JUNE 4, 1873
Call to Order The City Council met in regular session and was called
to order by Mayor Philip Cohen at 7:35 p.m.
Roil Call Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary, Britts, Fignar, and
Kuefler. Also present were City Manager Donald Poss,
Director of Public Works James Merila, Director of
Finance Paul Holmlund, Director of Planning and Inspec-
tion Blair Tremere, Chief of Police Thomas O'Hehir,
and City Attorney Richard Schieffer.
Invocation The invocation was offered by Pastor Lindquist of the
Brookdale Covenant Church.
Approve Minutes Motion by Councilman Fignar, seconded by Councilman
5 -21 -73 Leary to approve the minutes of the May 21, 1973
(reconsidered later meeting as submitted. Voting in favor were: Mayor
in meeting) Cohen, Councilmen Leary, Britts, Fignar, and Kuefler.
Voting against: none. Motion passed unanimously.
Acknowledge Claim Motion by Councilman Leary, seconded by Councilman
Britts to acknowledge the filing of a notice of claim on
behalf of Connie Mickelson for alleged injuries. Voting
in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary, Britts,
Fignar, and Kuefler. Voting against none. Motion
passed unanimously.
RESOLUTION Member Maurice Britts introduced the following reeoli -j--
NO. 73 -83 Lion and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Tony Kuefler, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, John Leary, Maurice Britts,
Bill Fignar, and Tony Kuefler; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member Pill Fignar introduced the following resolution
NO. 73 -84 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member John Leary; and upon vote
being taken thereon, the following voted in favor there-
of: Philip Cohen, John Leary, Maurice Britts, BiII
Fignar, and Tony Kuefler; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted.
Purchase of Paint The City Manager next explained a proposal to purchase
Booth Materials approximately $3, 000 worth of materials necessary to
bring the municipal service garage paint booth up to
O.S.H.A. standards. A brief discussion ensued.
-1 - 6 -4 -73
Motion by Councilman Kuefler, seconded by Councilman
Fignar to authorize the purchase of a variety of materials
approximately $3,000 in cost for the purpose of bringing
the municipal service garage paint booth in conformance
with 0.S.H.A. standards. Voting in favor were: Mayor
Cohen, Councilmen Leary, Britts, Fignar, and Kuefler.
Voting against: none. Motion passed unanimously.
Proposed Noise The City Manager next explained details of a proposal
Suppression Materials to purchase noise suppression materials for the
for Civic Center Community Center swimming pool area. He stated
various types of materials were being examined and
evaluated, and that the intent was, as recommended by
the City's consultant several years ago, to complete
approximately one -half of the recommended project so
that further judgment could be made as to its effective-
ness. A brief discussion ensued.
Payment for Bond The City Manager next commented as to a recommenda-
Issue Consulting tion that the Council formally authorize the payments
and Legal Services to Springsted, Incorporated and to LeFevere, Lefler,
Hamilton and Pearson for bond consulting services and
legal opinion in conjunction with the City's recent bond
Following a brief discussion there was a motion by
Councilman Fignar, seconded by Councilman Kuefler to
authorize the payment of $4,250 and $650 to Springsted,
Incorporated and LeFevere, Lefler, Hamilton and Pearson
respectively for consulting services and legal opinion.
Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary,
Britts, Fignar, and Kuefler. Voting against: none.
Motion passed unanimously.
Increased Liquor The City Manager next explained that the City had an
Liability Insurance opportunity to increase the amount of its liquor sales
Coverage liability insurance coverage. He stated that such
coverage was relatively difficult to procure at a reason-
able cost and he recommended that authorization be made
to purchase the additional coverage.
Following a brief discussion there was a motion by
Councilman Britts, seconded by Councilman Kuefler to
authorize the purchase of additional liquor sales liability
insurance to increase the amount of coverage from
$300, 000 to $500, 000. Voting in favor were: Mayor
Cohen, Councilmen Leary, Britts, Fignar, and Kuefler.
Voting against: none. Motion passed unanimously.
RESOLUTION Member John Leary introduced the following resolution
NO. 73 -85 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, John Leary, Maurice Britts, Bill
Fignar, and Tony Kuefler; and the following voted against
the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared
duly passed and adopted.
-2- 6 -4 -73
RESOLUTION Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following resolution
NO. 73 -86 and moved its adoption:
72 -198, 72 -199 AND 72 -200 CALLING FOR PREPAYMENT
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Eill Fignar, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, John Leary, Maurice Britts, Bill
Fignar, and Tony Kuefler; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member Maurice Britts introduced the following resolu-
NO. 73 -87 tion and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member ,John Leary, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, John Leary, Maurice Britts, Bill
Fignar, and Tony Kuefler; and the following voted against
the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared
duly passed and adopted.
Member h introduced the following resolution
e John Lea i trod ed f
J g
NO. 73 -88 and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Maurice Britts, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, John Leary, Maurice Britts, Bill
Fignar, and Tony Kuefler; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted.
RESOLUTION Member Bill Fignar introduced the following resolution
NO. 73 -89 and moved its adoption:
PROJECT 1973 -16
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member Tony Kuefler, and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Philip Cohen, John Leary, Maurice Britts, Bill
Fignar, and Tony Kuefler; and the following voted
against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted.
-3- 6 -4 -73
RESOLUTION Member Tony Kuefler introduced the following resolution
NO. 73 -90 and moved its adoption:
1973 -D)
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly seconded by member John Leary, and upon vote
being taken thereon, the following voted in favor there-
of: Philip Cohen, john Leary, Maurice Britts , Bill
Fignar, and Tony Kuefler; and the following voted against
the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared
duly passed and adopted.
Draft Resolution The City Manager briefly discussed a draft resolution
Regarding Fire Training submitted for the purpose of authorizing the execution
Facility joint Agreement of a joint powers agreement which would provide for a
fire training facility at the new North Campus Vo -Tech
School. He staffed that there were some reservations
concerning the language of the agreement with respect
to the stated procedures for amending provisions. He
commented that no action was recommended at this time
and the matter would be put on a subsequent agenda.
Following a brief discussion the matter of authorizing a
joint powers agreement relative to participation in a fire
training facility was deferred until a subsequent meeting.
Amendments to The next item of business was consideration of proposed
Planning Application amendments to the site plan for the Evergreen Park
No. 72066 apartments, 72nd and Camden Avenues North, as con-
tained in Planning Commission Application No. 72066.
The City Manager commented that a number of unauthor-
ized site modifications were unilaterally made by the
developer and that the developer had been required to
process changes not yet undertaken as formal amend -
ments to the application.
The Director of Planning and Inspection noted that the
matter had been considered by the Planning Commission
on May 17 and he reviewed the minutes. He noted that
generally there were no objections to the site amend-
ments, but that strong objections had been voiced
concerning the procedure by which the applicant had
physically altered certain aspects of the apartment
development without prior approval by or knowledge of
the City.
Mayor Cohen then recognized Mr. Vern Linder, who
identified himself as the owner of the project and who
stated that he had brought the revised plans to the
attention of the Building Inspector, upon confirmation of
his suspicion that certain unauthorized changes had
been made. The Director of Public Works then proceeded
to review the several site alterations proposed as amend-
ments to the original plans and a brief discussion ensued.
Action Approving There was a motion by Councilman Kuefler, seconded
Amendments to by Councilman Fignar to approve the amendments to the
Application No. 72066 site plan for Evergreen Park apartments as contained in
(Vote follows dis- Planning Commission Application No. 72066.
-4- 6 -4 -73
Further Discussion In further discussion Councilman Britts stated that while
Regarding Unauthorized he realized the project was virtually completed in terms
Plan Amendments and of building construction, he stated that the circum-
Construction stances put the Council in a most difficult position,
and he personally found it difficult to vote either for or
-against the motion. Councilman Britts further inquired
as to whether the site development performance bond
could be applied, in light of the changes proposed.
The Manager responded in the affirmative.
Councilman Fignar commented that among the concerned
parties, namely, the owner, the general contractor and
the architect, it appeared the latter held the highest
degree of responsibility.
Councilman Leary stated that it was imperative that the
Council g o on record to the effect that the City will not
and should not be expected to acquiesce to such
arbitrary, unapproved changes. He noted this concern
was accentuated by the possibility that the amendments
may not have been so desirable.
The Manager stated that this was the established policy
and that with regard to the present case, the matter of
unauthorized site and building plan amendments was
being pursued administratively.
Mayor Cohen then called for a vote. Voting in favor
were: Mayor Cohen Councilmen Leary, Britts, Fignar,
Y ry
and Kuefler. Voting against: none. Motion passed
Consider Draft The next item of business was consideration of a drat
Electric Franchise Uniform Electrical Franchise ordinance. The City
Ordinance Manager stated that discussions had been held with
representatives of Northern States Power Company to
clarify the proposed City - initiated changes in the
document. He then proceeded to review the proposed
language changes and he explained the deadline for
approval of the ordinance by participating communities
was July 31.
First Reading of Following further discussion there was a motion by
Uniform Electrical Councilman Leary, seconded by Councilman Fignar to
Franchise Ordinance offer for first reading the Uniform Electrical Franchise
ordinance representing the establishment of a metro
rate authority. Voting in`favbr were: Mayor Cohen,
Councilman Leary, Councilman Britts, and Councilmen
Fignar. Not voting: Councilman Kuefler who explained
that he had refrained from discussion and participation
in the action because of his employment with Northern
States Power Company. The motion passed.
Recess The meeting recessed at 9 :15 p.m. and resumed at
9 :45 p.m.
Federal Revenue The next item of business was consideration of Federal
Sharing Requirements Revenue Sharing reporting requirements. The City
Manager explained that the Treasury Department regu-
lations require that a formal Revenue Sharing pre -
spending report be submitted by June 20, 1973. He
stated that in addition, the regulations require publica-
tion of the report in the official newspaper prior to
submission to the Treasury Department.
-5- 6-4 -73
He then proceeded to discuss the ramifications of the
various rules and regulations which are emerging
relative to Revenue Sharing.
An extensive discussion ensued regarding the emerging
rules and regulations. The City Manager stated that in
order to meet the reporting requirements, as well as to
remain within the general policy guidelines established
by the City Council concerning the appropriate use of
Revenue Sharing funds, it was the intent to file an
executive proposal statement for the use of such funds
which would subsequently be reflected in future budget
proposals presented to the Council for approval.
Consensus to Authorize Following further discussion the consensus was
Manager to Submit developed to authorize the City Manager to submit an
Executive Statement Per executive proposal statement concerning the use of
Revenue Sharing Reporting Federal Revenue Sharing funds received by the City in
Regulations conformance with federal regulations requiring a pre-
spending report.
The Mayor left the table and handed the gavel to Mayor
Pro Tem Leary at 10:20 p.m.
Surplus Properties The next item of business was discussion of the current
and Possible status of surplus City properties and disposition pro -
Disposition cedures which might be followed. The City Manager
Alternatives explained that the subject properties included the former
municipal building and site of the present liquor store
at 6445 Lyndale Avenue North and the former City Hall
located at 7100 Brooklyn Boulevard. He stated the sub -
ject properties and buildings were appraised in 1971
and that it was evident that the value of the buildings
represented a minor part of the value of the sites as a
whole. He commented, however, that several inquiries
had been received from potential buyers of the subject
properties and that their interests fended to center
around the use of the subject buildings.
Mayor Cohen returned at 10 :25 p.m.
The City Manager stated that the issue was: to what
extent is the community willing to forego established
principles regarding the use of the subject properties
in terms of zoning, aesthetics, and safety, for the sake
of achieving a high market value for the subject pro -
perties by including the buildings.
Mayor Cohen commented that it had been the informal
policy of the Council that the Lyndale Avenue building
would ultimately be demolished and the property (Zoned
C -2) sold once the City use of the site had ceased. He
stated that relative to the former City Hall on Brooklyn
Boulevard, it had been the informal policy of the Council
over the years to deem the appropriate zoning use as
the present R5 or possibly C -1.
In further discussion Councilman Leary stated that the
basic question was whether to remove the buildings,
and Councilman Fignar stated that it would appear that
the lots would ultimately be more salable for desirable
uses if the buildings would be removed.
-6- 6 -4 -73
Councilman Kuefler suggested that the incremental tax
return from new buildings would, over a period of time,
probably amortize the value lost by demolishing the
existing obsolete buildings.
Consensus Developed A consensus developed that: relative to the property
Regarding Disposition located at 7100 Brooklyn Boulevard the City would not
of City Properties be interested in any uses other than R5 or possibly Cl;
and that the City would not entertain at this time any
proposals for acquisition of the property which involved
the use of the existing buildings.
Report and Discussion The next item of business was consideration of
on County League Councilman Fignar's report regarding the proposed
Reorganization reorganization of the Hennepin County League of
Municipalities. Following Councilman Fignar's com-
ments, extensive discussion ensued and Mayor Cohen
stated that the basic need was to determine the value
to the City of the various municipal interest organiza-
tions, before making a final decision as to whether to
participate in any of them.
Councilman Britt's In other business Councilman Britts noted an article he
Comments on Age had read in a recent issue of the Brooklyn Center Post
of Majority Law relative to the age requirements of the City's liquor'
and Ramifications ordinance vs. the recently adopted state law establish -
for the City ing the age of majority in Minnesota as 18 years. He
noted also that the state attorney general had issued an
opinion that the new state law superseded local laws
concerning the rights of 18 year old citizens. He stated
that the Council should give consideration to seeking a
staff review of the status of the City ordinances with
recommendations as to amendments to bring the
ordinances in conformance with the new state law; or,
as an alternative, to consider the possibility of legal
challenge in the courts as to this issue.
The City Manager stated that he agreed a review should
be made of all ordinance provisions with respect to the
new law regarding the age of majority, and such
changes as deemed necessary should be made to bring
the ordinances in compliance. He commented, however
that the matter of principle involved as to the merits of
the subject legislation was a separate issue.
.Action Directing Following further discussion there was a Action by
Staff Review of Councilman Britts, seconded by Councilman Fignar to
Ordinances instruct the staff to undertake an evaluation of the City
ordinances with respect to bringing them into compliance
with the newly passed age of majority law and to
recommend such changes as may be necessary. Voting
in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary, Britts,
Fignar, and Kuefler. Voting against: none. Motion
passed unanimously.
In other business the City Manger explained the
recommended release of the $3,500 site performance
bond held for site improvement at the Brooklyn Center
Assembly of God Church, 6018 Xerxes Avenue North, as
stipulated in Planning Commission Application No.
68057. He stated that the work originally was to have
been completed in the fall of 1969 and had been con -
tinued since then due to certain landscaping deficien-
-7- 6 -4 -73
The Director of Planning and Inspection stated that the
approved landscaping work had been completed, with
the exception of some sodding which was being in-
stalled at the present time, He stated that the premium
for the bond was due for renewal and that the pastor of
the church requested release of the site improvement
Action Authorizing Motion by Councilman Kuefler, seconded by Councilman
Conditional Release Leary to authorize the release of the $3, 500 site
of Site Performance improvement bond held for site improvements at the
Bond for Assembly Brooklyn Center Assembly of God Church, 6018 Xerxes
of God Church Avenue North, as stipulated in Planning Commission
Application No. 68057, subject to the condition that
remaining site work shall be inspected and approved by
the City staff prior to release of the bond. Voting in
favor were: Mayor Cohen; Councilmen Leary, Britts,
Fignar, and Kuefler. Voting against: none. Motion
passed unanimously.
Provision for Fuel In other business the City Manager commented as to
Supplyy and Reserves various steps currently being taken to assure adequate
fuel and gasoline supplies in the future. He stated
that use would be made of an available fuel oil storage
tank at the City property on Lyndale Avenue and that
the uel reserve Would be used as needed for the City
Hall, City Garage and Fire Stations.
Regarding gasoline storage he noted that a 10, 000
gallon tank was in place at the Municipal Garage and
that there was very little reserve capacity. He
recommended that authorization be given for the pur -'
chase of a second 10, 000 gallon gasoline storage tank
to be located at the Municipal Service Garage to assure
a continuous, adequate supply of vehicle fuel.
Action Authorizing Following a discussion there was a motion by Council -
Purchase of Gasoline man Britts, seconded by Councilman Leary to authorize
Storage Tank the purchase of a 10,000 gallon gasoline storage tank
to be located at the Municipal Service Garage. Voting
in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary, Britts,
Fignar, and Kuefler. Voting against: none. Motion
passed unanimously.
Approval of Licenses Motion by Councilman Britts, seconded by Councilman
Kuefler to approve the following licenses:
C. O. Carlson Air
Conditioning 709 Bradford Ave.
Twin Lake North Apts. 58th and Major Ave.
Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary,
Britts, Fignar, and Kuefler. Voting against: none.
Motion passed unanimously.
Comment on Highway In other business Councilman Kuefler requested that
Population Size Signs the City Manager take any possible steps to have the
Highway Department amend the population signs on
the interstate highway approaches to the City.
-8- 6 -4 -73
Reconsideration of In other business the City Manager stated that the
Approval of Minutes Director of Planning and Inspection and the City
for 5 -21 -73 Attorney recommended that the Council reconsider the
approval of the May 21, 1973 minutes for purposes of
possibly amending the language reflected in the dis-
position of Planning Commission Application No. 73410.
Motion by Councilman Britts, seconded by Councilman
Fignar to reconsider the approval of the Niay 21, 1973
Council minutes. Voting in favor were: Mayor Cohen,
Councilmen Leary, Britts, Fignar, and Kuefler. Voting
against: none. Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Tremere explained that the City Attorney recom-
mended amending the language contained in the approval
action of Application No. 73010 submitted by R. A.
Zimmerman, so that the subject paragraph would read
as follows:
"Following further discussion there was a motion
b y Leary, Councilman Lea , seconded by Councilman
Britts to approve Planning Commission Applica-
tion No. 73010 requesting a division of Lot 2,
Block 1 Eckberg Addition, Hennepin County sub-
ject to the following conditions:
1. No dwelling or dwelling unit shall be
permitted on the two substandard lots
created by the subdivision of Lot 2,
Block 1 Eckberg Addition, Hennepin
2. The City Attorney is directed to file this
conditional approval on the titles of the
subject parcels.
Voting in favor were Mayor Cohen, Councilmen
Leary, Britts, Kuefler, and Fignar. Voting
against: none. Motion passed unanimously."
Approval of Minutes Motion by Councilman Kuefler, seconded by Council -
(as amended) man Fignar to approve the minutes of the May 21, 1973
5 -21 -73 meeting as amended. Voting in favor were: Mayor
Cohen, Councilmen Leary, Britts, Fignar, and Kuefler.
Voting against: none. 14sotion passed unanimously.
Adjournment lotion by Councilman Leary, seconded by Councilman
Eritts to adjourn the meeting. Voting in favor were:
Mayor Cohen, Councilmen Leary, Fritts, Fignar, and
Kuefler. Voting against: none. Motion passed unani-
mously. The City Council meeting adjourned at
11:15 P. M.
Clerk lVayor
-9- 6 -4 -73