HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 08-04 CCP Regular Session C. 1YY C 0UNC:H, AGENDA City of Brooklyn Csnter' / August 4: , 1975 7:35 p. m. 1 Call to :order 2. Roll Call 3 o invoca tion 4. Approval of Minutes ,- July 21, 1975 5. Appoint Records Systems Responsible Authority" 60 .Approve 1975 Election Judge List 7 Resolutions a Authorizing Issuance of Temporary Improvement Motes bo Commending Commissioner Grannes co Commending Corairalssioner Harvey do Accepting Gift eo Authorizing Purchase of Fire Department Equipment f. Accepting l+k'ork for Project No. 1974 -13 g. AccepUng 141 ork for Project No. 1974 -19A h. Accepting "Fork for Project No. 1974 -198 i. Accepting Work for Project loo 1974 -3 j Establishing Special Assessment Hearing kQ PlacIng Proposed Assessments on File for Public Inspection 10 Authorizing Quotations for Liquor Store Sign m Awarding Bid for Water Tower Maintenance Project 1975 -5 n. Authoriziag Redaction of Subdivision Cash Escrow oo Amending 1975 1 , ages and Salaries & Amending 1975 Budget ea Planning Commission Items (8:00 p. m.): a. Application No. 75012 submitted by Titus, Inc, 9. Ordinances: a. Amending Chapter 23 Pertaining to Well Drillers b® Amendtng Chapter '3 Pertaining to Well Driller 10 Discussion Itemse a Proposed.. Apartment Licenses bo Smoktng Regulations c. Park Policy Plan Assistance It. Licenses 12. Adjournment i CITY MANAGER'S CCMI'rIENTS Item 5 Appoint Records Systems "Responsible Authority In 1974 the Minnesota Legislature enacted a sweeping Data Security and Privacy Act relating to the collection, storage, security and dissemination of data on individuals by the State and its political subdivisions. The previsions of that act were so broad and ambiguous that it could not be implemented. During the latter half of 1974 a Governor's Committee, of which I am s member, recommended major changes to the Minnesota Commissioner of Administration and, subsequently, testified before the Legislature, gaining a material reduction in the burdens initially; placed on local government. The new law continues to require that each local government appoint' a person as its "responsible authority" to be legally responsible for the main - tenance of municipal records and for locally administering the terms of the legislation. Disposition Item 6 Approve 1975 Election Judge List It is recommended that the City Council formally approve by motion the 1975 election judge list compiled by the City Claris. Disposition Item 7a Authorizing Issuance of Temporary Improvement Notes The attached resolution is recommended to enable interim and internal financing for public improvement projects which have been constructed as authorized by the City Council. The temporary improvement notes will subsequently be retired through sale of long -term bonds. Disposition -- Items 7b -Commending Commissioner Grannes and 7c - Commending Commissioner Harvey The attache resolutions are recommended for the purpose of commending the service of Park and Recreation Commissioners Grannes and Harvey. Disposition - City Manager's Comments Page 2 Item 7d Accepting Gift The attached resolution is recommended for the purpose of acknowledging and accepting a gift from the Brooklyn Center Lions Club. Disposition Item 7e Authorizing` Purchase of Fire Department Equipment The attached resolution is recommended to authorize purchase of four budgeted breathing rigs for Fire Department purposes.' The equipment is to bey purchased through the 1975 Civil Defense budget account and is to be used for fire fighting purposes. Disposition Items 7f thru 71 Accepting Work The attached resolutions are recommended for the purpose of accept. - ing completed projects which have previously been authorized. by the City Council. Disposition Items 7j - Establishing Special Assessment Hearing' and 7k - Plecfng Proposed Assessments on File for Public In.Oection The attached are recommended` for the purpose of establishing a public hearing and placing on .file for public inspection the proposed assessments relating to various improvement projects which have been completed. Disposition Item 71 Authorizing' Quotations for Liquor Store Sign The attached resolution is recommended for the ,purpose of authorizing the taking of quotations for a freestanding; sign at the municipal liquor store on 63rd and Brooklyn Boulevard. Disposition f t City Manager's Comments - f Page 3 Item 7m 'Awarding Bid for Water Tower Maintenance Project 1975 -5 Bids will be opened Monday morning for Maintenance Project No. 1975 -5. We will be prepared Monday evening to recommend award of a bid Disposition r Item Ira Authorizing Reduction of Subdivision Cash Escrow The attached resolution is recommended for the purpose of reducing the cash escrow for Brook Park Estates from $2,400 to $900. Disposition Item 7o Amending 1975 Wages and Salaries & Amending 1975 Budget The attached resolution is recommended' for the purpose of amending the 1975 wage resolution and 1975 budget document to reflect the new CETA positions to which appointments will be wade shortly® Disposition Item 9a Amending Chapter 23 Pertaining to Well Drillers The attached ordinance was first read on July 7, 1975, published on July 17 1975 and is offered this evening for second reading and adoption. Disposition Item 9b Amending Chapter 3 Pertaining to Well Drillers The attached ordinance was first read on July 7, 1975, published on July 17, 1975' and is offered this evening for second reading and adoption. _Disposition City Manager's Comments Page 4 Item IOa Proposed ed A p artment Licenses .. _ A number of apartment licenses will be recommended for City F Council approval Monday evening. Disposition Item IOb Smoking Regulations I will be prepared Monday evening to discuss with the Council the smoking regulations enacted by the recent Legislature and the ramifications of the regulations on public meetings. Disposition Item loc Park Policy Plan Assistance I intend to be prepared Monday evening to make a recommendation to the Council on the retention of assistance for perk policy planning purposes. Disposition Election judges to be approved for possible pUmM 9 -9 -7S 6 11-4-741 Precinct D Loretta Stewig 543 Colfax Avow Nooth 5" - 1419 R Marian Smith 5431 Oliver Avenue North $60y -9063 D Dorothy Decker 6412 Morgm Avenu North SGO-8924 rothy n `419 promont Avenue lD A4 -olive lann 6342 A e 461 -ill! R Ethel Ir +6020 . sea A venue North 561 -6479 Precir.vt 3 D Esther Durland 6351 Lyndale A 561 - 3447 R: Sharon Finn rte 7013 Morw Avenue N 3U -1692 D Lorraine Horn 161 - 72nd Avaaus North 561 -6414 trActn R Mary Pasco 7060 PWV A 1• �' D Alice Madir ?024 QuW Avemus N $61 -4363 R Marilyn Heinke 4101 Woodbine Lane 561 -0194 Prec inct S D Geraldine Dorphy 4306 Winchester Marta $33 -9017 D Alice VanMeerter, 4519 Winch ester Lane 537 -6151 R Gladys Leerhof# 4301 66th Avenue North 537 -4791 Pr eC1..ct D Emne Gagerby 3200 - 66th Ave N $61 - 4824 R Barbara Jensen 9539 Dmw Avenve North NJ - 71 It Nancy Letfey 6006 York Avows North 341 4 Pr ecinc? i D Mona Hintz ran 401 56th Avenue N 33 -9792 R larl arak Forder 5936 Halifax Place 537 -2549 R M ar y Goon $330 Bould La ne 633-8249 recin:,� 0 i D Phylils Ry dberq. 3505 AdvAral lam X7-^8 D Ethel Penman 4919 Board Aveaw Nerth. 034 R Ka thy Theis $701 fine Avon" North, 437 -2247 � Member introduced the .folk wtv resoluUm and moved . its adoption. RESOLUTION N4 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZWG THE lssu NCE or Ttm Ii+ P R0 WHEAM there i s a need fear . h bonds to fina cortain lopmemout proJ s vddcb 8019081 against benefited properties: NOW, THEREFOREp BE IT RESOLVED by the City Coumil Of the CttY of Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, tc auithorizo the Issuance and sale 'Special Assessment Cony tiara Fund No. 21, Temporary ImprovenaltNOWS ie amount of $ 18,000. These note ;shall be dated July Z9, 1975, and shell he payable out of ac s- of the Uwl bond loam fct the pro jects. These notes shall bear an lnt A 10 OVOW46006 with N o. 74 - 32,' dated Febm 25, 1974, whiah established an Intomat MW Ott loans hom the Investmeat Trust Fund to otbar Cfty Fvmdn • BE IT ruRTHER,RML that the City of Brooklyn `C Inv Trust Fund be authorized to purchase these notoo. BE TT FURTHER RESO that the Mayor and tty Manag be authorixed to execute the aforementiorsed notes. Date _ May �— ATT EST: Clerk The motaah for the adoptio of s duly 980=ded by following voted in favor th ereof: and the fall against Ow nee: whereupon saki meolatke was doa t� d Ln troduced the following rosoluti and mdved its adoptiona IWO&O io. MEMMAS Mr J an Grannes servod as a xamber of the ftrk and WHEREA Recreation Comission from May 21,, 1973 through August 1. 19751 and her devotio . to the task* aad responsibilities of this Ccamission contributod substantially to the sound progress and develop- ment of the ;i p wbd 'VWRZAS bar public service and civic effort for the bettormwnt of the ccgmunity morit the gratitude of the citizens of-Brookl C Cater: , TMUFM 33 I T WOO&VZO by the C ity comail of the ty of Brooklyn Center thatt The dedicated public service of Jan Grannex ` as m ember of the Park and Recreation Canxission and citizen, is recog nized and appreciated by the City of l Centex. Da te mayo ATTEST: Clark mo tion for the adoption of the foreg ` rosolutLan me duly secouded by aeabixr and upon vots being tbereon, the foals n favor theroats a t follcoing voted aq& the saws w� said rosalutioa ° vais declared duly passed and adop r introducod the following resolution and moved its MCIAnTM 50. 2 E& Mr. Robert Harvey merved as a member of tko park d Recreation Ccv=issian from October 7, ' 974 through August l 1977. *Ad WHEREAS, him deevotion to the tasks and - responsibilities of this Commission tr t *d substantially to the sound pr s and develop- ment, of the Ci.tys and s p Ijiffi public service and civic 'effort f *r the betteruent ` of the ccamtuiity merit the Vratitudta of a citizens of Brooklyn CerAter xt pity mil, of City of Brooklyn Center that: The dedicated public service of Xr. Robert Survey as a member of the Park and Recreation" issi citigOn is recognized and appmciatod by the City of trcioklyn, Center. Date y A STx Clark The notion for tho a ti*ft Of tba fWWq*iJMg res6lution was "Ir seconded by waAbaL and upon vote being t*e& tb*S*Cn, the fold d in favoc thereetit and the following vat/ad against s some* ti hereupoh aaid Issolution was 40clared duly Passed AM adapted. r � Member introftc the followin rww1uU= a moved it a adoption: RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ,THS PURCHM OF FOUR SETS OF WHEREAS Se on 6:05 of the City Charte of the City of Brookl Canter requires that the Cite Mana first o btain the approv of the .Ct' Council prior to makAN or leftUV contracts for the purchaso of m tse, materials or equipment, or any kind of construction work whe the *20W of such contract exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) but is less than i five hundred dollars 02 ,S00),- rind WHEREAS, , the City Manager has obtained quotations on the purd of four sets of self-contained breathing apparatus and has determined UWA the quotation of Akins-Fire Equipment Company in the amount of $1,760 for four set-, of self -contained eaLhng apparatus is Ow best quotation submitted: NOW, THF,REFO3tE, E IT RESOI.�`ED by the City Council of the sty' of Brooklyn Center that than City Manager be authorized to contract for Vie purchase of foul sets of self breathing apparatus in the a mouat of $1,760 from Akins Fire Equipment Company. Date Mayor ATTEST. , Cl ark The m o tion for the adopUon of the foMoinq resolution s duly seelmded by member . erA upost vote bekq tak en followArm voted in fa a and the following voted st the sans: whereupon said resolutioa. wa declared duly passed and adop ted. vi C :r ae,r introduced the following F resoluL ion and `moved its adoption: =• RESOLUTION No. ]RESOLt.TTTON ACCEPTING WI08 _ ICONTR,ACTED BY CI TY) KFIEIREAS, .pursuant to a written contract signed with the -y of Brooklyn C enter, Minnesota, Northdale Construction Co,, I+;c. nas Satisfactorily completed the following improvement in ack.)rdance with said contract: Sanit 7 ry Sewer Improvement Project 1974 -15 (+Contract 1974 -i ) 1'roposed Aldrich Avenue No. from 67th: to 68th Ave.; and ' ser•, on Bryant Ave. No. from 67th to 68th Ave. NOW, 'T'HEREF'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the C-TI of Brooklyn Center: J the work completed under said contract is hereby r and 11ppr ved. 2. The value of work performed is less than the original E c amount by $303' >. because of an over - estimation of the sanitary sewer pipe trench depths in the plan quantities. 3. It is hereby directed that final payment be made on �a 'c: contract,, taking the .Contractor's receipt in full. The tc; E 3 i ricunt, to be paid for said contract for said improvement PiG Goat shall be $9, 389.00. Date - Mayor. % , rESm ti Clerk re motiox, for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly •`ec rded by member and upon vote being taken t.n rr , the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopt r enLber introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 90. -. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING WORK _(CONTRACTED BY C;IV. WHEREAS, pursuant to a written contract signed with the City of Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, Northdale Construction Co, Inc., has satisfactorily completed the Following improvement in accordance with said contract: Storm, Sewer Improvement Project No. 1374 --19A (Contract 1974-1) ) Proposed 68th Avenue No. from Camden Ave. , to Bryant Ave. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Brooklyn Center: 1. * work completed under said contract is hereby accepted and approved. 2. The value of work performed is less than the original contract amount by $235.00 because of an over - estimation in the manhole and catch basin depths in the plan quantities. 3. it is hereby directed that final payment be made on said contract, takings the Contractor's receipt in full. The total amount to be paid for said contract for said improvement project shall be $13,285.00. Date Mayor ATTEST: Clerk The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution,was der ly seconded r , and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in furor thereof: and the following voted against the same. whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted., Member introduced the following re. it<i:on and mcoved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING WORK' (CONTRACTED BY CITY WHEREAS, pursuant to a written > contract signed with the %ltd. Cf Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, Northdale Construction Co., T: c ,.as satisfactorily completed the following improvement in accordance with said contract: S tc Sewer Improvement Project No. 1974 -19B (Contract 1974 -1) (s, , Ckc and Drainage System) 6outherly approx. 300 feet from 68th Ave. No. on easements overlying the rear lot lines between Camden Ave. and Aldrich sire and between Aldrich and Bryant Avenues No. NOW, , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the G-.ty of Brooklyn Center: 1. The work completed under said contract is hereby accepted and approved', 1. The value of work performed is the same as the original contract &mount. 3. It is hereby directed that final payment be made on said contract, taking" the Contractor's receipt in full. The * c_ota amount to be paid for said contract for said improvement project shall be $6,960.00. Date Mayor' i TT E S Clark for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was caly aec,nded by member and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof„ votad against the sama: :por< said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. t 'iember introduced the fallowing rf ;olutxon and moved its adoption: RESO No. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING WORK (CONTRACTED By CII'O W"iEREAS, pursuant to a wr contract signed with the Cit°: o�_' Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, Northdale construction Co., J nc. r iias satisfactorily completed the following i.mprov ' t in a r ce with said contract v : in Improvement Proiect 1974-34 (Contract 1974 --I) `� ° •. A No. from ; 67th t:.) 69th Ave..- and 67th Ave. loo. s rc!-; Scott Ave. to Quail Ave, V)W THEREFORE. BE IT RESOL17ED b y the City Council of ?_ �i. y of Brooklyn Center: I. The work completed under said contract is hereby _cc ep�t:_-cl and approved . 2 The value of work performed is less than 'the origlr,, <l contract mount by $522.55 because of a general over-Y est t ation of plan T antities. �i. It is hereby directed that final payment be made c : ,g:..1 con tract, taking the Contractor's receipt in full'. The, t be pa :mod for said cont rac�t for said improvement P' ro j ,! L sl.al l be $42,126,65. E e Mayor C lerk for the adoptior of the foregoing ,resclu* ion was duly by member a nd upon vote being t.•r tn0j t:;)n, the following voted l.n favor thereof: a: d trio, following voted ag.axn #t the sane- resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.- McXbe:° introduced the following resolution. ind moved Lt,.4 -doptio ax RESOLUTION K04 RESOL:JFTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC FMARING ON r4'71< OPJSED ASSESSMENTS O N SEPTEMBER 8, 1975 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of that City of Brooklyn Cez.t:er, Minnesota, to hold a public hearing on special assessments at the City mall, 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway, on Monday, the Sth 6 y ®t September., 1975, at 8 :00 p.m. , central daylight time, on ,.be folicuir.g improvements.- Water Ma in 1974. -1 1974 -17 1374--7 1974 -21 1974 =11 1974 -34 Sanitary Sewer 1974 -2 1974 -18 19'4 -8 Storm Sewer 1974 -3 1974 -19 1974 -3 1974 --23 Bridge 1972 ®20 Street Restoration 1373 -�32 ` Street Surfacing 1973 -•37 1974 -22 1974•. -12 Grading, Base and Surfacing 1974 -4 1974 -3.0 Base and Surfacing 3.974 -5 K t C Curb and Gutter i 1974 -6 1974 -14 and 'Deferred Water 75 . and P. U. Water Hookups and Sewer Connections E and Sewer Installations Date Mayor ATI ESi , Clerk 1..e for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly Pcondea ` -, r member , and upon vote being taken *her,=:o :: the full6wing voted in. favor thereof an z -Ile fallowing 'voted against the same. whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, Member intro tcad the following resoluti -td nave -d Lts adoption. RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION PLACING ON FILE AND OpEN:ENtG PROPOSED ASSESS S MR PUBLIC INSPECTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Brookl Center, Minnesota to order placed on file in the Clerk's office -rd opened for public inspection the proposed assessments on the to l Qur is 4 improvements: Walter Main 1974 -1 1974 -17 I 1974 --7 1974 -21 1974-11 1974 --34 Sanitary Sewer` ► 1974 --2 1974p -1S 1974 -8 Storm Sewer 1974 -3 1974 -19 1974 -9 197-23 Bridge 1972-20 street Restoration 1913 -32 Street Surfacing ' 1973 -37 1974 -22 1974-12 Gradiag, Base and Surfacing 1974-4 1974 -LO Base; and Surfacing 1374 -5 Resolution loo. Curb and Cutter 1974 -6 1974 -14 and Deferred Water 75 and P. U. Water Hookups and Sewer Oonndotfons and Sewer installations Date r ATTEST M Clark r the mot' -on for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member and upon vote'beinig taken thereon, the fcllowing voted in favor thereof:, and the following voted. agalne"t the GOA83 whereapon said resDlution was declared duly passed sM adopted. i F Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoptions RESOLUTION NO. REST YON AUTHORIZING TARING QUOTATIONS FOR CONS TR_UCTION OF LIQUOR STORE SIGN WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and for the best interests of the City to have constructed an advertising sirm for the Liquor Stare located at Brooklyn Boulevard and 03rd Avt -nue North; and WHEREAS, C i ty Engineer has prepared specifications _ - rhA above work; w NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by t City Council o f p '_.14,' cii• of Brooklyn Ce nter, Minnesota, to a uthorize the city Maa:ager to take '.quotations for th con of an advertising sign for'the Liquor Store located at Brooklyn Boule -ard and 63rd Avenue North. a Date Mayor ATTEST Clark r T'.:� snot ior. for the adoption of the foregoing .resolution was duly conded by member and upon vote being °.ako: thereon, the following voted i f thereof: and the following voted a gainst the names •. here.apo- said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. f Meer introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: 20 RESOLUTION NO. RESOUITION AUTHORIZING RUCTION OF SUBDIVISION ; CUR ESCR01W AND THE DISBURSEM M OF REMINING FUNDS FOR IROOK PARK E 'ATE:S WHEREAS, a cash escrow in the amount of $3,600.00 was posted by the Brook Sark Baptist Church to guarantee certain sub- division improvements' for the Brook Park Estates, as set forth in the Financial Performance Guarantee by Developer dated July' 23, '1974; and WHEREAS, $1,200.00 of the above amount was released to the Brook Park Baptist Church as per Resolutions No 74-205 and 75- -108; and WHEREAS, the amount of subdivision 'improvements remain- ing to be completed under said cash escrow ' is estimated ta exist $900.00; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Brooklyn Center to authorize the reduction of the $2,400.00 cash escrow posted by the Brook Park Baptist Church to guarantee certain subdivision improvements for the Brook Park Estates to $900.00. BE IT FURTHER ' RESOLVED thick the City Treasurer be authorized to issue a cheek to the Brook hark Baptist Church in the amount of $1,500.00, which amount represents the difference to be returned to them as cash escrow excess Date Mayor ATTEST: Clerk The mction for t1ae a pti(m of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member and upon vote being taken thereon the follcm►ing w,..yted, in f-ivor thereefx and the following vsted against the e: whereupon said rssolution was dectared duty passed and adopted. Member introdaaad the following ros o lvtioo and no 6 its adoption; RESOLUTION NO.�, RESOLUTION AMMOING 1978 V84 20 AND MARM AND i s 7 ,9 , > ►t g xfl is92912 ...�.�. WH ER EAS , Section 7. of the City Charter does provide for the Increase of a budget appropriation by the City Council if the actual receipts exceed the estimates; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA) does provide fecaeral f.nancing to create temporary public service jobs to th unemployed: &W WHEREAS, since the adoption of the 1975 General Fund Budget, HacJapin Count has notified the C that County ® � the Count has mellowed hart of Its ChtA mat to communities within Hennepin County; and WHEREAS, as .a result of the reallocation, the City initially was motlfihd that :c will receive funding to fill four full -time positions; and WHEREAS, the City Council did subsequently authorise the cresUon of said positions and increased departmental budget appropriations accordingly; seed WHEREAS, the City was recently allocated additional funds in the amount of $68,130 for the CETA Program to fill additional full -time positions: RE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED by the Cfty Cowact of the City a# Imaklm Center to amend Resolution No. 74-218 which set 1975 wa ges and salaries to a,.t.horise the creation of the following positions in the Department and at the monthly salary stated-, k POSITION DElAR4DrtENT 8Aha110f Accounting Assistant Finance $833 L&ndseape 'Technician Parise and Recreation $833 Custodian Goverawat Building $777 Engineering Aid Public Works Cleric 1 (2) Coy Memag i ad BE IT FURTHER RESOLVM that the 1875 Gemmel Fund Budget Ap tt4e® for salaries, Regular Emp loyees %ccount No 4100) be increased in the a s listed for the following departme to provide funding for the number of months shown 2 RES ®N NO. DEE�iti �MALNi �• RSV • Finance 16 4-1/2 _, ?! Parke and Re crea tion 61 3 $20499 Govainment B uildi ngs 19 4 -1/2 $3.4194 Engineering 41 4 -1/2 $3,,083 C it y Manager's 4fficet l3 Y $1,194; .am BE tT ruRT rA RUOLVW that the 1995 General Fund budget Appteprsati+cns for Professional SeMees (Account No. 4310) be increased in the amount of $6,000 for the Detached Worker Pmqram (Dept. No. 21) to provide funding to Increasa the services provided by the _ram; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the source of financing for the additional appropriations in the amount of $22,012 wiU be the Federal CrU ¢rant. E Date Mayor ATTEST: Clerk; The motion for the adoPll a( the foregoba rewbttan was My seo by' member , and upon vote beb* taken th f ollowag voted i in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. i �A Member introduced the following resolution and xi�wd its adoption; RESO LUTION NO. RESOLUTION AMENDING 1975 WAGES AND SA ES AND AMEN 122AG21 EVX2 ARDGEr .._....,. ,�..... WHMMI Section y * 08 at the City Charter does provide !or the i mrsase of a budget appropriation by the City Council 9 the actual receipts exceed the esthetes; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Employment Training Act (GETA) does provide federal financing to create temporary publ'ct service lobs to the uno played; and WHEREAS, singe the adoption of the 1975 General Fund Budget, Hennepin County has notified the City that the County has reallocated pad of its CETA Grant to communities within Hennepin County and, as a result of the reallocation, the City will receive funding to fill four full -time positions and WHEREAS, on May 19, 1975, the City Council did adopt Resolution No 75 -96 which authorized the creation of four Bufldinq Maintenance !positions and increased the 1975 General Fund Budget Appropriations in the Governumft Buildings Department in the amount of $24,200 to fund the positions from the Federal CETA Grant- and WHEREAS, on luxe 90, 1975, one of the CETA e was khed as ar permanent employee of the City of Brooklyn Center thereby creating a vacant CETA position, and WHEREAS, 00 C CU an Ime 23 1975, astho oa the CUT to hire a police offiew to fitll the vac4W CATA; postlion; and WHEREAS, the City Charter does also provide for the tranat of a>< tloaas from one department to another within the Genera BE IT TH ORE $.VM by the Cay Council of the City of Sockba Center as follows: 1, To eliminate one Beildixaq a po Resolubm No. 75 - 96 eff date. . 2. To anAmd Resolution No. 74-218 ' which set 1973 w s and lades to authorise an addi tional pollee officer position. S RESOLUTION NO. BE IT rURTNER RESOLVED that the 1975 General Fund Ruftdt be ssbmded as follow:, I . Increase the appropriation for Police Protection, Dept. , No. 31, Salaries, Regular Employees (Acco mt No. 4100) in the amount of $4,096 to provide funding for the remaining six riafsths. of 197+6,, 2. Decrease the appropriation for Government Buildings Dept. No. 19, Salaries, Regular Employees OCCOUSt No. 4100) in the amount of $4,896. Date Mayor ATTEST: Clerk The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolutions was duly seconded by member , and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the "me: whereupon said resolution was declared duly, passed and adopted. or OR T M UM ORDIUMM XO *........o®�. ORDUUNCE AUMMUM CHAPM 23 OF THR CITY O R REIATNZ TO -Of 11810 DWAYM ' s THE CITY CO UNCM Of THE CITY Of BROOKLYN CENTER DOES ORDAIN All M&O WS: Section 1. '80CUOR 23-AO Is eamded In peat by the aft, s the fob of Lice (Cesspool Installa 3 -701 April 30 (Well Driller 23 -1503 April 30 4 Sectio S. Sectim 23-1502 to WOW amwaded by delatim as AdIm g0 Z l DRMURS WCEM REQUMM r No person shall eng In a busine of drillift potable water we i having procured a licens < tbarefor frm the Cfty of Brooklyn' C, . s 2 shall be Issued only to Indivk1usla or oovemctots who downeftte an of the leas and s and s relaUm to the ddllim 61 WSUS# The annual license fee y emkoWshed at $!S. Licames shall expft an the laude day of A" each yea l DUA paying 6 perm* A" of as Widbe 0ffkW sha ll Issue smh pemUtj Section 3. g -i0% to bwiby emkoWed es 1611m [Section 23-1503.1 U MOM. Any perma vJdaftm 09 p"Wi sims of s i SMU, UPM OwSmUm Vared, e fte not to ex ceed three hustmd d*Um days. ninety (90) ' 4. Me adjMm sMU beemm e6asefto eftw a th 0) days t 08 Ugel Ad opted s of Mork EffictIve y S a a a.. .:. i 4 C UM J O$tDUUJ 13 � � ORD nIANCE A34MOMO C HAPM i THE CITY COUM F Secti 1 . Sectim 3 ) (2) is ed 07 ths OddWft of the foUawing. N Section 2. U , thirty 0l da ys fo i Adopted this - Amy A TTZW- Cluk Published in the offtetal Effective Eat .) t. �w r Licenses to be approved by the City Council on August 4, 1975, CH CAL S" LICE nn Del - Air Conditioning 9800 James Circle wilding inspector TANS, "g MSE i, Norman Chazin Brookdale Manor 2 • Me tram Properties Co., Thomas Barrett & James O'Brien Columbus Tillage 3. Cyril Sheehy & Deil Gustafson Earle Brown Farm Apts. 4. 'Vern E. Linder Evergreen Park Manor S. Olson Companies, Inc. Lyn River Apts. ...�;_..... b. Norman Chazin Northbrook Terrace ' 7. Fred Ledin 3843 Fremont Ave. N. .�.. . 8. Irwin Ketroser 6325 -27 -29 Willow Ln. 9• Ronald Hoch 1423 55th Ave. N. � •°� 10. Norman Chazin 0037 Brooklyn Blvd. Cyril Sheehy & Deil Gustafson 6831 Xork,Place N. t ,R• Cyr .. Sheehy & Deil Gusta 6837 York P lace N. 13. Cyril Sheehy & Nail Gustafson 6339 York Place N. i4, Cyril Sheehy & Deil Gustafson 5843 York Place N. )5. Donald & Helen DuSchane 3401-13 47th Ave. N /(,.Jeff Cassidy 3401 63rd Ave. N. .:.�. Diiector of wi C'�te,e..`- C- Planning and inspection