AUGUST 19 1974
Call to Order The Brooklyn Center City Council met in regular session
and was called to order by Mayor Philip_,Cohen at 7:30 p.m,.
Roll Call Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Kuefler,, Jensen, Britts and
Fignar, Also present were City Manager Donald Poss,.
Director of Public Works Jim Merila, Director of Finance
Paul Holmlund, City Attorney Richard Schieffer, Assistant
City Engineer Ed Haftings, and Administrative Assistants
Daniel Hartman and James Lacina
Approval of Minutes Motion by Councilman Kuefler and seconded by
8 -5 -74 Councilman Jensen to approve the minutes of the August 5,
1974 meeting as submitted. Voting in favor were Mayor
Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler and Jensen. Voting
against: none. Councilman Fignar abstained from the
vote since he was not present at the meeting. The motion
Tiling Improvement The City Manager introduced the first item of business
at Community Center on the agenda, the proposal for tiling the shower rooms
at the Community Center., He noted that the walls in the
shower rooms required extraordinary maintenance to keep
them clean. He stated that this expenditure has been
comprehended in the 1975 capital outlay budget for the
Park and Recreation Department but due to the severity
of the maintenance problem, it is suggested this work be
done during this year's annual shutdown. for repairs in
September under the 1974 budget through the use of
Revenue Sharing Funds'.
Councilman Kuefler inquired about the type of tiling and
the area to be covered. The City Manager responded by
stating that the the would be of the ceramic impervious
type and would cover the walls and the floors in just
the shower rooms. Councilman Fignar commented as to
purchasing procedure regarding an expenditure of this
nature. The City Manager' reviewed the authority for
purchasing such items and the appropriate action that
was needed. He stated he estimated the costs for such
item to be around $3,300. Councilman Fignar further
questioned the City Manager as to the slipping problem
on the pool deck. Mr. Poss indicated that this problem
would also be attended to during the 1974 shutdown in
Councilman Britts questioned as to the expenditure of
such money from Federal Revenue Sharing Funds The
City Manager noted it was a capital expenditure and
was viewed as a one -time item.
-1- 8- 19 -74`
Motion by Councilman Kuefler and seconded by Councilman
Jensen to authocrize the City Manager to secure quotations
for tiling improvements in the shower rooms at the
Community Center. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen,
Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting
against? none. The motion passed unanimously.
The City,.Manager introduced the next item of business on Establishing Walkway
the agenda, a resolution establishing certain walkway Project Numbers
projects .
The Director of Public Works gave a brief presentation
on'the status of the walkway construction program. He
stated that the original program consisted of 51 priorities
of 39 miles of walkway for an estimated construction cost
of $935-,000. He further stated that from 1971 to 1973,
36 miles of the proposed walkway network had been con -
structed for a cost of $700,186. He then reviewed the
various projects and priorities that had not been con -
structed, those that were proposed for the 1974 season
and those that were to be re- evaluated for the 1975
walkway construction program.
Councilman Britts inquired as to the basis for establishing
the priorities. Mr. Merila responded by stating that the
original 51 priority system was established on the primary
basis of a traffic count with those areas of high traffic
receiving high priority, and on a secondary basis of
pedestrian count with those areas of high pedestrian
traffic also receiving high priority. A brief discussion
ensued relative to the projects to be constructed under
the 1974 -75 walkway programs. Mr. Merila noted that
the project on Unity Avenue was the only one petitioned
for by the residents of that neighborhood. He stated
that the estimated cost for completing the first 51 priorities
is $835,000 or approximately $100,000 less than the
original 'estimate of $935 , 000.
Member Bill Fignar introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption: NO. 74 -128
PROJECTS NO. 1974 -24, 1974 -25, 1974 -26, 1974 -27,
1974 -28, 1974 -29 & 1974 -30, AND ORDERING PRE -
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Robert Jensen, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
The City Manager introduced the next item of business Public Hearing for
on the agenda, public hearing for improvement project Improvement Project
No. 1974 -16. He stated this hearing and following No. 1974 -16
package of hearings constituted improvements for the
recently platted area in the vicinity of Bryant and Aldrich
Avenue and 67th and 68th Avenues North.
8 -19 -74 -2-
Mayor Cohen reviewed the procedure to be followed
during the public hearings, stating the Public Works
Director would review the project and then the proposal
would be open for discussion,
The Director of Public Works described the project con-
sisting of a proposed street grading, base and surfacing
improvement for proposed Aldrich Avenue North from 67th
Avenue to 68th Avenue (extended); Bryant Avenue North
from 67th Avenue to 68th Avenue; and 68th Avenue North
from Aldrich Avenue to Bryant. He stated he had
received a letter in favor of the project from Mr. Swanson
of Swanco, Inc. , who has an option on the property. He
estimated the completion date for grading to be December 1 ,
1974 and June 15, 1975 for base and surfacing.
Mayor Cohen rioted that notified property owners were
not present to speak either for or against the proposed
RESOLUTION Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following resolution
NO. 74?129' and moved its adoption:
NO. 1974-16
The motion for the adoptfon of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Bill Fignar, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared d-ly pa nf3 and adopted,
Public Hearing for The Director of Pu.bLo Works next reviewed the Project
Improvement Project No. 1974-17, stating that the 'project involved a pro-
No. 1974-17 posed water main Impro-vrement on proposed Aldrich
Avenue North from 67th Avemze to 68th Avenue (extended);
and 68th Avenu North from Camden Avenue to Bryant
Avenue; and the installation of water services on Bryant
Avenue North from 67th Avenue to 68th Avenue. He
commented that the prcposed completion date for this
water main improvement project was December 1, 1974.
Mayor Cohen noted that notified property owners were
not present to speak either for or against the proposed
RESOLUTION Member Maurice Britts Introduced the following resolution
NO. 74-130 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Robert Jensen, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
-3- 8-19-74
The Director of Public Works next reviewed Project Public Hearing for
No. 1974 -18. He stated that the project consisted of a Improvement Project
proposed sanitary sewer improvement for proposed Noo 1974 -18
Aldrich Avenue North from 67th Avenue to 68th Avenue
(extended), and the installation of services on Bryant
Aventle North from 67th Avenue North to 68th Avenue,
He noted that the probable completion date for this
project will be December 1, 1974,
Mayor Cohen noted that there were no property owners
present to speak either for or against the proposed
Member Maurice Britts introduced the following resclut. on RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption.- NO, 74 -131
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolut,l.on
was duly seconded by member Bill Fignar, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kueffl,er,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted,
The Director of Public Works next reviewed Project No. Public Hearing for
1974 -19, storm sewer drainage improvement project. Improvement Project
No. 1974 -19
He stated that one of the major problems in this area
was the high water table. He explained that through
the use of a perforated storm water drainage pipe and
the proper location of catch basins the water table could
be kept down and the storm water drainage could be
adequately handled. He further explained the assess-
ment procedures, noting that in some cases the properties
have been subjected to ?'partial" assessments for incre-
mental storm sewer segments built in earlier years
Councilman Jensen questioned Mr. Merila as to the
determination of the assessment rate. Mr. Merila
reviewed the procedure for determining the assessment
and stated that the assessment was spread equally among
properties benefited by the project. Councilman Fignar
inquired as to any future assessment rate and the
possibility of it being higher than the projected figure.
The Director of Public Works responded by stating that
in the event the future assessment would be higher the
developer and property owners would have to pay the
extra amount, but that at this time the estimates for the
assessment rate were equal to all property owners.
Councilman Fignar then noted that only 31% of the pro-
, perty owners petitioned for the storm sewer improvement
project and commented as to whether that was enough
to carry the project. Mr. Merila noted that it has been
the policy of the City to implement needed storm sewer
projects along with street improvement projects as is the
case in this situation,
8 -19 -74 -4-
Mayor Cohen then cpened the project for discussion.
He recognized Mr. Faul Rcs sic, 711 - 69th Avenue North.
Mr. Rosso spoka In oppc�s,,iticn to the project. He
stated that he ha& alr�Dady been assessed for storm
sewer projects on 69th and 70th Avenues and at this
time has no wate r drainage proble.rn on his property, He
further commented teat h has two, drainage tiles on his
property that connect +-(,- a storm sewer line in 69th
Avenue North, and that these tiles adequately drain his
Mr. Merila res.00nded by commenting that a storm sewer
project of this, n,.atare� was proposed to handle future
development He, n. tied that r Bch of this area was not
developed and to inzure again tearing earing 1up a street in the
11 L
future because -.f lmadeqilato storm water drainage, it
was necessary pq, trie storm sewer in now. He further
explained that tlll�-,sa who benefit by the installation of
the storm sewer pro.111act are those who are assessed for
it and that mar:,7 properties are incrementally assessed
three or four tj`.mE' 1 J,nrremertal storm sewer segments
before a respect_'.use Gtcrnj F.ewnr system is completed.
Mayor Cohen, cc�,':nnnented tI a storm sewer system could
not be developed for ind"vidaal parcels but rather for an
assessment area which w(.) be benefited by the installa-
tion of a partic sticrrn sewer project. He again
reviewed the CIII,?',s pe toy regarding installation of storm
sewer at the t]' the Improvement project is put in.
Mr. Merila reinforced Ma Cohen's comments by stating
that it would s9rve n.o perk, e to put in a street without
the proper storrn sewer drainage.
Councilman Jet ,= 7m, iqu: of Mr. Rosso whether he had
plans to develop the prop- Mr. Rosso responded by
, , :, h - r
stating that at I h, plans to develop the
property, and aC,al:rn, t� thatl the drainage-, for his
property at present w adequate.
Mr. Merila expla'tned t1he drainage patterns of the area
and noted the 69th Avenurs North storm sewer at this
time was not anequat for future development and that
it would have to be uperra&,&d also In the event of
development 1r. t1hat area and upgrading of the street.
Councilman Fignar inquired as to the adequacy of
Mr. Ross(--,'Fj stcrai drainage tile on his property now.
Mr. Merila stak:ed that at present Mr. Rosso's tile was
approximately two, feet below the surface of the ground
and would be totally inadequate if future development
were to occur. He again stated that the type of the
in place does not comprehend alleviating the high water
table problem, and that the proposed storm sewer the
project No. 1974-19 consisted of a perforated pipe
which would adequately keep the water table down.
Mr. Rosso noted that he would like to go on record
as opposing the prcjecto
Member Robert Jensen introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption: NO. 74-132
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Tony Kuefler and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof. Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
The Director of Public Works then reviewed the next Public Hearing for
set of public hearings regarding a water main improve- Improvement Project
ment project, street improvement project, and storm No. 1974-21
sewer improvement project for Orchard Avenue and
68th Avenue. . He noted that these improvements
were triggered by petition for water main® He again
reiterated the City policy regarding storm sewer and
said it was a necessary prerequisite to the installation
of permanent street surfacing. He then reviewed water
main improvement project No. 1974-21 on Orchard
Avenue North from 68th Avenue to 69th Avenue. He
noted that the probable completion date would be
September 30, 1974. He stated that the need for water
main in this area was urgent since several of the
residents were experiencing serious difficulty regarding
their wells.
Mayor Cohen opened the hearing for discussion. He
recognized Mrs. Otto Link, 6830 Orchard Avenue North,
who inquired of the Public Works Director about the
interest rate on the assessment.. Mr. Merila responded
by stating that the interest rate was now set at 8% and
that to avoid the interest rate, prepayment would be
possible. He stated the property owners have 30 days
within which to pay the assessments to avoid the
interest attachment.
Councilman Britts commented as to the seriousness of
the water problem in the neighborhood. Mr. Merila
stated that at this time people in the neighborhood were
experiencing difficulty with their wells which would
require major repairs, that according to the public
utilities ordinance were not allowed. Mr. Merila's
statement was reinforced by Mr. George Pasichnyk,
6825 Orchard Avenue North, who stated that at this
time his well was in need of major repairs and it would
be very expensive for him to fix it. Mr. Rodney Lund,
6807 Orchard Avenue North, noted that for some reason
the wells in this area of the City seem to be shallow.
He stated that his well was only 21 feet deep and the
water from it had acquired a bad taste. , Mr. Marvin
Haenze, 6800 Orchard Avenue North, also expressed
a need for a water main system to serve the people in
that neighborhood.
8-19-74 -6-
RESOLUTION Member Maurice Britt, introduced .he following resolution
NO.'73 -133 and moved its adoptic r:
The motion for th� addpt:ior of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Bill Fignar, and upon
vote being taken thereon., the following voted in favor
thereof: Phii�.p Cohen., Mal�.ricoe' Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the sarn� none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
Public Hearing for The Director of Pz bli —c Works again reviewed the project
Improvement Project for the City Co ,r}cil. He ,stated that the project consisted
No. 1974 -22 of street surfar:G�,g on Orchard Avenue from 68th Avenue to
69th Avenue, and 68th Avenue North from the center line
of Orchard AverilJlle, we Starly approximately 145 feet.* He
commented that thle cor., tr ct.%on is °echeeuled to be com-
pleted October 11 , 1974. Mr. Merila then noted this
area of the prc iect for ,street surfacing comprehended
widening the street and thus affecting existing driveways
of residents. He explainiad the City's policy of replacing
driveways from the tg -tter lime to the property line of each
parcel. He n;° ; th ,s replay;.cement would be of bituminous
material and w .bri be th game width as the existing
driveway. He stated that cif: the approximate distance of
15 feet the pr<;,I ter* / �_wn.ers were as Messed for 13 -1/2
feet. He expla�'nad that the portion from the gutter line
18 inches toward the property Jine was put in by the City
under the standard a ses3rrvent but that the remaining
13 -1/2 feet was .charged as an extra assessment to each
Mayor Cohen°. tr �n o _,.^.� tl-e prc,je 't , .Yp for discussion.
He recogniz,5 d Mr . R „ rt Ca,ey, 6891 Orchard Avenue
North. Mrs. Ca , =:: of Mr. Merila as to the
possibility of hav Ong a rorr:pl to dri -,, , reway put in at the
same time. Mr. M rila. n t �d that the City would not be
responsible fcr , ayin g tip ::sz� arrangelnle-nts and that it
would be strictly cep to the cc%ntractur. He stated that it
would be the property cN/vner's respcnsibil.ity to contact
the contractor and pay he co ntractor for the driveway
RESOLUTION Member Bill Fignar introduced the following resolution
NO. 74 -134 and moved Its adr-,ption
The motion for thy, adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Tony Kuefler, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts , Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen, and the following voted
against the samee: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
-7- 8 -19 -74
The Director of Public Works again reviewed the project Public Hearing for
for the City Council. He stated that project No. 1974 -23 Improvement Project
consisted of a storm sewer improvement project in con- No. 1974 -23
Junction with water main improvement project No. 1974 -21
and street improvement project No. 1974 -22. He noted
that the location of the project would be on 68th Avenue
North from Noble Avenue to Orchard Avenue, and that the
probable completion date for the project would be
September 30, 1974.
A brief presentation followed. Mr. Merila reviewed the
drainage patterns of the area and noted that after it
rained water had a tendency to stand in the intersection
of 68th and Orchard. He also stated that the properties
have been incrementally assessed for two previous storm
sewer projects. He then explained the procedure of
charging assessment to the area that benefits from the
total storm sewer project.
. Mayor Cohen then opened the project up for discussion.
He recognized Mr. Marvin Haenze, 6800 Orchard Avenue
North. Mr. Haenze stated the Marvin Garden townhouse
area was not being assessed for the storm sewer project
and that he felt part of the drainage problem was due to
the development of this project. Mr. Merila responded
by stating that the developer of the Marvin Garden pro-
ject has placed two internal storm sewer lines on their
property and has paid for an assessment of a storm sewer
from the freeway on Noble Avenue to 68th Avenue. He
further commented that the two parcels directly adjacent
to 68th Avenue were part of the assessment area.
Mayor Cohen then recognized Mr. Glynn Behman,
6818 Orchard Avenue North. Mr. Behman stated that
the residents on Noble Avenue are contributing to the
problem of standing water in the intersection of 68th and
Orchard and the poor drainage for the area. He stated
that he felt they should be part of the assessment area.
He stated that when these parcels were developed the
property was built up in such a way as to cause the
drainage to flow from their back yards towards the
residents of Orchard Avenue.
Mayor Cohen next recognized. Mrs. Shirley Sawyer,
6812 Orchard Avenue North. Mrs. Sawyer stated that the
Marvin Garden development raised the property to such a
degree that the natural drainage flow down Orchard Avenue
on what is now vacated Orchard Avenue has been pro-
hibited. Mr. Merila again responded by stating that the
Marvin Garden development did not contribute to the
drainage problem of the area.
Mayor Cohen then recognized Mr. Leonard Bruns, 6806
Orchard Avenue North. Mr. Bruns stated that he felt if
the intersection at 68th and Orchard were raised the
water would run a natural drainage course and the problem
would be alleviated. Mr. Merila responded by stating that
he does not feel this problem could be adequately solved
by merely raising the intersection in the street. He noted
that certain driveways in the area would not match up to the
street if it were raised to any great extent. He stated there
is a need for a storm sewer drainage system in this area to
alleviate the problem of street breakup due to water standing
in the intersections
8 -19 -74 -8-
Mayor Cohen inquired of Mr. Merila as to whether he
had been aware of the back lot drainage from the lots
on Noble. Mr. Merila responded b stating that he
Y g
was unaware of the situation, if it did exist. He further
stated that he felt the lots on Noble Avenue drained
adequately to the storm sewer coming up from the free -
way on Noble Avenue.
Mayor Cohen again related the City's policy regarding
storm sewer improvement as a necessary prerequisite
to required installation of permanent street surfacing.
He inquired of the City Attorney as to the possibility
of approving the project as is with the suggestion that
the Director of Public Works re- examine the benefit
area and the drainage problem which was brought about
by the citizens regarding the lots on Noble Avenue and
the Marvin Garden development. Mr. Schieffer responded
by stating that he could see no problem in approving the
project if no additional pipe would be put in.
Mayor Cohen then commented that it was not a matter
of whether or not a storm sewer was needed or would
be put in, but rather a matter of distributing the assess-
ment to the benefit area. Councilman Britts noted a
concern regarding the assessment area. He stated that
he felt at this time it might be worthwhile to re- evaluate
the drainage in that area to determine the benefit area
served by the storm sewer project. Mayor Cohen stated
that in light of the time frame it would be possible to
approve the project at this time and recheck the drainage
pattern and assessment area and report to the City
Council at the September 9 meeting, and if necessary
hold an additional public hearing if the assessment area
were to be expanded. Mr. Merila cautioned that this
project could not be put off very long because of the
need for the water project in the area.
Mr. Behman inquired about the effect of a proper storm
sewer system on 69th Avenue. Mr. Merila responded
by stating that the 68th Avenue storm sewe r would still
be required if 69th Avenue were upgraded with proper
storm sewer system. Councilman Jensen expressed his
concern that the water improvement project in this area
not be delayed.
RESOLUTION Member Robert Jensen introduced the following resolution
NO. 74 -135 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Bill Fignar and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
-9- 8 -19 -74
Motion by Councilman ensen and seconded b
J y
Councilman Britts to direct the City Manager to cause
a review of the storm sewer assessment area for report
at the September 9 meeting. Voting in favor were:
Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and
Jensen. Voting against: none. The motion passed
The City Council recessed at 10 :25 p.m. and resumed
at 10 :40 p.m.
The newt item of business was consideration of Planning Planning Commission
Commission application No. 74036 submitted by Brooklyn Application No. 74036
Center Development Corporation. The item was intro- (B. C. D. C.)
duced by Administrative Assistant James Lacina who
reviewed the minutes of the Planning Commission dated
August 1, 1974. He noted that the application com-
prehended a rezoning from R -5 to I -1 in that area south
and easterly of the Earle Brown Farm apartments on 69th
Avenue North. The Director of Public Works noted a
concern for the distance between the garages on the
southerly property line of the R -5 district and the pro-
perty line of the I -1 district. He commented that this
problem has been solved and that there has been a 30
foot pavement area plus a green strip provided to allow
for proper setback from the I -1 district. The City
Manager commented as to the reasoning for changing
the zoning from R -5 to I -1 , noting that at this time it
was not economically feasible for land to be developed
for R -5 use. He expressed reservations, however,
about the quality of the developer's planning efforts
for the use of the land. He stated that he would quali-
fiedly recommend approval of the application subject to
the developer submitting an acceptable land use plan to
the staff prior to the first reading of the rezoning
Mayor Cohen then recognized Mr. Roger Newstrum
representing B. C. D. C. Mr. Newstrum showed several
sample plans of concepts for the area.
Mayor Cohen noted that the notified property owners
were not present to speak either for or against the project.
Motion by Councilman Fignar and seconded by Councilman Approval of Planning
Kuefler to approve Planning Commission Application No. Commission
74036 submitted by B.C. D.C. subject to the following Application No.
condition: 74036
(B. C. D. C.)
1. The subject area shall be replatted prior to
any construction or development thereon.
Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none. The
motion passed unanimously.
B -19 -74 -10-
Planning Commission Mr. Lacina again reviewed the minutes of the August 1
g o
Application No 74
pp 041 1974 meeting of the e Planning Commission regarding
(Howard Beggs) application No. 74041. He noted that the applicant
was seeking a special use permit for a home occupation
which consisted of the manufacture of rubber stamps
and involves stock in trade and special equipment at
the applicant's home at 6230 Colfax Avenue North.
Mayor Cohen recognized the applicant and a brief
discussion ensued as to the nature of the business.
Councilman Jensen inquired of the applicant on the
procedures of handling the orders. Mr. Beggs responded
by stating that all orders were handled through the mail
or phone. Councilman Fignar inquired of Mr. Beggs about
additional employees besides himself. Mr. Beggs
responded by stating that he had no intention of hiring
any outside help. Mayor Cohen noted that the notified
property owners were not present to speak either for or
against the proposed special use permit.
Approval of Planning Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
Commission Application Fignar to approve Planning Commission Application
No. 74041 No. 74041 submitted by Mr. Howard Beggs subject to the
(Howard Beggs) following conditions:
1 . The use is subject to all applicable ordinance
provisions and violation thereof shall be
grounds for revocation of the special use
2. Retail sale of merchandise to the public on
the premises is expressly prohibited.
Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none.
The motion passed unanimously.
RESOLUTION Member Maurice Britts introduced the following resolution
NO. 74 -136 and moved its adoption:
1974 -20
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Robert Jensen, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member Maurice Britts introduced the following resolution
NO. 74 -137 and moved its adoption:
1974 -26, 1974 -27, 1974 -28, 1974 -29 AND 1974 -30, AND
-11- 8 -19 -74
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Tony Kuefler, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
Member Maurice Britts introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption: NO, 74 -138
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Bill Fignar, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen.- and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted,
Member Maurice Britts introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption: NO. 74 -139
NO. 1974 -23 TO CONTRACT 1974 -D
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Robert Jensen, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption: NO. 74 -140
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
Member Maurice Britts introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption: NO. 74 -141
8 -19 -74 -12-
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Robert Jensen, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member Maurice Britts introduced the following resolution
NO. 74-142 and moved its adoption.
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Bill Fignar, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen, and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following resolution
NO. 74-143 and moved its adoption;
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert jensens and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared djJy passed and adopted.
Freeway Park The City Manager next reviewed plans for the 1-94
Land Adjacent development in Brooklyn Center. He noted that the
to 1-94 Highway Department was very concerned, at this time,
about environmental impact statements and replacing
park lands that they may need for freeway development.
He also stated that noise abatement was a major con-
cern regarding the freeway development. in Brooklyn
Center. He briefly reviewed the Highway Department's
policy of compensating, at a fair market value, the
municipality for the park lands needed for the develop-
ment of the freeway or replacing the land with open
space in another area,
Mr. Merila reviewed the plans for the area of acquisition
north of the freeway along the proposed Shingle Creek
trailV,7ay system and south of the freeway along Central
Park and a portion south of Freeway Park adjacent to the
freeway. He noted on the map depicting the freeway
development that these areas would be acquired by the
Highway Department, He stated that the trade-off
consisted of acquiring additional land westerly of Central
Park and easterly of Xerxes Avenue to replace the park
lands acquired for freeway development. He stated that
wherever possible the Highway Department has agreed
to provide earth berms for noise abatement®
-13- 8-19-74
The City Manager commented that it was important
to provide "people protection" from the freeway
through the use of earth berms if at all possible and
wooden walls as a secondary choice. He stated that
such noise abatement concepts would be used adjacent
to the freeway in Brooklyn Center to the Trunk Highway
152 interchange. He noted that the use of earth berms
might require vacating additional houses but that it
was worth i t
t o achieve a more effective: freeway buffer.
Mr. Poss then commented as to the proposal for crossing
the freeway at Shingle Creek. He stated the Highway
Department proposal was for a gradual slopping overpass
which could be used for bicycles as well as pedestrians.
Mr. Poss stated that such a proposal would be amenable
to the City only if it were done in such a way as to be
compatible both aesthetically and functionally regarding
pedestrians and bikes.
Member Robert Jensen introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption: NO. 74 -144
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
The City Manager next introduced the animal control Animal Control
ordinance for second reading. A brief discussion Ordinance
ensued relative to the proposed fee schedule for the
new ordinance. Councilman Britts commented that he
felt the fee schedule for the animal control ordinance
was too high. He noted that the increase in fees
might actually reduce the number of dogs licensed
and the amount of revenue collected. Councilman
Jensen agreed with Councilman Britts' comment
regarding excessive licensing fees and stated that it
might be better to have a high penalty fee and main -
tain the existing license fees. Councilman Fignar
noted that according to the ordinance a $15 delinquent
dog license fee has already been imposed and stated
he felt this fee was high enough.
The City Manager then stated that the penalty for
violation of the ordinance was now a maximum of
$300 or 90 days, but that unless a blatant violation
could be proved, this penalty was rather difficult to
enforce. He farther stated that the fee structure has
not been realigned since the institution of the fees for
the present ordinance in 1965. He noted that the cost
of maintaining an animal control service has gone up
during this period. He stated his opinion that the cost
of the license fee was not the determining factor in
licensing a dog or not licensing a dog.
8 -19 -74 -1.4-
Councilman Jensen expressed a concern for the purpose
of the ordinance. He commented that he felt the real
purpose of the ordinance was to insure that all dogs
have received rabies shots. He noted that in no way
could the increase in the license fees completely offset
the cost of maintaining dog control, and that maintaining
the present fee structure would be more conducive to
better registration of dogs throughout the City, thus
insuring that dogs in Brooklyn Center have been properly
Councilman Kuefler commented that he felt the dog
owners have an obligation to pay their fair share for
dog control. He further stated that he felt an increase
in licensing was in line with the increasing cost of
providing dog control since 1965. A brief discussion
ensued relative to amending the animal control ordinance
license fees. The City Manager suggested that the
Council pass this ordinance as is and, if so desired,
amend the ordinance upon its effective date regarding
the fee structure.
ORDINANCE Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following ordinance
NO. 74-21 and further moved its adoption, provided, however,
that for the purposes of the minutes of the proceedings
of the City Council the text of the ordinance shall be
attached to the minutes and be a part thereof:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing ordinance
was duly seconded by member Bill Fignar, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof- Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said ordinance
was declared duly passed and adopted.
Councilmen Britts and Jensen advocated amendment of
the new Animal Control ordinance to essentially retain
the longstanding fee structure. Councilman Fignar
stated that he felt there was good basis for increasing
the dog license fees and that it was a matter of keeping
up with inflation and the increasing costs of providing
dog control.
ORDINANCE Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
First Reading Jensen to offer for first reading an ordinance amending
Chapter 1 of the City ordinances. Voting in favor were:
Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler and Jensen.
Voting against: Councilman Fignar. The motion passed.
Licenses Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
Fignar to approve the following licenses:
-15- 8-19-74
Ernst Housemovers 9400 - 85th Ave.
Brooklyn Center High
School Centaurettes 6500 Humboldt Ave.
Northland Mechanical
Contractor, Inc. 1914 Washington Ave.
Gold Medal Beverage Co.
McKee Station 6800 Brooklyn Blvd.
Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen
Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against:
none. The motion passed unanimously.
The City Manager next explained that the Brooklyn Authorization for
Center Industrial Park is currently in the process of Mayor and City
filing a new registered land survey approved by the Manager to
City Council on June 3, 1974 which realigns Earle Execute Deeds
Brown Drive northeasterly of Summit Drive. He stated
that in order to clear the title underlying R. L. S. No.
1341, Brooklyn Center Industrial Park requested the
City to execute a deed. conveying the recently vacated
Earle Brown Drive to the Brooklyn Center Industrial
Following a brief discussion of the request there was
a motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
Jensen to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute
a deed conveying vacated Earle Brown Drive described as
Tract D, R.L.S. No. 1341 to Brooklyn Center Industrial
Park, with the stipulation that the City would retain utility
easements for said tract. Voting in favor were: Mayor
Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen.
Voting against: none. The motion passed unanimously.
The City Manager next explained that the Brooklyn Center
Industrial Park has also requested an exchange of deeds
with the City relative to the new realignment of Earle
Brown Drive. He explained that the exchange consists of
the Brooklyn Center Industrial Park conveying to the City
the new extension and realignment of Earle Brown Drive,
described as Tract H, of the R. L. S. , which the City
approved on June 3, 1974, and the City conveying to the
Brooklyn Center Industrial Park the 80 foot strip of land
overlying the southerly portion of the proposed tract A
described by a lengthy metes and bounds description.
He further stated that an exchange of deeds is a necessary
legal transaction to enable the developer, to file the
approved registered land survey.
Motion by Britts and seconded by Fignar to authorize
the Mayor and City Manager to execute a deed covering
the Brooklyn Center Industrial Park property described as
8-19-74 -16-
All that part of Tract F Registered Land Survey No. 1341,
filed with the Registrar of Titles, Hennepin County,
Minnesota lying within an 80 foot easement, center line
of which is described as follows: Beginning at the
southwest corner of tract E, R.L.S. No. 1341; then south
89 degrees 29 minutes 43 seconds east, 5.23 feet; and
south 0 degrees 31 minutes 17 seconds west 40.00 feet;
thence north 89 degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds west
60.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence south
89 degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds east to 60.00 feet;
thence northeasterly 771.54 feet along tangential curve
concave to the left with a central angle of 91 degrees,
55 minutes, 01 seconds and a radius of 480.93 feet
thence north I degree, 23 minutes 44 seconds west
500 feet; said line there terminating for street and
utility purposes. Subject of said deed being executed
and delivered upon receipt of an executed deed from the
Brooklyn Center Industrial Park conveying to the City
the new alignment of Earle Brown Drive; described as
Tract H of the Registered Land Survey which the City
approved on Jun:: 3, 1974. Voting in favor were: Mayor
Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Jensen and Fignar.
Voting against: none. The motion passed unanimously.
Demolition of Municipal The City Manager next explained that he has secured
Building at 6445 Lyndale quotations for the demolition of the old municipal
Avenue North building located at 6445 Lyndale Avenue North. He
stated that the low quote came from Carl Bolander and
Sons Company at $625.
Motion by Kuefler and seconded by Britts to authorize
the City Manager to cause the demolition of the
municipal building at 6445 Lyndale Avenue by Carl
Bolander and Sons Company for $625. Voting in favor
were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler,
Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none. The
motion passed unanimously.
Review of Proposed The City Manager introduced the next item of business,
Special Assessments review of the proposed special assessments for the
Schedule for September 9 public hearing. The Director of Public
September 9 Hearing Works briefly reviewed the projects and the assessments
to be heard at the September 9 hearing. He noted that
in most cases the assessment was lower than the esti-
Snowmobiling Councilman Britts noted that he received a letter
regarding snowmobiling and the use of snowmobiles in
Brooklyn Center. He stated that the letter requested
something be done about the snowmobile problem in
Brooklyn Center. Mayor Cohen stated that snowmobiling
had become an ever increasing problem in Brooklyn
Center and that at this time it might be good time for
the Council to review the snowmobile ordinance regarding
the operation of snowmobiles on streets in Brooklyn
Center. He requested that time at the September 9
Council meeting be set aside for a discussion of the
snowmobile problem®
-17- 8-19-74
Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman Adjournment
Fignar to adjourn at 12:25 p.m. the meeting of the Brooklyn
Center City Council. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen,
Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Jensen and Fignar. Voting
against: none. The motion passed unanimously.
J s
Jerk Mayor
8 -19 -74 -18-