NOVEMBER 27, 2017
The Brooklyn Center City Council met in Study Session called to order by Mayor Tim Willson
at 6:00 p.m.
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Mayor Tim Willson and Councilmembers Marquita Butler (arrived at 6:03 p.m.), April Graves,
Kris Lawrence-Anderson, and Dan Ryan. Also present were City Manager Curt Boganey,
Deputy City Manager Reggie Edwards, Finance Director Nate Reinhardt, Assistant City
Engineer Andrew Hogg, Director of Business and Development Gary Eitel, Director of
Community Activities, Recreation and Services Jim Glasoe, Communication Coordinator Angel
Smith, Interim Community Development Director Michael Ericson, City Attorney Troy
Gilchrist, and Carla Wirth, TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc.
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Mayor Willson requested discussion on Item 10.a.9, Consideration of Type IV 6-Month
Provisional Rental License for 2006 Brookview Drive, noting there is a history that seems to be
repetitive in what it entails from license renewal to license renewal. In addition, it is an LLC that
he expects would be more responsive with licensing than an individual. Mayor Willson stated
the comments indicate they are working with staff but he gets the impression they have an
inspection, a fail, they fix it, the license expires, they continue to work with staff, submit a
mitigation plan, get it approved, and then forget about following the mitigation plan.
Deputy City Manager Reggie Edwards stated the department is working on analysis of that issue
but currently there is nothing to say that after a designated time there would be ramifications.
Mayor Willson asked whether there would be ramifications when there is enough information to
show a trend. Dr. Edwards stated this item will be presented to the City Council at a future
Work Session and additional information will be presented at that time for discussion.
Mayor Willson stated he along with Councilmembers Ryan and Butler attended the Hmong New
Year event during which Councilmember Butler was incorrectly introduced as a Brooklyn Park
Councilmember. Mayor Willson stated he brought this error to the attention of the announcer
who did make that correction but then didn't mention the attendance of Councilmember Ryan.
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Correction to November 13, 2017, Meeting Minutes
Councilmember Lawrence-Anderson noted the November 13 meeting minutes show her absence
listed as unexcused; however, she had notified Mr. Boganey in advance that she would be absent.
City Manager Curt Boganey confirmed that was the case.
It was the majority consensus of the City Council to accept the correction to the November 13,
2017, Study/Work Session, Regular Session, Work Session, and EDA minutes.
Upcoming Events
Councilmember Butler stated she asked Mr. Boganey to circulate the flyer on the ACER event,
which she will attend in part.
Mayor Willson stated he noticed an online notice of the Liberian Pageant on December 8, 2017,
indicating he would be in attendance; however, he will be out of town on that date.
Reorder Work Session Agenda
Mr. Boganey asked that the City Council reorder the Work Session agenda to consider Item 1,
Socioeconomic Opportunity Environmental Scan Report, as Item 3.
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Dr. Edwards introduced the topic and reviewed the background, noting in 2012, the City Council
had established six strategic priorities of which two were for citizen engagement and improving
the image of the City. He described the City Council's past discussion and process followed to
engage citizens in a dialogue process. Dr. Edwards noted the City hosted three community
dialogue sessions, which were facilitated by JP Consulting, a third-party entity.
Dr. Edwards explained the consultant looked at the data across all five questions and three
sessions to develop common themes. He presented the common themes identified and key
findings that were brought forward based on the data collected. Dr. Edwards reviewed identified
recommendations for dialogue in subgroups, frequent community dialogues, and development of
an Engagement Strategy Plan.
Communication Coordinator Angel Smith presented next steps included in four options, a
description, pros, cons, and comments on each of the following: Option 1 - Act Now; Option 2
- Engage and Act Now; Option 3 - Engage to Plan; and, Option 4 - Community Engagement
Dr. Edwards asked whether the City Council desired additional information beyond the Brooklyn
Center Community Dialogue Summary Report or had a consensus on how to reach forward to
simply get started and schedule more sessions, to develop a short-term task force, or to recruit for
and establish a task force from the community.
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Councilmember Ryan stated he favors Option 1, thinking it would better serve the City to keep it
simple and direct. He stated he would not be in favor of a community engagement commission
as he is interested in open end dialogues and encouraging people to share their views with the
City Council and staff.
Councilmember Graves asked what partners are intended in Option 2. Dr. Edwards stated the
City has already engaged the school district, two churches, and CEAP based on the rationale to
extend the City's reach as they each have certain constituents.
Councilmember Graves stated her support of Option 2 to actually use partners to fill in the
subject matter, and not simply to recruit members, as they could speak to the topic more
Mayor Willson supported community dialogues in different locations as well as a task force to
determine whether or not a commission would be appropriate and if so, how that would be
structured and who should be on it. He noted there is time for a parallel effort to address some of
those issues.
Councilmember Butler stated support for Option 2 as partnerships are important because you can
grab from their base and it brings in additional people who have a lot to say on social media.
She supported involving a wider net as to who is invited and to include non-profits.
Councilmember Butler stated she was not sure a commission was needed at this point and
supported a task force first.
Mayor Willson noted staff is available to cover these endeavors but staff is asked to spend a lot
of time, not necessarily during regular work hours, and this would be another thing they would
need to attend. He asked whether Councilmembers are obligated to join the task force
deliberations, community events, and dialogues or whether a liaison could cover that as it then is
a new time commitment for Councilmembers. He noted if Councilmembers are going to get a
raise for being commissioned to do more work, the Financial Commission would need to weigh
in. Mayor Willson stated though he is retired, he is putting in a lot of hours and this would be
another evening that Councilmembers would have to put in, noting some may be giving up
family and/or work time.
Councilmember Ryan stated if the City Council feels a task force would be the direction to go,
there has been discussion in the past with the Housing Commission asking what they should be
doing. He asked whether it would be wise to encourage presently serving Commissioners to be
involved in task force activity to help develop the community engagement concept.
Councilmember Ryan stated he still leans more towards Option 1 to have more open-ended
sessions and encourage people to attend. He stated as Councilmember Butler observed, people
express their views on Facebook, which is very economical in not having to attend a meeting or
encounter people with views other than their own. In addition, he believed Option 1 would be
simpler and provide more experience with the engagement process before committing to a more
elaborate process.
Councilmember Lawrence-Anderson supported Option 2 but long-term would like a task force to
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be more mobilized into a commission to do some of the leg work, plan events, and take those
tasks away from staff time. She would like it to evolve into a self-sustaining commission.
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Mayor Willson closed the Study Session at 6:45 p.m.
Motion passed unanimously.
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Councilmember Lawrence-Anderson moved and Councilmember Graves seconded to reconvene
the Study Session at 6:50 p.m.
Motion passed unanimously.
City Council discussion continued on Community Dialogue.
Councilmember Graves stated she heard a consensus around Option 2 and a task force for deeper
digging to determine if there should be a different dialogue.
Councilmember Ryan restated his support for Option 1 to have additional listening sessions and
possibly move beyond that based on additional experience.
At the request of City Council, Dr. Edwards reviewed Option 2, Engage and Act Now, and
explained the process to act now and build a relationship with the group to expand the City's
Councilmember Butler stated she is committed to Option 2 as she is not interested in additional
evening meetings with the same people discussing the same topics. She noted that a diverse
group of people would be created by engaging partners.
Mayor Willson felt more study was needed to determine whether a commission was needed but
he did think establishing a task force can address that issue and engage the City's diverse
residents. While that is being done, then Option 1 would continue with community dialogues
throughout the community to communicate, recruit task force members, and discuss the need for
a commission. He stated he mostly supports Option 2 for those reasons.
Councilmember Lawrence-Anderson stated she also supports Option 2.
It was the majority consensus of the City Council to receive the Brooklyn Center Community
Dialogue Summary Report and direct staff to further Option 2.
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Mayor Willson adjourned the Study Session at 6:57 p.m.
Motion passed unanimously.
COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) ss. Certification of Minutes
The undersigned, being the duly qualified and appointed City Clerk of the City of Brooklyn
Center, Minnesota, certifies:
1.That attached hereto is a full, true, and complete transcript of the minutes of a Study
Session of the City Council of the City of Brooklyn Center held on November 27, 2017.
2.That said meeting was held pursuant to due call and notice thereof and was duly held at
Brooklyn Center City Hall.
3. That the City Council adopted said minutes at its December 11, 2017, Regular Session.
City Clerk Mayor