rights Commission -
an advisory capacity regarding a ning Commission; Human Rights Jayne Kuhar, Rosemary Kieselhorst,
wide range of activities from plan- Commission, and Park and Recrea- Donna Stoderl, Evelyn Misfeldt,
ning to human rights. tion Commission. Mary Ellen Rabine, Thomas Slupske,
Active commissions or groups Members volunteer their time to Barry Wallerstedt, Louis Sullivan.
operating in the City include the attend frequent meetings, at least Park and Recreation Commission
Community Development Citizens monthly, to address matters relevant - Arvid (Bud) Sorenson, Carl Man -
Participation Committee; Charter to the particular commission. All son, Don Peterson, Dave Skeels,
Commission; Northwest Hennepin commission members are appointed Dale Bloomstrand, Larry Propst.
by the Mayor, subject to confirma- Planning Commission - George
No Alcohol tion by the City Council. These Luc:ht, Michael Nelson, Lowell
groups operate without a budget Ainas, Molly Malecki, Wallace Ber-
In Parks while providing a valuable service to nards, Nancy Manson, Carl Sand -
Without Permit the community. strom, Ann Wallerstedt.
Any resident interested in being Charter Commission - Donn
Brooklyn Center ordinances considered as a commission Escher, Ernest Erickson, Barbara
prohibit the consumption of alcohol member should contact the City Sexton, Jean Schiebelm John Les -
beverages in City parks without a Manager's office, 6301 Shingle cault, Neil Smeaton, Mary Heitzig,
permit. Police will continue to patrol Creek Parkway, or call 561 -5440. As Dennis Kueng, Barbara Swart,
park areas and issue citations to vacancies appear in some commis- Edward Commers, Mona Hintzman,
violators. sions, the Mayor will consider the Allen Anderson, Marie Castle.
Permits to consume alcoholic applications. Community Development Citi-
beverages are available to organiza- A special thank you to the follow- zens Participation Committee - Bar -
tions that have been in existence i n g commissions and their bara Jensen, Bud Sorenson, Ray
more than one year. members: Haroldson, Tom Loberg, Lois Kline,
Housing Commission - Dolores Steven Cohen.
Bike Safety Hastings, Ray Haroldson, Phil Northwest Hennepin Human Ser-
y Cohen, Ronald Turner, Clifford Willi- vice Advisory Commission - Fran
Program Set ams, Sr., Ken Felger, Barbara Soren- Gunberg.
The Brooklyn Center Police - —
Department will initiate a bicycle
safety program this spring. The City of Brooklyn Center
program is similar to those in
surrounding communities with the CITY COUNCIL
emphasis on the education of Dean Nyquist lcyc fists. Mayor
..................... ...............................
Bill Hawes ..................... ............................... Councilman
Violations of State and local laws
will result in citations issued by Gene Lhotka ................... ............................... Councilman
Celia Scott .................. ............................... Councilwoman
Patrol Officers and Code Enforce-
Rich Theis .................... ............................... Councilman
ment Officers. The citations may
lead to mandatory attendance at a Gerald Splinter .................. 7 . 6 . 0 . 7 6 7
7 . . 7 ..................... City Manager
bicycle safety course. SERVICE DIRECTORY
The goal of the course is to
improve riding habits by awareness Emergency Number (24 Hours)
of the potential hazards of common POLICE- FIRE - MEDICAL .................... .......................... 911
violations Such as stop Sign viola- Police (non- emergency, information) ........ ..................... 561 -5443
tions; riding the wrong way in traffic; City Hall Offices ................. ............................... 561 -5440
and failure to have proper lighting for (Monday - Friday — 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.)
night riding. Community Center ......................... .................... 561 -5448
The program gives positive rein- CITY OFFICES
forcement to safe bicyclists by 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway
presenting "Good Bike Rider" Brooklyn Center, Minnesota 55430
Construction Of New T.H. 252
Project To Start This Summer
The Minnesota Department of accept bids in April for the con- this project expected to start in early
Transportion ( MNDOT) plans to struction of T.H. 252, with work on summer of 1986, and completion
scheduled for late fall of 1987.
The project consists of a totally
new roadway starting just north of
� 1694, continuing North along the
West side of West River Road to 73rd
Avenue, then turning northwesterly
through Brooklyn Park, and con -
necting to the new bridge across the
Mississippi River which has been
under construction for the past two
- :���'', `�' " -= ••° years. After crossing the Mississippi
.. 'rte River, the new T.H. 252 will continue
northeasterly to finally make a
connection to T.H. 10 in Coon
Rapids. (See accompanying map)
Within Brooklyn Center, the
9 0 M >Z`• '• 1
proposed construction will consist
of three traffic lanes in each
direction, and will include special
_ m left and right turns lanes. Access to
a � C RAP the new roadway will be limited to
A the signalized intersections which
p will be constructed at 66th Avenue,
70th Avenue and 73rd Avenue in
Brooklyn Center. In Brooklyn Park,
access will also be provided at
Brookdale Drive, 81st Avenue, 85th
Avenue and 93rd Avenue.
85TH AVE N MNDOT has acquired all of the
9 P right of way needed for the con-
struction of this route, and most of
the houses and structures have
EiTA k been removed. The remainder will
81',1 AV[ N be removed prior to the start of the
Because the new roadway will
BROOKDALE NR be entirely to the West of existing
West River Road, the amount of
traffic interference with West River
Road should be minimal. However,
-- -� - - -- some interference and congestion is
inevitable. MNDOT has agreed to
( AV, r require that traffic be carried
- �'�. through the construction corridor
will AV[ N rather than detouring traffic accross
streets within adjacent neigh-
; borhoods.
s5n+ r� On the streets, which serve as
access to T.H. 252 (66th, 70th and
['94 73rd Avenues) the approaches to
T.H. 252 will be totally reconstructed
Continued on Page 5
New Assessment Policy
For Street Reconstruction
Within Residential Areas
A new policy regarding special However, the total cost for con- conduct a one -to -one survey of all
assessments for street reconstruc- struction will be shared between the abutting property owners in order to
tion projects within residential areas property owners and the City's determine their interest in the
was adopted by the Brooklyn Center General Fund. In 1985, the City project.
City Council in 1985. Prior policy of Council established a uniform If adequate support is shown, as a
levying special assessments for the assessment of $1,200 per single- result of this survey, the proposed
entire cost of the improvement family lot for improvements project will then be considered by
resulted in special assessments of completed during 1985. The the City Council, and a public
approximately $2,000 to $3,000 for a balance was funded through the hearing regarding the proposed
normal, single - family, residential lot. City's Special Municipal State Aid project would be conducted.
The new policy provides that on Street Fund. Following the hearing, the Council
street reconstruction projects, During 1985, street reconstruction would then make a decision whether
concrete curb and gutter will be projects were accomplished in three to proceed or not with the project.
installed on both sides of the street areas: Lyndale Avenue between In order to allow adequate time for
as part of the project. 53rd Avenue and 57th Avenue; this process, all property owners
Dallas Road between 72nd Avenue who are interested in having
and 73rd Avenue; and 65th Avenue improvements accomplished in
City Celebrates
between Beard Avenue and Drew 1986, should contact the Engineer-
Avenue. g
ing Department as soon as possible.
75th Anniversary Residents interested in street im-
Brooklyn Center commem- provements during 1986 should
orates 75 years of incorporation contact the City Engineering De- Crime
in 1986 with a variety of events partment, 561 -5440, to initiate the
throughout the year. process. Continued from Page 2
Scheduled activities include After a resident contacts the En- The key to long range success
a carnival, parade, circus, gineering Department, an initial seems to start with simple rules and
weekly entertainment in Central review of the proposed project is build as the needs arise in your par -
Park, along with several fire- made and information is sent to all of titular area, for the overall conven-
works displays. For additional the property owners in the affected ience of all members in the group.
information on how you can area. Another useful activity is to set up
participate in the activities, If sufficient support appears to be a telephone calling "tree." Through
please call 561 -5440. present in the neighborhood, the a preassigned system, members call
Engineering Department will then each other to disseminate informa-
tion about suspicious activities,
crime trends, and so on. It's fascina-
ProjectContinued ting what can be determined once all
from Page 4 the pieces of gathered information
as a part of the total project, and will improvement of existing West River are compiled.
require interruption of traffic during Road from 66th to 73rd Avenue. This WATCH SIGNS
the reconstruction of these roadway will essentially serve as a
approaches. frontage road - collector for the The Brooklyn Center Crime Pre -
The City will be working with neighborhood lying east of new T.H. vention Committee can arrange to
MNDOT to minimize the inconven- 252. Details regarding this construc- have free "Neighborhood Watch"
ience caused by the construction, tion have not been finalized. signs installed at the entrances to
and will also coordinate efforts to Additional details regarding the your watch area, which are placed, if
develop a new 69th -70th Avenue planned construction can be possible, on existing sign posts,
connection in the area between obtained by calling the Brooklyn For any additional information,
Camden Avenue and Dupont Center Engineering Department, please contact the Brooklyn Center
Avenue. 561 -5440, during normal business Police Department at 561 -5443,
Also, the City will coordinate the hours. during normal business hours.
Ad u It Activities
-- — - — — — 25 LBS. PLUS
LOCATIONS WHERE CLASSES ARE HELD This very popular exercise class is unique and different because you must be
Brooklyn Center High School (BCHS), 65th & Humboldt Ave. N. at least 25 lbs. or more overweight! If you've tried to lose weight many times
Brooklyn Center Community Center (CC), 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway and other exercise classes weren't for you, try this one! Together exercise.
Brooklyn Jr. High School (BJHS), 7400 Noble Ave. N. talk, exercise, work, laugh and support each other while trying to lose extra
Brookland Par -3 Golf Course, 8232 Regent Ave. N. pounds. All you need is extra pounds, a sense of humor, loose clothes and a
Earle Brown School, 59th & Humboldt Ave. N. need to TRY AGAIN! Weigh -in will be optional. Wear comfortable clothes and
Evergreen School, 70th & Dupont Ave. N. bring a mat. Registration Fee $11.25/9 Sessions. Classes 50 min. Instructor
Fair Oaks School, 5600 65th Ave. N.
Garden City School, 3501 65th Ave. N. Joanne Lenzen.
# Day Begins Time Location
Northport School. 5421 Brooklyn Blvd. 9 Mon. Mar. 31 6:30 p.m. Evergreen
North View Jr. High School (NVJH), 69th & Zane Ave. N. 10 Thurs. April 3 7:00 p.m. Evergreen
Orchard Lane School, 6201 Noble Ave. N.
Palmer Lake Nature Area, 69th & Xerxes TRIMNASTICS
Palmer Lake School, 73rd & West Palmer Lake Drive Exercises to strengthen, improve muscle tone and flexibility for all parts of the
Willow Lane School, 70th & Perry Ave. N. body will be taught. Stomach, hips and thigh exercises are all part of the fun!
CHILDCARE SERVICE No dancing will be done. exercises choreographed to music. Dress comfor-
tably and bring a mat to evening class. Classes 50 min. Instructors Nancy
The "PLAY- CORNER" will be provided for parents attending morning Candea #'s 11 & 12, Bev Wilson #13.
classes, programs, meetings or swimming at the Community Center. The # Day Begins Time Location
minimum age is 6 months. The cost is 65¢ per child per hour for each 11 Mon. Mar. 31 6:30 p.m. Garden City
preschool child. The "PLAY- CORNER" will be open Monday- Friday 9:00 12 Wed. April 2 7:00 p.m. Earle Brown
a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Additional times may be noted in the description of adult CLASSES ONCE A WEEK - $12.50/10 WEEKS
classes. For further information call 561 -5448. 13 Thurs. April 3 10:30 a.m. CC
EXTRA - EXTRA, READ ALL ABOUT US! - OR BETTER YET, COME AND Fit your exercise to music, for a fun way to shape up and relieve the stress
MEET US. On Thursday. March 13, beginning at 7:15 p.m. the exercise and strain of everyday living. No dance background necessary. A great class
instructor staff will be at the Brooklyn Center Community Center. We will be for people who have never exercised before or for anyone who has tried
demonstrating the different classes offered; you can join in too. We will be aerobics and because of age, weight or medical reasons would like a modi-
available to answer questions, plus have free optional health evaluation fled class. Improve your figure and fitness! Registration Fee $12.50/10 Ses-
testing to help you determine which class(es) to participate in. WE'RE LOOK-
ING FORWARD TO MEETING YOU... WON'T YOU JOIN US? Questions, sions. Classes 50 min. Instructor Bev Wilson.
call 561 -5448, ext. 170. # Day Begins Time Location
14 Mon. Mar. 31 10:30 a.m. CC
A fun and healthy class for both men and women 62 years and older. You do
not need to be a swimmer or put your face in the water. Please furnish Not to be taken lightly! Everyone has to start somewhere, why not this aerobic
doctor's name and number when registering. Registration fee $6.00/ 10 Ses dance class! If you interest is getting into shape (and found holidays DIDN'T
sions. Classes 50 min. Instructor Jan Neitzert. help) and have never exercise or found other classes too hard to follow... this
# Day Begins Time Location is it!!! Registration fee $12.50/ 10 Sessions. Classes 50 min. Instructor Kath-
1 Tues. April 1 9:15 a.m. CC teen Ketterhagen.
2 Thurs. April 3 10:15 a.m. CC # Day Begins Time Location
AQUA EXERCISE 15 Wed. April 2 7:00 p.m. Willow Lane
Exercise in water for better health and a trimmer figure. You do not need to be This unique coed class is designed to help individuals who cannot jog or
a swimmer or put your face in the water. Enjoy a pleasant and invigorating attend a regular aerobics class, because of the jarring effect on the body's
experience through this unique approach to exercise with music. Some
aerobics will also be included. Registration Fee $12.50/ 10 Sessions. Classes joints and ligaments. The heart rates are still elevated to the proper limits, but
50 min. Instructors Jan Neitzert #'s 3 & 5, Deana Hotchkiss #'s 4, 6, la 7. one foot is always maintained on the floor, and the large bouncing removed.
CLASSES ONCE A WEEK - 10 WEEKS Hand, wrist or ankle weights are encouraged and may be brought to class,
Day Begins Time Location but you must check in with your instructor of proper use of such weights
3 Tues April 1 Time a.m. Lo CC
cation using in class. Registration Fee $10.00/8 Sessions. Classes 50 min.
4 Tues. April 1 7:20 p.m. NVJH Instructor Cindy Lindgren.
5 Thurs. April 3 9:15 a.m. CC # Day Begins Time Location
CLASSES TWICE A WEEK - 5 WEEKS 16 Mon. April 7 6:00 p.m. Palmer Lake
6 T & Th April 1 6:30 p.m. NVJH AEROBIC DANCE & YOGA - NEW
7 T & Th May 6 6:30 p.m. NVJH
AQUA EXERCISE - 25 LBS. PLUS Participants will do 20 -30 minutes of fun aerobic rountines followed by 45
minutes of Bikram's beginning Yoga. Don't be fooled by Yoga - you'll still
A popular class, unique and different because you must be at least 25 lbs. work up a sweat! This class uses aerobic dancing for cardiovascular streng-
overweight to participate! Swimming skills are not necessary. Registration thening and fat loss combined with Yoga for toning, flexibility and rejuvena-
Fee $12.50 to Sessions. Classes 50 min. Instructor Jan Neitzert. tion. Aerobic Dance and Yoga is a fresh new approach to fitness and
# Day Begins Time Location exercise. Registration Fee $11.25/9 Sessions. Classes 1 hour 15 min.
8 Wed. April 2 Time
p.m. NVJH Instructor Kathleen Ketterhagen.
# Day Begins Time Location
17 Tues. April 1 7:00 p.m. Willow Lane
A new class for men & women that offers equal fun and challenge. Class will Learn Covert Bailey's innovative system for optimum fitness and health. The
include stretching, aerobics, abdominal work, leg & upper body strengthen- licensed Fit or Fat instructor will give an indepth look at lowering body fat.
ing. Instructor will introduce the use of hand weights which will be incorpor- She will show you nutrition gimmicks, how to read food labels, analyze your
ated into part of the class. A discussion of how to make your own or which to diet, modify recipes, set realistic fitness goals and learn about exercise
buy will be covered. Please do not purchase hand weights prior to class. programs best for you. One session will meet at a local restaurant to learn
Registration $14.00/10 Sessions. Classes 50 min. Instructor Cindy Lindgren. restaurant survival. (Meal cost on your own.) The class will be fun and full of
# Day Begins Time Location facts to help you make intelligent choices for your health! Please bring a
18 Wed. April 2 6:00 p.m. Palmer Lake notebook, pencil & calculator to class. Fit or Fat books and psoters will be
WOMEN'S EXERCISE & AEROBIC DANCE available for purchase to those who do not own them. Participants complet-
ing the session will have the opportunity to attend a free follow up class in
The class is fun. challenging and includes AEROBIC movements in dance mid Summer. Registration Fee $18.75/8 Sessions. Classes 1 1 12 hours. In-
combinations. This class is a physical fitness program that offers complete structor Kathleen Ketterhagen.
and effective conditioning for muscles, heart and lungs. It's a combination of # Day Begins Time Location
dancing for the fun of it and dancing for more ENERGY EVERYDAY! No 34 Thurs. April 3 7:00 p.m. BCHS
dance background necessary. Babysitting available for morning classes CREATE A NEW YOU -NEW
see Childcare Service. Fitness experts encourage participants to registerfor
2 days per week if possible. Classes 50 min. Instructors Bev Wilson • New hair style techniques and how you can do them.
#'s 19. 20, 22, 23, Jolene Morris #'s 21, 25, 26. Betty Basarich #'s 24, 27. • Low impact aerobics using hand weights.
CLASSES ONCE A WEEK - $12.50/10 WEEKS • Create your own style with .Spring wardrobe ideas.
# 19 Day Begins Time Location 0 Build self esteem by taking care of yourself first without guilt.
Tues. April 1 5:00 p.m. CC • Fresh makeup ideas to bring out the best you.
20 Tues. April 1 7:00 p.m. CC • Ways to attain physical fitness and penrianent control of excess fat.
21 Tues. April 1 8:00 P.M. CC
22 Thurs. April 3 9:30 a.m. CC This interesting and informative day will be taught by professional instructors
CLASSES ONCE A WEEK - $11.25/9 WEEKS in the areas of self esteem, fashion, makeup, health, fitness and nutrition.
23 Mon. March 31 9:30 a.m. CC Participants should wear workout clothes and bring a comfortable change of
24 Tues. April 1 6:05 p.m. Willow Lane clothes. A delicious lunch and a door prize worth $40.00 is included in the
25 Thurs. April 3 5:15 p.m. Earle Brown registation fee. Come and spend the day - relax, pamper and enjoy yourself!
26 Thurs. April 3 6:15 p.m. Earle Brown You deserve a break today! Deadline to register, March 22, limited enroll -
27 Sat. April 5 9:20 a.m. NVJH ment. Registration Fee $16.00/1 Sessions. Class 7 hours.
WOMEN'S AEROBIC WORKOUT # Day Date Time Location
35 Sat. April 5 9:00 a.m. CC
For individuals who have participated in aerobics classes and are readyfora ADULT SOCCER
more invigorating workout. Includes warm -up, aerobic dances, cool down
and spot exercises for problem areas to music. Wear jogging shoes and See Outdoor Activities for details.
exercise clothes. Registration Fee $11.25/9 Sessions. Classes 50 min. OUTDOOR SUMMER VOLLEYBALL
Instructor Cindy Lindgren.
# Day Begins Time Location See Outdoor Activities for details.
28 W & M April 2 7:00 p.m. Palmer Lake
29 M & W May 5 7:00 p.m. Palmer Lake WOMEN'S OPEN VOLLEYBALL
PRENATAL FITNESS A night of volleyball for women (post high school age). Bring a friend orcome
A class sim le enou h for safet im alone. An enjoyable time plus good exercise! Please, no organized teams. No
p 9 Y but challen m challenging enou h 9 to improve your Open Volleyball on March 25. Ends May 20. No charge. Gym time is 2 hours.
flexibility, strength and stamina. You will learn exercises to encourage the Day Time Location
correct use of your body as it slowly changes. Keep fit for a healthier delivery Tues. 8:00 P.M. Earle Brown
and easier comeback. Please check with your doctor and bring a written OK
to the first session. Registration Fee $15.00/10 Sessions. Classes 50 min. JUDO
Instructor Bev Wilson.
# Day Begins Time Location For men and women who are interested in learning the basic skills or more
30 Tues. April 1 6:00 p.m. CC advanced techniques of Judo. Carl Flood, 6th Degree Black Belt, provides
complete instruction. In addition, interested students may join the Brooklyn
BABY MASSAGE & POSTPARTUM FITNESS - NEW Center Judo Club, which is nationally sanctioned. All sessions held in North
View Jr. High Wrestling Room. Registration Fee $15.00/8 Sessions. Classes
Work on getting back into shape and build self confidence in your infant. The 1 hr. Class #36 Beginning; Class #37 Advanced; for adults and children. Asst.
class will begin with baby massage followed by a fun period of stretching, Instructor Steve Johnson, 2nd Degree Black Belt.
rocking, rolling and lifting baby. Bring a towel, blanket and oil for baby. Wear # Day Begins Time Location
comfortable exercise clothes. Minimum age 5 months to crawling. Registra- 36 Thurs. April 3 7:00 p.m. NVJH
tion Fee $12.50/8 Sessions. Classes 50 min. Instructor Kathleen 37 Thurs. April 3 8:00 p.m. NVJH
31 Wed. April 2 6:00 p.m. Willow Lane
For couples only. Dancing is a skill that can be learned. Don't sit on the side
WOMEN'S CONDITIONING lines and watch others enjoy themselves. Learn the Waltz, Foxtrot, Swing,
Physical conditioning to look and feel better. The weight training machine Polka and Schottische. Be ready for the next Wedding Dance or a night out
on the town Registration Fee $23.00/8 Sessions. Class 1 hr. Instructor Les
and flexibility program provide a well- rounded fitness program. It is tailored Eck.
to individual needs and provides you with the information you need to set up # Day Begins Time Location
and pace workouts for future use. This program emphasizes conditioning, 38 Tues April 1 7:30 p.m. Earle Brown
endurance and years of healthy living. Classes meet Monday and Wednes-
day for 5 weeks in the Community Center Exercise room. Babysitting availa- SPECIALTY BALLROOM CLASS
ble - see Childcare Service. Registration Fee $18.00/5 weeks. Classes 1 hr.
# Day Begins Time Location Take advantage of this mini session and learn a specialty dance, the TANGO!
32 M & W March 24 1:00 P.M. CC This beautiful Latin dance is regaining popularity and will be seen more and
33 M & W April 28 1:00 P.M. CC more on the ballroom dance floor. Each participant must bring their own
FITNESS TESTING partner. Registration Fee $6.00 /per couple /2 Sessions. Classes 1 hr.
Instructor Les Eck.
Anyone interested in attaining good physical condition, look good and most # Day Begins Time Location
importantly feel good, should determine their level of fitness. Your exercise 39 Tues. April 29 8:30 p.m. Earle Brown
program can be started by either a body composition test or an aerobic
fitness test. Discover your percentage of body fat and your present aerobic
fitness level. This is sponsored jointly by Quality Fitness and the Brooklyn
Center Parks & Recreation Department. Registration Fee $6.00 Body Com-
position. $19.50 Aerobic Fitness Test. Appointment times will be taken from
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Call 561 -5448, ext. 171.
Day Date Location
Sat. April 19 CC 7
One does not have to be artistic to learn this craft and all can enjoy the rich, Open to persons who have completed a Pottery Class at the Community
symbolic designs of this heritage craft. Participants will learn to prepare Center or have previous experience and are familiar with equipment. Lab
natural wheat straw and weave it into spirals, fans, house blessings, love maybe used on an unlimited basis other than class times and students may
tokens and other flat and round weaves. Bring pencil, ruler, pins, fine needles have pieces fired in the 7 week period. The lab program is designed for
(used for holding the straw and not for threading), scissors, old bath towel to individuals who want to work independently. Clay may be purchased at the
work on, styrofoam approximately 12" x 12" and $1.00 for supplies to the first Community Center. Arrange your own time to work in the lab during the 7
class. An instruction book for $4.19 and additional commercially packaged weeks, no instruction. Starting week corresponds with pottery class
straw for $5.83 may be purchased in class. The instructor is the author of FUN schedule at Community Center. Registration Fee $18.75/7 Weeks for new
WITH STRAW. Registration Fee $9.00/2 Sessions. Classes 3 hours. lab students. For returning participants, check with instructor.
Instructor Jeanette Starr. # Day Begins Time Location
# Day Begins Time Location 48 To Be Arranged CC
40 Thurs. April 3 6:30 p.m. CC
The class is designed to teach the basic skills of wheel throwing and hand
Enter the fascinating world of dollhouse miniatures, the 3rd largest hobby building. The Community Center offers a unique opportunity to practice your
enjoyed by both men and women. Learn how to create almost anything from new skills by including in the registration fee clay for projects, unlimited
what you already have in the house! Through this creative show - and -tell studio practice time and firing fees. Bring a work shirt to the 1st class. Please
demonstration, you will learn how to furnish a whole dollhouse from allow about $6.00 for purchasing of tools. Registration Fee $29.50/7
practically nothing. Bring a pencil and notebook to class. Childcare available Sessions. Classes 3 hours. Instructor Karen Haberle.
for day class - see Childcare Service. Registration Fee $3.00/1 Session. # Day Begins Time Location
Class 2 hours. Instructor Carol Kleven. 49 Tues. April 15 6:30 p.m. CC
# Day Date Time Location
41 Mon. April 14 12:30 p.m. CC MAGIC ART - OIL PAINTING
42 Thurs. April 24 7:00 p.m. CC Oil painting made easy! Anyone with a desire to paint can, with the Magic Art
*STENCILING Method. Beginners to intermediate hobby artists will learn how to use large
brushes and a unique palette knife to COMPLETE a fine oil painting in this 4
This is an art anyone can do! The main class emphasis will be on fabric hour workshop. The instructor is an accredited Magic Art instructor from
stenciling but the technique can be applied to other surfaces. Participants California who teaches the William Alexander Technique as seen on
will also learn to cut their own stencils. Finished projects will be shown and Channel 2. Supplies furnished except for the picture frame. Bring clean
demonstrated. Bring to class: sharp pointed X -ACTO or utility knife, extra fine paint rags to class. Paintings for each workshop on display. BECAUSE OF
point permanent marking pen, and 2 sheets fine grain sand paper. Please MATERIALS PURCHASED FOR THIS CLASS, REFUND REQUESTS MUST
allow $1.75 for additional materials to be purchased at class. Childcare BE MADE NO LATER THAN ONE WEEK BEFORE WORKSHOP. Registration
available for day classes - see Childcare Service. Registration Fee $4.00/1 Fee $21.0011 Session. Class 4 hours. Instructor Carol Reile.
Session. Class 3 hrs. Instructor Joanne Holznecht. # Day Date Time Location
# Day Date Time Location 50 Thurs. March 20 6:00 p.m. CC
43 Mon. April 7 12:30 p.m. CC 51 Sat. April 12 9:30 a.m. CC
44 Wed. April 16 6:30 p.m. CC 52 Thurs. May 1 6:00 p.m. CC
If you're not getting the results you want out of your camera, this class is for Tatting, a fascinating skill from the past. Tatting lace may be used for
you. Use of camera, film, meter, filters will be covered. The art of flash, close decorating clothing or home furnishings. Bring to class a ball of colored #8
up and photographing people will also be discussed. Registration Fee crochet thread, scissors, metal tatting shuffle with removable bobbin,
$11.00/3 Sessions. Class length 2 hours. Instructor Elizabeth Herberg. notebook and pen. Registration Fee $6.00/3 Sessions. Classes 2 hours.
# Day Begins Time Location Instructor Darlene Hegstrom.
45 Mon. March 31 7:00 p.m. BCHS # Day Begins Time Location
DARKROOM TECHNIQUES 53 Thurs. April 17 7:00 p.m. BCHS
Learn how to mix chemicals, tell negative contrast and develop black and DOG OBEDIENCE
white film. Each student will make an excellent print from his own negative. This course is open to people 12 years and older, whose dog is at least 6
Fee includes chemicals. Upon completion of the class, students will be months old. This course will teach you how to work with your dog in order to
eligible to use the Community Center darkroom. BECAUSE OF MATERIALS teach him social behavior and self - discipline. For more information, call
PURCHASED FOR THIS CLASS, REFUND REQUESTS MUST BE MADE NO Stanley Orr, 533 -5207. Registration Fee $21.00/8 Sessions. Classes 1 hr.
LATER THAN ONE WEEK BEFORE FIRST CLASS BEGINS. Registration Fee # Day Begins Time Location
$20.00/4 Sessions. Class length 3 hours. Instructor Elizabeth Herberg. 54 Thurs. April 3 6:30 p.m. Northport
# Day Begins Time Location
For people who have taken instruction at other facilities and are experienced
in darkroom procedures. Participants will be eligible to rent the darkroom lab
during Community Center hours. PRE- REGISTRATION IS NECESSARY AT
# Day Date Time Location
47 Mon. April 7 6:00 p.m. CC
Senior Adults
If you have any questions about the programs listed below, call Kathy Flesher, GIFT TRUNK
Senior Adult coordinator at 561 -5448.
A craft club run by Seniors who sell their handcrafted items. Membership is
SENIOR HAPPENINGS limited to Brooklyn Center Seniors or members of either Leisure Time or
Is a monthly newsletter sponsored by the Brooklyn Center Parks and Brooklyn Twins. For information call 561 -9278 or 561 -4805. Shoppers, visit
Recreation Department. The "Senior Happenings" tells activities going on at the Gift Trunk on the 1 st Wednesday of the month from 10:00a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
the clubs, in the community and outings offered. Call for yours today! The "trunk" will also be open on Saturday, March 8, 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Community Tripsters is a program for people age 55 years and older who
Transportation using mini coaches and buses is offered from areas of high enjoy getting away once a month on day or overnight trips. Trips will include
senior adult concentration to City sponsored activities, social service tours, attending stage productions, ball games, horse racing and other
programs, congregate dining and shopping excursions. A monthly schedule popular events. If you are interested in such outings and meeting new friends
is available, call Kathy. Donations accepted, reservations must be made 24 from the surrounding area, please call and ask to receive the information.
hours in advance. Deadline dates listed are on space permitting only basis. Refunds are given
SOCIAL CLUBS only if the trip is cancelled or a substitute can befound to take your place. Bus
departs and returns to Brooklyn Center Community Center.
Two social clubs are sponsored by the Brooklyn Center Parks and March 10 - Bonnets & Bows Luncheon & Show - Hats, headcoverings, and
Recreation Department. The Leisure Time Club meets Wednesdays accessories dating back to 1860. Cast $7.50, call for registration openings.
throughout the year from Noon - 3:00 p.m. at the Brooklyn Center Community
Center. There are no dues or club requirements to belong. The Brooklyn April 11 - International Market Square (formerly Munsingwear, Inc.) tour and
Twins Club meets the list and 3rd Friday of each month through June at lunch. The extensive buffet lunch will be in the lovely Atrium at the Square.
Earle Brown, 7:00 -9:30 p.m. Membership dues are $2.00 annually per person. Call for complete details including registration information.
Any person 55 years of age or older may join; only one spouse must meet the May - Canterbury Downs Race Track. Information not available at time bf
age requirements. Singles and couples WELCOME! Transportation to both printing, call for details.
clubs is available from Brooklyn Center apartment complexes. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING
SENIOR AQUA EXERCISE Free screening is done at the following areas:
See Adult Activities for information. Community Center - Last Wednesday of each month, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
CLASSES CEAP - Thursdays, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Brooklyn Center residents 62 years and over may register for most classesat West Fire Station - Monday- Friday, 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. & Saturday &
1 /2 the registration fee. This does not apply to classes requiring supplies or Sr. Sunday, 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Aqua Exercise.
Telephone Assistance Program for elderly and handicapped who live alone.
Senior Adult memberships are available for Brooklyn Center residents 62 The program has helped several persons with immediate needs in some
years and older, at a special rate of $7.00 for 3 months. Application may be cases Emergency situations. If you are interested in the program for yourself
made at the Community Center desk. Non - residents and residentseniors not or a friend, contact a TAP clerk at 535 -2225. We really care about our
interested in membership may swim for $1.25 per time - single admission. participants! Sponsored by Brooklyn Center Police Department.
See Adult Swim Lessons in the Swim Section of this brochure. Volunteers will help low income Seniors with their 1985 tax returns. Bring
your last income tax return and 1985 tax materials including renter's or
property tax refund. For rent or property tax credit you need to know total
Social Security received in 1985. This will be on an SSA or RRB1099. (Refer
to Feb. Senior Happenings for complete check list.) No appointments, first
come basis through April 14, Monday & Friday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and
Thursday 9:00 a.m. - noon. This federally sponsored program is provided by
AARP, NRTA. & RSVP. There is NO charge. Location: Brooklyn Community
Library, 6125 Shingle Creek Parkway.
Teen Activities
There will be a 7 -8 -9th grade Girl's Slow Pitch Softball League. (Grade as of Nothing to do this Summer? The Parks and Recreation Department will offer
May 1, 1986.) Teams from Brooklyn Center, Robbinsdale and Brooklyn Park many fun activities for junior and senior high teens.
will play in this league. Deadline for sign up will be May 1. Registration Fee Girls Summer Basketball League - grades 9 -12
$24.00 /per player (includes shirt). Boys Slow Pitch Softball League - grades 9 -12
There will be a 10 -11 -12th grade Girl's Slow Pitch Softball League. (Gradeas Girls Slow Pitch Softball League - grades 9 -12
of May 1, 1986.) Teams from Brooklyn Center, Robbinsdale, Crystal, New Physical Fitness Class for boys and girls - grades 9 -12
Hope and Plymouth will play in this league. Deadline for sign up will be May 1. Golf League
Registration Fee $24.00 /per player (includes shirt). Trips to Valleyfair and Apple River
Aerobic Exercise Classes
Tennis Lessons
Little League and Babe Ruth registration will be held Saturday, March 8 & 15, Watch for flyers coming in May or call Sue at 561 -5448.
10:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. For further information, call American Little League - Les
Thurs, 561 -5853. National Little League - Tom Schinneck, 560 -2073 and
Babe Ruth - Mike Strietz, 560 -2509.
See Outdoor Activities for details.
Children's Activities
A course in the beginning techniques of tumbling. Students will have an Basic gymnastics and exercises designed to improve child's motor skills and
opportunity to learn such basic skills as rolls, cartwheels, walkovers and coordination. Class activities include tumbling and introduction to the
headstands. Girls new to our program must register for this class before balance beam and bars. For boys and girls ages 3 1 /2 -5 (children must be 3
taking the more advanced class. For Grades K -6. Registration Fee $10.00/8 by May, 1986). Class ratio 8 students/ instructor. Registration Fee $11.50/8
Sessions. Classes 1 hr. Instructors Tracey Gustafson #58, Amy Walters #'s Sessions. Classes 45 min. Instructors Linda Schiesl #66, Tracey Gustafson
55, 56, 57 & 59. #'s 67, 68, 69, Kesta Higginbotham #70.
# Day Begins Time Location # Day Begins Time Location
55 Wed. April 2 3:45 p.m. Orchard Lane 66 Sat. April 5 9:15 a.m. NVJH
56 Wed. April 2 4:45 p.m. Orchard Lane 67 Sat. April 5 9:30 a.m. NVJH
57 Thurs. April 3 4:10 p.m. Evergreen 68 Sat. April 5 10:20 a.m. NVJH
58 Sat. April 5 12:15 p.m. NVJH 69 Sat. April 5 11:15 a.m. NVJH
59 Tues. April 8 3:15 p.m. Palmer Lake 70 Sat April 5 12:30 p.m. NVJH
Students must have passed Beginning Tumbling. Girls will have the Classes continue from Winter Session. Children will have an opportunity to
participate in
opportunity to learn handsprings, one - handed and dive cartwheels. Grades , new students accepted. New
classes including
1 and up. Registration Fee $10.00/8 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Instructor Spring demonstration. ng Tiny Tot Tap and Ballet, Rhythms and Tumbling, Creative
Dance and Ballet and others may be offered this summer.
Kesta Higginbotham.
# Day Begins Time Location JUDO
60 Sat. April 5 9:00 a.m. NVJH
GIRLS' BEGINNING APPARATUS For boys and girls 8 years and up who are interested in learning the basic
skills or more advanced techniques of judo. Carl Flood, 6th Degree Blackbelt,
Students must have passed Beginning Tumbling in order to register for this provides complete instruction. In addition, interested students may join the
Brooklyn Center Judo Club which is nationally sanctioned. All sessions held
class. Skills such as mounts, turns and stunts will be taught at the beginning
in the Wrestling Room. Registration Fee $15.00/8 Sessions. Classes 1 hour.
level on the use of the balance beam, uneven parallel bars and vaulting
horse. For grades 1 and up. Registration Fee $10.00/8 Sessions. Classes 1 Johnson, 2n d; Class Black Belt.
J for adults and children. Asst.
hour. Instructor Kesta Higginbotham. Steve ohnson, 2nd Degree Black Belt.
# Day Begins Time Location # Day Begins Time Location
61 Sat. April 5 10:05 a.m. NVJH 36 Thurs. April 3 7:00 p.m. NVJH
37 Thurs. April 3 8:00 p.m. NVJH
Students must have passed Beginning Apparatus in order to register for this
class. Girls will continue to work on various jumps and leaps and will learn Beginning crochet instruction for 4 -6 graders. Third graders accepted with
more advanced gymnastic stunts. For grades 2 and up. Registration Fee consent . instructor. Bring a . or H metal crochet hook and practice yarn to
first class. Registration Fee $7.50/6 Sessions. Classes 1 hr. Instructor Esther
$12.00/8 Sessions. Classes 1 hr. 15 min. Instructor Kesta Higginbotham.
# Day Begins Time Lo. Hyland.
# Day Begins Time Location
62 Sat. April 5 11:10 a.m. NVJH
71 Wed. April 2 3:20 p.m. Evergreen
BOYS' TUMBLING 72 Thurs. April 3 3:05 p.m. Palmer Lake
A course in the beginning techniques of tumbling. Students will have an BEGINNING DRAWING
opportunity to learn such basic skills as rolls, headstands, handstands, etc. This course is a mixture of figure drawing, learning about perspective, faces,
For grades 1 -6. Registration Fee $10.00/8 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. still life, pictorial structure and nature using a variety of media. For grades 1 -3.
Instructors Linda Schiesl # and Nancy Candea # Registration Fee $6.50/5 Sessions. Classes 1 hr. Instructor Ms Farrell.
# Say Begins Time Location # Day Begins Time Locations
63 Wed. April 2 5:45 p.m. Earle Brown 73 Wed. April 2 3:45 p.m. Fair Oaks
64 Sat. April 5 11:10 a.m. NVJH
Birds will flock to your house! Students will have the opportunity to assemble
An exercise class for parent and child ages 2 1 /2 -5. Some exercises, a little and paint their very own bird house. Forgrades 3 -6. Registration Fee$5.25/3
dancing, stunts, tricks and most of all wiggling and giggling and lots of fun for Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Instructor Jeff Holt.
everyone! Wear play clothes and a smile. Registration Fee $12.00/8 # Day Begins Time Location
Sessions. Classes 45 min. Instructor Linda Schiesl. 74 Mon. April 7 3:15 p.m. Willow Lane
# Day Begins Time Location 75 Thurs. April 10 2:45 p.m. Earle Brown
65 Sat. April 5 10:10 a.m. NVJH 76 Mon. April 28 3:45 p.m. Garden City
77 Thurs. May 1 3:05 p.m. Palmer Lake
An activity that includes learning sports skills, playing games and having lots
of fun. Basketball and Floor Hockey will be taught and played. For girls and
boys in grades 1 -6. Registration Fee $6.00/5 Sessions. Classes 1 hour.
Instructors Jeff Holt & Mike O'Meara.
# Day Begins Time Location
78 Tues. April 8 3:45 p.m. Orchard Lane
79 Wed. April 9 3:45 p.m. Garden City
Students in grades 4 -6 will learn how to be safe with a bow and arrow, parts Join us for a fun filled afternoon on Thursday, March 27. First, see the Looney,
of the bow and arrow, shooting skills, stance, draw, aiming, release and Looney Bugs Bunny Movie. After the movie, stay for a free swim (pool is open
scoring. A tournament will be held the last day. Registration Fee $10.00/6 until 6:00 p.m.) Movie times are 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. Birthday parties and
Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Instructor Duane Fenske. youth groups are welcome. Refreshments will be sold. Admission $1.25 per
# Day Begins Time Location person.
80 Tues. April 15 3:30 p.m. Palmer Lake SUMMER CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES
The Brooklyn Center Parks and recreation Department will offer a variety of
A variety of classes will be offered for all grades this Spring at Earle Brown Summer Activities. Offerings include cooking, gymnastic camp, tennis les-
School. Flyers will be sent home with your children. If you have an idea fora sons, cheerleading camp, playcenters, arts & crafts, soccer, softball, pom
class or are interested in teaching a class, please call Linda Hanka, porn girls and more. Special events and field trips will also be offered. Don't
Elementary School Building Coordinator. 561 -4480 or Sue LaCrosseat the miss the Summer Program Brochure and school flyers being distributed the
Parks and Recreation Department, 561 -5448. beginning of May or call Sue at 561 -5448.
The chorus is co- sponsored by the Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park Park Day Camp is designed to offer campers (grades 1 -6) a structured program
and Recreation Departments and is for children in grades 1 -8. It provides with a group their own age. Campers will particiapte in camp cooking, crafts,
opportunity to sing with a professional band, work with a choreographer and nature, trailblazing, rock projects, games and songs. Children will be under
receive vocal coaching along with their rehearsals. The chorus performs the supervision of the 1986 Summer recreation staff. A Naturalist and an Arts
several times throughout the year including the annual Spring Show at Park & Crafts instructor will conduct special programs. Day Camp will be held the
Center. For more information, call 561 -5448. Registration Fee $5.00. Classes week following the Playcenter program at our very own Palmer Lake Nature
1 1 12 hours. Director Barbara Dold. (Registrations now being accepted.) Area. Watch for specific information n the Summer Brochure.
# Day Time Location JOB OPENINGS
86 Tues. 6:30 p.m. BJHS
The Brooklyn Center Parks and Recreation Department is now taking appli-
VACATION DAY CAMP - MARCH 24 - 28 cations for the following positions: Playcenter leaderas, puppetry, lifeguards,
Do you work? Are you wondering what to do with the kids during Spring swim instructors, preschool and special interest and hobby instructors
Vacation? We've got the perfect solution: (woodwork, rocketry, gymnastics, etc.) The minimum age for employment is
Extended Recreation Programming 16 years. For more information about these positions or to apply, call 561 -
During the week of Spring Vacation (March 24 -28) we'll run an extended 5448.
recreation program for children grades K -6 from 7:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. SOCCER LEAGUE
Activities will include swimming, tour of police and fire stations, program at
library, open gym, crafts and one lunch. See Outdoor Activities for details.
Parents will receive a schedule of daily activities prior to the week. Stu-
dents must provide their own lunch (except for day we eat out). Beverage and
snack will be provided each day. For more information, call 561 -5448. This
filled up last year, so parents are encouraged to sign up early. Registration
Fee $45.00/5 days
# Day Begins Time Location
109 M -F March 24 7:00 a.m. CC
Outdoor Activities
Lessons for seventh graders and up. Golfers must furnish their own clubs. Visit the Palmer Lake Nature Area located just east of 69th and Xerxes.
Bal Is and mats furnished. Bring a 7 iron to the first class. Classes limited to 10. Consisting of more than 200 acres, the nature area has both paved and wood
There will be an extra charge for balls at the driving range. Instructor P.G.A. chip trails, observation areas and ponds. The unique, natural characteristics
Pro Bill Bakken. Registration Fee $19.00/5 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Ses- provide a habitat for many types of plant, animal and aquatic life forms.
n # 84, 85 for beginners and #'s 82, 83 & 87 for intermediates.
intermediates. Three special programs are scheduled this Spring, as described below.
# Day Begins Time Location Individuals and families are invited to participate. (Children must be accom-
81 Mon. April 21 6:30 p.m. NVJH panied by an adult.) Progams will be conducted by Naturalist, Jean Wood -
82 Mon, April 21 7:30 p.m. NVJH man. Free. No reservations needed.
83 Wed. April 23 6:30 p.m. NVJH
84 Wed. April 23 7:30 p.m. NVJH CRITTER ENCOUNTER -- Sunday, May 4 - 1:00 p.m.
85 Thurs. April 24 11:30 a.m. CC Snakes, frogs, and creepy, crawly things! Discover where these friendly
87 Thurs. April 24 12:30 p.m. CC animals live, what they eat, and more. A live snake will be on hand for
close observation.
NATURE HIKE -- Sunday, May 4 - 2:30 p.m.
Swing into the golf season this Spring. Join us at the Brookland Par -3 (8232 Join naturalist Jean Woodman for a celebration of Spring. She will con -
Regent Ave. N.) for an introductory lesson from an expert instructor. You have duct a guided hike through the nature area. Learn about some of the
the opportunity to golf a complete 9 holes, enjoy refreshments and pick up a wildlife and plants that inhabit -he area and look for the signs nature gives
free passs to come back for another fun round. Meet at Brookland Par -3 golf us during its rebirth.
course. Registration Fee $5.00 (Senior discount rate does not apply.) #88
Adults only, #89 Teens & Adults. WILD EDIBLES -- Sunday, May 18 - 2:00 p.m.
# Day Begins Time Location
88 Sat, April 26 9:30 a.m. Brookland Par -3 Edible plants are one of the de!icacies nature gives us in the Spring. Learn
89 Sat. April 26 11:30 a.m. Brookland Par -3 to identify what wild plants are available, forage for them and then prepare
them for a taste treat.
Beginning instruction for children in grades 3 and up. Students will learn the There will be a meeting on Wednesday, March 19, 6:30 p.m. at the Brooklyn
forehand, backhand, serving, court rules, etiquette and scoring. Bring your Center Community Center for all boys interested in playing slow -pitch soft -
own racquet; balls are furnished. In case of rain, meetat park shelter building ball this Summer.
Classes 1 hour.
# Day Begins Time Location
90 M & W March 17 3:15 p.m. Palmer Lake School There will be a meeting on Wednesday, March 19, at 7:30 p.m. for high school
CLASSES TWICE A WEEK - $12.50/6 SESSIONS age soccer players who are interested in forming a soccer team to play in a
91 M & W April 21 3:30 p.m. Evergreen traveling league.
92 M & W Apr il 13 3 2 4:30 p.m. Evergreen
May 93 T & TH May ADULT COED SOCCER LEAGUE - Post Hi 3:45 p.m. Willow Lane ( Post School
94 M & W May 14 4:00 p.m. Kylawn There will be a meeting on Wednesday, March 19. 8:30 pm. at the Brooklyn
TEEN TENNIS LESSONS Center Community for all adults who are interested in forming a soccer club.
This is for the beginner to the advanced player.
Instruction for students in 7th grade and up. Students will learn basic ground OUTDOOR SUMMER VOLLEYBALL
strokes, serves and volley techniques. Bring your own racquet; balls are
furnished. Classes meet twice a week for 3 weeks. In case of rain, meet at The Brooklyn Center Parks and Recreation Department will be offering Adult
park shelter building. Registration Fee $12.50/6 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Outdoor Summer Volleyball Leagues. To help getthis program off theground
# Day Begins Time Location there will be a meeting on Wednesday, March 19, 8:00 p.m. at the Brooklyn
95 M & W April 21 5:45 p.m. Evergreen Center Community enter, to determine what
96 T & TH May 13 5:00 p.m. Willow Lane y type of league to run. The
league will be for high school graduates and older.
97 M & W May 14 5:30 p.m. Central Park INTERMEDIATE ARCHERY LESSONS - NEW
See Children's Activities for description.
Instruction for adults. Intermediate students must have had previous lessons ENTERTAINMENT IN THE PARK - NEW
and be familiar with basic swings, serves and etiquette. Bring your own
racquet; balls are furnished. Classes meet twice a week for 3 weeks. #'s 98, Brooklyn Center Parks and Recreation Department has planned weekly free
100, 101 Beginning, #99 Intermediate. Registration Fee $12.50/6 Sessions. family entertainment on Tuesday evenings from June 10 through August 12
Classes 1 hour. in Central Park. The 1986 programs will include jazz, dixieland, children's
# Day Begins Time Location and community bands, juggling acts, puppet shows and more. A schedule
98 M & W April 21 7:00 p.m. BCHS will be featured in the Summer Newsletter coming out around May 1.
99 M & W April 21 8:00 P.M. BCHS
100 T & TH May 13 6:05 p.m. Willow Lane SUNDAY IN CENTRAL PARK - JUNE 29
101 M & W May 14 6:30 p.m. Central Park Sunday in Central Park is back and bigger than ever. Kicking off the day's fun
LOCATIONS WHERE TENNIS CLASSES ARE HELD is the Brooklyn Community Children's Chorus followed by the Harmonettes,
Dudley Riggs Brave New Workshop, Celebrity Softball Game and the Brook -
Evergreen Park Courts, 72nd & Bryant Ave. N. lyn Community Band. Fireworks top off the day's festivities. Fun for the whole
Kylawn Park Courts, 61st & Kyle Ave. N. family'.
Willow Lane Park Courts, 69th & Orchard Ave. N.
Central Park, 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway (located behind the EXERCISE FACILITIES/ PROGRAMS
Community Center)
BCHS - Brooklyn Center High School, 6500 Humboldt Ave. N. * Healthbeat - An outdoor one mile exercise course. combining a com-
BROOKLYN CENTER TENNIS CLUB plete physical fitness program with outdoor fun for the whole family. The
course begins and ends at the north end of Central Park, convenient for
Beginning, intermediate and advance levels of tennis play for men and individuals interested in using the facilities at the Community Center.
women. Summer activities include team tennis, ladder play and tournaments. Each station in the course provides three different levels of exercise.
A good opportunity to become acquainted with other tennis players in your Shingle Creek Trailway - separate trails for bikers and hikers. A pleasant
neighborhood at a minimal cost. For more information contact Ron Palosaan, three mile walk or bicycle ride paralleling Shingle Creek and accessible
President 537 -5370. from the Community Center. The trail presently connects from Palmer
Lake Nature Area to Lions Park and with the Minneapolis system.
Get a kick out of soccer this summer in a program everyone can enjoy. This
league is for beginning and intermediate players and emphasis will be on
participation and enjoyment of the game. Basic skills will be taught and
League play will begin in mid -June and run until the 1st week in August. ALL s
Volunteers are needed approximately 3 hours a week for coaching. Referees -
with game experience are needed and will be paid. Registration Fee $19.00 t
includes soccer shirt.
102 3rd -4th Grade Beginners
103 5th -6th Grade Intermediate
104 7th -8th -9th Grade Juniors K
105 10th - 11th -12th Grade High School �� c' { r
106 18 or older Adult Coed Clubi
Special Activities
Come join the fun on these special ADULT scheduled outings. All trips depart The Gallery is available for photography or mixed media shows at various
and return to Brooklyn Center Community Center. For detailed information times throughout the year. A glass showcase is also available for small art
about the trips listed below or to be placed on the "Break Away" mailing list, and hobby collections. Contact Kathy Flesher at 561 -5448 for further infor-
call 561 -5448, ext. 170. mation.
March 13 - Omni Theater "Dream is Alive" & Galtier Plaza
April 10 - Old Log Theater - "Painting Churches" & Lunch at Leeann Chin's PHOTOGRAPHY DARKROOM USE
May 22 - Ordway Music Theatre "Speak Easy Jazz Review" & Lunch in St. The photo darkroom located in the Brooklyn Center Community Center is
Paul open to all interested persons for a fee of $1.00 per hour. Users must furnish
their own chemicals and paper. Persons who have,completed our Darkroom
June 11 - Chanhassen Theater - "Chorus Line" Techniques classes are eligible to use the lab. Persons who have had
darkroom training somewhere else must attend one of our Photo Lab Orien-
tation sessions. See Adult Activities for information.
The 5th Annual Spring Bazaar will be Saturday, March 22, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 GET A TASTE OF BROOKLYN CENTER - NEW
p.m. at the Brooklyn Center Community Center. Many of the fine craftors from
the Holiday Bazaar will be here as well as new talented ones. Shop for The "Life. Be In It." Get a Taste of... program has been set up to introduce
hared- crafted decorations to give your home or office a new touch for Springl citizens to programs, activities and /or facilities in Brooklyn Center they may
There will be many wondersul gifts for Mother's Day, Graduation, Showers! never have tried before. Participants must be a minimum of 19 years old. All
Weddings and Birthdays! Don't forget to tell the Easter Bunnyabout thisgreat activities must be done in Brooklyn Center and all classes taken through the
sale too! No admission charge, and free coffee. Babysitting 406 per hour, per Brooklyn Center Parks and Recreation Department. Keep a record of the
child. STROLLERS MUST BE CHECKED AT DESK. Pictures may not be activities and the dates you participate in them and when you have reached:
taken of the exhibitor tables. Refreshments available from the Brooklyn 5 points, receive a "Life. Be In It." poster
Community Harmonettes. 45 points, receive a "Life. Be In It.' T -shirt.
100 points, receive a "Life. Be In It." plaque.
GRASSFIELD R/C OPEN HOUSE To start on the Get a Taste of Brooklyn Center program, pick up a record
sheet at the Community Center today.
On Friday, April 11, the public is cordially invited to join the fun at 7:30 p.m. at
the Brooklyn Center Community Center. Members will bring in manydifferent "LIFE. BE IN IT." Merchandise
types of radio controlled planes. The club members are pleased to answer
any questions concerning the planes, radio control or any aspects of the "Life. Be In It." is a promotional campaign to increase public awareness of the
hobby. Come and see this exciting hobby! Refreshments will be served. For values of recreation and leisure in one's life. It uses humorous familycharac-
additional information about the club call Bill 537 -6027. ters to help get individuals to place activity higher in the priorities of day -to-
day life.
MINI - 500 TOURNAMENT At the Community Center we have for sale "Life. Be In It." T- shirts, hooded
sweatshirts and hats in a variety of colors and sizes. We also sell swim
Minimum age 18 - No pre -sign up, just bring a partner. Cost $2.50 per person. goggles, caps, nose plugs and Community Center bags. They make a per -
includes coffee. Minnesota state law prohibits gambling and all playersagree fect gift for child or adult. For specific prices, call 561 -5448.
to abide by the rules of the tournament. Tournaments are run by Senior Adult
volunteers on Saturday, April 12 & May 3, 12:30 -3:30 p.m. at the Brooklyn
Center Community Center, 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway. Park and enter on GIFT CERTIFICATES
the lower level. In case of inclement weather, call 561 -5448.
Need a gift idea? If you are tired of giving perfume or cologne for birthday and
holiday gifts, or cannot think of something original, get a Parks and Recrea-
FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT tion gift certificate. We have many classes, swim memberships, trips, special
events and merchandise for all ages and interests in any monetary value.
Get the whole family together for a Movie and Free Swim at the Community The certificates are available in the Parks and Recreation Department at the
Center. First, beginning at 7:00 p.m. see the movie. After the movie, stay for a Brooklyn Center Community Center, 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway, Brooklyn
free swim, relax in the Sauna or work out in the Exercise Room. All children Center, MN 55430. For information call 561 -5448.
must be accompanied by an adult. Church groups and youth groups are
welcome. Admission fee is $1.25. (Children under 5 admitted free.) A great
night of family entertainment. BROOKLYN CENTER WOMEN'S CLUB
Friday, March 7 - "Herbie Goes Bananas" The Brooklyn Center Women's Club meets at 1:00 p.m. the second Tuesday
of every month September through May in the Social Hall of the Brooklyn
ADAPTED RECREATION Center Community Center. The purpose of the organization is to promote
social, cultural and civic activities for area women. Membership is open to
The adapted recreation program is a cooperative effort of the cities of any women over the age of 21. Yearly dues are only $5.00. A variety of
• Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Crystal, Golden Valley, Maple Grove, New programs are presented, followed by refreshments and a social time. On the
Hope, Plymouth, Robbinsdale, and West Hennepin Community Center. 4th Tuesday of the month, except in case of scheduling difficulties, a trip or
tour to an interesting place in the vicinity is planned. On March 11, a style
West Hennepin Community Center is an agency serving mentally handi- show will be presented by Casual Corner. A Book Fair will also be held. On
capped and developmentally delayed individuals and their families in the April 8, a Plant Seminar will be conducted by Diane Cresswell and continua -
West and Northwest Hennepin area. Services include information and tion of the Book Fair. On May 13, we will enjoy a Spring Luncheon, starting
referral, advocacy, counseling. Programs include social/ recreational with the social hour at noon. Entertainment will be provided by the North
clubs and education programs. Hennepin Jazz Singers. Officers for the coming year will be installed. In
Bowling Saturdays and a social club is offered for EMH and TMH March, the club will tour the Fillebroun House in White Bear Lake. In April we
g on y young 9 will go by bus to Eau Claire, Wis. for lunch and play at the Fanny Hill Dinner
adults and adults age 16 +. A Saturday club program is offered for TMH Theatre. A tour of Fort Snelling will conclude the season on May 27. Call
children 6 -15 years old. For further information or to be on the mailing list 562 -4025 for more information regarding meetings and trips.
for future programs, call Tracy Wahl, 933 -9105.
Lessons are offered by the Happy Face Square Dance Club from 7:30 -9:30 The Harmonettes are women over high school age who enjoy music. Perfor-
p.m. at Northport Elementary School. The cost is $2.00 per person with the mances are given throughout the metro area with an annual spring finale
first lesson free to newcomers. Both singles and couples are welcome. show. The show is developed each year with new songs, costumes and
Dances are held the third Sat. of each month at NVJH from 8 -11 p.m. For more choreographed dances accompanied by a four piece band. There is a
information, call 566 -2554. nominal registration fee. The group is co- sponsored by Brooklyn Center and
Brooklyn Park Parks and Recreation Departments. For information call 561-
5448: Rehearsals are Mondays, 8:00 p.m. at Brooklyn Junior High School,
BROOKLYN COMMUNITY BAND new members welcome. Director Jane Vigue Wilson.
The band is co- sponsored by the Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park Parks
and Recreation Departments and is open to all post high school age men and JOB OPENINGS
women. Practice is on Monday nights at North View Jr. High. New members
are welcome. For more information call the Parks and Recreation Depart-
The Brooklyn Center Parks and Recreation Department is now taking appli-
ment at 561 -5448. Director Woody Hoiseth. cations for the following positions: Playcenter leaders, puppetry, lifeguards,
swim instructors, preschool, and special interest and hobby instructors
(woodwork, rocketry, gymnastics, etc.) The minimum age for employment is
16 years. For more information about these positions or to apply, call 561-
Swim Activities
Swim registration starts at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 8. 1986. All other CHILDREN'S SWIM LESSONS
class registrations begin at 1:00 p.m. (numbers given out 1 hour before
registering). WHEN REGISTERING FOR SWIM LESSONS PLEASE GIVE US Red Cross Beginning through Swimmers instruction forboysand girlsages6
THE NUMBER OF THE CLASS. and older. Classes have an average ratio of 5 students/ instructor. Registra-
tion Fee $16.00/10 Lessons. Classes 30 min.
# Day Begins Time Location
PARENT AND TOT SWIM LESSONS 127 Sat. March 22 10:45 a.m. CC
128 Sat. March 22 11:15 a.m. CC
Lesson in water adjustment for children ages 2 & 3. One parent must accom- 129 Mon. March 24 6:35 p.m. NVJH
pany the child in the water, preferably the same parent each time. Registra- 130 Mon. March 24 7:10 p.m. NVJH
tion Fee $16.00/10 Lessons. Classes 30 min. 131 Tues. March 25 6:35 p.m. CC
CLASSES ONCE A WEEK FOR 10 WEEKS 132 Tues. March 25 7:10 p.m. CC
# Day Begins Time Location 133 Wed. March 26 6:35 p.m. NVJH
110 Sat. March 22 10:05 a.m. CC 134 Wed. March 26 7:10 p.m. NVJH
111 Mon. March 24 6:00 p.m. NVJH 135 Thurs. March 27 6:35 p.m. CC
112 Tues. March 25 6:00 p.m. CC 136 Thurs. March 27 7:10 p.m. CC
113 Wed. March 26 6:00 p.m. NVJH
114 Thurs. March 27 6:00 p.m. CC
115 M & W March 24 10:05 a.m. CC
116 M & W April 28 10:05 a.m. CC Beginner through Swimmer level swim instruction for adult and high school
age. Here is an opportunity to learn to swim or brush up on your strokes.
Classes are 40 minutes in length. Registration Fee $23.50/10 Lessons.
# Day Begins Time Location
Swimming instruction for 4 and 5 year olds. Parents do not accompany the 137 Sat. March 22 10:40 a.m. CC
child in the water. The following lessons levels are taught: Water Adjustment, 138 Tues. March 25 7:45 p.m. CC
Beginner and Advanced Beginner. Average ratio of 5 students/ instructor. 139 Thurs. March 27 7:45 p.m. CC
Registration Fee $16.00/10 Lessons. Classes 30 min. DAYTIME CLASSES TWICE A WEEK FOR 5 WEEKS
CLASSES ONCE A WEEK FOR 10 WEEKS 140 M & W March 24 11:15 a.m. CC
# Day Begins Time Location 141 M & W April 28 11:15 a.m. CC
117 Sat. March 22 9:30 a.m. CC
118 Sat. March 22 10:05 a.m. CC
119 Mon. March 24 6:00 p.m. NVJH ADULT SUPER CHICKEN
120 Tues, March 25 6:00 p.m. CC
121 Wed. March 26 6:00 p.m. NVJH Separate classes for those persons, high school age and up, who have a real
122 Thurs. March 27 6:00 p.m. CC fear of water. Here is an opportunity to overcome that fear and learn to enjoy
DAYTIME CLASSES TWICE A WEEK FOR 5 WEEKS the sport. Registration Fee $23.50/10 Lessons. Super Chicken classes are
123 M & W March 24 9:30 a.m. CC held the same days and times as adult lessons, see schedule.
124 M & W March 24 10:40 a.m. CC
125 M & W April 28 9:30 a.m. CC
126 M & W April 28 10:40 a.m. CC SENIOR ADULT SWIMMING LESSONS
American Red Cross swim lessons for men and women ages 62 years and
CHILDCARE SERVICE older. Here is a chance to brush up on skills you have already learned,
experience new skills or start right from the very beginning. We also have
The "PLAY- CORNER" will be provided for parents attending morning room for "Super Chickens." Registration Fee $23.50/10 Lessons. Classes
classes, programs, meetings or swimming at the Community Center. The same days and times as adult lessons. Brooklyn Center residents $11.50/10
minimum age is 6 months. The cost is 65¢ per child per hour for each Lessons.
preschool child. The "PLAY- CORNER" will be open Monday- Friday 9:00
a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Additional times may be noted in the description of adult
classes. For further information, call 561 -5448.
Private lessons are available at the Community Center and North View Jr. All boys and girls age 6 and up are invited to join the Brooklyn Swim Club, the
High for a fee of $9.00 /half hour. Call the Community Center for further local Minnesota U.S. Swimming Club for competitive swimming. B.S.C. pro -
information. 561 -5448, ext. 171 vides an opportunity to meet new friends, improve swimming strokes, build
ADAPTIVE SWIM LESSONS self- confidence through goal- setting and learn good sportsmanship through
competitive swimming. For further information call 561-5448, ext. 171 B.S.C.
Swimming lessons for children and adults of all ages who are physically is sponsored by Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park Parks and Recreation
and /or mentally handicapped. Classes are one half hour in length with a ratio Departments. A free two week trial period is offered to any interested
of one student to one instructor. Registration Fee $16.00/10 Lessons. swimmer who would like to try competitive swimming.
# Day Begins Time Location
142 Sat. March 22 9:30 a.m. CC
Beginning lessons on the 1 and 3 meter springboard for children who are
intermediate or better swimmers. Registration Fee $15.00/10 Lessons. Clas-
# Day Begins Time Location Memberships entitle the member use of the Swimming Pool, Exercise
143 Tues. March 25 6:30 p.m. cc Room and Sauna during recreational or "open' periods.
Family $62.00 105.00 178.00
A Red Cross course for persons age 15 and older. Students must be able to Individual $35.00 58.00 99.00
perform standing front dive, swim underwater, tread water and swim 500 Family membership will be limited to parents and children living at home 20
continuous yards. CPR, MMFA and 6 hours of studentguarding time will also years of age and under.
be part of the course. Attendance is required and absences will not be made
up. Registration Fee $45.00/8 Sessions and includes all materials needed. SENIOR ADULT RATES
Classes 3 hours. Instructors Steve Froehlich, Barb Pierce. No class May 26.
# Day Begins Time Location 3 month membership for Brooklyn Center residents 62 years & older -
144 Mon. April 14 7 -10:00 p.m. NVJH $7.00.
Workshop Days: Sat., May 3, May 17 - 9:00 a.m. at the Community Center Single admission rate for Senior Adults resident or non - resident 62 years
May 31 - Twin Lake Beach and older, $1.25.
This class is designed for adults interested in underwater diving and whoare Adult (18 & over) $2.25
comfortable in the water. Each person must provide his own mask, fins and Youth (15 -17) $1.75
snorkel in the second lesson. Other equipment will be provided. Class is 4 Children (5 -14) $1.50
hours in length and will meet once a week for 5 weeks. Open water divesare
an additional part of the class. On completion of the course an internationally
recognized certification card will be awarded. Instructor Terry Nooner. OPEN SWIM SCHEDULE
Registration Fee $80.00/5 Weeks. FRIDAY
# Day Begins Time Location 9:00 a.m. - WEDNESDAY
145 Sun. March 23 4:00 p.m. CC
146 Sun. April 27 4:00 p.m. CC TUESDAY - THURSDAY
8:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. (Adults only)
MARCH - St. Patrick's Specia! - Wear green and swim for half price! Enjoy SATURDAY
FREE POPCORN all day Sunday, March 15, 1:00 -6:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m (Adults Only - NEW)
APRIL - Have fun at our Easter Egg Match on Saturday, April 5 1:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
MAY - Take a Double -Dip - Come and take a dip in our pool. Have a dip of ice 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
cream before leaving - Saturday, May 17
Watch for further information distributed by the Parks and Recreation 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Department Adults and /or organized groups only
SCUBA OPEN SWIM The wading pool is open to children ONLY when supervised by a
parent. The wading pool is closed during the following hours:
A special time to practice for persons with scuba equipment only. Designed Tuesday & Thursday - 4:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
for those taking scuba instruction as well as any other interested persons. Saturday - 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Cost: $75 per time. School age children ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE BUILDING DURING
# Day Begins Time Location SCHOOL HOURS. On school holidays students will be admitted at 1:00 p.m.
147 Thurs. March 27 8:30 p.m. NVJH Children under 1st grade MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT in the
NORTH VIEW OPEN SWIM building at all times.
Begins March 27, Thursday - 7:30 -8:30 p.m. Cost - 50¢ /Swim. EXERCISE ROOM & SAUNA SCHEDULE
The North View Junior High Pool and Gymnasium, located at 69th and Zane 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Avenue North are available for rental at various times during the weekend.
Call the Community Center at 561 -5448 for further information. Cost: Pool 9:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
$20.00 /per hour. Gym $6.00 /per hour. 8:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. (Adults only)
9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
The Community Center Pool is available for rental by your school, group, or The use of the Exercise Room is limited to 15 years old and up. The use of the
party at various times during the week. Call the Community Center at 561- Sauna is limited to 18 years and up. CHILDREN YOUNGER THAN THIS WILL
5448 for further information. Cost: $42.00 /per hour. NOT BE ALLOWED EVEN IF ACCOMPANIED BY A PARENT.
Can you swim 10 miles? You may want to take advantage of this opportune
All you need to do is obtain a card and fill it out on your own. Start by GAMEROOM
Enjoy our gameroom equipped with jukebox, pool, video games and pinball.
swimming 1 14 mile at a time. Earn A Red Cross certificate and patch. Mark your
card after each time you swim. Begin today! Any questions about "Life. Be In It Snackbar
and Swim' contact Gayle at 561 -5448. Visit our refreshment area, located next to the game room.
c " Bulk Rate
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 2170
1. All registration must be made at the Park and Recreation office in
the Community Center beginning at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. March 8
(numbers will be handed out at noon). (Swim registration is sepa-
rate - see box).
BROOKLYN CENTER — Registration made by mail will not be accepted before March 10.
PARKS AND RECREATION No phone registrations.
ADVISORY COMMISSION 2. On the opening day of registration, Saturday, March 8, a person may
The Parks and Recreation Commission meets on the 3rd Tuesday sign up for himself or his immediate family ONLY. After this date,
of each month, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers. This Commission
you may register for as many people as you wish.
advises the City Council on the Parks and Recreation Program in 3. The Parks and Recreation office in the Community Center is open
Brooklyn Center. Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. -10:30 p.m.; Saturday, 9:00
a.m. -9:00 p.m.; Sunday, 1:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m.
Dale Bloomstrand Bud Sorenson, Chairperson Dave Skeels q Where Classes are limited, registration will be on the first come -
Carl Manson Don Peterson Larry Propst first serve basis. Persons are not considered registered until the
THE BROOKLYN CENTER fee has been paid. The Parks and Recreation Department reserves
PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT the right to cancel classes or activities when an insufficient
number of people sign up.
Dedicated to the Citizens of Brooklyn Center that they may share in Instructor will not be permitted to accept registration at the ac
the God given right to beauty, to sunshine, to tranquility; and to the 5. Instructor
end that each may herein find the laughter of childhood, the accep- 6. Should you find it necessary to transfer session or class times,
tance of youth, the fulfillment of adult life, and the companionship of this may be done if an opening exists by paying a 500 transfer
old age, through a healthy, satisfying use of leisure time. fee per class. All transfers must be done in person at the Commu-
Arnie Mavis - Director of Recreation nity Center.
Dick Ploumen - Superintendent of Parks 7. Request for refunds must be received at least 24 hours before the
Kathy Flesher - Program Supervisor second class session, however, there will be a $3.00 service
Susan LaCrosse - Program Supervisor charge on any refund before the first class begins and a $4.00
Gayle Gardner - Aquatic Supervisor service charge before the second class begins. Refund policy
except where noted in class description.
REGISTRATION CARDS ARE FOR MAIL USE ONLY. 8 Persons who register for an activity where capacity enrollment
WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BEFORE MONDAY, MAR. 10 has already been reached... will go on a waiting list. Additional
6301 Shingle Creek Parkway, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 classes may be formed if there are sufficient requests and if
space and competent instruction is available.
9. Senior Citizens, 62 years and over, who are residents of Brooklyn
NAME Center may enjoy most activity classes at 1 /2 the registration fee.
(Last) (First) This does not apply to supplies or special Senior Classes which
are at a special rate.
ADDRESS 10. Check schedule for beginning date of each class.
(Zip) 11. Sorry, no trip refunds, unless cancelled by the Parks & Recreation
12. Class attendance is limited to participants. Spectators, including
(Phone) (Work Phone) parents, are not allowed except with permission. This includes
ACTIVITY For Further Information call 561 -5448
(Location) Swim Registration for Swimming Lessons which are to be conducted
at the Community Center Pool and North View Jr. High will be held
CLASS # TIME Saturday, March 8 starting at 9:00 a.m. at the COMMUNITY CENTER.
Mail registrations will not be accepted for Swimming Lessons.
CLASS DAY AMOUNT (Numbers will be handed out at 8:00 a.m.)