APRIL 7, 1975
Call to Order The Brooklyn Center City Council, met in regular session
and was called to order by Mayor Philip Cohen at
7:30 p.m.
Roll Call Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Jensen, Fignar and
Kuefler. Also present were City Manager Donald Poss-,
Director of Public Works Jim Merfla, Director of Planning
and Inspection Blair Tremere, Director of Finance Paul
Holmlund, City Attorney Richard Schieffer, and Adminis-
trative Assistants Ron Warren and fames Lacina.
Invocation The invocation was offered by Reverend Backie of the
Brooklyn Center Evangelical Free Church.
Approval of Minutes Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
3-24-75 Fignar to approve the minutes of the March 24, 1975
meeting as submitted. Voting in favor were, Mayor Cohen,
Councilmen Britts, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against-,
none. The motion passed. Councilman Ku,efler did not
vote as he was not present at that meeting.
Declaration of Surplus The City Manager introduced th_e first item of business
Equipment on the agenda, that of declaring surplus equipment. He
recommended declaration. of one 1964 international
three-quarter ton pickup and r-Ine, 1967 te'r horsepower
Mercury outboard motor as surplus eqtji,pment to be dis-
posed of in a manner serving the best interests of the
City. He commented that t he proceeds from this equip-
ment will go to the General Fund.
Motion by Councilman jen_,on and seconded by Councilman
Britts to declare one 196 International three-quarter ton
pickup and one 1967 ten horsepower Mercury outboard
motor as surplus equipment. Voting in favor were: Mayor
Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen.
Voting against: none. The motion passed unanimously.
Resolution Urging The next item considered was a resolution urging con-
Construction of struction of the Brookdale area Regional Library. The
Library City Manager noted that he had been in contact with the
County Administrator regarding this'topic and that the
Administrator suggested that the City express its position
in the form of a resolution and present it to the propel
Hennepin County authorities.
There was a brief discussion regarding the proposed
Brookdale Library. Councilman Fignar inquired as to the
problem regarding the land space. Councilman Jensen
noted that there was a physical problem with the land
in that it was already developed whereas the land for
the Ridgedale Center Library was undeveloped and easily
Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption: NO. 75-62
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted.
Member Bill Fignar introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption- NO. 75-63
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same- none, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted.
The City Manager next reviewed the resolution supporting Support for Mandatory
mandatory comprehensive planning. legi s lation. He Comprehensive
recommended the resolution for the purpose of officially Planning Legislation
endorsing the concept of mandatory comprehensive
planning as called for in the adopted legislative policies
of the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities. He
briefly reviewed the rationale for supporting this legis-
lation. He commented that it was needed to prevent
overloading the metro systems and to provide for planned
growth in line with the capabilities that such metro
service systems presently have. He further stated that
the focus of this legislation was more directly related to
the growing fringe metropolitan communities.
Mayor Cohen briefly reviewed the need for required
Comprehensive Plans noting the deficiencies and pozsible
situations that could arise. He stated that it was impera-
ldve to deter questionable development in areas that could
not be properly and economically provided with the necessary
Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption: NO. 7564
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was
duly seconded by member Bill Fignar, and upon vote being
taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Philip
Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler, Bill Fignar and
Robert Jensen; and the following voted against the same:
none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed
and adopted.
4-7-75 -2-
Planning Commission The next item of business considered was Planning
Application No. 74040 Commission Application No. 74040 submitted by Gabbert
(Gabbert & Beck) and Beck. The Director of Planning and Inspection noted
that this application constituted amendments to the site
plan approved for Gabbert and Beck approved by the City
Council in July, 1974. He then reviewed the minutes of
the Planning Commission's meeting on March 31, 1975.
He noted that the applicant had made various revisions
to the landscaping plans, as well as to the grading plan
for the proposed Westbrook Shopping Center which is to
be located in the area generally bounded by Brooklyn
Boulevard and Xerxes Avenue southerly of County Road #10.
He noted that the plans provided for an enlarged capacity
for the restaurant facilities and that adequate parking had
been provided for, He further commented as to the land-
scaping changes, noting particularly the different sizes
and quantities of plantings as compared to the original
approved plans. He also reviewed the changes inthe lot
grade and the ramifications upon the berming and screening
of the parking areas, He noted that the site comprehended
approximately ten acres and that there existed a 40 foot
right-of-way off of 56th Avenue. He noted that this
right-of-way would be used for ingress and egress to the
properly .
Councilman Kuefler inquired as to the slope from the
existing Bank parcel down to the 40 foot right-of-way
strip from 56th Avenue IM the interior of the subject
parcel. The Director of Planning and Inspection com-
mented that this slope could be accommodated for through
grading and that there was no particular problem foreseen
in adjusting to this grade. Councilrnan Jensen inquired
as to the concern for traffic congestion on 56th Avenue
with the additional driveway placement. The Director of
Public Works commented that it was the intention when
these parcels were initially laid out to accept inevitable
congestion on 56th and 55th Avenues rather than Xerxes
and Brooklyn Boulevard.
The Director of -Planning and Inspection then reviewed
the landscaping and realignment of plantings. Council-
man Fignar commented as to the vertical board screening
for the loading areas. The Director of Planning and
Inspection noted that these vertical board screens served
both aesthetically and functionally as a visual break for
these loading areas, He then reviewed the site plans
for the subject parcel. Councilman Kuefler inquired as
to the landscaping of the deferred parking area. The
Director of Planning and Inspection responded that all
areas would be landscaped including the deferred parking
Mayor Cohen then recognized the applicant, Mr. Beck,
regarding questions or additional comments.
Councilman Fignar inquired of Mr. Beck as to the com-
pletion date for the proposed shopping center. Mr. Beck
responded the intent to have the exterior done by this
fall with the grand opening tentatively scheduled for
March, 1976.
-3- 4-7-75
Motion by Councilman Jensen and seconded by Councilman Action Approving
Fignar to approve the amendment to landscaping and site Amendment to
revision plans for Planning Commission Application No. Application No.
74040. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen 74040 (Gabbert
Britts Kuefler Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none. & Beck)
The motion passed unanimously.
The Director of Planning and Inspection next reviewed Planning Commission
Planning Commission Application No. 75007 submitted by Application No, 75007
Ronald Lee. He noted that the applicant was seeking (Ronald Lee)
approval of site and building upgrading plans for the
premises of the former Casey's Market located at 57th and
Logan Avenue North. He stated that the present applica-
tion consisted of proposed retail use in a small area with
the majority of the floor area for bulk storage of merchan-
dise and parts relative to the operation of Acme Typewriter
Company. He briefly commented as to the history of this
parcel regarding the disproportionate size of the building
in relationship to the site and the problem with finding
suitable low activity uses for this premises.
He noted that the primary problem consisted of the par-king
defic)'.ency by present-day ordinance standards. He reviewed
a proposed parking layout that indicated a maximum of only
18 parking spaces could be provided toward present ordinance
requiremer.ts of 56 spaces® He noted '-3-at i
area for retail would be a maximum of 1 , 000 square feet of
the approximate 8,000 square foot total. He described that
the parking lot entrance would be on the west side of the
existin-g building and that the pedestrian entrance to the
bulAding would also be moved to the west end of the front
of the building.
Councilman Britts expressed concern about the inability of
the site to provide parking as required by current standards.
The C.1ty Manager described the efforts in finding a suitable
low activity tenant for this building because of the parking
restrictions. He stated that the proposed use was probably
the best that has been submitted for this parcel.
The Director of Planning and Inspection then reviewed the
remodeling proposals for the exterior of the building. He
noted that certain glass block windows would be removed
and replaced with cement blocks. He also stated that the
applicant proposed to repaint the exterior of the building
arid provide for the sodding of a strip on the easterly side
of the building from the building to the Logan Avenue
right-of-way. He also noted that the loading area which
not comprehend the extensive use of large Semi-trucks
wculd be on the west side near the parking lot.
Councilman Kuefler inquired as to the use of shrubbery
ar~.d trash enclosure. The Director of Planning and Inspection
recommended that no shrubbery be required because of the
nature of the site and he stated that a trash enclosure was
not comprehended because there was not intended to be any
outside storage of trash.
4-7-75 -4-
Councilman Fignar inquired as to the exterior lighting on
the site. The Director of Planning and Inspection noted
that there was no detailed plan for the lighting as yet,
but that this was subject to approval upon submission as
indicated by condition of approval number one of the
Planning Commission approval.
Mayor Cohen then recognized the applicant, Mr. Lee.
Councilman Jensen inquired of Mr. Lee as to the sales
and the number of employees that would possibly be
employed at the premises. Mr. Lee responded by noting
that the retail area of the building would be used for sales
and the maximum number of employees at present would be
seven. Councilman Kuefler inquired as to the storage of
trash and the possible need for enclosure. Mr. Lee
responded by noting that at this time they did not foresee
any problems with outdoor trash storage in that most of
the merchandise arrived in a container and was shipped
out in the same container. Councilman Kuefler further
commented that he felt that in the event of an outside
storage trash being necessary, there should be a require -
ment that it meet the proper screening requirements.
Acton Approving ,� seconded pp g Motion by Councilman Jensen and s�.�onded by Councilman
Planning Commission Kueflel Lu ajiLi Planning Commission Application No.
Application No. 75007 75007 submitted by Mr. Ronald Lee. Voting in favor were:
(Ronald Lee) Mayor Cohen, Co uz llma Ie...e n , D efler, and Fignar.
Abstaining: Cou�.:�c "hiaan Britts. The motion passed subject
to the following co llditiom s
1. BLild.:,,.g m_od..ficattons including exterior
lighting are subject to review by the
Buildi;�ig C;fflcial with respect to appli-
cable code.
2. Paving and curbing plans are subject to
review by the City Engineer, who shall
be prwa ,- ded with a certified lot survey
of the premises prior to commencement
of Su h work.
3. Site i.m _proverr°ents shall include sodding
of all - ,u paved areas and an underground
irrigation system shall be installed in
those arias.
4. A performance agreement and supporting
financial guarantee (in an amount to be
determined by the City Manager) , shall
be submitted to insure completion of
approved site improvements.
5. The arriount of floor area devoted to retail
sales shall be limited to a maximum of
1 ,000 square feet.
6. In the event an outdoor trash storage is
needed, the proper screening shall be
reviewed and approved by the Building
-5- 4 -7 -75
The City Council recessed at 9.20 p.m. and resumed at Recess
9850 p. m.
The next item of business was a review of the proposed Review of
master plan of the Brookdale Shopping Center mall area. Brookdale Mall
The Director of Planning and Inspection noted that over Master Plan
the years an increasing number of commercial occupancies
had been established in the mall area and that as a result
of recent concern for the extent of such operations and the
proposed addition of such establishments, a master plan
had been developed by the Brookdale Center management
at the request of the City. He noted that this specific
request was in conjunction with the proposed establish-
ment of an Olive's East tea and coffee shop located on
the site of the former fountain in the east mall. He noted
that the proposed use world consist of approximately 60
seats with an attached cluster of display booths or retail
shops. He stated that food service consisted of serving
pastries which were brought in and heated on the premises
in addition to the brewing of coffee and tea.
He further noted that original plan approvals comprehended
the mall area as being an enclosed open space with no
commercial tenancies. He noted that the mall area had,
thus, been exempted from parking calculations as well as
the requirement for automatic fire extinguishers. He stated
teat over the 'years various establishments had been .;stalled
and that some had been although certain areas
were not
The Director c f Planning and Inspection then reviewed
t he rat c -nale for req' -ci.rinug and needing an updated master
plan for the .mall area. He stated that most uses throughout
the mall were, in fact, incidental to primary 'uses but that
there was a need tc .moa -�,or through a master plane, the
extent and nature of the se uses.
Th re way a brief as to the transient t use
Vs. a pew° ria nent u e in the gall area. The Director of
Planning and nulled that this approval was for a
Ma Cohen commented as to the extensive
e cf "he for seasonal displays and the p4 ssilbility of
A ,p a per t . The Director of Planning and Inspection
r pcl ,red by that traditionally these displays were
ere( ed witho ^>t approval from the Building Department and
the eye sary bu jding permits o but that they were rev.'iewed
ate, t(( fire safety of the displays.
'Ir City At_t rn.ey c om,_ rented as to the required parking that
WC ..ld be necessary for the addition of this area as a com-
'ir a lin IL Brookdale parking plan. The Director of
and I 8pection responded by noting that the
Brookdale management did not see this development as
great!: ;gig additional clientele to the center but rather as
providing an ame J,ty and convenience for Brookdale s=hoppers
w ho are already there. He further commented that Brookdale
Cep'ter was in the process of updating a parking physical
i tc better determine the parking needs.
4 -7 -y5 -6®
A lengthy discussion, ensued relative to the parking require-
ments and the specific - parking required for the Brookdale
mall center. The Director of Planning and Inspection noted
that this center was constructed under totally different
parking requirements for the ordinance, and that this was
the rationale for reviewing it at this time. The City
Manager noted that most generally Brookdale parking has
proven adequate. He commented that the only times
there is a demonstrated stress on the parking situation
are during the major holiday seasons.
Councilman Jensen inquired as to the approval of temporary
exhibits. The Director of Planning and Inspection noted
that at this time approval of these exhibits by the Planning
Commission was not comprehended. He again reviewed
the areas for transient exhibits as indicated on the master
Mayor Cohen then recognized Ms, Louise Lane of
Brookdale Center.
Councilman Kuefler inquired of Ms Lane as to the reason
for the re&L!. -e^ size cf the community room. Ms. Lane
noted that this area, along with a ports n of the east mall
that would be converted tc Olive East appeared to be too
large is, 04le noted that the reduction in size of
the communi room,, the ad ^ ,ti.on of an Olive East in
the east mail would eff ec i°Aely redzn.ce the visual space
of these two areao an.d Trake them m(,re comfortable and
Councilman Jensen g it d atiR to the expansion of
Brookdale and the pos:7 bJ`1ity of expanding vert::'�cally>
Ms. Lane noted that at thl,s time there were no intentions
of expanding BroGkdale; ei'thea: vert -I. all or horizontally
and that, in tact, the exi sting stru,cct- res cold not
accommodate an :add t_ - al level.
Approv Motion by Councigr`�an Fiqnar ail seconded by Councilman
F'. for Britts to approve the Br<)okdaie Center master plan for the
3r 5 - 'Kda1e Ce mall subject to the conditionso
Ma 1.
1. Pry pr sue a dit or,.s to or major alterations
of the apprc ved mall mater plan shall be
su b ec t t City approval.
2. Automatic fire extinguishing :system shall
be extend �d to all approved areas con
tain,!,n,g permanent enterprises a approved
by the Building Official.
3. Provisioni for ether code - required life
safety mea -s res shall be made as
approved by the Building Official.
4. All commercial uses, including transient
entertaLa- ent, program and displays,
shall be limited to those areas desig-
nated on the approved master plan.
S. An updated site plan of the Brookdale
Shopping Center shall be submitted.
-7- 4 -7 -75
Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none.
The motion passed unanimously.
The 'next Item considered was an on -sale beer license On -Sale Beer
for the Chuck Wagon Inn. The City Manager reviewed License
that the procedures regarding review of on -sale beer
licenses had been modified to conform to procedures for
intoxicating on -sale licenses. He stated that the appli-
cation had been reviewed and that the police investigation
revealed no problems.
Mcti1on by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
Jensen to authcrize the issuance of a nonintoxicating
on. -sale beer license to the Chuck Wagon Inn for the
remainder of the year 1975. Voting in favor were.- Mayor
Cohen, C )unc_!lTmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen.
G ti lg again !.- none • The motion passed unanimously.
Motio - ,a by Councilman Jensen and seconded by Councilman Licenses
Br�t to approve the following licenses:
Chuck Wagon Inn 5720 Morgan Ave.
Ch 'd_ .ck Wagon Inn -- 5 72 0 Morgan Ave.
Heating & Air
Con ditioning 7805 Beech St. N.E.
Air Com ctt Co. , Inc. 3300 Gorham Ave.
Berghors °r. Plumbing &
Heating 10732 Hanson Blvd,
Co irrercial Air Conditioning 2200 Niagara Lno
Con:_ strom.e s Heating & Air
C )nd l"on�1.ng 4410 Excelsior Blvd.
Frank' H,e,6 "g & Sheet
Metal Co. 2531 Marshall, St, N.E.
Gas S'1 pply, Inc. 2238 Edgewood Ave. So
Hu glu.» 3 Mechanical
>tractorw , Ir:,< . " 420 West Lake St.
Ideal HeatI ng & Air
C sand ' i c` my , i c, 311, 6 Fremont Ave. N.
La,r,b PI " & Heatinng 1010 Currie Ave.
Ml p:;sota Gas Co. 733 Marquette Ave.
"P"" Mp & Meter Service 2711 E. Franklin Ave.
Rionmond & Sun 3 2810 Major Ave, N.
Heat .* gig &
C sg 4120 - 85th Ave, N.
Ge Sedgwick Heating 1001 Xenia Ave. S.
Sa p e i ,r Contractors, Inc. 6121 - 42 nd Ave. N.
The mpson Air Conditioning 5115 Hanson Ct a
Fred Vogt and Co. 3260 Gorham Ave,
Ray Welter Heating 4637 Chicago Ave.
Yale Mechanical Contractor 3012 Clinton Ave. So
Chuck Wagon. Inn 5 72 0 Morgan Ave.
Chuck Wagon Inn.. 5720 Morgan Ave.
4 -7 -75 -8-
Lawrence Sign Co, 945 Pierce Butler Rt.
Voting in favor were- Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against- none.
The motion passed unanirnously.
Resolution Regarding The City Manager next reviewed the proposed Brooklyn
Proposed Brooklyn Park rezoning of a large parcel of property, the northeast
Park Rezoning quandrant at 73rd and Lyndale Avenue North. He noted
that the City of Brooklyn, Park is considering rezoning
the property to the highest activity level commercial
designation in their zoning ordinance. He commented
that a number of Brooklyn Center residents in the vicinity
have requested intervention and assistance in opposing
the rezoning proposal on the various grounds set forth
in a resolution recentiy adopted by the Brooklyn Center
Planning Commission.
Councilman Kuefler inquired as to the size of the subject
parcel. The Director of Planning and Inspection noted
that it was approximately 3 - 112 acres and consisted of
two parcels. Mayor Cuhen c rated that he felt
communication sho - uld be mad =, to the school district
regarding Brooklyn Center' feeling on, the rezoning
of this iaiici� since t-he laud dce�, cone - ai , an old school
buiiding and. is owJ ._, ), thte ' foci district at this time.
Fol.lowxng a br et F� .;' b r; w a motion by
Councilman Kuefle a; cr . ° d by Counc.- iiman Fignar
to authorize of l k „ g Co-m- mission Resolution
75 -2 regarding pr pr , ; . Brooklyn Park rezoning to the
Brooklyn Park Plan g V § , in favor
were. Mayor Cohen, Ca un 1 � Br ° #'t ;, Kuefler, Fignar
and Jensen. Fag,zJLA3t, The .oi -ion passed
u.nan,irnouL�Iy .
F' gal Mat Appr, ,,.al Motion by seconded by Councilman
Jensen to appro,_re th,` : i,. �i plat for Mar,'vnv Gardens as
s- ubmitted subjec to 'r f ,.v ,o wIng ondd*ono
w tip the requirements of
Cha ' e;r N ; of , City Ordinances.
Voting in favor were M -ay r Core2nL, Councilmen Britts,
ue9 �� er, en c- °.
K��.fler Fignar a.,i� �k.��...��® �.,�n, aoainst- none. The
o _ � g
motion passed
Plat Ap�rc °,Yal Mo o:;� by Ccuncil �?ar, � lg ar and seconded by Councilman
iensen to approve the final plat of Robert Barr Addition
a,s submitted subject tc the following conditions-
1 . That t ere be granted an easement to the
City a5 approved by the City Engineer
and Cit/ Attorney for a 40 x 60 foot
alleyway in the northeast corner of
Lot 3, Block 1
2. Existing structures in southwest corner
he rerrioved Within, one year of date of
filing of final plat.
3. Compliance with the requirements of
Chapter 15 of the City Ordinances.
-9- 4 -7 -75
Voting in favor were. Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts ,
Ku.efler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none.
The motion passed unanimously.
Member Robert Jensen introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption, NO. 75 -65
The motion for the adoption of the foregoin g resolution
was duly seconded by member Bill Fignar and upon vote
berg taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof:
Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler, Bill. Fignar
and Robert Jensen, and the following voted against the
same, none, whereupon, said resolution was declared
duly passed and adopted.
The City Manager next reviewed a proposed resolution Opposition to
opposing S.F. 998 regarding changes in the State Building Changes in State
Code law. He noted that the Department of Administration Building Code Law
was suggesting change im this regard to include all
jurisdicticnvs and agricultural buildings as well. He fuxther
cornmen,i:ed that "she proposed legislation was applicable to
Hosing Maintenance Codes such as Brooklyn Center °,s.
There was a brief as to the proposed l.egilation
and the practices of the Department of Ad mini sira Ion in
adm`Lr steri.� g the State B .ilding Code. He sugge ted that
the J,a,creased a' horit under the State Department of
Adrrzl-n ,,ration c uld reduce the effectiveness of Brooklyn
, Center's Hou-sing Maintenance and Occupancy Or finance.
He commented that to date the State Building Code Division
has been arbitrary and arrogant toward local governments.
Cou.nc 1. ,nan Brats expressed a concern for the blunt
la g:,x.a j-s - 'm the r 01. ti�Jr , suggesting that the terms
drru va r,,r. arbktra - °, were abrasive. There was a brief
of :he .attar, the City Manager stating that
thes e ter acc reflected the past experiences and
irre lacy of couperation by the State office toward loci- .
Terser expreissod apprehension regaroi,ng the
--f relat."nq the r- atters of basic oppos t on to
S.F. 998 and the practices, and attitudes reflected in
the State cede. He suggested two resolutions,
o (F� expre� i,:';Ag to S.F. 998, and another
g the Stye B,i d` ";:Kg bode Divis1on.
Mayer Cohen urged, ads: pt`!c °'a of the resolution in "its drafted
l rm, s'at:lng that the terr`r),s_ arbitrary and arrogant were, if
any i �g�, inadequate in describing past antics of the State
B ldl g Code Division sion of th.e Department of Administration.
He described some of , objectionable tactics and attitudes
whl, h had been experienced by Brooklyn Center and other
curnmunities during the past two years. Mayor Cohen
further urged that these negative aspects be incorporated
in the resolution as supporting reasons, among others, for
opposing S.F. 998.
The City Manager suggested that the Council consider as
a compromise changing the terms arrogant and arbitrary to
indifferent and insensitive. It was the majority consensus
of the Council to so modify the draft language.
4 -7 -75 -10-
RESOLUTION Member Bill Fignar introduced the following resolution
NO. 75 -66 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Tony Kuefler, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler
and Bill Fignar; and the following voted against the
same: Robert Jensen; whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member Maurice Britts introduced the following
NO. 75 -67 resolution and moved its adoption,
IN H.F. 1137
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Bill Fignar, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert jonsen; and the following voted
against tho same, nor+e, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted,
NO. 75 -68 Member Bill Fignar intn duced the following resolution
and moved its adoption,
The motion for the ads, ,tion. of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by Yn :,ber Robert Jensen, and
upon vote being tak� thereoti, the following voted in
favor thereof: Philip Km uhc—�5, Maurice: Britts, Tony
Kuefler, Bill Fignar a_?�6 Robert Jensen; and the following
voted against the ame, none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly pa.ss�ed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member Robert Jensen introduced the following resolution
NO. 75-69 and moved its ado° -ot:1. -.n,,
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Tony Kuefler, and upon
vote being taken thereon:, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member Robert Jensen introduced the following resolution
NO. 75 -70 and moved its adoption:
-11- 4 -7 -75
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Tony Kuefler, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen.; and the following voted
against the same- none, whereupon ;said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
The City Manager next reviewed a proposed resolution Pistol Control
supporting the pistol control legislation embodied in Legislation
SeFe 625 and H.F. 679. He noted that the basic content
of the bill provided for a permit to be required for the
possession of a pistol and that there would be a 14: day
waiting period prior to possession. He also noted that
the legislation prohibited certain classifications of
people from possessing a pistol and also included
restrictions as to carrying pistols.
A brief discussion ensued relative to the concepts of
pistol control. legislation. Councilman Fignar inquired
as to the charge regarding the issuance of a permit, The
City Manager responded that there could be no charge.
Cc,'au c '!Tn an Kuefler :noted that the basic philosophy of
guy'r., control legislation was to deter crimes. Councilman
Jen -sazi - Liquirekd as to the cost to the City foi- ad aai,ru
th'ie program. The C;:ity Mand.ager responded that the local,
cc sts were u', and that this legislation, if passed,
would more than likely fall under the concept of a State
ma,',.date and wound thin qualify as a special levy.
Counc - Britts noted that he supported the philosophy
o f g : tool and stated that this legislation served as
the beginning to possible control of the misuse of guns.
Member B di Fignar introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adopt) ".orn.- NO. 75 -71
The riot c.n for the adop °.o.n. of the foregoing resolatfcrn
was drily .acondpd by member Maurice Britts, and upon
v «_ate being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Bill Fignar and
Robert Jen.sern.; and the following voted against the same:
nc abstaI Tony Kuefler; whereupon said resolution
was declared daily passed and adopted.
Mayer Cohen left the table at 11 :55 p.m. and returned
at 12 -U9.
Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption- NO. 75 -72
The emotion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Robert Jensen; and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted.
4-7 -75 -12-
RESOLUTION Member Maurice Britts, introdu the following resolution
NO. 75-73 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adcpt'llon of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Robert Jensen, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, M3uric(� Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert jenz and the following voted
against the same, none, wherF -upon, said resolution
Was declared duly pas. -ed and adopted.
Legl'slation Supporting Councilman Britts then prer�'ented for dl'scussion H.F. 933
Concepts Embodied in and proposed suppert"In,g the ccr,�epts embodied in it.
H.1 933 Regarding He noted that it dealt w.lth p acemment of contested offices
Contested Offices and prior to those of uncontested offices on the primary and
Pla gment on Ballot general election lie commented that there was
a distinct drop off in the voting across the ballot which
he attributed to the placerrent of the uncontested offices
prior to the contested off-'ces on the voting machine
ballot. He stated that th`,s �ffected voter
participation in the loc-'_al
There was a brief t'� the i*, of the
bill, and the placemi. of 0'_'C�"" (C'n the ballot,
Councilman Kueflar
',!K -e additional
information regard t' _ bE" T-v(. to -3uppc it.
R SOLUTION Me, Maurice Br` thr-, fc-L owing
N G a b'S - 7 4 resolution and ;no-veali a
O,R T'
_7 G O
H.F. 933
The motion for th ac
frre�jc`,ng resolution
was duly seconded b and upon
a 7ote being taken t 1 1'1�)wlnq voted in favor
thereof, Philip Con , Wi ctr Fignar and
Robert Jensen; an A_ 11 vc,�_d a "nst the same:
Tony Kuefler, re, oll Y,jva�� declared
duly passed and
q The City Manager
next that of
.j, � I
q changing the allocation
A11c, cat 11on opposing H.F. 1099
t f,- - ell p n ,r Het '. County General Hospital.
_i He
%, of costs formula fc
Geneyaj' He noted that throu c' to the ccsst formula
Ii the suburbs wouid. be a ccnsi lerably larger
amount for the car ; of indigent per .o.' He stated
that the costs rel xt Indi-gent`"' care or nonpaying
persons would be spread across the County
and not according tc loc=�tion of resIdence.
RESOLUTIG;' Member Tony Kuefli�ir iratroduced the following resolution
NO. 7 575 and moved its ad0p
13- 4-7-75
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Robert Jensen, and upon
vcte being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same- none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman Pride in Your
Kuefler to declare April 19 thr ®ugh April 26 Pride in Your City Week
City Week. Voting in favor were- Mayor Cohen,
Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting
against. none. The motion passed unanimously.
The next .item presented by the City Manager was a Commissioner of
letter received from the Commissioner of Revenue Revenue's Ruling
regarding acceptance o'f a previously disallowed special on Special Levies
levy. He noted that the Commissioner of Revenue in a
latter dated March 26 reversed his disallowance of labor
relations costs as a special levy. He stated that in a
letter received April. 4 the Commissioner of Revenue
'l" awise reversed his- disallowance of a tax abatement
tax cc,urt deca,�1a.' wh.,ch resulted in a loss of approxi-
mately $1.4,000 to the City of Brooklyn Center. He
<�ted ]at this was a airect result of discussing the
matters with the 2- inn at a muu Liny lla9d 11-C.
Brco� ly' Center. He re-, that the City Council
w t"nd"^w 'ap i. ' regarding the remain nq three
,-_ .es ed s�ec y,,_:,± a'; , _, which dealt with the ao .Av�i._
ir;,t.ib"n cf y p- nlii "'t surcharges, liquor iiab 'it'd'
a '�a,!c'enri.t.i street sign rule.' e
M(.ti()n by Britts and seconded by C o - ur.c hrrian
Fignar tc withdraw appeals to the Levy Limit Rev
Bear reaar � ` �� , yc: °affi l,�vy claims dealing w t'�-_ the
s f tie a�:.: . >`� f building permit surcharges
a)`` d compliance with unlflcrm
r a >.., _`; S yr _ _..b ated by the Highway'
Dap ,..2i t® V i ' i zvor' were, Mayor Cohen,
Br"_, ._, K_ after, Fignar and Jensen. VCa,> rq
a �:i� ,o °c Ti u, pa. „ sed unanimous 1
C ";y t a ', * Director of Public Wcrks. Uniform Alley
b e ph e 1W rep , °r ',f� � d a uniform alley, a m.prc - Improvement
e "Inc. Policy
`ter ,an K�°:_l N,r v �� d t at the Bicentennial Comr^-uttee Bicentennial
” bq 3r �v reg �ri`y and prooeeding w "ith much Committee
r! y e Ha cited that they meet the first Sat'Lrday
thc in w .... (__;'1%y Hull and voted other interested
o attend th ,spy meetings.
Mote :n. by C c ','man Brutus and seconded by Co :.ncilman Adjournment
aa,cj r n the ` o_4 of the City Council. Voting
,, n "avor were -o Mayur Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler,
F gear a ;�_iserO Vot. - "n.g against. none. The motion
passed uran - ,rcu. 1,y. The City Council adjourned at
erk Mayor
4 -7 -76 -14-