MAY 6, 1974
Call to Order The Brooklyn Center City Council met in regular session
and was called to order by Mayor Philip Cohen at 7 :30 p.m.
Roll Call Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Fignar, Britts, Jensen and
Kuefler. Also present were City Manager Donald Poss,
Director of Public Works James Merila, Director of Finance
Paul Holm Lund, Director of Planning and Inspection Blair
Tremere, Chief of Police Thomas O °Hehir, City Attorney
Richard Schaeffer, and Administrative Assistants Daniel
Hartman and James Lacina.
Approval of Minutes Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
4 -22 -74 Fignar to approve the minutes of the April 22, 1974 meeting
as submitted. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen,
Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting
against: none. The motion passed unanimously.
Declare Surplus The City Manager introduced the first item of business,
Material that of declaring surplus materials. He recommended that
certain obsolete furniture and equipment contained in the
former Lyndale Avenue liquor store and garage be declared
surplus material. He stated that if such a declaration is
made the obsolete equipment and furniture would be dis-
posed of in the best interests of the City.
Motion Declaring Motion by Councilman Fignar and seconded by Councilman
Surplus Material Jensen to declare obsolete furniture and equipment contained
in the former liquor store and garage at Lyndale Avenue as
surplus material. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen,
Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting
against: none. The motion passed unanimously.
Authorize Improvements The City Manager next recommended that the City Council
to Grandview Football authorize the immediate sodding of the Grandview football
Field field in order to make the field playable for the football
season this fall. He stated that the field had recently
been rebuilt by the hauling in of heavy black dirt material
and regrading of the field to improve its drainage charac-
teristics. He stated that last season the field had been
seeded but did not hold up over the year.
Councilman Jensen inquired as to the exact area that would
be sodded. The City Manager stated that it would be the
primary football field at Grandview Park, not the secondary
field which is used also as a hockey rink during the winter.
Mayor Cohen commented that Central Park, once it is
developed, would relieve the situation in terms of requiring
sports to play on the same field.
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Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman Motion to Approve
Kuefler to approve the sodding project for the Grandview Improvements to
Park football field at an estimated cost of $1500 to be Grandview Football
financed by a transfer to funds from the Mayor and Council Field
Contingency Account to the Park and Recreation Account.
Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none. The
motion passed unanimously.
The next item was introduced by the City Manager who Authorize Change in
explained that the Park and Recreation Director had Community Center
recommended that the admission fee structure for the Admission Fee
Community Center recognize 18-year olds as adults, thereby Structure
establishing their rights to certain adult privileges in the
Community Center, and also increasing the admission fee
for 1 8 -year olds from 50� to $1 .00 per admission. He stated
that the use of the sauna and exercise room has been limited
to only adults and that by changing the admission fee
structure, 1 8 -year olds would be allowed the use of these
facilities He stated that at present you have to be 19 years
of age to use the adult facilities.
A brief discussion ensued relative to the admission fee
structure and the privileges that would be granted to 1 8 -year
olds. The City Manager commented that he has been advised
by the Director of Parks and Recreation that there is popular
support among those. 18-year olds who use the Community
Center for such a change in the admission fee structure.
Motion by Councilman Kuefl.er and seconded by Councilman Motion to Amend the
Jensen to amend, effective June 10, 1974, the admission fee Fee Structure at the
structure at the Community Center by recognizing 18-year Community Center
olds as adults, thereby establishing their rights to certain
adult privileges in the Center and also increasing the
admission fee for 18-year olds from 50� to $1 .00 per
admission. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen
Britts, Kuefler„ Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none.
The motion passed unanimously.
The City Manager next recommended a resolution which Resolution Awarding
would award a bid for a portable air compressor as com- Bid for Portable Air
prehended in the 1,974 budget. He stated that only one bid Compressor
had been submitted to the City, and that the net bid was
the same figure as appropriated in the budget.
A brief discussion ensued relative to the receiving of only
one bid for the air compressor, with Councilman Jensen
inquiring as to the competitive nature of receiving a single
bid. The City Manager commented that though only one
bid had been received, there is no way for bidders to know
that they wou be the only bidder and that the cost was
within the figure allocated in the budget.
Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption: NO. 74-73
-2- 5-6-74
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice. Britts, Tony Kuefler
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolutipn was
declared duly passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member Maurice Britts introduced. the following resolution
NO. 74 -74 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution,
was duly seconded by member Bill Fignar, and upon
vote being taken thereon,. the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefier,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed' and adopted.
Public Hearing on The Director of Public Works next reviewed the public
Water Main Improvement: hearing scheduled for the evening. He stated that the
Project No. 1974 -11_ a:nd public hearings were related to proposed water main
Street Surfacing Improve- and street grading, base and surfacing projects,
ment Project No. 1974 -12
The Mayor opened the public hearing on water main
improvement project No.. 1974 -1.1 Mr. Merila reviewed;
th -e data sheet available on the project, stating, that a
petition had been received for the project with 7`0% of the
residences in favor. He. stated that the water main
improvement project: would provide water main along, France
Avenue North from 63rd Avenue North to Halifax Drive and
Halifax Drive from Grimes Avenue North to Brooklyn
Boulevard . He stated that the petition had been received'
on March 21, 1974 and that the proJect would.be assessed
at!:the old rate of $590 per residential. lot..
The Ma -yor then recognized Mr. Dillingham, 630: France
Avenue North, who stated that he was very much in favor
of the proposed project since his water pressure was; very
poor at- this time.
The. Mayor then recognized Mr. Carl Russert, 6300 France
Avenue= North, who stated that he too was having water
pressure problems-. The Mayor then recognized; Mr. Frank
Anderson,. 6353 Halifax Drive, who stated that). his water
was emitting foul odors.
A concern was voiced by the residents that'the water main
improvement project would be installed as soon as possible.
Mr. Merila commented that the project would be bid some-
time in 1974 with completion date this coming fall.
RESOLUTION Member Bill Fignar introduced the following resolution
NO. 74 -75 and moved its adoption:
-3'- 5-6-74-
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted.
The Director of Public Works next reviewed improvement
project No. 1974 -12, providing for street surfacing on
France Avenue North from 63rd Avenue North to Halifax
Drive and Halifax Drive from approximately 50 feet west
of Grimes Avenue North to Brooklyn Boulevard. He stated
that this would be required in line with the water main
improvement project No. 1974 -11.
Member Maurice Britts introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption: NO. 74 -76
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Robert Jensen, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted,
The City Manager next recommended a resolution ordering Resolution Ordering
construction of street surfacing improvement project No. Construction of Street
1973 -35. He stated that this project was to be completed Surfacing Improvement
in conjunction with trunk water main improvement project Project No. 1973 -35
No. 1973 -34. He stated that the street surfacing improve-
ment project would involve Lee Avenue North from 66th
Avenue North to approximately 135 feet south of 66th
Avenue North and Noble Avenue North from approximately
160 feet north of 66th Avenue North to approximately 135
feet south of 66th Avenue North. He stated that the
citizens in the area were nQt willing to petition for
restoration of the total street, and hence this project would
involve a restoration of that portion of the surface required
to be disturbed by the trunk water main installation.
Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption: NO. 74 -77
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duty seconded by member Bill Fignar, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuef ter,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted,
-4- 5 -6 -74
RESOLUTION Member Maurice Britts introduced the following resolution
NO. 74 -78 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Bill Fignar, and upon
vote :being taken, thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert `Jensen; and the following .voted
against the same: none, whereupon said rsesolution was
declared duly _passed and adopted
Resolution Establishing 'The City Manager next referred to a resolution estab-
'Terms for Standard lishing terms for Standard` Solvents' storage tanks.
Solvents' Storage Tanks
The Director of Planning and Inspection outlined the
resolution, commenting on the particular elements. He
commented that certain requirements had not been met
in accordance with the conditions placed on approval
of Planning Commission Application No. 71019. He also
commented to the current ordinance provisions requiring
curbing around paved- areas . He stated that the _east
portion of the property had no °turf, and that .that area is
being used for parking and driving purposes
'The Mayor then recognized 'Mr. Heegaard who presented
comments on the resolution and his concern in terms of
:the curbing requirement around the proposed blacktop
area :toAhe east of the site. He stated that he'felt
this -was severe in relationship to other >sites in the area
He also commented as to the screening requirement around
_the above ground tanks. He stated that it would seem
i :sible to screen the tanks properly.. He stated that
the- overall aesthetics of the site would seem to allow the
tanks without proper screening _as long -as they were
compatible with the structure and landscaping in the area.
The:Mayor commented that the curbing requirement could
only be waived if a variance was granted under .separate
application .
A lengthy discussion ensued relative'to the siteand
building.plan conditions as approved. under. the original
application and the draft resolution, 'Mr. 'Heegaard
commented that the situation is one. of economics and that
Standard Solvents must work within its economic capability.
Councilman Britts then interjected that the central issue
is one of burying the tanks and not of other site improve -
ments required under the initial application. He stated
that: such requirements must be met and that the concern
'of the Council at this time must be addressed to the
burying of the storage tanks. Mayor Cohen concurred
with Councilman Britts since the main issue deals with
the safety requirements in terms of burying the tanks on
the site as required under the initial application.
q pp •
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The City Manager then stated that in light of the discussion
on the resolution he would propose that he redraft the
resolution reflecting the discussion of the evening.
Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman Motion to Redraft
Fignar to direct the City Manager to redraft the resolution Resolution Regarding
reflecting the overall Council consensus. Voting in favor Standard Solvents
were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar
and Jensen. Voting against: none. The motion passed
The City Council recessed at 9 :58 p.m. and resumed at Recess
10:24 p.m.
Member Maurice Britts introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption: NO. 74 -79
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Tony Kuefler, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
Member Bill Fignar introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption: NO, 74 -80
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
The City Manager next recommended a resolution rejecting Resolution Rejecting
proposal for bituminous oils. He stated that the City had Proposals for
received bids for bituminous oils, but that all bids con- Bituminous Oils
tained escalator clauses and would require the City to
pay higher charges at later dates to reflect the increasing
costs for oils. He recommended that the City reject the
bids and authorize the purchase of bituminous oils on an
as needed basis.
Member Maurice Britt introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
k .anal moved its adoption: NO o 74 -81
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Tony Kuefler, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
- 6 - 5 -6 -74
Ordinance Amending The City Manager next recommended an ordinance amend-
Junk Vehicle Provisions ment to the junk vehicle provisions. He stated that the
present ordinance requires that a vehicle be both impro-
perly licensed as well as non-operable.
The City Attorney commented that it is difficult to prove
- if:a vehicle is not operative unless an officer is able to
.get into the vehicle and try to start it. He commented
that the ordinance amendment would -allow for the
definition to be an either-or situation and not having to
be tested for whether the vehicle is operative or not.
ORDINANCE - Motion by Councilman Jensen and seconded by Councilman
First Reading Britts to approve the first reading of an ordinance amending
Chapter 19 of the City Ordinances relating to junk vehiclea.
Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none. The
motion passed unanimously.
Suburban Rate Councilman Jensen presented a status report on the
.Authority Status - Suburban Rate Authority. He stated that with the passage
Report of the new State Law regulating public utilities the
Suburban Rate Authority must evaluate its future direction.
He stated that the Suburban Rate Authority has discussed
whether it should operate during the rest of 1974, whether
it should operate into 1975 to help the Public Service
Commission during the transition of regulatory authority,
and whether it should continue indefinitely as somewhat.
of a watchdog of the Public Service Commission's decisions
and regulations of the public utilities. Councilman Jensen
- commented that the -Suburban Rate Authority has controlled
suburban gas rates quite effectively over the past 12 years
of its operation,
'Mayor Cohen commented that he would like to see the
Zuburban Rate Authority continue its existence, at least
.'for a three - five year period as somewhat of .a watchdog
, for the Public Service Commission as the -Service
Commission assumes the responsibilities of regulating
all public utilities. He stated that the Public Service
Commission has a very large task before it and that the
,Suburban Rate Authority could help the Commission in its
,assumption of those duties and responsibilities.
Councilman Kuefler inquired 'as 'to the cost of operating
the Suburban Rate Authority.. Councilman Jensen:stated
'that at present the only cost incurred is that of -th - e
consultant's fee when needed in'terms of establishing rates.
He also commented that the future expenditures of the
Suburban Rate Authority also are an important aspect to its
continued operation. He stated that Minnegasco has
indicated that it would see its role in terms of the Suburban
Rate Authority coming to an end in terms of its financial
contribution to its operation. The City Manager commented
that future costs of the Rate Authority would probably have
to be covered by the municipalities themselves.
A lengthy discussion ensued relative to the Suburban Rate
Authority and its overall operational goals and objectives.
-7- 5-6-74
The City Manager commented that his concern in this area
would be that the Public Service Commission has not
developed the staff required to be able to regulate the
public utilities at this time. He stated that the Suburban
Rate Authority could help the Public Service Commission
meet these responsibilities until the Public Service
Commission at least shows competent staff ability to
assume the tasks before it.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the City
Manager develop a resolution urging the Suburban Rate
Authority's continuing operation in a watchdog role as the
Public Service Commission assumes control over utility
rates .
The City Manager next discussed the resource and energy Resource and Energy
recovery program for solid waste materials developed by Recovery from Solid
Hennepin County. He stated that Hennepin County has Waste
conducted a thorough investigation and evaluation of the
resource and energy recovery program and has developed
some very interesting facts about such a program.
He also commented that the County has prepared a pre-
sentation that they would be willing to make to communities
in the area and he would like to schedule it sometime in
the future. Mayor Cohen commented that he thought it was
a good idea for the City Council as well as the Conservation
Commission to look at the presentation.
The City Manager next discussed the 911 emergency 911 Emergency
communications concept being developed for the metro- Communications
politan area and Hennepin County in particular. He stated' Concept
that such a proposed communication network has been
developed and is in the process of being refined to an
operational status in the metropolitan area. He stated
that such a proposed concept would involve a greater
capability for emergency situations since such a program
would cross municipal boundaries.
He commented that the Metropolitan Council has adopted
a policy in favor of the 911 communication concept. He
stated that he has served on a steering committee over
the past few months to develop such a concept and
recommend how it could be best implemented in Hennepin
County, as well as the metropolitan area.
The City Manager commented that Brooklyn Center has
been fortunate in the past since it has its own radio
band, but that those bands are controlled by the Federal
Communications Commission and the federal government
is strongly supportive of the 911 system. He stated that
it is important for Brooklyn Center, as well as the other
communities in Hennepin County, to have input into the
development of the system so that the final product is the
best possible 911 communications system developed.
-8- 5-6-74
Twin Lakes Status The next discussion item considered was that of a status
Report report on Twin Lakes. The City Manager commented that
he had been in communication with the City of Crystal
and that they are in the process of conducting a survey
of the lakeshore property owners using the same survey
that was conducted in Brooklyn Center. He stated that
once this has been completed the City Council in Crystal
will have its opportunity to react and express its opinion
to the Brooklyn Center City Council.
He stated that he had received communication from the
City Manager in Robbinsdale, stating that their City
Council had informally been polled and that a consensus
exists favoring some type of regulation on power boat
usage on Twin Lakes. He stated that more information
will. be available in the near future to allow the City
Council an opportunity to evaluate the total issue and
make its final determination at that time.
Licenses Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
Fignar to approve the following licenses:
Jaycees 6525 N. Willow Lane
Brookdale Motors, Inc. 2500 County Rd. 10
Iten Chevrolet Co. 6701 Brooklyn Blvd.
Velie Oldsmobile, Inc. 6700 Brooklyn Blvd.
Sears Roebuck 1297 Brookdale
Del Air Conditioning 9860 James Circle
Ideal Heating & Air
Conditioning 3116 Fremont Ave.
J. McClure Kelly Co. 5325 West 74th St.
Mill City Heating &
Air Conditioning 13005B-16th Ave.
Pump & Meter Service 2711 E. Franklin Ave.
Jaycees 6525 N. Willow Lane
Brede, Inc. 2211 Broadway N.E.
LeRoy Signs, Inc. 6325 Welcome Ave.
Nordquist Sign Co. 312 W. Lake Street
Western Sign Co. 295 West 7th Street
Beach Apartments 4201 Lakeside Ave.
Columbus Village Apts. 69th & Lyndale Ave.
Four Court Apts. 2936 Northway Dr.
Garden City Court Apts. 3407 65th Ave. N.
Holiday Inn 1501 65th Ave. N.
Northbrook Apts. 1302 69th Ave.
North Lyn Apts. 6511 Humboldt Ave.
Twin Lake North Apts. 58th & Major Ave.
-9- 5-6-74
Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none.
The motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Britts then introduced a letter he received Letter Commanding
from Mr. Herb Karsten commending the City street Street Mainrei�ance
maintenance employees for their fine work on maintaining Employees
the streets within Brooklyn Center.
Motion by Councilman Kuefler and seconded by Councilman Adjournment
Fignar to adjourn the meeting. Voting in favor were: Mayor
Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen.
Voting against: none. The motion passed unanimously.
The Brooklyn Center City Council meeting adjourned at
11:50 P.M.
Clerk Mayor
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