HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-04 04-23 AP AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Brooklyn Center Management Commissions' Rules provided & Standards. All such facilities (Official Publication) shall be inspected annually with STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTERn=rts submitted to the City. and COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) NOTICE OFriot be eeve maintained in proper condition con- ORDINANCEADOPTION is shed. sestent with the performance stan- Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, ORDINANCE NO.2015-04 r4 ft The plan shall address the dards for which they were originally states or affirms that they are the Authorized AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO management of post development A PERMIT FOR LAND DISTURB- runoff and means of assuring the b.Owners of private Stormwater Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: ING ACTIVITIES; AMENDING long-tern maintenance and op- Management Facilities shall enter CITY CODE SECTION 35-235 AND eration of best management prat- into an agreement with the City set- SP Brooklyn Ctr/Brooklyn Park REMOVING CITY CODE SECTION tices and storm water management ting out how the owners shall oro- 35-2230 structures,devices and methods. vide for the Iona-tern operations THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE and maintenance of the facilities. and has full knowledge of the facts stated CITY OF BROOKLYN CENTERinvolves eerisVuetion,the plan shall 9-Easements. below: DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 0 nelude preeedures to be followed The applicant shall establish. in (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Section 1.The Brooklyn Center to eantwel waste,sueh as diseeMed a form acceptable to the City.terry City Code of Ordinances, Section pow and perp t cal easeme= the requirements constituting qualifjca- 35-235 is amended as follows: or pondino.flowageand drainage tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Section 35-235. PERMIT FOR tary waste at the eonstridetion sM purposes over hydrologic features LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. such as water bodies and stormwa- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and ter basins.The easements shall in- other applicable laws as amended. 1• No construction, v lonstruc- el ui-the right of reasonable access tion, development, redevelopment, tions and Gity pelieies for sueh se(B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- grading,excavation,or other activ- for inspection. monitoring, mainte lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- ity shall occur without first securing tivities. nance.and enforcement purposes. sive issues; the first insertion being on a permit from the City Engineer if 3. The Cb Engineer may re- 11).Enforcement Actions to such activity causes a land distur- quire such additions or modifica- sure Compliance. 04/23/2015 and the last insertion beim on bance of ole-half iv2) acre ene P y impose g tions to the Ian and ma rm ose a<Orders.The City may issue an 04/23/2015. sere or more of land.era land des- such conditions and restrictions on order to modify the approved plan turbane _4 . V3 f It the permit as the Engineer deems and stipulate a time frame for com- a part of a eammen plan of develop necessary to provide water qual- pliance.The applicant must mply ity protection.Such conditions may with said order. 2, The annl'Ant chap c�bmit include, but are not limited to:lim- L Permit n n ion etv By. construction plans and supporting Ring the size, kind or character of shall �soend .th Permit and issue �Vw calculations- The_Submittalt shall the proposed development-, requir- a stop work order if the City deter- Authorized Agent y with the following rep ri ing the construction of structures, mines the applicant supplied incor- mentL drainage facilities, storage basins rest information,or the applicant is a.The plant shall meet the re- and other facilities;requiring the re- in violation of any provision of the Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before quirements of the Shingle Greek placement of vegetation;establish- approvedIp ans,the Permit,or this me on 04/23/2015. and West Micsissypoi Watershed ing required monitoring procedures; Section.The City shall reinstate a Management Commissions Rules requiring that the work be staged suspended Permit upon the appli- and Standards-and The Minnesota over time; requiring the execution cant's correction of the cause of the Pollution CoptmdAgOnry nst y_ and filing of such declarations or S1JSAg0Slpn tion Permit. agreements as the Engineer deems r.Construction Stop Work Order. Alternative treatment best man- necessary to assure the continuing The City Building Official may issue Notary Public agement practices must be con- monitoring and maintenance of all a stop work order for a related build- sedered where any of the following facilities and systems; and requir- ing Permit if requested by the City. apply- ing a performance bond, or other t1.Permit Revocation. If the ao- y Where industrial fa elR'°e a acceptable security, to assure that plicant fails or refuses to cease work not authorized to anfiftmWindustriai all facilities and systems are con- as required,the City shall revoke the #_MfWCW0:1 ~"1VvVVVVVVVv1IVV~ stormwater under a National Poll Ut- sttioted as required. Permit and the gpnlicant shall be RMMMAMIMN ant Discharge Elimination System/ 4.Every effort shall be made dur- subeect to enforcement. penalties.State Despo System Permit; ing the permit application process and loss of its financial segurity.The Y I O' iL When receiving tinoff from to determine the full extent of ero- C� shall not reinstate a revoked yNr elan E9tpN BB Jon 31,2018 ueling and vehicle maintenance ar- bion control required.However,the Permit.but an owner may apply for eta ml ss the infiltration pre ti ec City Engineer may require additional anew pemtR. is designed to allow for spill c mtml. controls to correct specific site re- E. Remedial Corrective Action. jjj,The infiRration practi a hall be lated problems as inspections are The City ora private contractor 10 feet away from all bueldenas or: performed during construction. under contract with the City may iv. The infiltration oracti ch II 5. All erosion control noted on conduct remedial or corrective ac- not used within fifty-feet 1509 of the approved plan shall be installed tion on the proeect Site or adeacent a municipal or private well. ,nlesc Prior to the initiation of any site Sites affected by oroiect failure or specifically allowed by an aonrov grading or construction. to implement actions specified in an wellhead protection plan. 6.All activities requiring a permit ober to modify plans.The Cety may under this section shall conform to charge applicant for all costs asso- . rid sediment eorA requirements of federal,state and ciated with correcting failures or re The plan shall tneet the local laws,rules and regulations. mediating damage from the failures �s 7.The City Engineer shall inspect according to the order including but The plan shall be consiste it and enforce all control measures not limited to materials,aguiRme with the Minneseta Polluti G. and shall receive and consider re- staff time and attorney's fees.If pav- trel Aqeney�s Best Management ports of non-compliance or other ment is not made within thedv(301 information on construction issues dayspayment will be made from b.The plan shall related to water quality submitted appli Ant's financial ecudbi or to be taken to eentiel by members of the public. Non- in the case where no Permet was impoets on waft, quality sueh as compliance with the requirements issued, payment will he assessed disearded building materials, eon of this section, the approved plan, against the property. any conditions or restrictions im- f Action Against Financial Secu- ter and sanitary waste. by the City Engineer,or any ri .In any of the following circum- Rate Information: L e.The plan shall provide 2-foot orders issued by the City Engineer stances. the Cd"hall use Ji rods (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users contour lines with spot elevations of under paragraph 4 of this Section is from the financial security to finance for comparable space: proposed grades in relation to exist- a violation of this Section. remedial work undedaken_later by $46.90 per column inch ing grades on the subject property &Maintenance of Preyate Stomt- the City or a private contractor un- and adjacent land.The location and water Management Facilities. der contract to the Cety and to re- type of erosion control devices shall e. No private Stormwater Man- qmburse the City for all ddirer..t .o tsts be clearly labeled. agement Facilities may be an- including. but not limited to. staff The plan shall proved unless a maintenance plan time and attorney's fees: _f_rt to _ __ A. _____ _r is provided and as consistent with L The Applicant ceases Land- Ad ID 378345 itv Code- and t hingl- Desturbena Acteveties and/or filling and West Mississippi Watershed activities prior to completion of the tormwater Manaoement Plan: the ground -11 t2�emply with ii.The Applicant faits to contratm ro thg tom7water Management Best Management Practices. Ian as approved or as modified Section 3.This ordinance shall Code.and has had hist be effective after adoption and thirty her Permit revoked unOr this .od • days following its legal publication. RL Thetom. s utilized under Adopted this 13th day of April, the Stormwater Management Plan 2015. fail wdhin one (1) yo r of installa- Mayor Tim Willson tion or befQm Final Stabilization is ATTEST City Clerk Sharon Knutson implemented for the Site or portion pate of Publication:April 23,2015 pf the Site whichever is later.or. Effective Date:May 23,2015 iy.The C determines that ac- PAteout indicates matter to be tion bye itv i nerpcsary top deleted,double underline indicates vent exr sciv. rosirxf#rpm occur- new matter.) Ii0g on the.Sit®. g< Misderneaanor YAation_ Anv 4123115,3SP1, violation of the provisions of this Ordinance No 2015-04,378345 Section or failure y with any of its requirements shall constitute_a mi dam nor. h.Cumutathm Enforcer VW The procedures for enforcement of a Pem it_as set fodh in this ian. are cumulative and not exclusive JL Financia)Security The CRy shall 991wagAmm& erosion and sediment control be- fore any building perrtut is issued. The surety is returned to the person who posted the security when the pa¢panent erosion anisediment ntrol has been e_stabLsad and has been appmyed by the Cit&The sumly will be used to either remedy ramsinn or sediment control viola- ns or to complete the establish- spent of permanent erosion and sediment control_as necessary. Section 2.The Brooklyn Center City Code of Ordinances, Section 35-2230 is amended as follows: GFODING AND 1.A set'sFactery-eresien—.1._1 and g the Minnesota Pollution Gontrel Ageney!s Best Management Pree ing or building permit-W+jsued-fer construction,if the-eonstruction wIll result in disturbing-th,&-je+ 2.41-e grading and erosion cen- trel plan must provide-2 feet contour lanes with spot elevatlon*-ef-pto- posed grades in -1 n to—existing grades on the subjeet­pfoperty� type of erosion eonftel­�hall be clearly labeled: