MAY 21, 1973
Call to Order The City Council met in regular session and was called
to order by Mayor Philip Cohen at 7:35 p.m.
Roll Cali Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary, Fignar and Kuefler.
Also present were City Manager Donald Poss, Director
of Finance Paul Holmiund, Director of Public Works Jim
Merila, Director of Planning and Inspection Blair
Tremere, City Attorney Richard Schaeffer, Chief of Police
Thomas O' Hehir, and Administrative Assistant Daniel
Recognize Representative Mayor Cohen then recognized Mrs. Mary Jane
of Historical Society Gustafson representing the Brooklyn Historical Society,
who announced an upcoming, fund arising excursion von
the Mississippi River.
Councilman Britts arrived at 7 :40 p.m.
Confirmation of Mayoral Mayor Cohen announced his appointments to the recon-
Appointments to Park stituted Park and Recreation Commissiow,- grid he
and Recreation Advisory discussed his memorandum of May 21, 1973 which set
Commission forth the method used to select the appointees. A brief
discussion ensued and Mayor Cohen noted that all
appointments were being offered for confirmation except
the at -large member, which would be made at the next
Roger Pickering Motion by Councilman Fignar, seconded by Councilman
Kuefler to confirm the Mayor's appointment of Ahr. Roger
Pickering, 5928 Bryant Avenue North, to a three year
term on the Park and Recreation Commission representing
District #1. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen,
Councilmen Leary, Britts, Kuefler and Fignar. Voting
against: none. Motion passed unanimously.
Michele Roche Motion by Councilman Kuefler, seconded by Councilman
Leary to confirm the appointment of Michele S. Roche,
816 - 69th Avenue North, to a one year term on the Park
and Recreation Commission representing District #2.
Voting in favor were Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary,
Britts, Kuefler and Fignar. Voting against: none.
Motion passed unanimously.
Thomas White Motion by Councilman Fignar, seconded by Councilman
Britts to confirm the appointment of J. Thomas White,
6807 Beard Avenue North, to a two year term on the Park
and Recreation Commission representing District #3.
Voting in favor were Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary,
Britts, Kuefler and Fignar. Voting against: none.
Motion passed unanimously.
Gerald Johnson Motion by Councilman Leary, seconded by Councilman
Kuefler to confirm the appointment of Ux. Gerald Johnson,
6448 Noble Avenue North, to a three year term on the
Park and Recreation Commission representing District
#4. Voting in favor were Mayor Cohen, Councilmen
Leary, Britts, Kuefler and Fignar. Voting against: none.
Motion passed unanimously.
-1- 5 -21 -73
Tan Grannes Motion by Councilman Britts, seconded by Councilman
Kuefler to confirm the appointment of Mrs. Jan Grannes ,
5530 France Avenue North, to a two year term on the
Park and Recreation Commission representing District #5.
Voting in favor were Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary,
Britts, Kuefler and Fignar. Voting against: none.
Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Cohen then clarified, for the record, that his
previous appointment of Chairman Robert Zerban was for
a three year term.
Presentation by The City Manager then stated that students from the
H. 0. Sonnesyn H.O. Sonnesyn elementary school had asked for time to
School Students make a brief presentation to the Council regarding
ecology matters. During the presentation the students
asked the City Council to designate June 1 as Ecology
Day in Brooklyn Center.
Action Proclaiming Following the presentation Mayor Cohen thanked the
June 1, 1973 as students for their interest and concern. There was a
Ecology Day motion by Councilman Britts, seconded by Councilman
Kuefler to proclaim June 1 as Ecology Day in Brooklyn
Center. Voting in favor were Mayor Cohen, Councilmen
Leary, Britts, Kuefler and Fignar. Voting against: none.
Motion passed unanimously.
Charter Amendments The City Manager next si:ated that pursuant to statutory
Public Hearing requirement a public hearing had been scheduled to con -
sider two amendments to the Brooklyn Center Charter.
He explained that two proposed ordinances were pre-
sented as a means of implementing the Charter amend-
ments pursuant to the approvai following the public
A brief discussion ensued and the City Manager
explained that one proposed change related to Section
2.05, VACANCIES IN THE COUNCIL. He stated the
other amendment was relative to Section 2.07 , SALARIES ..
He noted that both changes had been reviewed by the
Charter Commission which had recommended adoption
via ordinance.
Councilman Britts stated his concern for the precedent
being established by amending the Charter through
ordinance rather than referendum. He stated he was not
questioning the substance of the proposed changes b€ i--
rather the propriety of the method.
A brief discussion ensued during which Mayor Cohen
noted that the proposed changes were merely "house-
keeping" in nature and that the Charter Commission had
specifically recommended that the amendments be
adopted by Council - initiated ordinance. The Mayor
also suggested that through the process requiring review
by the Charter Commission, adequate checks and
balances existed.
First Reading of Motion by Councilman Kuefler, seconded by Councilman
Proposed Ordinances Leary to offer for first reading the following ordinance.
Amending City Charter
Voting in favor were Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary,
Britts, Kuefler and Fignar. Voting against: none.
Motion passed unanimously.
-2- 5 -21 -73
Establish Board of The City Manager next explained that the City Council
Equalization Hearing was required by Charter to establish an annual Board
of Equalization meeting. A brief discussion ensued.
Notion by Councilman Britts, seconded by Councilman
Kuefler to establish the annual Board of Equalization
meeting for Tuesday, June 12, at 7 :30 p.m. in the City
Council Chambers. Voting in favor were Mayor Cohen,
Councilmen Leary, Britts, Kuefler and Fignar. Voting
against: none. Motion passed unanimously.
Authorize Execution Motion by Councilman Fignar, seconded by Councilman
of Bulk Materials Leary to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to
Contracts execute contracts for the bulk materials for which the
Council awarded bids on April 9, 1973. Voting in favor
were Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary, Britts, Kuefler
and Fignar. Voting against: none. Motion passed
Acknowledge Claim Motion by Councilman Britts, seconded by Councilman
Fignar to acknowledge the claim against the city sub-
mitted on behalf of Richard Michaud. Voting in favor
were Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary, Britts, Kuefler
and Fignar. Voting against: none. Motion passed
Uniform Electrical The City Manager then stated that pursuant to the
Franchise Public provisions of the City Charter a public hearing had been
Hearing scheduled to consider the granting of a Uniform Elec-
trical Franchise to Northern States Power Company. He
noted that depending upon the outcome of the public
hearing a proposed franchise ordinance was available
for first reading by the City Council. He stated that
if approved the ordinance could be published on May
24, 1973.
Prior to extensive discussion on the matter, Councilman
Kuefler excused himself from the deliberation and any
action explaining he was an employee of Northern States
P 9
Power Company.
The City Manager noted various proposed language
changes and he explained that the proposed document
had been renumbered to conform with the City's
ordinance codification system.
Recognize N. S. P. Mayor Cohen then recognized Mr. John Mertz, Division
Representative Manager of Northern States Power Company, who noted
his apprehension as to some of the changes in the
language contained in the body of the proposal. He
stated that if the City felt strongly enough about such
changes they could be reflected in a separate ordinance.
He stated his concern was based on the fact that this
was to be a uniform ordinance, and he inquired as to
the reasoning behind some of the changes.
Mayor Cohen suggested that Mr. Mertz provide his
concerns in writing to the City Manager so that a formal
response by the Manager could be made. The City
Manager commented that Mr. Mertz would be provided
with a written explanation of the proposed changes upon
which to base his written comments.
-3- 5 -21 -73
F�c�ion Closing Pubftc following further discussion there was a motion by
Hearing and Continuing Councilman Britts, seconded by Councilman Fignar to
Consideration close the public hearing and continue consideration of
the matter until the next meeting. Voting In favor of
the motion were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary,
Britts, and Fignar. Not voting: Councilman Kuefler.
Motion carried.
Planning Commission The next item of business was consideration of Plannitn-�
Items Application Commission Application No. 73004 submitted by Boone
No. 73004 (Boone Construction Company. The item was introduced by the
Construction) Director of Planning and Inspection who explained the
applicant was seeking rezoning from Rl to R4 of two lots
located on the east side of the 7200 block of Lyndale
Avenue North, as well as approval of site and building
plans for a five unit townhouse project.
He reviewed the Planning Commission consideration of
the application as noted in the April 5 and May 10, 1973
Commission minutes He noted that one of the major
issues of discussion was the possible ramifications of
any future widening of Trunk Highway No. 169. An
extensive discussion ensued.
Mayor Cohen called upon the Director of Public Works
to explain the various concerns as well as the proba --
bility of any highway expansion by the state. In
response to a question by Councilmai Fignar, the
Director of Public Works stated that the main issues
were the future acquisition costs of five toviphouse
units vs. one or two single family dwellings, as wel
as concern for the maximum desirable development ci
the sites along Lyndale Avenue.
The Mayor then noted the recommendation for approve'.
forwarded by the Planning Commission, and he stated
that it appeared the City was more concerned than the
Highway Department with eventual expansion of Trunk
Highway No. 169. He noted the Highway Departmer:t's
lack of planning as to the expansion of that roadway.
He stated that it was difficult to react to possibilities
and to penalize proposed development for tt:e Depart-
ment's benefit.
The City Manager commented that whfle the %, ghway
Department had not yet produced plans for expansion o
Trunk Highway No. 169, it has been difficult for anyor:t;
to predict the actual needs. He stated that with the
development of the Northtown Corridor proposal across
Brooklyn Park, facts were emerging upon which design
projections could be made regarding T.H. No. 169. =1
suggested that local officials in the interim nave a
responsibility, not to protect or defend the Highway
Department, but to assure the best possible develop-
ment for the community at the least overall cost.
The Manager pointed out that Application No. 7300.1
violated the intent of the 50 foot setback provisions
of the ordinance in the sense that required support
parking for the development extended to within 15 feet
of the existing highway. Thus, he contended that the
proposal represented a regression in the established
planning principle of reserving a 50 foot expansion
strip on either side of the highway.
-4- 5- 21 -13
In response to a question by Councilman Fignar
regarding the size of the open space provided, the
Director of Planning and Inspection responded that it
was relatively small but that the developer had intended
to create an environment of single family dwelling -type
yards for each of the townhouse occupants.
Mayor Cohen then recognized the applicant who
commented as to the quality of the proposed dwellings
and stated that they had been designed according to
current information and requirements particularly with
respect to expansion of Lyndale Avenue. He noted that
the units' living areas were actually directed away from
the highway, and he stated that neighborhood residents,
including himself, felt the project would be a quality
addition to the neighborhood.
Mayor Cohen noted that none of the notified property
owners was present relative to the rezoning proposal.
Action Approving Following further discussion there was a motion by
Application No. 73004 Councilman Fignar, seconded by Mayor Cohen to
(Boone Construction) approve the rezoning request contained in Planning
REZONING Commission Application No. 73004 submitted by
Steven L. Boone Construction Company, noting that:
1. The proposal was in keeping with other
rezoning actions in the area.
2. The proposed R4 zone was compatible with
the other parcels in the area.
3. No -objection-sr have been voiced by
neighboring property owners and the pro -
posal had been endorsed by the neighbor- -
hood advisory group.
Voting in favor were Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary,
Britts, Kuefler and Fignar. Voting against: none.
Motion passed unanimously.
Site and Building motion by Councilman Kuefler, seconded by Council -
Plans man Britts to include the sitA and building plans for the
project contained in Planning Commission Application
No. 73004 submitted by Steven L. Boone Construction
Company subject to the following conditions:
1. Building plans are subject to the approval
of the Building Inspector with respect to
applicable building codes prior to the
issuance of building permits.
2. Drainage, grading and utility plans are
subject to the approval by the City Engineer
prior to the issuance of building permits.
3. A performance and financial guarantee (in
an amount to be determined by the City
Manager) shall be submitted to the City to
guarantee the installation of the site
improvements as shown on the approved
4. The ownership, management, and mainte-
nance of all outside common areas and
common facilities including roadways,
- 5 - 5 -21 -73
utilities, and street lighting shall be under
the jurisdfctiori`oU466 homeoviiaeis!
S. Homeowners' Association agreements and
by -laws shall be submitted to the City and
shall be subject to review and approval by
the City Attorney prior to the issuance of
building permits, and shall include:
a. Provisions for the City to provide
maintenance and revitalization of
roadways, utilities, and other
common use facilities in the event
the City Council deems such
maintenance and revitalization
necessary, with the cost of such
expense that might be incurred to
be assessed to the property owners
b. Provision for water and sewer main
and fire hydrant maintenance and
Inspection agreements pursuant
to Section 35.410 (5) of the
6. A plat of the subject property shall be sub -
mitted to the City for review and approval
in accordance with Chapter 15 of the City
Voting in favor were Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary,
Britts, Kuefler and Fignar. Voting against: none.
Motion passed unanimously.
Recess The meeting recessed at 9:40 p.m. and resumed at
10:00 p.m.
Application No. 73009 The next item of business was consideration of Planning
(Henry Stenquist) Commission Application No. 73009 submitted by Henry
Stenquist for the Wyatt Corporation. The item was
introduced by the Director of Planning and Inspection
who stated the applicant was requesting approval of a
preliminary plat for the townhouse project to be known
as "Riverbrook Townhouses", located at the northwest
quadrant of 66th and Lyndale Avenues North. He
reviewed the Planning Commission consideration of the
item as reflected in the Commission's May 10, 1973
A brief discussion ensued and the Director of Planning
and Inspection noted that the proposed plat compre-
hended the sites of 38 units plus the common area.
He explained that the plat was in an acceptable format
even though certain features such as roadways and
easements were not indicated as separate outlots .
Action Approving Motion by Councilman Britts, seconded by Councilman
Application No. 73009 Kuefler to approve Planning Commission Application
(Henry Stenquist) No. 73009 submitted by Henry Stenquist for the Wyatt
Corporation subject to the following conditions:
1. The final plat shall be subject to review
by the City Engineer.
2. The final plat shall be subject to the
requirements of the platting ordinance.
-6- 5 -21 -73
3. Homeowners' association documents, which
assure maintenance of the physical facilities
and utilities by the association with the
provision that the City would assume such
responsibility upon City Council determina-
tion that the homeowners' association fails
to do so, shall be submitted to and approved
by the City Attorney.
Voting in favor were Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary,
Britts K
uefler and Fignar. Voting against: none.
Motion passed unanimously.
Application No. 73011 The next item of business was consideration of Plan=
(Ronald Fleisher) ning• Commission Application No. 73011 submitted by
Ronald Fleisher. The item was introduced by the
Director of Planning and Inspection who explained the
applicant was seeking approval of a variance from
Chapter 15 to permit subdivision, by metes and bounds
description, of the property located at 5649 Fremont
Avenue North, which is 156 feet wide. He commented
that the intent was to create two lots, one 87 feet
wide (occupied) and one 71 feet wide (unoccupied).
The Director of Planning and Inspection reviewed the
consideration of the application by the Planning Com-
mission as reflected in the Commission minutes of
May 10
Y , a
and May i7 1973. He also stated d that the
applicant had since been in consultation with the City
relative to the City policy requiring formal platting for
parcels such as the subject property which had lengthy
plat descriptions.
The Mayor then recognized Plus. Evelyn Schmidt,
representing the applicant's realtor, who stated the
applicant was willing to comply with the recommenda-
tion of the Planning Commission that a formal plat
would be submitted within ninety days and that a cash
escrow would be deposited with the City to assure the
cost of such platting.
Action Approving Following a brief discussion there was a motion by
Application No. 73011 Councilman Britts, seconded by Councilman Fignar to
(Ronald Fleisher) approve Planning Commission Application No. 73011
submitted by Ronald Fleisher subject to the following
1. The subject property will be platted
according to the provisions of Chapter 15
of the City ordinances within 90 days of
approval of the application.
2. That a cash escrow in an appropriate amount
will be deposited with the City to guarantee
the completion of said plat.
Voting in favor were Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leery,
Britts, Kuefler and Fignar. Voting against: none.
Motion passed unanimously.
Application No. 73010 The next item of business was consideration of Plan -
(R.A. Zimmerman) ning Commission Application No. 73010 submitted by
R. A. Zimmerman. The item was introduced by the
Director of Planning and Inspection who stated that the
-7- 5 -21 -73
applicant was seeking a variance from Chapter 15 of
the ordinances to permit subdivision, by metes and
bounds description, of a 75 foot wide lot described
as Lot 2, Block 1 Eckberg Addition. He reviewed the
Planning Commission consideration of the matter as
reflected in the Commission minutes of May 10 and
May 17, 1973.
He explained the Commission's concern as to the
creation of two substandard lots by a metes and bounds
subdivision and stated this was the reasoning behind
the original recommendation that a registered land
survey be provided. He stated that the applicant
maintained such a procedure would be unduly restric-
tive due to cost and time factors. He noted that the
Commission had considered the possibility of placing
restrictions on the two newly created lots, limiting
their use for accessory purposes to the adjacent parcels
(Lots 1 and 3 Eckberg Addition).
A brief discussion ensued and the City Attorney
remarked that the objective of limiting the use of the
properties could effectively be accomplished by the
proposed variance., with the stipulation that no dwell-
ings would be permitted on the new lots; and, the
filing of that variance action with the titles of the
subject properties.
Action Approving Following further discussion there was a motion by
Application No. 73010 Councilman Leary, seconded by Councilman Britts to
approve Planning Commission, Application No. 73010
requesting a division of Lot 2, Block 1 Eckberg Addition,
Hennepin County subject to the following conditions:
1. No dwelling or dwelling unit shall be per-
mitted on the two substandard lots created
by the subdivision of Lot 2, Block 1 Eckberg
Addition, Hennepin County.
2. The City Attorney is directed to file this
conditional approval on the titles of the
subject parcels.
Voting in favor were Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary,
Britts, Kuefler, and Fignar. Voting against: none.
Motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Minutes Motion by Councilman Fignar, seconded by Councilman
5 -7 -73 Leary to approve the minutes of the May 7, 1973
Council meeting as submitted. Voting in favor were:
Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary, Britts, Kuefler, and
Fignar. Voting against: none. Motion passed
•8- 4 -21 -73
RESOLUTION Member John Leary introduced the following resolution
NO. 73 -75 and moved its adoption:
PROJECTS NO. 1973 -5, 1973 -6 & 1973 -7, PROVIDED FOR
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, John Leary, Maurice Britts,
Tony Kuefler, and Bill Fignar; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted.
Authorize Execution Motion by Councilman Fritts, seconded by Councilman
of Easement Agreements Kuefler to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to
execute easement agreements with the owners of the
Joslyn pole yard and the Tri State Land Company over
which a trunk water main project No. 1973 -7 is to be
constructed. Voting in favor were Mayor Cohen,
Councilmen Leary, Britts, Kuefler and Fignar. Voting
against: none. Motion passed unanimously.
RESOLUTION Member John Leary introduced the following resolution
NO. 73 -76 and moved its adoption:
The motion ion a h foregoing resolution
flan or the adopt f the g g
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, John Leary, Maurice Britts,
Tony Kuefler, and Bill Fignar; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member Bill Fignar introduced the following resolution_
NO. 73 -77 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Tony Kuefler, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, John Leary, Maurice Britts,
Tony Kuefler, and Bill Fignar; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted.
NO. 73 -78 Member Maurice Britts introduced the following resolu-
tion and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Bill Fignar, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, John Leary, Maurice Britts,
Tony Kuefler, and Bill Fignar;. and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was
-9- 5 -21 -73
declared duly passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION) Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following resolution
NO. 73 -79 and moved its adoption:
1973 -C)
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Bill Fignar, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, .John Leary, Maurice Britts,
Tony Kuefler, and Bill Fignar; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following resolution
NO. 73 -80 and moved its adoption:
MENT PROJECTS NO. 1973 -11 AND 1973-13, AND PRO-
PROJECTS NO. 1973 -12 AND 197314
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing fesolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, John Leary, Maurice Britts,
Tony g Kuefler, and Bill Fignar; and the following voted
s on whereupon against the ame: n e n said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member John Leary introduced the following resolution
NO. 73 -81 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favo.
thereof: Philip Cohen, John Leary, Mlaurice Britts,
Tony Kuefler, and Bill Fignar; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted,
Consider Draft The next item of business was consideration of a draft
Resolution on resolution regarding the reorganization of Hennepin
Reorganization of County League of Municipalities. The item was
County League introduced by the City Manager and an extensive
discussion ensued relative to the proposed League
reorganization and the most effective type of organi-
zation which could express and promote the interests
of the metropolitan suburban communities.
RESOLUTION Member John Leary introduced the following resolution
NO. 73 -82 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Tony Kuefler and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, John Leary, Maurice Britts,
-10- 5 -21 -73
Tony Kuefler, and Bill Fignar; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted.
Approval of Licenses Motion by Councilman Eritts, seconded by Councilman
Fignar to approve the following licenses:
U.S. Bench Corp. 3300 Snelling Ave.
Woodlake Sanitary Service 228 S. Master St.
Stanley Shows Box 1421
Palen Refrigeration & Air
Conditioning 2478 University Ave.
3 -D Heating & Air
Conditioning 3341 Dakota Ave.
Superior Contractors, Inc. 6121 - 42nd Ave.
Schramm's Toyota, Inc. 6121 Brooklyn Blvd.
Brede, Inc. 221 Broadway N.E.
Cragg, Inc. 822 West Broadway
LeRoy Signs, Inc. 6325 Welcome Ave.
Western Sign Co. 295 W. 7th St.
Beach Apartments 4201 Lakeside Ave.
European Health Spa 2920 County Rd. 10
Garden City Court Apts. 3407 -3417 - 65th Ave.
Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Lear°,% -
Britts, Kuefler and Fignar. Voting against: none.
Motion passed unanimously.
Comments as to The City Manager briefly commented as to the status
Status of LOGIS of the local government information system (LOGIS)
project and he noted that a pilot project was underway
at the City of Fridley.
Review Various The City Manager then reviewed various capital project
Capital Project matters and noted the status of pending contracts. Ho
Matters also commented as to other items regarding the mainte-
nance and upgrading of certain capital projects, namely
the replacement of portions of the carpeting in the
Community Center; the provision for soundproofing in
the Community Center, which had been deleted from
the original contract for that project; and the modifi-
cation of the paint booth at the municipal service
Action Authorizing A brief discussion ensued. There was a motion by
Specifications and Councilman Leary, seconded by Councilman Britts to
Bids for Carpeting authorize the development of specifications and the
taking of bids for carpet replacement at the Community
Center. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Council-
men Leary, Britts, Kuefler and Fignar. Voting against:
none. Motion passed unanimously.
-11- 5 -21 -73
Furche� Discussion Further discussion ensued regarding the proposal of
on Municipal League the reorganization of the Hennepin County League of
Organizations Municipalities, as well as recent developments con-
cerning the League of Minnesota Municipalities.
Action Commending Following further discussion there was a motion by
Mayor for Efforts in Councilman Kuefler, seconded by Councilman Britts to
Interest of Local commend the Mayor for his extraordinary efforts with
Government respect to safeguarding and promoting the interests of
local government. Voting in favor were: Councilmen
Leary, Britts, Kuefler, and Fignar. Not voting: Mayor
Cohen. Motion carried.
Accept Resignation of Motion by Councilman Fignar, seconded by Councilman
Robert Zerban from Leary to accept the letter of resignation from the
Human Rights Commission Brooklyn Center Human Rights Commission submitted
by Mr. Robert Zerban. Voting in favor were: Mayor
Cohen, Councilmen Leary, Britts, Kuefier, and Fignar.
Voting against: none. Motion passed unanimously.
Adjournment Motion by Councilman Fignar, seconded by Councilman
Leary to adjourn the meeting. Voting in favor were:
Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary, Britts, Kuefler, and
Fignar. Voting against: none. Motion passed
unanimously. The City Council meeting adjourned
at 12:00 midnight.
erk Mayor
-12-. 5, -21 -73