SEPTEMBER 23, 1974
Call to Order The Brooklyn Center City Council met in regular session
and was called to order by Mayor Cohen at 7 :30 p.m.
Roll Call Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Fignar, Britts, and Jensen.
Also present were City Manager Donald Poss, Director
of Public Works James Merila, Director of Finance
Paul Holmlund, Director of Planning and Inspection
Blair Tremere, Director of Parks and Recreation Gene
Hagel, and Administrative Assistants Daniel Hartman and
,James Lacina.
Invocation Reverend Rosenau of the Lutheran Church of the Triune
God offered the invocation.
Approval of Minutes Motion by Councilman Fignar and seconded by Council-
9-10-74 man Britts to approve the minutes of the September 10,
1974 meeting as submitted. Voting in favor were: Mayor
Cohen, Councilmen Fignar and Britts. Voting against:
none. The motion passed. Councilman ,Jensen abstained
since he was not present at the meeting.
Review of Final The City Manager introduced the first item on the agenda,
Arboretum Plans a review of final arboretum plans prepared by Mr. Stephen
Jahns. The Director of Parks and. Recreation displayed the
plan and reviewed the highlights for the City Council.
The City Manager noted that the plan would be implemental
in an evolutionary nature and would require community
involvement for its completion,,
Mr. Hagel also suggested a list of priorities in the
development of the arboretum. The Mayor commented that
Mr. Jahns should be commended for the work he has done
In developing the plan.
Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
Fignar to approve the master plan for the arboretum as
presented. Voting in favor were.- Mayor Cohen, Council-
men Britts, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none.
The motion passed.
RESOLUTION Member Robert Jensen introduced the following resolution
NO. '74 -150 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Bill Fignar and
Robert Jensen; and the following voted against the same:
none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly
passed and adopted.
-1- 9 -23 -74
The City Manager next introduced a resolution authorizing Resolution
the write -off of uncollectible checks. He commented that Authorizing
the appropriate authorities have tried to collect on the the Write -Off
checks and criminal charges have been filed for the of Uncollectible
individuals who have written the uncollectible checks. Checks
Councilman Fignar inquired if it would be appropriate to
use a collection agency to recover at least part of the
revenue. The Director of Finance commented that it has
been a staff conclusion that it is inappropriate to use
private collection agencies for bad checks.
Councilman Jensen inquired of precautions that are used
b y the City to reduce the number of uncollectible checks.
Mr. Holmlund commented that lists are sent to all the
liquor stores of those individuals who are passing un-
collectible checks.
Member Bill Fignar introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption: NO. 74 -157
The notion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Bill Fignar and
Robert Jensen; and the following voted against the same:
none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly
passed and adopted.
Member Robert Jensen introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption: NO. 74 -158
1973 -10 ON OCTOBER 7, 1974
The motion for the n o adoption of the fore p gig r
was duly seconded by member Bill Fignar, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Bill Fignar and
Robert Jensen; and the following voted against the same:
none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly
passed and adopted.
Member Maurice Britts introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption: NO. 74 -159
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Robert Jensen, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Bill Fignar and
Robert Jensen; and the following voted against the same:
none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly
passed and adopted.
L 9 -23 -74 -2-
RESOLUTION Member Maurice Britts introduced the following
NO. 74 -160 resolution and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Robert Jensen, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Bill Fignar and
Robert Jensen; and the following voted against the same:
none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly
passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member. Bill Fignar introduced the following resolution
NO. 74 -161 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Robert Jensen, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Bill Fignar and
Robert Jensen; and the following voted against the same:
none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly
passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member Bill Fignar introduced the following resolution
NO. 74 -162 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Bill Fignar and
Robert Jensen; and the following voted against the same:
none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly
passed and adopted.
ORDINANCE Member Robert Jensen introduced the following ordinance
NO. 74.26 and moved its adoption:
Section 1: Chapter 1 of the City Ordinances is hereby
amended as follows:
1. Annual Fees.
Dog License -Male or Female. [$8.001 $5.00
- Neutered Male . . [$ 5.001 $3.00
- Spayed Female . . ($5.001$3.00
-3- 9 -23 -74
Section 2: This ordinance shall become effective
after adoption and upon thirty (30) days following
its legal publication.
Adopted this 23rd day of September, 1974.
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing ordinance
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts and Robert Jensen,
and the following voted against the same: Bill Fignar,
whereupon said ordinance was declared duly passed
and adopted.
The next item of business was consideration of Planning Planning Commission
Commission Application No. 74006 submitted by the Application No. 74006
Twin Lake Alano Society. The item was introduced by and Planning Com-
the Director of Planning and Inspection who stated that mission Application
it represents an amendment to the original approval and No. 74008 (Twine Lake
comprehends the second phase of the site development. Alano Society)
He stated that it consists of expanding the parking to
the south and remodeling of the concrete block accessory
structure on the north of the primary building located at
4938 Brooklyn Boulevard. He stated that the second
phase parking consists of 31 spaces including provision
for compact cars in specific spots, and that the total
parking provided would be 82 spaces.
Mr. Tremere also noted that plans call for the demolition
of the easterly (rear) portion of the garage, so the ex-
terior wall will be flush with the building. He stated
that the applicant intends to apply a new exterior finish
to the garage compatible with the main building.
He then presented photographs of the site as well as
a sketch representing the proposed exterior finish of
the accessory structure. He commented that the Planning
Commission was concerned about berming and plantings
along the easterly edge of the property to provide effec-
tive headlight screening for the residents across Xerxes
Avenue North.
The Director of Planning and Inspection next presented
Planning Commission Application No. 74008 submitted
by the Twin Lake Alano Society. He commented that the
application is for preliminary plat approval required of
the applicant by his special use permit (Planning
Commission Application No. 74006) approved on
February 26,, 1974. He stated that the application
requires platting of the two parcel site within one year.
Mr. Tremere also commented that approval of the special
use permit specified that a portion of the northeasterly
corner of the property be dedicated for possible future
expansion of Xerxes Avenue North. He commented that
the applicant has been requested to provide an easement
agreement for that land which would be required for
street purposes. He stated that the agreement would
acknowledge the use of the area for parking until it is
actually needed for street purposes. He commented
that the need for street widening in the area would be a
function of possible future subdivision of the properties
to the north.
9 -23 -74 -4-
Councilman Fignar voiced a concern in terms of
lighting in the parking areas on the site. Mr. Tremere
responded by stating that no lighting was proposed for
the parking area. He started that this constitutes an
oversight on his part and -the applicant would be re-
quired to provide lighting in the parking area as per
the City ordinances..
Action Approving Motion by. Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman .
Planning Commission Fignar to approve Planning Commission Application No.
Application No. 74006 74006 submitted by the Twin Lake Alano Society subject
(Twin Lake Aland to the following conditions:
1. Drainage, grading, and „berming ,plane are
subject to review and approval by the City
2. Landscaping of the phase two parking area
will include berms and ,plantings so to;,
provide screening Hof headlights. ;
3. The exterior, finish, of the remodeled
accessory structure shall be aesthetically
compatible with the .primary building.
4, All conditions of the February 251, 1974-
City Council approval shall, apply .
Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen, ,Britts
Fignar and Jena en. Voting against, none. The motion
Action Approving Motion by Councilman Jensen and seconded by Council
Planning Commission man Britts to approve Planning Commission.Application
Application No. 74008 No. 74008 submitted by the Twin Lake Alano Society
(Twin Lake Alano subject to the following conditions_:
The final plat is subject to review by the
City Engineer,
2. The final plat is subject to the requirements
of Chapter 15 of the City Ordinances.
3. An easement agreement as approved by the
City' Engineer and City Attorney shall be
- exe out edd providing for possible future
widening of .-Xerxes Avenue- North
Voting in favor were: Mayor,Cohen Councilmen Britts,
Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none. The motion
Final Plat for The City Manager then commented that the final plat
Twin Lake Alano for the Twin Lake Alano :S:oci#ty, has been submitted for
Society (Planning City Council cqnsIdarat4q4 .
Commission Application
No. 74008) Motion by Councilman Jensen and seconded by Council-
man Britts to approve Xhe;.final ,plat submitted by the
Twin Lake Alano Society compreYezded , in Planning
Commission Application = NO. 74000 +4,4bject to .the ,
following condition: An easement agreement a. approved
-5 9 -23 -74
by the City Engineer and City Attorney shall be
executed providing for possible future widening
of Xerxes Avenue North. Voting in favor were:
Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Fignar and
Jensen. Voting against: none. The motion passed.
The next item of business was consideration of . Planning Commission
Planning Commission Application No. 74044 sub- Application No. 74044
mitted by Brooklyn Center Development Corporation. (Brooklyn Center
The item was again introduced by the Director of Development Corp.)
Planning and Inspection who explained that'the
application is basically for site and building plan
approval but the proposed site and building plans
are contingent upon two technical variances relative
to buffer and setback requirements.
Mr. Tremere commented that one of the variances
involves Section 35 -413 which provides that where
a proposed I -1 development abuts an R -1 district
at other than a street line, a protective strip of at
least 100 feet in width shall be provided. He ex-
plained that the proposed development site is
adjacent can the south , to a large R -1 tract owned
and partially oocuOied by the Berean Evangelical
Free Church. He stated that the abutment is
approximately 390 feet and the distance from the
Spec Seven parking lot to the boundary varies from
approximately 59 feet at the east end to approxi-
mately 22 feet at the west end; thus, the subject
variance is for a maximum 78 feet.
He noted that the requested variance has merit
when measured against the rather unique circum-
stances and the standards for a variance. He
explained that the R -1 parcel Is the church site and
it is so zoned because the church was located there
at the time of the adoption of the zoning ordinance.
He noted further that the church site is addressed to
in the Comprehensive Plan and it is likely the site
would have been zoned R -5 or I -1 consistent with
the other land west of Humboldt Avenue North and
south of 69th Avenue North had the church not been
Mr. Tremere commented that the buffer requirement is
Intended to provide substantial screening from indus-
trial uses and residential uses--primarily dwellings.
He commented that the only single family dwelling is
the church parsonage located at the far end of the
parcel on Humboldt Avenue North and any additional
single family dwelling construction on the parcel would
require replatting, which would definitely not be in
order as a good matter, of planning. He commented
further that likely uses of the west portion of the R -1
parcel includes sale and rezoning to I -1, or expansion
of the church parking facilities..
9 -23 -74 -6-
He then stated that the second variance is also a
variance involving Section 35 -413 which provides
that when a proposed I -1 development faces any
residential use across a dedicated street, at least
a 50 foot wide buffer strip shall be provided along
said street. He noted that the proposed I -1 develop -
ment abuts an approximate 90 foot length of a 30 foot
wide dedication for a proposed Irving Avenue North,
which extends southerly from 69th Avenue North. He
commented that the use of the land to the east is R -5,
specifically parking and rear yards of apartment sites
and vacant lots.
Mr... Tremere explained that the remaining approximate
790 feet of the east boundary of the I -1 site abuts R -5
directly. He commented that there is no foreseeable
warrant for installing Irving Avenue North as dedicated,
or for extending the dedicated portion to the south, He
stated that the situation is unique to this parcel of land
and establishing a 50 foot buffer for this approximate
90 foot length creates a hardship in that it is unnecessary.
He noted that the Planning Commission had on
September 19, 1974 adopted Planning Commission
Resolution No. 1974 -4 recommending approval of
variances requested and contained in Planning Com-
mission Application No. 74044.
The Director of Planning and Inspection next presented
the site and building plans as comprehended in Planning
Commission Application No. 74044 submitted by Brooklyn
Center Development Corporation. He stated that the
applicant is seeking site and building plan approval for
a 137,696 square foot speculative building on the
southerly portion of the parcel now known as Outlot A
Twin Cities Interchange Park. He stated that the pro -
perty is more commonly known as that northerly of 67th
Avenue North and easterly of vacated James Avenue North.
Mayor Cohen recognized Mr. Janis Blumentals who
represented the applicant. Mr. Tremere stated that the
primary concerns have been providing substantial
delineation and screening for the massive structure
which, unlike the other speculative buildings is straight
line in design, rather than U- shape, thereby exposing
the loading activity area. He noted that a continuous
opaque screen wall is provided for a substantial portion
of the perimeter of the site, particularly at the north -
westerly and northeasterly portion of the site. He noted
that it would be opaque vertical board fence a minimum
8 foot in height with the possibiiity of utilizing the
3 foot berm on the north green strip.
Mr. Tremere stated that the applicant has provided
adequate parking at a ratio of 10% office usage and 90%
industrial usage. He stated that the applicant has
also made provision for additional parking, a portion
of which would comprehend a green area to the west
of the building, as well as the possibility of utilizing
a portion of the loading area should the area not be
-7- 9 -23 -74
He further stated that considering the approximate
900 foot length of the east driveway and parking lot,
he would strongly recommend some type of bituminous
speed inhibitors be incorporated into the paving of the
parking lot to reduce excess vehicle speed or drag
Mr. Tremere -also noted that the exterior finish of the
building should use earth tone colors to de- emphasize
the mass of the building. A brief discussion ensued
relative to the proposed landscaping of the perimeter
areas. It was also noted that the roof of the building
would be used for delayed drainage of surface water
to the storm sewer system.
A discussion ensued relative to the proposed cul -de -sac
providing ingress and egress into the site. Mr. Tremere
noted that 20 foot wide driveways are provided for
vehicular traffic into the parking areas, as well as the
appropriate 40 foot entrance way for trucks.
The City Manager then provided a brief historical
perspective of the proposed parcel in terms of zoning
considerations. He stated that the parcel had originally
been zoned I -1 but that it was rezoned at the developer's
request to R -5 to provide for a three phase apartment
project. He stated that the parcel had just recently
been rezoned back to I -1 again at the request of the
developer. He commented that over the years the
direction of the development in the area has changed
Councilman Jensen inquired of the Irving Avenue North
extension with the City Manager commenting that the
dedication had been provided when the R -5 property to
the east on Humboldt Avenue North had been developed.
He stated that the dedication had not been vacated by
the City due to certain commercial development proposals
submitted for that area. He commented that it would be
appropriate to vacate the street since the City Council
has adopted the olio of no industrial access from
p policy
69th Avenue North.
Councilman Kuefler arrived at 9 :07 p.m.
Motion by Councilman Fignar and seconded by Councilman Action Approving
Jensen to approve Planning Commission Application No. Planning Commission
74044 submitted by the Brooklyn Center Development Application No. 74444
Corporation, including the two variances inherent in the (Brooklyn Center
application and justified on the basis -that. Development Corp.)
1. Due to the particular physical surroundings
of the specific parcel of land involved a
hardship would be realized if the strict
letter of the buffer requirements were
carried out.
2. The conditions of the application are unique
in the specific parcel and are not common,
generally, to other property in the I-1
9 -23 -74 -g-
3. The alleged hardship is related to ordinance
requirements, the established R -1 parcel,
so zoned because of an existing special use,
and to the dedicated but undeveloped street
4. The proposed variance is not deemed to be
detrimental to the public welfare or injurious
to neighboring properties.
S. The spirit and intent of the ordinance is
retained in conjunction with the site and
building plan approval considerations for
appropriate landscaping and screening;
said approval subject to the following conditions.-
1. Grading, drainage, berming and utility plans
are subject to review by the City Engineer
prior to the issuance of permits.
2. Building plans are subject to review by the
Building Official with respect to applicable
codes prior to the issuance of permits.
3. A performance agreement and financial
guarantee (in an amount to be determined by
the City Manager) shall be submitted prior
to the issuance of permits to assure com-
pletion of required improvements
4. The exterior finish and color of the building
shall be harmonious so as to blend in with
the overall neighborhood and earth tone
colors shall be utilized in such a manner to
de- emphasize the mass of the building.
5. All roof top mechanical equipment shall be
appropriately screened.
6. All trash disposal areas shall be appropriately
enclosed and screened from public view.
7. The area currently known as Outlots A and B
of Twin Cities Interchange Park Addition,
including the subject site, shall be replatted.
8. Bituminous speed inhibitors as approved by the
City Engineer will be incorporated into the
parking lot driving areas, specifically along
the east driveway.
Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Fignar,
rensen, and Britts. Voting against: none. The motion
passed. Councilman Kuefler abstained since he was not
present for the consideration.
-9- 9 -23 -74
The next item considered was Planning Commission Planning Commission
Application' No. 74045 submitted by Mr. Joseph Neis, Application No. 74045
7106 Oliver Avenue North. The item was introduced (Mr. Joseph Neis)
by the Director of Planning and Inspection who ex-
plained that the applicant is seeking a special use
permit to conduct a home occupation consisting of
the manufacture of rubber stamps and involving
stock -in -trade and special equipment.
Mayor Cohen recognized the applicant and a brief
discussion ensued relative to the nature of the opera-
tion and traffic generated in the area. Mr. Tremere
noted that the home occupation would be conducted
in a detached double garage.
Motion by Councilman Fignar and seconded by Action Approving
Councilman Britts to approve Planning Commission Planning Commission
Application No. 74045 submitted by Mr. Joseph Neis Application No. 74045
subject to the following conditions: (Mr. Joseph Ness)
1. The use is subject to all applicable
ordinance provi .-ions and violation
thereof shall be grounds for revocation
of the special use permit.
2. Retail sale of merchandise to the public
on the premises is expressly prohibited.
Voting In favor were: Mayor Cohen Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none.
The motion passed unanimously.
The City Council recessed at 9 :18 p.m. and resumed Recess
at 9 :40 p. m.
The next item of business considered was a proposal Industrial Signery
for industrial signery on 69th Avenue North pertaining on 69th Avenue North
to the speculative industrial buildings. The Director
of Planning and lnspection introduced the proposal
and stated that the City Council approvals of specu-
lative buildings abutting 69th Avenue North have noted
that signery facing 69th Avenue North would not be
permitted without City Council review and approval.
He stated that the intent of the City Council was to
generally prohibit signery on 69th Avenue North in
consideration of the residential properties to the north
and the fact that there was no access to the industrial
buildings from 69th Avenue North. He stated that a
number of the tenants in the buildings which front 69th
Avenue North have periodically requested signery and
have been told of the City Council's action.
Mr.. Tremere stated that the developer has recently
submitted a proposed sign scheme which would apply
to all tenants of the buildings facing 69th Avenue North,
and essentially it consists of individual 16 -inch letters
intended to convey the company's name and would be
applied to the wall at a height of approximately 10 to 11
feet above grade.
9 -25 -74 -10-
Mayor Cohen noted that the entrance to the industrial
speculative buildings is via Shingle Creek Parkway and
not 69th Avenue North. He stated that if signery is
allowed on 69th Avenue North it could create a confusing
situation with individuals looking for specific tenants in
the speculative buildings.
The Mayor then recognized Mr. Janis Blumentals who
commented that the tenants on 69th Avenue North seem
to be penalized by their location since they are not
allowed any type of advertising signery.
Action Tentatively Following extensive discussion among Council members,
Rejecting Proposal motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
for Industrial Signery Fignar to direct the City Manager to draft a resolution
on 69th Avenue North setting forth the City Council's concerns in tefms of
signery on the industrial speculative buildings facing
69th Avenue North and rejecting the proposal as pre -
sented. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Council-
men Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting againstb
none. The motion passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE Motion by Councilman Kuefler and seconded by Council -
First Reading man Britts to offer for first reading an ordinance amending
Chapter 34 and 35 relative to the definition of a family.
Voting in favor were. Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none. The
motion passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE Motion by Councilman Jensen and seconded by Council -
First Reading man Britts to offer for first reading an ordinance amending
Chapter 35 relative to notices for rezoning hearings.
Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none. The
motion passed unanimously.
Ordinance Amending The City Manager next referred to an ordinance amend -
Chapter 4 Relative to ment to Chapter 4 relative to repair of water and sewer
Repair of Water and service. Councilman Britts inquired as to who would be
Sewer Service liable for work completed without a permit. The City
Attorney commented that from a legal point of view it
would be the licensed plumber since the ordinance requires
the permit to be issued to the property owner through his
A brief discussion ensued relative to the ordinance
amendment with the City Manager commenting that at
present no fee has been established for the permit.. He
stated that if a fee is to be considered, it would be
recommended after the ordinance becomes effective.
ORDINANCE Motion by Councilman Jensen and seconded by Council-
First Reading man Fignar to offer for first reading an ordinance
amending Chapter 4 relative to repair of water and
sewer services. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen,
Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting
against: none. The motion passed unanimously.
-11- 9 -23 -74
The City Manager next offered as a discussion item Walkway Policy
the development of a walkway network policy relating Providing for
to walkways constructed on private property by ease- Reconstruction
ment. In response to requests that the City commit of Sidewalk
to reconstructing and realigning such walkways'•back
on public property in the event of the future demise
of those: trees, responsible for placing the walkway
on eas ement, the City Manager stated that the rami-
fications of such commitment had been evaluated
across the entire walkway network. He stated that
there are approximately 120 parcels to date upon
which walkway easements have been acquired, and
that the potential cost exposure if the City were to
be obligated .to replace
such walkways h
in the even t
of tree demise would amount to approximately $63,,000
at 1974 construction rates.
Discussion ensued during which policy suggestions
were elicited. The City Manager suggested that if
any policy at all were to be established regarding
possible realignment of walkways onto public property
from existing easement alignments, then such olic
p Y
should include a finite exposure period; for City obli-
gation and the initiative for any such policy should be
directly related to tree demise being, caused by side-
walk construction.
Councilman Tensen inquired about tree replacement
possibilities whereupon the City Manager stated that
a study was being conducted to ascertain the cost
ramifications of tree replacement across the entire
walkway network program. Mayor Cohen commented
that such policies involving major costs must be
accompanied by the establishment of funding reserves.
Councilman Kuefler proposed that the City initiate a
walkway network policy whereby if a tree on public or
private property dies within two years of walkway con -
struction and if the tree demise is caused by such
walkway construction, then the property owner shall
have the option of having the tree replaced by a smaller
tree or of having the walkway realigned from private
property easement onto the public property boulevard.
Following discussion of the proposal it was the general
consensus of the City Council to� authorize the City
Manager to develop such a walkway policy and to pre-
sent it to the City Council in resplution form.
The City Manager next discussed the Community Center Community Center
wading pool policy. He commented that he has received Wading Pool Policy
a memorandum from the Director of Parks and Recreation
discussing problems relating, to the wading pool and
observation deck. He stated that due to the increased
use of the wading pool certain controls must be instigated
in the observation area. He commented that a gate will
have b
to a installed on the observation deck prohibiting
access Into the wading pool from the deck. He stated
that the use of the wading pool will be regulated through
the main swimming pool access. Councilman Britts
commented that he thought the matter is administrative in
nature. The City Manager commented that he agrees with
9 -23 -74 -12-
Councilman Britts' interpretation. It was the general
consensus of the City Council that the Community
Center wading pool policy be considered a matter of
Information only.
1975 Budget Hearing Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
Fignar to reconvene the 1975 budget hearing. Voting in
favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler,
Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none. The motion
passed unanimously.
The City Manager continued his indepth review of the
operating accounts of the General Fund Budget.
Mayor Cohen left the table and Councilman Kuefler
assumed the chair at 10:50 p.m.
The City Manager commented on the Park and Recreation
capital items and responded to questions.
Mayor Cohen returned to the table and assumed the
chair at 10:5 5 p.m.
The City Council next reviewed the major Recreation
programs. The City Manager commented that each
program has been examined, in terms of its effectiveness
and its ability to support itself through user charges.
He stated that expenditures have been reduced within
the recreational programs by better utilization of labor
without noticeably reducing service levels.
Councilman Britts referred back to the Park and
Recreation capital outlay items, expressing his concern
over the recommendation not to fund a display case for
the gallery area of the Community Center. He suggested
that possibly the $500 cost could be covered by reducing
a recommended $4,000 appropriation for trees in the parks.
Councilman Kuefler objected to such a proposal, stating
that trees should certainly have a higher priority than a
questionable display case. Councilman Kuefler sug-
gested that the display case,be evaluated on its own
merits and if determined necessary, funded by Revenue
Sharing funds.
Councilman Jensen spoke in favor of funding the display
case on the basis that provision for small item displays
may encourage greater use and attendance at the
Community Center. The City Manager commented that
he was not opposed to funding the display case, but
that it did not seem a cost effective item, particularly
in terms of citizen interest.
It was the general consensus of the City Council that
the proposed budget should be amended to include funding
the display case for the gallery area in the Community
-13- 9- -23 -74
The Director of finance next presented a Community
Center Income and Expense Report reflecting both
direct and allocated costs. The City Manager
reviewed the elements of the report, pointing out
that in 1973 costs exceeded revenues by $92,726 and
a property tax subsidy of that amount was necessary.
This subsidy was contrasted to a 1972 subsidy of
A discussion ensued relative to the Community
Center operation and the amount of tax subsidy
necessary to the operation. The City Manager
commented that the operating subsidy reflects the
over - optimism of earlier Community Center advocates,
but that the need for subsidy should not depreciate
the high public purpose which it serves in the
community. He pointed out that approximately
173,000 persons passed through the turnstiles in
1973 in addition to perhaps thousands more who
used other facilities within the Community Center.
Council consensus appeared to the effect that the
Community Center is fulfilling its intended public
service and that continued cost consciousness should
prevail with respect to its operation.
Motion by Councilman Kuefler and seconded by Action Tentatively
Councilman Fignar to tentatively approve the 1 975 Approving the 1 975
budget as presented and direct the City Manager Budget
to draft the necessary resolutions for formal
approval. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen,
Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen.
Voting against: none. The motion passed unani-
Motion by Councilman Jensen and seconded by
Councilman Britts to continue the 1975 budget
hearing to October 7, 1974. Voting in favor were:
Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar
and Jensen. Voting agaimgt: none. The motion
passed unanimously.
Motions by Councilman Britts and seconded by Adjournment
Councilman Kuefler to adjourn the meeting. Voting
In favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none.
The motion passed unanimously. The Brooklyn
Center City Council adjourned at 11 :59 p.m.
Clerk �
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