Call to Order The Brooklyn Center City Council met in special session
and was called to order by Mayor Philip Coh e n at 7:40 p .m.
Roll Call Mayor Cohen Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar, and
- Y
resent were Actin
Lhotka . Also p g City Manager James
Merila, Director of Finance Paul Holmlund, Chief of Police
Thomas O Hehir, Director of Planning and Inspection tion Blair
Tremere and Administrative Assistants Mary Harty and
Ronald Warren.
Mayor Cohen commented on the untimely death of the
daughter of Roger Scherer, former State representative, and
requested a moment of silence in her memory.
Management Consultant's Mayor Cohen stated that this special City Council meeting
Report was called to receive a report from Loren Law, the manage.-
ment consultant retained by the City for the city manager
search, and to review the procedures for interviewing
candidates and selecting a new city manager.
Mayor Cohen then recognized Mr. Loren Law of Loren Law
and Associates who stated that he had various procedures
that he wished to discuss with the City Council for the
selection process of a new city manager, and that he would
also like to review the role each City Councilman will be
playing during the interview and evaluation process to be
conducted on Friday and Saturday of next week. He reported
that as of yesterday 112 candidates had been screened for
the position and that that number had been narrowed down
to a select few, utilizing the agreed upon position descrip-
tion and job specifications. He explained that the field
screening has been completed, and that full consideration
was given to all persons that had applied for the position.
He further explained that the position description and speci-
fications had the effect, in some cases, of eliminating
Persons who had expressed an interest in the position when,
after reviewing this material, they had asked not to be
further considered. He pointed out that each candidate
seeking information regarding the city manager position
was sent an application and information relating to the
position on the same day as their inquiry,
Mr. Law reported that the selection process is on schedule
in terms of the agreed upon schedule and timetable and that
the interview process could begin as anticipated on Friday,
September 16, 1977.
Mr. Law also reported that he felt one of the first things that
should be agreed upon this evening is an interview schedule
for Friday and Saturday of next week. He stated that he
will make some suggestions regarding a schedule for the
two days which incorporates a number of the suggestions
made by Councilmen at individual meetings he has conducted
with Councilmen. He pointed out that he has never met with
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two or more City Councilmen at one time, except at an open
public meeting as is this evening's meeting. He added that
he has received good input from members of the City Council. `
Mr. Law explained that-one item that probably needs further
discussion is a suggestion that city manager candidates meet
with school district officials sometime during the two day
interviewing and selection process. He pointed out that
Brooklyn Center is somewhat unusual in that there are
four school districts within the City and doubted whether
or not there would be time to meet each school district
superintendent at their respective school district office, .
He suggested the possibility of inviting school superin-
tendents to a luncheon with the city manager candidates
and also that there be a guided tour of the City for the
candidates conducted by a City Councilman and the
.Acting City Manager. He stated that it is very important
for the candidates to physically see the City.
Mr. Law then recommended that a tour of the City be
arranged for Friday morning and that there be a luncheon
at noon to give the candidates an opportunity to meet the
four school district superintendents. Mr. Law also
recommended that the one -on -one interviews between
members of the Council and the candidates begin at
3:00 p.m. on Friday, September 16. He stated that
these one -on -one interviews should be limited to one
hour and that there be a half an hour to forty -five
minutes between interviews to give Councilmen an
opportunity to write their written evaluations of the
candidates and to prepare for the next interview. He
further stated that by using such a schedule two
complete rounds of interviews with the candidates
could be completed prior to the dinner hour.
Mayor Cohen clarified the schedule suggested by -
Mr. Law by stating that the proposal is to have a
tour of the City with a member of the Council and
the Acting City Manager from approximately 9:00 a.m.
to 11:30 a. m. and then to have a luncheon beginning
at 12:00 noon until approximately 1:30 p.m. with the
candidates and the various school district superinten-
dents. Mayor Cohen stated that he felt it would be
beneficial to have the luncheon with the school district
superintendents in Brooklyn Center. Councilman
Britts commented that he favors the idea of a luncheon
but inquired if it would be possible to expand the
number of persons attending the luncheon to include
such people as the president of the Chamber of Commerce
and the president of the Brooklyn Center Jaycees.
Mr. > Law responded that he thought it would be beneficial
to have some members of the business community represented
at the luncheon, but cautioned that it would not be wise to
expand this luncheon too far. Mr. Law also suggested that
there be an informal coffee hour in the City Hail with the
city manager candidates and various department heads.
He explained that both the City staff and the candidates
would appreciate the opportunity to meet one another.
He added that to expand the luncheon beyond 1:30
might make the schedule too tight to begin the one -on -one
interviews at 3:00 p.m.
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Councilman Lhotka commented that the luncheon would be
for the purpose of a free flowing exchange of information
between the candidates and the school district superinten-
dents, and that with a lot of people in attendance at the
luncheon this concept might not be realized. Mr. Law
stated that he would recommend that the luncheon be kept
small and include the candidates, the four school district
superintendents and possibly some persons from the busi-
ness community. Mayor Cohen stated that the luncheon
could be structured so that the school district superintendents
are given an opportunity to say a few words about their
district and also the candidates given the opportunity to
comment on their backgrounds. Mayor Cohen also pointed
out that on certain Fridays the City Council Chambers and
various conference rooms are used for court purposes and
requested that this matter be clarified to avoid any conflict
with the proposed schedule.
Mr. Law reported that it was generally understood that there
would be three candidates recommended for the City Council's
consideration. He stated that based upon individual inter-
views and discussions he has had with various Councilmen
within the last few days he is considering recommending
four candidates for the Council's consideration, if the
Council is agreeable. A brief discussion ensued relative to
Mr. Law's recommendation. Following the discussion it
was the consensus of the City Council that four candidates
be interviewed by members of the Council.
Mr. Law stated that with four city manager candidates to
interview and five Councilmen, one Councilman would have
an irregular schedule. He suggested that four of the City
Councilmen conduct the one -on -one interviews starting on
Friday, September 16, at 3 :00 p.m. with the first interview
lasting one hour and that there be.forty -five minutes between
the end of first interview -and the next interview for Council-
men to write their written evaluations and prepare for the
next interview. He stated that the second interview would
start at approximately 4 :45 p.m. with the interview conclud-
ing at approximately 5:45 p.m. and another forty -five
minutes for written evaluations. He explained that with this
schedule the first two rounds of interviews would be com-
pleted by approximately 6 :30 p.m. and the Council could
either continue with.the third round of interviewing that
evening or resume the last two rounds of interviewing
starting at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 17 He
further explained that using the same interview format.,.
interviews would be concluded by approximately 11 :30 a.m.
on Saturday morning. Mr. Law recommended the Saturday
morning interviews would be more desirable than continuing
the interviewing on Friday evening. He further reported that
Mayor Cohen has volunteered to take the irregular schedule.
A brief discussion ensued relative to Mr. Law's recommenda-
tion with it being the consensus of the Council to accept
that recommendation. Mr. Law stated that he would draw
up a schedule and that it would be completed and delivered
to the City Council prior to next Monday evening's City
Council meeting.
A discussion ensued relative to the special City Council
meeting to deliberate the selection of a new city manager,
which had been tentatively scheduled for 2 :00 p.m. on
Saturday, September 17, 1977. Following the discussion
it was the consensus of the City Council that that special
meeting be held at 3 :00 p.m. on Saturday, September 17,
in the City Council Chambers and that the staff be directed
to provide adequate notice of that meeting.
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Mr. Law then reviewed his recommended selection process.
He stated that the special City Council meeting may take
from one and one -half to two and one -half hours, or possibly
longer, to conduct. He explained that normally the candidates
would not be present during the meeting but would be available
once the City Council has made a decision as to their number
one candidate. He further explained that he would meet with
the four prospective candidates and get various feedback
from their interviews with members of the City Council, and
that he will know the salary range and other details of the
position expected by each of the candidates. He added that
once the City Council makes its decision he will be able to
inform the Council as to the candidates expected salary
range for City Council discussion. He stated that upon
agreement of a salary and fringe benefit proposal, the
number one candidate will be invited'back to the City
Council meeting and that the Mayor could make the pro -
posal to the candidate and the candidate, because he has
had an opportunity to review various aspects of the position,
can make the decision as to whether or not to accept the
position. _
Mr. Law reported that all of the candidates, as well as
their wives, have at one time or another been in the City
of Brooklyn Center and in one case one of the candidates
had sat through a recent City Council meeting. He
expressed the opinion that all of the four candidates are
fairly well aware of the position and, based on the job
description and job specifications previously discussed
by the Council, are very interested in the position. He
pointed out that using this format the City Council will
be objective in its decision. He added that it has been
agreed upon that there will be no discussion of salary
with the candidates during the interviews He stated
that the discussion of money with candidates during
the interview can often destroy the interview. He
added that all of the candidates' expectations are
within* the previously agreed upon salary range for
the position.
A brief discussion ensued relative to the salary range
for the position and various fringe benefits associated
with the position. Mr. Law inquired if the City Council
was open regarding its City car policy, stating that one
of the candidates had inquired if the City Council would
consider a car allowance rather than 24 hour use of a
City car for City business. Mayor Cohen responded
that the use of a City car has for a long time been the
City's policy and that the Council has gotten away from
the idea of paying car allowances. He further stated
that it was his opinion that he would not want to change
this policy and establish another precedent. In response
to an inquiry by the City Council, the Director of Finance
stated that the present City car policy has been in existence
since approximately 1960. The Acting City Manager stated
that the city manager's car is used as, part of a police car
rotation system and that it would not be beneficial to
disrupt this rotation system.
Councilman Lhotka inquired if the City Council would be
discussing the evaluations they had made of the candidates
during the one -on -one interviews at the scheduled 3:00 p.m.
meeting. Mr. Law responded that this would be the general
procedure and that members of the Council would have their '
worksheets and evaluation sheets, plus additional information
supplied on the candidates, on which their deliberation would
be based. He suggested that the meeting begin with the
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normal call to order and roll call, and then, if it is the
City Council's desire, the meeting could be turned over
to himself to conduct.
Mr. Law then reviewed the general format of the meeting by
stating that it is expected that the City Council would have
all of its homework and evaluations on the candidates done
prior to the time of the meeting. He stated that it is then
recommended that the City Council again look at the posi-
tion description and job specifications so that all agree it
adequately defines the position and the qualities of the
candidates they are looking for. He stated that following
this review he would suggest that a ballot to determine the
number one candidate betaken. If there is not agreement
during the first ballot, a second ballot would be taken in
order to focus the choice down even further. He pointed
out that a number of ballots might be necessary and there
may be need for further discussion on the strengths and
positive points of each of the candidates still remaining.
Mr. Law then stated that it is hoped that the City M . p Y Council
will unanimously decide on a candidate. He explained
that the entire process will be a tough but rewarding exer-
cise and a very good learning process for the City Council.
Councilman Fignar stated that it had previously been agreed
upon by the City Council that the selection of a new city
manager would be by a unanimous vote.
Councilman Britts inquired about the possibility of having
various people from the community meet the candidates if
the City Council is having a problem deciding on one of
two candidates. He suggested that it might be beneficial
to have a coffee hour to get feedback from community people
regarding their observations of the candidates. Mr. Law
responded by stating that he would recommend that the two
candidates be brought back before the City Council individu-
ally if such a situation arises. Fie further stated that it
would not be advisable for other outside people to interview
or make recommendations regarding the candidates in such a
situation. He stated that the City Council has been elected
to make this type of decision and, in his opinion, it would
not be wise to seek other outside input. He pointed out
that the City Council would have all the resource material
available to them and the opportunity to talk individually
with each of the candidates and that he feels the City
Council will have the ability to make that decision on its own
Mr. Law then distributed information on how to conduct
effective selection interviews, various sample interview
questions and the candidate evaluation 'report for the City
Council's review. He stated that it is his intention to
next review this information with members of the Council.
Recess The Brooklyn Center City Council recessed at 8:43 p.m. and
resumed at 9 :05 p.m.
Councilman Lhotka stated that, after the decision is made
regarding a city manager following the Saturday meeting,
it would be nice if the City Council and the four candidates
went out for dinner, and inquired as to the Council's
feelings about this suggestion. Mayor Cohen responded
that this might create some conflicts with the Open Meeting
Law and if the dinner was feasible it would have to be at
everyone's own expense. He requested that the matter of
a dinner between the City Council and the four candidates
be further explored regarding possible conflicts with the
Open Meeting Law.
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Mr. Law proceeded to review the information distributed to the City Manager Search
City Council prior to the recess relating to suggested procedures Workshop
for interviewing and selecting a new city manager. He first
reviewed the topic of how to conduct effective selective inter-
views and stated that the principal objectives of a good
selection interview are to first obtain and evaluate informa -
tion beyond that supplied in the application form; to assess
interest, personality , and motivational characteristics in
order to better evaluate the candidate's "will do" potential;
to provide the candidate with adequate information concerning
the job duties and employment environment sous to allow
the candidate to properly judge his or her own qualifications
and level of interest; and to create a favorable image for
the organization. He stressed the importance of reading
and reviewing all of the information presented to each of
the Councilman on each-of the candidates. He added that
the candidates themselves will be evaluating the City
Council also during the interview process and that it is
important that the interviewer leave the candidate with
a good impression of the organization,
Mr. Law then reviewed various points relating to the
preparation for the interview stating that much of the
effectiveness of the interview depends upon the prepara-
tion of the interviewer. He again stressed the importance
of detailed review of the application form and any reference
or other material available on the candidate. He stated
that the interviewer should know the facts reported on the
application form to minimize the time spent on the same
information during the interview, while gaps in that informa-
tion and areas where further elaboration is desirable should
be noted and pursued. He stated that it is important to
prepare specific questions to elicit the desired information,
and it is helpful to develop several questions as well as
to prepare a rough outline of the various topics to be
covered. He briefly reviewed a copy of sample interview
questions that had been presented to the City Council and
suggested that they select six or seven possible questions
out of that group which they feel should be utilized for
interviewing each of the candidates. He pointed out that
it is best to use the same questions on each of the candidates
in order to get a reaction from each of the four persons
regarding similar questions. He further stated that it is
important to review the job description and specifications
in order to allow the interviewer to discuss the job
responsibilities intelligently with the candidate. He
commented that it is also important for the interviewer to
recognize his own personal prejudices or philosophies
so that their effect on the interview evaluation can be
Mr. Law next reviewed the importance of the physical
arrangements of the interview room. He stated that he will
review with the Acting City Manager appropriate locations
to conduct the one -on -one interviews. He stated that the
physical arrangements are important for establishing
rapport with the applicant and also to gain the applicant's
confidence. He further stated that he would not recommend
that the interviewer, in this case the City Councilman,
sit behind a desk so that there is a barrier between the
applicant and the interviewer. He pointed out that it is
very important that candidates feel relaxed and are at
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Mr. Law then reviewed various questioning techniques
contained in the information distributed and stated that it
is important to avoid questions that can be answered with
simple yes or no answers, or questions that have already
been adequately answered on the application form. He
stated that the interviewer must guide and control the
discussion to insure adequate coverage of all areas,
develop the desired level of penetration, and meet various
time commitments.
He then reviewed the topic of interviewer behavior, com-
menting that it is important that the interviewer keep his
voice at a conversational level to promote a relaxed
atmosphere; to show a generally supportive and permissive
attitude by frequently nodding and giving indications of
agreement which tend to reassure the candidate and
motivate the candidate to reveal their full story; to
recognize the candidate's achievements and provide a
verbal pat on the back as may be appropriate; to use facial
expressions such as smiles, raising eyebrows, etc. to
encourage the candidate by showing interest and receptive-
ness; to avoid any show of surprise or disagreement because
such reactions will generally block the further flow of
information; to play down the importance of unfavorable
information and always allow the candidate an opportunity
to save face; to keep the interviewer's language at the
level of the person being interviewed as much as possible;
and the importance of not taking notes during the interview
but rather using the time provided for writing the evaluations.
Mr. Law stated that the Councilmen will be expected, during
the interview, to provide various job information about the
position. He suggested that members of the Council polish
upon their knowledge of the City and explained that each
of the candidates will receive copies of the City Charter,
the 1977 Adopted Budget, the 1978 Proposed Budget, the
City's Financial Report, the Comprehensive Plan, the
Administrative Code, and the City's Personnel Ordinance.
He stated that he was certain that the candidates would
have various questions about the information contained in
these documents, and that it would be worthwhile for the
Councilmen to have a general understanding of them as
well. Mayor Cohen requested a list of the documents that
candidates would receive so that the City Council will have
the opportunity to also review them.
Mr. Law stated that the closing of the interview was also
important and that Councilmen, as the time for the interview
draws to a close, should a quick mental review to
make sure that everything important has been covered.
Mr. Law stated that following the interview the Councilmen
should be prepared to summarize their impressions of the
candidates on paper and that these written comments should
include all relevant facts and feelings as to the candidates'
abilities and attitudes and other factors which could have
an impact on the candidates' suitability for the job. He
stated that approximately forty -five minutes would be given
for the Councilmen to write their evaluations. He then
reviewed the candidate evaluation report and asked members
of the Council to study the document carefully so that
they will be able to do a good evaluation report on each of
the candidates. He explained that the document would be
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for the Councilmen's use in discussing each of the candidates
and that they need not return the finalized evaluation forms.
Mr. Law in4uired of the City Council if there were any questions
regarding the procedures and process outlined. There being
none, he stated that he will present an envelope with all of
the information available on the four candidates to the City
Council by the Monday evening Council meeting.
Motion by Councilman Lhotka and seconded by Councilman Adjourriment
Fignar to adjourn the meeting. Voting in favor: Mayor
Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Lhotka.
Voting against: none. The motion passed unanimously.
The Brooklyn Center City Council adjourned at 9:37 p.m.
C ferk Mayor
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