HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 Edition 48 December 31 THE SOMETHING MORE CITY NEWSLETTER s ti I Ij� :tea L Includes the r 1986 Winter 1 f{ Brooklyn Center Parks & Recreation Department Brochure (Registration Begins Jan 4) 4 y 11 �. l 1 I - "� �•� ' r � t 1 1 f _ r TIME SENSITIVE MAIL: Deliver to the home by Dec. 28 CITY OF BROok[YN CENTER MANAGER S NO. 48 DEC 1985 City Council Adopts With 6% Tax Lev y Increase The Brooklyn Center City Council imately 16 cents from every property debt services, increased 8 %. adopted the 1986 City Budget calling tax dollar that is collected in Brooklyn Some highlights of the 1986 City for a property tax levy increase of 6 Center. The remainder goes to public Budget are as follows: the continua - percent of 1985. However, the City schools, the County and various other tion of existing service levels; an addi- mill rate is projected to increase only taxing entities. The total share of the tion of one police officer; dramatic 2.7 percent because of an increase in City's property tax on the average projected increases in insurance assessable valuation. home is expected to be around $87. costs; the upgrading of government The annual City tax (the City's por- The total 1986 City Budget of access to cable television; the conti- tion of the overall levy) on the average $7,870,385, which includes operating Continued on Page 4 home in Brooklyn Center should expenses, debt service, and capital increase by only $1.08 (or 1.3 %) due outlay, increased 4.7% over the 1985 City Will to recent changes in the tax law. budget. The net operating budget, Currently, the City receives approx- which excludes capital outlay and Have 75th File Homestead Anniversary January, 1911...the residents of Property Tax Cards southeastern Brooklyn Township and eastern Crystal Lake Township took the first legal action for the An application for homesteading If you are filing for homestead for creation of the Village of Brooklyn your property must be filed everyyear. the first time on your property, you Center. To assist with the 1986 filing, the City must first present the required owner- January 16... the County Com- Assessor's Office will be mailing ship information to the City Asses- missioners approved the necessary applications to homeowners during sor's Office, 6301 Shingle Creek petition to incorporate the village. the last week in December. Parkway, as soon as possible after February 14. . . the election The Homestead Application Card the closing. The homestead applica- necessary to accomplish this task will be attached to your 1986 Property tion will then be mailed to the was held at "Earle Brown's garage at Valuation Notice. The homestead homeowner. the old Martin Farm on the Hopper card must be separated from the The documents needed to satisfy Road within the territory described valuation notice, completed and the ownership requirements are: in said petition." Eighty three votes returned to the City Assessor's Office 1. Warranty Deed, or 2. Contract for were cast. . . 69 in favor, and 14 no later than January 15, 1986. Deed, or 3. Certificate of Title, or against. You are eligible for this tax credit, 4. Probate Deed, or 5. Quit Claim February 18, 1911... the incorpo- as well as the circuit breaker refund, y Deed. ration papers for the Village were As well as having the assessed filed in the Secretary of State's you own and occupy your property value of your homestead property Office. as a homestead on January 2, 1986. computed at a lower rate than non- The community of Brooklyn Cen- homestead residential property, you ter will be celebrating its 75th Anni- also receive a homestead credit of 54 versary in 1986, and a general bCitizen inquiries and requests may percent of your gross tax, up to a max- committee has been meeting to plan Lion, if there is any question regard- be directed at the City Admr r imum of $700 on the first $68,000 of the celebration. - ing a service that we are authorized market value. For information on specific activi- to perform, please call us at For additional information, please ties, or to find out how to be involved 561 -5440. call the City Assessor's Office at 561- in the festivities, please call the City 5440. Hall at 561 -5440. 2 How To Avoid; What To Do In Case of Sewer Backup A sewer backup in the home can be their work to prevent the occurrence oline, oil, solvents, or similar products) avoided in some instances by follow- of a secondary backup. down the drain. ing a few precautionary measures, as Safety hazards relating to the use of • Always keep water in floor drains suggested by the Public Utility the sewer service can also be avoided and sink traps to avoid a buildup of Department. by following these suggestions: sewer gas in the home. Avoid flushing of non - degradable • Never mix household or industrial • Be sure the vents on your plumbing materials down the sewer. Materials strength cleaning agents for the pur- system are operating properly. If the which will not readily disintegrate in pose of cleaning out your sewer ser- flushing of a toilet causes the water in water include metal, wood, plastic, vice lines. Many mixtures produce your sink traps to gurgle, this is a rubber, cloth, sand, glass, heavy duty lethal fumes. warning signal which indicates pos- paper products, newspaper and sim- • Never pour flammable liquids (gas- sible blockage of the venting system. ilar products, including sanitary napkins. Disposable diapers can also cause Please Help Yourself problems; therefore, it is important to And Recyle Items follow the manufacturers disposal recommendations. Regardless, the plastic outer covers do not belong in Many items such as newspapers, of the waste is trucked to the region's the sewer and will cause problems. pop cans, milk cartons, ketchup bot- 11 sanitary landfills which are rapidly If sewer backup or other drainage tles and junk mail join the potato becoming filled. problem occurs, call the City's Public peels, coffee grounds and orange The recycling process, or the reuse Utility Department at 561 -5440, rinds in the trash can. Some of these of many waste materials, is an alterna- extension 134, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 items should be disposed of prop - p.m., Monday through Friday. After erly... through recycling. t trash to tossing all solid wastes into the According to statistics, each resi- and burying them in landfills. hours or weekends, call the Police 9 Department Dispatcher at 561 -5443. dent in the Twin Cities metropolitan To obtain a directory listing of all of A City crew will then check to see if area generated approximately 6.8 the recycling centers in your area, the problem is located in the main pounds of trash per day. please contact the Metropolitan sewer, and, if so, it will be corrected by This individual amount translates to Council's Public Information Office at the crew. If the main sewer is clear, more than 2.5 million tons of solid 291 -6464, and request a copy of the you will be advised that the problem is waste each year for the region. Most Recycle It Directory. located in your service line and it is your responsibility to have the prob- lem corrected. City of Brooklyn Center Sewer backups are frequently found to be caused by roots which CITY COUNCIL have grown into the property's sewer DeanNyquist ............................. ..........................Mayor service line. Removal of these roots often causes a chain reaction of prob- Bill Hawes ..................... ............................... Councilman lems. Once the roots are removed Gene Lhotka ................... ............................... Councilman from the line, they may be pushed out Celia Scott .................. .............................. Councilwoman into the main sewer, where they again Rich Theis .................. ..... . .......................... Councilman I create a blockage. _ g Gerald Splinter .............. . ...... , ................ Manager The secondary blockage may SERVICE DIRECTORY i cause backups which are much more serious than the original blockage on Emergency Number (24 Hours) the service line... both for the prop- POLICE- FIRE - MEDICAL .. ............. ............................... 911 erty owner and neighboring houses. Police (non - emer( ency, information) ................., ....... ... 561 -5443 To avoid this problem with secondary City Han offices .. ............................... .......... 551 -5440 i blockages, any property owner or (Monday- Friday -- 6 A.M. to 4 30 P.M.) i plumbing contractor who removes Community Center ................. ... 561 -5443 roots from a sewer service line is CITY OFFICES asked to contact the City's Public 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway Utility Department prior to starting. Brooklyn Center, Minnesota 55430 The City's crew will then coordinate 3 BudgetContinued from Page 2 APPROPRIATIONS BY FUNCTION nuation of the contracted street seal- public hearings during September, DEBT RETIREMENT 4.7 °„ coating program; and project before adoption on September 23. UNALLOCATED 8.1 %, increased costs for diseased shade The 155 -page detailed 1986 tree removal. Budget document is available for The City Manager presented the review at the City Hall, 6301 Shingle RECREATION proposed 1986 City Budget to the Creek Parkway, or the Hennepin 17.5 "„ Council in August, with discussions County Public Library in Brooklyn about the Budget during a series of Center. GENERAL GOVERNMENT Transportation Program 188'< PUBLIC SAFETY 29.6 °s For Senior Residents PUBLIC WORKS 20.8,0 Under a Joint Powers Agreement (accessible and /or non - accessible), the five cities of Brooklyn Center, New depending on need. HEALTH, WELFARE 0.5`3, Hope, Crystal, Golden Valley and Persons wanting a ride are Robbinsdale are sponsoring a trans- requested to call the program coordi- portation program available to resi- nator at least 48 hours in advance to dents 60 -years of age and older. make the reservation, and refer to the DISTRIBUTION The purpose of the program is to published schedule. provide transportation from areas of OF TAX DOLLARS high senior adult concentration to The schedule is established based community sponsored activities and on program priorities which are com- METRO TRANSIT 2.9 social service programs, along with munity sponsored activities and con- OVO-TECH CITY OF congregate dining, shopping excur- gregate dining. BROOKLYN sions and special events. The service For additional information, please CENTER will be a variable fixed route, utilizing call 537 -4534, extension 33, Monday 15.9% g y• transit buses and mini - coaches through Friday. Resolve Disputes Through Mediation SSE° HOOL L DISTRICT 279 49.4% The Brooklyn Center Mediation borrowers; business partners; resi- Project (BCMP), 5136 North Lilac dents and agencies; offenders and Drive, serves anyone living or working victims; friends and litigants. SCHOOLS 1.4 9 % in the north suburban Hennepin Have a N,:, Call BCMP at MISCELLANEOUS 2.1% County area. 536 -1121. It is free. It is confidential. It is fast and it works. The phone number for BCMP is 536 -1121. MASTER, I'M SORRY I RAN Our pets can't learn our phone number or Mediation is a non - threatening, AWAY, BUT I WANT TO pull out an ID card. non - judgemental way for community COME HOME.. residents to settle disputes without The only way your pet can carry expense or delay. „Mon@ + information is around its neck. Keep a Mediation is based upon coopera- collar with a current license on it, tion and not competition, with both It's your lost )bet's ticket homel parties working towards a mutually agreeable settlement. o, o For more license information, Mediation has been used success- Call the Brooklyn Center Police Department, fully in cases involving neighbors; 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (except Sunday) businesses and consumers; landlords 561 -5443 and tenants; family members; acquaintances; juveniles; lenders and 4 Please Follow Regulations To Aid In Snow Removal As the winter season begins, the Driving snowmobiles anywhere on may be dumped or pushed onto any City of Brooklyn Center reminds resi- City streets or on public property is public street or sidewalk. dents of the regulations which are prohibited in Brooklyn Center. Occasionally, snow plowing opera - required for effective snow removal in tions result in damage to mailboxes. the community. Safety Tips tY The City will assume responsibility for Residents are also reminded to repairing that damage, only if the mail - Snow Plowing warn their children not to play in the box and its supporting post are prop - Procedures snow piles made by the plows. Plow operators often cannot see children erly located behind the curb line or Street and sidewalk crews will in these banks, and children could be edge of street, and if the damage is the operate when there has been a snow- buried in snow or serious) hurt. result of actual physical contact by the fall of more than 2 1 /2 inches, or if con- y plow. The City will not assume ditions warrant plowing. The crews Please remember to clear snow responsibility for damage to mail - will begin shortly after the storm sub- from around fire hydrants in your boxes which protrude into the street, sides, with the City divided into 9 dis- neighborhood. The Fire Depart- or which are damaged simply by tricts, and a street plow assigned to ment's ability to find the hydrant and snow pressure. each district. have immediate access to it, could make a big difference in their ability to Cooperation in following these reg- Arterial streets are cleared first, then control a fire. ulations along with common sense in residential streets. The plow must many of these areas will help to insure make several passes on the streets... Other Regulations a safe and effective job of snow remo- two to clear and two or more to widen No snow removed from any private val and the absence of unncessary the street. Since plowing routes are property, yard, driveway or parking lot prcblems. sometimes long, it may be one or two hours between the clearing passes and the widening passes. Reduce Chances of Apologies are offered in advance for plugged driveways; however, it is an unavoidable side effect of well- Fatality By Having plowed streets and walks. To reduce the frustration of shoveling out the end of your driveway twice, it is suggested Smoke Detectors that you wait until the street is plowed out to its full width. Reducing the chances of having a and extinguished early in their Parking, Traffic fire fatality in the home, when eve- development. ryone is asleep, by 60 percent can be Certain guidelines should be fol- Regulations done by providing a smoke detector in lowed when purchasing a smoke Residents are reminded not to park each bedroom area, and at the top of detector. on streets during the winter months, every stairway. • Buy a smoke detector that has a and especially during and after a According to law, all rented dwel- full description of its operation; snowfall. Vehicles will be ticketed lings must have smoke detectors instructions for installations; informa- and towed away, if necessary, when intalled, and the detectors must meet tion about the expected life of its com- obstructing the clearing of the streets. certain regulations indicated by the ponents such as the photo - electric No parking is allowed on any street Minnesota Department of Public bulb or batteries; and make sure it has or alley, for more than four consecu- Safety. the Underwriters Laboratory (UL) Seal tive hours between midnight and 8 of Approval. a.m., or for more than six consecutive The majority of deaths by fire are hours at any other time. The parking not due to burns, but are the result of • the detector r location ban is strictly enforced during the smoke inhalation occurring during cal power cord, consider the he l occation l winter months. the night when the family is asleep. of electrical outlets in the home. Please do not pull close behind Since smoke spreads faster than • If it is an electrical detector that snow removal equipment, staying at heat, smoke detectors should give wires into house current, remember to least 100 feet behind snowplows to faster warning than heat detectors. In consider the installation costs. allow them to stop as needed. Also, do addition to saving lives, smoke detec- For additional information, please not pass snowplows as they are tors can also help reduce property contact the Brooklyn Center Fire working on local streets. loss because fires can be detected Department at 561 -5440. 5 1986 WINTER PARKS & RECREATION C IO - % BROCHURE 31 at Adult Activities LOCATIONS WHERE CLASSES ARE HELD 25 LBS. PLUS Brooklyn Center High School (BCHS), 65th & Humboldt Ave. N. This very popular exercise class is unique and different because you must be Brooklyn Center Community Center (CC), 6301 Shingle Creek Pkwy. at least 25 lbs. or more overweight! If you've tried to lose weight many times Brooklyn Jr. High School (BJHS), 7400 Noble Ave. N. and other exercise classes weren't for you, try this one! Together exercise, Earle Brown School, 59th & Humboldt Ave. N. talk, exercise, work, laugh and support each other while trying to lose extra Elm Creek Park Reserve (ECPR), Osseo pounds. All you need is extra pounds, a sense of humor, loose clothes and a Evergreen School, 70th & Dupont Ave. N. need to TRY AGAIN! Weigh -in will be optional. Wear comfortable clothesand Fair Oaks School, 5600 65th Ave. N. bring a mat. Registration Fee $12.50/ 10 Sessions. Classes 50 min. Instructor Garden City School, 3501 65th Ave. N. Joanne Lenzen. Northport School, 5421 Brooklyn Blvd. # Day Begins Time Location North View Jr. High School (NVJH), 69th & Zane Ave. N. 8 Mon. Jan. 13 6:30 p.m. Evergreen Orchard Lane School, 6201 Noble Ave. N. 9 Thurs. Jan. 16 7:00 p.m. Evergreen Palmer Lake School, 73rd & West Palmer Lake Drive Park Center High School (PCHS), 7300 Brooklyn Blvd. FIT OR FAT SYSTEM - NEW Willow Lane School, 70th & Perry Ave. N. Take a look at Covert Bailey's innovative system for optimum fitness and CHILDCARE SERVICE health in three separate one hour sessions. Trained by Covert Bailey, Kath- leen Ketterhagen, fitness and health instructor, will be the presenter. Single The "PLAY- CORNER" will be provided for parents attending morning session fee $2.00 or all three sessions $6.00 per person. Listed below are a classes, programs, meetings or swimming at the Community Center. The few of the topics to be covered in each session. Take advantage of this minimum age is 6 months. The cost is 65¢ per child per hour for each location opportunity to learn concepts which will help you become the best preschool child. The "PLAY- CORNER" will be open Monday- Friday 9:00 you can be. Sessions 1 hour. a.m. to 12:15 p.m. beginning January 6th. Additional times maybe noted in the #10 - Why we need aerobics, how to pick a good program, easy tricks to start description of adult classes. For further information call 561 -5448. an exercise program and which exercises and equipment lack aerobic benefits. #11 - Body Fat - Why body weight isn't important, how to set and compute realistic weight goals and tools and techniques in lowering body fat. #12 - NUTRITION - How to evaluate and design your own healthy diet, "Get- ting the Fat Out" slide show and the Target Diet Concept. # Day Date Time Location 10 Mon. Jan. 13 7:30 p.m. CC 11 Wed. Jan. 22 7:30 p.m. BCHS 12 Mon. Jan. 27 7:30 p.m. BCHS _., TRIMNASTICS SENIOR AQUA EXERCISE Exercises to strengthen, improve muscle tone and flexibility for all parts of the A fun and healthy class for both men and women 62 years and older. You do body will be taught. Stomach, hips and thigh exercises are all part of the fun! not need to be a swimmer or put your face in the water. Please furnish No dancing will be done, exercises choreographed to music. Dress comfor- doctor's name and number when registering. Registration fee $6.00/10 Ses- tably and bring a mat to evening class. Registration Fee $12.50/ 10 Sessions. sions. Classes 50 min. Instructor Jan Neitzert. Classes 50 min. Instructors Nancy Candea #'s 13 & 14, Bev Wilson # 15. # Day Begins Time Location CLASSES ONCE A WEEK — $10.00/8 WEEKS 1 Tues. Jan. 14 9:15 a.m. CC # Day Begins Time Location 13 Mon. Jan. 13 6:30 p.m. Garden City AQUA EXERCISE CLASSES ONCE A WEEK - $12.50/10 WEEKS Exercise in water for better health and a trimmer figure. You do not need to be 14 Wed. Jan. 15 7:00 p.m. Earle Brown a swimmer or put your face in the water. Enjoy a pleasant and invigorating 15 Thurs. Jan. 16 10:30 a.m. CC experience through this unique approach to exercise with music. Some DANCING FIT aerobics will also be included. Registration Fee $12.50/10 Classes. Classes 50 min. Instructor Jan Neitzert #'s 2 & 4, Deana Hotchkins #'s 3, 5, 6. Fit your exercise to music, for a fun way to shape up and relieve the stress CLASSES ONCE A WEEK - 10 WEEKS and strain of everday living. No dance background necessary. A great class # Day Begins Time Location for people who have never exercised before or for anyone who has tried 2 Tues. Jan. 14 10:15 a.m. CC aerobics and because of age, weight or medical reasons would like a modi- 3 Tues. Jan. 14 7:20 p.m. NVJH fied class. Improve your figure and fitness! Registration Fee $12.50/10 Ses- 4 Thurs. Jan. 16 9:15 a.m. CC sions. Classes 50 min. Instructor Bev Wilson. CLASSES TWICE A WEEK - 5 WEEKS # Day Begins Time Location 5 T & Th Jan. 14 6:30 p.m. NVJH 16 Mon. Jan. 13 10:30 a.m. CC 6 T & Th Feb. 18 6:30 p.m. NVJH AQUA EXERCISE - 25 LBS. PLUS BEGINNING WOMEN'S AEROBICS - NEW Not to be taken lightly! Everyone has to start somewhere, why not thisaerobic A popular class, unique and different because you must be at least 25 lbs. dance class! If your interest is getting into good shape (and found holidays overweight to participate! Swimming skills are not necessary. Registration DIDN'T help) and have never exercised or found other classes too hard to Fee $12.50/10 Sessions. Classes 50 min. Instructor Jan Neitzert. follow... this is it!!! Registration Fee $12.50/10 Sessions. Classes 50 min. # Day Begins Time Location Instructor Susan Luttenegger. 7 Wed. Jan. 15 6:30 p.m. NVJH # Day Begins Time Location 17 Wed. Jan. 15 7:00 p.m. Willow Lane 6 ADULT ACTIVITIES CONTINUED PRENATAL FITNESS WOMEN'S EXERCISE & AEROBIC DANCE A class simple enough for safety but challenging enough to improve your flexibility, strength and stamina. You will learn exercises to encourage the The class is fun, challenging and includes AEROBIC movements in dance correct use of your body as it slowly changes. Keep fit for a healthier delivery combinations. This class is a physical fitness program that offers complete and easier comeback. Please check with your doctor and bring a written OK and effective conditioning for muscles, heart and lungs. It's a combination of to the first session. Registration Fee $15.00/10 Sessions. Classes 50 min. dancing for the fun of it and dancing for more ENERGY EVERYDAY! No Instructor Bev Wilson. dance background necessary. Babysitting available for morning classes - # Day Begins Time Location see Childcare Service. Fitness experts encourage participants to register for 36 Tues. Jan. 14 6:00 p.m. CC 2 days per week if possible. Registration Fee $12.50/10 Sessions. Classes 50 min. Instructors Bev Wilson #'s 18.19, 21, 23, Jolene Morris #'s 22, 24, 25, BEGINNING BALLROOM DANCE Betty Basarich #'s 20, 26. Day Begins Time Location For couples only. Dancing is a skill that can be learned. Don't sit on the side # # Mon. Jan. s Time a.m. Lo lines and watch others enjoy themselves. Learn the Waltz, Foxtrot, Swing, 19 Tues. Jan. 14 5:00 p.m. CC Polka and Schottische. Be ready for the next Wedding Dance or a night out 20 Tues. Jan. 14 5 :05 p.m. Willow Lane on the town! Registration Fee $23.00/8 Sessions. Class 1 hr. Instructor Les 21 Tues. Jan. 14 7:00 p.m. CC Eck. # Day Begins Time Location 22 Tues. Jan. 14 8:00 P.M. CC 23 Thurs. Jan. 16 9:30 a.m. CC 37 Tues. Jan. 21 7:30 p.m. Earle Brown 24 Thurs. Jan. 16 5:15 p.m. Earle Brown SPECIALITY BALLROOM CLASS 25 Thurs. Jan. 16 6:15 p.m. Earle Brown 26 Sat. Jan. 18 10:00 a.m. NVJH Take advantage of this mini session and learn a specialty dance, the TANGO! This Latin dance is a must for anyone planning a cruise or vacationing in a Latin American country. Each participant must bring their own partner. LOW IMPACT AEROBICS - NEW Registration Fee $6.00 /per couple /2 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Instructor This unique coed class is designed to help individuals who cannot jog or Les Eck. attend a regular aerobics class, because of the jarring effect on the body's # Day Begins Time Location joints and ligaments. The heart rates are still elevated to the proper limits, but 38 Tues. Feb. 18 8:30 p.m. Earle Brown one foot is always maintained on the floor, and the large bouncing removed. MIXED VOLLEYBALL Hand, wrist, or ankle weights are encouraged and may be brought to class, but you must check with your instructor of proper use of such weights before Open to all post high school age men and women. Choose sides and play fun using in class. Registration Fee $12.50/ 10 Sessions. Classes 50 min. Instruc- low -key volleyball. A night out for Mom and Dad. Activity fee is 50¢ per for Cindy Lindgren. person, per session. No organized teams, please. # Day Begins Time Location Day Begins Time Location 27 Mon. Jan. 13 6:00 p.m. Palmer Lake Wed. Jan. 8 7:30 p.m. BCHS AEROBIC DANCE & YOGA - NEW WOMEN'S OPEN VOLLEYBALL Participants will do 20 -30 minutes of fun aerobic routines followed by 45 A night of fun volleyball for women (post high school age). Bring a friend or minutes of Bikram's beginning Yoga. Don't be fooled by Yoga - you'll still come alone. An enjoyable time plus good exercise. Please, no organized work up a sweat! This class uses aerobic dancing for cardiovascular teams. No charge. strengthening and fat loss combined with Yoga for toning, flexibility and Day Begins Time Location rejuvenation. Aerobic Dance and Yoga isafresh new approach to fitness and Tues. Jan.7 8:00 p.m. Earle Brown exercise. Registration Fee $14.00/10 Sessions. Classes 1 hour 15 min. Instructor Kathleen Ketterhagen. KNOW YOUR CAMERA # Day Begins Time Location If you're not getting the results you want out of your camera, this class is for 28 Tues. Jan. 14 7:00 p.m. Willow Lane you. Use of camera, film, meter, filters will be covered. The art of flash, close 29 Thurs. Jan. 16 7:00 p.m. Willow Lane up and photographing people will also be discussed. Registration Fee AEROBIC WORKOUT $11.00/3 Sessions. Class length 2 hours. Instructor Elizabeth Herberg. # Day Begins Time Location For individuals who have participated in aerobic classes and are ready for a 39 Wed. Jan. 15 7:00 p.m. CC more invigorating workout. Includes warm -up, aerobic dances, cool down and spot exercises for problem areas to music. Wear jogging shoes and DARKROOM TECHNIQUES exercise clothes. Registration Fee $12.50/10 Sessions. Classes 50 min. Learn how to mix chemicals, tell negative contrast and develop black and Instructor Cindy Lindgren #'s 30, 31, Betty Basarich #32. CLASSES TWICE A WEEK -WOMEN white film. Each student will make an excellent print from his own negative. Time Location Fee includes chemicals. Upon completion of the class, students will be # Day Begins 30 M & W Jan. 13 Time p.m. Palmer Lake eligible to use the Community Center darkroom. BECAUSE OF MATERIALS 31 M & W Feb. 19 7:00 p.m. Palmer Lake PURCHASED FOR THIS CLASS, REFUND REQUESTS MUST BE MADE NO CLASSES ONCE A 7:00 .COED LATER THAN ONE WEEK BEFORE FIRST CLASS BEGINS. Registration Fee 32 Sat. Jan. 18 9:00 a.m. NVJH $20.00/4 Sessions. Class length 3 hours. Instructor Elizabeth Herberg. # Day Begins Time Location COED FITNESS 40 Wed. Feb. 19 6:30 p.m. CC A new class for men & women that offers equal fun and challenge. Class will PHOTO LAB ORIENTATION include stretching, aerobics, abdominal work, leg & upper body strengthen- ing. Instructor will introduce the use of hand weights which will be incorpo- For people who have taken instruction other facilities and are experienced in • rated into part of the class. A discussion of how to make your own or which to darkroom procedures. Participants will be eligible to rent the darkroom lab during Community Center hours. PRE - REGISTRATION IS NECESSARY AT buy will be covered. Please do not purchase hand weights prior to class. LEAST 3 WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO EACH TEST DATE. Registration Fee Registration $14.00/10 Sessions. Classes 50 min. Instructor Cindy $3.00. Lindgren. # Day Begins Time Location # Day Date Time Location 41 Wed. Jan. 15 6:30 p.m. CC 33 Wed. Jan. 15 6:00 p.m. Palmer Lake 42 Wed. Jan. 29 6:30 p.m. CC WOMEN'S CONDITIONING 43 Wed. Feb. 19 6:00 P.M. CC Physical conditioning to look and feel better. The weight training machine DOG OBEDIENCE and flexibility program provide a well- rounded fitness program. It is tailored This course is open to people 12 years and older, whose dog is at least 6 to individual needs and provides you with the information you need it set g, months old. This course will teach you how to work with your dog in order to and pace workouts for future use. This program emphasizes conditioning, endurance and years of healthy living. Classes meet Monday and Wednes- teach him social behavior and self - discipline. For more information, call day for 5 weeks in the Community Center Exercise room. Babysitting availa- Stanley Orr, 533 -5207. Registration Fee $21.00. Classes 1 hour. ble - see Childcare Service. Registration Fee $18.00/5 weeks. Classes 1 hr. # Day Begins Time Location # Day Begins Time Location 44 Thurs. Jan. 16 6:30 p.m. Northport 34 M & W Jan. 13 1:00 P.M. CC 35 M & W Feb. 17 1:00 P.M. CC 7 ADULT ACTIVITIES CONTINUED *CRAZY CAT - NEW POTTERY This adorable cat stands 14" high and can be used as a doorstop with a draft dodger tail! The patchwork cat is put together with scraps of fabric and The class is designed to teach the basic skills of wheel throwing and hand decorated with embroidery stitches. Bring a pencil, pins, needle, thread, building. The Community Center offers a unique opportunity to practice your scissors, embroidery thread, 1/3 yd. muslin, solid colored scrap fabric new skills by including in the registration fee clay for projects, unlimited (choose all cotton, corduroy or wool) & 1/4 yd. fabric for tail to correspond studio practice time and firing fees. Bring a work shirt to the 1 st class. Please with your scraps. Allow 50¢ for additional materials to be purchased at class. allow about $6.00 for purchasing of tools. Registration Fee $29.50/7 Ses- Portable sewing machines can be brought to class for faster sewing, but not sions. Classes 3 hours. Instructor Karen Haberle. necessary to participate in class. Childcare available for day class - see # Day Begins Time Location CHILDCARE SERVICE. Registration Fee $3.25/1 Session. Class 3 hours. 45 Tues. Jan. 7 6:30 p.m. CC Instructor Joanne Holzknecht. 46 Tues. Feb. 25 6:30 p.m. CC # Day Date Time Location 54 Thurs. Jan. 23 6:30 p.m. CC LAB & FIRING PRIVILEGES 55 Wed. Feb. 26 9:00 a.m. CC Open to persons who have completed a Pottery Class at the Community Center or have previous experience and are familiar with equipment. Lab may be used on an umlimited basis other than class times and students may have pieces fired in the 7 week period. The lab program is designed for individuals who want to work independently. Clay may be purchased at the Community Center. Arrange your own time to work in the lab during the 7 weeks, no { instruction. Starting week corresponds with pottery class schedule at Com- munity Center. Registration Fee $18.75/7 Weeks for new lab students. For returning participants, check with instructor. # Day Begins Time Location 47 TO BE ARRANGED CC # Day Begins Time Location 48 TO BE ARRANGED cc *MAGIC ART - OIL PAINTING *TEDDYBEARS - NEW Oil painting made easy! Anyone with a desire to paintcan, with the Magic Art Method. Beginners to intermediate hobby artists will learn how to use large Make an Old Fashioned Wool Teddybear. This 17" button jointed teddybear brushes and a unique palette knife to COMPLETE a fine oil painting in this 4 is made of a close woven wool fabric. Use a favorite old wool coat or skirt - hour workshop. The instructor is an accredited Magic Art instructor from tweed, herringbone, plaid or plain wool. Bring scissors, needle, pins and California who teaches the William Alexander Technique as seen on Chan - thread to first class. (Second class you will need buttons, extra long needle nel 2. Supplies furnished except for the picture frame. Bring clean paint rags and poly stuffing.) Registration Fee $6.00/2 Sessions. Classes 2 hours. to class. Paintings for each workshop on display. BECAUSE OF MATERIALS Instructor Pat Wiswell. PURCHASED FOR THIS CLASS, REFUND REQUESTS MUST BE MADE NO # Day Begins Time Location LATER THAN ONE WEEK BEFORE WORKSHOP. Registration Fee $21.00/1 49 Thurs. Jan. 30 7:00 p.m. CC Session. Class 4 hours. Instructor Carol Reile. # Day Date Time Location *PATCHWORK 58 Sat. Feb. 1 9:30 a.m. CC The class will cover crazy, log cabin, patchwork and quilting, applique, 59 Wed. Feb. 5 6:00 p.m CC finishing techniques, cathedral window and methods of making quilts by the *MINI WATERCOLOR PAINTING square. Registration Fee $8.50/7 Sessions. Classes 2 hours. Instructor Joanne Holznecht. A class geared for the beginner or painter who needs a brush up. You will # Day Begins Time Location learn painting techniques followed by step -by -step demonstrations. Work is 50 Mon. Feb. 3 7:00 p.m. CC focused on elements of landscape such as skies, trees, water. Students will *LACEMAKING - TATTING complete several paintings during the session. Registration Fee $17.00/4 Sessions. Classes 3 hours. Instructor Kris Osten. Tatting, a fascinating skill from the past. Tatting lace maybe used for decorat- # Day Begins Time Location ing clothing or home furnishings. Bring to class a ball of colored #8 crochet 60 Thurs. Feb. 13 6:30 p.m. CC thread, scissors, metal tatting shuttle with removable bobbin, notebook and pen. Registration Fee $6.00/3 Sessions. Classes 2 hours. Instructor Darlene JUDO Hegstrom. For men and women who are interested in learning the basic skills or more # Day Begins Time Location advanced techniques of Judo. Carl Flood, 6th Degree Black Belt, provides 51 Mon. Jan. 27 7:00 p.m. BCHS complete instruction. In addition, interested students may join the Brooklyn *STENCILING -NEW Center Judo Club, which is nationally sanctioned. All sessions held in North View Hr. High Wrestling Room. Registration Fee $15.00/8 Sessions. Classes This is an art anyone can do! The main class emphasis will be on fabric 1 hr. Class #61 Beginning; Class #62 Advanced; for adults and children. Asst. stenciling but the technique can be applied to other surfaces. Participants Instructor Steve Johnson, 2nd Degree Black Belt. will also learn to cut their own stencils. Finished projects will be shown and # Day Begins Time Location demonstrated. Bring to class: sharp pointed X -ACTO or utility knife, extra fine 61 Thurs. Jan. 16 7:00 p.m. NVJH point permanent marking pen, and 2 sheet fine grain sand paper. Please 62 Thurs. Jan. 16 8:00 p.m. NVJH allow $1.75 for additional materials to be purchased at class. Childcare available for day class - see CHILDCARE SERVICE. Registration Fee$3.25/1 *SAMPLES ON DISPLAY AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER Session. Class 3 hrs. Instructor Joanne Holznecht. # Day Date Time Location 52 Wed. Jan. 22 9:00 a.m. CC 53 Mon. Jan. 27 6:30 p.m. CC Teen Activities GIRLS' INTERMEDIATE GYMNASTICS CO -REC Students must have passed Advanced Apparatus. The intermediate level Looking for something to do on Friday nights ? ?? Why not try Co -Rec. Activi- offers more advanced skills in tumbling apparatus and floor exercises. The ties include basketball, gymnastics, swimming, foosball, bumper pool, volley - beginning (novice) compulsory routines will be taught. Registration Fee ball, music and more. Co -Rec is open to all Brooklyn Center Jr. High $15.00/10 Sessions. Classes 1 hour 15 min. residents and their friends regardless of what school district you are in. Listen # Day Begins Time Location for school announcements and watch for details in the Post. Fee is $1.00 /per 63 Sat. Jan. 18 12:30 p.m. NVJH time. Friday nights from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. at North View Jr. High. Co -Rec resumes Jan. 17. 8 TEEN ACTIVITIES CONTINUED BASKETBALL CONTEST FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES - NEW How good at free throws are you? Test your skills at the 3rd annual BASKET- BALL CONTEST. Both boys and girls divisions. A trophy will be awarded to Don't miss "Beat Street" the hottest break dance movie around. And you can the winner in each division. Contestants pay only Co -Rec admission fee of see it for no extra charge. Cost $1.00 Co -Rec admission. $1.00 - there is no extra charge. For students in grades 7 -9. Day Date Time Location Day Date Time Location Fri. Jan. 17 7 -10 p.m. North View Fri. Feb. 7 7:00 p.m. NVJH SNO -DAZE DANCE BEACH PARTY - NEW All junior high students are invited to the annual Sno -Daze Dance on Friday, Join us at North View for a Beach Party in February. There will be swimming, January 24 from 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. at North View (69th & Zane). Special pool games and special summer treats. You'll hardly know it's cold outside. highlights include a live band and the coronation of the 9th grade King and Cost is $1.25 Co -Rec admission. Queen and 7th & 8th grade attendants. Admission fee is $2.00 /per person. Day Date Time Location Don't miss out on all the action - catch "Dance Fever "! Fri. Feb. 28 7 -10 p.m. North View Children's Activities TAP AND BALLET GYMSTERS A beginning level where the fundamentals of ballet and simple tap combina- Basic gymnastics and exercises designed to improve child's motor skills and tions will be taught. For grades 1 -6. Classes 45 min. Instructors Nancy coordination. Class activities include tumbling and introduction to the bal- Candea #64, Amy Walters #66 and Anna Konstance Venegas #65. ance beam and bars for boys and girls ages 3 1 /2 -5 (children must be 3 1 /2 by CLASSES ONCE A WEEK - $9.75/8 WEEKS March 1, 1986). Class ratio 8 students/ instructor. Registration Fee $13.50/10 # Day Begins Time Location Sessions. Classes 45 min. Instructors Linda Schiesel #76 and Tracey Gustaf - 64 Mon. Jan. 13 4:50 p.m. Garden City son #'s 77 & 78. 65 Mon. Jan. 13 5:25 p.m. Orchard Lane # Date Begins Time Location CLASSES ONCE A WEEK - $12.00/10 WEEKS 76 Sat. Jan. 18 9:15 a.m. NVJH 66 Thurs. Jan. 16 3:20 p.m. Evergreen 77 Sat. Jan. 18 10:20 a.m. NVJH CREATIVE DANCE AND JAZZ 78 Sat. Jan. 18 11:15 a.m. NVJH Here is an opportunity for children to enjoy the freedom of creative expres- GIRLS' BEGINNING TUMBLING sion combined with modern jazz movements. For grades 1 -6. Classes 45 A course in the beginning techniques of tumbling. Students will have an min. Instructor Nancy Candea #69, Anna Konstance Venegas #67, and Amy opportunity to learn such basic skills as rolls, cartwheels, walkovers and Walters #68. headstands. Girls new to our program must register for this class before CLASSES ONCE A WEEK - $9.75/8 WEEKS taking the more advanced class. For grades K -6. Registration Fee $12.50/ 10 # Day Begins Time Location Sessions. Classes 1 hr. Instructors Tracey Gustafson #83 and Amy Walters 67 Mon. Jan. 13 3:45 p.m. Orchard Lane #79, 80, 81 & 82. CLASSES ONCE A WEEK - $12.00/10 WEEKS # Day Begins Time Location 68 Tues. Jan. 14 4:20 p.m. Palmer Lake 79 Tues Jan. 14 3:15 p.m. Palmer Lake 69 Wed. Jan. 15 4:55 p.m. Earle Brown 80 Wed. Jan. 15 3:45 p.m. Fair Oaks 81 Wed. Jan. 15 4:45 p.m. Fair Oaks TINY TOT TAP AND BALLET 1 82 Thurs. Jan. 16 4:10 p.m. Evergreen Children will have an opportunity to participate in beginning ballet move- 83 Sat. Jan. 18 12:15 p.m. NVJH ments and simple tap steps. For preschool children who will be 3 1 /2 years old by March 1986. Classes 45 min. Instructors Nancy Candea #70, Amy Walters GIRLS' ADVANCED TUMBLING #71. CLASSES ONCE A WEEK - $9.75/8 WEEKS Students must have passed Beginning Tumbling. Girls will have the oppor- # Day Begins Time Location tunity to learn handsprings, one - handed and dive cartwheels. Grades 1 and 70 Mon. Jan. 13 5:40 p.m. Garden City up. Registration Fee $12.50/10 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. CLASSES ONCE A WEEK - $12.00/10 weeks # Day Begins Time Location 71 Thurs. Jan. 16 6:05 p.m. Evergreen 84 Sat. Jan. 18 9:00 a.m. NVJH TINY TOT TAP AND BALLET II - NEW GIRLS' BEGINNING APPARATUS For preschool children age 4 and up who have had at least one year previous Students must have passed Beginning Tumbling in order to register for this Tap and Ballet training. Students will continue with ballet fundamentals and class. Skills such as mounts, turns and stunts will be taught at the beginning learn new combinations. Registration Fee $12.00/ 10 Sessions. Classes 45 level on the use of the balance beam, uneven parallel bars and vaulting min. Instructor Amy Walters. horse. For grades 1 and up. Registration Fee $12.50/ 10 Sessions. Classes 1 # Day Begins Time Location hour. 72 Thurs. Jan. 16 5:15 p.m. Evergreen # Day Begins Time Location 85 Wed. Jan. 15 6:15 p.m. BCHS WIGGLES AND GIGGLES 87 Sat. Jan. 18 10:05 a.m. NVJH An exercise class for parent and child ages 2 1 /2 -5. Some exercises, a little dancing, stunts, tricks and most of all wiggling and giggling and lotsoffun for GIRLS' ADVANCED APPARATUS everyone! Wear play clothes and a smile. Registration Fee $12.00/10 Ses sions. Classes 45 min. Instructor Linda Schiesl. Students must have passed Beginning Apparatus in order to register for this # Day Begins Time Location class. Girls will continue to work on various jumps and leaps and will learn 73 Sat. Jan. 18 10:10 a.m. NVJH more advanced gymnastic stunts. For grades 2 and up. Registration Fee $15.00/10 Sessions. Classes 1 hour 15 min. RHYTHMS AND TUMBLING # Day Begins Time Location Beginning tumbling stunts and patterns for coordination will be taught. For 88 Wed. Jan. 15 7:15 p.m. BCHS preschool children who will be 3 1 /2 years old by March, 1986. Classes 45 min. 89 Sat. Jan. 18 11:10 a.m. NVJH Instructors Anna Konstance Venegas #74, Amy Walters #75. CLASSES ONCE A WEEK - $9.75/8 WEEKS GIRLS' INTERMEDIATE GYMNASTICS # Day Begins Time Location See Teen Activities for Description. 74 Mon. Jan. 13 4:35 p.m. Orchard Lane CLASSES ONCE A WEEK - $12.00/10 WEEKS 75 Tues. Jan. 14 5:10 P.M. Palmer Lake 9 CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES CONTINUED BOYS' TUMBLING CREATIVE ART WORKSHOP A course in the beginning techniques of tumbling. Students will have an Children in grades 1 -4 will explore many different art media and techniques opportunity to learn such basic skills as rolls, headstands, handstands, etc. planned to enhance creativity. A variety of art activities will be included using For grades 1 -6. Registration Fee $12.50/10 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. clay, paint, yarn, plaster and other materials. Registration Fee $7.50/5 Ses- Instructors Linda Schiesl # 91 and Nancy Candea #90. sions. Classes 1 hour. Instructor Robert Farrell. # Day Begins Time Location # Day Begins Time Location 90 Wed. Jan. 15 5:45 p.m. Earle Brown 96 Mon. Jan. 13 3:20 p.m. Willow Lane 91 Sat. Jan. 18 11:10 P.M. NVJH 9 Wed. Jan. 15 3:45 p.m. Orchard Lane JUDO CROSS COUNTRY SKI LESSONS For boys and girls 8 years and up who are interested in learning the basic skills or more advanced techniques of judo. Carl Flood, 6th Degree Blackbelt, See Winter Activities for Description. provides complete instruction. In addition, interested students may join the Brooklyn Center Judo Club which is nationally sanctioned. All sessions held SPORTS HOUR in the Wrestling Room. Registration Fee $15.00/8 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Class #61 Beginning; Class #62 Advanced; for adults and children. Asst. An activity that includes learning sports skills, playing games and having lots Instr. Steve Johnson, 2nd Degree Black Belt. of fun. Basketball and Floor Hockey will be taught and played. For girls and # Day Begins Time Location boys in grades 1 -6. Registration Fee $6.00/5 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. 6 Thurs. Jan. 16 7:00 p.m. NVJH Instructors Jeff Holt & Mike O'Meara. 6 Thurs. Jan. 16 8:00 p.m. NVJH # Day Begins Time Location 9 8 Wed. Jan. 22 3:45 p.m. Garden City BROOKLYN COMMUNITY CHILDRENS CHORUS 99 Thurs. Jan. 23 3:15 p.m. Palmer Lake 100 Wed. Feb. 26 3:15 p.m. Willow Lane The chorus is co- sponsored by the Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park 101 Thurs. Feb. 27 3:45 p.m. Orchard Lane Parks and Recreation Departments and is for children in grades 1 -8. It provides opportunity to sing with a professional band, work with a choreo- grapher and receive vocal coaching along with their rehearsals. The chorus CRAFTY CREATORS CLUB -NEW performs several times throughout the year including the annual Spring Show at Park Center. For more information, call 561 -5448. Registration Fee A class for those who like to create and have fun. Participants will make $5.00/ per year. Classes 1 1 /2 hours. Director Barbara Dold. (Registrations now puppets, masks and costumes and use them in gamesand skits. Children will being accepted.) be encouraged to help make up skits. For grades 1 -6. Registration Fee # Day Begins Time Location $7.00/6 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Instructor Nancy Candea. 86 Tues. Jan. 7 6:30 p.m. BJHS # Day Begins Time Location 102 Wed. Feb. 26 2:45 p.m. Earle Brown AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM 103 Mon. March 3 3:45 p.m. Garden City The after school program enables students to explore fields outside the regular school curriculum and will be held immediately after school. These EARLE BROWN AFTER SCHOOL CLASSES programs are designed to acquaint elementary students with a new skills, or to enjoy a new activity. Although these programs are scheduled at specific Registrations for after school classes at Earle Brown will be held at Earle schools you can register for classes outside your home school. However, Brown beginning Jar;. 6. Questions.. call Linda Hanka. Elementary School school district policies will not allow children to leave school early to partici- Building Coordinator 561- 4480. pate in an after school class. If you would like to see a class offered or would like to be an instructor fora YOUNG MASTERS PAINTING CLASS -NEW class, please contact the Parks and Recreation: Department (561 -5448) or your Elementary School Building Coordinator. Let your mind wander - if you were a great artist, what would you paint a Karen Lipski Evergreen 561 -0270 picture of? Now your dream can become a reality. Learn the techniques of Cameron Cross Garden City 561 -9768 designing and creating your own acrylic painting. For grades 1 -6. Registra- Bonnie Capper - Eckstein Palmer Lake 561 -1930 tion Fee $8.50/6 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Instructor Laurie Rondestvedt. Terry Westermann Fair Oaks 561 -4415 # Day Begins Time Location Linda Hanka Earle Brown 561 -4480 104 Tues. Jan. 21 2:45 p.m. Earle Brown Arlene Timm Orchard Lane 533.1645 Ken Gulbraa Willow Lane 561-9272 COOKING WITH LAURA INGALLS WILDER - NEW BEGINNING BOWLING - NEW "Breakfast was ready when Pa came back from the creek. They all sat by the Learn the 4 and 5 step approaches, the delivery, follow through, scoring and fire and ate fried mush..." From the book "Little House on the Prairie." We will be preparing and eating fried mush and six other foods that Laura ate. For etiquette. Practice will be given in a classroom and gym setting with the last grades 5 -6 who have read at least two Little House books. Registration Fee two days at a bowling center. Volunteer drivers will be needed for carpools to $7.50/6 Sessions. Classes 1 hour 15 min. Instructor Kim Klefsaas. bowling center. For grades 4 -6. Class meets twice a week for 8 weeks. # Day Begins Time Location Registration Fee $16.00/16 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Instructor Daniel 105 Tues. Jan. 21 2:45 p.m. Earle Brown Monson. # Day Begins Time Location 92 M & W Jan. 6 3:05 p.m. Palmer Lake LIFE WITH LAURA INGALLS WILDER - NEW (Registration Accepted Immediately) BOOK CLUB -NEW Get a taste of pioneer life by participating in activities that Laura and her family enjoyed. Learn songs, play games, write stories, make a mural and Enter the fascinating world of books! Each week will feature a particular learn some pioneer crafts. If you've enjoyed the "Little House" books, you'll author and his /her books. There will be a study of how a book is written and LOVE this class. For grades 5 -6 who have read at least 2 Little House books. each participant will have an opportunity to write a story and put it in book Registration Fee $6.00/6 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Instructor Kim Klefsaas. form. For grades 4 -6. Registration Fee $8.75/8 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. # Day Begins Time Location Instructor Mina Nystrom. 106 Thurs. Jan. 23 2:45 p.m. Earle Brown # Day Begins Time Location 93 Wed. Jan. 8 3:15 p.m. Palmer Lake (Registration Accepted Immediately) MY FRIEND THE COMPUTER PRIVATE EYES - NEW Get to know and understand the computer by spending extra time with it. Do you live for a good mystery? Enjoy suspense and a good challenge? Join You'll even improve your reading and math skills. For grades 1 -3. Registra- us as we discover an exciting new adventure each week. Participants will tion Fee $7.00/6 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Instructors Lisa Olmstead & Ric even make their own spy kit! Bring a shoe box to first class. For grades 1 -6. Dressen. Registration Fee $7.50/6 Sessions. Classes 1 hour. Instructor Nancy # Day Begins Time Location Candea. 107 Thurs. Jan. 23 2:45 p.m. Earle Brown # Day Begins Time Location 94 Mon. Jan. 13 3:45 p.m. Garden City 95 Wed. Jan. 15 2:45 p.m. Earle Brown 10 CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES CONTINUED VACATION DAY CAMP - MARCH 24 - 28 RETURN TO OZ Do you work? Are you wondering what to do with the kids during Spring Vacation? We've got the perfect solution: Join us for a fun - filled afternoon on Monday, February 17. First see Disney's Extended Recreation Programming. "Return to Oz." After the movie, stay for a free swim. Movies times at 12:30 During the week of Spring Vacation (March 24 -28) we'll run an extended p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Birthday parties and youth groups are welcome. Refresh- recreation program for children grades K -6 from 7:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. ments will be sold. Admission $1.25. Activities will include swimming, tour of police and fire stations, program at EASTER BASKET &EGG WORKSHOP library, games, open gym, crafts and one lunch. Parents will receive a schedule of daily activities prior to the week. Stu - Learn the art of dying eggs. Several procedures will be taught. Participants dents must provide their own lunch (except for day we eat out.). Beverage will also make other Easter surprises and receive a basket to put all their and snack will be provided each day. For more information, call 561 -5448. goodies in. For grades 1 -6. Registration Fee $5.50/1 Session. Class 3 hours. This filled up fast last year, so parents are encouraged to sign up early. Instructor Laurie Erickson. Registration Fee $45.00/5 days. # Day Date Time Location # Day Begins Time Location 108 Sat. March 22 10:00 a.m. NVJH 109 M -F March 24 7:00 a.m. CC Senior Adults If you have any questions about the programs listed below, call Kathy COMMUNITY TRIPSTERS Flesher, Senior Adult coordinator at 561 -5448. Community Tripsters is a program for people age 55 years and older who SENIOR HAPPENINGS enjoy getting away once a month on day or overnight trips. Activities will include tours, fishing trips, attending stage productions, ball games and the Is a monthly newsletter sponsored by the Brooklyn Center Parks and like. If you are interested in such activities and meeting new friends from the Recreation Department. The "Senior Happenings" tells activities going on at surrounding area, please call and ask to receive the information. Deadline the clubs, in the community and outings offered. Call for yours today! dates listed are on space permitting only basis. Refunds are given only if the SOCIAL CLUBS trip is cancelled or a substitute can be found to take your place. Bus departs. and returns to Brooklyn Center Community Center. Two social clubs are sponsored by the Brooklyn Center Parks and Recrea- February 14 - Carmel Quinn, an all -time favorite singer, will perform in St. tion Department. The Leisure Time Club meets Wednesdays throughout the Paul with the Swinging Ambassadors. She is a star who puts on a first -rate year from Noon - 3:00 p.m. at the Brooklyn Center Community Center. There performance. After the performance, dessert and coffee at the Muffuleta's in are no dues or club requirements to belong. The Brooklyn Twins Club the Park. Cost $18.00 includes escort, motorcoach, ticket, dessert, coffee, tax meets the *1 st and 3rd Friday of each month through June at Earle Brown, and gratuitites. Bus leaves 11:50 a.m. for the Chimera and returns 4:10 p.m. 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. Membership dues are $2.00 annually per person. Any person Deadline to register December 31, space permitting. 55 years of age or older may join; only one spouse must meet the age February 23 - Minnesota Northstar /Toronto Maple Leaf game. Bus leaves at requirements. Singles and couples WELCOME. ( January dates are the 10th 12:15 p.m. for the Met Centerand returns approximately 4:45 p.m. Cost $17.00 & 24th*. Transportation to both clubs is available from Brooklyn Center includes escort, transportation and ticket. Deadline to register January 29, apartment complexes. (It is also offered twice a month for shopping and space permitting. congregate dining.) Call Kathy for details. March 10 - Buttons & Bows Luncheon - Hats, Headcoverings and Accesso- SENIOR AQUA EXERCISE ries dating back to 1860. Details in January Happening. See Adult Activities for information. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING CLASSES Free screening is done at the following areas: Brooklyn Center residents 62 years and over may register for mostclassesat Community Center - Last Wednesday of each month, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. 1 /2 the registration fee. This does not apply to classes requiring supplies orSr. CEAP - Thursdays, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Aqua Exercise. West Fire Station - Monday- Friday, 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. &Saturday & SWIMMING POOL Sunday, 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Senior Adult memberships are available for Brooklyn Center residents 62 T.A.P years and older, at a special rate of $7.00 for 3 months. Application may be made at the Community Center desk. Non - resident and resident seniors not Telephone Assistance Program for elderly and handicapped who live alone. interested in membership may swim for $1.25 per time - single admission. The program has helped several persons with immediate needs in some cases Emergency situations. If you are interested in the program for yourself SWIM LESSONS or a friend, contact a TAP clerk at 535 -2225. We really care about our See Adult Swim Lessons in the Swim Section of this brochure. participants! Sponsored by Brooklyn Center Police Department. GIFT TRUNK TAX COUNSELING Volunteers will help low income Seniors with their 1985 tax returns. Bring A craft club run by Seniors who sell their handcrafted items. Membership is your last income tax return and 1985 tax materials including renter's or limited to Brooklyn Center Seniors or members of either Leisure Time or property tax refund. For rent or property tax credit you need to know total Brooklyn Twins. For information call 561 -9278 or 561 -4805. Shoppers, visit Social Security received in 1985. This will be on an SSA or RRB1099. (Refer the Gift Trunk on the 1st Wednesdsay of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 to January Senior Happenings for complete check list.) No appointments, first p.m. No Gift Trunk in January. come basis beginning February 3 - April 14, Monday & Friday 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. and Thursday 9:00 a.m. - noon. This federally sponsored program is provided by AARP, NRTA & RSVP. There is NO charge. Winter Activities w - 5TH & 6TH GRADE TRIPS Watch for flyers in the elementary schools or call 561 -5448. Bus leaves North View Jr. High at 8:30 a.m. and the Community Center at 8:45 a.m. Bus returns approximately 4:15 p.m. Fee is $8.00 (pay when registering); includes lift, u ,. rental, lesson, bus and chaperones. Limited space! Trip # Ski Area Date 110 Trollhaugen Feb. 14 111 Wild Mountain March 3 (Registrations Accepted Immediately) 11 WINTER ACTIVITIES CONTINUED JUNIOR HIGH SKI TRIPS SNOW TUBING - FOR TEENS Watch for flyers in the junior highs or call 561 -5448. All ski trips have pickups Winter Tubing is fun for all ages. Join us at Green Acres in Lake Elmo, MN. at North View Jr. High (69th & Zane) and the Community Center. Times vary. Bus leaves North View at 3:30 p.m. and the Community Center at 3:45 p.m. Parent permission slip required. Fee includes: Lift ticket, transportation and Bus returns approximately 8:00 p.m. Green Acres has a Chalet, so students chaperones. Equipment rental is extra. can bring a lunch or buy. Registration Fee $9.00 includes tube rental, trans - Trip # Ski Area Date Fee portation and supervision. Deadline for registration is Friday, Jan. 24, space 112 Wild Mountain Fri. Jan. 10 10.75 permitting. 113 Welch Village Fri. Jan. 17 11.75 # Day Date Location 114 Trollhaugen Fri. Jan. 24 11.00 119 Fri. Jan. 31 Green Acres 115 Wild Mountain Fri. Feb. 7 10.75 (Registration Accepted Immediately) 116 Welch Village Thurs. Feb. 13 11.75 117 Trollhaugen Fri. Feb. 21 11.00 CROSS COUNTRY SKIING 118 Spirit Mountain Mon. March 3 20.00 (Registrations Accepted Immediately) Free Indoor Clinic The clinic will include a discussion of clothing, equipment, warm -up exer- SPIRIT MOUNTAIN - LUTSEN SKI TRIP cises and waxing techniques. R.S.V.P. at 559 -9000. Phone reservations The Northwest Suburban Ski Club is sponsoring a 3 day trip of skiing to Spirit taken immediately until filled. Mountain and Lutsen Ski Resorts, March 4-6,1986. Call 425 -4517 for more On Snow Instruction information or to see about space availability. Those attending indoor clinic are eligible for a two hour, on snow classat Elm Creek Park Reserve. Registrations will be taken at the indoor clinic. The cost ADULT SKI TRIPS is $6.00 or $10.00 if renting equipment. Price includes parking permit. All adults are invited to join us as wevisita different area each Wednesday. Sponsored by WCCO, Hennepin County Park Reserve District and Brooklyn Bus pick ups at Osseo Bus Garage, Four Seasons Mall and the Community Center Parks and Recreation Department. Center. Times vary with each of these day trips. If you would like a 1986 ski Session brochure, call 561 -5448. Registration will not be taken at Brooklyn Center Indoor Clinic - Mon., Jan. 13 - 6:30 -9:30 p.m. - Brooklyn Center Community Parks and Recreation Department. Center. Date Ski Area On -Snow Instruction - Wed., Jan. 15, 6:30 p.m.; Sat., Jan 18, 9:00 a.m., 11:30 Jan. 8 Buck Hill Jan. 15 Welch Village a.m., or 2:00 p.m. Jan. 22 Wild Mountain Session II Jan. 29 Trollhaugen Indoor Clinic - Wed., Jan. 22 - 6:30 -9:30 p.m. - North View Feb. 5 Afton Alps On -Snow Instruction - Sat., Jan. 25, 9:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. or 2:00 p.m. Feb. 12 Welch Village Feb. 19 Spirit Mountain CROSS COUNTRY SKI LESSONS Feb. 26 Afton Alps Beginning cross country ski lessons for those with little or no experience. (Registrations accepted immediately at Brooklyn Park Instructor will cover equipment, use of poles, how to put skiis on and the and Robbinsdale Parks and Recreation Departments) technqiue of skiing. A fun way to enjoy Minnesota Winters. Last class will be SKATING RINKS held at Elm Creek Park Reserve - volunteer drivers will be needed for carpools. #120 grades 3 -6, #121 adult. Palmer Lake School has boots and skiis The following rinks and shelter buildings will be supervised as follows: available to use during lessons on a limited basis. Call Sue at 561 -5448 or *Denotes Hockey Rinks. Donna Gerber at 561 -1930 for information. Registration Fee $7.00/6 Ses- Weekdays 4:00 -9:00 p.m. sions. Classes 1 hour. Instructor Donna Gerber. Saturday and Vacation Days 1:00 -9:00 P.M. # Day Begins Time Location Sundays 1:00 -6:00 p.m. 120 Tues. Jan. 14 3:15 p.m. Palmer Lake *Evergreen *Garden City 121 Thurs. Jan. 16 3:15 p.m Palmer Lake *West Palmer *Kylawn (Registration Taken Immediately) *Willow Lane *Northport *Orchard Lane *Grandview ELM CREEK PARK RESERVE Rinks at Lions and Brooklane will be maintained only. No supervision. Join in the fun at Elm Creek Park Reserve in Maple Grove. All programs Skating season generally runs from December 15 through February 15. This require reservations; some require fee. To make reservations or for program could be earlier or later depending on weather conditions. information call Eastman Nature Center, 420 -4300. Special Activities COMMUNITY CENTER GALLERY BROOKLYN COMMUNITY CHILDREN'S CHORUS The Gallery is available for photography or mixed media shows at various See Children's Activities for description. times throughout the year. A glass showcase is also available for small art and hobby collections. Contact Kathy Flesher at 561 -5448 for further infor- mation. GALLERY SHOWS SUNDAY ORGAN MUSIC Dec. 4 -31 - Hennepin Artists Association - mixed media. A variety of organ music followed by refreshments and a social time will be presented on Jan. 19, Feb. 9 and March 16. The programs are presetned at GIFT CERTIFICATES 2:30 p.m. at the Brooklyn Center Community Center by the Hammond Organ Need a gift idea? If you are tired of giving perfume or cologne for birthday and Club. The purpose of the club is to cultivate musical activities for every age. holiday gifts, or cannot think of something original, get a Parks and Recrea- Singles and families are invited to visit or become members. For further lion gift certificate. We have many classes, swim memberships, trips, special information call Vern at 566 -8896 or Willard at 560 -2544. events and merchandise for all ages and interests in any monetary value. The certificates are available in the Parks and Recreation Department at the Brooklyn Center Community Center, 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430. For information call 561 -5448. 12 SPECIAL ACTIVITIES CONTINUED FRIENDSHIP QUILTERS CLUB TRIPS AND OUTINGS Quilters meet at the Brooklyn Center Community Center the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, excluding June - August from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Family Fare (Childcare available until 12:15 p.m. 650 per hr. per child.) If you need a little Special trips and events are offered at group discounts planned by the inspiration to get started on that quilt you've been wanting to make, come join Recreation Departments of Brooklyn Center, Crystal, Brooklyn Park, Golder. the "Quilting Bee." Each person brings their own project to work on. Ques- Valley, New Hope, Plymouth, Maple Grove and Robbinsdale. Registation tions, call 561 -1219. taken on a first -come basis. Sorry, NO phone reservations, lap sitters or refunds. Send all money and registrations to New Hope Recreation, 4401 BROOKLYN CENTER WOMEN'S CLUB Xylon Avenue North, New Hope, MN 55428, 533 -1521. The Brooklyn Center Women's Club meets at 1:00 p.m. the second Tuesday Families will want to take advantage of these special offerings, planned with of every month September through May in the Social Hall of the Brooklyn the family in mind. Children must be accompanied by an adult. If you do not Center Community Center. The purpose of the organization is to promote have children in school and would like the information, please call 561 -5448. social, cultural, and civic activities for area women. Membership is open to January 20 - A tube sliding outing has been planned for the Martin Luther any woman over the age of 21. Yearly dues are only $5.00. A variety of King Holiday. Green Acres in Lake Elmo with three tow ropes, separate hill for programs are presented, followed by refreshments and a social time. teens and adults, a chalet for warming up and snacks make this a jovial way On January 14th a program on "Financial Planning" will be presented by Deb to spend this holiday. Cost $7.50 for 12 years and under, $8.50 for 13 years Redner. February 11 th we will celebrate Ethnic Day - "Italian Heritage" - with and above includes bus transportation, escort and tubing. No refunds. Bus Mama 'D." On March 11 th we will enjoy a style show presented by Casual pick up at 8:50 a.m. and returns approximately 1:15 p.m. - Brooklyn Park Corner, with Betsy Peak as the narrator. There will also be a Book Fair in Community Activity Center, 5600 85th Ave. N. All reservations must be March. received by Fri., Jan. 10, space permitting. On the 4th Tuesday of the month, except in the case of scheduling difficulties, February 17 - A special day has been planned for families on this holiday. a trip or tour to an interesting place in the vicinity is planned. In January the Enjoy a professional puppet show "Big Heart" presented by the Beanstalk club will enjoy the play "On the Razzle" at the Guthrie. In February we will Puppeteers followed by swimming and special games and activities in the attend a coffee concert at the Ordway Theatre. A tour of the Fillebroun House gym. Cost $2.00 for adults and $1.75 for youth 16 years and under. The at White Bear Lake is scheduled for March. program will be at Robbinsdale Community Center, 4139 Regent Ave. N. No For further information call 561 -4025. transportation provided. This holiday event is 1:30 -4:00 p.m. If you have questions, call 537 -4534. Reservations must be received by Wed., Feb. 12, PHOTOGRAPHY DARKROOM USE space permitting. The photo darkroom located in the Brooklyn Center Community Center is open to all interested persons for a fee of $1.00 per hour. Users must furnish BROOKDALE COMMUNITY LIBRARY their own chemicals and paper. Persons who have completed our Darkroom Children's programs during the winter months at the Brookdale Area Library Techniques classes are eligible to use the lab. Persons who have had include storytimes for pre - schoolers, 3 to 5 years old, toddler storytime for darkroom training somewhere else must attend one of our Photo Lab Orien- children 21 months through 3 years old and accompanying parent, the after tation sessions. See Adult Activities for information. school club, and special programs. Information can be obtained through the SPRING BAZAAR Hennepin County Library Calendar of Events available at the Library, the POST, Channel 25, or by calling 566 -2034. Most children's activities require The Brooklyn Center Parks and Recreation Department will host its 5th pre- registration. Annual Spring Bazaar on Saturday, March 22, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Crafters The library is also airing programs on Cable Channel 25 on a regular basis. interested in participating may call to be included on the INFORMATION mailing list the first week of January. Call 561 -5448. Audio visual materials for circulation now include computer software for the IBM, Apple and Commodore. MINI - 500 TOURNAMENT Library hours for the Winter months: Mon. through Thurs., 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 Minimum age 18 - No pre -sign up, just bring a partner. Cost $2.50 per person, p.m., Fri. and Sat., 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Sun (October through April, except includes coffee. Minnesota state law prohibits gambling and all players agree Easter) 12:00 - 5:0.0 p.m. to abide by the rules of the tournament. Tournaments are run by Senior Adult Circulation and general Information - 566 -2034, Reference Information - volunteers on Saturday, January 11 and February 1, 12:30 -3:30 p.m. at the 566 -8300. Brooklyn Center Community Center, 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway. Park and ADAPTED RECREATION enter on the lower level, in case of inclement weather, call 561 -5448. The adapted recreation program is a cooperative effort of the cities of Brook- W HITEWATER CANOE & KAYAK EXPO lyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Crystal, Golden Valley, Maple Grove, New Hope, On Saturday, January 18 from 1:00 -9:00 p.m. Come see and participate in an Plymouth, Robbinsdale, and West Hennepin Community Center. all day presentation on the increasingly popular sport of whitewater boating. West Hennepin Community Center is an agency serving mentally retarded There will be films and slide shows on international, national and in state and developmentally delayed individuals and their families in the West and whitewater rivers. Gear and equipment will be on display and discussions Northwest Hennepin area. Services include information and referral, advo- held on what you need and how much it will cost. cacy, counseling. Programs include social/ recreational clubs and educa- Learn paddling techniques, safety, rescue and how to read whitewater. tion programs. Demonstrations will be held on kayak rolling, canoe cover building and For further information or to register for the programs below, contact Tracy other whitewater topics. Sage river crazies will also be on hand to Wahl, 933 -9105. answer questions and tell tall anecdotes. Friday Night Fever: A social recreation program for EMH and TMH young For more information call Burt at 729 -8874 or Mike at 922 -7633. Program adults and adults ages 16 +. Come join in the fun of gym games, crafts and presented by the Rapid Riders Kayak and Canoe Club affiliated with the community outings. Minnesota Canoe Association. Dates: Fridays, January 17 - March 14 Time: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. WOODSTRIP CANOE BUILDERS SHOW Cost: $15.00/9 Weeks On Saturday, February 8, doors open at noon with a continuous program of Saturday Rainbow Kids: A social recreation program for children ages 6 -15. speakers, demonstrations and displays from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. See a All are welcome to join in on the festivities, games, crafts, and outings. For wood strip canoe being built, help build it! It will be under construction from TMH children. noon to 6:00 p.m. for public display and comment. Dates: Saturdays, January 18 - March 15 Hear Bruce Kunz, award winning canoe builder, and see his slides. See Bob Time: 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Brown, designer for Mad River and Old Town Canoes. Enjoy a full afternoon Cost: $15.00/9 Weeks and learn how simple it is for you to build you own canoe! This is NOT a Bowling: A bowling league for EMH young adults and adults ages 16 +. program to sell you a kit. For additional information call Jim at 588 -5402. Everyone should join in for the fun and exercise of the growing sport. Dates: Saturdays, January 25 - March 22 Time: 10:00 - 12:00 noon Cost: $3.50 each week. Cost includes bowling, rental of shoes, and ball. Also a mini banquet to wind up the season. 13 SPECIAL ACTIVITIES CONTINUED BROOKLYN COMMUNITY HARMONETTES BREAK AWAY - NEW The Harmonettes are women over high school age who enjoy music. Perfor- mances are given throughout the metro area with an annual spring finale For adults interested in getting away once a month to historical excursions, show. The show is developed each year with new songs, costumes and restaurants, tours, special events, etc., call 561 -5448, ext. 170 to be placed on choreographed dances accompanied by a four piece band. There is a nomi- our mailing list. nal registration fee. The group is co- sponsored by Brooklyn Center and February 20 - Treat yourself to a special dayas you "break away" from a busy Brooklyn Park Parks and Recreation Departments. For information call 561 - week. The first stop is KSTP -TV where we will participate in Twin Cities live. 5448. Rehearsals are Mondays, 8:00 p.m. at Brooklyn Junior High School, After the show, brunch at Muffuleta's In the Park. Brunch will include choice new members welcome. Director Jane Vigue Wilson. of egg benedict or quiche, salad, muffin and coffee. Cost $16.00 includes BROOKLYN COMMUNITY BAND escort, motorcoach, brunch, tax and gratuitities. Motorcoach departs 7:45 a.m. and returns 1:00 p.m., Brooklyn Center Community Center. Reservation The band is co- sponsored by the Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park Parks deadline February 12, space permitting. REGISTER AT BROOKLYN CENTER and Recreation Departments and is open to all post high school age men and COMMUNITY CENTER. women. Practice is on Monday nights at North View Jr. High. New members FAMILY MOVIE AND FREE SWIM -JAN. 24 are welcome. For more information call the Parks and Recreation Department at 561 -5448. Director Woody Hoiseth. Get the whole family together for the movie Disney's "Trench Coat" at the SQUARE DANCE LESSONS AND DANCES Community Center. First, beginning at 7:00 p.m. see the movie. After the movie, stay for a free swim, relax in the Sauna or work out in the Exercise Lessons are offered by the Happy Face Square Dance Club from 7:30 -9:30 Room. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Church groups and p.m. Resumes Jan. 7 at Northport Elementary School. The cost is $2.00 per youth groups are welcome. Admission Fee is $1.50 (children under 5 free). A person with the first lesson free to newcomers. Both singles and couples are great night of family entertainment. Coming March 7 is the movie "Herbie welcome. Dances are held the third Sat. of each month at NVJH from 8 -11 Goes Bananas." p.m. For more information, call 566 -2554. Swim Activities CHILDREN'S SWIM LESSONS Red Cross Beginning through Swimmers instruction for boys and girls ages 6 and older. Classes have an average ratio of 5 students/ instructor. Registra- tion Fee $16.00/10 Lessons. Classes 30 min. CHILDCARE SERVICE # Day Begins Time Location 138 Sat. Jan. 11 10:40 a.m. CC The "PLAY- CORNER" will be provided for parents attending morning 139 Sat. Jan. 11 11:15 a.m. CC classes, programs, meetings or swimming at the Community Center. The 140 Mon. Jan. 13 6:35 p.m. NVJH minimum age is 6 months. The cost is 656 per child per hour for each 141 Mon. Jan. 13 7:10 p.m. NVJH preschool child. The "PLAY- CORNER" will be open Monday- Friday 9:00 142 Tues. Jan. 14 6:35 p.m. CC a.m. to 12:15 p.m. beginning January 6. Additional times may be noted in the 143 Tues. Jan. 14 7:10 p.m. CC description of adult classes. For further information call 561 -5448. 144 Thurs. Jan. 16 6:35 p.m. CC ADAPTIVE SWIM LESSONS 145 Thurs. Jan. 16 7:10 p.m. CC Swimming lessons for children and adults of all ages who are physically ADULT SWIM LESSONS and /or mentally handicapped. Classes have a ratio of one student to one Beginner thru Swimmer level swim instruction foradult and high school age. instructor. Registration Fee $16.00/10 Lessons. Classes 30 min. Here is an opportunity to learn to swim or brush up on your strokes. Registra- # Day Begins Time Location tion Fee $23.50/10 Lessons. Classes 40 min. 122 Sat. Jan. 11 9:30 a.m. CC CLASSES MEET ONCE A WEEK FOR 10 WEEKS PARENT AND TOT SWIM LESSONS # Day Begins Time Location 146 Sat. Jan. 11 10:40 a.m. CC Lesson in water adjustment for children ages 2 and 3. One parent must 147 Tues. Jan. 14 7:45 p.m. CC accompany the child in the water, preferably the same parent each time. 148 Thurs. Jan. 16 7:45 p.m. CC Registration Fee $16.00/10 Lessons. Classes 30 min. DAYTIME CLASSES TWICE A WEEK FOR 5 WEEKS CLASSES ONCE A WEEK FOR 10 WEEKS 149 M & W Jan. 13 11:15 a.m. CC # Day Begins Time Location 150 M & W Feb. 17 11:15 a.m. CC 123 Sat. Jan. 11 10:05 a.m. CC 124 Mon. Jan. 13 6:00 p.m. NVJH ADULT SUPER CHICKEN 125 Tues. Jan. 14 6:00 p.m. CC Separate classes for those persons, high school age and up, who have a real 126 Thurs. Jan. 16 6:00 p.m. CC fear of water. Here is an opportunity to overcome that fear and learn to enjoy DAYTIME CLASSES TWICE A WEEK FOR 5 WEEKS the sport. Registration Fee $23.50/10 Lessons. Super Chicken classes are 127 M & W Jan. 13 10:05 a.m. CC held the same days and times as adult lessons, see schedule. 128 M & W Feb. 17 10:05 a.m. CC PRESCHOOL SWIM LESSONS SENIOR ADULT SWIMMING LESSONS American Red Cross swim lessons for men and women ages 62 years and Swimming instruction for 4 and 5 year olds. Parents do not accompany the older. Here is a chance to brush up on skills you have already learned, child in the water. The following lesson levels are taught: Water Adjustment, experience new skills or start right from the very beginning. We also have Beginner, and Advanced Beginner. Average ratio of 5 students/ instructor. room for "Super Chickens." Registration Fee $23.50/10 Lessons. Classes Registration Fee $16.00/10 Lessons. Classes 30 min. same days and times as adult lessons. Brooklyn Center residents $11.50/10 CLASSES ONCE A WEEK FOR 10 WEEKS Lessons. # Day Begins Time Location 129 Sat. Jan. 11 9:30 a.m. CC PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS 130 Sat. Jan. 11 10:05 a.m. CC 131 Mon. Jan. 13 6:00 p.m. NVJH Private lessons are available at the Community Center and North View Jr. 132 Tues. Jan. 14 6:00 p.m. CC High for a fee of $9.00 /half hour. Call the Community Center for further 133 Thurs. Jan. 16 6:00 p.m. CC information, 561 -5448, Ext. 171. DAYTIME CLASSES TWICE A WEEK FOR 5 WEEKS DIVING 134 M & W Jan. 13 9:30 a.m. CC 135 M & W Jan. 13 10:40 a.m. CC Beginning lessons on the 1 and 3 meter springboard for children who are 136 M & W Feb. 17 9:30 a.m. CC intermediate or better swimmers. Registration Fee $16.00/10 Lessons. 137 M & W Feb. 17 10:40 a.m. CC Classes 40 min. # Day Begins Time Location 14 151 Tues. Jan. 14 6:30 p.m CC SWIM ACTIVITIES CONTINUED SPECIAL MONTHLY POOL ATTRACTIONS ADVANCED LIFESAVING COURSE JANUARY- Enjoy Summer in January - Bring your picnic, lunch and swim for A Red Cross course for persons age 15 and older. Students must be able to half price on January 18 from 1 -4 p.m. perform standing front dive, swim underwater, tread water and swim 500 FEBRUARY - A Valentine Special - On February 15 bring a friend for 15Cwith continuous yards. CPR, MMFA and 6 hours of studentguarding time will also one paid general admission, be part of the course. Attendance is required and absences will not be made MARCH - St. Patrick's Special - ''Near green and swim for half price! Enjoy' up. Registration Fee $45.00/ 10 Sessions and includes all materials needed. FREE:: POPCORN all day Sunday. Mach 15, 1:00 -6:00 p.m. Classes 3 hours. Instructors Steve Froehlich, Barb Pierce. APRIL - Have fur, at our Easter Egg Match on Saturday. April 5 # Day Begins Time Location 152 Sun, Jan. 12 7 -10:00 p.m. CC MAv - Take a Double -Dip - Come and take a dip in our pool; Havea dipofice WORKSHOP DAYS: Sat., Feb. 1 & Feb. 15 - 9:00 a.m. - CC cream before leaving, -Saturday. May 17. Watch for further infprmation distributed by the Parks and Recreafion WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTOR COURSE Department. This Red Cross course is designed to train individuals in becoming instruc- tors of all swimming and lifesaving levels. Must be 17 years of age or older by the first night, proof of age must be provided. A current Advanced Lifesaving COMMUNITY CENTER MEMBERSHIP RATES certificate must also be available on the first night of class. Each person must Memberships entitle the member use of the Swimming Pool, Exercise pass the swimming and lifesaving pre -test and should be prepared for a Room and Sauna during recreational or "open" periods. moderately strenuous course requiring physical endurance. Class meets 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year Saturday morning and Wednesday evening for a period of 6 weeks. Call the Family $62.00 • 105.00 178.00 Minneapolis Chapter of the Red Cross at 871 -7676 - Safety Services to register. Class 4 hours. Individual $35.00 58.00 99.00 Day Begins Time Location Family membership will be limited to parents and children living at home 20 Sat. Feb. 8 8:30 a.m. NVJH years of age and under. OPEN WATER SCUBA COURSE SENIOR ADULT RATES This class is designed for adults interested in underwater diving and whoare 3 month membership for Brooklyn Center residents 62 years & older - comfortable in the water. Each person must provide his own mask, fins and $7.00. snorkel in the second lesson. Other equipment will be provided. Class is 4 Single admission rate for Senior Adults resident or non - resident 62 years hours in length and will meet once a week for 5 weeks. Open water dives are and older, $1.25. an additional part of the class. On completion of the course an internationally recognized certification card will be awarded. Instructor Terry Nooner. GENERAL ADMISSION Registration Fee $80.00/5 Weeks. Adult (18 & over) $2.25 # Day Begins Time Location Youth (15 -17) $1.75 153 Sun. Jan. 12 4:00 p.m. CC Children (5 -14) $1.50 154 Sun. Feb. 16 4:00 p.m. CC SCUBA OPEN SWIM OPEN SWIM SCHEDULE A special time to practice for persons with scuba equipment only. Designed MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY for those taking scuba instruction as well as any other interested persons. 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Cost 750 per time. TUESDAY - THURSDAY Day Begins Time Location 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thurs. Jan. 9 8:30 p.m. NVJH 8:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. (Adults only) NORTH VIEW OPEN SWIM SATURDAY 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m (Adults Only - NEW) Begins January 9 - cost 500. Thursday - 7:30 -8:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. LIFE. BE IN IT AND SWIM SUNDAY Can you swim 10 miles? You may want to take advantage of this opportunity. 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. MONDAY - FRIDAY All you need to do is obtain a card and fill it out on your own. Start by swimming 'Amile at a time. Earn a Red Cross certificateand patch. Mark your 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. card after each time you swim. Begin today! Any questions about "Life. Be In It Adults and /or organized groups only and Swim" contact Gayle at 561 -5448. The wading pool is open to children ONLY when supervised by a parent. The wading pool is closed during the following hours: NORTH VIEW POOL AND GYM RENTAL Tuesday & Thursday - 4:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. The North View Jr. High Pool and Gymnasium, located at 69th and Zane Saturday - 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Avenue North are available for rental at various times during the weekend. School age children ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE BUILDING DURING Call the Community Center at 561 -5448 for further information. Cost Pool SCHOOL HOURS. On school holidays students will be admitted at 1:00 p.m. $20.00 /per hour. Gym $6.00 /per hour. Children under list grade MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT in the COMMUNITY CENTER POOL RENTAL building at all times. The Community Center Pool is available for rental by your school, group, or EXERCISE ROOM & SAUNA SCHEDULE party at various times during the week. Call the Community Center at 561- MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY 5448 for further information. Cost: $42.00 per hour. 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. WOMEN'S CONDITIONING TUESDAY - THURSDAY See Adult Section for description. 8.30 9m. a.m. - 8:30 p.m. p.m. - 10:30 p.m. (Adults only) BROOKLYN SWIM CLUB SATURDAY SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. All boys and girls 6 and up through college are invited to join the Brooklyn The use of the Exercise Room is limited to 15 years old and up. The use of the Swim Club, the local Minnesota U.S. Swimming Club, for competitive swim- Sauna is limited to 18 years and up. CHILDREN YOUNGER THAN THIS WILL ming. Sponsored by the Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park Parks and NOT BE ALLOWED EVEN IF ACCOMPANIED BY A PARENT. Recreation Departments. The Swim Club offers a wide ranging program for individuals for all levels of ability in competitive swimming. For further infor- GAMEROOM mation call 561 -5448, Ext. 171. A free 2 week trial period is offered to any interested swimmer who has never tried competitive swimming. Enjoy our gameroom equipped with foosball, pool, video games and pinball. Snackbar Visit our refreshment area, located next to the game room. 15 C"y Bulk Rate OF B ROOKLYN U.S. Postage 6301 SHINGLE CREEK PARKWAY PAID 3 C ENTER BROOKLYN CENTER, MINNESOTA 55430 Mpls. Mn. Permit No. 2170 TO: REGISTRATION INFORMATION 1. All registration must be made at the Park and Recreation office in the Community Center beginning at 1.00 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 4 (numbers will be handed out at noon). (Swim registration is sepa- rate - see box). BROOKLYN CENTER "Registration made by mail will not be accepted before Jan. 6. PARKS AND RECREATION No phone registrations. ADVISORY COMMISSION 2. On opening day of registration, Saturday, Jan. 4 a person may The Parks and Recreation Commission meets on the 3rd Tuesday sign up for himself or his immediate family ONLY. After this date, of each month, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers. This Commission you may register for as many people as you wish. advises the City Council on the Parks and Recreation Program in 3. The Parks and Recreation office in the Community Center is open Brooklyn Center. Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. -10:30 p.m.; Saturday, 9:00 Dale Bloomstrand Bud Sorenson, Chairperson Dave Skeels a.m. -9:00 p.m.; Sunday, 1:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m. Carl Manson Don Peterson Larry Propst 4• Where Classes are limited, registration will be on the first come - first serve basis. Persons are not considered registered until the THE BROOKLYN CENTER fee has been paid. The Parks and Recreation Department reserves PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT the right to cancel classes or activities when an insufficient Dedicated to the Citizens of Brooklyn Center that they may share in number of people sign up. the God given right to beauty, to sunshine, to tranquility; and to the 5. Instructor will not be permitted to accept registration at the ac- end that each may herein find the laughter of childhood, the accep- tivity location. tance of youth, the fulfillment of adult life, and the companionship of 6. Should you find it necessary to transfer session or class times, old age, through a healthy, satisfying use of leisure time. this may be done if an opening exists by paying a 506 transfer fee per class. All transfers must be done in person at the Commu- Arnie Mavis - Director of Recreation nity Center. Dick Ploumen - Superintendent of Parks T Request for refunds must be received at least 24 hours before the Kathy Flesher - Program Supervisor second class session, however, there will be a $3.00 service Susan LaCrosse - Program Supervisor charge on any refund before the first class begins and a $4.00 Gayle Gardner - Aquatic Supervisor service charge before the second class begins. Refund policy REGISTRATION CARDS ARE FOR MAIL USE ONLY. except where noted in class description. WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BEFORE MONDAY, JAN. 6 8. Persons who register for an activity where capacity enrollment has already been reached. . . will go on a waiting list. Additional 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 classes may be formed if there are sufficient requests and if space and competent instruction is available. 9. Senior Citizens, 62 years and over, who are residents of Brooklyn NAME _ Center may enjoy most activity classes at Yz the registration fee. (Last) (First) This does not apply to supplies or special Senior Classes which are at a special rate. ADDRESS 10. Check schedule for beginning date of each class. (zip) 11. Sorry, no trip refunds, unless cancelled by the Parks & Recreation Department. 12. Class attendance is limited to participants. Spectators, including (Phone) (Work Phone) parents, are not allowed except with permission. This includes children. ACTIVITY_ For Further Information call 561 -5448 (Location) Swim Registration for Swimming Lessons which are to be conducted at the Community Center Pool and North View Jr. High will be held CLASS # TIME _ Saturday, January 4 starting at 9:00 a.m. at the COMMUNITY CENTER. Mail registrations will not be accepted for Swimming Lessons. CLASS DAY _ ____ _ AMOUNT _ (Numbers will be handed out at 8:00 a.m.) l