SEPTEMBER 15, 1975
Call to Order The Brooklyn Center City Council met in special session
and was called to order by - Mayor Philip Cohen at 7.30 p.m.
Roll Call Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts Fignar, Kuefler and
Jensen. Also present were City 'Manager Donald Poss,
Director of Finance Paul Hblffilund, and Administrative
Assistants Ron Warren and James Lacina.
1976 Budget Motion by Councilman Fignar, seconded by Councilman
Hearing Britts to reconvene the J976 Budget hearing.. Voting in
favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler,
Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none. The motlion
passed unanimously.
The City Manager proceeded with a,detailed and lengthy
review of the individual General Fund Budget accounts.
He - reviewed the account structure and the impact of the
LOUIS --y-atem orthq -,budget process. He noted that in
many instances items which were previously lumped
under one category were now brok to specific,
items within that category. He also stated that in sorry,e
cases there appeared to be - major , deviations frorn thy: 1975
adopted and the 1976 requested. He.commented thilt 2"n
most of these instances the -1-975 adopted f igures were
allocated as best "guesstimates" as actual data wat , `,GAI
available at that time. 'He however, that throuc_ih
the inception of the sy-stem ,accurate data would
now be available the 1.977;)Dudget year.
He then continued with a review of - the Council acccumt,
noting that there were no specific changes within this
account. He briefly reviewed the makeup of the pro-
fessional services object as'inc.luding planning studies,
con-sultdnt and personal services for labor relations..
The next account considered was that of Charter
Commission. Again it was noted1hat there were no major
changes within this account, and that the statutory amount
was again recommended.
The next account considered was that of the City Manager's
Office. The City Manager noted that this account might
also be called a supportive services account in that it
contained items such as communications and insurance
which were budgeted as lump sum items under the City
Manager's budget for the entire City General Fund operation.
He also noted that throughout the budget salaries were
projected at the 1975 rates.
The next accounts considered were those of Elections and
Voters Registration, Assessing, Finance, Independent
Audit, Legal Counsel, Government Buildings, Detached
Worker, Planning and Inspection, Civil Defense, Animal
Control, Engineering, Street Construction and Vehicle
- 1- 9-15-75
Councilman Fignar inquired as to the mileage rate that was
projected in the Assessing account. The City Manager
noted that mileage for personal auto use was based upon
the fact that the Assessors use their personal autos when
doing their work and it is computed at a rate of 15 � per
Mayor Cohen noted that a major portion of the Finance
account consisted of a LOGIS costa He requested that the
City Manager present an update review of LOGIS for the
Council at some future meeting.
The City Manager commented that the Government Buildings
account suffered effects of the inflationary impact on energy
use. He noted that the major cost increase in this account
related to the electric and gas utilities for all City buildings.
The City Manager then reviewed the Street Construction and
Vehicle Maintenance account. He noted that this account
has been split between the two specific activities. He
reviewed the changes in a proposed expanded sealcoating
program and the effect of inflation on the cost of motor fuels
and lubricants. He also referred to the capital outlay item
consisting of tachographs which would be used for the
purpose of determining efficiency of vehicle operations and
to record usage of specific pieces of equipment. A brief
discussion ensued relative to this item.
Councilman Fignar left the table at 9:55 p.m. and returned
at 10:00 p.m.
Following further discussion on the Budget accounts there
was a motion by Councilman Jensen, seconded by Councilman
Kuefler to adjourn the Budget hearing until Wednesday,
September 17, 7:30 p.m. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen,
Councilen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against:
none. The motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Councilman Fignar and seconded by Councilman Adjournment
Kuefler to adjourn the meeting. Voting in favor were: Mayor
Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen.
Voting against: none. The motion passed unanimously. The
Brooklyn Center City Council adjourned at 10:05 p.m.
I .
s ,
Clerk Mayor
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