JUNE 17, 1974
Call to Order The Brooklyn Center City Council net in regular session
and was called to order by Mayor Philip Cohen at 7 :12 pm.
Roll Call Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Fignar, Kuefler, Jensen, and
Britts. Also present were City Manager Donald Poss,
Director of Public Works James Merila, Director of Finance
Paul Holmlund, Director of Planning and Inspection Blair
Tremere, City Clerk Allen Lindman, Chief of Police Thomas
O'Hehir, Deputy Chief of Police James Lindsay, City
Attorney Richard Schieffer, and Administrative Assistants
Daniel Hartman and James Lacina.
Approval of Minutes Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
6 -3 -74 Fignar to approve the minutes of the June 3, 1974 ;meeting
as submitted. Voting in favor were: Mayon Cohen,
Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting
against: none. The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Minutes Motion by Councilman Fignar and seconded by Councilman
6 -10-74 Jensen to approve the minutes of the June 10, 1974 meeting
as submitted. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen,
Councilmen Britts, Xuefler, Fignar and Jensen;. Voting
against: none. The motion passed unanimously.
Liquor License Dearing The City Manager introduced the fiat agenda item con -
(Nino's Steak Round -up) sisting of a previously scheduled liquor license hearing
involving an alleged violation of Section 11 °- 511 of the
City Ordinances by a licensee, N'ino's Steak Round -up.
He reviewed that police reports alleged that representatives
of the licensee had served intoxicating liquor to a minor on
May 31, 1974. He stated that Section 11-516 of the City
Ordinances provides that the City Council may suspend or
revoke any intoxicating liquor license for violations of the
liquor licensing ordinance as determined through public
hearing following established notice.
The City Manager suggested that the City Council sit as
a fact - finding body, hearing testimony from witnesses
under oath, asking clarifying questions of witnesses after
testimony was elicited through examination by the City
Attorney and Counsel for the licensee, and inviting written
findings of fact from the City Attorney and any written
arguments from the attorney representing the licensee,,
City Attorney Richard Schieffer introduced Mr. Carl
Cummins, attorney for Nino's Steak Round-up, and City
Clerk Allen Lindman swore in the witnesses.
The City Attorney introduced the case of the alleged
violation and called as his first witness Officer Lester
Randall of the Brooklyn Center Police Department,, Officer
Randall testified that he had been called to Wino's Steak
Round -up on the morning of May 31 to handle a property
-1- 6 -17 -74
damage complaint involving an alleged hit - and -run
incident. Officer Randall testified that upon
arriving at Nino's Restaurant he encountered
Clarence Dudley,, Jr. who told Officer Randall that
he had been forced off the road in the vicinity of
Xerxes Avenue at Shingle Creek Parkway and that
his motorcycle had been damaged and that he per-
sonally had been bruised in the fall. Officer Randall
testified that Clarence Dudley, Jr. appeared to be -
intoxicated and described the characteristics upon
which he based his conclusion. Officer Randall
further testified that it was established at the scene
that Clarence Dudley, Jr. had been served at least
one intoxicating drink at Nino's Restaurant and that
he knew Clarence Dudley, Jr. to be a minor.
In Gross- examination Attorney Cummins elicited from
Officer Randall a description of the motorcycle damage
and a description of the apparent injury to Clarence
Dudley's leg. Mr. Cummins further elicited from
Officer Randall that the intoxication characteristics
exhibited by Clarence Dudley, Jr. were, with the
exception of the odor of liquor on the breath,
characteristics commonly observed in shook victims.
The City Attorney next called Sergeant David Werner
of the Brooklyn Center Police Department, Sergeant
Werner testified that he had been called to Nino's
Restaurant to anoint Officer Randall. He testified that
after arriving at the scene he attempted to administer
a breathalyzer test on Clarence Dudley, Jr. only to
find out that the equipment was malfunctioning.
Sergeant Werner testified that it was established at
the scene through conversation with bartender Edward
Garnet and night manager Norbert Stachowiak that
Clarence Dudley, Jr. had been served at least one
drink of intoxicating liquor. Sergeant Werner testi-
fied that he knew Clarence Dudley, Jr. to be approxi-
mately 16 Years of age and that he no informed Garnet.
and 6tachowiak. Sergeant Werner also testified that
Clarence Dudley, Jr. was, in hie opinion, intoxicated
and proceeded to describe the characteristics upon
which he based him conclusion.
In cross-examination Attorney Cummins elicited from
Sergeant Werner testimony to the effect that no alter -
native intoxication toots were given to Clarence
Dudley, Jr. Sergeant Werner agreen upon crans-
examination that the characteristics of accident shock,
her than the odor of liquor on the breath, are similar
to the oharact aria tic a displayed by Clarence Dudley, Jr.
Sergeant Werner testified that he had known Clarence
Dudley, Jr. prior to the incident, both through an
association with Dudley's father while a member of
the Brooklyn Center Police Reserve and through other
contacts with Clarence Dudley, Jr.
The City Attorney next called Deputy Chief James
Lindsay f the Brooklyn
Center Po
y y lice Department.
Deputy h
p y C Sef Lindsay produced a duplicate birth
yp p
® r it
certificate Indicating dicating that Clarence Dudley, Yr. was
6 17-74
born , September 10, 1957.
The City Attorney next called Clarence Dudley, Jr. as
the next witness. Dudley described the alleged accident
and testified that following the accident he could not
recall any of the details as to how he arrived at Nino's
Restaurant, nor could he recall purchasing a drink of
intoxicating liquor nor calling the Brooklyn Center Police
Department to report the accident. He testified that he
had earlier been at a party where he had consumed a few
bottles of beer.
In cross - examination Attorney Cummins elicited from
Clarence Dudley, Jr. that his motorcycle had incurred
approximately $950 worth of damages in the alleged
hit-and-run incident and that Dudley had injured his ankle
in the accident resulting in a brief stint on crutches.
Mr. Cummins then called his witness, Mr. Edward Garnet
who testified that he was the bartender on duty who served
Clarence Dudley, Jr. at Nino's Restaurant on May 31, 1974.
Mr. Garnet testified that Clarence Dudley, Jr. entered the
bar area of the restaurant at the time of "last call for drinks'.'
appearing disheveled, wet and limping. He testified that
Dudley appeared excited in stating that he had been in an
accident, proceeding to describe the circumstances and
subsequently requesting use of a telephone to call the
Police Department. Garnet testified that Dudley ordered
a drink of intoxicating liquor and that he served Dudley
without any apprehension that he might be a minor, Garnet
testified in response to Attorney Cummins' question that
it is the policy of Nino's Restaurant never to serve minors
and to check identification if there was any doubt at all.
He testified that Nino's management conducts training
programs and constantly reminds employees of the need
to avoid serving intoxicating liquor to minors through the
employment of identification checks where any doubt
exi sts .
Upon cress- examination City Attorney Schieffer elicited
from Garnet testimony to the effect that approximately
fifteen minutes per employee training session is devoted
to the matter of detecting minors attempting to purchase
liquor and the matter of detecting the characteristics
of intoxication. Mr. Garnet attempted to describe the
characteristics of intoxication which he had learned in
the training sessions. Garnet testified that he was very
concerned about Dudley's excited manner and his apparent
injury from the accident. He testified that it did not
occur to him that Dudley might be under age.
Attorney Cummins called as his next witness Miss
Michelle O'Brien who testified that she was a cocktail
waitress on duty at Nino's during the incident. Miss
O'Brien testified that she observed Clarence Dudley, Jr.
come into the bar area appearing disheveled, wet and
injured, wearing a long parka coat. She testified that
Dudley described his accident, ordered a drink, and
requested use of a telephone to call the Police Depart -
ment to report the alleged accident. Miss O'Brien
testified that Nino's Restaurant has, in her opinion,
-3- 6 -17 -74
very strict rules dealing with the detection of
under -aged persons attempting to purchase intcxi-
^cating liquor. Miss O'Brien testified that in her
opinion Clarence Dudley, Jr. appeared nct to, be
under -age and not to be intoxicated.
Attorney Cummins next called Mr. Norbert Stachowiak,
night manager of Nino °s Steak Round -up, who testified
as to his role in th incident. He testified that Du;dlev'l
appearance was disheveled a that Dudley did not
appear sunder - ago and did not appear Intoxicated.
Stachowiak testified that he permitted Duadicy the use
of the house telephone to call the Poli.co Department
to report tl~o alleged accident. Stachowiak testified
that the ros ° taurant manauement condu,ctn training
Progrdms f0T ( i ln an effort t"], r °gip abreast
of State and local laws dealing with the serving of
alcoholic beverages.
In cross - examination, City Attorney Schieffer elicited
from Mr. Stachowiak his description of the restaurant
training programs and his knowledge of the charac-
teristics exhibited by intoxicated persons. Stachowiak
testified that Mr. Miller conducted the employee
training session and that management empha. -,ized the
need to check the identification of anyone remotely
appearing to be under -age.
Attorney Cummins then. called Mr. Roy Miller, President
of Northern States Enterprises, the company which holds
and operates tho Brooklyn Center Nino's Steak Round -gip
franchi : ;e. Miller ta.stifi.ed that he interviewl, all
prospec°tiv bartenders for the restaurants which he
manages and that he personally trains employee
regarding the rami,fications of State and local laws upon
the serving of ale cYhc:•lic beverages. Miller testified
that thi`p incidont r�aPre` enter ?ir the first vl l.atuon in t
hrstnr y cif hi. c: ,)jz; .gay and teLstified tr7 it iris c camp —� troy
had peon by the RG,k o'viip 9 PollcKe Chief for
t'; Rn5eville )peration>
by the 4rite'' A'.t(,rr y, Miller
z fl,i rd that r C a,, -. to any doubt
rr °
,A4 1G 1 A��1,f.',- ,..'�I�1 �J'LA .tl� .4✓'�A. 4,. �RS �nJt�l. n,�
erase, a draft card backed up by
,atat ,m_ sued picture id ent 1 fication card.
li z t i.r, d t'hi-i , the det ermination c,f whether to
` _;,L�ck an ndividual° i d .a tif�c: t?e r» . = a Judgmental
dec.lsinn of barten V , r r wa.atr�; +,� ?iv le+ �t, but
�t t.t a Meral policy that anyone
of 21 mgust ,
rk� ,Yn ,D t r,
p t id n.,ifica i �u.
t s a udg'�,e ut,_ s
� � ��l decision for
car waitre; as to whether an
ntoxicated and therefore, not eligible to
�rF. 3� � ark atln r
liquor. He testified with emphasis
at the major characteristics of intoxication consist of
le ': d � isn, r. F, tc a d v a and a disheveled appearance.
Upon questioning by the City Attorney, Miller agreed that
c o
certain �nt�x.icated erR,on
s exhibited
p e tic s
nearly the opposite of those which he testified to.
i_ -
Following presentation of testimony by witnesses the
City Council next directed questions for purposes of
Councilman Jensen inquired of Clarence Dudley, Jr.
whether he had been treated by a doctor. Dudley
replied that he saw a doctor the following day and it
was determined that he had a sprained ankle.
Councilmen Britts inquired of Officer Randall why
Dudley's parents were contacted after he was taken
to the police station. Officer Randall responded that
Dudley was known to be a minor and in his opinion
Dudley was intoxicated and not capable of driving his
motorcycle home.
Councilman Jensen asked Mr. Garnet to once again
describe Dudley's general appearance. Garnet
responded that Dudley appeared to him to be extremely
excited about the alleged accident and that Dudley
was disheveled in appearance with his hair hanging in
strands about his face.
Councilman Britts requested Clarence Dudley, Jr. to
stand and release his hair restraint, permitting his hair
to fall into natural place.
Councilman Britts then asked Mr. Garnet his opinion
of Clarence Dudley's age. Garnet responded that during
the incident Dudley appeared to be at least nineteen years
of age.
Mayor Cohen then invited any other citizens in attendance
who had relevant information to offer to stand, be identi-
fied, and present such information. It was noted that no
such other testimony was forthcoming.
Attorney Cummins next requested to make a brief
summation statement to the City Council. He stated
that there was no contest of the fact that Clarence
Dudley, Jr. was served a drink of intoxicating liquor on
May 31, 1974, as charged. He contended, however,
that there were mitigating circumstances surrounding the
incident which should be taken into consideration by the
City Council in arriving at a decision. He alluded to the
fact that Nino'.s Steak Round -up is a taxpaying citizen
of the City and an employer of a certain number of
Brooklyn Center citizens. He asked that the City Council
take all these factors into consideration in arriving at a
The City Manager recommended to the City Council that
the City Attorney prepare proposed findings of fact and
submit them for City Council review by July 1 , 1974.
The City Attorney suggested that a draft copy of such
findings of fact would be submitted to Attorney Cummins
for his review and comment prior to submission to the
City Council
Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
Fignar to continue the hearing to a decision on the matter
-5- 6 -17 -74
at the fuly 6, 1974 City Council meeting with the
condition that proposed findings of fact be submitted
to the City Council by fuly 1, 1974 for its review.
Voting in favor were Mayor Cohen, Councilmen
Britts, Kuefl.er, Fignar and fensen. Voting against:
none. The motiorn passed unanimously.
The City uncil recessed at 8 :54
�% p.m. and resumed Recess
at 9 :12 p.m.
The next item of business was consideration of Planning Planning Commission
Commission Application No. 74025, which was intro- Application No. 74025
duced by the Director of Planning and Inspection, who (City of Brooklyn Center)
explaa.,�sl that the item was initiated by the City and
consisted of rezoning from R -5 to R -3 two parcels
approximately 1 .5 acres in lze at 67th Avenue Norte
and either side of Emerson Avenue North.
The City Manager recommended that this applications
be considered along with Planning Commission
Application No. 74034 submitted by Mork & As sociates .
Mr. °Tremere commented in reference to Planning
Commission Application No. 74025 that the proposed
site did not seem suitable for development at existing
maximum R -5 densities. He stated that the current
moratorium on multi -residential construction was
initiated on the basis of this realization.
Mr. Tremere also commented that neighboring property
owners had submitted a petition dated fuly 7, 1973
requesting rezoning of the properties to a lesser density,
which would be more compatible with the area develop-
ment .
He stated that analysis of the Comprehensive Plan,
development of the area and the size of the parcel
indicates that R -3 wounld be the highest and best use
for the sites. He conimentad that Mcrk & Associates,
under Planning Corrnurd's,33 .orn Application No. 74034, has
p roposed the con; trunction of a townhouse project. He
lained that an 4 . , ca rn'natlor,. of Mork & Associates
-_ins for their rd edlc-ijment ccri rmz that R -3 density
well suited for the property. He commented that
tl Cwnner of the land -agrees with the concept and is
.9.rn support of the r� zoning application,
Mr. 'Trem.ere further cournmented that the proposed
zoning recognizes the concerns and the interests of
the single family residential homeowners, as well as
the rights and 1ienterestj of the owner of the subject
la rid. He ncted that the density of the R - 3 district
`a -3 5070 of thie may- .imumrn permitted in the R -5 district.
1l .atat,:-i thlat the R-3 zone would permit a great deal
more flexibility in providing for aesthetics and o pen
ce for thy subject parcel than would R -5 apartments.
Mayor Cohen noted that notified property owners were
present but that none desired to speak either for or
against the propoa. ed rezoning.
6- 17-74 -
Planning Commission In reference to Planning Commission Application No.
Application No. 74034 74034 the Director of Planning and Inspection reviewed
(Mork and Associates) the townhouse plans with the City Council making
reference to a meeting that the applicant had on the site
with the neighboring property owners. He stated that
concerns of the neighboring single family residents were
considered in the final plans.
Mr. Tremere commented that specific attention was
directed to the nature of the screening fence on site A
abutting the residential properties located on Dupont
Avenue North. He commented that the ordinance requires
a minimum four foot high opaque fence or other approved
screening device and the plans provided for a fence atop
a three to four foot berm. He noted that the fence was
continuous, though originally it was planned to have
visual breaks incorporating plantings intermittently
along the property line.
Mayor Cohen recognized Mr. Robert Fesler, , 6731 Dupont
Avenue North, who asked for a clarification as to the
10 foot setback of the screening from the rear property
line. Mr. Tremere commented that there was a 10 foot
fence setback to the rear of the project but that it would
be maintained by the owner of the project since it was
on his property.
Action Approving Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
Planning Commission Jensen to approve Planning Commission Application No.
Application No. 74025 74025 initiated by the City of Brooklyn Center, noting
(City of Brooklyn Center) that the R -3 district is consistent with the Comprehensive
Plan; it is compatible with adjacent land uses; and it
effectively speaks to the issue of small parcels as
remnants of larger multi - residential district tracts.
Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none. The
motion passed unanimously.
The Mayor then recognized Mr. Dempsey Mork representing
Mork & Associates. A brief discussion ensued relative
to the site and building plans for the project with
Councilman Jensen inquiring as to whether the units would
be rented or sold. Mr. Mork commented that he would
hope the units could be sold in the future when the overall
economic situation is better, but that at present the plans
are to rent the townhouse units.
Action Approving Motion by Councilman Kuefler and seconded by Councilman
Planning Commission Fignar to approve Planning Commission Application No.
Application No. 74034 74034 submitted by Mork & Associates subject to the
(Mork & Associates) following conditions:
1. Building plans are subject to review by the
Building Official with respect to applicable
building codes prior to the issuance of
2. Grading, drainage, utility, berming and
driveway adjustment plans are subject to
review by the City Engineer prior to the
issuance of permits.
-7- 6 -17 -74
3, A performance agreement and financial
guarantee (in an amount to be determined
by the City Manager) shall be submitted
to assure completion of required improve-
4. At such time that the ownership and /or
management and maintenance of all out-
side common areas shr.uld come under
the jurisdiction of a homeowners
association, the homeowners association
agreement and bylaws shall be submitted
to the City for approval subject to review
by the City Attorney.
5. During the construction period and until
the approved berming and permanent fencing
is installed, the applicant shall provide
approved temporary screening, such as
snow fencing, around the perimeter of the
construction sites as approved by the
Department of Planning and Inspections
Voting in favor were- Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts., -
Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: axone.
The motion passed unanimously.
The next item of consideration was Planning Commission Planning Commis,aion
Application No. 74030 submitted by Mr. P.S. Anderson, Application No. - 7403(}
5319 Logan Avenue North. The item was introduced by (Mr. P. S. Anders -on).
the Director of Planning and Inspection, who stated that
the applicant was seeking approval of a variance from
Section 35 -400 to permit construction of a garage to
within one foot of his rear lot line rather than the
required five feet. He stated that the rear lot line of
the applicant's property abuts a 30 foot alleyway.
He noted that the City Council had approved a similar
request on Jtul.y 14, 1.969 (Planning Commission
Application No. 69038) for the neighboring property at
5317 Logan Avenue North. can the basis that the existing
ordinance structure does not provide adequate standards
relating to garage ;setbacks along alleys.
Mr. Trerrorf c u .�r e that 30 foot alleys are found
oily pwtaon of the 5300 block between
Humboldt Avenue Ncyrth and Morgan Avenue North. He
stated that the remaining alleys are an average of 14
feet In width and that over the years, many accessory
structures have been constructed up to or to within
one to three feet of the property line. He also noted
that proble rna havo ar'e en in the case of 14 foot
allays with respect to maintenance and snow removal.
He stated that past variance action has involved lots
abutting the wider 30 foot alley where there is adequate
area for vehicle clearance and snow storage.
The Mayor noted that notified property owners were
not present to speak either for or against the proposed
variance. _
6 -17 -74 g_
Action Approving Motion by Councilman Fignar and seconded by
Planning Commission Councilman Britts to approve Planning Commission
Application No. 74030 Application No. 74030 submitted by Mr. P.S. Anderson
(Mr. P.S. Anderson) to permit construction of a garage setback to within
one foot of the property line, noting:
1 . The ordinance does not specifically
comprehend those parcels abutting
dedicated alleys.
2. The abutment is to a wide 30 foot alley
which affords adequate vehicle access
and snow storage.
3. Precedent has been established for such
action involving the adjacent parcel.
4. There is a uniqueness to parcels abutting
30 foot alleyways in relationship to other
parcels in the zoning district.
5. The approval is subject to the following
a. - The action relates only to the rear
yard setback and no other variances
are granted or implied.
b. All other applicable ordinance
requirements will be met.
C. The existing garage will be
demolished or removed within 14
days of completion of the new
Voting in favor were: Mayor° Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none.
The motion passed unanimously.
Planning Commission The next item of business was consideration of Planning
Application No. 74031 Commission Application No. 74031 submitted by
(Mr. R.W. Northrop) Mr. R.W. Northrop. The item was introduced by the
Director of Planning and Inspection who stated that the
applicant was seeking permission to conduct a special
home occupation which involves photocomposition
typesetting at 6613 Unity Avenue North. The Mayor
recognized Mr. Northrop and a brief discussion ensued
relative to the type of use. He explained that the
activity did not require any dark room or related
chemicals and did not produce any noise or vibrations.
He described the photocomposition typesetting process.
Mayor Cohen noted that notified property owners were
not present to speak either for or against the proposed
special use.
Action Approving Motion by Councilman Britts ,. and seconded by Councilman
Planning Commission Fignar to approve Planning Commission Application No.
Application No. 74031 74031 submitted by Mr. R.W. Northrop subject to the
(Mr. R.W. Northrop) following conditions:
-9 -' 6 -17 -74
l a The use shall conform to all applicable
ordinance provisions and violations
thereof shall be grounds for revocation
of the permit.
2. The ruse shall be subject to review in
one year by the City to determine whether
any problems exist relative to parking or
traff is ,
Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen
Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: r
none. The mioticn passed unanimously.
The next Planning item con_,,�Idered way Plannitnq Cort Mjssion .
Planning Comrndesion Application No. 74032 submitted A pplic.ationr No 74032
by B o C. I. P. , Inc. The application was introduced by:
the DirocIll -er �'f Plann"' g and Inspection who explained
that the appl.acant was seeking approval of a pre-
liminary Registered Land Survey for an area generally
described a,, northerly of FAI -94, easterly of Xerxes
Avenue North, and southwesterly of Shingle Creek.
He stated that the RLS was composed of seven tracts,
one of which was Freeway Boulevard. He noted that .. r
Tract D was the site for the already, approved
Kennedy -Cohen Appliance Store,
Motion by Councilman Jensen and seconded by Action Approving _
Councilman Kuefler to approve Planning Commission Pl nn ng Qammi"i.orn.,. .
Application No. 74032 submitted by B.C.I. P. subject Application,. -Wo., 7403;-2 -
to the following conditions: (B , C. I. P a , Inc
1 . The final Regi stered Land Survey is
��T,ubject to review by the Cit Engineer.
2. The fig -il Regiastered Land Survey is
s ubject to the requirements of Chapter 15
C f the City Ordir,3
Voting in fav(,r were: Mai %r Co Cct:11.cilrnen
Britts, Kuefi.er, I'ign -jr ,an.dl jenzen.. Voting against:
none. The m otion. passed ��na��rn,otu� °lye
that the final Find Registered Land
1_3otid S J v ; ha�7 been, submitted to the Survey (B.C. I.; P., a' ,Inc. )
Citr perl;i� flncl t'4 P1an_'f -'erg Octimissi.on Application
No. 74032.
Motion by Councilman Fignar and seconded by
Councilman Kuefler to approve the final Registered
Land Survey for that area generally described as
northerly of FAI-94, easterly of Xerxes Avenue North
and southwesterly of Shingle Creep. Voting in
favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar and .Jensen. Voting against: none.
The ,notion passed unanimously.
The City Manager next introduced a subdivision Subdivision Bond
performance bond reduction for Morningside Estates , Reduction (Morningside
Second Addition. He stated that a major portion Estates Second. Addition)
of the work has been completed and he recommended
6 -17 -74 _10-
reduction of the bond.
Motion by Councilman Jensen and seconded by
Councilman Britts to reduce the subdivision performance
bond for Morningside Estates Second Addition posted by
Village Builders from the amount of $27,000 to $12,000.
Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none. The
motion passed unanimously.
Establish Public Hearings The Director of Public Works reviewed the deferred
for Deferred Walkway walkway projects on 72nd Avenue North France Place -
Projects France Avenue North and 55th Avenue North. He stated
that property owners in the general area of each of these
projects would be notified of the public hearings.
Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
Jensen to establish July 15, 16, and 17 as public hearing
dates for the deferred walkway projects on 72nd Avenue
North, France Place- France Avenue North, and 55th
Avenue North respectively. Voting in favor were:
Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and
Jensen. Voting against: none. The motion passed
Land Covenant Terms The City Manager next introduced a draft proposal for
(B.C. 1 . P. , Inc.) City Council consideration outlining specific terms of
a land covenant for the new B. C. I. P. , Inc. office
building site. He stated that the covenant was a
required condition for approval of Planning Commission
Application No. 74028.
He stated that the covenant was related to the issue of
parking requirements vs. potential highway right of way
at the new office building. ,site. He commented that the
agreement would allow the City, as well as B.C.I.P.,
Inc. a certain amount of time to see what the intentions
of the State Highway Department are relative to the
upgrading of FAI -94 and State Trunk Highway 100.
Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
Fignar to approve the B.C. I. P. , Inc. land covenant terms
as submitted. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen,
Councilman Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting
againste none. The motion passed unanimously.
Rii 'Is 0LUTIC Member Robert Jensen introduced the following resolution
Wti 74-91 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof- Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted.
-11- 6 -17 -74
Member Maurice Britts introduced the following RESOLUTION
resol t °.on and moved its adoption: NO. 74 -92
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing
resolution w se
wa d`� �
1� seconded ded by member
Tony Kuefl.er, and upon vote being taken thereon
the following voted in favor thereof° Philip
Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler, Bill
Fignar and Robert Jensen: and the following
voted against the same- none, whereupon said
resolution was declared duly passed and adopted,
Member Maurice Britts introduced the following RESOLUTION
resolution and moved its adoption: NO, 74-93
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing
resolution was duly seconded by member
Bill Fignar, and upon vote being taken thereon,
the following voted in favor thereof: Philip Cohen,
Maurice Britts, `Ton Kuefler, Bill n
s � o
Fignar and
Robert Jensen: and the following voted against
the same: novae, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted.
Mayor Cohen left the table and Councilman Kuefler
assumed the chair at 11002 p.m.
Mayor Cohen returned to the table and assumed the
chair at 11 :05 p.m.
Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following RESOLUTION
resolution and moved its adoption- NO. 74 -94
Th.e motion for the adoption of the foregoing
resolution was duly seconded by member
Robert J ensen, and upon vote being taken thereon,
the following voted in favor thereof: Philip Cohen,
Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler, Bill Fignar and
Robert Jensen: and the following voted against
the same- none, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted.
Member Maurice Britts introduced the following RESOLUTION
resolution and moved its adoption- NO. 74 -95
6 -17 -74 -12-
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Robert Jensen, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member Bill Fignar introduced the following resolution
NO. 74 -96 and moved its adoption:
NO. 1974 -14
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Tony Kuefler, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following resolution
NO. 74 -97 and moved its adoption:
1974 -E)
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, 'Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following resolution
NO. 74 -95 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Robert Jensen, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
there; . Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
againsp the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member Bill Fignar introduced the following resolution
NO. 7499 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was, duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill'Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none,' whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
-13- 6 -17 -74
Member Maurice Britts introduced the following RESOLUTION
resolution and moved its adoption: NO. 74 -100
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing
resolution was duly seconded by member
Tony Kuefler, and upon vote being taken thereon,
the following voted in favor thereof: Philip
Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler, Bill Fignar
and Robert Jensen; and the following voted against
the assns: none, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted.
Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Licenses
Councilman Fignar to approve pprove the following licenses:
Nature Food Center 1328 Brookdale
European Health Spa 2920 County Rd. 10
Voting In favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen
Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against:
none. The :motion passed unanimously. _
The City Manager stated as a mutter of information Hennepin County-
that the City has received the five year projected - Five Year Highway
plan for highway development by Hennepin County. Plan
He stated that the plan encompasses the upgrading
of 69th Avenue North, from the West city limits to
Lyndale Avenue,
The City Manager recommended that the City Council Surplus Fuel Storage
declare two excess fuel storage tanks surplus Tanks
Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by
Councilman Jensen to declare as surplus two 265®
gallon fuel storage tanks. Voting in favor were-.
Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar _.
acrid Jensen. Voting against: none. The motion
pas :,ed unani.nrously.
The Cite Manager next informed the City Council that Prelimiinary Plan, for
Mr. Stephen Jahns, .student at Hennepin County the Arboretum
Vocational Technical Institute, has made a proposal
to the City to develop a preliminary plan for an
arboretum.. He stated that Mr. Jahns' proposal would
involve a $550 fee for the development of the plan.
Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by
Councilman, Fignar to retain Mr. Stephen Jahns as
a consualtant on the development of a preliminary
plan for the arboretums at a cost of $550. Voting in
favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: axone.
The motion passed unanimously.
6 -17 -74 -14-
Portable Vending Vehicles The City Manager next commented on recent develop-
ments dealing with portable vending vehicles within
Brooklyn Center. He stated that under State law the
Department of Agriculture is given the power to
license such vehicles and, thus, the City cannot
license their operation. He commented that at this
time the City ordinance is no longer in effect and the
City has no effective regulation of such operations.
A brief discussion ensued relative to the mobile vending
operations within the community with Mayor Cohen
commenting that he would like to see regulations
developed to at least control the non - health aspects of
their operation. The City Manager commented that he
has received a police report on a traffic accident which
occurred in Brooklyn Center with a portable vending
vehicle as a contributing factor in the mishap.
Annual Meeting of the Councilman Kuefler informed the City Council that he
Metropolitan League of had attended the Annual Meeting of the Metropolitan
Municipalities League of Municipalities on June 6, 1974. He stated
that at the meeting the Metropolitan League of Munici-
palities voted to merge with the Suburban League of
Municipalities to form a new association. He stated
that he as Brooklyn Center's representative voted for
the merger. He commented that the new association
would be called the Association of Metropolitan
Municipalities and its 1974 fee structure for Brooklyn
Center would remain the same as that of the Metro-
politan League of Municipalities.
Councilman Britts informed the City Council that he
would not be present at the July 22, 1974 meeting
since he would be on vacation.
RESOLUTION Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following resolution
NO. 74101 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Bill Fignar, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
Adjournment Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
Kuefler to adjourn the meeting. Voting in favor were:
Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and
Jensen. Voting against: none. The motion passed
unanimously. The Brooklyn Center City Council adjourned
at 11:46 p.m.
Clerk Mayor
-15- 6 -17 -74