OCTOBER 7, 1974
Call to Order The Brooklyn Center City Council met in regular session
and was called to order by Mayor Philip Cohen at 8:00 p.m.
Roll Call Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts, Fignar, Kuefler and
Jensen. Also present were City Manager Donald Poss,
Director of Public Works fames Merila, Director of Finance
Paul. Holmlund, Director of Planning and Inspection Blair
Tremere, Acting City Attorney Jeff Carson, and Administrative
Assistants Daniel Hartman and fames Lacina.
Approval of Minutes Motion by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
9-9-74 Fignar to approve the minutes of the September 9, 1.974
inneeting as submitted. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen,
Councilmen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen.. Voting
against. none, The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Minutes Motion by Councilman Kuefler and seconded by Councilman
9-16-74 Jensen to approve the minutes of the September 16, 1974
as submitted. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen,
Councilrnen Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Voting
against, none. The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Minutes Mction by Councilman Fignar and seconded by Councilman
9-23-74 Ten.
,i sr.n- to approve the minutes of the September 23, 1,974
zneeting as submitted. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen,
men. Britts, Fignar and J ensen. Voting against:
The motion passed. Councilman Kuefler abstained
i ce ce, he was not present for the entire meeting.
Confirmatlion of ti-e � by Councilman Jensen and �, by Councilman
Appointment cf gar tc confirm Mayor Cohen's appointment of Mr. Robert
Mr. Robert Heirvey 7030 Knox Avenue North, toy the Park and Recreation
to the Park and representing Park Servic Area No. 2, to fill
R e c r e a t i ( n C< ,on t u term- of Ms. Michele Roche expiring December 31, 1976.
V--t,:'!'ng In favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar and Jensen. Votizng against: none. The
Passed unanimously.
Confirypat'licn, of th e Motion by Councilman Kuefler and seconded by Councilman
Appointrn of to confirm Mayor Cohen's appointment of Ms. Jan
Ms. Jan Thunell to, T-unell to Park Service Area Committee No. 3. Voting
Park Service Area in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilman Britts, Kuefler,
Committee No. 3 Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none. The motion
passed unanimously.
Amendatory Special The City Manager next announced that an amendatory
Assessment Hearing special assessment public hearing has been scheduled for
(Improvernent Project tine meeting. He stated that facts relating to street
No. 1973-10) surfacing improvement project No. 1973-10 as presented
at the special assessment public hearing on September 9,
1974, were erroneous. He stated that the amendatory
special assessment hearing was scheduled to correct the
situation. He commented that the improvement project
-1- 10-7-74
involves street surfacing on Bryant: Aven.Ie North from 53rd
Avenue North to 55th Avenue North, and 53rd Avenue North
from Bryant Avenue North to Colfax Avenue North.
A brief discussion. ensued pertaining to the improvement
project and its assessment with gc esti ns by those
individuals present who had an in.terenft in the project.
Member Maurice Britts intro d „aced the following resolution RE80LUTION
and moved its adoption- NO. 74 -153
The motion for the adopYlon of th�q fccrego.ing resolution
was, duly seconded by ° ember Tensen and upon
vote being taken thereon, t:f y f, - )w n)g voted in favor
thereof- Philip Cohen, Maurice Brftt, o Tony Kuefler
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen, and t he following voted
against the same, none, wherc�u.pon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
Member Tony Kuefler the fallowing resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption- NO. 74 -164
The motion for the. adop l',cna of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by rn ember B.pll Fignar, and upon vote
being taken thereon, the f"_il (,-.wjng voted in favor thereof-
Philip Cohen, Maurice Kuefler, o Bill Fignar
and Robert Jens-,,en,- and the f 11r g voted against the
same, none, when Up uu n s re Gr.l utic -n was declared
duly passod and
MelIaber Ma::r'1_' . Br ,,-. "rc c,_t; c. _1�r wing re�och t n RESOLUTION
and rnove ` _ arac ,> NO. 74 -165
RESGL' 10N � 'R'_I C� T� l J C¢ .IOUS WEED
CUTTING A G C «u; �V T S .'r_si� . 9 „ Nf C T . ; " 'CG TO THE
1 ENNfa'l'1"C” CC, fAX ROLLS
The mc;t. , . fic
h e ad c pt c. 4 o I f t.,, f:
,rt g ; ng resolu tion
was duly sec ; ,,, by men,b r T ; ~y �fler and upon
vote bo" ., . t;a k e n thereon, .rid, f ., v -,ted in favor
thereryfo Ph,,�.1lp Coherl, Ma',.r ry< Br t» o Tony Kuefler
Bill Fig ar an.d Robert j w al.d °' ire following voted
against the SdMi9: nor_e, whF. -', ap i_ said resolution
was declared d , pa ,._ 5d and ad p e'd.
The next item considerf'd was Piann ng Commission Planning Commis,s�ion
Application No. 74042 by the C(;nsulting Application No. 74042
Engineers Divenc ltied o In-C. fcr Mr Robert Barr. The (Consulting Engineers
item was ln'trodaced )=' thG DirE ?ctor of Planning and Diversified, Inc.)
Inspection who expla ned that the I te n m consists of a
preliminary plat for the nort,e east quadrant of Lakeside
Avenuo North and Twin Lake Aver ; North. He stated
that approval is sought for a new plat consisting of
three lags on the approximate 1 .'13 acre parcel which
is zoned R -2
10 -7 -74 -2-
Mr. 1.'r-,niere commented that each proposed lot is in excess
c ' + mi im.i.:m Land area requIlirement for a two family
• ila,�r1a He reviewed the proposed plat noting a 640 x 60
f t arfaa in the northeast corner of the parcel for a
t'ai;rn :r r area for the 00 foot wide alleyway which .
adjoin,- the property on the north. He also noted that the
recorrri.er^datlon includes a proposed 17 foot street
r onni -o f -way dedication in the sc ztherly portion of the
pt °� �� =r•�- a
H„ c n mented that the 17 focjt dedication is recommended
m t:'a,,x [t would align with dedication of a similar
-wav on the Dover's Lakeview Addition, to the east
ark t1l re by create a minimal. standard 50 foot wide r`treet
W]t'h rec - pect to the corner lot he noted that there are
'xl 'ting structures con si using of a primary structure
c rrent',7 being used as a single family dwelling and two
acc c «;
., �r�y� structures to the north. He noted that the
dwell -Int .is within the proposed right -of -way area and
h _z; recommendation that the structure be remove -d
a a �3 we ifi,c condition of approval.
A da. ry ensued with Mayer Cohen commenting o
1 ,�;e �a�s of the proposed alley turn - around area.
Mr r 7; .:r i commented that it w� uld be an ea, orrxcr..•s
vvr E ade uate o
for the ur sa
-s q p p
Action App r,,-�v.J M� )i;..,,�., by Corincilman Britt s and seconded by Co -,nci l an
Plarin n Worn ro! -_ - - �J,e °n. r3.�r �E.r approve Planning Comm' lion Application
Apply ,, at: N . i , -42 :�; o -4042 submitted by the Co s - .. lti,ng Engineers
b .,
7 (Con> ..�1L ::tngln,eer._fi r7, d:- �� , Inc. for Mr. Robert Barr s to the
.i C, • '.�(,.��.�.. ^` ii , ".`..",.Lon �•°
The dedication of I y f, ?et along Lake4 ;i e
Avenue North for Fjtl purposes shall be
indicated on the fir <.al. pdat.
A;r easement a. appr , ,-;d by the Gity Er gineerr
and the City Atturri ,y h 3� be provided for a
40 x 60 foot area in h4 northeasterly co rner
`)f the parcel for paarpcj es.
® The existing struct ne!� in the southwe�
corner of the parcel shall. be removed withija
one year from date of fJling the final plat
4. The final plat is subject to review by the City
i o The final plat is subject to the requirements
of Chapter 15 of the City Ordinances.
6. The dimensions of the proposed parcels
particularly the southeast corner parcel shall
be brought into compliance with applicable
ordinance minimum design requirements.
in favor were. Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
l u.eff(ex, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against: none. 'The
mcticira passed unanimously.
-3 10 -7 -74
The next item of business was consideration of Planning Planning Commission
Commission Application No. 74046 submitted by the Brooklyn, Application No. 74046
Center Development Corporation. The item was again (Brooklyn Center
introduced by the Director of Planning and Inspection who Development
explained that the applicant is seeking preliminary approval Corporation)
for a registered land survey of Outlot A and B, Twin Cities
Interchange Park, located south of 69th Avenue North,
north of 67th Avenue North, and along vacated James Avenue
North. He explained that the Earle Brown Farm apartments
is located on the northerly portion of Outlot B, and the site
of the recently approved speculative industrial building is
in the southerly portion of Outlot A.
Mr. 'Treece commented that the registered land survey
would contain four tracts' Tract A being the areas zoned
R -6, Tract B and C be�ng zoned I -1 and Tract D being the
proposed right -of -way for the cul -de -sac termination of
67th Avenue North
He commented that an easement is recommended to provide
for pedestrian walkway purpo along the westerly line
of Tract A. He stated that the easement should be 10 feet
wide and would provide pedestrian access from 69th
Avenue North and ultirruately dCrOSSI te, Shingle Creek Parkway.
He stated that the easement would be provided for future
installation of walkway and c E r s" Ttent with past proposals
for such ea serve; ��, '.t would . affect the green strip
requirements f(br the apartment camplex or the neighboring
industrial sites,
A discus ion ensued with Cc r Jensen questioning
the upgrading and exparisicm of 09th Avenue North by the
County Highway Depar , nie; t. The City Manager stated that
the County Highway De party° ent has included the upgrading
of 69th Avenue North y', their current Hive year plan.
Motion by Co nc A, r n Britt and <'ecr „nded by Councilman Action Approving
Jensen, te apprr,� l _ ,, 1C �c,t, " -_ xsiCt Application Manning Commission
No. 740A46 Center Development Application No. 74046
rev f ii(.:w ng con.ditions. (Brooklyn Center
h.. e
The rla� RLS t> pct tau review by the City Corporation)
2. T r, a x. kLS s ; W -c- to nequ.irements of
Chapter 1. of " e C.tq Ordin-antes .
3. A 1, 0' 6_,t w:dwe s -hall be provided
alo,'. g the w�: At; Ln of Traact A for pedestrian
walkway p r
4. Art *. c;r rc -a dwa'y p rp r s e s of
appr .,at 4 foot _ hall be provided along
she north 1 a ,.,f Trac A.
Voting in favor wen,` Cohen, Councilmen Britts,
Kuefler, Fignar aid ,:;, ,:4. Voting against- none. The
motion passed urAn � �}l.y.
10 -7 -74 -4-
Final Plat the �,_� Manager informed the City Council that the
(Planning Corm s, , ).r,- -)n -��,, �1 .i �r had prepared the final plat for presentation. at
Applicat o,q. No. 74046) the He stated that the plat has been reviewed
by thy; City Engineer and meets all requirements of
C na ter `Y 5 of the City Ordinance s .
Matir -m by Councilman Britts and seconded by Councilman
Kj- ..efler t-" approve the final plat for the registered land
survey of Outlots A and B, Twin Cities Interchange Park
iR ca e.d -cuth of 69th Avenge North, north of 67th. Avenue
North, and along vacated James Avenue North as approved
r Planning Commission Application No. 74046 submitted
by the Breo'klyn Center Development Corporatic,)n siu
to t j6' is lIewi.ng conditions:
i o A 10 foot wide easerent shall be
along the west lime of Tract A for pedestr &r�
walkway purposes.
2. An easement for roadway purposes of
approximately 14 feet shall be providr,�d along
the north line of Tract A.
in flavor were: Mayr)r Cohen, Councilrren Brittx,,
:l r, Fignar and Jensen. Voting against n one. The
Planning °gin considered was Planning Commissio
Appli' --it'.X n �' n' . 7104 A, Y_F, ; No. 74047 submitted by Mr. David Brandvold.
(Mr. David Brandv(- ld) The was introduced by the Director of Planning and
rr!' �nc , 'n, who stated that the applicant seeks a variance
a ;Jngle family dwelling on a parcel described as
nu-it' n u - it ' i 60 feet of Lot 1 , Block 2 Grandview Manor
t i ,. , r . cr)mmonly de . as the southwe -Ft
i 64th Avenue North and Fremont Avenue North.
H cA ghat the parcel in qd" =ticdn is 60 x 133.4 feet
" the variance i- for a 30 foot corner lct width.
}l 'xptained an intensive research of City record's,
Fi = '- S. -pent files, �,�,,dica�Pas that au.1J��'�vv. �'�.�t
95 filing of the Grandvll'ew plat wherein
was indicated a s 148 feet in width, a
Ta authorized by the than Village Council cn
ivt =l ', 9a9 creating the subject parcel. He stated
' `; - frnents have been leF Ied against the parcel
t r, effect it has been recognized as a bona fide
b ,i, property.
Ma,° or noted that notified property owners were rot
r 3 t
to speak either for or against the proposed
Act n A r lui,nq lvlcl' z,' b"I Co Jensen and seconded by Councilman
Plannlin( _ ".rte.- ..:i, -, irvtt . approve Planning Commission Application No.
Appl a.cati . 740 ;�j ,'bmitted by Mr. David Brandvold, noting that
(Mr. David Bran dvold) v' iryardce is for permission to build, and no other
�ri;i — n e�, are granted or implied; and further noting the
for the variance that the subject corner is
consistent with other corner lots in the area,
a?d creation of the parcel was acknowledged by the
thier :. "l: ge Council in 1959 and was not the result of
-5- 10 -7 -74
any action by the applicant° r t; g in favor were; Mayor
Cohen, Councilmen Pratt, ) o l: r Pignar and Jensen.
Voting against; none. The passed unanimously.
The next item of business was cr d_, deration of an amend- Amendment to Plan, ing
rnent to Planning Comzr �c,., on Appl -cat („?n loo. 68057 Commission Appllcoat , ,on
submitted by the As 'ernblr �x= of God Ch`_>rch 6018 Xerxes No. 68057 Ws�sembl.iew
Avenue North. The item was again introduced by the of God Church)
Director of Planning and In p�ctlo',n whn explained that the
applicant is seeking per i —sic t,) con , tract an accessory
structure east of the church and n( rtherly of the parsonage
located northea� terly of tern,;., gated Washburn Avenue North.
He commented that the "rovct re wc; be 26 x 40 feet
with overh< ad dr Boni and wn`L I„ be primarily for
parking and :storage of ch,�rrc'h >buy and ecpudpment. He
stated that presently the vehlc e«s and cdther materials are
stored outside on an unpaved area
Mr. Tremerre noted that there are sov, ral other concerns
relative to the general sate '_mprcve.r ,!, ?, nts as well as the
specific proposed structure addition. He stated that these
concerns include. providing a payed driveway for the garage;
striping the wain parkin lot Y, a,4 c,c:rdance with prior
approved plan,; the widening ng° an pa -'.ng of the private drive
extension of Wa s bra rn Avon. North at the point where it
turns into, the church park do lo � � � north° providing
p =, � �. _ �
a curb and/or bayr Syr tr n rti prrpert,y lure at the
point when; an La,npa v e�,a ' r i ' � has been developed
by unauthorized voh1e <.lar tralf,„_ thr,3,'_gh the area, and
removal of de.brio , , the site.
He explained that with res pect t Q,�. ,Narking lot paving
su bs ta nt ial � � ��- I � 1 , °�
�., l,l o3.a ��r� la ` ': _n fir- b een i ndicated as unpaved
and retained for fitus parkirg r <.r con`iequently the
easterly edge , * then privats Q . r � .g from, Washburn
Avers e Mort l i ¢ b ; r.> , <x. l explained that the
paving rc.J',jitivnly innuor an .. Vn , church parking lot
has rc t been fait f . r , at thn , n. T l°: y , end as indicated
on rhe o'nIg' ",,mil ycued '' a;, -i i'ea that this factor
cc YArIbuted M a r ag grave:ary r * oz traffic between
the church c ite ard for Wr V R-r north.
Mr. 'c -_ r t _d at, o. ;raa ? the north could
be extended t,o the cart in Ndmhonj t, �- npletion of A paving
and ` .Y^ eb a } )F -.i (sr �`d ri �� .�'r� .± �r +A. e� In. the area where
the Sri e thn , q h as :, n Relative to the
ac cum<.. ,ti . of dobr>'. , Mr. Ir.;` r ? , _.E t d that nu erou
cawnPI i,i rt have br'-?r ','grrbcring property
:wn er, a_, to the cr naerr. of _,.>N rm.n harborage, sln.ce
t'"rej area to , ea wa .` r �rz, �; ipace and adjacent
to Ski "'g e Cry n<.
Mayor C cif_ ;` nc, tn i Sat 0x A, .T r h `:rty owners, were not
p. t t,, , pe. -i _ the proposed amend-
i nert.
The Maycr then rn , g -zec, AM .s Levang who
represented the chu and an discussion ensued.
He commonte T`ha ther {i w�ii til: ie, t .yr;,h to the conditions
for the amended apTlication and the church would fulfill
all requ r men:� .
10-7 -74 -6-
Action Approving the AN by Councilman Metier and 6econded by C nnNlman
Amendment to Planning BKM to approve the amendment to Planning
C o mn s i o n A y p I I � c (,--i t i o n No. 68057 submitted by thie Assemblias nf God,
No. 68057 (AssevAll,es Ch,urdh b to the following conditions-
of God Church)
I . A paved driveway from the garage to the
existing roadway will be provided a
on the plans.
2. The main parking 1-it will be striped in
accordance with prior approved plan,
31. The private drive and easterly edge cl th-�
north parking lot will be upgraded and
improved consi:Aent with prior
and subject to the approval of the Cita
Engineer, recogniz.mg that the unpav
tu the east is in reF.jerve for future pares -lng.
Consistent with the completion of thE,
end of the north parking lot, the curbing shall
be extended ea ,terly approximately 30 feet
s3 to effectively cl� se off the unpdv� a (c,
b , the church parking lot an -a'
Academy. A fence or barrier shall al b,.
prev. in this area as approved by the CIN
Engineer to further av_ire the inliibitlav Gf
traffic between
S. Accumulated construction debris currently
stored outside sl be totally rear c
within 30 day L, (-I the cc.xnpletion of thn
garage structure., uanlc—i's sooner ordered by
the Chty acK consideraitirjr,
hea I th and af ety r eg -I I aticn-s' .
6. A per and finanOi�
a a. to be deter „l.
,;"., rtee (]
by the Clity Manacau) shall be subnotted J
applic-ant tc. c;,.,mpl.etIr-n r;l,'
cipprcved imprc, pr: ,- to the i
of permits .
tav r were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Brito,
OpEar, Kgnar and Jensen. Vr;t.".,ng against- ra(:me.
recP-sseJ. at 9.20 p.m. and reu
at 102
Rear MtWin LkabMWng TEO CONY Manager introduced a draft rescdution pr=Ohnq
A l Reaugnrart Or tho establishment of a walkway reaUgnment polky.
polic", -:,, , o - ,,,s n �,-,
Ht , , , that the policy wa., discua ied at the lant
TnYWArg and the resolution reflcectz3 the direction c,)." th
n ';. or
, - �,
i the rrtatter®
A 24ovw-,�,on, ensued relative tc the policy resolution
Wt. =mcilman Kuefler stating that he supported the
resolution since it•s an act of good faith with the
propqrty owner, Councilman Fignar inquired of the-
of the walkway system. The City Manager
that complete maintenance of the walkways,
ac' pl Whed through the regular maintenance prograrm
by fhq wy.
7- 10-7-74
The Mayor then r .r.., r A r� cf 381.9 - 72nd
Avenue Norte who tai d that h p r_i,l y shoudd not be
l:iu ted to a .. r; r Y® ilr stated that trees
years from now croald npry t , he � due to growth
patterns He e,()mrnre n " i ,r'.at -i Lv ,it t- rx e; there shouuId
be. an option to the prupg a.)w , ,r a ,, to realigning the
walkway. The City Ma 'u,,age that if a tree
should uproot tree � it vv ca I�: kue he City's
respon . iahi' y to repair it but not to realign the walkway.
The = r � N, �o r a .. tc t e resolution with
Mayer Cohen c; >u arlsu.; t G g that h p li, y should provide
an equitable alternatl r to � °,4 r�`, cwn ers adversely
affected by the wah��wa --y
e� Tony :�+ 7 t .� +
MMemb (YVy x - -;� i,��r L �1� r�' _FSx4��;� -� . ,� {„ i t � f w�.ng resolution RLSC3LHTTC)1
and moved its ado p Honn- NCB. 74 - 186
The mo��.ou for the aWpGon of the foregoing resoluth n
T tae a S" ed � NSF � 5 t p
was d'�u�� � ���5 � �A ��� y �.� r Re r�, �, en e and u
vote being taken, there n, h vo in favor
thereof; Phtlip G hazi, Ma ,r e T`.r Kuzefler,
Bill Fignar and Fir ~per, e zip°' .. <L 1t,11cawing voted
against the .am n` g wr ear , . >; -' -aid resolution
was declared d" A and
The C. ?,1;`p Manager next r» ai �a tau M � ! Twin Lake Beach Alcoholic .Beverag -
Park alcoholic onvarag Y K ,= i=rccblem. He Mated Consumption in
that a p9 ., t , Cy<1.- been re's e ..- < rn � nti a ban be Twin Lake Par_
placed t ? alp e� P �,; -cy ,u'' _
r y Gi An Lake Beach
devel(-,t o a. *;r.' Program for .,. T' He suggested
that t,tk ,_.. w` La � r3 >.a:_ r (lark area is not
aim _
(af i.ndividuals
Wich furni 3t So p jj ' ,, a w is a
Bro ln .F.. r :� `r . a� w n of the
situatinn in Se ='w_{. Beach "ark 3raa ® He stated
that prnblems W e Wsz od w _ h, the park and its use for
the pa ;t few , ar° , He c : A _. -eat he would like to
ee ,a f.e nlb- a r �'u w. u, would at Least
ban alco holic beverage . from .'w.:°, , La --,:; Beach Park during
certain� _,, .;r .. do, W c , y y ; t� t the real problems
in she pwk (-c -r rT,e
Mayor Cohan rec - grjzed Mr. Charles Nichols, 4812
Lak e view Ave -rrue North, cu., pc -, , is r the petitioning
grs yp. lie stated that the i b! with the park have
gre,wT to a , . - A t ! ,,� type of action must
be taken to re a-n t :3 o,f a :- v� ghborhood
atmu sph er , FK s, a g e C has three options
avai lable: ban alc ohol from the park, develop
a per i.t prc gr for �, .. of aK , in the park or
require a c', rfew in the park. He
stated that the cis z-� s, in tr... ar.a., wo .l i prefer the total
bar., of alcohol :gin Tw:iri Lase Beach a rk,
10 -7 -74 -
, en asked what time of the day were th
p i the park. Mr. Nichols commented that,
Wnhing beq�ni�� early in the evening with the '.4
t h problems occurring after dark. Councllman
jenFan alsu Nquired if by banning drinking in TmIn Lakc3
BeacE Fork it would not be an upon 'r-r
rightn of the citizens in the conomz, to use park.
Mr. Nich(.'J, commented that thie park is jr, the
destroyed and action must be taken to ;wenat
the par'k, ac, well as the area
Onunrilman lignar then questnn& the practico (2 r1her
with respect to alcohWe beverageg in parks,
Manager comm,ented that many cY)mnvanQtTfYo han
aWhOic beverages from their r),al, C 0, - 0, n C; i I rl �3 n
Unnur thnu Oated ao a cf t, at t
Par? and Recroation in the (
, urvoy:ng the community ate-it fti torm,� of
in the parks.
Mayar Cuhc.n commented thiat a -( tu, the
-t a greater prcblorn te bi-Yth the
Councilman Fignar , ,,',tated V
pr AA q by reached such a magnitude that sGmaKW-,j
tc,� stop the activi two i i ni: " t - ' .ark
't �Y i noted that wi a ban on
alcoh-Kc beverages in the park, there is a n fc i
tx the Police to so 1. e J
rVarall pnoilm.
Actien Banning Win : by Unincilmarl Britt and by
Alcoholic Beverages prewation of an ordinance banning
From Tw-- Lake � i, "', rt alc7oholic bev-uraqles, in in -.
Beach Park Park frr a of one ye«r.
mg tn��f an, reachn-
tip, w, a ter ('J aicni""'I"'C
coornmented that if ihe Qzy ban; Or W-
nn.oYynn 07 WIn Lake Beach -,- frne typt, ,
be developed tr park? irn,
Ma - ,ager suggested th-at - c-, propos:a , cl,
in nat'ure and, wo, ,ld b e a
7rK hK Ynea are of power tcj) aDevlate the problem.
Rd n.n - 7 40nd that once the pru,,bl em has, been alleviaWl-I
be lifted.
jKq NOwny Yon called for a vote. Voting in favor wnry ,
h0xy Councilman Britts, F:ignar, Kuefl r an
DOL vr . 1 hyting against: nc.'.rje. The� rnotion pas Ned
Wyx 04an next solicited corrirnonts from the WtAzerr
pr t from the Twin Lake Beach Park area in term='s of
SnQW11 100g. Mr. Nichols stated that most sn.owmao-
W'! the area is on Twin Lake itself which does, not
MY= Afect the citizens in the area
-9- 10-7-74
Member Robert Jensen introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption- NO. 74 -167
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Bill Fignar, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof, Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jensen, and the following voted
against the same- none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly paused and adopted.
Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption- NO. 74 -165
The motion for the adopticli of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by -ember Mauri.ce Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the fc11cw1ng voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurlce Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert and the following voted
against the same- none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adE � erg.
The City Manager iext r 3 =end . a resolution which Resolution Regulats
would regulate Mgnery .n 0 "r Avanu North relative to Signery on 69th Aven� a
the speculat ire Ind trial 'b i*,'j)Lgs,. He stated that North
the resolution irate -ri o-d t. �D ,;'Z;Tess tfe consensus of
the City Council at st _q He stated that
the resolution would n aide g 11�del4"ne� for Signery on
the 69th Aven.__Ite t M of th : 1d rug;_, orientating the
Signery towards tea„ a,er e road and away from 69th
Avenue North and the ri 49 tl � r > �irty.es to the
A discussion er .., Dd to tie g� .idelines with
certain addition., tc) the
Member Maurice Br1tt tie following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption NO. 74 -169
The motion for the o f the f n go ing resolution
was duly seconded by member Bill Fignar, and upon
vote being taken there( n, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kue.fler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jera.Q eno and the following voted
against the same- none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
10 -7 -74 -10-
RESOLUTION WrIor Robert Jensen intrc)d the following
NO. 74-170 and
i it adoption-
YLAR 1975
TIT, Ywitics for the adoption of Me foregoing revoluthon
vvAq dviv sucanded by member Bill Fignar, and upon
v being taken thereon, the frllowing votqd" in fav(
thernofs Philip Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert Jen,sen,; and the folicw.ing vest-(
againn on, iames none, wher�, p( n. said
wa, declared & ly pas axed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Mn"fnbt Maurl,ce Britts intro -du,cetlf the following
NO. 74-1 71 �ind its adoption-,
Tne for the adoption of the foregoing resolutlon
wav W; neconded by member Robert Jensen, and . par
v0n lanna taken thereon, the frllowlng voted i.n famoy'
th4renfg Philip Cohen, Maurlc�,� Britts, Tony Kuefler,
BAI i7mar and Robert Jensen; and the following voted
"InVoK thu 3ameg none, wh�--,re .pcm said resol
ovs E nlared duly passed an, adopted.
RESOLUTION Fignar introduced the following resohAlu'n,
NO. 74-1 72 ind ly« vd its adoption:
The rmn0, Wr the adoption of th, foregoing rescl. ;¢, `-
r . WW sm(,rded by rriemb- KiLiefler, andi
'ito ly�nw Vakan thereon, ti voted in fav -
Wwn�� PTKI j.. Cohen, Tony
�, Robert 'Insern., following
anhv the same: none, whor said resol'�tic�'n'
w5s KrKreq d',,ily passed ant'! adopted.
R. i Cp l 1 Momber Tarot Kuefler introducE:,. -1 - - he following
\10 1 73
- -( 9 it adoption-
I -,,, for the adopUan of the foregoing
wa n Ww seconded by member Robert Jensen, and 'up m,
votq he'nq taken thereon the following voted in favcr
therar R PhMp Cohen, Maurice Britts, Tony Kuefler,
8'idl F,q'nir and Robert Jensen; Ad the following votted
k.he same, none, whereupc said resolution
�;v,is , Jez'lar(nd duly passed and adopted.
Member Maurice Britt�3 in rc_ , ce,;l t: e following resolution RESOLUTION
and moved its adoption° NO. 74 -174
The motion for the adoption of the f4 'r "egging resolution
was duly seconded by mernbor Bill Fignar, and upon vote
being taken thereon, thrr 1 /wing vIcted in favor thereof.
Philip Cohen, Ma,,,�ric e Br t:t`• Tony Kuefler, Bill Fignar
and Robert Jensen, and the fs lic:_wing voted against the
same, ri ne, sal i re. «l t:ion was declared
duly pas red and ad(opt - ed.
Member I`on K_,I 3f1 ir i.:,rr , ',;° yd t� N following resolution RESOLUTION
and me �e� �* a d <" NO. 74 - 175
The motion for the adopt ( resolution
was dtkiy seconded by , r Rr °bert yn en, and upon
vote bei ng to eri ther��m , ti T zl i. g voted in favor
thereof- Philip Cohe :, Tony Kuefler
Bill Fi,gnar and Robert � s; , ;- . y following voted
again, t thre same. none, wry rye _;p,, z .: .d resolution
was declared duly pa s� __ex an vdopted'
The City Man za er ne t a . F ed resolution Resolu,tif n A,,theriz�r�g
PrO ,�
which would authorize 'l e pv.rcha e of chlorine monitoring the Purchase of
and feeding equipment for tr,e Ii naity Center swimming Chlorine M«nitc rirq
pool. He �t:ated that s ch ec1 r ,.L.e: t i. important to Equipment
quality operation of the Uwi` r .,nq p cal. He commented that
at pre sent t:' tai 3k i»
Coun ci'.l""ar Kuefler qJ e ,'. .,_',, ..a If �'Ch eq,�.iprnent would
save the ( "c yn amz' .ni,ty Center.
The Cit y Manager a yfi ,€ < rx it, ,r.�7i d�ddiitiun of the
savings, but
�..,) p at
f''e Cf „r , r q 1 ty control of the
water ,�'_� _,4 SF swi -
3 Wn 1'i be a saving
it t r., , r ; o t F M a ?r mmented that
).y ): y:y roe there is a
a . , ., y ,;,rF� Faest manual type
Iv1e beir is x,ia. F n _ r resolution RESOLUTION
NO. 74 -176
R-'SOI..0 1 10 At ['HGRiZ N:, 11HE ! ";RC= ASE OF RESIDUAL
C1-1 E ANA L'y Z i R.
The mcti(I fr r tote; � aF. dr,,. �
�. � ._ �3e ICregoi.n.g resolution
wa a wry a>eccn by C °r x.7 r Rc ,, r/. � m `;en, and upon
vote being tako - r» t "!') ire , th:" f .�a . .g cl voted in favor
therec& Philip Co ,�-n,, Ma.,r�. � 1Sr t';, , Tony Kuefler,
Bill Fignar and Robert: jen,< er aid "ioo following voted
against the same. non y, where .i: ,,aid resolution
was declared dt p;as sed and
10-7 -74 -12-
ORDINANCE 1 Kuefler introduced the following ordinanz,e
NO 74-27 J
J adoption:
D'' a , rR Ia T
i DO D
I,- Section 35-330 (3) is hereby am
of the following-
( Warehousl, " st ra ge uses whidh,
q arj
each spacific _gaLLL3, a
:rc- demons trate
+ f C i tes .1v —. Coun
(1) Compatible with existing ad,ar_
land uses as well as with tho-se
permitted in the 1-1 District -(nlle ril VL
(2) Of comparalbli j -0
I - I D h t r 1. c t I a rt. d 'q s e with
to activity level,,,
provided such - u�.,es shall adhere try a
cable requiremenv- 1"n the 1-1 Di.,;;trict
shall not involve mld .nttenance or servec,.�.r
cf vehicles on the site.
2� This ordinance shall becomze
and upon thirt'v (30) days foilow?ng
Adl, d,y ().r
trite ad0pt1 crf -1- n, f regrdllng
�crnded by mem Blll' Fignar, and
thereon, t-r,e 4 : 1 . , ,c',winrj voted in fii' r
Cohen, Ton
—1 T'
n' I Robert, femc, on, al-',� `''k lc'Wl ng VCA
none, sa ondhna-'%CK-�
&.iiy passed anti
Lei c,.-en NAI - Kuefler az. -econded by
apprc the following H conses
.- GAk L �'Ir' E L,fk'-'ENSE
Br'(1 -)'�Jw, Service Center 6901, Brooklyn Blvd.
Di;t. Co.
c' h r-i yn";'; 61,21 Brooklyn Blvd.
Garden Store Brookdale
p-d" Health Spa 2950 County Rd. 10
-1 3 - 10-7-74
Brooklyn Service Center 6901 Brooklyn Blvd.
Ron Clark 6800 Humboldt Ave.
Ed's I -94 Texaco 6810 Brooklyn Blvd.
Gold Medal Beverage Co.
E.M.I. 3500 - 48th Ave.
Pioneer Vending
Schramm's 6121 Brooklyn Blvd.
Shopper's City 3600 - 63rd Ave. N.
Wes' Standard 6044 Brooklyn Blvd.
Whirltronics 3401 - 48th Ave.
Kaufman Outdoor Adverttv,ing 315 N. Washington
Mayor, Voting in favor were- Ma , Cohen Councilmen
i y
Britts, Kuefler, Fignar and jensen® voting against:
none. The motion passed unanimously.
The City Manager next referred to the agenda item of Snowmobile
snowmobile regulations in Brooklyn Center. Regulations
Councilman Britts stated that he personally has
received letters and complaints from citizens in the
community pertaini ig to snowmobiling. Mayor Cohen
stated that the issue at hand se�rrks to be the use of
City streets in the comm, -unity by snowmobiles.
The City Manager commente" that he has received
comment from the Director of Par's;:_-; Recreation
suggesting that the present G trails in
Palmer Lake Park be ut' l-zed for obi touring
Councilman jen -;en, stated that if tL.e City Council
bans snowmobiles on Care t° o paring problems
could resultantly be created arcund the existing trail
system. He commented that a =re extensive ban of
snowmobiling in the wo seem to be a
possible recourse.
Councilman Fignar ccmin nrt.e t tllhat he has reviewed
many complains s and v , ced ray:~ support for a total
ban on snowmobiling in the cc mr� . Councilman
Kuefler stated that he too would support at least a
ban on the r..se of City street's by snowmobiles.
Councilman Britts stated that he would like to have
citizen input in finding a solution to the problem and
suggested an advisory referendum be held to find out
if there should be a ban one snowmobiling in the com-
munity. The City Manager commented that such an
advisory referendum would constitute an illegal
expenditure of City funds.
Mayor Cohen commented that the community has
expressed its desires in relationship to the problem
by their complaints as well as the requests of citizen
organizations for some type of control on snowmo-
biling. He questioned the effectiveness of the
snowmobile patrol. The City Manager stated that the
patrol has not been very effective °i'n controlling the
City -wide situation.
10 -7 -74 -14-
lr a Jensen stated that the real issue is onc. ( - A
c.,rra 'L: o safety and welfare in the r ;rram'e nity which .g,a
nr;IL an emotional issue.
C�:. <u nc.i.lman Fignar stated that he rows of no other
ring suburb in the .metropolitan area which allows
ww r_ piling. He commented that it would be h4;.
desire to ban snowmobiling and alleviate the problem
by certain inconsiderate hinowmobilers .
Mav(:,r Cohen then directed the Cite Manager to research
s.nE w °bite practices in other communities in ti.r+°e fcr
tie n xt Cite Council meeting.
Adjr)- �;.rnme,r;t Mot.,"., "r by Coeunc.i.lman Jensen and seconded by Cou i .ii lan
' , j r, i, t ad ct; rn the meeting. Voting in favor were
Ma cr Cohen, Councilmen Britt a e Ku.efler, a Fignar and
,5, H �'r>*i.ng against, none, The motion passed
F -sly. The Brooklyn Center City Council adjo. "J `red
.t `! ae.
-1.5- 10-- 1 -7141