HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-14 AP 10-24-18AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION
Darlene MacPherson being duly sworn on an
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Jessica L Crabb
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Notice is hereby given that a
public hearing will be held on the
13th day of November, 2018, at
7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as
the matter may be heard at City
Hall, 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway,
to consider an ordinance related
to tobacco and tobacco related
Auxiliary aids for handicapped
persons are available upon re-
quest at least 96 hours in advance.
Please notify the City Clerk at 763-
569-3306 to make arrangements.
Article I. Legislative Findinas.
The City Council of the City of
Brooklyn Center hereby finds as
1. The City of Brooklyn Center
("City") recognizes that tobac-
co use has been shown to be the
cause of several serious health
problems which subsequently
place a financial burden on all lev-
els of government; this ordinance
is intended to regulate the sale of
tobacco, tobacco -related devices,
electronic delivery devices, and
nicotine or lobelia delivery prod-
ucts for the purpose of enforcing
and furthering existing laws, and
to protect minors and young adults
against the serious effects associ-
ated with use and initiation.
2. The City also recognizes that
the use of tobacco products has
devastating health and econom-
ic consequences. Tobacco use is
the foremost preventable cause
of premature death in America. It
causes half a million deaths an-
nually and has been responsible
for 20.8 million premature deaths
in the U.S. over the past 50 years
since the first Surgeon General's
report on smoking in 1964. This
leads to more than $300 billion in
health care and lost worker produc-
tivity costs each year. In Minnesota,
smoking was responsible for $3.19
billion in excess medical expendi-
tures and the deaths of 6,312 indi-
viduals in 2014.
3. The City further recognizes
that young people are particu-
larly susceptible to the addictive
properties of tobacco products,
and are particularly likely to be-
come lifelong users. An estimated
5.6 million youth aged 0 to 17 are
projected to die prematurely from
a tobacco -related Illness if preva-
lence rates do not change. National
data show that about 95 percent of
adult smokers begin smoking be-
fore they turn 21. The ages of 18 to
21 are a critical period when many
smokers move from experimental
smoking to regular, daily use. Elec-
tronic delivery device use among
minors has recently tripled and
Is shown to be on the rise among
youth. Young minds are particularly
susceptible to the addictive proper-
ties of nicotine. As a result, approx-
imately 3 out of 4 teen smokers end
up smoking into adulthood.
4. In 2015, the Institute of Med-
icine concluded that raising the
minimum legal sales age for to-
bacco products nationwide will
reduce tobacco initiation, particu-
larly among adolescents aged 15
to 17, improve health across the
lifespan, and save lives; and that
raising the minimum legal sales age
for tobacco products nationwide to
21 would, over time, lead to a 12
percent decrease in smoking prev-
alence. The Institute of Medicine
also predicts that raising the min-
imum legal sales age for tobacco
products nationwide to 21 would
result in 223,000 fewer premature
deaths, 50,000 fewer deaths from
lung cancer, and 4.2 million fewer
years of life lost for those born be-
tween 2000 and 2019, and would
result in near immediate reductions
in preterm birth, low birth weight,
and sudden infant death syndrome.
5. Cigar and pipe smokers are
more than twice as likely to have
decreased lung function compared
to non-smokers. Cigar and pipe
smokers who also smoke ciga-
rettes may triple their risk of de-
creased lung function.
6. Scientific evidence on the
toxicity of secondhand tobacco
smoke is both overwhelming and
indisputable. The complex mixture
of gases and particles that make
up secondhand smoke (also known
as environmental tobacco smoke)
contains at least 250 chemicals
known to be lethal, including more
than 50 that can cause cancer.
Medical authorities from around the
world have concluded that second-
hand smoke exposure causes heart
disease, stroke, respiratory disease
and lung cancer, has immediate ad-
verse effects on the cardiovascular
system, and causes sudden infant
death syndrome, acute respiratory
infections, ear infections, and asth-
ma attacks in children.
7. Tobacco industry documents
and marketing and public health
research reveal that tobacco com-
panies have used fruit, candy, and
alcohol flavors as a way to target
youth and young adults. The pres-
ence of flavors such as menthol in
tobacco products can make it more
difficult for youth, young adults,
and adult tobacco users to quit.
8. In making these findings, the
City Council accepts the conclu-
sions and recommendations of
the U.S. Surgeon General reports,
"E -cigarette Use Among Youth and
Young Adults" (2016), "The Health
Consequences of Smoking -50
Years of Progress" (2014) and
"Preventing Tobacco Use Among
Youth and Young Adults" (2012);
a BlueCross BlueShield of Minne-
sota report, "Health Care Costs
and Smoking in Minnesota: The
Bottom Line" (2017); the Institute
of Medicine in their study, "Pub-
lic Health Implications of Raising
the Minimum Age of Legal Access
to Tobacco Products" (2015); the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention in their studies, "Tobac-
co Use Among Middle and High
School Students—United States,
2011- 2015," and "Selected Ciga-
rette Smoking Initiation and Quit-
ting Behaviors Among High School
Students, United States, 1997";
and of the following scholars in
these scientific journals: An Xu et
al., Annual Healthcare Spending
Attributable to Cigarette Smok-
ing: An Update, Am. J. Prev. Med.
48(3): 326-33 (Mar. 2015); Giovino
GA, "Epidemiology of Tobacco Use
in the United States," Oncogene
(2002) 21, 7326-40; Khuder SA, et
al., "Age at Smoking Onset and its
Effect on Smoking Cessation," Ad-
dictive Behavior 24(5):673-7, Sep-
tember -October 1999; D'Avanzo B,
et al., "Age at Starting Smoking and
Number of Cigarettes Smoked,"
Annals of Epidemiology 4(6):455-
59, November 1994; Chen, J &
Millar, WJ, "Age of Smoking Ini-
tiation: Implications for Quitting,"
Health Reports 9(4):39-46, Spring
1998; Everett SA, et al., "Initiation
of Cigarette Smoking and Subse-
quent Smoking Behavior Among
U.S. High School Students," Pre-
ventive Medicine, 29(5):327-33,
November 1999; and Rodriguez
J, Jiang R, Johnson WC, MacK-
enzie BA, Smith LJ, Barr RG; The
Association of Pipe and Cigar Use
With Cotinine Levels, Lung Func-
tion, and Airflow Obstruction: A
Cross-sectional Study; Ann Intern
Med. 2010052:201-210 copies of
which are adopted by reference.
9. The City determines that
taking action to protect youth and
to limit access to tobacco is an
important public health issue and
it was the first city in the state of
Minnesota to set a minimum price
for cigars as to curb the appeal of
these products to youth and reduce
the number of youth who Initiate to-
bacco use.
10. The City's action paved the
way for five more Minnesota com-
munities, including Minneapolis
and St. Paul, to set a minimum
price for cigars with the shared goal
of youth tobacco prevention.
11. The City determines that
e -delivery products and e -liquids
are particularly attractive to youth
and that steps are needed to limit
youth exposure and access to such
12. The City values youth and
seeks their input in order to posi-
tively raise awareness and seek
solutions to problems facing youth,
such as tobacco industry targeting
and youth tobacco use.
13. The City's mission is to en-
sure an attractive, clean, safe, and
inclusive community that enhanc-
es the quality of life for all people,
and preventing youth tobacco use
helps achieve these goals.
14. Sections 23-101 through
23-108 and the amendments
contained herein are intended to
regulate the sale of tobacco, to-
bacco -related devices, electronic
delivery devices, and nicotine or
lobelia delivery products for the
purpose of enforcing and furthering
existing laws, to protect youth and
young adults against the serious
effects associated with use and
initiation, and to further the official
public policy of the state in regard
to preventing young people from
starting to smoke as stated in Min-
nesota Statutes, section 144.391.
Article II. Brooklyn Center City
Code, Section 23-101 is hereby
amended as follows:
Section 23-101. LICENSE RE-
QUIRED. No person shall directly
or indirectly, or by means of any
device, keep for retail sale, sell at
retail, or otherwise dispense any
tobaccoo-related covered product
at any place in the city of Brook-
lyn Center unless a license there-
for shall first have been obtained
as provided in Sections 23-101
through 23-108.
Article Ill. Brooklyn Center City
Code, Section 23-102 setting out
definitions is amended as follows
and by renumbering the provisions
in this Section as needed:
Section 23-102. DEFINITIONS.
Except as may otherwise be pro-
vided or clearly implied by context,
all terms shall be given their com-
monly accepted definitions. For
the purpose of Sections 23-101
through 23-108, the following defi-
nitions shall apply unless the con-
text clearly indicates or requires a
different meaning:
2. "Compliance checks" means
the system the City uses to inves-
tigate and ensure that those au-
thorized to sell tobacco, tobacco
products, tobacco related-devioes,
vices covered products are follow-
ing and complying with the require-
ments of Sections 23-101 through
23-108. Compliance checks shall
involve the use of trainerserp sons
under the age of 21 as authorized
by Sections 23-101 through 23-
108. Compliance checks shall also
mean the use of miners persons
under the age of 21 who attempt to
a'te..114[4d devices, or
covered products for education-
al, research and training purposes
as authorized by state and feder-
al laws. Compliance checks may
also be conducted by other units
of government for the purpose of
enforcing appropriate federal, state
or local laws and regulations relat-
ing to tobacco, tobacee products,
tobeeee related dev'ees, and Mee
tine -er-lebelie- delivery -deviees cov-
ered products.
3. "Covered products" means
any tobacco, tobacco -related de-
vice. electronic delivery device,
e -liquid, or nicotine or lobelia de-
liverlt product as those terms are
defined in this section.
3.1 "Electronic delivery device"
shall mean a an electronic product
Containing er-delwerrng nieettfle,
febelia, or any other substanee
that eam be used by a person 3h0t
is designed to use, or that uses,
e4quid to simulate smoking in the
delivery of nicotine or any other
substance through inhalation of
the aerosol or vapor produced from
the product substance. Electronic
delivery devices shall include any
component part of such a prod-
uct whether or not sold separately.
Electronic delivery devices shall
not include any product that he&
haa been approved or otherwise
certified by the United States Food
and Drug Administration for legal
sales for use in tobacco cessation
treatment or other medical purpos-
es, and is being marketed and sold
solely for that approved purpose.
"E -liquid" means any liquid
intended for human consumption
through an electronic delivery de-
vice used to simulate smoking in
the delivery of nicotine, lobelia. or
a product containing the taste or
smell related to chocolate. cocoa,
mint. menthol, wintergreen. vanilla,
honey. fruit. or any cand4 dessert,
alcoholic beverage. herb, or spice
through inhalation of the aerosol
or vapor produced from the liq-
uid. E -liquid shall not include any
product that has been approved
or otherwise certified by the United
States Food and Drug Administra-
tion for legal sales for use in to-
bacco cessation treatment or other
medical purposes, and is being
marketed and sold solely for that
approved purpose.
7. " lnoi ' ean9--any natural'
person who has not yet reached
the -age eH 8 years.
, "Nicotine or lobelia delly-
ery product" means any product
containing or delivering nicotine.
including any synthetic variation
thereof, or lobelia intended for hu-
man consumption. or any part of
such a product, that is not tobacco
or an electronic delivery device as
defined in this section. Nicotine or
lobelia delivery product does not
include any product that has been
,approved or otherwise certified
for legal sale by the United States
Food and Drug Administration for
tobacco use cessation or for oth-
er medical purposes, and is being
marketed and sold solely for that
approved purpose.
9_. "Retail establishment"
means any place of business
where tobacco, tobaeee prod -
niee#fne oHebelia-delivery devic-
es covered products are available
for sale to the general public. The
phrase term shall Include, bu is not
be limited to, grocery stores, con-
venience stores, restaurants, and
drug stores.
44t__. "Self-service merchandis-
ing" means open displays of tebae-
delivery deviees covered products
in any manner where any person
shall have access to the tebaeee,
deliyeryr-deviees, covered products
without the assistance or interven-
tion of the licensee or the licens-
ee's employee. The assistance or
Intervention shall entail the actual
physical exchange of the tebae
de6yery-device coveredrop duct
between the customer and the
licensee or employee. Self-service
sales are interpreted as being any
sale where there is not an actual
physical exchange of the covered
product between the clerk and the
44_. 'Tobacco -related de-
vices" means and includes any
tobacco product as well as a pipe,
rolling papers, or other device in-
tentionally designed or Intended to
be used in a manner that enables
the chewing, sniffing or smoking of
tobacco or tobacco products in-
cluding electronic delivery devices.
Tobacco -related devices include
components of tobacco -related
devices which may be marketed or
sold separately.
"Vending machine"
means any mechanical, electric or
electronic, or other type of device
that dispenses tobacco, tobacco
products or tobacco -related de-
vices upon the insertion of money,
tokens or other form of payment
directly into the machine by the
person seeking to purchase the to-
Article IV. Brooklyn Center City
Code, Section 23-103 is hereby
amended as follows:
Section 23-103. LICENSE RE-
1. Generally. No person may di-
rectly or indirectly or by means of
any device keep for retail sale, sell
at retail, offer to sell or otherwise
dispose of any
coveredroR duct at any place in
the eCity unless a license has first
been issued by the City as provided
in this Section.
2. Application. An application
for a license to sell tebaeee,-te-
deviees covered products shall be
made on a form provided by the
City. The application shall contain
the full name of the applicant, the
applicant's residential and busi-
ness addresses, and telephone
numbers, the name of the business
for which the license is sought, and
any additional information the City
deems necessary.
3. Action. Upon receipt of a
completed application, the City
Clerk shall forward the application
to the police department for investi-
gation. The police department shall
conduct an investigation of the
applicant and application regard-
ing the fitness of the applicant to
hold a license pursuant to the stan-
dards set forth in Sections 23-101
through 23-108, and report the re-
sults of its investigation to the City
Clerk within 30 days of receipt of
the application. The City Clerk shall
forward the application for consid-
eration by the City Council.
4. Fees. No application for a
license under Sections 23-101
through 23-108 shall be accepted
until the appropriate license or in-
vestigation fee is paid in full. The
feels) shall be established by the
City Council by resolution from time
to time.
5. Sanctions for violation. Sanc-
tions for violating a provision of
Sections 23-101 through 23-108
8shall be set by the City Council at
tbg penalty phase and shall not-te-
be less than state mandated guide-
6. Transfers. All licenses issued
under Sections 23-101 through
23-108 shall be valid only on the
premises for which the license was
issued and only for the person to
whom the license was issued.
7. Moveable place of business.
No license shall be issued to a
moveable place of business. Only
fixed -location businesses shall be
eligible to be licensed under Sec-
tions 23-101 through 23-108.
8. Display. All licenses shall
be posted and displayed in plain
view of the general public on the
licensed premises.
9. Term and Rrenewals. Every
such license shall expire on De-
cember 31 next after its issuance.
A fee for the renewal of any license
Issued under Sections 23-101
through 23-108 shall be paid to the
City Clerk with the renewal applica-
tion. Applications for renewal must
be submitted by November 30 of
the year prior to the license year.
not a right. The issuance of a li-
cense is a privilege and does not
entitle the holder to an automatic
renewal of the license.
11. Maximum number of li-
censes. The maximum number of
licenses issued by the Cityinane
year is limited to 15. except that
any licensee holding a valid license
as of October 1. 2018 is permitted
to retain and renew said license. If
the maximum number of licenses
has already been issued, a licensee
that allows its license to expire or
has its license revoked shall not be
eligible for a new license. Persons
desiring to apply for a license may
be placed on a waiting list and be
eligible to apply on a first-come.
first -serve basis once the number
of issued licenses falls below the
maximum number allowed. Not-
withstanding the maximum number
of allowed licenses. an applicant
who purchases a business loca-
tion holding a current license shall
be allowed to apply for and obtain.
If eligible. a new license for the
business location provided it is ob-
tained within the same license year
as the current license.
12. Instructional Program. All
licensees shall ensure that all em-
ployees engaged with customers
at the point of sale go through a
training program on the legal re-
quirements relating to the sale of
covered products and theosp sible
consequences for violations. Any
trainingprogram must be pre -ap-
proved by the City. Licensees
must maintain and provide to the
City documentation demonstrating
compliance at the time of renewal,
or whenever requested during the
license term.
Article V. Brooklyn Center City
Code, Section 23-104 is hereby
amended as follows:
Section 23-104. RESTRIC-
1. The following shall be grounds
for denying the issuance of or re-
newal of a license under Sections
23-101 through 23-108.
a. The applicant has been con-
victed within the past five years of
any violation of a federal, state, or
local law, ordinance provision, or
other regulation relating to tebaeee
preddets, or tobacee-related de-
viees covered products, or has had
a license to sell tebaeee preduets
covered prod-
ucts revoked or suspended within
the past five years.
b. The applicant fails to provide
any Information required on the ap-
plication, or provides false or mis-
leading information.
2. No license may be issued or
a. To any applicant who is under
4-821 years of age.
b. To any applicant who is pro-
hibited by federal, state, or other
local law, ordinance, or regulation
from holding such a license.
c. To any applicant who has fees
or charges to the City or the County
that are due and unpaid.
d. For any premises for which
property taxes or City utility
charges are due and unpaid.
Article VI. Brooklyn Center City
Code, Section 23-105 is hereby
amended as follows:
Section 23-105. PROHIBITED
1. It shall be a violation of Sec-
tions 23-101 through 23-108 for
any person to sell or offer to sell
any tebaeea, tebaeee preduet, or
tebaeee-related- devieecovered
roR duct:
ba. By a means of any type of
vending machine;
eb. By self-service displays:
dc.-AeBV means of loosies;
e_d. If the tebacee or tobae
opium, morphine, jimsonweed,
belladonna, strychnos, cocaine,
marijuana, or other delirious deeletg=
rious, hallucinogenic, toxic, or con-
trolled substances except nicotine
and other substances found natu-
rally in tobacco or added as part of
an otherwise lawful manufacturing
process; or
fe. To any other person, in any
other manner or form prohibited by
federal or state law or regulation, or
by local ordinance.
2. No person shall sell any cov-
ered product to any person under
the age of 21.
a. Age_ verification. Licensees
must verify by means of govern-
ment -issued photographic identi-
fication that the purchaser of the
covered product is at least 21 years
of age. That the person appeared
to be old enough to lawfully pur-
chase a covered product does not
constitute a defense to a violation
of this Section.
b. Signage. Notice of the legal
sales age and age verification re-
quirement must be posted at each
location where covered products
are offered for sale. The required
slanaae. which will be provided to
the licensee by the CitW, must be
posted in a manner that is clearly
visible to anyone who is or is con-
sidering making a purchase of cov-
ered products.
3. No person shall sell or offer for
sale any electronic delivery device
or e -liquid to any person unless the
sale is on the premises of a retail
establishment that:
a. Prohibits persons under the
age of 21 from entering at all times:
b. Derives at least 90 percent of
its revenues from the sale of cov-
ered products. Any retail establish-
ment that sells electronic delivery
devices or e -liquids mustrp ovide
to the City upon request financial
records that document annual
s s
4. It shall be a violation of Sec-
tions 23-101 through 23-108 for
any retail establishment to sell,
offer for sale, or distribute a single
cigar unless the cigar is sold in an
original package of at least five ci-
gars, provided that:
a. This restriction shall not apply
to any sale, offer to sell, or distribu-
tion of a single cigar that has a re-
tail sales price of no less than $2.10
before sales tax,
b. Cigars to which price promo-
tions or discounts apply shall not
be excluded from this restriction.
Article VII. Brooklyn Center
City Code, Section 23-106 is here-
by amended as follows:
Section 23-106, SMOKING
PROHIBITED, Smoking shall not
be permitted in, and no person shall
smoke in, any licensed premises.
Smoking in any licensed premises
for the purpose of sampling a cov-
ered product is prohibited under
this Section.
Article VIII. Brooklyn Center
City Code, Section 23-107 is here-
by amended as follows:
Section 23-107. COMPLI-
TIONS. All licensed premises
shall be open to inspection by the
City police or other authorized City
official during regular business
hours. From time to time, but at
least enee twice per year, the City
shall conduct compliance checks
by engaging with the written eon -
sent of their- parents er guardians,
mlrters-pmAqDs over the age of 15
years but less than 48 21 years
to enter the licensed premise to
attempt to purchase tobacco. to-
bacco products or tobacco -related
devices covered products. Miners
Persons under the age of 21 used
for the purpose of compliance
checks shall be supervised by
City designated law enforcement
officers or other designated City
personnel. Minors used for earn
p:_.._�Inot-be guilty
of -unlawful pessessiGn of tebacee,
ed dev'ees when ase ;tams- are
obtained as a part of the eampli
enee eheek. No ruiner person used
in compliance checks shall attempt
to use a false identification mis-
representing the miner's person's
age, and all mine rserp sons lawful-
ly engaged in a compliance check
shall answer all questions about the
miner'serp son's age asked by the
licensee or his or her employee and
shall produce any identification, if
any exists, for which he er she the
person is asked.
Article IX. Brooklyn Center City
Code, Section 23-108 is hereby
amended as follows:
Section 23-108. VIOLATION
1. Licensees responsible. All
licensees are responsible for the
actions of their employees in regard
to the sale of covered products on
the licensed premises and the sale
of a covered product by an employ-
ee shall be considered a sale by the
licensee for the purposes of constk
tuting a license violation under this
42. Misdemeanor prosecution.
Nothing in this Section shall pro-
hibit the City from seeking prose-
cution as a misdemeanor for any
alleged violation of Sections 23-
101 through 23-108.
-23. Administrative penalties.
a) Licensees. Administrative
Pena"'--• Heensees. If a licens-
ee or employee of a licensee sells
tebaeee covered products to a per-
son under the age of 4-8 21 years,
or violates any other provision of
Sections 23-101 through 23-108,
the licensee shall be charged an
administrative penalty of $#00
200. An administrative penalty of
$290 500 shall be imposed for a
second violation at the same loca-
tion within 24 months after the ini-
tial violation. For a third or subse-
quent violation at the same location
within 24 months after the initial
violation, an administrative penal-
ty of $250 50 shall be imposed,
and the licensee's authority to sell
tobacco products at that location
shall be suspended for not less
than seven days 30 days. Upon a
fourth violation, the license will be
b), Other individuals. @ther-fn-
dividua+s, ether -then rniners regu
Wed by Seetions 23 101 through -
23 108, found to be in violation of
Sections 23-101 through 23-108
shall be charged an administrative
fine of $50.00.
e) M4ners. Miners found in unlawful possession of or who un-
lawfully purchase or attempt to
eee pred-
aets, tebaeeaarelated-aQvlees ar
tive fine,
catie r Wises,
serviees, or another penalty that
the Gity believes will be appropriate
and effeet4ve. The admWatrat've
fine or other penalty she" be es
flen with Interested parties of the
eaurts, educators, parents and eh"
dren to determine an appropriate
penalty for miners On the eltyL This
admim'strative fine or other penalty
may Also be established frem time
to torn
as it may be arnended from tinge to
ft. Statutory penalties. If the
administrative penalties authorized
to be imposed by Minnesota Stat-
utes, Section 461.12, as it may be
amended from time to time, differ
from those established in this Sec-
tion, then the more severe penalty
shall prevail.
4.3. License revocation, suspen-
sion, or non -renewal. In addition
to misdemeanor prosecution and
administrative penalties, violation
of Section 23-101 through 23-108
Is grounds for revocation or sus-
pension under Section 23-006 or
nonrenewal under Section 23-104.
Article X. Brooklyn Center
City Code, Chapter 23 is hereby
amended by adding a new Section
23-014 as follows:
Section 23-014, SEVERABILITY.
If any Section or provision of the
Chapter is held to be invalid by a
court of competent jurisdiction,
such invalidity shall not affect any
other Section or provision that can
be given force and effect without
the invalidated Section or provi-
Article XI. This Ordinance shall
become effective after adoption
and upon thirty (30) days following
Its legal publication.
Adopted this _ day of
, 2018.
Tim Willson, Mayor
ATTEST: City Clerk
(Strikeout indicates matter to be
deleted, double underline indicates
new matter.)
Published in the
Brooklyn Center Sun Post
October 18, 2018