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Notice is hereby given that a
public hearing will be held on the 22
day of October, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.
or as soon thereafter as the matter
may be heard at City Hall, 6301
Shingle Creek Parkway, to consider
an ordinance related to chickens.
Auxiliary aids for handicapped
persons are available upon re-
quest at least 96 hours in advance.
Please notify the City Clerk at 763-
569-3306 to make arrangements.
Article I. Brooklyn Center City
Code, Section 1-101 setting out
definitions is amended as follows
and by renumbering the provisions
in this Section as needed:
1. Animal. Animal means dogs,
cats, and chickens.
. Chicken. Chicken means a
domesticated bird (Gallus gallus
domesticus)typically used as a
source of meat or eggs. For the
purposes of Section 1-130, all ref-
erences to chickens are to hens.
Chicken Coop. Chick-
en coop means a structure for the
keeping or housing of chickens
permitted by this Chapter.
Chicken Run. Chicken
run means a fully -enclosed and
covered area attached to a coop
where the chickens can roam un-
Hen. Hen means a fe-
male chicken.
Rooster. Rooster
means a male chicken.
Article It. Brooklyn Center City
Code is amended by adding a new
Section 1-130 regarding chickens
as follows:
Section 1-130. CHICKENS.
1. Keeping,U to o six (6) chick-
ens may be kept on a single-family
or two-family residential property
in the R1 and R2 Zoning Districts.
Only hens may be kept pursuant to
this Section. The keeping of one or
more chickens in any other zoning
district in the City is prohibited.
2. Requirements. Chickens
allowed by this Section shall be
kept In accordance with all of the
f wi
a. Ownership Occupancy. The
owner of the chickens shall live in
the dwelling on the same proper -
1y as the chickens are kept. If the
property is not owner -occupied,
then the property owner must pro-
vide a written statement to the City
of permission for the occupants to
keep chickens at the propeft
b. Chicken Coops and Runs.
Chickens shall be kept at all times
in a chicken coop or chicken run
that complies with the require-
ments of this Section.
3. Chicken Coops and Chicken
Runs. Chicken coops and chicken
runs shall comply with the following
rquirements and restrictions.
a. The area covered by a chick-
en coon and a chicken run is limit-
ed to a combined total of no more
than 120 square feet and shall not
exceed six (6) feet in height.
b. Any chicken coop that ex-
ceeds 30 square feet shall be con-
sidered an accessory structure and
must meet all requirements in Sec-
tion 35-530 of this Code.
c. All applicable building, prop-
erty maintenance. and zoning re-
quirements of Chanter 35 of this
d. All electrical work shall be
done in accordance with applica-
ble codes and anyrhe uired permits
shall be obtained.
e. A chicken coop shall:
1) Be fully enclosed, wind proof.
and constructed so as torevent
escape by any chickens or en-
trance by migratory birds:
2) Be winterized to protect the
chickens in cold weather: and
3) Be constructed with architec-
turally appropriate building materi-
als including exterior grade sidina
and either a metal. composite or
shingled roof. or in the alternative.
coop shall be purchased from a
commercial source that constructs
structures specifically to be used
as coops for chickens.
f. A chicken run shall:
1) Be fully enclosed with a fence
that is securely constructed with
mesh!ype material no larger than
one (1) inch: and
2) Be covered by protective
overhead netting to keep chickens
separated from other animals.
g. Be located in accordance with
all of the following:
1) Entirely in the rear yard of the
2) At least five (5) feet from side
or rear lot lines and shall not be
erected. altered, or moved, within
six (6) feet of the principle building.
as measured from exterior wall to
exterior wall:
3) At least thirty (30) feet from all
dwellings on a lacent properties:
4) Shall not be located closer to
an a 'acent street than the owner's
h. Shall be removed and the site
restored if the keeping of chickens
is discontinued for more than six (6)
4. Prevention of Nuisance Con-
ditions. Owners shall care for
chickens in a humane manner and
shall prevent nuisance conditions
by ensuring that all of the following
conditions are met.
a. The chicken coop and chick-
en_run shall be maintained in good
repair, and in a clean and sanitary
manner free of vermin and obiec--
tionable odors.
b. Feces and discarded feed
shall be regularly collected and
stored in a leak -proof container
with a tight -fitting cover to prevent
nuisance odors and the attraction
of vermin until it can be disposed
of properI4
c. Chicken feed shall be stored
in leak -proof containers with a
tight -fitting cover to prevent at-
tracting vermin.
d. Chickens shall be secured
inside of a chicken coop from sun-
set to sunrise each day to prevent
nuisance noise and attracting pred-
e. Chickens shall remain in either
the chicken coop or chicken run at
all times and shall be allowed to not
run at large.
5. Prohibitions. All of the follow-
ina are prohibited within the City
and constitute a violation of this
a. Keeping of roosters.
b. Cockfighting.
c. Slaughter of chickens.
d. Raising chickens far breedina
e. Keeping of chickens over the
age of four (4) weeks inside of a
dwelling or garage.
f. Commercial sale of poultry or
eggs produced on the property.
Article III. Brooklyn Center City
Code, Section 19-104 is hereby
amended as follows:
Section 19-104. LIMITATIONS
hereby declared to be a public nui-
sance to permit, maintain or harbor
any of the following:
1. More than two (2) dogs ex-
ceeding six months of age.
2. More than three (3) cats ex-
ceeding six months of age.
3. Any combination of more
than five (5) animals exceeding six
months of age.
4. Horses, cows, sheep, pigs,
goats, swine, mules, llamas, or
other hoofed animals, eh ens,
ducks, geese, or other agricultural
animal or domestic fowl.
5. Live wild animals, reptile, or
fowl, of types that are not natural-
ly tame or gentle but are of a wild
nature or disposition that, because
of their size, vicious nature, or other
characteristics would constitute a
danger to human life or property:
Examples of such wild animals in-
clude, but are not limited to, bears,
lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards,
bobcat, cougars, cheetahs, lynx,
ocelots, wolves, foxes, coyotes,
dingoes, jackals, bison, panthers,
apes, badgers, raccoons, ferrets,
skunks, puma, rattle snakes, coral
snakes, water moccasins, or co-
6. Any combination of animals
and/or fowl of any age kept in such
numbers or under conditions which
unreasonably annoy, injure, or en-
danger the health, safety, comfort,
repose or welfare of the public or of
said animals or fowl.
7. Chickens, except to the ex-
tent allowed by Section 1-130 and
then only in compliance with that
Article IV This Ordinance shall
become effective after adoption
and upon thirty (30) days following
its legal publication.
Adopted this_day of _
Tim Willson, Mayor
ATTEST: City Clerk
Date of Publication
Effective Date
(Strikeeut indicates matter to be
deleted, double underline indicates
new matter.)
Published in the
Brooklyn Center Sun Post
October 4, 2018