OCTOBER 26, 2015
The Brooklyn Center City Council/Economic Development Authority (EDA) met in Work
Session called to order by Mayor/President Tim Willson at 9:13 p.m.
Mayor Tim Willson and Councilmembers April Graves, Kris Lawrence-Anderson, Lin
Myszkowski, and Dan Ryan. Also present were City Manager Curt Boganey, Director of
Business and Development Gary Eitel, Assistant City Manager/Director of Building and
Community Standards Vickie Schleuning, City Attorney Troy Gilchrist, and Denise Bosch,
TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc.
Mr. Boganey explained that Councilmember/Commissioner Ryan is the City Council/EDA
liaison to the Metro Cities and that staff has reviewed the policies and generally speaking they
don't have any significant objections, but the City Council/EDA gave
Councilmember/Commissioner Ryan authority and direction to try to establish policy that was
more in keeping with the City's view on what the affordable housing formula should look like.
This language was submitted but ultimately was not adopted. He thinks that the City
Council/EDA now has four options on how it wishes to address the issue: vote in agreement
with the policies that have been proposed; vote disapproval for all of the policies; author an
amendment to the policies for the body to consider; and ask to divide the question so that the
City can vote affirmatively on what it agrees with and vote against what it does not agree with.
Councilmember/Commissioner Ryan stated that he appreciated the clear delineation of the
voting options and he is here to take the City Council's guidance as to the next step. He
commented that members are hesitant to take amendments and entertain new policy language at
the general meeting and suggested dividing the question specifically with item 3-E Allocation of
Affordable Housing Need.
Councilmember/Commissioner Myszkowski suggested that if an amendment was offered it
would generate discussion because these are important issues for the City.
Mayor/President Willson asked if a motion could be resurrected.
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Mr. Boganey stated that he believed that it could and that the previous amendment proposal died
for lack of a second.
Councilmember/Commissioner Ryan stated that he received serious pushback from Minneapolis
and St. Paul because it may derail their interest in getting all the money they can from MHFA.
He thinks the last bullet point in his letter to Charlie Vander Aarde, Metro Cities, "The Council
should work with local governments through an appeals process in order to resolve any local
issues and concerns with respect to the need allocations." should take care of the issue. He
stated that whether or not this gets formally adopted into this document people will notice we are
raising the issue. He looks forward to and upcoming meeting with Congressman Ellison and
hopes to hear something about the City's housing complaint.
Councilmember/Commissioner Graves inquired about how much these policies may have
changed from last year especially with respect to Item 3-E Allocation of Affordable Housing
Councilmember/Commissioner Ryan stated that he recollected a few marginal changes were
made to the section.
Councilmember/Commissioner Graves stated that it would help her to have that information
because it would show how much they may have heard our argument.
Councilmember/Commissioner Ryan stated that he doesn't believe the argument has been heard.
Mr. Boganey stated that within the state law there are certain elements of the Comprehensive
Plan that are identified as a system requirement and housing is not one of them. If it is a system
requirement, the Met Council can disapprove your Comprehensive Plan.
Councilmember/Commissioner Ryan stated that if the cities choose to ignore the allocation of
affordable housing need, they will be at a disadvantage to receive grant money from the Met
Mayor/President Willson stated he would like to see another amendment offered and would like
the following paragraph on page 22 stricken or at least discussed: "Absent significant resources
to assist cities, the Met Council will not hold cities responsible if a city cannot meet its
affordable housing need number and the Met Council will reassess biennially the range of needs
to recognize the deficiency, ".
Councilmember/Commissioner Ryan stated he plans to revisit the issue next year depending on
what is learned on October 3O' regarding the resolution to the housing complaint. He feels that
the second bullet point: "The formula should be adjusted to incorporate stronger incentives for
more affluent and less diverse cities in the region to increase their share of affordable housing -
consistent with HUD's new rule on Affirmative Furthering Fair Housing. "addresses the issue.
Mayor/President Willson stated that he disagreed and that the policy states that if a City doesn't
have enough money then they don't have to do it and all the money would go to Minneapolis
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with nothing left for other cities. He would like the language attempted again during the vote
and an attempt to strike the language on page 22. He stated that if we don't raise the issue then
no one will hear it.
Councilmember/Commissioner Graves suggested that the words "to fully credit cities" be taken
out of the first bullet point: "The formula should be adjusted to fully credit cities where the
existing housing stock is predominately at, or below the Met Council's definition of affordable
housing, by reducing or eliminating targets for future affordable housing units in those cities;
Councilmember/Commissioner Ryan explained that he chose that language because the City's
housing stock is affordable. If we are fully credited then we wouldn't have to be concerned
about allocation of affordable housing need because it is obvious it should go elsewhere. He
thinks the last bullet should address Minneapolis and St. Paul's concerns. He stated that he made
a decision not to get into a dogfight with Minneapolis and St. Paul and he hopes to hear
something from a HUD representative regarding the City's fair housing complaint.
Mr. Boganey stated that he doesn't anticipate receiving any information because it is his
understanding that the next step in the process is to have a mediator appointed and then all the
parties have to sit down and talk before the complaint can be resolved.
Discussion took place regarding the appointment of a mediator.
Councilmember/Commissioner Ryan stated he doesn't really expect that the proposed changes
will be accepted, but wants to keep raising it so that people start to hear our concerns.
Discussion took place regarding the affordable housing allocation formula.
Mr. Boganey stated that the formula is now based upon proportional shares as opposed to
absolute. Each city will have a share of the regional need regardless of the fact that it already has
the absolute amount that exceeds the regional demand.
Mayor/President Willson stated he would like to see the language pushed on behalf of Brooklyn
Center and wants to have the City's voice heard at the time of voting.
Mr. Boganey suggested having the City's position prepared in writing and distributed and make
sure that someone will agree to make a second in advance to assure it is on a table and discussed.
Councilmember/Commissioner Ryan stated he will make some calls to those cities that are part
of the housing complaint so that they can support it at the meeting. He will also lobby other
members including the City of Richfield's councilmember.
Mayor/President Willson will talk to Richfield Mayor/President Debbie Goettel.
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Councilmember/Commissioner Ryan moved and Councilmember/Commissioner Lawrence-
Anderson seconded to adjourn the Study/Work Session at 9:53 p.m.
Motion passed unanimously.
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COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) ss. Certification of Minutes
The undersigned, being the duly qualified and appointed City Clerk of the City of Brooklyn
Center, Minnesota, certifies:
1.That attached hereto is a full, true, and complete transcript of the minutes of a Work
Session of the City Council of the City of Brooklyn Center held on October 26, 2015
2.That said meeting was held pursuant to due call and notice thereof and was duly held at
Brooklyn Center City Hall.
3. That the City Council adopted said minutes at its November 9, 2015, Regular Session.
City Clerk Mayor
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